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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4477464 No.4477464 [Reply] [Original]

>I don't like the way water tastes

>> No.4477475
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>internal water boiling

>> No.4477476
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> we have juice, water, milk...
> do you have any Pepsi? I don't really drink water

>> No.4477479

>implying all tap water lacks a distinctive mineral taste

>> No.4477480

Water can have different tastes, it depends largely in the minerals in it, if you were implying that water doesn't have a taste.

>> No.4477481
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>not getting a better filter and instead trashing your health

>> No.4477482
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> not living in the country and having a well

>> No.4477499
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>drinking pesticides and wondering why you're alive.

>> No.4477504

I know someone like that OP. He drinks a ton of diet pepsi. Though I've heard he actually does like the taste of Smart Water™.

Personally, I like the taste of my tap water. My mother actually works for the water treatment department of my city, and I've been in the buildings that have the huge filters and pump water out to 90% of the city.

>> No.4477510
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> not having your water tested
> living in the country means you have a farm
> taking water from the water table under a field our livestock

u r fookn stupid m8

>> No.4477520
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I know it's a bit petty and childish, but as soon as I hear someone tell me they don't like/drink water, I immediately start to dislike them, and make a point to not associate with them any longer.

It may be irrational, but I don't care. You're too fucking stupid and whitetrash to tolerate, let alone enjoy a largely tasteless liquid that you yourself and the species you belong to depends on and owes it's existence to. You don't belong on this planet.

>> No.4477523

>implying only farms use pesticides
>not your dense neighbor or 5
>implying no runoff / air flow
Who's wot m8?

>> No.4477525

>mfw this
>mfw have several underground springs on my property

>> No.4477526

>drinking flouride
>being this retarded

>> No.4477529

the ground filters pollution

unless the aquifer is getting directly polluted it does not spread much

>> No.4477530


> living in the country
> having neighbours close enough to be spraying pesticides in your water table

Have you ever went anywhere that doesn't have a Starbucks?

>> No.4477536

What if I don't like to drink certain water?

our tap water here has a strong taste of lime and water filters only help so much.

We have a certain preference for different brands too. We like Aquafina and "Fancy" brands like Fiji and Smart Water, but dont' really like Dasani.

>> No.4477537

>implying you can own the water table or section it off.
>water doesn't have a flow in a solid
Wow, how new are you?

>> No.4477542



>> No.4477565
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>someone scoops peanut butter / mayo / shit that sticks to spoon
>doesn't use it all
>leaves it there to dry on the spoon

>> No.4477568
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> I don't like X
> has never tried X

>> No.4477586

I love the taste of water in our town, but the next town over has horrible tasting water. I don't know why all my friends who live there say theirs is better than ours. Then again, they don't usually drink water in general.

>> No.4477592

You're still drinking water, so that's absolutely fine.

It's more directed towards the scum that refuses to drink anything that isn't soda. Because water doesn't taste like liquid candy they act like it's fucking poison or something.

>> No.4477596

People who treat everything other than water like it's poison are just as bad.

>> No.4477598

I never said it did not you are implying things I did not imply

a lot of aquifers are protected by a thick layer of clay unless they are shallow as fuck

>> No.4477605


>tfw you have bad water

thank goodness Chicago has a big lake and good filtration system. the suburbs are drinking fermented worms or something. No wonder people buy brita

>> No.4477610
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>get the feels
>the feels are hungry
>house empty of leftovers and fresh food to cook, time for a PB&J!
>get plate out of cupboard
>get knife out of drawer
>get jelly out of fridge
>get PB out of cabinet
>open jelly; dat glorious seedless blackberry
>open PB
>pig disgusting grape jelly residue contaminating crunchy fatty goodness
>mon visage quand

>> No.4477614

>implying you are qualified to judge anyone when you are making retarded claims yourself

Just from your attention whoring trip, you are some kind of strange troll.

I refuse to admit someone can be so willfully ignorant, even on 4chan.

>> No.4477643

>eating peanut butter with a spoon because I'm a kid and thought that would be a great idea
>rushing as fast as I can to fill a glass with water and get that water down my throat because I ate too fast and can no longer breath because there is too much peanut butter in my throat

>> No.4477742

Water is pretty disgusting a lot of times unless you get the right kind you autistic fuck

>> No.4477786
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>eat grilled fluffernutter after marijuana cigarette
>jaw and salivary glands cease to function

>> No.4477835
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>at a party in some shitty part of the state because friend dragged me there
>getting thirsty
>fill up a big glass of tap water
>get the feeling that something is amiss but i'm really thirsty
>take big chug
>mfw the water tastes like watered down cheese pizza

i don't even know how this happens but the water from the bathroom sink tasted the same.

>> No.4477842
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>tfw you drank an entire cup of water before realizing there had been 2 of your gfs hair scrunchies in the bottom the whole time

>> No.4477879

>We have coke, sprite, mountain dew, what would you like?
>"Just a glass of water please."
>They look at me like I'm retarded.

What? I don't like soft drinks.

>> No.4477883

>Why don't you want our overpriced carbonated cancer goop?

>> No.4477901

Maybe it was a dirty cup you were using.

>> No.4477908

So many people give me the same reaction too, even at restaurants when I was younger.
9 times out of 10 I'd prefer cold water or water with a little bit of lemon in it to fizzy drinks.

>> No.4477911

But water doesn't even have a flavor. Besides I used to love water when I was younger.

>> No.4477913

I woke hungover as shit at my buddies house once, in a pretty dumpy part of town. My first instinct when I wake up hungover is to chug as much water as possible. No one told me that their water was bad and you had to let the sink run for a minute to get anything drinkable.

Threw up all day.

>> No.4477914

This bunch of girls at my work all get scared of BPA or some plastic shit leeching from drink bottles so they all drink out of either glass bottles or stainless drink bottles.
They didn't look impressed when I told them that the tap water they are drinking has traveled through about 50 miles of plastic water main pipes that are in some parts 60+ years old.
Nobody in the 1950's was installing BPA free water mains or even knew what BPA was.

>> No.4477924


>Not living in the country with world's purest groundwater

It's the granite's natural radiation that gives the nice zing to it!

>> No.4477942

So like what is the safest water to drink?

>> No.4477947

Only drink pure rain water. It replenishes your precious bodily fluids.

>> No.4477959

The water in NY tastes like chlorine and diarrhea. I can see why someone would avoid drinking that. Even their bottled water tastes like ass in comparison to the Scandinavian tap water.

>> No.4477976

Idustrial water made for chemical purposes. GRade S.1500 dollars per liter.

>> No.4477994

That better be pure dihydrogen monoxide, or I am going to be *very* upset.

*Pulls out Google Wallet*

>> No.4478690

Enjoy your sinkholes.

>> No.4478726

I like the taste of most water
well water is weird & Evian has an odd taste too
I have a Brita filter at home that I like a lot but I have no problems drinking straight from the tap
to me, water isn't about flavor its about rehydrating

>> No.4478747

>water isn't about flavor its about rehydrating
I thought this too, when I lived on Lake Superior.

Now my water comes from a river, and in the summer I use a Brita pitcher and leave it in the fridge.

>> No.4478779

*headbutts your stupid face*

>> No.4478837

They put tap water in pepsi.

>> No.4479236

Protip: pure dihydrogen monoxide, ie what they use for chemical and computer cleaning is actually bad for you

>> No.4479249


I had a friend whose PhD thesis was about improving water quality. She told me it's not just minerals that are responsible for taste issues in tap water. Sometimes it's by-products of water decontamination that can be the issue (halogenated phenols are especially problematic, as some can be detected by taste in parts per billion concentration).

>> No.4479294

Live in the country, and I dug my own well.

This water tastes so sweet and refreshing.

>> No.4479377

>not having a master race reverse osmosis filter that takes out those bitter-ass minerals

>> No.4479512


Actual useful content on /ck/? Thanks!

>> No.4479548

In the past, this is the equivalent of saying "I don't like the way water tastes, just give me an ale"

>> No.4479585

People in the Middle Ages used to drink beer or wine instead of water because it generally wasn't safe to drink.
Nowadays, in the First World, the only reason people avoid water is because they were raised on soda and now shun anything other than sugary diabetes goop.

>> No.4479587

Why didn’t they just boil it?

>> No.4479589

>boil it?

Too much energy required.

>> No.4479595

Not more than you would use for brewing beer.

>> No.4479602

why have boiled water when you can have beer?

>> No.4479604

Maybe someone didn’t like beer but he could only get dirty water or beer.
Think about his feelings.

>> No.4479616

that's what i thought so i used my hands as a cup in the bathroom.
it was just the water.

>> No.4479618

They didn't realize that boiling would purify it.
This is the Dark Ages we're talking about.

>> No.4479680

Dem dead peeps b dum yo

>> No.4479709

Mein Führer! I can walk!

>> No.4479870

Nigger you just went full retard. Most of the older water mains were made of a pottery like clay material. The name of it escapes me but I've never heard of plastic water mains. Not in my area at least and I've helped dig them up.

>> No.4479894

Water tastes like shit give me soda or give me death

>> No.4479906


Oh don't worry, there's plenty of obesity linked diseases for the latter.

>> No.4479922

Lots of them were lead.

>> No.4479932

oh youll get both

>> No.4479941

have you ever the urge to piss in the water supply?

>> No.4479962

>drank your last can of coke
>it's late and the shops near you are closed
>spend the rest of the night going insane
>could drink water but it tastes horrible and does nothing
>wake up the next morning with a headache that even painkillers can't reduce

i also live in the country with the best drinking water in the world, but i just love dem soft drinks

>> No.4479966

Probably the pipes.

>> No.4479989
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enjoy ur diabeetus and kidney stones

>> No.4479998

they hadn't discovered germs yet

>> No.4480013


I keep hearing this in my head in Patton Oswalt's fat guy voice.

Buth I jus lllub dem soffft dlinks

>> No.4480035


>thinks diabetes is actually caused by sugar consumption

i bet you think inoculations cause autism too

>> No.4480036


No. No it's not. Or you'd die when you drink RO water. Which you don't.

You're a fucking retard for thinking this.

>> No.4480116

You think there is no correlation between high sugar consumption and type 2 diabetes? lol retard.

>> No.4480198

Ah... B-word fat. I know some B-word fat people. They're gross.

>> No.4480254

this is so fucking stupid that it's b8

>> No.4480942

I actually don't like the taste of cold water. I only drink it warm temperature or up. Cold water just tastes strange to me.

>> No.4480974

Thats very childish, and im sure the people you avoid are not missing anything.
My towns non fluoridated, its awesome.

>> No.4481013
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My former roommate's excuse for not drinking water: "I get tired of its taste. Fish poop in water and I don't want to drink fish poop."

He used to exclusively drink Coca-Cola. If we went somewhere that didn't have it, he would ask the servers to "Mix Mountain Dew and Sprite/7-up/Sierra Mist half and half with each other, I need to go easy on my kidneys."

pic related

>> No.4481046

>not kidnapping, and killing vegans and bending the water out of there blood

>> No.4481155

>mixing soft drinks at a restaurant
This sounds so stupid and Amerifat that I actually believe it.

>> No.4481161

I'm the total opposite. To me, ice cold water is so refreshing when I'm thirty, and tastes the best too.

>> No.4481165

You are drinking American water after all.

>> No.4481187

The non amerifags are shitting up the board again. Time to go to bed.

>> No.4481189

>implying I don't live in America, but have actually tasted good water.

>> No.4481191

Kentuckyfag here, but I'm still not an Amerifat.

>> No.4481320

Everybody thinking that should be killed. Your ancestors drank only water for millenia, youre genetically programmed to like it.

>> No.4481328

>move to suburbs after living rural most of my life
>dislike the water, but drink it anyways
>school water still tastes like ass despite being in the same area

Can I at least say I don't like the taste of some kinds of water? I fucking love water, but not rust and lime.

>> No.4481338

OP was obviously "quoting" people who refuse to drink anything that isn't soda.

>> No.4481357
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>crave something with mayonnaise
>deviled eggs, perfect
>boil the eggs to glorious, gel-like orange yolk stage
>bust out the mayonnaise
>splotches of ketchup, mustard, and sour cream inside
>mold forming
>eat boiled eggs
>roommate comes along and uses said mayonnaise for a burger - I warn against this because of the mold
>"oh Anon it's fine if you scrape it off!"
>eats the whole burger
>blasts techno

>> No.4481358

>Your ancestors drank only beer for millenia, youre genetically programmed to like it.

>> No.4481360

water is like the nectar of the gods when youve been busting your sweaty ass at work for 8 hours

>> No.4481378

Water can taste of any number of things, depending on where it came from and what's dissolved in it.

Water sommeliers can pass blinded testing.

Filtered waters, like Dasani, add salts and minerals back in to make their waters taste of water.

>> No.4481379

Unless you're Asian, in which case tea.

>> No.4481380

>tasting like water

>> No.4481399

Go to bed Duke

>> No.4481401

kiss the nails

>> No.4481565

That stupid MIO shit.
That fucking bullshit product makes me embarrassed to be an American.
Its so fucking stereotypical.
"Ohhh waaaaahhhh we don't like the way water tastes. We can't fucking bear to drink it without some disgusting artificially flavored syrup in it. Lets make it fucking portable so we can drink it EVERYWHERE! IT HAS ELECTROLYTES!!!!!!!!"

>> No.4481571

But seriously some water tastes awful, it can especially go wrong with bottled water. One time I bought a great value pack from wal-mart and I had to throw it out because the water literally tasted like it was contaminated with plastic. It even smelled like plastic.
>inb4 hurr durr use tapwater and omg bottled water costs more $$$

>> No.4481616

It's what plants crave.

>> No.4481631

>buys cheap plastic bottled water
>shocked that the water doesn't taste good

It is morons like you that keep the bottle water industry going. Keep buying the same municipal water I drink for a ridiculous amount more, retard.

>> No.4481854


You've never heard of PVC?

>> No.4481884


For branch lines, sure. Not for mains.

>> No.4481948


typical baby. MIO isn't syrupy and the sugar use din it isn't even bad for you.

>> No.4482057

>drink so much water
>like ungodly amounts of water
>the taste of water becomes more noticeable
>often don't drink water at parties or at other peoples houses because it taste too funny
>people look at me weird when i throw the water in the garden and say it tastes really weird
>meh don't care
>go to a place that has good tasting water
>drink 4-5 cups of it

>> No.4482063

Having tasted many different brands of bottled water coming from different streams, I can understand this: there are many minerals in water that contribute to the taste of the water. I know a water with so much magnesium in I can't fucking drink more than a glass of.

Or maybe I've missed OP's point (I didn't read the thread).

>> No.4482073


No, most modern mains are done with PVC, metal is legacy.


>> No.4482074

>Drink water every single day with the exception of tea at dinner
>Go out to eat less than once a month and order a coke for a change
>Faggots staring at me because I didn't order water or tea.

>> No.4482151

Quit getting mad at opinions.

>> No.4482182


You must be new here

>> No.4482971

How legacy? my house was built in 2000, the main is a metal pipe.

>> No.4483748

I cant drink water first thing in the morning; just makes my entire mouth feel gross; EVEN after I brush my teeth.

>> No.4483764
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>craving mayonnaise
you sicken me.

>> No.4483770

Better drink that Mountain Dew then, you fucking prat.

>> No.4483778

you fucking retard I drink juice or tea.

>> No.4483802

>I drink juice

lol child detected

>> No.4484092

>not liking Orange Juice.

>noted Idiot

>> No.4484097 [DELETED] 


Water has become rare.

>> No.4484095

I hate the way bottled water tastes like plastic.

>> No.4484152

i like the sweet taste of it.

>> No.4484338
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>natural flavor with other natural flavor
sounds legit.

>> No.4484357



>> No.4484361
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>natural flavor with other natural flavor
Yo dawg!
I heard you like natural flavor so we put some natural flavor in your natural flavor, dawg.

(pic related if you're racist)

>> No.4484366

How many times do you pee per day? I'm going to guess at least 15.

>> No.4484759
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This. For fucks sake people stop going to extremes with everything.

>> No.4484796

>they think the minimal amounts of fluoride in their water actually does them any harm

>> No.4484817
File: 8 KB, 300x168, Fluoride Pineal Gland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4484822

Do you know how much you'd have to ingest for your brain to actually fluoridize? Or did you just use Google images...?

>> No.4484833

And the caption is misleading--fluoride accumulates in the pineal gland (along with a few other minerals) from all kinds of sources.

>> No.4484834

Does he not know there is water in coke?

>> No.4484849

What about all the female hormones found in tap water? They come from all the women taking The Pill and flushing their estrogen out of their bodies in their urine. Our filtration systems don't remove them.

You have boobs and small testes because of tap water.

>> No.4484872

tap water is distilled between the sewage supply and the drinking supply
also, simply boiling kills the protien strands forming pharamones, that's why you have to keep your birth control in a cool dry place. if it gets too hot it wont be effective.

your boobs and small testes are from synthetic growth hormones monsanto puts in your milk.
same reason the rate of women with polycystic ovarian syndrome has skyrocketed in the last two decades

>> No.4484886

>tap water is distilled between the sewage supply and the drinking supply
No, no it is not.

>simply boiling kills the protien strands forming pharamones
Do you boil your tapwater? Also, learn to spell.

>> No.4484891

i keep mio in my house when i want a soda.
i crack open a club soda and pick my flavor
tea and blueberry lemonaid? sure thing bub.
i otherwise dont keep carbonated beverages or non water/non milk drinks in my home

>> No.4484951

>no it's not
it is if you dont live in a third world country that wants you to get waterborne diseases
>do you boil your tap water
water is boiled at least twice before it reaches your tap
>learn to spell
learn to produce a valid argument with out ad hominem attacks

>> No.4484972

You think your tap water is distilled? Tell me where you live.