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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 288 KB, 1600x1200, American-Patriot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4504460 No.4504460 [Reply] [Original]

What is American cuisine? Does such a thing actually exist?

>> No.4504463

What is wikipedia?

>> No.4504473


>> No.4504536

American singles and HFCS. Stay the fuck away.

>> No.4504542

maize, frybread, beans, rice, chocolate slurry and acorn meal

>> No.4504549

soul food?

>> No.4504575

America's national cuisine is freedom.

>> No.4504584


>> No.4504588

>american invents lobster newberg
>france steals it and calls it thermidor
>france continues to pretend they are the gold standard of cookery

american has the best cuisine because of the vast differences in the landscape from end to end, it has developed top tier product for pretty much everything.

it is so beloved that the rest of the world is gobbling up our shitty mass produced garbage food.

>> No.4504599
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>lobster thermidor is typical french food

This is what ... I don't even know who believes this. Who are you?

>> No.4504601

Corn bread Nigga

>> No.4504608

I submit that modern/American Italian food is actually fully American based on 3 principles

1) tomatoes are from America
2) Italians came here so long ago that the cuisine here is distinct and better than traditional italian
3) it is also cooked by all Americans

If you asked someone what defines Italian food in America, they're going to say red sauce pasta. Red sauce is definitively American, not italian.

>> No.4504622
File: 28 KB, 570x368, o-CARLS-JR-PULLED-PORK-BURGER-570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Burgers are America's gift to the world. Its part of their dietary habits. They eat in the morning, in the afternoon, at night and even as a late night snack.

>> No.4505108

Fried Chicken, Apple Pie and Burgers are 100% genuine American. In fact when you first arrive in America you are given one of each. Complimentary of the good ole' USA

>> No.4505119 [DELETED] 
File: 56 KB, 399x500, cajun_master_race.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

America's cuisine is in the Southern part of the country. The rest of the country eats leaves and soy beans.

Secession any day now, please.

>> No.4505121
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While they're not the country that invented fries, they sure as fuck are the country that tried to make them in all manner of shapes under the sun.

>> No.4505129
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>mfw the South will rise again

>> No.4505136
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>buffamo wings
>corn degs

>> No.4505138

There are 5 distinct sections of american cuisine: new england/northern east coast, cajun southern, east coast southern, tex mex, and hawaiian/pacific. Don't let anyone tell you midwestern or californian food is a cuisine.

>> No.4505142
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deep fried butter

>> No.4505144

There isn't a single American cuisine, there are many.

Northeast - Rhode Island, New England, New York City, Pennsylvania Dutch

South - Low Country, Floribbean, Texas Hill

Southwestern - Tex-Mex, Sonoran, New Mexico

California cuisine, Midwestern, Pacific Northwest as well

>> No.4505147

a chef is teaching me what american cuisine is right now... its sad that I'm in so much trouble in school though.

>> No.4505152

gotta go with these answers.

>> No.4505157

I had one dish made by an American exchange student that was supposed to be traditionally American. A turkey roast with apples and nice creamy and fruity gravy. It was pretty delicious. Dunno what regional cuisine that would be. She was from Oregon. So I guess whatever nomenclature applies to that.

>> No.4505163 [DELETED] 

>Don't let anyone tell you midwestern or californian food is a cuisine.

I like you.


I prefer the singular term "Southern food" instead of "Cajun southern". You're leaving out the soul food and barbecue of Tennessee, Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi, etc.

East coast Southern is usually referred to as low-country cuisine. The Carolinas aren't really Southern, in my opinion. Georgia and Kentucky are borderline. Florida, well, lol...

>> No.4505166


Roast Turkey isn't regional, it's made the same in England as the US. It's traditionally made for holidays only.

>> No.4505176

Yeah there are a few things that are just thought of as "american", without belonging to a specific region, and roasted turkey is one of them since it's traditionally associated with Thanksgiving (and because you can find the noisy fuckers in just about any rural area)

>> No.4505188
File: 481 KB, 500x321, wait what.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Carolinas aren't really Southern, in my opinion

The hell they aren't, what makes you say that? And just saying "southern food" is too broad of a term, there needs to be a distinction between soul food, coastal seafood, barbecue (NC is best known for its bbq, come on now) and the creole/cajun stuff of the lower south.

>> No.4505201 [DELETED] 

Yes, but the point was that saying "Cajun southern" was too narrow a term. Use "Southern food" or do as you suggested.

>> No.4505215

You know, NC gets a lot of attention for its barbecue, but you never see anyone talk about fish camps. Maybe it's because they're mostly located in Gastonia. The food isn't too much different from any other southern seafood restaurant but it has a more interesting origin.

>> No.4505217

W-why does everyone hate California Cuisine?

>> No.4505220

I couldn't bring myself to eat that. Not even a teaspoon of butter on it's own.

This is just a novelty, right?

>> No.4505223

Why do you hate California Cuisine, /ck/?

>> No.4505233

>be oklahoman
>have all this lovely midwestern food
>however we have no fresh ocean fish
>Go on vacation to Seattle before basic training
>Fresh Salmon
>Fresh Fish, errwurr
>I show them how to properly make cornbread

my god I miss that fish...

>> No.4505242

its a novelty, but a novelty that people actually eat

>> No.4505245


>lovely midwestern food

Enjoy your hotdish and Cream of Mushroom soup on everything. It's a distinct American cuisine, but a shitty one.

>> No.4505246

yeah, just something shitty fair foodstands do to get on the news.

alot of that outrageous "hurr merrica" food abominations are just silly publicity stunts

>> No.4505257

We don't hate it, it just doesn't deserve to be called cuisine since it's nothing more than avocados, white people sushi, and trendy health food.

>> No.4505261

Americans invented macaroni and cheese, so that's pretty cool. I'm not talking herp derp Kraftfag derp, but traditional baked sharp cheddar casserole goodness.

Plus, yeah, tomatoes, corn. all the food created here by the mixing of immigrant communities with each other and with local ingredients and such.

Does any non north-American country eat cornbread?

>> No.4505262

Yeah it is. What a lot of people on /ck/ don't realise is that we KNOW the stereotypes we have, and we do a lot of this shit in a comedic way. This mostly only shows up at the yearly fairs though.

>> No.4505267

Yeah, of course. Are you seriously asking that?

All of the extreme fatlard things you see posted around here are publicity stunts from fairs / boardwalks / food courts / amusement parks, etc.

Yeah a lot of processed and fast food is on the same level of poor nutrition, but when you see "double battered deep fried oreos" it's just a joke. It's always a joke.

Captcha: Ura stupifag

>> No.4505270
File: 156 KB, 581x480, funnelcake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>alot of that outrageous "hurr merrica" food abominations are just silly publicity stunts

Except for funnel cake. It's too good to be considered a publicity stunt.

>> No.4505281

Apple Pie
Hog Jowls
Sweet Tea
and Bacon

>> No.4505291 [DELETED] 

Not just Americans, but based Thomas Jefferson.

>> No.4505295


>Calf fries
>sourdough pankcakes
>tater cakes
>roasted sweet corn
>Catfish of course
>Of course our lean meats with rubs
>Potatoes in all varieties.
>biscuts and apple butter

Where the fuck do you guys pull this shit from? only thing I use cream of mushroom is for like, spoiling my dogs.

>> No.4505299

Virginia always gets left out. We specialize in ham, peanuts, and crab.

>> No.4505305

But my fish tacos brah.

>> No.4505306

Chinese food

>> No.4505313 [DELETED] 
File: 234 KB, 1504x1600, fried_pie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a little truth to all of it.

Fried candy bars, fried oreos, fried twinkies, etc. are all pretty good. But it's rich and they only usually serve tiny pieces. I've never actually seen a whole, fried snickers bar in person. They're cut into thirds, frozen, and then deep-fried. YMMV.

Now fried pies...ain't nothing wrong with eating one of those a month.

>> No.4505315 [DELETED] 

>fusion food
Add that to the list of California "cuisine".

Worst state, in my opinion. Hands down.

>> No.4505319

This is southern/low country fare mostly. Don't go claiming shit you never owned.

>Calf fries
>sourdough pankcakes
I'll give you these though but

>tater cakes

>> No.4505347


fucking yankees call them hashbrowns

>> No.4505354 [DELETED] 

Hashbrowns and cakes are both acceptable names, in my opinion.

Calling them latkes is worthy of deportation and the nuking of Israel.

>> No.4505389

Millions of Chilli recipes
Cornbread w/ cinnamon butter
New England clam chowder
Cajun food
Californian Tri-tip and wine
Bananas Foster (so fucking good)
Thanksgiving feast? Homemade stuffing is glorious

>> No.4505418
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Go for it, dumbshits. You couldn't do it in 1860, and the rest of the country will be better off once we've killed y'all.

>> No.4505434


>In Minnesota, the ingredient is often called "Lutheran binder," in reference to its thickening properties [2] and its prominence in hotdish recipes, especially in Lutheran church cookbooks.

>> No.4505443
File: 110 KB, 1175x1024, Louisiana Parishes map.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't mind me, just being the best culinary region in the US.

Find me someone that disagrees, and I'll be glad to prove how much of a faggot they are.

>> No.4505466

Need something to compensate for living there.

>> No.4505480

you're cute, we wouldnt start another unification war if this happened, no one would want the south back.

>> No.4505486

doesn't seem worth living in the educational shit hole of the entire country.

>> No.4505498
File: 8 KB, 261x193, chhesesteak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mufuggin Cheeseteak

>> No.4505500

Californian cuisine is like a million times more refined and more creative than that swampy shithole.

>> No.4505504
File: 86 KB, 927x488, Arrests.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>educational shit hole
<cough> Not to sound like the stereotypical racist redneck, but yeah...there's a certain type of people that overwhelmingly perform poorly in all public education systems, regardless of state.

We just have more of them than most states.

>> No.4505532

The schools are pretty shitty to begin with. I lived down the street from John McDonogh High School. Pretty sure they just let the kids do whatever they wanted. Just babysat them during the day.

>> No.4505543 [DELETED] 


>> No.4505544 [DELETED] 

>that one white guy
2001: My Sides In Space

>> No.4505550
File: 2.20 MB, 2592x1936, 2012-12-31 14.54.49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>Everyone mentioning fried crap
Were talking about this stuff right????

>>Mfw I have no proper reaction that they actually fried the cotton candy for someone at this booth

>> No.4505589 [DELETED] 

The only reason you won is because you used all those niggers you freed to help fight the war. Fucking disgraceful.

>> No.4505609


And we'll do it again - they're worth more than you racist hillbilly trash.

>> No.4505614


Right, even though the north didn't do that till the last year, when you were already beaten.

Face it, the south won't rise again - it couldn't get it up in the first place.

>> No.4505661

Poor little white guy: Jailcell Bitch


>> No.4505667

>Marty Diggs
He doesn't even give one fuck. He is ready for his bologna sandwich, his watered down kool aid, and his camel shorts.

>> No.4505725

Im currently stationed in Ft.Polk. I hope the ocean takes your state and sucks it down so the Bloop can shit on it

>> No.4505730

You just haven't experienced the hospitality and joie de vivre that Louisiana is known for. You have leave one weekend, you come to my family's house and have supper. You won't think so negatively about the state.

>> No.4505738

Please, the locals of Sleesville and their corrupt local government have ruined my view of the state. Thankfully Lake Charles never fails to remind me there's at least people who arent meth smoking cock-heads in Louisiana. All i do is stay on base.

>> No.4505740

Also a fucking alligator almost got me my first time fishing in this state, whats up with that shit?

>> No.4505743

Haha, I'm in a course discussing the cultural evolution of the Acadian people. We had a whole class on food.
>TFW you've never had a proper gumbo...

>> No.4505744
File: 122 KB, 1366x768, Not sexy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the rice is still hard

>> No.4505748

nc bbq is garbage
too much vinegar

but OP, american food is all food. too many immigrants and thievery to peg down what exactly is 'american' it all is.

>> No.4505750

>implying the best bbq doesnt have molasses or brown suger in it
>pleb scum

>> No.4505754

You really suck at reading comprehension.

>> No.4505757
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forgetting based creole and cajun in the south

>> No.4505758


Good luck surviving as a country without Texas and LA's oil and natural gas production.

New England only has so many trees to burn.

>> No.4505761

>implying i am pleb
keep eating rancid shit plebeian

>> No.4505767

California has the most bullshit hipster food in america. your wine is good though.
the truth if you cut off everything above alexandria and add the coastal counties of Mississippi and Alabama

>> No.4505768
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well, what do those fuckers know? They sound like assholes. I can attest that the South Eastern part (and even Lafayette) of Louisiana is filled with wonderful, kind people. There has always been a history of corruption in the state, no denying that, but that is part of it's character. Lake Charles and Alexandria is full of crazy people, I can only imagine Leesville being worse. New Orleans is one of the coolest places on the planet, I lived there for eighteen years. I moved to a small town near Livingston Parish and we are a lot more friendlier that our neighbors west. You should visit cajun country and go over to new orleans. We honestly are not so terrible and everyone I know can cook. Not just cajun food. Between my friends and I , we are knowledgeable in fine French cooking, Islenos cuisine, Creole, true Italian, Polish, German, Southern, Soul Food, Mexican, Honduran, Colombian, Ukrainian, Spanish,and even Scandinavian fare . So there is always good food and conversation around. Find a little old lady church group or veterans group, they would be able to connect you with some good people outside of your area that aren't awful.
People are happy to share their home with a military man, feed him a good meal. It's the least anyone can do. Don't let those other folks tarnish the rest of the state for you.
polite sage for off topic.

>> No.4505772

That's eastern NC style and it's for niggers. Western NC bbq sauce is spicy and tomato based. Both of us pretty much agree that SC style is the worst out of any bbq style, though.

>> No.4505774

i dont go by western nc
so ive only had eastern nc stuff, usually with seafood

>now other bbq places are moving in
>and outselling native bbq

>> No.4505775

I am lily white and I happen to love the vinegar based bbq. There aren't many niggers up in that part of Appalachia that I have seen, but ones I have seen eat sweet baby rays.

>> No.4505793

>stationed in Ft.Polk
Well there's your problem.

>> No.4505794


I apologize my dear friend, and beg your pardon - Creole is by far my favorite Southern cuisine.

If you still must take offense, however, I can direct my seconds to yours.

>> No.4505798


>15% of oil
>thinks they have a stranglehold

Y'all really, REALLY need to start teaching math again

>> No.4505805

Everything is American cuisine because without American agricultural and technological ingenuity most of the world would have starved to death by now. So get on your knees and thank God that Americans invented computers and the internet so you can talk shit about how awesome we are.

>> No.4505812

Calm down man. We're here to discuss American cuisine. Which I think is only Apple pie. You have apple pie.

>> No.4505818

all is forgiven.

>> No.4505826
File: 26 KB, 370x271, BlackWalnut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, I know you guys are having fun saying the Midwest has no cuisine. And maybe that's true in some ways, because most of the recipes have been bastardized into cream of mushroom soup atrocities and sadness "salads." But y'know what? I still get a kick out of opening an old church cookbook, a regional recipe book, school cookbook, etc.

Most of the recipes are from our immigrant grandparents. The interesting ones certainly are. Similar to what they brought over from (usually from Germany or Scandinavia in my area) Europe and Asia, but tweaked a little bit to fit in better, to accommodate ingredient availability, or changed by a different generation's interpretation. Restaurants may not typically serve these items anymore, but they did when my parents were kids at least. I have trouble finding restaurants that do today. But it's still in our cookbooks, or at funeral luncheons, or maybe a family function. Probably not impressive, but there is some uniqueness to us and finding a good recipe is a great find that I take joy in. Besides, nothing beats going through all the wild game cookbooks around here with shit like "woodchuck pot pie."

And don't get me started on chokecherries and black walnuts! So damn good.

>> No.4505828
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>doesn't know about the refineries.

>> No.4505830


First Google result. OP must be ignorant Eurotrash.

>> No.4505832


I have never seen a black person eat sweet baby ray's.
Around here (guilford/alemance/salisbury counties), that's a pale thing.

>> No.4505837

Dude it's like Popeyes. Black people don't eat there.

>> No.4505849
File: 92 KB, 400x407, u_wot_m8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Black people don't eat there.
Where the fuck are you from?

Black people around here love eating KFC/Popeyes/Church's damn near everyday.

>> No.4505850
File: 100 KB, 357x357, 1365481665620.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>black people don't eat at popeye's

wut. i see black people at popeye's every single time i go there.

>> No.4505851

sometimes they buy Kraft because it is on sale, but I used to live in Cramerton and saw this first hand. My folks have a house by Lake Nantahala and the few black folks there will eat Sweet Baby Rays or some similar sort of sugary, sticky mess.
Vinegary sauce is so much better.

>> No.4505864

black people where I live do not eat at KFC. They call it "white folks fried chickums"

>> No.4505866

Hmm, I never see them there, I drive by them all the time.

>> No.4505871


>hurr durr I've never left my state ever and all I know about California is what I've seen on TV
>hurr durr I am a sheltered fuck

My sides.

>> No.4505875

america is pig disgusting

>> No.4505878
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Europe is much better.

>> No.4505934

As an American I can humbly say I would dive into that fucking kebab.

>> No.4505952

What? Of course I have had proper gumbo.

>> No.4505975
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Fucking jocks...

>> No.4505983

>In Italy, there are two local versions of deep fried pizza.


>> No.4506008


>implying seceding is a choice

Again, you failed last time. I'm saying go for it again, just so we have an excuse to get rid of the dumb white people. Darkies and Mexicans can do your jobs just as well.

>> No.4506037


Europe isn't Scotland.
>american geography

>> No.4506039

In my house there are 3. TX.

>> No.4506046

Scotland why do you deep fry everything. Also what does Irn-Bru taste like? Is it like iron beer? Cause iron beer is the bomb.

>> No.4506054
File: 74 KB, 359x332, Member_States_of_the_European_Union.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Europe isn't Scotland.

>> No.4506056

Cajun food.
Also gumbo. You're welcome.

>> No.4506065


>> No.4506086

Just like America isn't Wyoming and Kansas isn't Wichita. Wyoming is in America. Wichita is in Kansas. Scotland is in Europe.

>> No.4506097

But, Scotland is European, and that food would also be considered European.

>> No.4506100

>Implying the European union defines if your country is in Europe or not

We're talking geography here, and Norway isn't a continent on its own.

And yes, Scotland is in Europe.

>> No.4506113


Europosters rules - compare Paris to North Florida and declare VICTORY!

Small town Europe is just, if not more, backasswards than the US. They do let their votes matter less though via parlimentary systems.

>> No.4506134

mexico is a walnut

its hard and brown

>> No.4506144

I don't have the slightest clue of what you're talking about.

>> No.4506193

hamburgers and hot dogs. fast food, basically.

>> No.4506231

Finding American cusine in two easy steps
1. find a dish named after any European nation
2. that's it

>> No.4506251
File: 72 KB, 964x555, 2764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cincinnati has goetta and the red cream float

>> No.4506254

I'm not seeing the problem with that drunk man food. With what little Scotch/Irish blood I have in me, I'd devour that mess and then start clapping furiously.

>> No.4506262

Nachos too

>> No.4506281

As an Americlap, Irn-Bru tastes like sweet pink bubble gum soda. Gross and way to sweet for my liking.

>> No.4506290

m-muh morbid obesity

>> No.4506310

>minimum three eurofags nommin' that
>implying your typical amerilard wouldn't consider that an entrée for one

>dat filthy fuckin' floor, though...

>> No.4507477

Around here the white people go to Popeye's and the black people go to Church's.

>> No.4507481

tacos de pescados are the original tacos, you faggot.

america didn't come up with them

>> No.4508168

around here the rumor is. That Church's chicken make black men sterile