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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4480598 No.4480598 [Reply] [Original]

>French Cuisine
>shitty portions
>no taste at all

>Italian Cuisine
>nothing but pasta
>all the best Italian food is actually American

Why is French and Italian food rated so highly when it's such dogshit? Is it just a classic case of europoors trying to cling to cultural relevance while the rest of the world leaves them outperformed?

>> No.4480602

Sounds a little like you're visiting terrible tourist traps.

>> No.4480604

Other than French being overpriced, everything's a lie. Just because shitty restaurants are all over the place doesn't mean anything's wrong with the fucking cuisine. Go to France or Italy and you'll see that the food is worthy of its reputation.

>> No.4480612

Probably because you live in a place that has shitty food and low standards in general. If you get to visit a larger city that is known for it's food, then the French and Italian places are probably going to be pretty good. If you don't like pasta and tomato sauce, try an Italian restaurant that specializes in Northern Italian cuisine. French food has different regional specialities too, so it is hard to find at least one or two things you will enjoy if you visit a good restaurant.
If you live in the united states then try to visit places like San Francisco, New York, New Orleans, even Chicago and eat at a reputable Italian or French restaurant.

>> No.4480617
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>has never been to italy


>> No.4480630

Not OP here, but I've been to France and wanted to see what real French cuisine was about. I was there for about a week, ate at a different restaurant every day and the only conclusion that I came to was that French food is overpriced.

I'm not saying it was bad, infact some of it was very good, it's just that I felt I was getting charged more just BECAUSE it was French. Like if they gave me a cracker with a slice of cheese it's going to be like another $5 because a Frenchman put it on the plate.

>> No.4480636

I remember french food smelling half rotten and like old fish market. And yes, I have been to france.

>> No.4480641


I had the opposite experience, I found that the cheapest and simplest of restaurants had the best food, and the expensive tourist places were generally edible but mediocre. Maybe you went to tourist places.

>> No.4480644

>implying Thai isn't the god tier


>> No.4480647

>all the best Italian food is actually American

Good effort.

>> No.4480650


Similarly, I spent some time in southern france- food was fairly cheap and good. Wine was dirt cheap.

I'm very much understanding the expensiveness complaints if people are talking about cities like Paris and London, however.

>> No.4480657

Thai > Tibetan

>> No.4480660

I don't know. I mainly went around with a friend of mine who lives there, and while she's not really a 'foodie', she does appreciate good food. Most of the places we went were places she's been before/frequent.

>> No.4480664

derp, meant to >>4480641

>> No.4480671


Well, I guess I can see where you're coming from. Having been raised in USA we were always taught that French people appreciate food more than us, their restaurants are the best, and all that. As a "foodie" from a city with more michelin stars than anywhere outside of France and Japan, I had very high expectations which were impossible to meet. And of course, lots of fast food and other garbage eaten regularly. In retrospect it was absurd to generalize about a whole country, of course there will be many people in a nation of millions who have bad taste and don't care about food. And there are some things (coffee in particular, but also beer) where we are way ahead of them.

That said, it's easier to get high quality food in France with less effort compared to the US.

>> No.4480696

> best shirt.jpg

I want one.

>> No.4481662

I live in France and the last thing I would do is try a random restaurant for dinner. There are amazing restaurants, though, but to find them you have to dig through countless crappy ones.

>And there are some things (coffee in particular, but also beer) where we are way ahead of them
(that said, a friend who worked in a café in a touristic area once told me they served coffee with used ground coffee to americans because the boss thought they wouldn't notice it)

>> No.4481677

>Italian Cuisine
>nothing but pasta


>> No.4481727

>japanese cuisine
>raw fish
>tiny portions
>tastes like shit

Why is japanese food rated so highly when it's such dogshit? Is it just a classic case of weebs and nips trying to cling to cultural relevance while the rest of the world leaves them outperformed?

>> No.4481730
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>all the best Italian food is actually American

>> No.4481738
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>>all the best Italian food is actually American

>> No.4481741
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>> No.4481749

ITT: mad europoors who are disconnected with reality and stuck in a time warp

>> No.4481770
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>Italian and French cuisine is inherently inferior to all American cuisine.
>Better Italian food will be found in America and not Italy.

>> No.4481771
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>> No.4481772

Don't hate the player, hate the game, you irrelevant fuzzy little eurotrash

>> No.4481774


What? It's true.

The best 'Italian' food was actually made by Italian-Americans in the United States. It's American cuisine.

Just like the best Indian food is actually British.

>> No.4481776

Australian (?)

>> No.4481783

I'm also gigantic

>> No.4481810

>Olive garden is what constitutes italian food
>this is what your average american ACTUALLY believes

>> No.4481819

Olive Garden is pure shit but it is leagues better than the swill I had in Italy.

>> No.4481825

are you agreeing with him or are you just an idiot that doesn't know how to use greater than and less than signs?

>> No.4481834
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as someone who lived in America and Italy I have one thing to say.

You are full of shit. Italian-American food is most of times bland and dumbed down as shit.

>> No.4481839

As someone who has traveled quite a bit in Italy I can say that you are a retard.

>> No.4481853

for what reason? How am I wrong? Come on, let me laugh at you even more.

>> No.4481864

French and Italian cuisines are regional. Both have a pretty clear difference between home cooking and restaurant cooking.

Both cuisines benefited from northern and southern influences, with a long enough bourgeois tradition to work out which dishes paired well (along with wine). They may be a bit rigid in how codified they've become, but they have a wealth of knowledge and pleasure. If you've had a bad meal in Italy or France it's because you chose poorly. The cuisines may be conservative, but they're able to get away with it because they're rock solid.

I'd say Italian-American cooking is kind of weak, in that it blows off the seasonality of regional Italian cooking, and just goes for overblown red sauce and cheese orgy whenever possible. It's not refined; it's like something served at a child's birthday party or a low rent wedding.

As for portion sizes, American portions are absurd, as is the speed at which American meals are consumed. When a meal is served in several courses over an hour or two one will eat less than sitting down to a single overloaded plate and wolfing it down.

>> No.4481869

What a weird way to frame things. Any cuisine can be cooked well or not. It's not about the cuisine.

>> No.4481875

>When a meal is served in several courses over an hour or two one will eat less than sitting down to a single overloaded plate and wolfing it down.
That may work in Europe where people don't actually work, poorfag.

>> No.4481889

Typical americlap, desperate to have some shred of self-worth to cling on to.

>> No.4481895

Shor's blood, but you are stupid.

>> No.4481916

That's horseshit. I'm a working American, and I can bang out a four course meal on a Tuesday night in under an hour. And the wife, kids and I can linger over it for two hours if we so choose.

Of course if you rush through the meal at 6PM so you can spend rest of the evening sitting in front of prime time TV that's your business. That's not an issue of how hard one works - that's a matter of how shitty your priorities are.

>> No.4481922

>I have no life
>therefore you shouldn't either
Have fun "banging" out those courses, loser

>> No.4481949

>Have fun "banging" out those courses
I do. Great way to unwind from a busy day, and excellent way to catch up with the family at the table.

Enjoy your "busy" day, stress, shit dining experiences and paunchy belly. And your ignorance, which is obviously your consolation.

>> No.4481956

You were probably getting ripped off because you were obviously not French.

Ripping off tourists, especially American ones, is a French national pastime.

>> No.4482095

I just came from a one week stay in the Provence, France.

Small portion sizes is the last thing you can complain about in French restaurants. Portions were large. I think I've seen one of the largest portion of beef tartare in my life in a restaurant in Avignon(at another table).

The quality of the food was excellent and anything but bland. Price for a 3 course menu was around 25 Euro for the places where I went.

>> No.4482112

>I do. Great way to unwind from a busy day, and excellent way to catch up with the family at the table.

What are you catching up on if you're eating dinner for 3 hours at 6pm on a weekday? Last night's dinner?

>> No.4482130

>What are you catching up on if you're eating dinner for 3 hours
Dinner conversation does include talk of food - you'd think we were French. Also politics and music are common topics. The boys are pretty idealistic, so cultural criticism figures prominently as well.

>> No.4482724

> on board for food and cooking
> doesn't like food and cooking

>> No.4483016

lol plebs! East Side Mario's has the best (and most authentic) Italian food.

>> No.4483031
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>I'm a working American
>I can bang out a four course meal in under an hour
>rush through the meal at 6PM so you can spend rest of the evening sitting in front of prime time TV

Congratulations! You are a walking, talking, and (mouth?) breathing stereotype!

>> No.4483095

Although the pattern is obviously a bit stereotypical, I'm curious to know what's 'wrong' or 'bad' about it.

>> No.4483108

italy is a shithole

the only attraction is some shitty city with canals that are full of sewage

>> No.4483115

let me break down what is wrong
1) being American
2) eating that much food
3) parking your fat ass on the couch to watch shit tv

I thought it was obvious but I can see how you taking pride in it would detract the sense of shame.

>> No.4483120
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>Order hamburger and fries at Italian resturant.
>Litterally get nothing but hamburger meat and fries.

What is up with this in Italy?


>Vacation in Italy with family
>Order menu specifically says that you should not ask for alterations to the recipes.
>Mom somehow tries to stealthly do it anyways, thinking that nobody will notice.

>> No.4483218

You haven't really answered the question. He never stated which TV show(s) he watches or how much is included with each course. You're just going on vague stereotypes. (Sort-of funny, actually: trying to claim some kind of cultural superiority, with it based entirely on ignorant stereotyping). And American television is fucking god-tier. Everyone knows this. Do you even The Wire/Mad Men/Pawn Stars?

>> No.4483253

Screwing up American tourists is the national pasttime of the entire Europe. We had finished our drinks in a restaurant in Greece, so the waiter asked us if we wanted more, and managed to find out we were from Finland.

He politely informed us that our meals might take a while longer, as the cook would have to re-do them over, since they thought we were from americuh.

Allright. Let's begin.
A: Order in Italian. Doesn't matter if you're awful at it, this improves your food quality by 50%.
B: Order a proper 3-course meal. Not one-off some random crap. They won't take you seriously.
C: Order wine with it.

You'll get much better service if the waitress/waiter can take you seriously.

>> No.4483343
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Why, yes, of course. I'd forgotten that! How silly of me.

You forgot to argue what brand of burger is "pleb" and which one is "peasant" What ketchup is master race too. And how you avoid being a casual by drooling on your preferred brand of manchild hygiene towels.

Oh.. sorry. My sarcasm has lost all subtlety by now. My apologies.

>> No.4483344

4) being so stupid as to not see through my obvious anti-American shitposting

>> No.4483372

I've been to Italy 4 times and never eat much pasta there. You don't know anything because you're an american who will never leave mommy's suburb.

>the rest of the world

You don't even represent a hair on dogshit.

>> No.4483739

>being this mad
>taking everything this seriously
watch that blood pressure.

>> No.4483869 [DELETED] 


They're highly regarded because they're very rare. These are the most localized, imitated, and the cuisines from which there are the most amounts of spin-offs.

French cuisine, I personally find inane, but Italian cuisine is interesting.

>> No.4483866

Reminder that people can actually be this retarded.

>> No.4483911

French cuisine is the bread and butter of -most- modern cuisines, I don't know any institutes that don't use french cookery as the base of teaching. That being said, since it was once the pinnacle of cookery and is now so common you need to find a reputable and quality restaurant to get decent french food. Italian is the same sort of thing, except in italy you'll find the pasta and pizza are not the staple diet and represent only a portion of their cuisine. It's like saying spanish is nothing but paela or japanese is mostly sushi

I see your trip round a bit are you an avid home cook or aspiring chef or general lurker?

>> No.4483930 [DELETED] 


Bitch, I'll have you know my great, great grandfather signed this constitution's country. The bastard threw a grenade in a library and left a tag behind.

You little pussy faggot.

French cuisine is used as a teaching tool. "Those who can't, teach." and the French spent all this time yaping about their food, rather than cooking.

They wrote so many books Google sends them to us to digitize, fucking they should french Captcha and we could use it as we did Drawball.

>> No.4483938

Oh righto, sounds like you're spewing shit. I saw someone type gtfo of my thread towards you and now I see why

>> No.4483955 [DELETED] 
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You've unleashed, my trap card!

>> No.4484142
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Just sayan

>> No.4484161

I cant explain french food, but i can tell you that italian food is notable for it's ingenuity in employing lots of bitter flavors, particularly olives and other pickled or preserved foods. a lot of the good pasta recipes have little penetration in american soil too, with things as simple as cheese and pepper pasta being unheard of.