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File: 17 KB, 288x285, AvocadoPhoto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4492679 No.4492679[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can somebody please explain to me why there's such a huge obsession with avocado lately? (Last ~2 years)

I see it everywhere I go and people use it in so many recipes, it's ridiculous.
Is avocado the "in" thing today?

>> No.4492682

It tastes good and is good for you. What don't you get?

>> No.4492685

Lots of things taste good (And much better) and are good for you.

>> No.4492687

>is good for you
In what way?

>> No.4492689



>> No.4492699
File: 67 KB, 580x720, danson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure what's with the obsession but they are delicious and pair well with many dishes

>> No.4492702

It's like natures butter, holy fuck it's good.

>> No.4492709


Them healthy fats. Avacado oil is extremely hydrating. Mash it up and rub it on your face and in your hair an hour before you shower and be amazed when you shampoo it out and let it dry

>> No.4492710

They are overrated as fuck. That doesn't mean that avocados are not good, it's just that everyone completely loses their shit over them.

>> No.4492712
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I shall try that.

>> No.4492714

>it's just that everyone completely loses their shit over them


>> No.4492715
File: 665 KB, 300x230, 1324877124608.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i would buy a couple to try that ... but then eventually cave in to the pressure to make guac out of them and feast the beast

>> No.4492723

White people follow trends and "love" trendy things. Few years back, everyone talked about scallops. Nowadays, avocados have taken their place.

>> No.4492732


Buy a bunch and save one to try it with. Doesn't take a lot unless you have a lot of hair. Coconut oil is also great, since it penetrates the hair/skin and hydrates inside too instead of laying on the surface like most oils. I had eczema and cured it with coconut oil treatments

Avocado + coconut oil together = super model hair

>> No.4492731

I didn't really know they were "trendy" until I started seeing em on TV "superfoods" BS shows, but I guess that's because I've been eating avocados all my life so I missed out on the big fuss.

They're really good for breakfast, just plain, sprinkled with some lemon juice and salt. And of course kickass guacamole.

>> No.4492730

Well OP, like all lobbyist groups, the leading authorities of various products/foods will pay big money to push their product. It doesn't matter how good, bad, healthy or unhealthy it is. If they give up enough money, people will circulate it. People meaning those who produce ad campaigns (see: the pork and beef commercials of old), the FDA, agriculture authorities, etc. The more talk, the more money, the more interest, the more success. This isn't limited to avocados or any food. That's how anything sells/gets pushed. Do you really think anyone would give a crap what Gordon Ramsay says or thinks if he didn't have a TV show? Would they seek out the posh cafes in their local big city to try the "bizarre" food they saw him prepare for a challenge show?

Anyway, avocados are great. Lived in Texas my whole life so there's nothing new or exciting about 'em. I can see why people like them.

>> No.4492741
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>> No.4492745
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>White people

yeah we're nutty like that! thanks for putting up with us, negros!

>> No.4492748

When people say "white people" they mean those suburbanite, stereotypical white people. The boring kind.

>> No.4492764

very healthy fat, so it got promoted in a lot of diets

>> No.4492775 [DELETED] 

Is avocado that cheap in the States? Where I live (Central Europe) it's comparably expensive.

>> No.4492778

Is avocado that cheap in the States? Where I live (Central Europe) it's relatively expensive.

>> No.4492779

Entirely depends on the region and time of year. I lived in California for a while and they were routinely dirt cheap, year around. I now live in Washington state and a large avocado is about 1.90 a pop during the winter/early spring months,. They'll start going on sale in the summer.

>> No.4492785

it barely tastes like anything, this is nothing but california propaganda. If avocados were really so great then you would see more people cooking with avocado oil, I haven't ever actually even seen one person cook with it.

>> No.4492786

This is what baffles me the most. It's bland, why do people love it so goddamn much?

>> No.4492794

I dont think its bland or tasteless, perhaps youre having some bad ones?

I find the ones with the light green smooth skin to be more flavoursome and ripen easier then the ones pictured in OP. Very nutty, creamy, goes very well with a lot of different items.

Its basically a good kind of food for you and is versatile.

Dont see the hate about it, I know a lot of people dont like "the texture"

>> No.4492804

God damn, being a natuive Californian I am SO sick of avocado being snuck into any and every thing.
Yes, i know, it's super cheap here and it's a cheap way to bulk out an item. But when i say I want a BLT, I want a fucking BLT, not a BLAT.

>> No.4492806

In California it's cheap, comparable to lettuce.

>> No.4492808

>tfw you live in the frozen north and just want a BLAT so it can have the creaminess factor without the need for mayo
>tfw it costs me 9 bucks for this pleasure

>> No.4492809
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This guy!

>> No.4492810

It's fatty and it's healthy. I figure the combination alone makes it attractive.

>> No.4492811

I have eaten a lot of avocados and I wish I could even say I don't like them but they don't have enough flavor to even merit that.
They are just empty filler on all the "california" style sandwiches I order

>> No.4492813
File: 2 KB, 111x107, 1267583369422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Believe me, mayo is so superior for it's role in a BLT. Avocado is like a huge slimy turd in your BLT, completely fucking up the perfect balance of it, the wa.
Imagine putting an inch deep slather of mayo on your BLT , that's what avocado does.

>> No.4492814

Its health benefits are greatly exaggerated.

>> No.4492819

Anon, pls, I'm getting depressed because I don't have any good bread or bacon at home.

>> No.4492820

Not being unhealthy probably is a plus on its own.

>> No.4492821

And the benefits are not worth the amount of calories. A large avocado has hundreds of calories. Fatties devour a whole avocado with some tuna salad stuffed inside thinking they're eating healthy, when in reality they just managed to eat the caloric equivalent of 3 tuna fish sammiches.

>> No.4492837

So, which food do you think will become the next trend?

>> No.4492839

Chicken and Prawns as example.

I like it mashed with salt/pepper/lemon, spread on cheese toast, grilled and splashed with tobasco.

Glorious shit with chilli.

>> No.4492840

I have been seeing an influx of sweetbreads and offal in general

>> No.4492842

I think it will put many people off though.

I've been hearing a lot about "artisan breads" lately. And it's generally hipster stuff.

Also, anything that uses the words "organic" and/or "green" is very popular these days.

>> No.4492843

Mexican here. I've always loved them. Guac will make just about anything taste at least 3x better.

>> No.4492845

Spanish is due for a revival in my opinion, and its one of those popular foods that works well as a snack type meal.

On Avocado's, its the growth in Mexican thats spurred interest in them i think.

>> No.4492844


not the guy you were talking to but I'm 1000% doing this, sounds amazing and I'm in love with my hair anyway so why not do it something good

>> No.4492846


They're cheap as shit in Germany. Sometimes I even feel bad for buying food that cheap, I can feel the exploitation of workers flow through my body while paying for them.

>> No.4492850
File: 43 KB, 449x299, Strawberry-Picker-Migrant-Workers-1053903[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when eating strawberries

Do you feel it too, deustchbro?

>> No.4492857

I would experiment by simply putting the word obama in front of stuff and see how it flies

obama burger
obama seabass
obama fingers

>> No.4492882

If a person needs 2 to 3,000 calories a day, they should be able to fit in 250 calories worth of avocado with no problem. Avocado is completely worth it.

>> No.4492886


Not sure about him, but fuck strawberries. Not in general, but this year. I bought them like 3 or 4 times now, always expensive as shit, from Spain or wherever (I don't think I've seen any strawberries from Germany in the stores so far, it's been a crap year for strawberries because of the weather). And also, they were pre-ripened in a weird way. As in, first they're not ripe enough and sour, s you let them sit there for a few days, and they all go straight from sour to moldy.
Fuck that shit. Strawberries are pissing me off this year.

>> No.4492888

They are not cheap at all, outside of sales at least. You're lucky if you can find them for under 1.50€ a piece.

>> No.4492889

picking strawberries every year for a week, guys I work with pay really well actually.

>> No.4492893


I do


I 100% agree. Sadly this year the strawberries in our garden aren't anywhere near ripe yet so I'll have to wait a little longer until I can actually eat some good ones. The only way I've been able to eat the ones I got from Aldi was in a natural yoghurt that I put some honey in. I put some sugar on the strawberries then let them rest for a few minutes.

>> No.4492899


where do you buy them? They're often like under a Euro in Edeka... just bought one last week.


Hah, I know what you mean. I salvaged my batch (squishy, watery, a little bit sweet but almost moldy- strawberries by making a milkshake out of them. with tons of sugar and vanilla ice cream. So that kinda saved it. But they were wayyy too ugly to eat them as they were, let alone put them on a cake.

>> No.4492921

avocados are native to the Americas.

Also the Haas avocado grows well in the southern US. That's why we get that variety so cheap. The other avocado cultivars are more expensive here.

Also avocados are at least partially popular because of how well they tie in with bacon, which was a huge craze a few years ago. People realized that avocados did well with bacon, and then avocados took off.

>> No.4492927

Everything in Europe is insanely overpriced. I can get them for less than a dollar.

>> No.4493168

>Avocado is completely worth it.
Avocado's health benefits are overrated. They pass it as some miracle fruit.

>> No.4493172
File: 133 KB, 345x329, republicunt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how does international commerce work

Yes and in Europe you can get good European cheese for practically nothing, whereas in the US the exact same cheese is obscenely expensive. How about that, must be the Jews.

>> No.4493183

I don't notice any particular "trend" with avocados, but I've spent the last 20 years living near Latino neighborhoods in NYC. They're plentiful and cheap. To me they go with salads, torta sandwiches, guac and the kind of sushi rolls you find in Americanized Japanese joints.

Most of the avocados I buy (for a buck a piece) end up being made into guac because the wife is crazy about the stuff, and I make a good example. (The secret is starting with a perfectly ripe avocado, then being generous with the salt and lime juice).

>> No.4493186

its fucking hipster food bullshit and they taste like dirt

>> No.4493193

Am I the only person who considers avocado a flavorless paste?

>> No.4493196

>its fucking hipster food bullshit and they taste like dirt
HUUR DURR all vegetable matter tastes like dirt and only hipsters eat it. Can't we talk about which American chain makes the best burger? HERP DERP!

>> No.4493198

>Everything in Europe is insanely overpriced

Nope. While visiting Italy, I get better prices on lots of the produce I frequently buy at (US) home. Cheese too. And bread. Some examples: Red bell peppers cost $1.30 at home, but usually cost me 40 cents there. All the cheese is better and cheaper. I get 3x as much bread for a price and it's much better as well.

>> No.4493211

It really depends on what you buy. In the USA milk, soy, corn and meat are heavily subsidized by the government. So meat, milk and anything from the food science lab will be cheap. Fruits and veggies are considered "specialty produce" in the US, and account for less than 20% of the produce grown. So they're more expensive.

In Europe traditional foods are often given some amount of government support/protection. The focus is not on meat, corn and soy. Meat will be much more expensive, but veggies, good cheese, wine and the like will generally be cheaper. And my experience has been the quality of food in Europe is generally better than what's typically found in the US. Too many corners are cut in US food production to assure we have cheap meat.

>> No.4493239

>Red bell peppers cost $1.30 at home, but usually cost me 40 cents there

well stop overpaying in the US if you want comparable prices. even the more expensive grocery store doesnt charge over a fucking dollar for a red bell pepper here.

>> No.4493322

Hey stop picking on all americans just because of that asshole

>> No.4493338

Butter barely tastes like anything and its good. Like someone else said avocados are like natures butter. They add a creaminess and a slight pleasant flavor to things. I like em.

>> No.4493340


Avocados are great.

And guac is easy as fuck to make.

(and jalapeno if you're cool)

>> No.4493348

>You let them sit there for a few days
Strawberries do not ripen once picked.

>> No.4493350

>Not using superior serrano instead

>> No.4493963

I've only had straight avocado once and I thought it was alright.

>> No.4493967

Normal response. Not frothing over avocado.

>> No.4494027

I do. I can only eat them with a sprinkle of sugar.

>> No.4494078

>Serrano Peppers
Ma nigga. Exchanged them from jalapeños since my mom did a few years ago. I eat a whole one raw on occasion to clean the insides.

>> No.4494086

Me too, I sometimes eat one or two in the morning to sort of get my blood and metabolism going, shit works as good as coffee. Much better heat and flavor than a regular jalapeno.

>> No.4494107
File: 95 KB, 1391x384, CaptureckAutismLOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


its not a huge obsession lately, you've merely just joined it

youre probably egotistical and think you see things and trends that nobody ever notices or think youre one of the "original" people who first started saying a word or liking a band or blah blah whatever faggy self important perspectives you have

in some cases like with pistachios it becomes popular because of marketing (ive watched the price go up because of all the celebrity endorsement commercials) but avocados have always been popular you just barely noticed recently is all. unless youre in a different country than america that is (or some really racist obscure redneck town or something), then yes i could see how it becomes trendy in other places through diffusion.

>> No.4494124

Strawberries do not ripen any more once they're picked.

>> No.4494134

Not for me they haven't scallops with smashed avo is fucking awesome.

>> No.4494152

You just proved his point..

>> No.4494153

I don't understand it either. I grew up eating avocado, and it never seemed exotic to me. But as soon as American white people start adopting anything they're not familiar with, it becomes a "super food" that appears in everything and they drive the prices way up.

>> No.4494154

So jealous, it's about $3 an avocado in australia at the moment.

>> No.4494245


In my store in LA it's usually $1.39 per avacado, or 79 cents when they're on sale. They're damned small ones too

>> No.4494261

I've always loved avocados, so I can only guess that white mid 20-s food hipsters have discovered them, or midlife crisis women eat them for their health benefits, trying desperately to cling to their looks.

>> No.4494262

I've never even met one of those and I'm white.

Good to hear I'm grouped in with them automatically because of skin color. Thanks niggers.

>> No.4494271

>welcome to the big leagues

I suppose so if he made the bread from his own wheat field, grew the tomatoes in his garden, picked the avocado from his own tree and got the eggs from his free range chicken.

>> No.4494298

This. Authentic mexican here, here's how you make guacamole:

Cherry tomatoes - figure about 4 per avocado (or 1/2 a medium roma if they're actually ripe and taste like something, most of the time, they just taste watery because they aren't allowed to ripen before being picked)
Serranos - I usually use one - cut the seeds and the inner membrane off if you want a fruitier taste, leave the membrane on if you want more heat, and a more vegetal taste, but do cut out the seeds, they don't taste good in guac)
VERY finely minced garlic, you basically want a paste. If you have a mortar and pestle, use it. How garlicky you like it is up to you, but I generally use a clove per avodaco
Finely chopped red onion, about 1/4 - 1/3 of a medium sized one
Lime juice, as well as a tiny bit of the grated zest.
A TINY splash of tequila. Don't go EMT on it and dump shots of the stuff in, you just want maybe a teaspoon per avocado

>> No.4494315

I didn't know avocado was a trend. I've been eating avocados since I've been a kid. Though, I'm from Haitian heritage so it might have something to do it.

>> No.4494325

It was probably featured on Dr. Oz for some sort of weight loss and health benefit.

I don't even watch tv and I knew what the latest food fads were since I worked at a grocery store. Once we got in a shitton of sunflower seeds and next thing you know people are buying them up because 'a spoonful a day can help you lose 2 inches in a month!'