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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 241 KB, 800x600, hummus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4473614 No.4473614 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck/. Im gonna go veggie this week (after i finish the meat ive got in my freezer) and want some nice veggie recipes to inspire me.

its for moral reasons, not interested in a discussion about vegetarianism, just some nice recipes and tips for not fucking up nutrition intake.

>> No.4473620

Beans and rice. You need them both for your complete brotien.

>> No.4473650

just an FYI you gonna feel like shit when you first make the switch and the feeling could last for a little while, while your body adjusts. i only eat fish when it comes to meat and i also eat eggs but stay away from all the other meats... i usually just make a lot of vegetable stir frys served over rice..even curry without meat is still pretty damn good... that all i can really give you since i still eat fish and eggs but make sure to start drinking protein shakes when you start and i recommend hemp protein as the healthiest choice...and make sure you take some b-vitamin supplements...or just eat 2 eggs for breakfast every morning like me and you will be fine without those.i only have fish like 3 times a week so eggs make up for the lack of meat. but funny enough i workout a lot but not for muscle mass..but when i start messing up my workout routine i can still put mass on like those idiots consuming 2g protein per pound body weight

>> No.4473655

>its for moral reasons, not interested in a discussion about vegetarianism, just some nice recipes and tips for not fucking up nutrition intake.
then take it to a website that gives a shit

hiding your obvious troll bait

>> No.4474603

Legumes can provide all the necessary amino acids alone.

>> No.4474614

That "hummus" looks absolutely horrible. What people pass off as "hummus"...disgusting

>> No.4474637

>just an FYI you gonna feel like shit when you first make the switch and the feeling could last for a little while, while your body adjusts.

This is how you know your getting more healthy

>> No.4474640
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Well OP, I have some delicious roasted potatoes baking in my oven as we speak. They take a long-ass time to make, but god damn they taste good. Get yourself some Penzeys Old World Seasoning and shake it on with some olive oil. Spices in the Old World are: paprika, salt, sugar, celery, garlic, onion, black pepper, parsley, caraway, turmeric, dill, bay leaf, marjoram, thyme, savory, basil, rosemary.

You will want to eat potatoes for breakfast lunch and dinner when you get that shit. Old Bay Seasoning probably tastes similar but I've never had it so I don't know

>> No.4474642

I got excited thinking the OP's pic was a plate of mashed potatoes swimming in butter, but upon reading the text, I realize it's just hummus and olive oil. Crushing disappointment.

>> No.4474652
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>.and make sure you take some b-vitamin supplements

Most b-vitamins you can get easily from bananas and nuts and grains, B12 is the one everyone's been told needs to come from animal products but truth be told all you need for B12 is trace amounts of cobalt in your diet, which you can get from legumes. There'd be a lot of B12 deficient creatures on this planet if you could only get it from animals and animal products

>> No.4474664

Bullshit. It means your body is adjusting. "Health" doesn't enter into it.

>> No.4474667

>Quitting smoking makes you feel like shit
>it must be bad for you!

This is you.

>> No.4474671

lol, this!

Especially in regards to the guy who posted the potato recipe. Just because it lacks meat does not mean it's healthy. If OP lives on beans, potatoes and pasta forever, they'll have absolute shit health. I love when vegetarians think they're doing themselves a favor then blow up like hogs because mac and cheese counts. Top lel. Not saying you'd do that, OP, but be smart about it. There's a lot of unhealthy shit that counts as vegetarian. Make sure you structure your diet just like anyone else who is being health-conscious would do. Monitor calories, carbs, protein, etc.

>> No.4474673


Wait, how are potatoes unhealthy?

And what makes you think the only thing OP will ever eat in his life will be beans, potatoes, and pasta?

>> No.4474680

They have no nutritional value and are high in calories. They aren't something you're supposed to eat all the time. Especially if the consumer has no grasp of portion control, which tends to be most people. A sweet potato would be a better option. Or better yet, leafy greens, legumes, quinoa, beets, etc. It's obvious which are the better choices.

>> No.4474684


>they have no nutritional value

Iron, potassium, magnesium, B-vitamins, even vitamin C. And besides potatoes not being that high in calories, calories are not a bad thing. Only fat people think of a calorie as something to avoid

>> No.4474690

Not sure if troll. Calories are something everyone must be aware of. That kind of thinking ensures you'll be a fatass at some point in life. The small amount of those vitamins and minerals versus the large amount of carbohydrates/cals/low amount of protein does not make a potato the wisest choice.

>> No.4474693


Not trolling, just saying some of us aren't obese and we actually eat high-calorie foods to maintain a healthy weight or to put on muscle. Now you're acting like carbohydrates are a bad thing too. Come on now

>> No.4474702

They aren't bad. They're something to be aware of, just like protein and calories. A diet that is entirely carbohydrates is a poor diet. It doesn't matter if you're a healthy weight or not. Skinny people can have shit diets, too. Potatoes are not the devil. Carbs aren't either. But a vegetarian diet is going to be naturally high in carbs and calories, if they are not structuring their diet properly. You cannot claim that sustain oneself on potatoes and other starchy vegetables is going to be a good diet. That's what I'm saying. Portion control. Something everyone must exercise. 70% potatoes/carbs and 30% protein is a shit diet no matter how you cut it, and vegetarians have to be hyper aware of that.

>> No.4474704


>70% potatoes/carbs and 30% protein is a shit diet no matter how you cut it, and vegetarians have to be hyper aware of that.

You're right, 80% carbs, 10% protein, and 10% fat is the agreed upon best human diet. Now if you're weight-lifting, sacrifice some carbs for protein, otherwise carb the fuck up

>> No.4474708

Going to need some sources on that if you're going to make such a wild claim. Be sure to include studies that take into consideration sedentary vs. moderately active vs. highly active lifestyle.

>> No.4474720



"'By meeting our needs for fat, without surpassing those needs, we tend to experience optimum digestion, ideal weight management and stabilised blood sugar."


And of course Durianrider. Fruitarians eat thousands of calories of pure sugar a day and lose weight with a massive calorie surplus, keeping the fat and protein low in their diets

>> No.4474729

Agaim, studies which cite all manner of lifestyle. Olympic athletes and hopefuls does not reflect the average person's life, which is one that is highly sedentary and usually lacks routine exercise. That diet will not be sufficient for 35 year old Joe Brown in accounting who works 50 hours a week and spends his free time sleeping or loafing at home. Joe Brown is the US standard.

>> No.4474732
File: 81 KB, 532x1023, Freelee[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Joe Brown is also obese on the standard american diet. Durianrider is a cyclist, but his girlfriend eats more than he does and the extent of her exercising is jogging twice a week. Hardly enough to counteract 5,000+ calories a day of bananas, dates, and blueberries. The people of 80/10/10 tend to be more active on average because a good diet will leave you with actual energy and motivation to do things

>> No.4474734

Would need to know what her profession is, what her daily activity level is (does she work a desk job? is she a nurse who is hustling on her feet all day?) People can maintain their weight and eat above their recommended daily allowance so long as their daily activities are consuming enough energy. There is absolutely now way that woman is sitting around the majority of time, as most people do. There is no argument against whether that diet makes you feel better and have more energy, but it is still a conscious decision to USE that energy. I can be wound up and feeling great, but if I choose to stay home and watch TV, it means nothing. These are all the factors that influence how one must tailor their diet.

>> No.4474742


Her job is to make youtube videos and eat fruit

>People can maintain their weight and eat above their recommended daily allowance so long as their daily activities are consuming enough energy

That's the thing though, even if they do nothing and eat tons, they lose weight. Most diets emphasise portion control, while every fruitarian guru makes a massive point about eating more fruit than you think you can even fit in your body. Feeling sluggish? "Eat 30 more bananas." And their reasoning is that with low levels of fat your system, glucose from the carbohydrates is able to enter your cells efficiently and cleanly, with the rest going into your glycogen stores or excreeted

Now it's not a diet that will be the norm because the people you're describing don't want a healthy diet, they want comfort food to make them feel better about their terrible jobs. And then they get fat, eating fat

>> No.4474748

There are factors there you are not seeing. She isn't sitting at home 12-13 hours a day on Youtube and cramming bananas down her throat. It is simply impossible to consume that much and lose weight if your lifestyle is that of the typical person who does not go to the gym, has a sedentary job, and whose time is entirely occupied by very little movement. It doesn't matter where those 5,000 calories are coming from if you are the equivalent of a bump on a log. That cannot happen. If an extreme amount of glucose was the key to weight loss, that industry would have long ago exploded. There are so, so many factors to consider that make that diet highly ineffective for most people.

>> No.4474749

it would be fun to watch what would happen if heaven forbid they had to skip a meal.
They would probably crash and fall asleep right on their feet.

>> No.4474752

She is on a calorie deficit, unless she can burn an extra 3k calories by being an annoying idiot.

>> No.4474759


>She isn't sitting at home 12-13 hours a day on Youtube and cramming bananas down her throat

'Fraid she is, brah

>It doesn't matter where those 5,000 calories are coming from if you are the equivalent of a bump on a log

Not all calories are created equal, brah. 5,000 cals of clean burning, efficient carbohydrates, which are the body's main form of energy, will do you no harm as long as you keep a clean system to let them do their thing

>If an extreme amount of glucose was the key to weight loss, that industry would have long ago exploded.

How so? Telling people to not eat fatty things and to just eat whole food carbohydrates is not going to sell as part of any industry. We're on a cooking board right now, we both know cooking in most applications is not about health but about the experience of taste. The vast majority of people would prefer a diet with diverse flavors and options to a diet that they're biologically suited to. Such is the tragedy of culture

>> No.4474774

So what would your argument be for diabetics? Not just obese diabetics, but naturally born diabetics? Such a diet would kill them. The reason that diet is not injected into any industry is because it does not work for the masses. If money is to be made, it will be made and the idea propagated. Not secluded to Youtube and online forums. You are overlooking many things to make a heavy claim that that diet is the "agreed upon best human diet". That is categorically false.

>> No.4474782


Considering diabetes is caused by eating too much fat with sugar, I'd say stop eating all that fat and just eat some sugar. Diabetes comes from ice cream, donuts, cake, etc. It ain't the sugar that's the problem in those foods

>> No.4474785

Diabetes comes from ice cream, donuts, cake

You have no idea what diabetes is or is caused by.

>> No.4474788


It ties in with what I've already been saying this entire time. Cut the fat out of the diet and carbs do their job. Eat a bunch of fat and suddenly carbs can't enter the cells properly and are trapped in the bloodstream. Boom, diabetes

>> No.4474800

Insulin resistance is what causes diabetics to not process sugars properly. Yes, high fat amounts act against insulin and can cause type 2 diabetes. But you are claiming that a diabetic, type 1 or 2, should eat almost entirely sugar, and it will fix their problem. When the problem is with their pancreas and its inability to produce insulin. You are basically saying this diet is the cure for diabetes, because eating that way would make their symptoms a non issue. Do you realize how dumb that is?

>> No.4474805

Diabetes has nothing to do with fat, fat people often get diabetes because of their poor eating habits but you get it from having too much sugar in your body.
You keep flooding your body with insulin all day long every single day until finally your body say "you know what? fuck it" and stops producing its own.
>Cut the fat out of the diet and carbs do their job
that makes no sense, you have it completely backwards. 1 carbs that go unused will turn into fat, 2 carbs always burn off before fat does which is the whole reason low carb diets cause fat loss so quickly, when you eliminate the carbs your body starts using up the fat.

>> No.4474812


On that diet, fruits don't spike your blood sugar though, so insulin isn't even a factor. It's not a diet of refined sugar, it's fructose trapped in fiber. Genetic diabetics on a low-fat diet have no problem eating fruit

>> No.4474817


It's like you've ignored the whole thread. Fruitarians completely disprove everything you just said


This is the blood test and body fat of a guy who eats 30 bananas for breakfast, and another 600 grams of fructose throughout the day from dates and mangos and other fruits

>> No.4474821

It makes me happy that the board is getting this bad, you deserve a bump, OP!

Lovin' it.

>> No.4474822

>Genetic diabetics on a low-fat diet have no problem eating fruit
are they eating 40 pounds of it a day? and you know they take insulin right? They don't eat anything without taking insulin.

How are you sitting there and saying sugar will not spike your blood sugar? Why do people eat orange slices when they play sports? why do you have juice after you give blood?
It is a RAPID spike in sugar

>> No.4474825

Fructose is a simple sugar commonly found in fruits and vegetables. Glucose, also known as grape or blood sugar, is present in all major carbohydrates like starch and table sugar. While both are a good source of energy, excess of glucose can be fatal to diabetic patients, and excess of fructose can lead to health problems like insulin resistance and liver disease.

>> No.4474827

Yes a small niche group of idiots disprove established nutritional and medical facts.
You have that video by chance of the 12 year old boy that looks like a 6 year old girl? Such a healthy diet.

>> No.4474832


I'm not saying sugar won't spike your blood sugar, I'm saying a fruitarian diet isn't wolfing down refined crystalized sugar. It's a diet of fructose, in fiber. Whole foods. Fiber doesn't allow a spike

>> No.4474834

It's clear that the retards spouting this fruitarian bullshit are from /fit/. Someone please go tell them to drag their idiots back to their village.

>> No.4474837
File: 5 KB, 251x240, charlton heston laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>established nutritional and medical facts

What, the ones that completely change every couple of years?

>> No.4474841

>implying the fiber in most fruits is enough to counterbalance the incredible amount of sugar they have

>> No.4474842


That's kind of what the fiber is there for, man

>> No.4474851

>That's kind of what the fiber is there for, man
yes, the person who created fruit said "we need to make sure to put fiber in here so humans don't spike their blood sugar when they eat this"

the fiber is there because that is what plants are made of.
Most fruit does not have enough fiber to offset the amount of sugar they have, all citrus fruits will cause a spike.

>> No.4474861


How would a plant be able to contain its sugars without producing extra fiber in its fruit? Think a little, bro

>> No.4474863
File: 131 KB, 1131x1200, 8771770-mandarin-orange-peeled-isolated-on-white-background[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Citrus fruits are actually pretty fiberous too. You're thinking of orange juice

>> No.4474865

ever here of this thing called juice? it's a sweet liquid found inside fruits, its where fruits keep their sugar

>> No.4474868
File: 117 KB, 352x259, 1269809783020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, I hate when I cut into an apple and all the juice falls out, and all I have left are two pieces of apple skin. Fruits are like water balloons

>> No.4474873

>I cut into an apple and all the juice falls out, and all I have left are two pieces of apple skin. Fruits are like water balloons
Why doesn't this exist yet?

>> No.4474874

>implying that doesn't happen with a pineapple, watermelon, orange, pomegranate, peach, plum, strawberry and so on

do you understand how containment works. Take a look at a balloon and fill it with water all the way, there is way more water in there than there is balloon even if the balloon is able to keep it contained

>> No.4474875
File: 8 KB, 211x193, 1262444284020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


.... Yes, I am implying that doesn't happen with those fruits. The fuck kind of fruits do you buy where when you get in them, there's nothing but juice?

>> No.4474876


Poke a water balloon, all the water comes out. Slice a strawberry in half, you still got two solid blocks of fruit/fiber.

>> No.4474879

because the inside of the strawberry is millions and millions of tiny water balloons, when you cut it in half you aren't popping all of them. a strawberry is 92% water, the water is what the juice is made out of.
Are you really going to suggest that there is more fiber than there is juice knowing that more than 92% of the berry is juice?

>> No.4474881


I'm saying there's enough fiber to contain the sugar in the juice

>inside of the strawberry is millions and millions of tiny water balloons

Takes more time to pop millions of tiny water balloons than to pop one. Now you're learning what fiber does

>> No.4474885

>Takes more time to pop millions of tiny water balloons than to pop one
what is chewing?

>> No.4474891

also Im sleepy so Im leaving now. Reply if you want but Im not coming back.

>> No.4474892
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Unless you're chewing, only swallowing the juice, and then spitting out the fiber, it don't matter. At that point you're juicing the fruits with your teeth. I already talked about fruit juice vs eating whole fruits

Check out this thing called "soluable fiber." I think you'll really enjoy learning about it, friend