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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4497427 No.4497427[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are Southerners so fat?

>> No.4497433

They eat shit food, drink shit beverages, and sit around all day complaining.
Which is also why Britain is fat as fuck.

>> No.4497448

I used to live in Minnesota and the obesity there is staggering. Normal weight people are viewed as aliens. If the South is worse, I don't think I ever want to set foot there. Hopefully they will rise again so we can throw them into the gulf of mexico and repopulate the place with robots and kudzu.

>> No.4497449

Southern Cuisines feature stronger french and Hispanic and African influences than northern cooking. The result is more flavorful food than found in the northern states where there is a stronger British, Scotch/irish and Germanic influence. The exceptions of course being large Italian centers such as Chicago and New York.

Not to knock the Amish though. Those motherfuckers know how to cook, but the flavors present are predictably less varied.

Neither northern nor southern cooking is objectively 'healthier' than the other. But I just figure I'd eat a hell of a lot more if I lived near places like Texas, Kansas City or Florida.

>> No.4497454
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>mfw that pic was taken either in MI or Canada

>> No.4497463

>Ribbing rocking and wheeling

He certainly is.

>> No.4497464

NJfag stuck in Florida here, it's fucking appalling. I thought NJ was full of fat idiots before but this is just amazing.

It's states like these that makes the rest of the world think we're fat and stupid.

>> No.4497473


>> No.4497492

while i appreciate your elaborate response i think the answer is simpler. The French, Africans, and Hispanic countries aren't fat. The Southern diet and culture accepts larger quantities of food and it's food filled with fat, dairy products, and meat.

>> No.4497494

>Why are Southerners so fat?
You can blame a little of it on the cuisine.
But mostly it's people being anti-science, like all the studies that show being a landwhale kills you don't apply to them.
Creationism and eating til you die, proud Southern traditions.

>> No.4497499

You know what would be great? If the U.S. split into two. Mexico can have the south and the rest will ally with Canada.

>> No.4497500

That's just an average american.

>> No.4497502

Pretty much everything you said is irrelevant to the topic.

Good job, fucknut.

>> No.4497505
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When I was visiting the US. I lived with families for 1 month each and food really differed where I was.
>Family in Washington cooked nice and healthy meal with vegetables and fish at least 3 times a week.
>Family in New York also served quite healthy stuff but not as much fish as above
Family in Texas what the fuck jesus christ. First day at house, I recieved enourmous platter of mashed potatoes with buckets of butter sided with steaks. Also platter was flooding with some greasy gravy sauce. Fucking BBQ snacks, soda, beer etc.
Fucking fatass lard barrel southeners.
One thing I also noticed that southeners usually have to move with car and buy shoppings all at once. They are either lazy or living in middle of fucking nowhere. I didn't see thing problem in NY or WA. Those people actually walked to shops and to buy groceries even if nearest shop was couple miles away

>mfw I had to eat southener food (BBQ was nice though)

>> No.4497507


New York here, I lol'd

This is why we call it 'flyover land', because who the fuck wants to set foot there? Not me.

>> No.4497512

I live in Texas and I probably eat healthier than either of the first two families you briefly described. Funny how people will acknowledge the differences from one state to another but seem to ignore how many differences can also be inside ONE state, itself. Seems pretty hypocritical.

>> No.4497517
File: 11 KB, 126x126, Awwwwwww.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw haughty new york filth aren't infecting my home with shitty ideas
>tfw no crime and everything looks nice
>tfw no shitty laws that infringe on my freedom
>tfw perfect nights discussing ideas by firelight while enjoying home brewed alcohol as the creatures of the night weave their songs together as they desperately try to get laid

>nearest town is a small collection of houses and a bar down the road
>nearest walmart is a 20 minute drive
>nearest airport is 200 feet form the farmhouse

>> No.4497518
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>New York
>good food anywhere other than the pretentious shit in the city
You're full of shit.

>> No.4497527

Cuisine mostly. Lots of fried, breaded, fatty foods are the norm because they needed calorie-dense foods while they were working fields 200 years ago. Now they don't because their rate of physical work has dropped significantly since then, but they don't know how to cook anything else because that's what they grew up on and they know how to cook it. Just look at biscuits and gravy; it's literally bread with a sauce made of grease, flour, and milk.

Plus the fact that 99% of them are conservative and tight-minded so GOD MADE 'EM THAT WAY.

>> No.4497535

because they are lazy

>> No.4497537


Yeah total bullshit because Washington and NY are full of unhealthy shit regardless of the nanny-state attitude they have. Texas has a bad reputation for a reason but I will say this about the place. It's the only place I have ever been where they sell 3 liter bottles of mr. pibb and that's fucking amazing

>> No.4497538

>I used to live in Minnesota and the obesity there is staggering
The upper midwest (Minnesota and Wisconsin) is below the national average in obesity

all of the fastest states are in the south

>> No.4497540

Because we have better food.

It's called butter, bacon, and deep frying.


Fuck you, I eat what I want, and the only thing awaiting me when I'm old is a retirement home and diapers.

No, fuck that, give me that cup of mayo and the straw.

>> No.4497543
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>It's called butter, bacon, and deep frying.
you realize all of america has those same things

the south just sucks at everything

>> No.4497549

>Washington and NY are full of unhealthy shit
That's all of America.
>Texas has a bad reputation for a reason but I will say this about the place. It's the only place I have ever been where they sell 3 liter bottles of mr. pibb
That goes under the "bad reputation" category, I'm afraid. But it says quite a bit about those who celebrate Texas' cuisine that they'd consider this a good thing.

>> No.4497552

The best part is that their only redeeming quality is their college football programs.

>> No.4497558

which is funny because their college teams are only popular because their pro teams are so terrible

>> No.4497556

You forgot the guns per population density.
And the low homicide rate.
Because we're eating.

Seriously, kill someone while eating a cheeseburger. Shit don't work, man. You get mustard everywhere.

>> No.4497559

>ignoring the fact that blacks recruited from southern states make up the majority of those teams

>> No.4497561
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>And the low homicide rate.

>> No.4497563

Is there some sort of correlation between being a team sports fan and being fat? Seems like it would make sense.

>> No.4497564

>>ignoring the fact that blacks recruited from southern states make up the majority of those teams
doesn't matter, southerners are too poor to keep them there

>> No.4497565


You know Texas is one of the largest economies in the world right? Enjoy heating your shitty New England house without our cleaning burning natural gas.

>> No.4497568
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But we don't want them here to begin with.

>> No.4497569

>Is there some sort of correlation between being a team sports fan and being fat
by "team sports fan" do you mean male?

Are there men who aren't fans of team sports in some part of the country?

>> No.4497572

Texas is really fucking big, of course it will have a bigger economy than most states

>> No.4497575


MD has some of the strictest gun laws on the country. Weird how the murder rate is so high.

>> No.4497576
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>But we don't want them here to begin with.
you are the ones that brought them all here

>> No.4497578

thats because government telling people not to own guns doesn't stop criminals from shooting each other

also because DC is really fucking black and poor

>> No.4497583


>only men like sports
>and ALL men like sports
>hurr durr i'm so retarded look at me

>> No.4497591

No, I never implied that only men like sports

I implied all men like sports, I didn't address women at all. Plenty of women like sports, but not nearly as many women as men do. The vast majority of males like sports, probably about half, maybe a little less of women do

>> No.4497604

>I implied all men like sports

>> No.4497606

I meant in terms of watching, not playing. Like places where being a team sports spectator is a big thing are usually full of fatasses.

>> No.4497607
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probably has something to do with their crazy religion

>> No.4497609

>Like places where being a team sports spectator is a big thing are usually full of fatasses.
Where do people not consider watching sports a big thing?

>> No.4497611

Are you really this fucking retarded?

I have zero interest in sports. I'm a man. I'm far more interested in cooking than sports. Cooking pretty much only comes second to either musical instruments or sexing my girl.

>> No.4497613

shut up nerd

>> No.4497614

Male here. I think sports are the biggest waste of time and money.
>building billion dollar stadiums
>paying someone millions of dollars a year to play a fucking game
>retarded fans getting drunk everywhere
I don't get it.
No offense.

>> No.4497615

No, it has to do with niggers, like most of the south's problems.

Minorities are more obese and retarded than your average white southerner.

>> No.4497618

>I think sports are the biggest waste of time and money.
but I can watch sports all the fucking time for only the fee I would be paying to my cable company regardless of whether I wanted to watch sports

>> No.4497620
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>>retarded fans getting drunk everywhere
Jesus christ, you are from the south aren't you

>> No.4497621

I lift weights, hunt, fish, spend lots of time outdoors, have had 11 sexual partners, have been living with my current gf for 2.5 years, and am a doctoral candidate. I have a thick 6.5" long penis.

By any metric, I am far more of a successful and masculine specimen than you will ever be.

Sorry, I don't get excited about men chasing a ball and can't seem to live vicariously through said players.

>> No.4497622
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still, white southerners are poorer, fatter and less educated than white northerners

>> No.4497623


New York here. Of the people I socialize with, about 5% are "into sports". Most people are generally aware of when, say, the world series is taking place, especially when our teams are involved. But aside from big events like that, nobody really cares. It's awkward as fuck being on a conference call with people from other states and they're all like "durr durr roger clemens made a touch down" or whatever.

>> No.4497625

At the time when they were brought to the US, there wasn't really anywhere else further to go than near the East coast. "They" didn't bring them here in the sense you are speaking of it as. "They" refers to all of our US forefathers and there wasn't much more to the US at the time. The blacks are only still highly concentrated there due to a reason which is highly evident throughout history: Blacks don't evolve well. They don't expand due to lack of intelligence. So they all just mostly stay where they were put.

>> No.4497626

>be doctoral candidate
>don't watch baseball

I don't believe you

>> No.4497627

People always say, "b-b-b-but the blacks", as if they aren't Americans and the state of the black man isn't a failure of the south.

>> No.4497629

But white northerners are effeminate faggots, so who cares?

>> No.4497631

damn, New York sounds like a terrible place

>> No.4497633

Stuff some pocky in it, nerd.

>> No.4497634

>Where do people not consider watching sports a big thing?
I don't know anyone who does. Most folks I know don't watch anything they can't stream online when they want to.

>> No.4497635

Doesn't that map show the opposite of what you're implying...?

>> No.4497638

I just tell people, "I don't pay attention to sports" and watch them squirm. It's funny how some people can't relate to others if sports isn't the common denominator.

I can't imagine watching TV, specifically sports, as being a major hobby and passion of mine. Panem et circenses...

>> No.4497639


Funny because whenever there's some crime or mayhem, it's related to people from NJ going to MSG, getting drunk, and not being able to deal with civilization. I wish sports would just leave.

>> No.4497642

I was thinking the opposite when I read his post.

Damn, you sound like a terrible person. Fucking jock strap sucking brohead.

>> No.4497643

I think I can count on 1 hand the males I know that don't at least pay attention to one of the big 4 pro sports or 2 major college sports

Who the hell doesn't at least watch the NFL?

>> No.4497644

Sorry you watch different television shows than I do.

>> No.4497646
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no, I am implying southerners are no fun and have a shitty religious attitude toward alcohol

>> No.4497647


>> No.4497648


>> No.4497649


People who have better things to do with their time.

I'm one. I'm sure others can chime in for you.

>> No.4497651

>southerners are no fun and have a shitty religious attitude toward alcohol
lol Holy shit, is this nigger for real?

>> No.4497654

I enjoy drinking. I don't enjoy being around drunk retards.

>> No.4497659

>Who the hell doesn't at least watch the NFL?
American football is the fucking worst. So boring. There's like five seconds of action to every minute of guys standing around, plus tons of commercials. No way I'd waste my time watching that shit.

>> No.4497660

>Who the hell doesn't at least watch the NFL?

Honestly, I don't think I can name a single person who I know for sure watches the NFL. I know some people who I suspect might but it never comes up. Baseball fans I'm pretty sure I know, because this one guy I drink with sometimes wears a lot of Yankee clothes.

>> No.4497657

What could possibly be better than watching the local pro team, or your university's team win with a group of your friends/fellow alumni?

>> No.4497658

I played hockey and baseball until my first year in university. I never watched sports though, I just couldn't get into it.

Honestly, I am far too busy to pay attention to that kind of thing. I have way too much to do and can think of 100 things I would rather do in my free time than watch TV or go to a game.

>> No.4497664
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A good portion of the south still is dry, they have a really backwards attitude toward drinking

>> No.4497668

Not sure if serious. It is like you are a generic character in a Hollywood movie.

Why do you care if "your" team wins? I've never understood this weird pride people get from that. Especially when it involves pro teams with the majority of players not even from that state (or even country).

>> No.4497669

>Why do you care if "your" team wins
because it is fun and entertaining

>> No.4497672

Now show one that is males only.

Women in the south generally don't drink as much as the sluts up north.

>> No.4497677

I'd rather masturbate or watch The Untouchables

>> No.4497679


You've never been to Louisiana have you?

>> No.4497680

>Normal weight people are viewed as aliens

Central Alabamafag here. That's some nice hyperbole you have there.

>> No.4497682

Watching other men play sports while you eat fatty shit and work on your own lardassitude, instead of getting some friends together and having a game yourselves?

Oh yeah. That sounds like fun.

>> No.4497683

>pro teams with the majority of players not even from that state (or even country
thats not what matters, what matters is everyone else who lives near you has a similar interest, and bonus fun for people from the next city over being fans of a rival team

I find it hard to believe that /ck/ has so many people from these obscure social circles that don't pay any attention to sports

>> No.4497685
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>Women in the south generally don't drink as much as the sluts up north.
and the same is true of their men, because of religion

>> No.4497688
File: 338 KB, 1200x900, IMG_1105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Born and raised, actually.

Now go be wrong somewhere else.

>> No.4497686

But where does this sense of pride and living vicariously through people you don't know play a game you don't actually play stem from?

I feel like it is simply learning from your parents to cheer for a group of men chasing a ball and having the mass media grind it into you even more.

In short, you are no better than Beiber fans.

>> No.4497689

>But where does this sense of pride and living vicariously through people you don't know play a game you don't actually play stem from?
New Yorkers don't have pride for local products?

I like drinking local beer too even though I had no hand in brewing them

>> No.4497691
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Not all southern states are fat. Look at Virginia and Florida, making the USA proud by being slightly less fat than most of the US.

>> No.4497695

>and the same is true of their men
No, no it's not.

Nearly every guy I know enjoys a cold beer or 6 after coming home from work.

>> No.4497696

Florida is not a "southern state"

North florida is very southern, but south florida (the more populous part) is mostly cuban or retired northerners in the winter

Virginia is also borderline because of all the federal tax money DC pumps into the area

>> No.4497692

>thats not what matters, what matters is everyone else who lives near you has a similar interest

I don't want to say sheeple, but you are leaving me no choice.

>I find it hard to believe that /ck/ has so many people from these obscure social circles that don't pay any attention to sports
It depends on your peers. As I mentioned before, I hang around with academics and hunters or outdoorsmen. Some like sports, but it isn't a necessary shared interest.

Passive hobbies aren't really my thing. Sitting down and getting excited about other people playing a sport is just weird to me.

>> No.4497694

Well I've climbed a few mountains. I'd do that again any time in place of watching a fucking tv. Or even over visiting a stadium at all.

I guess I like to actually do the activity myself. I don't find any excitement in watching people throw balls around, make balls into hoops or goals or whatever.

So yeah, I happen to find a lot more betterment in reaching the summit of a mountain and looking out on the land than I would in seeing another dude throw another ball somewhere.

>> No.4497698

>what matters is everyone else who lives near you has a similar interest
That sounds about as much fun as showing off your new rims in the McDonald's parking lot.

>> No.4497703

I'm not from New York, so I don't know about that.

I also don't "get" city/state rivalries and other artificially cultivated social phenomenon.

I know this is going to sound elitist and smug, but I am too intelligent to get excited about something as stupid as the "home team" winning or losing. If you take a step back and objectively look at it, you'll see it is quite ridiculous.

That isn't to say people shouldn't enjoy it, but it is absurd to be surprised that others don't share an affinity towards watching sports.

>> No.4497704

>I hang around with academics and hunters
I have plenty of experience with both groups and have not observed any tendency amongst them to be less interested in sports than the general public

>> No.4497706

bud light shouldn't count

>> No.4497709

But both groups have strong passions that extend beyond sports.

Some people have the game to look forward to all week, others have research, ideas, hunting, fishing, spending time outside, etc.

>> No.4497710

lol couldn't have said it better

>> No.4497711

>artificially cultivated social phenomenon.
I don't see how its artificial

such rivalries seem to develop quite spontaneously on all levels of sports around the world and even well beyond sports

>> No.4497712


I lived in Baton Rouge for 10 years and all people did was drink.

>> No.4497714

>Some people have the game to look forward to all week, others have research, ideas, hunting, fishing, spending time outside, etc.
Those things do not seem at all mutually exclusive to me

>> No.4497720
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>all available evidence suggests southerns drink much less than the civilized folk of the north

>all of them deny the facts with anecdotes

any of you have any evidence at all?

>> No.4497722

Yeah Virginia isn't that Southern, it's all farms or middle class suburbs or upper class rich snob suburbs.

>> No.4497724

Beer, sports and making fun of southerners

the perfect thread

>> No.4497725
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>> No.4497729

The main difference between a non-Southerner and a Southerner is that what they eat on a daily basis: country fried steak, country gravy, fried chicken, BBQ, pulled pork, steaks etc. is what non-Southerners eat every once in a while as an indulgence. Key word: indulgence. Southerners indulge on their fatty foods every day whilst most other Americans don't.

>> No.4497734

>Beer, sports and making fun of southerners

Sounds contradictory...

>> No.4497737

see every map about alcohol posted, and the map about sports success

the south sucks at both of those thing

>> No.4497738

>my county
>much more church

Pretty sure my grandmother skewed the results with her 500 "jesus" posts every day.

>> No.4497739

In all honesty, no matter what region I've been in, all people do is drink. Alcohol rules the world.

>> No.4497741

>we make lighter food compared to texans
>however being a land locked state the only fresh fish we get are pond fish and cat
>I miss beans and cornbread.....

>> No.4497743

there are actual places in the south where it is still illegal to sell beer

Also Alabama and Mississippi didn't legalize homebrewing until last year, which is ridiculous

>> No.4497746

If that map is accurate I can almost surely explain the South Texas data. MEXICANS. All they drink is Bud Light, seriously. And who talks about Bud Light? No one. Not even they do, even though they drink it in massive quantities. I live amongst them, but you'll find me at Feldman's with a sampler 6 pack of imports a couple days out of the week. No offense to my mexibros though. My best friends are hispanic. Still, the bud light epidemic is ever present. If they were to tweet about beer, regardless of the kind, it would be a very different reading for that location. But like I said, haha, no one talks about bud light. They just suck it down.

>> No.4497751

Not true. When in you live in bumfuck, nowhere the only thing you can do is drink. I've seen much more of a drinking culture in my medium sized rural hometown than in my current locale: San Diego. You can see this trend everywhere.

>> No.4497752


Is it still 1989 there? why would you buy imports when american craft beer is better and the same price if not cheaper

>> No.4497760

Really? I guess I only ever go to other major cities for music festivals, so everyone drinking is normal. Funfunfun fest was awesome.

>> No.4497770

>I don't see how its artificial
>such rivalries seem to develop quite spontaneously on all levels of sports around the world and even well beyond sports
You don't think professional sports franchises want to cultivate rivalries for ticket/merch sales?

>> No.4497771

>When in you live in bumfuck, nowhere the only thing you can do is drink
ok, but the majority of the population doesn't live in bumfuck nowhere, obviously

>> No.4497772

Baton Rouge is
A) A college town
B) A big ass urban city

>> No.4497775

"We have to recognize that there is a role this mass hysteria about spectator sports plays. It is a significant role. It plays a role first of all in making people more passive, because you're not doing it. You're watching somebody do it

"Secondly it plays a role in engendering jingoist and chauvinist attitudes, sometimes to quite an extreme level...

"Those are things that spectator sports engender, particularly when they're designed to organize a community to be hysterically committed to their gladiators. That's very dangerous, and it has lots of deleterious effects. Furthermore, I think things like that are understood and are part of the planning system, part of the public relations control system."

- N Chomksy, Keeping the Rabble in Line

>> No.4497776

>You don't think professional sports franchises want to cultivate rivalries for ticket/merch sales?
Sure they are beneficial to the teams, but they don't exist for this reason. Most major rivalries long predate the current economic model of the major leagues

>> No.4497778

I try all. Mostly dark, strong and on the more expensive side, which they tend to be. I enjoy foreign products. I've traveled to other countries and continue to like what many of them produce. Not a blindly patriotic retard who wont touch something because it came from "the outside" nevermind half of the other things in your house.

I fucking like Euro beer. That's why, bitch.

>> No.4497779

that dude sounds like a faggot

>> No.4497781

>Not a blindly patriotic retard who wont touch something because it came from "the outside"
I don't think thats the case at all, I love trying anything, but at the end of the day, most of the best beer available in America is made in america

>> No.4497783

MIT professor.

>> No.4497790

Part of it is southern cuisine - prior to the 1960s the south ate much less meat and fat. Southern cuisine used to use meat primarily as a flavor, or at most as a small part of the meal. You'd have a piece of fried chicken, but also greens, cornbread or beans and rice being the main source of calories.

As food got cheaper in the 1950s you had the south now able to afford larger portions of what had previously been small portioned treats. Instead of one piece of fried chicken, you have the dumbass landwhales eating 7 pieces every night. Instead of a little helping of gravy, it's slathered on everything.

>> No.4497794

Wow, what a cunt. A family tried to cook a nice, spacious meal for you, and you turned you nose up at it?

Let alone the fact that they let you live in their house for a month.

mweh heh heh muh

>> No.4497799
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>> No.4497800

>you turned you nose up at it

nevermind, will be used as spelling shitposting, disregard post.

ps you're still a piece of shit.

>> No.4497805
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Ok, ok. I got too worked up over it, I know. It's the hostility on /ck/ that gets me fucking hostile too, damn it. Yes, we have amazing beer here in the US. I had pic related (from google) tonight, perhaps in excess. I love many, many beers. Import and homeland alike.

>> No.4497820

that is irrelevent.
russia was xbox hueg, and had a shittier economy

>> No.4497822

This, so much this.
Why would I want to watch someone play sports? When I can go do it myself.

>> No.4497826


But that's wrong. Most people DO live in bumfuck no where.

>> No.4497840

Uhh.... no. Most of the world's population is concentrated in major cities, especially the USA.

>> No.4497850

Let the bumfucks think they're the REAL AMERICANS. It's all they have to hang onto, aside from guns, churches and their own fat.

>> No.4497857

the number of residents is very relevant

>> No.4497861

>ut that's wrong. Most people DO live in bumfuck no where.
um, no, where did you get that idea from

even in the south most of the residents are in urban or suburban areas

>> No.4497925

Good quotes, I will have to read that.

>> No.4497939

About 80% of the US population lives in an urban area.

From the 2000 census,

[ ] TOLD

>> No.4497942

why are all americans so fat, plebby, gross, stupid or unsociable woe-is-me, self absorbed, whining, entitled, impressionable cunts?

>> No.4497968

interesting how this map and the murder map intersect...

>> No.4497972

>why are all europeans so fat, plebby, gross, stupid or unsociable woe-is-me, self absorbed, whining, entitled, impressionable cunts?

Fixed that for you

>> No.4497975


>Hispanic countries aren't fat

I take it you've never seen a Mexican

>> No.4497983



Stop smoking so much weed

>> No.4497979 [DELETED] 

looks to me like southerners are living better lives.

less vice, less lenient towards crime, more racially diverse.

step it up yanks

>> No.4497986

Africans aren't fat because most of them are starving.

Hispanics countries are fat as fuck. So are niggers. Guess what a lot of the south are? Hispanics and niggers.

>> No.4497989

he's probably a soulless, godless chink

>> No.4497988
File: 120 KB, 785x548, USdiversityMap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>less vice

They have more crime, less fun things

They have way more tobacco smokers which is actually bad for you unlike moderate alcohol consumption

racial diversity in america universally is a negative trait

>> No.4497992

no wars to fight, no empires to conquer, there is no reason to be thin.

>> No.4497993
File: 35 KB, 450x359, map-poverty-02.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looks to me like southerners are living better lives.
Then you are not looking very closely

>> No.4497994

poverty =/= happiness

but don't mind me. I will live my life and be happy. I suggest you do the same.

>> No.4497995

Less niggers and spics = less crime and poverty. Your infographics prove it.

>> No.4497999

>less poverty

already confirmed for fake map

>> No.4498000
File: 136 KB, 750x595, high school.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>poverty =/= happiness
no, its just one of many factors, many of which have already been mapped out. they universally suggest the south is not a good place

>> No.4498003

thats only part of the problem, white southerners are significantly poorer, fatter and less educated than white northerners

>> No.4498001 [DELETED] 

>no legend for nodata/NULL
>almost all of NC blank


>> No.4498006

i wonder how the data would change if you removed minorities

because all this negative shit is concentrated where the blacks are

just a thought

>except that's racist and either doesn't exist or the data is tampered with

>> No.4498008
File: 39 KB, 516x442, map_poverty.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it pretty clearly implies white areas are near the average

here is the same data carted differently to appease your autism

>> No.4498009

there has been no data in this thread to suggest that

>> No.4498011

see >>4497622

>> No.4498013

balcks are certainly worse off than whites by these metrics, but white southerners still have it way worse than white northerners

plus you can't just disregard blacks the south is extremely geographically desegregated, so even if you aren't as poor as most southerners, everyone around you is still poor, which probably isn't desirable

>> No.4498014


Minnesota is actually one of the healthiest states faggot. Fuck off and quit insulting my home state.

>> No.4498015 [DELETED] 

there is no room for implications in geoanalysis

it's sloppy work, and as I said, embarrassing.

also the data for the 2 maps is significantly different.

>that's why you leave no room for doubt

>> No.4498018
File: 69 KB, 705x680, white poverty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unfortunately most of the people who make these maps aren't interested in charting it by race, but the data is still there

>> No.4498019

I wonder what explains the pockets of red throughout the western united states

>> No.4498022

half the 14-20% isn't even in the south.

my sociogeography is rusty so I don't remember what is in the 'midwest' but I'm gonna go with farming and abandoned industry

>> No.4498023

>there is no room for implications in geoanalysis
yes there is
you would have to be quite dumb not to understand what the map was showing

>> No.4498024 [DELETED] 

Because blacks are disproportionately fat. Notice how the Black Belt roughly matches with the obesity map

>> No.4498025


>tfw the city I live in is only .73% african american

>> No.4498026
File: 217 KB, 1056x816, black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because blacks are disproportionately fat. Notice how the Black Belt roughly matches with the obesity map. Next post will have obesity map

>> No.4498027

Seems centred about Las Vegas. Make of that what you will.

>> No.4498028
File: 90 KB, 756x582, heart disease.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

notice how the fat people extend beyond the black are to the rest of the south

>> No.4498029
File: 143 KB, 580x402, map_county_obese_2007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>Compared with whites, Blacks had 51% higher and Hispanics had 21% higher obesity rates

>> No.4498035

Look at the post below yours.

>> No.4498036


What the fuck? This is inaccurate. Kentucky is drunk as fuck.

>> No.4498037

no there isn't. if you knew what you were talking about you wouldn't be spewing shit out of your ass.

as I said before, it's sloppy, inexcusable work.

You're leaving big, unexplained holes in your data which will always throw up red flags.

I didn't know the entire eastern portion of the united states was 'The South'.

>> No.4498041


>Louisville, Kentucky
>More grocery stores than bars

Oh man haha my fucking sides. This map is dumb as fuck. I bet they count convenience stores as grocery stores.

>> No.4498043
File: 142 KB, 959x741, beer tax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please provide any data to support this claim

every time northerners make fun of uncultured southerners for shunning alcohol, southerners claim its false, but they never present evidence

>> No.4498044
File: 49 KB, 409x875, obesity by race.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4498045

>the white isn't on your legend, what is it?
Well, there's no data for it
>why not?
Shit nigga I dunno
>why don't you know? This is your fucking job
well the data isn't collected by those counties
>are you sure? or are you making shit up?
i know
>no you dont, fuckface. but you've got balls. next time put it on your legend.
>also, find out the real reason there's no data there

>> No.4498048

>it's sloppy, inexcusable work.
maybe if you are autistic, if you have even basic deduction abilities, you would easily understand what it is portraying

>> No.4498050

>I bet they count convenience stores as grocery stores.
Does it matter?

Convenience stores occur nationally, so their inclusion likely wouldn't discriminate against any specific region

>> No.4498051

Is it just me or are hispanics always between whites and hispanics whenever it comes to statistics?

>> No.4498058 [DELETED] 

You just don't get it.
Not that I blame you, you're obviously not intelligent enough to understand tht maps like these are standalone products that (for obvious reasons) cannot leave themselves prey to the damaging effects of implication.

I'm sure you'll learn about doing quality work after getting fired for forgetting to ask a customer if he wants cheese on his burger, because only an autist would need to be asked if he wants cheese.

>> No.4498061


I lived in Kentucky for the past 12 fucking years. My state id is that of Kentucky if I really have to prove I lived here ill scan it in and block the important shit out for you.

>> No.4498062

the map is perfectly clear, you obviously have a poor understanding of simple deduction

also shitty analogy, if you want a cheeseburger you say you want a cheese burger, you don't ask for a hamburger and hope they ask if you want cheese added, thats retarded

>> No.4498063

>proportionately the crunkest state
fuck yea

>> No.4498065

Concentrate poor people in one area, especially the darker ones, who will be less educated because history. Make rich food cheap, especially the kind of things great-grandma couldn't afford - things that got mythologized in the culture. Simultaneously make veggies expensive because you shop at the supermarket now, not the farmstand. Then make fast food almost as cheap as cooking at home.

Hilarity ensues.

>> No.4498066

I mean provide actual evidence that kentucky drinks more than civilized northern states, not evidence that you live there

anecdotes are worthless

every dataset I have seen suggests you people drink less than northerners, hell you still have dry counties in fucking 2013

>> No.4498067 [DELETED] 

>the map is perfectly clear

there is a color on the map not represented by standard symbology nor an entry on the legend.

it is impossible to be perfectly clear, because it is missing vital pieces.

continue being stupid.

>> No.4498068

That's... that's not what the post was getting at at all! Provide evidence that southerners drink as much or more than northerners, not that your a southerner. The fact that someone needed to explain this to you is pretty evident of your fine, southern education.

>> No.4498070


You suggested that I lived in the north. Secondly there is no indication that survey didn't simply review the dry counties.

>> No.4498071

Your logic is odd. You can't understand a simple map yet you think that suggests I am the stupid one

jesus christ, are you 13? or do you just have an SEC education?

>> No.4498075

>You suggested that I lived in the north
pretty sure I never did such a thing
> Secondly there is no indication that survey didn't simply review the dry counties.
what? how does that make sense to you?

>> No.4498081


>Implying I got my education from the south
>Implying I'm not from Minnesota

Alright now you're just throwing around nonfactual bullshit. I've actually lived here, I can tell you that the majority of residents drink. At least in the city of Louisville.

>> No.4498082 [DELETED] 

So tell me, without looking at any other map or data, what does white on the map represent? Can you do so with 100% certainty?

>No data


>Median poverty level


>Something el;se you have no idea about because the fucking author left it out

Maps are designed to be standalone products that provide you with analysis, or a partial analysis, of some data. By leaving large unexplained chunks in your analysis you, at best, throw doubt on your analysis and your abilities as an analyst, and at worst, completely destroys all your credibility.

I don't understand why you have such a hard time understanding this.

>> No.4498086

>what does white on the map represent? Can you do so with 100% certainty?
it quite clearly represents counties that fall in neither high or low poverty

Sure its not ideal practice, but it is quite easily comprehensible so long as you don't have a southern education

>> No.4498108

lol wow ur real dumm

>> No.4498113 [DELETED] 

>it quite clearly represents
except it doesn't it is left to assumption. otherwise it would have some weasel words about how the level of poverty is no statistically significant, especially since the entire graphic refuses to deal in numbers

nows as good a time as any to tell you guys this, go read a book titled 'how to lie with maps'

a closer look at

the disputed map is obviously a weasel map
i think i know why they left it out. because california and the extended PNW has large swathes of poverty, but it would interfere with their goal of painting the south as a poor shithole and the north as a rich paradise. massage the data a little, amke some innocent 'mistakes' and bam, goal achieved.

but whatever, not everyone can into gis

>> No.4498122

>except it doesn't it is left to assumption
Its a very easy assumption to make
>it would have some weasel words about how the level of poverty is no statistically significan
Now you are just talking out your ass. The data is significant, its just neither high or low, somewhere near the median

both of those maps leave you with pretty much the same impression of the south, so I fail to see how it is misleading in this context

>> No.4498123

>not everyone can into gis
dude, I took map interpretation class as a throwaway credit in college. I understand everything you say, this stuff is extremely simple. Obviously the map is n not ideal, but it is still pretty easy to understand, and the fact that you are complaining about it suggest you are mad about some fact that the data reveals

>> No.4498134 [DELETED] 
File: 352 KB, 2262x868, 3poor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4498136

pretty sure they were different years, so not using identical data

>> No.4498142 [DELETED] 
File: 476 KB, 1248x960, BRADY_STAR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more sloppy work

this is something i picked up from /k/ which is better than most of the maps in this thread, since it provides sources and is very clear in what it is trying to convey

>> No.4498146

all i am getting from you is that you are very bad at interpreting maps and need every little detail explained to you

also not sure how using a different year's data is sloppy

>> No.4498147


What the fuck is that map trying to convey? I know what the Brady Campaign is (bunch of faggots), but without including something to measure gun violence and compare it to the states that the Brady Campaign likes that map doesn't really tell you much. All it tells you is that the Brady Campaign has a hard on for states with strict gun control laws.

>> No.4498152

>based mods

>> No.4498153

that map is way more confusing than most of these maps

what the hell do stars signify?

>> No.4498155

I guess you could say that without letting people do their own research into it you're putting them at a disadvantage. I'm not seeing very many citations, which 4chan usually frowns upon.

>> No.4498626 [DELETED] 

This trend youre talking about must have to do with the times.. SOunds like a straight ticket to a really fucked up life of maladjustment, pussyless psycopathy and liver failure. You are have to remember that we are in a time where we are just starting to grow out of our farming roots and into a more metropolitan life.. what youre talking about could really fuck someone up these days.. you have have adjustment, that doesnt happen when youre isolated, these days that would lead to homelessness. People dont accept a person like that anymore.. its fucking stupid anyways.. you would get no women.. just more or have more discipline. You would be happier with more discipline since the biger city would chew one up.. lifestyles are something that need to be eased into over years.. rural to metropolitain would chew someone up in the worst imaginable way.. i went through alot of that, my parents where bum-fucks.. the transition was the more depressing time of my life.. fuck mentaility, fuck normal mentaliy.. the psycopathy is just as brutal, just a different form of it.. thats why i always cringe when i hear normies beating up on alkies as if they where morally superior. The most degenrate person on earth is someone who has their mind made psycopathic by the ambition and travails of metropolitan life. Its sheer pain that needs escape.

>> No.4498628

I pictured him naked

And I shouldn't have

>> No.4498729
File: 25 KB, 398x400, sigh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw from Vancouver
>Never been to the south
>Fell in love with it from what I've seen from tv, movies, read in books
>Only place in the U.S. I've been to is my rich, white, evangelical families house in San Carlos, CA
I-It can't be that different, r-right?

>> No.4498740


>> No.4498750

Retard detected.

Also, learn to travel.

>> No.4498753

There is a reason meth is so popular in rural places.

>> No.4498778


I think he probably knows his own family better than you.

>> No.4498783


You ever watch the mom cook on that honey boo boo show?

They all cook like that.

This is why they are all fat.

>> No.4498784


>> No.4498813


You heard me trick.

>> No.4498832

>listed seperately from all the others

What the fuck am I reading?

>> No.4498837
File: 42 KB, 400x293, bachmann-crazy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying catholics, lutherans, and methodists are christian

I suppose you also believe in race mixing and confusing theories about "evolution"

>> No.4498841

They're poor and have ready access to high calorie food.

>> No.4498849
File: 7 KB, 261x180, Americans face palm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: Dirty, dirty colonists

>> No.4498858

I saw death penalty in that pic.


>> No.4498861


I love how dumbass crackers always seem to think that cities are full of crime and junkies like some bad 80's cop movie.

The south is way more dangerous - dumbass methheads with guns, a ill-educated minority held down, and a collection of police recruited from the same shit gene-pool means rampant crime.

>> No.4498866

Spotted the liberal, suck on the those jew dicks goyim.

>> No.4498870
File: 297 KB, 950x625, meth labs per county.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related: meth is mostly a southwestern and central midwestern thing, but the proper south is doing its part pretty well, too.
Notice the northern midwest, the northeast and the northwest have far fewer meth labs.

>> No.4498873

>northwest far fewer meth labs
Excluding the Pacific northwest, sorry for the possible confusion.

>> No.4498874

>join the army for a retarded reason, hind sight at expert
>Stationed in Ft.Polk LA
>First day on ground decide to find something to eat while the wife is 2 hours away driving down the horses
>Cruiseb along the main strip

jesus christ. Only place I can get real food is at a small cookery that doesn't smother their shit in gravy


>> No.4498878

...phone sure didnt handle that greentext well

>> No.4500129

They're evangelists, are you thick?

>> No.4500197

>implying Oklahomans eat any better

My maternal grandparents were from Oklahoma, and while the food Grandmother cooked was delicious and made well, it was
>fried chicken, fried okra, corn corn more corn, cornbread, yeast rolls, green beans, eggs and bacon, hash, ham, beef stew, biscuits and gravy, etc.
Fuck, it's not like Oklahoma is the center of clean eating for fuckssake.

>> No.4500233

what the hell Michigan, why ruin it for the midwest

>> No.4500249

catholics and lutherans are the only true Christians

evangelicals are an abomination

>> No.4500301

It's pretty obvious. Bad food that's cheap and widespread laziness.

>> No.4500310

>god-tier Colorado

But seriously, only one state beneath 20%? Jesus.

>> No.4500312

probably because high elevation isn't very suitable for human persistence, you require more calories to live in such an inhospitable elevation

>> No.4500334

I see lots of fat people up north. You guidos just made thread to be assholes like most northerners are.

>> No.4500338

there are fat people everywhere, there are just a lot more in the south

>> No.4500341

Do you really think New Jersey is representative of the north?
When I think northerners I think New England or the Upper Midwest, around New Jersey is basically the only place italians settled in significant numbers, the real north was mostly settled by germans and irish

>> No.4500345

>Posting arbitrary images that could easily be manipulated. They don't even cite the fucking source.

That education above the Mason-Dixon line didn't do much to develop your common sense.

>> No.4500347
File: 60 KB, 686x445, Diabetes10pc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>denying facts because they make you look bad

instead of just getting mad, please support your skepticism with evidence

>> No.4500348

goggle reverse image search the map if you must find the source

>> No.4500350

actually, america is probably pretty evenly distributed in fatties
What the statistics are showing really is how much people lie about their weight

>> No.4500351

just take a sip of "sweet tea"

I thought that the tea leaves would have some kind of sweet flavor, but it's literally regular tea mixed with 10x the sugar

>> No.4500354

thats a ridiculous conspiracy theory to have

why would you possibly think this, and how do you explain the higher instances of weight related disease and lower life span of southerners?

>> No.4500355

Shut up nigger. Nowhere in that statement did that guy state the crime has to do with a certain race. You are imposing your own misconceptions.

>> No.4500364

Your forgot about our terrible urban planning

>> No.4500371

I could give a fuck whether you're right or not. Whether those images your posting are actually accurate. I live in the south and fucking love it here. I think it's stupid that there is such a schism between the North and South like this.

I like the /ck/ threads where we all hate the euros.

>> No.4500374

>I like the /ck/ threads where we all hate the euros.
Of course you do, because 'Murica!

>> No.4500377

thats because america easily wins fights with euros, but the south cannot win arguments with the north

>> No.4500395


It's technically the "South", but barely.

>> No.4500456

The part of Virginia I'm from is 100% southern, complete with the accent and confederate flags. Northern Virginia is basically a different state, culturally.

>> No.4500459

>tfw live in Middle of Virginia
It's a weird blend of Northern and Southern influence.

>> No.4500791


>> No.4500858

After reviewing " Map of USA The Thread" I'm surprise anyone in Alabama is still alive. lol

>> No.4500889

I avoid it and New Orleans like the plague, as everyone should. They are not accurate representations of Louisiana. Basically anywhere else in any part of south Louisiana is good.

>> No.4500925
File: 161 KB, 2236x1612, maryland_flag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marylandfag here.

Virginia is unarguably Southern. It was the capital of the Confederacy for fuck's sake, and do you really need me to get into all of the abhorrent shit Ol' McDonnell & crew are doing these days?

>> No.4500964

I guess now would not be the best time to mention I'm related to Jefferson Davis but you really know nothing about how Virginia works. As long as it's not Northern Virginia then it is real Southern (My area fits this category) from what I've seen of Northern VA it's closer to being more Northern in nature then anything.

>> No.4500996

Well no fucking shit NOVA's more Northern than the rest of the state; many people who live there still have all of their teeth and can write their own name.

If the basis of your post is "Well NOVA isn't as bad as the rest of the South" you haven't offered any evidence to prove that "I really know nothing about how shitty-ass Virginia works."

>> No.4501583

No, you just shout louder than us Yuropeins.

>> No.4501658

I like that pic. You can change the file name to anything you want it to represent.

>> No.4501793
File: 125 KB, 626x300, Unobese pop by state.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All Murrkians are fat. But only the majority of them are obese.

I have the proofs, from the Science.

>> No.4501831

It was the capital of the confederacy but that really means nothing in modern times. All of its Northern counties are like in the top ten richest areas in the nation or something.