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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4479312 No.4479312 [Reply] [Original]

I drink around 1 up to 2 litters of milk a day.

Is it dangerous?

Also, general Milk Is Awesome thread.

>> No.4479318

If I drank that much, I'd be curled over with my stomach cramping and I'd be shitting blood. But I have issues with milk....if you can do it, more power to you.

>> No.4479333

i do it, it's fine OP

>> No.4479339

It's not bad in of itself, but it's quite calorically dense and you would need to work it into a balanced diet.

So in all likelihood probably not.

>> No.4479351

Is it why i'm fat? :(

>> No.4481041

Those hormones - Youll be sorry OP.

>> No.4481047

>people still think milk is good for the bones
Can't you guys even be arsed to google this?

>> No.4481054

Quite possibly, especially if it's whole milk

>> No.4481070

I drank milkso much as a kid and never broke a bone. And I was very active.

>> No.4481136
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>> No.4481604

I never drank milk as a kid, never broke a bone, and was very active.

>> No.4481629

>one personal anecdote
Well whoop de fucking do.
Milk doesn't do anything for bone strength.

>> No.4481651

Is it dangerous to be drinking 1500 calories a day?

Yes, because either you eat nothing else and face various deficiencies, or you become a lardass.

>> No.4482779

A U.S. Gal will last me 1-3 days. I ain't dead yet.

Overweight, though. Not even tryin' to correlate, let alone causate. Just sayin'.

>> No.4483282

>I drank milkso much as a kid and never broke a bone. And I was very active.
>I never drank milk as a kid, never broke a bone, and was very active.

Neither is a guarantee. Milk is a good source of calcium, but certainly not the only source, and bone density depends partly on genetic predisposition anyways. If you like milk and can burn the calories then knock yourself out; if not, it ain't the end of the damn world.

>> No.4483288

>green leafy vegetables


happened to my pe teacher

>> No.4483471

Well yes, you can overdo anything, including such basics as oxygen (oxygen intoxication) and water (hyponatremia). Genetic predisposition and kidney disorders also come into play with calcification.

>> No.4483482

yes, yes it fucking is dangerous, not as dangerous as drinking a two litre of soda a day, but it is still bad. stop doing it, I know you love milk, so do I, but stop.

>> No.4483492

Doesn't /fit/ do Gallon Of Milk A Day?

>> No.4483493

Oh god,me too OP. But I'm pregnant so I chalk it up to that.
You won't die,you WILL sleep well though.

>> No.4483495

Not dangerous, but in a subtle way it comes across as strange.

>> No.4483502


>he thinks that people don't need more than 1500 calories a day

If you're a 120lb faggot who does nothing but sit at the computer all day then yeah, 1500 will be enough to maintain your weight. If you're even remotely active? Not a chance.

>> No.4483506

Milk = cancerous cow nipple pus.

Real men drink almond milk.

>> No.4483510


Go talk to /fit/, an accepted practice for lifters trying to bulk is to drink a gallon or more of milk a day. They'll have plenty of info and studies regarding the effects of milk on the body but I'll tell you now: milk is good shit, son.

>> No.4483571

It's almond *juice*. Almonds have no teats.
...yeah, it's just not funny when it's not Carlin saying it. I like almond milk too, as well at oat, soy, coconut and hemp milks, but the idea that cow's milk is infection-in-a-bottle is alarmist at best. Get powdered ilk if you're that worried about it.

>> No.4483573

>powdered ilk
Samefagging to say that'd be a killer punk band. Clearly I meant powdered milk.

>> No.4483585

>milk is good shit, son

Which is why many studies show high consumption (average American consumption is extremely high, so you can imagine what class you're in if you purposefully try to drink a l) leads to disease.

Check out Harvard's school of health's recommendations for dairy consumption as a good guideline.


>> No.4483650

>a l
is this a new thing?

>> No.4483677

It's a liter, abbreviated. Most people will use the uppercase L to avoid confusion, but either is acceptable.

>> No.4483705

harvard is being stupid

>> No.4483753

>drink average 1.5l milk/day from age 15
>get fat
>"can't be from the milk, milk is healthy!"
>quit drinking milk
>lose 50lb without trying

>> No.4483765

>harvard is being stupid
You should be a researcher.

>> No.4483771

Milk is the perfect food.

...For baby cows

>> No.4483774

Well they say it's bad for people with acne.

>> No.4483785


>> No.4483787
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"The first thing was dairy. I was about 24 years old and I had tons of acne and mucus. I met some random girl on a bus who told me to quit dairy and all those symptoms would go away three days later. By God she was right."

- Woody Harrelson

>> No.4483791 [DELETED] 


Milk and dairy in general contain a substance that's analogous to opiates. A lot of people are actually addicted to milk.

Nature has amazing defenses.

>> No.4483801

Thanks, but I don't get advice from gym teachers.

>> No.4483809

It has opiates so they baby cows drink it. Who the first human was who woke up one day and thought, "Yes, let me go suck some milk out of another species' nipple" will forever remain a mystery.

>> No.4483814

You must be >>4479132

>> No.4483834
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Yeah, and they put salt, sugar and fat in the food because it addicts you. You sound like my 7th grade health teacher, who was a fat bitch herself and always talked about pesticides on the food and salt on french fries.

Are you one of those kinds of people who claims the brain has 'cannabinoid receptors', or complains about the flouride in the drinking water?

I could really go for some MSG right about now.

>> No.4483839

>Are you one of those kinds of people who claims the brain has 'cannabinoid receptors',
Ummm... it does.

Also, Casomorphin.

Your stupid is showing.

>> No.4483845

>addicts you
>pesticide residue isn't an issue
>the brain doesn't have cannabinoid receptors

Full retard alert.

>> No.4483877
File: 156 KB, 560x461, Never-Go-Full-Retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4483893 [DELETED] 


There's a bit of genie in every aspie.

>> No.4483982

Uhh, nope, sorry, just an informed consumer. I love dairy, but drinking as much as OP does is stupid, he knows it too - he wouldnt ask if he was sure it was safe.

>> No.4483985

Lol wtf at this whole post.

>> No.4485439

I think you meant to say
>milk simultaneously confirmed for strong bones and weak bones