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File: 158 KB, 750x371, marmite_vs_vegemite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4500320 No.4500320 [Reply] [Original]

Which one should I get? I've never had either of them before.

>> No.4500327
File: 59 KB, 529x341, Marmite_XO_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marmite, no doubt. Its delicious.

Also, if you like it, its worth trying to get your hands on some of this - Marmite XO. Its stronger and even more delicious.

>> No.4500330

Aussies go nuts for vegemite. I heard it tastes like butt though.

>> No.4500332

Marmite. Hands down.

>> No.4500420

They're both acquired tastes. Prolly try both,

>> No.4500425

Get both and mix 'em Vegimarm. Do it faggot.

>> No.4500445

What exactly do these taste like? I've heard people rave about them, but never had it. What do you use it for/in?

>> No.4500449

YUK vs YUK, is there really a winner?ck

You foreigners can keep em.

>> No.4500480

Tastes like a REALLY salty beer spread.

>> No.4500483

Marminite is better.

>> No.4500507


An explosion of umami in your mouth. Very salty/yeasty goodness. But I can see how maybe it is an acquired taste. But I don't like sweet things for breakfast and when I am in a rush a little marm on toast is good, sort of satisfies that meaty/salty/umami mussing up your pots and pans.

>> No.4500510

Whichever you choose, your mite loving destiny could well be determined by how you apply it to your toast. Yes, it must be toast. Then light butter / marge. Finally just SMEAR your chosen mite. SMEARING is key. It's powerful stuff to the uninitiated. Eventually you will build your tolerance.

p.s. I prefer Vegemite (kiwi)

>> No.4500534

hahahaha, you sound like a fan of guy fieri, anthony boringdane, and andrew zimmer who all seem to want salty explosions of sperm down their gullets.

>> No.4500627

I've never had Vegemite, can't find it here in my neck of amerikkka. I've had Marmite though, and I like it.

I'll have to order some Vegemite online sometime.

>> No.4500670

I enjoy both the local British grocery shop only carries one or the other and it switches every once in a while, given the choice Marmite every time

>> No.4500708

I'm American. I enjoy marmite and margarine on toast. Never had vegemite though.

>> No.4500744

Vegemite ya flamin galah

>> No.4501084

Vegemite, you'll hate it, but it shits on marmite.
>Smear as much Vegemite as you can on it

>> No.4501269

they're essentially the same thing, just slightly different consistency. marmite is a bit thicker, which i think works better personally

>> No.4501294

Ausfag here. I eat vegemite out of the jar with a spoon. Shit's delish.

>> No.4502139


>> No.4502164
File: 236 KB, 350x263, catsupketchup.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was wondering this same thing whist standing in the international aisle at Woodmans. Gif related.

>> No.4502233

You going to prom with the football captain on Saturday?

>> No.4502866

Vegimite is the Brittish revenge on americans for Winning the revolutionary war. It's a trojan horse for shite sailed across the atlantic by stupid lip smacking hipsters.

>> No.4502899


Don't group Anthony and even Zimmer in with the retard hellspawn that is Fieri.

>> No.4502912
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>people who like things I don't are hipsters and stupid

Did Mommy forget to change your diaper today?

>> No.4504054

Vegemitie, no doubt.

>Thick cut sourdough bread, toasted.
>Double butter.
>Very thin scraping of Vegemite (At first. Increase as your taste for it develops. Think of it like a seasoning).
>Top with soft, creamy scrambled eggs.
>Cracked pepper.

>> No.4504204


Fuck nasty.

>> No.4504218


>> No.4504224

Try Vegemite

Remeber, don't be a stupid Amerifat who eats it by the spoonful then complains that it's disgusting

>> No.4504233

Marmite. Vegemite is the white trash Kraft version of the real deal.

>> No.4504228

>Remeber, don't be a stupid Amerifat who eats it by the spoonful then complains that it's disgusting
Good advice.
Marmite, in my opinion, is a little stronger than Vegemite... But also take the advice above and smear it on toast, don't load it up until you've decided you can take it.
Also really good in stews.

>> No.4504254

Vegemite started as a wartime substitute for Marmite

Marmite is most enjoyed in Britian, the capital of white-trash.

>> No.4504256

It actually reminds me of miso but with the flavour turned up 1000x. Which needless to say is a bit over the top unless you're using miniscule amounts.

>> No.4504257

Vegemite has a bolder taste, but despite what people say, they're pretty much the same.

it's very salty and very savoury. but it's not a meaty flavour. it's a bit like licking a stock cube but in a good way. vegemite pretty much only tastes like vegemite, it's hard to describe.

>> No.4504260

always butter your bread before putting vegemite on too, changes the taste completely.

Qualifications: I'm an Ausfag

>> No.4504279
File: 27 KB, 250x283, 250px-Vegemiteontoast_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also, I'd recommend any amerifats trying Vegemite for the fist time to only use a third to a half of the amount pictured.

>> No.4504291

How about Bovril?

Is that any good?

>> No.4504307

You drink that stuff. About a teaspoon in tea-hot water and stir. I like marmite and Vegemite but I don't enjoy bovril. Once upon a time it was a beef tea I believe, useful particularly to aid recuperation (don't quote me on that, it's what I was told) but then, here in the UK they decided to go for veggie. However, some people do use it on toast.

>> No.4504326

I'm pretty sure Vegemite is Strayan brah

>> No.4504327 [DELETED] 

vegimite all the fucking way

all you fatmericunt shit cunts need to fucking get it intaya ya fucking shit cunts

pussy cunt faggot pom cunt shit marmite is for gay cunt faggot shit cunts

fuck the cunts who eat margaymite, them are shit cunts

>> No.4504330

vegemite puts hair on ya cunt

>> No.4504375


>> No.4504405

lol NZ had to go without Marmite for over a year because an earthquake broke the factory.

I much prefer the taste of Marmite personally

>I survived Marmageddon

>> No.4504428
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>Anything but vegemite

>> No.4504442


>> No.4504461
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>> No.4504462

I've only had marmite but it's delicious with butter.

>> No.4504465
File: 44 KB, 460x307, marmite-1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4504466
File: 18 KB, 440x150, marmageddon_bacon_landscape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4504468
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>that emotion when supermarkets had to ration how much people were allowed to buy when they finally started restocking

>> No.4504485

>not eating marmite+salt&vinegar chip sandwiches

do you even mite m8s?

>> No.4504578

Marmite & salt and vinegar chips/crisps is a total winner.
So is a marmite and mature cheddar cheese sarnie.
And you have to try marmite and Nutella on toast (Nutella on top of marmite as its runnier)

Captcha: British sruver

>> No.4504597

I prefer to use them as ingredients in a larger culinary work. Vegemite works wonders to add body to stews and soups when you are trying to limit the amount of meat and fat in the dish.

>> No.4504610

> marmite, the saltiest, tangiest thing in existence

>> No.4504627
File: 56 KB, 919x737, 1369134190374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4504741

Yup, I mentioned this earlier, but I understand that something similar was originally used by the French as a stock, around the turn of the 20th century There was a documentary on Edwardian & Victorian foods a whileback and it stuck in my head along with shitloads of other useless trivia that I doubt I will ever need to use.

>> No.4504778

Eating vegemite as this thread came up. Haven't tried marmite but I heard it's great. Also promite.

I think this is a large misunderstanding because of the way people eat Vegemite. I am Australian, and when people say it tastes awful I always ask how they've done it. They said they use it by itself and put it on about the same amount as peanut butter. This is awful if you do it this way.

Butter first, and a LITTLE bit of vegemite. Not too much. You still want to sort of see the bread underneath it.