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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4482861 No.4482861[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why does everybody hate this culinary genus

>> No.4482869


she's too edgy for gastronomy

>> No.4482871

We're all opposing God's will. God's plan if for her to cook.

>> No.4482874

Because she is plastic that human...

>> No.4482880

So this is the new Jiro for the next month?

>> No.4482904

99% of her critics are fucking hypocrites.

>implying you haven't created a thread on /ck/ and been absolutely fucking destroyed with criticism and ragequit as a result
>implying you wouldn't be defensive especially if producers are encouraging you to (I have no proof of this I admit, but come on)
>implying you wouldn't be protective of your business' reputation when some faceless piece of shit online wrote a negative review and is trying to slander you

I don't know what Yelp review set her off, but I can only imagine:

"Food was great, but I have to give them one star because I got a parking ticket while I was there! Why don't they have a valet or someone telling me where to park?"


"A few months ago I decided to start a food blog. Once I had 50 regular readers, I decided it was time to put my experience to use and start writing reviews. Let me tell you, this place needs **a lot** of work, and I know, because I listen to Gordon Ramsay's critiques on Hell's Kitchen very carefully. Flavors didn't work. It lacked a certain something that lifts the dish up and just pulls it altogether."

Everyone's a fucking critic and now these morons have the Internet to use as their weapon. It's dangerous and stupid.

>> No.4482918

Go to bed amy

>> No.4482924

>be producer of TV show that thrives off conflict and controversy
>use selective editing, tell customers to be more critical than usual, create situations to 'test' restaurant owners and show how Ramsay is the best
>meet this couple
>recipe for ratings

You guys seriously should stop watching television.

>> No.4482929

To anyone who denies what you've written:


>> No.4482941

Just because reality TV twists people into exaggerated caricatures, doesn't mean all people on reality TV are great in reality.
We have no real evidence either way, have you been there?
You seem to think your bias against yelp somehow trumps the social media explosions and off show craziness to not only balance the scale but prove she is a good chef, what are you on?

>> No.4482947

Someone should tell Amy that the producer of Kitchen Nightmares hacked her FB.

>> No.4482959

>Just because reality TV twists people into exaggerated caricatures, doesn't mean all people on reality TV are great in reality.
Who cares? Take a dickhead couple that has a failing business and all the emotional stress associated with that and throw them in a reality show that relies on controversy to be popular.

These people may be crazy, but so are many other people. Enjoying their misery and emotional/psychological problems because it was filmed and even getting emotional about it is pathetic.

Just because there is a train wreck doesn't mean you can't turn around and not dwell on it.

>> No.4482985

She thinks that mixing 'fancy flavors' will make a really good one, regardless of what she's actually using.

The Burger Gordon ate for example had Bleu Cheese and Truffle Oil, among other things.

>> No.4483832


>> No.4483842

Honestly I didn't get what the major bitch was about the frozen ravioli.
For one, who goes to a fucking bistro for ravioli?
Secondly, what was really sacrilegious about the meal itself was the fact that for a $16 plate of ravioli, the portion was pretty damn small. Could have been bigger.

>> No.4483878

While I have nothing against this combination... the actual implementation of the burger he got was fucking disgusting.

>> No.4483881

I think the issue was the menu lied and claimed it was fresh.

>> No.4483885

>Honestly I didn't get what the major bitch was about the frozen ravioli.
The owner told him that the ravioli was fresh. He was lying to all his customers.

>> No.4483892

No you're fat and you think fat because you are fat. A plate of ravioli should cost $16 and be made in house otherwise I could stay at home eating my frozen ravioli and have a larger portion. But still not as large as yours fatty.

>> No.4484145

Also, >>4483892
I want to have good, fresh pasta if I'm paying restaurant price for my meal. If I wanted frozen pasta I could get that from costco or wal-mart for cheaper.

>> No.4484158


It seems that Gordon basically thought that she was mixing sophisticated foodie-hipster ingredients she didn't really understand simply for the sake of sounding sophisticated and foodie-hipster.

Also lol at how she tried to save face by talking about flavor profiles. I can't help but get a feeling she doesn't really know what flavor profiles are.


A. They lied and said the ravioli was fresh when it was frozen. That's false advertising.
B. They want $16 for a frozen, pre-packaged ravioli.

>> No.4484163

>Miranda will never be your qt 3.14 waitress
;_; maaan

>> No.4484565

bump all Amy threads

>> No.4484818

>I don't know what Yelp review set her off, but I can only imagine:
>"Food was great, but I have to give them one star because I got a parking ticket while I was there! Why don't they have a valet or someone telling me where to park?"

Just as bad except more wordy, like most self-important yelpers that every other yelper aspires to be

He prefaced it by saying that only 3 tables were occupied.

He complained about his pizza being too cold after he let it sit for several minutes because it was too hot.

He started smoking in their patio seating and took offense when asked not to.

>> No.4484974

There aren't nearly enough Amy threads on the front page

>> No.4484985

Yelp users are some of the most self-important hipster twats you can find on the internet.

>> No.4485004


This. Just goes to show fatties have no taste, just an appreciation of quantity.

>> No.4485005

because white truffle oil and garlic aioli don't belong on a blue ribbon burger.

>> No.4485008
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Aside from douchebags that go on /ck/ and call everything hipster.

>You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means

>> No.4485010

Butthurt yelp hipster.

>> No.4485016


real hipsters don't show enough emotion to go on a mainstream site like yelp fucko

>> No.4485018

Then you are a wannabe hipster?
Even worse if you ask me.

>> No.4485019
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Her pastries are delicious.
Cut her a break, she's had a difficult life.

>> No.4485021


katy did an interview :3


>> No.4485023


Do you know what a hipster is, or did you just pick up the term from your uncle while he gave you your nightly ass pounding?

>> No.4485026

>buttmad hipster
Shouldn't you be spending daddy's money at the local fair-trade organic cafe?

>> No.4485036

>donating money to cyberbully awareness

Holy shit this lady

>> No.4485038


>implying I don't get my coffee free there because I spin dubstep on the weekends

It's true, you're the only sane person in a world of hipsters. You're the only person doing things from a genuine perspective. In fact you are so unique and special you should watch out for people that just pretend to be like you gain social status. You know, the mainstream.

>> No.4485043


> "You can't buy this kind of advertising," said Larry Ash.

Take that Gordon Ramsey, I hope this starts a new trend of more conscientious restaurateurs throwing his fake-ass out of their businesses.

>> No.4485045

Thanks for the advice, hipster faggot.

>> No.4485046

Amy's Baking Co @AmysBakingCo 20u


>> No.4485049

>angry hipster who knows he's been defeated

And lose the fucking hitler youth haircut.

>> No.4485050

Amy's Baking Co @AmysBakingCo 15 mei


god this is a comedy gold mine

>> No.4485051


That's gotta be a fake account, no way a legit one would have only 1,000 followers.

>> No.4485054

is there anyone in scottsdale that can email the PR firm and get a reservation? I want to know what happens. I wonder if they are going to bar the doors and only let people in that have reservations, what if someone goes in just to order take out desserts?

>> No.4485057


>It's the hottest restaurant in Scottsdale, and for the second day in a row, no one can get a table at Amy's Baking Company.

Sammy is going to clean up on tips when they do the relaunch.

>> No.4485058

I wonder if people will even bother to tip knowing where it's going.

>> No.4485059

> order one hundred blue cheese salmon burgers

>> No.4485062


here it is sjones@rosemoserallynpr.com

just sent in my reservation....we'll see what they have to say?

>> No.4485063


Ummm excuse me, I think you forgot the truffle oil on my burgers . . .

>> No.4485069

> extra juicy

>> No.4485072
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the pizza wasn't even cooked...ITS DOUGHY, I SHOWED YOU!

>no you didn't

>> No.4485075


They're likely taking reservations through a PR firm either so that they can vet the applicants first or so that they can have them sign some kind of contract first where they agree to not start up shit, possibly a confidentiality agreement about their dining experience, etc.

Maybe all three.

>> No.4485079

Probably legit, people love watching trainwrecks that never end.

>> No.4485085


>a legally binding confidentiality, nondisclosure anti-shit start up contract

bro did you go to law school?

>> No.4485091
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>> No.4485094

Dude, they're not closed alpha testing food, they're having a meal.

>> No.4485097

>they're not closed alpha testing food

who the fuck learned you to spoke English?

>> No.4485099

God damn you Walter! You fuckin' asshole! Everything's a fuckin' travesty with you, man! And what was all that shit about Vietnam? What the FUCK, has anything got to do with Vietnam? What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.4485102

People sign NDAs for closed alpha/beta testing of software, not to eat a meal.

>> No.4485112


Those rich fucks! This whole fucking thing... I did not watch my buddies die face down in the muck so that this fucking strumpet...this fucking trophy wife . . . can have histrionics and fuck up food while her slimeball husband steals tips from hard working Americans . . .

>> No.4485113


Am I wrong? Am I wrong??

>> No.4485116


No, why? Get to the point.

>> No.4485122

You're not wrong, you're just an asshole.

>> No.4485127


because this >>4485091 you stupid monkey. NDA's are unenforceable and only used by idiots to guilt other idiots into not sealing their shit.

>> No.4485132


prior restraint is a 1st Amendment issue, and could only apply to NDAs via a fair use claim. In other words, not for [sic]sealing their shit.

>> No.4485135

Calmer than you are

>> No.4485141


Then explain how it's legal for the channel to have an NDA with the restaraunt valid even after the show airs but it's not legal for the restaraunt to have an NDA with customers who eat there.

>> No.4485144

Do you even law?

>> No.4485145


C'mon Dude, eventually she'll get sick of her little game and, you know, sell the bakery.

>> No.4485159


This is brilliant. I'm starting to think the couple did this on purpose.

Charge people for their reservation, $50 per hour per head. Then just act like a monkey in a cage throwing its own shit onto plates and calling it food. You don't even need to order, food and drinks may or may not arrive at your table. It's like a mix between a zoo and dinner theater. Keep it up for a few months and they can retire early.

I see no reason why they shouldn't be able to make several thousand dollars a night for at least the next month.

>> No.4485174


You got to think bigger than that, If they play their cards right they could franchise ABC and go worldwide, gentlemen we could be witnessing the birth of the next chilli's or applebees.

>> No.4485182

I will probably never go to AZ ever again in my lifetime (mostly because it is hot and boring) but I am starting to think I may start sending them packages and letters. Nothing obscene like dead animals or poop, but copies of customer service manuals, lingerie for Amy from creepy men, and cookbooks.

>> No.4485198

he left on his own. he wasn't thrown out.

>> No.4485203


People go there to be treated like shit. Managers have full creative freedom when it comes to being a crazy asshole. You have a reservation? Not with those shoes, get the fuck out.

>> No.4485207

If those two disgusting people make tons of money off of this, then everyone is a bunch of stupid fools and I will have lost any remaining shred of hope for humanity I had. These two deserve nothing but their own misery.

>> No.4485208


You missed the point.

>> No.4485245
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I know that feel

>> No.4485308

I don't know if it's been said yet, but if not, you read it here first:

1.) Business will flourish. If you thought this would negatively impact them, then you are a special kind of stupid.

Nothing would satisfy me more than to eat there as a show of support. You can bet there are plenty who would agree with me.

"Oh noes, she believes in God! We've got to teach her a lesson on Facebook and Yelp!"

Give me a break.

2.) They're about to get a reality television show. Guaranteed. If they weren't doing well before, then they are going to be very, very comfy now.

Good job, libtards.

>> No.4485398

>let's all eat at a restaurant with rude staff and uncooked food
People think like this?

>> No.4485477

>"Oh noes, she believes in God! We've got to teach her a lesson on Facebook and Yelp!"

Oh Christfags and your paranoia - people don't dislike her because she's religious, it's because she's obviously batshit crazy. Not to mention Jesus wouldn't fire servers.

But since YOU brought it up, why is it never shocking that batshit people always think GOD has a plan for them?

>> No.4485495

Because it's the only way they can justify their mentally deficient behaviors.

>> No.4485661

This. No one cares about the religion, to each their own, we care about the assholes who hide behind it.