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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4500713 No.4500713 [Reply] [Original]

Today I hiked 4.5 miles while carrying about 30 pounds of equipment. I just consumed an entire large John's Favorite pizza from Papa John's.

Do you think I will have gained weight when I wake up tomorrow morning?

>> No.4500719

That depends, because that's not all you ate and it's not all you did. "Hiking" is also a factor because it doesn't say anything about what incline.

>> No.4500721

Unlikely, but you probably did consume more calories than you burned today, so a pattern of doing this could make you gain weight.

One day won't.

>> No.4500723


That's about 3000+ calories along with the rest of the stuff you ate. So not only will you gain weight, you'll be set back significantly from your cut. Shouldn't have ate that pizza.

>> No.4500727

Fun fact: no matter whether walking or jogging or running, you will only burn 100 calories per mile. I dunno about hiking, but lets assume it's the same.
I don't believe a pizza is less that 450 calories, so you're an enormous fatty.

>> No.4500728

body weight = X

food weight = Y

your new weight is X+Y

>> No.4500731
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>Fun fact: no matter whether walking or jogging or running, you will only burn 100 calories per mile. I dunno about hiking, but lets assume it's the same.

>> No.4500735

>Fun fact
the laws of physics would like a word with you

>> No.4500739


Not true. Running will burn about twice as much calories per mile. The reason for this is when you're running, you're actually bouncing up and down, thus doing work against the force of gravity in addition to moving forward.

>> No.4500742

Fun fact: moving faster consumes more energy

>> No.4500750

Eating an entire pizza will make you fat like a motherfucker. Even if you walked that day. If that's all you ate today and you actually walked and worked then you'll probably not gain or lose. And that means walking uphill. Either way you'll have gained weight when you wake up because sodium and water retention and all that. Stop eating whole pizza.

>> No.4500755

>Stop eating whole pizza.
What if small pizza

>> No.4500757

Fun fact: I spoke before checking my facts. I'd hear this "fact" (>>4500727) earlier today and took it to be true. Once >>4500742 was posted, however, I decided to look it up for myself. The very first hit is directly quoted by >>4500739
I was wrong, sorry.

>> No.4500788

>Stop eating whole pizza.

I've never done it before. I've been in the woods for three days though and I wanted to eat a big fuck-you-I'm-back-to-civilization comfort food meal.

>> No.4500797


OP, use this to find out how many calories you burn daily sedentary (sitting on your ass allday browsing 4chan). Consider any physical movement an addition to that base amount. If the difference between the calories you burned that day and the pizza (plus other food I guess) isn't too much, then you shouldn't feel bad

>> No.4500801


forgot link

>> No.4500803

>Do you think I will have gained weight when I wake up tomorrow morning?
That is a poorly worded and poorly posed question. Even under the most reasonable interpretation it is highly irrelevant.

>> No.4500828

ewww, I gotta soft spot for Pappa Johns single topp pepp or snausgage. But I would only rape the medium za's cause a pick-up was $6.

Didn't eat the crust though, can feel getting fatter.

>how many anons eat the crust from there pizzas?

>> No.4500842

The crust is the healthiest part

>> No.4500844

Considering like 70% of the calories in that pizza are coming from fat, yes you will put on a little weight. Not enough to make any kind of difference if it's just a one-day affair, but you'll put on maybe 2 ounces of fat

>> No.4500846

less healthy > more carbs

>> No.4500848


Fun fact: Moving faster covers distance faster. If you walk a mile and it takes you 30 minutes of walking to do so, then you run a mile and it only takes 5 minutes of running, you're using the same amount of energy

>> No.4500856


Why would you not want carbohydrates? Is fat supposed to be better?

>don't eat carbs, they're your body's main energy source and they'll make you fat! So eat fat, and you'll be lean!

The fat you eat is the fat you wear

>> No.4500857

What? Why do people think carbs are unhealthy? Especially the complex carbs like in the dough. Saturated fat is worse, and there's a lot of it in the pizza filling.

>> No.4500873


>Why do people think carbs are unhealthy?

Because they eat a bunch of donuts and cake, get fat, and think it's the flour that did it and not the 10 pounds of butter and cream in those things. Or they got fat eating pasta, thinking the noodles themselves did it and not the olive oil and parmesan cheese they drowned that shit in

They're the same people who say "you NEED fat in your diet!" not realizing that everything has fat in it already and you don't need an extra 100+ grams of saturated animal fat or refined oils to absorb 100 milligrams of vitamin A every day

>> No.4500883

>"you NEED fat in your diet!" not realizing that everything has fat in it already
What do you mean? It's true that you need fat in your diet. The fact that there's fat in a lot of things doesn't change that.

You seem to be shaming people for thinking carb is the root of all evil and then turning around and saying that fat is.
Both are essential, and both are harmful in excess.

>> No.4500893

>lots of saturated fat in pizza filling.

I'll buy that, what with say a meat lovers. But you get much protein from the cheeze and meats as well. Not the healthiest sure, but Im not trying to compound this with eating 75g of carbs x-tra and 500 combined calories superfluously, imo.

But lets all be real, taking one down for a cheat day no matter how healthy affects diet very little.

>> No.4500901


I mean it's ridiculous when they say that and then tell you to eat a bunch of fatty foods, or they try to justify the shitty foods they're eating by saying "hey, you NEED to eat fat!" as if it even applies to what they're eating because they already met their fat quota for the day when they eat breakfast

>Both are essential

The difference is carbohydrates are supposed to be the main thing you eat by a large margin while fats are supposed to be a minimalized calorie source, not just for the calories they contain but for the metabolic effects they cause. Can't even say carbs are harmful in excess when fruitarians exist eating 5k+ calories of fructose a day while remaining extremely lean, energized, and healthy

>> No.4500906
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> But you get much protein from the cheeze and meats as well

Oh cool, because you totally need a thousand grams of protein a day or your muscles will disappear. Don't forget to buy some protein powder too so you have even more protein. The more protein you eat, the better!

Jesus christ...

>> No.4500914

>Summing it all up in a couple of sentences about carbs being good.

Its relative, if one doesn't use the energy ate from carbs the sugar will turn to fat in your body effectively created the fatbody.

>This board needs to read the /fit/ sticky plz

>> No.4500917

>a cheat day
A whole fucking pizza is like three cheat days.

>> No.4500921


Because carbs cause blood sugar spikes, which trigger cravings, although some foods cause bigger spikes than others.

>> No.4500919

>hmmm, protein and branch chain amminos not being the building blocks of life.
Are you feminon? Will eat meat curtains, if interested.

>> No.4500937


Glycogen stores, motherfucker. It can be filled indefinitely

>> No.4500945


Get 50 grams a day and you're fine, 80 if you're bodybuilding

>> No.4500952

props for conceding and apologizing

>> No.4501023


>> No.4501051
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Otherwise this guy eating 8-10k calories a day from fruit and then sitting on his ass making youtube videos would be obese

>> No.4501128

If glycogen stores can be indefinite, why do we store energy as *gasp* fat. Why switch energy storage to a more harder to use form of stored energy if we can store it all in our liver as glycogen. 8-10k cal from fruit = 80 bananas per day. get the fuck out please.

>> No.4501140

Will I gain weight from glomming an entire fucking pizza like a lard ass after a short period of mild exercise? The answer is yes dildo fatgains

>> No.4501162

Hey guys.

Guys. 6' 130lbs
Zero to ten minutes of physical activity a day
Desk at work for 8 hours
Desk at home for 8 hours
Bed for 8 hours
I consume at least two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches on white bread and a whole Little Casear's pizza every day, in addition to fresh fruit, vegetables, rice, and lentils so I don't die.

Deal w/ it, nerds.

>> No.4501173


>If glycogen stores can be indefinite, why do we store energy as *gasp* fat

Because YOU don't eat an 80% or more diet of carbohydrates

>> No.4501178


>Deal w/ it, nerds.

What, we're supposed to be jealous that you're a walking skeleton? 6 foot tall and 130 pounds would look ridiculous

>> No.4501184

No, you're supposed to be jealous that I can eat whatever I want.

>> No.4501185

Don't value people for making you feel smart idiot.

>> No.4501186

>6' 130lbs
That is frighteningly skinny. I hope this is a troll.

>> No.4501188

>Hungry Skeleton is hungry!

>> No.4501191
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>> No.4501193

I'm asking /fit/ how to get big right now. Mite b cool

>> No.4501199


A lot of people can, while having muscle on their frame too

>> No.4501201

no im special my mom told me so

>> No.4501207

I'm gonna stop right here.

Glycogen storage capacity in man is approximately 15 g/kg body weight and can accommodate a gain of approximately 500 g before net lipid synthesis contributes to increasing body fat mass. When the glycogen stores are saturated, massive intakes of carbohydrate are disposed of by high carbohydrate-oxidation rates and substantial de novo lipid synthesis (150 g lipid/d using approximately 475 g CHO/d) without postabsorptive hyperglycemia.


Why do I bother arguing over the internet.

>> No.4501215


Human example proves otherwise

>> No.4501231

do you have heart palpitation by any chance?
I was 155 for about an year due to hyperthyroidism.

>> No.4501232

i say any day where i did enough work to make me tired, them im okay to eat as much as i can in single sitting.

any day i dont tire myself out, i just eat a regular portion for dinner

>> No.4501234
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because humans can create a black hole or stored energy and do not fall under the same aerobic/anaerobic principles of mammals.

>> No.4501236

dumb that down so i may have an idea what you are talking about, please?

>> No.4501239

becuase a lot of people sit on their ass all day not burning them

>> No.4501240

i dunno, probably. sometimes my chest kinda ripple

>> No.4501248
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1) Calculate how many calories you've burnt doing your activity

2) Calculate your BMR

3)Calculate the calories of what you ate

If 1+2 is higher than 3 you won't lose weight regardless of WHAT you ate. It really is that simple

>> No.4501249

It means you can only have a teeny amount.

In other words breads will fuck you over so bad those disgusting 'feeder' subhumans gorge on loaves to fatten up because they are aware of the chemistry/biology.

>Atkins Was Right stencil.

>> No.4501250

I meant gain weight ^

>> No.4501252

glycogen and easily accessible form of energy stored in your liver has a capacity of 15 g/kg body weight and can flucuated +500g before the body decides, fuck it we cant hold no more captain and creates/expands currently existing fat cells. When the glycogen storage is filled, the more carbs you eat the faster your body says FUCK THIS SHIT and goes into FAST AS FUCK fat storage mode

>> No.4501253

how are you bowel movements? Sweat profusely? Do your hands shake when you put them out?

>> No.4501261

so if your gonna pig the fuck out, do yourself a favor and keep the bread count low?

>> No.4501265


So why do the chinese stuff their faces with rice and remain slender as hell?

>> No.4501273

Carbs aren't all bad but breads and especially cheapshit ones are the FUCKING DEVIL.

For reasons smart guy just gave.

>> No.4501276

Because too many places to count spike bread with excessive sugar to make you crave it.

For example a McDonalds bun has like the sugar of a slice of German chocolate cake or something insane like that.

>> No.4501293
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your body breaks down macro nutrients (fat/carb/protein) into ATP before it figures out what it wants to do with the current energy (store into easily used energy: glycogen or a long term version of fat)

that being said carbohydrates digest the easiest /least amount of energy required to convert/very dense in calories/usually combined with fats to make it both sweet/savory

it's not bad but it's just way too overly consumed over the other 2 macro nutrients

to answer your question in a scientific dietician mode: yes
to answer in my personal opinion on food: fuck it just eat it but make sure you're getting a proper exercise regime going and dont do it so damn often

>> No.4501303

this. depends on if he's poopin

>> No.4501311


that is not how things work.

>> No.4501313

rice still has some fiber in it
flour that is used to make bread doesnt and like >>4501276
said they sweeten it up

asian diets tend to have less protein which means smaller muscle mass yet they are still "fat" with a regular amount of bf% with smaller muscles leading to looking normal with clothes on.

Citation: I'm asian

also fat storage goes belly/ass first before coming out to the arms and legs so with clothes on shit doesnt show.

>> No.4501318

everything was great information (which is a compliment mind you) up until
>proper exercise regime
that's a whole 'nother can of worms there.
just as a warning to anyone who reads this
fitness != health

>> No.4501342 [DELETED] 

that is why it was a personal opinion as stated.
Let me put on my evolution theorist hat this time: this sedentary life style is gonna kill us all slowly, we're mammals not robots. We require proper exercise to maintain a proper homeostasis due to poor muscle mass/cardiovascular health/brittle bones being caused by lack of body movement.

fuck it though we're all ticking time bombs to diseases and cancer though. Oh well.

>> No.4501343

How bad is whole wheat bread then? Is it bad? I eat like four slices a day max but still I want to know

>> No.4501362

that is why it was a personal opinion as stated.
Let me put on my evolution theorist hat this time: this sedentary life style is gonna kill us all slowly, we're mammals not robots. We require proper exercise to maintain a proper homeostasis. We're killing ourselves due to poor muscle mass/poor cardiovascular health/brittle bones that is being caused by lack of body movement.

fuck it though we're all ticking time bombs to diseases and cancer though. Oh well.

reposting cause i cunt type 250 in the morning

>> No.4501368

whole wheat has fiber/protein usually in comparison to enriched white bread (which has neither usually)

"how bad" is very subjective
-are you meeting your weight gain/loss goal calories?
-are you getting enough vitamins/minerals and other macro nutrients to meet your caloric goal?

>> No.4501415 [DELETED] 

u steppin' up, m8?