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4489468 No.4489468 [Reply] [Original]

School threatens to fire 24-year-old teacher's assistant because she's: A) sleeping with students, B) sending naked pics to students, C) eating her homemade organic lunches in front of the students


pic unrelated

>> No.4489476

God bless 'Murkkka.

>> No.4489491

>KCAA president Christina Cox said O'Connell is allowed to eat homemade lunches during a paid break, or after kids go down for their nap, but the objective of lunch time is to provide a family-style setting where teachers and staff field questions about the food that's being served.

I could kind of see their point. Trying to build on the family value of a dinner and what not, but threatening to fire her is a bit extreme.
I don't think they're trying to fire her because she's eating certified organic yadda yadda, but because she's not eating the same food as her students.

>> No.4489493

>but threatening to fire her is a bit extreme.
>a bit extreme

>> No.4489538

This is so retarded. Some of the commentors act like her eating a different lunch is a distraction, it's just her fucking lunch, what if she had diabetes or something.

>> No.4489542

>Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking

>> No.4489548
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>> No.4489564

When my youngest brother attended preschool, we had a teacher just like Carissa Lee O'Connell.

The teacher refused to eat her lunch during the designated time, but made a point of bringing her "organic, raw, homemade" lunch out in front of all the other children, and disrupted their feeding.

We all know what kids get - yes there are USDA mandated school lunch portions and so on, but schools more often than not choose the most bottom-dollar cheap options out of the lot. The children can clearly see a disparity between what the teacher gets and what they get. Of course they ask "why aren't I getting the same thing the teacher gets?" or "I don't want to eat this". It's disruptive to the other school staff who are just trying to get the kids to eat, vindictive to the kids by rubbing the food disparity in, and also plain lazy - why does she sit around unpacking her lunch when ALL THE OTHER STAFF have to wait and attending to serving the children their lunches first?

Entitled bitch was not told to sit around until children are finished eating. She was told not to start until all the children have been served their food. Bitch deserves to be fired.

>> No.4489566

I see a slight lawsuit possibility for discrimination or wrongful termination.
>school sells shitty processed lunches and fires a woman for eating a home made lunch.
>Employers may not fire even at-will employees for illegal reasons -- and discrimination is illegal. If you believe you were fired because of your race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, or genetic information, you should talk to a lawyer right away. There are strict time limits and rules that apply to discrimination claims; for example, you must file a complaint of discrimination with a state or federal agency before you may sue your employer in court.

>> No.4489574

TBH I don't really understand why they serve food at preschools over there. When I went to preschool everyone brought their own packed lunch. I know, time and shit, but really? Why would you let your kid eat that crap?

Is preschool free in America? If you have enough money to pay for preschool, you have enough to make your kid lunch.

>> No.4489584

This is a terrible thread.

First, the school would almost certainly fire her if she did either of those first two activities.

Second, it's not about "eating her lunch in plain view of students" - it's about her refusal to take part in the school's lunch with her kids, which is PART OF HER JOB. Let me reiterate that: it is part of her job to "provide a family-style setting where teachers and staff field questions about the food that's being served" and she is refusing to do that because she wants to eat her organic homemade lunches instead.

Third, the school has offered her separate break time to eat her hippie organic raw food, but she can't deal with that because "what if some personal matter comes up", which is a pretty lame excuse IMO.

Seriously, this is absurd. This is a person who refuses to do a part of her job, and then she claims that she's being discriminated against because her employer doesn't like that she's refusing to do her job. It's totally absurd. And then it gets reported as some absurd thing where the fact that her lunch is organic is the central element that the school district objects to, when no one gives a shit.

Jesus, you guys.

>> No.4489598

She's not being fired for eating a homemade lunch. She is being fired for being disruptive and undermining authority of all the other teachers by eating her lunch while all the other teachers are helping out the lunch service and getting the kids to eat their food. ALL the other teachers don't have a problem with fitting in their lunch during the designated times. Only she does.

The lunches are free or heavily subsidised for low income families to work out at a nominal payment of something like 50 cents per meal. For a lot of families, the kids only get to eat once or twice during the weekday, and that depends on whether the school has a breakfast service as well as lunch.

>> No.4489623

fug, a farker :DDD

>> No.4489662

I don't understand what the lady is allergic to.

Is she allergic to meat products? Wheat? Dairy?

If the allergies are affecting her work she should go to a doctor.

>> No.4489667


The lady is clearly on some crazy hippie illogical shit. Thinking that raw food cures her allergies, for fuck's sake.

>> No.4489691

Her allergy was cured, though, apparently.

>> No.4489693

Probably some kind of preservative or something.

>> No.4489703

It's not like they were in middle school or something. She works at a motherfucking PRESCHOOL. those kids are like 4-5 years old. They don't stand in line with a tray. You set some food down on a picnic table, and you fucking sit there and make sure that they eat and nobody chokes.

If this bitch doesn't wanna do her job, because she needs 30 minutes to sit in the corner and eat her sushi, then that is a problem.

>> No.4489708

>school has a policy
>she violates the policy
>is warned and provided a reasonable accommodation
>continues to violate the policy
>goes and complains to the news
>news tries to spin it as a war against organic food

guarantee she will be fired now though for going to the news about this

>> No.4489713

>Her allergy was cured, though, apparently.
which means it never existed and this is a placebo effect

>> No.4489715

>which means it never existed and this is a placebo effect
I don't think you know what a placebo actually is.

>> No.4489717

did anybody who read the article notice that it says she's 24 and her husband is 53?

>my sides

>> No.4489721

>Entitled bitch
Eating the way you want to is considered an entitlement in America?

>> No.4489723

>Staff who choose not to eat the meals provided, may eat their own food during their break or after the meal service for the children is completed.

This sounds reasonable. Why is this hipster thinking she can eat her separate lunch while food service is going on? Do your damn job!

>> No.4489724


>> No.4489726

Things can have a placebo effect without being a placebo

She never had an allergy, changed her diet and now she thinks the diet cured her allergies even though the allergies never existed to begin with.
I have seen people go to chiropractors to fix allergies they think they have and then suddenly they are cured.

I demand to see a scratch test

>> No.4489727

It is when you refuse to perform a part of your job so that you can eat the way you want. Especially if you reject a reasonable accommodation.

>> No.4489729

during the video the first thing I thought was that he likes fucking underage ladyboys on trips to thailand

>> No.4489743

>She never had an allergy, changed her diet and now she thinks the diet cured her allergies even though the allergies never existed to begin with.
That isn't how a placebo works.

Also, scratch tests aren't as accurate as you seem to believe.

>> No.4489745

>It is when you refuse to perform a part of your job so that you can eat the way you want.
lol America... Land of the Free, unless a private entity tells you what to do. Then, anything goes.

Have fun with drug tests and being told how to eat and vote by your employer.

>> No.4489746

the wrongful discrimination decision will come down to whether or not she had sufficient evidence for her legal need to eat that food like that, and furthermore that she made that information known to her employer prior to the discrimination

but honestly i think it's a lot simpler than that - the school can still be in the wrong if she isn't given a full break on which not to work

i fucking hate the spin and so called "controversy" on things like this. it's pretty simple we just don't have all the facts

>> No.4489749

the facts are she had a special request and was given reasonable accommodations but refused to preform her job

>> No.4489751

What the fuck do you have against drug tests?

And yes, Employers and Unions telling you how to vote is fucking stupid. Even worse is our unions making under the table deals with employers and the federal labor board, so issues are usually completely dismissed instead of being dealt with.

>> No.4489753
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Do you post on fark or something?

>> No.4489754

>What the fuck do you have against drug tests?
Time at work =/= time away from work.

>> No.4489757

The school doesn't have a problem with whatever she's eating. Only that if she's eating something different, she still has to perform her lunch duties by helping out and teaching. This twat wants to eat her own lunches while not helping unlike the other teachers.

>> No.4489758


where in the article/video does it say she refused to perform her job?

>> No.4489761

That's still not what happened, though. It had nothing to do with her free time or anything like that.

Eating lunch with the kids was a part of her job duties, part of educating the kids. They wanted the teachers to eat with the pre-schoolers to teach them about nutrition and proper eating. It was part of her job duties that she refused to do. The department didn't give a shit what she was eating - they cared that she refused to eat with the kids, because eating with the kids is part of her job.

Seriously, what part of this is not making sense to you? This story has nothing to do with organic food or her choice of eating - it is about the teacher refusing to eat lunch with the kids, when eating lunch with the kids is one of the responsibilities of her job.

>> No.4489764

>eating the same lunch as the kids is part of her job

Sure it is.

>> No.4489773

>KCAA president Christina Cox said O'Connell is allowed to eat homemade lunches during a paid break, or after kids go down for their nap, but the objective of lunch time is to provide a family-style setting where teachers and staff field questions about the food that's being served.

The objective of lunch time is to eat with the kids and educate them. O'Connell refuses to do that because she wants to be off eating her raw food instead of eating lunch with the kids. That's what's going on here.

>> No.4489778

part of her job is sitting with the kids while they eat and she was told she is not allowed to eat in front of them. She refused.

>> No.4489781

When you are employed by a company your actions away from work still reflect on the company you work for. There are rules, don't like it then find a job that is more suitable to your addiction.

>> No.4489783

I really love how people just automatically side with her because they hate authority without even reading the article

>> No.4489787

I didn't watch the video until later. Dude looked really old and thought that was his adopted daughter at first...

>> No.4489803

>When you are employed by a company your actions away from work still reflect on the company you work for.
Yeah, if you are a slave.

>> No.4489804

>don't like it then find a job that is more suitable to your addiction.
So if a drug it is illegal it means it is addictive, and if it is legal it means it isn't?

D.A.R.E. to think.

>> No.4489805

No, she wanted to eat her lunch with the kids.

>> No.4489807

Repeatedly consuming illicit substances that stay in the body and inhibit your ability to work, or even collaborate properly with your coworkers, is totally their business.

If it's in your system for the test, it's in your system while punched in. And don't give me that casual weed shit, people show up partially stoned all the time and are fucking useless for a good two hours.

>> No.4489810

Don't start acting stupid and saying pot isn't addictive because I know that is where you are trying to take this. Then you will compare it to alcohol but I will stop you right now, alcohol is not a drug it is a food. Alcohol has calories, drugs do not have calories.
I don't think you know what a slave is but like I said you are free to leave any time you like

>> No.4489813

And she is not allowed to do that because the school has a policy. She is refusing to do her job.

>> No.4489816

>alcohol is not a drug it is hilarious

Hilarious stuff. I see you paid attention when Donnie the Drug Dog* visited your class.

>*sponsored by Pfizer and Smirnoff

>> No.4489818

>If it's in your system for the test
No, not really. They test for metabolites, not the active ingredient. The metabolites stay in your body for a long time.

>> No.4489819

>alcohol is not a drug it is hilarious
I see you never paid attention to anything in your life since that is where the line is drawn between drugs and food, drugs do not have calories and food does.
Show me a drug that has calories

>> No.4489822

The point is the lunch period is also a teaching period. The kids are supposed to ask stupid questions like, "What is this?" and then the teachers reply with, "This is broccoli" and such. Her own lunch is a distraction which is why she has to eat it separately. She's not even a teacher but a teacher's aide.

>> No.4489824

Yeah, because drink in their car on the way to work.

Hint hint, people smoke in their car.

Stop defending your shitty habits.

>> No.4489826

THC is the drug, hash isn't. THC does not have calories. The plant matter is not the drug.

try again

>> No.4489823

Hash has calories if you eat it.

>> No.4489827

>drugs do not have calories and food does.
You just made that definition up.

So alcohol is not the most socially and economically destructive drug, because it has calories?

>> No.4489831

Fuck vegans.
Bitch shoulda been eatin a slice of pizza or a sammich like everyone else.

>> No.4489832

Where are you getting pure THC and where can I get some.

>> No.4489834

>So alcohol is not the most socially and economically destructive drug, because it has calories?
yeah exactly. It is the most socially and economically destructive food.

and I did not make up that definition at all, if something has calories it is considered a food not a drug. That is the universal definition in science to differentiate the two.
a laboratory

>> No.4489836

Cannabis tests detect usage from weeks ago, it has nothing to do with whether you smoke before work.

Every researcher defines ethanol as a psychoactive drug. Quit trying to pretend you don't partake in a drug use by deluding yourself with semantics.

>> No.4489841

>Every researcher
obviously not.
Your grade school understanding of "if it effects your body in a weird way that makes it a drug" is not going to fly here

>> No.4489849

>Cannabis tests detect usage from weeks ago, it has nothing to do with whether you smoke before work.
But people do. So they get tested.

>> No.4489851

>Ethanol is the most widely used psychoactive drug
Understanding variability in ethanol teratogenicity. Eberhart & Harris. PNAS 110(14): 5285-5286.

>> No.4489855

Is water a drug? It has no calories.

>> No.4489861

Hold on, he has to change his arbitrary definition now.

>> No.4489862

water is a nutrient

>> No.4489865

What is your source for stating THC has no caloric values? It is a terpenoid being metabolized by the body.

>> No.4489867

simply not having calories doesn't make something a drug dumbo, I never said otherwise.
calling it a drug does not suddenly make it a drug.
The fucking definition of food is something with calories, if it has calories it is a food, there are foods with drugs in them but if something provides calories it is not a drug.
Notice how they said ethanol specifically and not alcohol as a whole. Because if you do not specify and you just say alcohol you are talking about a food.

>> No.4489870
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>tfw drug addict to water

I've been on this shit for 20 years

>> No.4489873

>calling it a drug does not suddenly make it a drug.
>Notice how they said ethanol specifically and not alcohol as a whole.
>Because if you do not specify and you just say alcohol you are talking about a food.

What are you trying to say?

Ethanol is different than alcohol? If a medicinal or psychoactive compound "has calories" it is a food?

I can tell you do not have a scientific background. Even semantics is too complex for you to grasp.

>> No.4489874

This thread is now a debate about drugs.

Ahhhh, 4chan.

>> No.4489875

If you put a bit of sugar in the water it is a food and you are no longer on the drugs. I learned that in water rehab.

>> No.4489879

>If a medicinal or psychoactive compound "has calories" it is a food?
yes that exactly.
>I can tell you do not have a scientific background
I do and you obviously don't because you don't know these basic definitions and are furiously searching google for something to corroborate your opinion.

>> No.4489885


>> No.4489886

>these basic definitions
Provide a source please.

>> No.4489902

is going to school and studying this shit not a good enough source?
but we already covered that putting a drug in the food does not suddenly make the drug not a drug. But water is not a food, it is a nutrient which was also mentioned.

food: things that provide calories
nutrients: things your body needs
drugs: everything else

all foods have nutrients
not all nutrients are food
some foods have drugs in them

>> No.4489908
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meh, watched the video both her and the husband seem like cunts and he likes little boys by his taste in women....

They are making this something out of nothing.

>> No.4489912

>is going to school and studying this shit not a good enough source?
No, it isn't.

>> No.4489919

What the fuck is with all the disinfo in this thread?

Anyway with regards to OPs post It's very simple; the administration doesn't want the kids to realize they're being fed absolute shit. Your employers do not dictate what you can and can't eat. It's crazy talk to say otherwise- we live in a dystopian corporate shithole where people think employers can force you to eat garbage food. What a joke.

>> No.4489920

damn, I guess we are going to have to believe guys making google searches instead then

>> No.4489927

When you make strong statements that essential boil down to elementary definitions, you need to provide more than, "because I know".

Also, provide evidence showing the metabolism of active ingredients in drugs do not result in a small caloric surplus. You seem to believe the metabolism of drugs is magical.

>> No.4489930

>I guess we are going to have to believe guys making google searches instead then
When you provide a citation, you read the citation and judge the source, not the person citing it.

Do you even literature review?

>> No.4491670

>Notice how they said ethanol specifically and not alcohol as a whole. Because if you do not specify and you just say alcohol you are talking about a food.

>> No.4491689

eating organic is no healthier than non organic, this is an objectively verifiable fact.

it's not a blow to the big food industry as those same corporations sell organic under different brand names

getting a cold has nothing to do with eating organic or raw food

raw foodism is retarded and based on putting "living" things into your body to transfer it's life force into your body or some stupid shit like that. putting half-dead plants in your body results in dead plants.

>> No.4491691

>this what happens when your union is weak
Enjoy your slavery.

>> No.4491692


This is the dumbest shit I have ever read on the internet in my entire life.

>> No.4491696

>eating organic is no healthier than non organic, this is an objectively verifiable fact.
Not if the pesticides used in non-organic farming have a deleterious health effect.

>> No.4491698


>her allergy was cured

Don't believe everything you read, try critical thinking. She can make claims about her own health all day, it being in a news article doesn't mean it's true.

>> No.4491699

What was that? I can't hear you over the sound of that Penn & Teller "documentary" you're watching on youtube. But in any case, here's what science says


>> No.4491701

>raw foodism is retarded and based on putting "living" things into your body to transfer it's life force into your body or some stupid shit like that.
You realize human cells are the minority in your body, right?

>> No.4491703

>What was that? I can't hear you over the sound of that Penn & Teller "documentary" you're watching on youtube.

>> No.4491704

It sounds like some D.A.R.E. talk mega-simplified definitions for projecting in front of a hall of disinterested kids, that he's somehow clung on to with autistic fervour.

Autists don't seem to like drugs, believing them all to be noxious poisons that no rational person would use.

>> No.4491706

Very true.

>> No.4491709


The amount of pesticides that make it to your home is grossly overestimated by the organic food religion. Since the shit is washed at the farm, once it gets to your store, and then when you get home.

And organic farms use pesticides too. And organic fertilizers like shit and piss. Do you know why the Chinese drink hot tea? Because they use organic farming methods. The heat kills the bacteria.

If you want to eat rancid shit that's your prerogative but don't come up to me and tell me I'm eating something worse because you can't spell the name of what is used.

>> No.4491711

>what are systemic pesticides

>> No.4491715

>Having to working during your lunch break on a daily basis
>If you can't "work" during lunch you only have 10 minutes to eat lunch some time later
>"Oh but it's a school policy!"

Sure, sign my contract that gives me permission to kill you and we'll see how much weight it holds when I follow through with it.


>> No.4491716

>Since the shit is washed at the farm, once it gets to your store, and then when you get home.
You can't be serious.

Anyway, you are emotional so I'm ignoring you.

To the others, this is a new research article that I recommend reading. It is an example of how current (laughably simplistic) LD-50 and other health models may miss the mark when looking at pesticide non-target toxicity:

Glyphosate’s Suppression of Cytochrome P450 Enzymes and Amino Acid Biosynthesis by the Gut Microbiome: Pathways to Modern Diseases

>> No.4491720

America is more concerned with protecting employers and people that have a disproportionate amount of power to begin with.

I've heard Americans defending businesses telling employees how to vote because, "it is their choice to work there or not".

>> No.4491721
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Sounds like communism. Remember when "Labor Day" for the rest of the world was changed to "Loyalty Day" in USA because basic human rights are subversive?

>> No.4491730

I hadn't heard that before, crazy stuff. Americans think they hate unions/basic employee rights because it is logical, without realizing their own political history and propaganda they have been subjected to.

A country with incredibly low social mobility and wealth inequality doesn't like labour laws. Wonder who wants the people to think like this?

>> No.4491731


Or, you know, everyone could bring a lunch if they wanted to, and parents that didn't have time to make a lunch could pay for a school supplied lunch, rather than everyone having to pay additional taxes to fund a few lazy parents who can't be bothered cooking.

>> No.4491773

>Do you know why the Chinese drink hot tea? Because they use organic farming methods.
Yeah, I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that hot water makes it easier for the flavours in the tea to be released.

Have you fucking ever made tea with cold water?

>> No.4491811

lol that guy is retarded.

>> No.4491831

It's called cold brewing and make very good iced teas.

>> No.4491850

It's also extremely long to do and dangerous in a rural area because the water you use could have bacteria in it.

>> No.4491853

Sauce for the picture?

>> No.4491859

Learn to google

>> No.4491890

Yeah, wonder why cold brewing never caught on...

>> No.4494306

It looks as if she is giving a blow job

>> No.4494366

That's the point of innuendo.

>> No.4494405
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