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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4494877 No.4494877[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey co/ck/s does anyone know what Beiber was cooking here?

>> No.4494889

he was probably hungry.

>> No.4494886


>> No.4494890

Hopefully, it was his own cock so he can't ever breed. Goodness knows he has no brain to fuck with...

>> No.4494893

It's hard to breed when you have your dick shoved up another man's ass, like he does.

>> No.4494896


>> No.4494908

firs u get tha cocain
then u get tha bakin soda
pull alldat shit inna pyrex pot
mix it up with some wotta
cook up dem rocks
serve them fiends

>> No.4494910

jealous of.....what? Being a transgender girl who sucks Usher's cock? Because that's what Beiber does. SUCKS COCK.
Did you understand that? He literally puts black cock in his mouth on a regular basis. He eats it for dinner. His day isn't complete until he swallows black cum. He's a cum swilling pussy girl. He begs for hot man jizz every night. So does his mom. She's a gaping tunnel cunt. Like throwing a hot dog down a hallway. Are you blind?

>> No.4494921

>yfw no hundreds of millions of dollars, being able to travel anywhere, buy anything, fuck a hot girl whenever you want, etc.

Those sour grapes!

>> No.4494935

All that mad and jelly

The biebs isn't that bad, I'm proud of the guy. He got discovered and his music is gradually getting better as he learns more. Quit hatin' if you don't have a legitimate reason other than ad hominem. Because that's all I hear, and it just reeks of mad jealousy.

Face the fact that he's talented (and likely much more talented than you) and he's incredibly successful (also more successful than you will likely ever be)

>> No.4494960

not the person you responded to
I wouldn't call him talented, but he is both more talented and more successful than me.
I am in fact incredibly jealous of the shitton of cash he has

>> No.4494968

Popularity =/= talent. I can't say I know the progression of his music, because I'm not a 12 year old girl, but just because I think his commercial, highly marketed music is shitty doesn't mean I "hate" the guy like the other guy.

People have to get over celebrities. Hating them is just as retarded as vicariously living through them.

>> No.4494986

>his music

He has literally nothing to do with the "music" you're referring to.

>> No.4494989

Oh, you know him? Or do you think producers never had influence on musicians until now?

>> No.4494993

Oh god, what the fuck is wrong with you people.
Since when did /ck/ get populated by 12 year old girls and gay boys? Seriously, that little shit has no talent whatsoever. He was just "chosen" like so many other vapid, talentless, souless pop tarts who were put through the machine. Are you really that stupid that you don't know how the music industry works? That dumb kid can get fucked. Along with his contemporaries. He exemplifies everything that is wrong with the industry.

>> No.4494994

If you check out his first youtube videos before he was "discovered", he's actually a really good singer.

There's a reason why he was discovered in the first place, and that's because he has raw talent. He still needs to refine it more, yes, but so did all the other currently critically-acclaimed singers. Hell, look at Justin Timberlake now versus his Nsync days.

>> No.4494995

>not hating someone you don't know because you are jealous of his wealth/fame means there is something wrong with you

Sorry, I don't pay attention to celebrities as much as you do.

>> No.4494998

Underage b& reported. Get the fuck out little girls, you shouldn't be here.

>> No.4495001

>implying pop music isn't fun and sometimes pretty good
>implying you're not just a pretentious asshole following the crowd of haters for no reason other than "HURR GAY"

It's not my favorite, but it's certainly not the devil's unholy shit like everyone who proclaims to adore "REAL MUSIC" claims it is.

If you're going to say it's bad, give me a legitimate reason for it.

>> No.4495009

Ignorance of the world around you isn't meritorious.

>> No.4495012

It's pre-canned, non-instrumental Disney crap.
He's never written any music himself, it's all been developed for him by other people. He's part of the teenage machine. He's worthless by himself.

>> No.4495013



>> No.4495016

>If you're going to say it's bad, give me a legitimate reason for it.
Obviously no one can objectively prove why some music is bad.

But the fact that it is hyper-marketed and contrived is one of the reasons I eschew modern pop music.

It isn't about being pretentious, I just can't "get into" the whole present day entertainment machine. I can't listen to vapid music being made by an "artist" interested in franchising and branding to that extent.

>> No.4495019

When it comes to Hollywood and pop music it most definitely is.

>> No.4495020

You're a fucking moron and shouldn't be here since you're obviously underage.

>> No.4495030


>> No.4495032

He's Canadian so it is probably Kraft Mac&Cheese.

>> No.4495041

Yeah, he's been hugely aggrandized and I'm not going to argue that he isn't part of the entertainment machine, but speaking as a vocalist, he is good. He has a great range, nice tone quality, and in general sounds silky smooth, even without any postprocessing. Try listening to one of his earliest acoustic covers on youtube. He has some talent, and enough personality to be a great choice of icon for the kids today. Also, just because music is non-instrumental doesn't make it bad at all.
I can understand that, it's a personal choice. But hate the game, not the player.
That is not a legitimate reason.

>> No.4495045

WAIT wait! Don't those canucks call it "Kraft Dinner"?

>> No.4495046









>>10983237 (OP)









>> No.4495047


>> No.4495061

Hm. Makes me wonder what the fuck is actually going on here...

Good job piecing this together bro.

>> No.4495062

You completely fucked yourself by trying to say he has personality. I've never seen anyone with LESS actual personality. He apes whoever and whatever he's told to and exposed to. He will have nothing but a sad career by the time he's thirty, just look at what's happened to the other boy bands and "singers" from the 90s. They're all doing "reunion tours" because they've run out of money. He doesn't have talent, he has "drive". He's willing to proverbially suck as much dick as he can to get what he wants. He lacks integrity. He is selling his soul for money. There's nothing to be respected in that. And.. "vocalist"??? Really? Seriously? Come on, can you not even be bothered to learn a single instrument? I mean, even opera singers can usually play something and they don't refer to themselves as "vocalists" either.