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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 357 KB, 1200x1600, Vegan Fridge 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4487627 No.4487627 [Reply] [Original]

Vegetarianism and veganism is bad for your health.

>> No.4487633

you know what, omnivore here, and I'm getting tired of this vegan vs carnivore shit. we already have a thread for that.

>> No.4487634

Look at all that processed shit.

>> No.4487649

Yeah, not that I have anything against processed food, but vegans rarely make their own stuff. They rely heavily on products that turn soy into something edible. Something most people don't have the time, ingredients and experience to do at home.

Of course non-vegans/omnivores do it too, but options to get real food are there. Big difference.

Butter: cream and salt.

Margarine: veggie-oil blend, water, whey (milk), salt, veggie mono & diglycerides, soy lecithin, citric acid, artificial flavors, vitamin A, beta carotene (for color)

Vegan butter: expeller pressed natural oil blend (soybean palm fruit, canola and olive), filtered water, pure salt, natural flavor (derived from corn, no MSG, no alcohol, no gluten), soy protein, soy lecithin, lactic acid (non-dairy, derived from sugar beets), and beta-carotene color (from natural source).

You can easily buy hormone-free, grass-fed, free-range butter if you're going to make arguments about drugs and corn.

But for most vegans it is a moral argument, so I admit this is only a little relevant.

>> No.4487655

>we already have a thread for that.
5 actually, I can tell because that is how many I have blocked in my catalog...and now this one too

>> No.4488795

You can eat a very healthy vegan diet if you're at all sensible about it. OP pic unrelated.

>> No.4488798

Mods, can we have obvious troll threads deleted, or at least merged with existing topics?

>> No.4488802

I make all my own food and I'm vegan. Don't generalise.

Think of all the omnivores who eat fast food and other junk, honestly. Most junk eaters are omivores.

>> No.4488824

> vegans rarely make their own stuff
This is hearsay and probably bullshit, but I'll say anecdotally that my sister is vegan and this fits her to a T.

>> No.4488830

Vegetarianism and veganism is fucking retarded.

>> No.4488849

I'm a vegan and I sometimes make my own stuff. But caring for a family and having a job, I don't really have too much time for it.
But it's not as bad as >>4487649 is trying to show. I eat a lot of seitan which is pretty much gluten + water + spices, which is also an organic product. At least the brand I buy. Top quality "processed" food.

>> No.4488867

Depends on the person and on location. A vegan in a vegan metropolis like NYC can get away with never making food. A vegan growing up in a redneck town in the middle of the woods probably is an iron chef.

>> No.4490223

What is tofurkey?

>> No.4490259

Tofu that's flavoured to taste like Turkey

>> No.4490290

>pre-minced garlic

Scum of the earth.

>> No.4490305

I'm a motherfucking meat eater... But there is a lot to be said about well prepared vegi and vegan food.

Usual have some kind of veg salad for an app when dining out. I just don't get why people get so preachy about the whole thing.

>> No.4490321

Because America. Notice how nobody else gives a shit about it

>> No.4490348

Meat and vegetables simply compliment each other
And new studies have shown that plants are highly intelligent and can communicate through the air, so there's no getting around the killing of intelligent life.
Just suck it up and stop buying slaughterhouse meat, buy real shit. Get all your nutrients. Be happy and healthy.

>> No.4490351

OP: poorly disguised troll, but i will reply.

pure vegan diets are excellent in many ways; they might need some minor vitamin supplements, but your body will be far healthier than if you eat lots of meat, dairy, and eggs.

as for honey, i understand why it is considered non-vegan, but that's one rule i consider to be a bit silly. unless you are one of those monks who gently sweeps the ground as they walk to avoid stepping on insects, then you might as well enjoy honey.

>> No.4490408

>Live longer
>Hardly ever get cancer and many other diseases
>Are smarter
>Are more attractive
>Are fitter

I'm glad you hate filled morons aren't reaping the benefits of veganism.

>> No.4490419

Link to proof? Oh wait there isn't one, any diet could be bullshitted just like you did.

>> No.4490420


>> No.4490424

Linking PETA doesn't qualify, that's as biased as it gets. L2getrealinfo.jpg

>> No.4490425

Ok thanks!

>> No.4490428


>> No.4490430

i wish my fridge was that full

>> No.4490440

It's not good to overcrowd a fridge, it makes warm spots.

>> No.4490455

Actually, it can result in cold, icy spots in many cases.

>> No.4490476

>it makes warm spots.

how exactly can that even happen? heat flows from hot to cold, so how exactly do the cold areas trap heat?

>> No.4490477

It's not necessarily warm spots, it's more that certain areas will be iced and others not.

>> No.4490494

idk man. i had an uncle who was into the whole vegan shit. he died of cancer at 60. meanwhile, my great grandfather was the complete opposite. ate meat medium rare, drank heavily. died at 93. so i guess it varies.

>> No.4491123

>I make all my own food and I'm vegan. Don't generalise.
You're on /ck/, you dumbfuck. Of course you do. But another world lies beyond the interbutts.

>> No.4491127

>but your body will be far healthier than if you eat lots of meat, dairy, and eggs.
You are a complete and utter idiot and it would be best if you would shut the fuck up.

>> No.4491128

Oh lawd, behold this majestic faggotry

>> No.4491135

Must be why Americans have never been healthier in present times and the American diet isn't linked to health problems.

>> No.4491197

>Must be why Americans have never been healthier in present times and the American diet isn't linked to health problems.

Fattest country on Earth. You're a retard.

>> No.4492014
File: 32 KB, 320x240, joker not amused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is the position of the American Dietetic Association that appropriately planned vegetarian diets, including total vegetarian or vegan diets, are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and may provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases. Well-planned vegetarian diets are appropriate for individuals during all stages of the life cycle, including pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood, and adolescence, and for athletes.

>> No.4492022

Actually vegans and vegetarians do live longer on average and have a drastically reduced rate of a lot of cancers and diseases.

Being "more fit and attractive" is stupid though.

>> No.4492064
File: 11 KB, 424x335, jk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is sarcasm?

>> No.4492070

A somewhat reduced rate of some diseases, and a higher incidence of some other diseases.

>> No.4492093

29% lower rate of mortality from heart disase
16% lower rate of circulatory disease
18% lower rate of cancer (includes all types)

This is from a meta-analysis of 9 large studies including over 100,000 people.


18% less chance of cancer and 29% less chance of dying from heart disease? All from eating less meat and dairy? Yes please.

>> No.4492095

b-b-b-but where do you get your protein???


>> No.4492113

Is that because of diet or more likely living healthier lives in other aspects? Such as exercising , not smoking , and often being well off financially ?

>> No.4492116

>Is that because of diet or more likely living healthier lives in other aspects? Such as exercising , not smoking , and often being well off financially ?
You just admitted that vegans are more intelligent and successful than the stupid masses. Congrats for accepting this.

>> No.4492121


>> No.4492124

No study is perfect, but of course they control as best as possible for all those variables.

>> No.4492129

Having rich parents doesn't = intelligence or success

>> No.4492132

Meat is more expensive than plant foods. What is more expensive, a cheese pizza, or a cheese pizza with meatballs? Chili with or without beef?

The meat options are more expensive since you're adding an additional ingredient, and an ingredient that took a shit ton of resources to produce at that. Only mass government subsidizing even makes meat affordable for most people.

>> No.4492151

They cost the same. If you want to bring up how the meat industry is manipulating the market to force the cost of meat down in an unsustainable fashion, you can do that. The price that consumers see, however, is equal or even frequently less than that of meatless equivalents.

>> No.4492164

>is equal or even frequently less than that of meatless equivalents.
Depends on what you're considering "meatless equivalents." Meatless meats, like Tofurky or Gardein, sure, but meat doesn't come close to grains or legumes for calorie/nutrient per cent.

>> No.4492171

I seriously just watched the documentary Vegucated, and have conflicting thoughts about what I should be eating now. I think I might start being vegan, guys.

>> No.4492181

>cows consume too many resources! i want to eat all that delicious hay and other chaff!

>> No.4492180

Right, the grains and legumes that a lot of people don't have time to prepare because they're working two jobs and never learned how to prepare correctly anyway because their parents were ALSO working two jobs.

Solve the problem of poverty and it'll be easier to spread veganism.

>> No.4492191


soak beans overnight and then boil. wow that was hard! meat on the otherhand....

>> No.4492205


>> No.4492203

everything on this list is false.
Keep propagating this misinformation though. your weak breed will die out soon enough.

>> No.4492204

Oh please. I grew up with a single mom who only made $14,000 a year and was never home, and my current work schedule is 8 am to 9 pm.Things like rice and quinoa take zero skill to cook. Water + heat + wait 15 min = meal. And I'm not even that intelligent or motivated of a guy, so if I can do it I'm sure everyone else can.

>> No.4492209

>I think I might start being vegan, guys.

All the info you need.

>> No.4492213
File: 16 KB, 291x500, 01032-Vegenaise-Original32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4492215


>> No.4492218

Yeah, Beyond Eggs looks very promising. Would be cool if Gates invested in meat bioprinting too.

>> No.4492219

holy shit i dont eat mayo i only put mustard on my shit but this is retarded
what a cash in are those vegan retards

>> No.4492221

>zero skill to cook

Look, you and me? We're natural cooks. Not everyone can figure out how to cook rice just by looking at the box and following the instructions. You COULD argue that people who can't do that deserve to be starved out of existence, but that's not very nice. How are you going to get the information to the people who need it? When will they have time to listen to you?

>> No.4492224

Eh, vegenaise is actually really good. Why do you care what consumers want to buy?

>> No.4492226

They follow the directions to make Kraft macaroni and cheese, which has more directions than quinoa or rice, so...

I get what you're saying, but I believe in personal responsibility to an extent too.

>> No.4492238

i dont they are free 2 buy whatever they want
doesn't change the fact that it is retarded
i mean the point of being a vegan
is to be connected more with nature
not to buy processed shit

>> No.4492243

>i mean the point of being a vegan
>is to be connected more with nature
No it isn't.

>> No.4492247

mmm yes it is?????

>> No.4492251

no its not you hippy turd. it's to not benefit from the suffering of another living thing.

>> No.4492252

I'm not the guy you're replying to. What IS the point of being a vegan? I'd like answers from more than one person, if possible.

I promise that I'm not going to fight with anyone who replies.

>> No.4492254

if thats the point why do they buy that shit
dont they know people suffer when they work?

>> No.4492256


>> No.4492257

you stop
the point of being a vegan is to be more connected with nature you piece of shit

>> No.4492262

No its not.

>> No.4492265

yes you ignorant peasant
6/10 got me mad

>> No.4492267

Stay mad and wrong, you hippy shit stain.

>> No.4492275

>yfw statistically I will live longer and healthier than you
Feels good.

>> No.4492277

no you are wrong
i hope you choke on your shitty meal today

>> No.4492285

Keep pulling these "facts" out of your rump-rustled asshole, you defensive manchild.
Join your buddy up there, maybe you can soothe his butt.

>> No.4492288

Please tell me you are overweight and arguing about eating habits lol

>> No.4492290

>What IS the point of being a vegan?
>Meat industry is one of the top 3 largest ecological disasters we face
>Speciesism, and our treatment of highly intelligent animals like pigs (i.e.sticking them in gestation crates where they can't even move or turn around their entire lives) is pretty fucked up to me.
>Health benefits

>> No.4492295

Assume all you want. Personal attacks and slinging mud is all vegans have when they try to argue.
Keep being simple and predictable.

>> No.4492296
File: 29 KB, 500x500, 1367451538000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4492298

im not vegan you piece of shit
im just saying the point of being one
why do these ppl care what animals think or feel
becayse they want to be more connected with nature

>> No.4492310

That's the face my grandma (grew up in Tennessee with black maids) has when people mention the word "racism."

Just cultural paradigms, man.

>> No.4492321

go back to gaia.

>> No.4492334

>why do these ppl care what animals think or feel
The same reason people care about the suffering of other human beings: compassion. Humans are animals too, even though we like to pretend otherwise most of the time.

>> No.4492336
File: 40 KB, 251x251, 1368733356140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4492337

but we are superior 2 them
laws of nature bro
its a doggy dog world

>> No.4492341
File: 20 KB, 251x251, 1363913349892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4492345

Superior in what way? Do we have a sixth sense of electromagnetic sensation like a shark? Can we revert to our childhood form after we age, in an endless cycle of immortality like the turritopsis nutricul (type of hydrozoan)? Can we do tons of cool shit other species can do? No.

I don't see any other species causing world wars, mass genocides, torture, class warfare, etc. so I'm skeptical about describing ourselves as "superior" simply because we have the benefit of cultural transmission allowing us to build technology gradually over thousands of years. We're basically primates who got ahead of ourselves and are now running around throwing feces and shooting ourselves in the foot.

>> No.4492360

holy shit I don't care

>> No.4492366

mmm but why do lion eat gazelle?
riddle me that u hippie

>> No.4492381

Anyone replying to this person past this point is spoon feeding a troll.

do not.

>> No.4492384

Not being a lion, or even liking cats, I don't feel qualified to answer this, sorry. Go chat with Simba and get back to me.

>> No.4492385

Thread started off as trolling m8, this thread is nothing more than shit at this point.

There's not even a clear topic.

>> No.4492387
File: 175 KB, 450x297, cutcaster-photo-100222295-Tomato-Hornworm-with-Wasp-Eggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this isn't torture, I don't know what is.

>> No.4492390

yeah because lion is superior 2 him

>> No.4492396

Can chimpanzees shitpost on a machine that lets hundreds of people from thousands of miles away get upset?

I rest my case.

>> No.4492413

those fucking worms deserve that torture

I explode the ones that have not been hit by wasp but I leave the infected to die a slow painful death so more wasp come to protect muh tomato

>> No.4492416

That chimpanzees are superior? Yeah, you proved your point.

>> No.4492420

The hell is that?

>> No.4492421

why u explode them
you fucking specicist

>> No.4492424

Is your wife a chimp?

>> No.4492423

its a horn worm
they turn into moths and rape your tomato's

>> No.4492429

horn worm with parasitic wasp larvae on it's back.

>> No.4492446

Put nets over your tomatoes. Problem solved.

>> No.4492467

Untrue. EG: We Australians recently took that one over.

Whilst (bullshitted numbers) say...75% of USA are mildly overweight, 20% of Australians are morbidly obese-So we're the fattest now, unless the US has taken us back over.

>> No.4492476

nets made of plastic
which is made with animals
wow so much for a vegan

>> No.4492491


Actually recent research proposed that crude oil was mostly made from algae, which makes sense, if you consider the small biomass of plants and dinausaurs, and why oil is mostly found underwater and underneath ancient seabeds.

>> No.4492497

sceak this is not /ck/ related
stop fucking doing this everytime

>> No.4492501

wow fuck off

>> No.4492503

Why does your net need to be plastic?