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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4473050 No.4473050 [Reply] [Original]

Since it's mother's day, let's discuss our moms' cooking.

>> No.4473071

Every time I cook something new I call my mom to find out how she cooks it, and if she hasn't I probably just make something else.

>> No.4473085

I've never understood why mother's day is a different date in different parts of the world, anyone care to explain?

>> No.4473103

It's fucking delicious.

>> No.4473107

It's pretty good. She has some great dishes (ribs, tuna noodle casserole, pulled pork) but a lot of the time she'll try out some obscure fucking south African pish and it turns out awful.

Still love her

>> No.4473109

My mom cooked because it was a cheaper way to provide for a family, not because she liked to or wanted to.

It took about 6 months of cooking for myself before I was much better than her.

>> No.4473128

My mother's cooking is amazing (as I'm sure most people feel about their mothers but well).
My favorites are her ribs in honey marinade, spaghetti bolognese, medaillons of pork in creamy curry and fruit sauce, greek salad, rhubarb cake, and her bavarian cream with red fruits. Probably forgot a couple of dishes, but those are the core of my all-time favorites

>> No.4473131

Because back then it was hard to communicate and people just chose a day.

>> No.4473135

Amazing quality and variety.

Highlights - Roast dinners, watercress soup, crumbles, puddings, sponges, frangipane, God-tier pasta sauces.

All home made.

>> No.4473138

god I love english food

>> No.4473139

My mom bakes well, but that's it. When she cooked dinner she would always half-ass it. Bad ingredients, overcooked this, microwave that. She would be playing online bridge or talking on the phone instead of enjoying the kitchen. I love her though. But when I visit, I cook dinner.

In case you think I'm exaggerating, here's her spinach technique:

Take spinach. Microwave until dark off-green. Mix with parmesan cheese from a can.

>> No.4473140


Forgot to add, serve cold.

>> No.4473143

My mom is rather bad, last time I was home she served me well done roast beef. The family loves traditional danish cooking, but, they have never heard about any other spice then salt.
I never got to cook at home, but when I moved out I quickly learned the craft.
Can smoking and drinking ruin your tastebuds? That might be why.

>> No.4473149

i really don't remember my mom for her cooking. a pretty typical meal was shake n bake chicken, potatoes, and corn. she cooks a lot more now that she is retired though. i think she just made those kinds of things because we were all horribly picky eaters and me and my sister were really underweight becuase of it.

>> No.4473175
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>> No.4473184

My mom is pretty bad at it, she's also stated that she only ever cooked because we needed to be fed. I can appreciate the sentiment.

Recently she's been skipping out altogether or making this fucked up egg dish that's mostly burned hashbrowns and bits of tasteless sausage mixed together like a salad, the only way it was edible was if you put salsa on it. I convinced her to just bake tater tots because they're easier while we just have fucked up sausage omelets. Unfortunately she decided tater tots go with everything and that they're better than the usual canned, microwaved green beans/spinach we used to have as side dishes.

>> No.4473200

My mom's cooking?

Frozen dinners.

>> No.4473209

My mom is full hispanic and makes all of your typical Mexican food that is far above average but I still occasionally find the odd taco shop that I prefer.

>> No.4473222

I wish every day was Thanksgiving day. My mom makes the absolutely best stuffing/deviled eggs/turkey I have ever had. I usually end up gaining a few pounds in the winter months thanks to our Amerifat holidays.

>> No.4473233

My mum's not a very good cook really, doesn't exactly have a signature dish or anything.
She has an unemployed boyfriend who basically acts like her housemaid and he cooks dinner most days, he's actually an alright cook though.

>> No.4473237

She liked to bake though
But anyone can bake

>> No.4474543

my mom was always a pretty good cook, her shepherds pie and pad thai were always my favourite. She lived in toronto from her 20s to 40s, and loved asian and indian food, so I grew up with a lot of curry and noodles.
she's made some pretty nasty experiments, but they turn out well more often than not

>> No.4474572

>mom is a bad-ass cook
>spaghetti from heaven
>split pea soup with ham
>pork chops and yams
>carbonara with crispy bacon and carmelized onions
>chicken with prunes and olives
>gourmet and healthnut
>mfw this amazing cook is derailed by cheating husband and is now completely obese and NEVER COOKS, eating only restaurant food and premade Trader Joe's stuff

>> No.4474580

Are you the guy who isn't allowed to cook with garlic?

>> No.4474591

My mom makes pasta with pasta sauce out of a jar. That's it. Sometimes she fries some meat in a pan.

>> No.4474665
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My mother was bad. She was far better at baking, which she did decently well, better than store-bought and in mass qauntity so everyone and their mom could have one. Other than that, I was raised on spaghetto's with buttered bread.

My boyfriend's mom is the exact opposite. Worst baker, never lets anyone in her family have them that day, she takes it to her, yes, her gym first. Very dry shit anyway. Tastes like Hard Paste after 3 days.

Cooking is clearly a bother to her busy day of doing nothing, but she's too prissy to be too bad at it. If she really tries it's good, but her son and I can do better on our first attempt at anything. She thought bringing home burger meat with peppers and cheese inside from Whole Foods was revolutionary.

The worst is when she decides to really half ass cook something so her husband doesn't catch on (pro tip: he has) that she does nothing, but then does not eat it herself. So 1, I get to have super dry whatever. and 2, I have to hear about "her points" and her fucking weight watchers at the same time.

So between the both mothers, we've morphed into mini-beasts in the kitchen. Survival of the fittest.

>> No.4474669

Is pasta sauce out of a jar pretty much just as good as making your own sauce, /ck/?

>> No.4474677

It's more expensive for decent jar shit. It's far cheaper and tastier to do it yourself, it just takes more time than people want for pasta.

>Italian Food

>> No.4474951

ceviche, posole, menudo, mole, enchiladas rojas/verdes, tamales, carnitas, arroz con leche, flan, pastel de tres leches, horchata...the list goes on. I love my traditional mum

>> No.4474955

Mom and dad shared the cooking growing up.
Dad made marinated steak and baked/friend chicken wings.
Mom did beef stroganoff and spaghetti with meatballs and garlic bread.
They never deviated much or tried new things. They're very complacent with where they are, no experiments, no friends, no deviating from the grocery list.

Never went hungry, but it was great when I was finally trusted to cook for myself. Mom's picky, no fish, nothing spicy whatsoever. Still introduced her to hummus and pita chips which is her favorite snack now.

>> No.4474958

>somebody is Italian
>they see you cooking
>they have to tell you how wrong they are
>how incorrect you're doing it
>their momma never woulda done that

>> No.4474967

Fast food, going out to eat, or microwaveable shit. Every once in a while she'd cook up something home made that was pretty decent.

And would give me allll of it I wanted. Was a monster fat ass until I was ~18. Since, I've become a decent cook all on my own.

>> No.4474974

>nothing spicy whatsoever
I don't understand how these people exist.

>> No.4475004

My mum cooks really well but I feel I cook better now. Still nothing can beat your mum's cooking even if it is just for the comforting familiarity.

I guess she cooks great soups, schnitzel, goulash, really good salads, awesome pomegranate cakes and stuff like that.

>> No.4475015

It's really unfortunate. My folks sound just like the guy you replied to. I can't stomach even jalapenos, it burns too damn bad. I hate spicy food. Dislike most fish as well. All because I never once was fed anything spicy or fishy from birth til 18. Oh well.

>> No.4475020

My mom is a so-so cook. I love her spaghetti even though it's poorly made.

>> No.4475027

A lot of people's parents were born and raised before spicy food became a huge part of our culture. My parents both dislike really spicy food whereas I love it.

>> No.4475032

One of my housemates rang up his mother on his first day of University, and asked her how to cook pasta.

She didn't know, because she'd heated it up once (without water,) and it had burnt.

The poor guy gets no enjoyment out of food whatsoever, because he grew up on packaged sandwiches and microwave chips.

>> No.4475052

My mom makes it hard for me to diet. Like really really hard since she cooks all my favorite dishes every single night.

Low calories in the morning
High calories in the evening

She cooks so good that I can't eat without stuffing myself.

>> No.4475066

My favorites are spaghetti and oxtail soup although she rarely cooks these.

>> No.4475071

>My lack of willpower makes it hard for me to not be a glutton.

>> No.4475076

When I was younger, my stepdad did most of the "fancy" cooking while my mom did just the basics. Safe to say when they divorced my dinners became more basic: tuna helper, pasta, grilled cheese, etc. She still knows more than I do and I still call her for help every now and then.

One thing she still knows that I'm completely helpless with is Velveeta sauce on macaroni.

>> No.4475093

When I was little, spaghetti was

>Random pasta (usually San Remo Angelhair)
>Paul Newman's Sauce

But since I've grown up mum's started cooking some amazing pastas. She started making things from scratch a year or two ago and now does things like realy light and fluffy gnocchi or ravioli with an egg yolk in it.

She still doesn't really know how to do any sauces, but yeah.

>> No.4475117

My mom was the kind of typical 90s American mom who had a couple of recipes she would cook (polish sausage with onions and potatos; fettuccine alfredo; spaghetti with tomato sauce) and supplement it with processed or frozen meals. A lot of times we would eat boxed macaroni or steaks but it was never anything inventive or exciting. I quickly developed a love for cooking at a very early age and now my mother never, ever cooks anymore. I am the sole food provider for her and I and she wouldn't have it any other way.

>> No.4475145

>I'm completely helpless with Velveeta sauce on macaroni


>> No.4475167

>a couple of recipes
>supplement it with processed or frozen meals
This is actually typical in America? Disturbing.

>> No.4475230

Seriously though, can you eat salty foods without eating anything else?

>> No.4475236

My mother is a wonderful cook. I try to do the same for my family and they seem to appreciate it.

>> No.4475240

i dont know why we waste our time trying to explain things to you yuros anymore, but that's no more typical than stay at home moms who cook every meal every day.

but when someone's mother works 2 jobs to pay the bills, convenience meals are expected. it's all about how broke your family is.

>> No.4475251

unfortunately yes. my mom was about the same way - a spare few 90's mom staples (meat loaf, mustard chicken, meatballs from the microwave) supplemented with either frozen or canned vegetables of little taste. i had so much boxed fake cheese kraft mac that i can't even enjoy shells and cheese, i was bewildered first time i saw it. i don't think i ever really caught on we weren't particularly well-off, money-wise.
the woman's nemeses were vegetables and salt. never saw her cook a vegetable that didn't come from a can, never saw anything done to those vegetables except add butter. salt? her dad had super high bp, and she grew up in a near-saltless house, so she never salted anything enough. dunno if garlic was same or she just didn't like it.
i was by the other day for dinner and it consisted of two (2) unseasoned frozen chicken breasts that had been in a crock pot with cream of mushroom soup all day. serve over watery rice because she can't into rice. you could get a good meal out of that with tinkering but somehow the chicken tasted like cat food smells..
this is all a shame because she's a dessert-baking angel, but only cracks it out for holidays. her parents were austrian, so we still have some heavy buttery cookies in the family recipe box, but she's gradually phasing them out because she hates making them. one day the kipfuls will stop flowing, and i have to figure them out before then.

>> No.4475261

my mom couldn't cook for shit and still can't. my girlfriend usually cooks when we go see her anymore, she's an amazing cook

>> No.4475678

my mom and dad both make a lot of the same mexican dishes but both make them differently ooOOooOOOooo

>> No.4475705
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this story touched me

>> No.4475708

My mom's cooking is a hit or a miss. Some of her stuff is the best ever. Like my mom's apple pie, I wish I could make them like she does. I also like her pasta's and rice dishes. Whenever she makes something with potatoes however, it will most likely be a miss. But maybe that is because I like my potatoes baked or in the oven and a bit crispy...

>> No.4475710

my ma couldn't cook worth a damn. i grew up on overcooked [downright soggy] vegetables and greasy unseasoned chicken. sometimes we could get a bbq sauce to slather on the chicken but that was all she really knew how to make. she also knew how to make the most basic of spaghetti and meat sauces. other nights we'd just get pizza or fast food.
in recent times though i've been able to open up a world of food to her and she is more willing to branch out into new culinary territory, especially since she has followed me into vegetarianism. for example she made a decent curry the other night. hope springs eternal i guess.

>> No.4475713

My mom didn't do much of the cooking, that was usually my dad's job. If she did cook it was usually grilled cheese, spaghetti, or sloppy joes. Nothing wrong with that, but I'm glad she wasn't tasked with cooking daily or I would hate all three of those meals.

>> No.4475743

Also my boyfriends mom can cook pretty good, but she always has this one ingredient that is really really out of place and kinda ruins it. Luckily my boyfriend cooks most or the time or withholds her from putting in weird ingredients.

>> No.4475746

She hates cooking with a passion but she knows how to cook.

She grew up in a large family where all the boys got to pursue an education and all the girls had to go in a "school" where they learned domestic chores. She wanted to go to high school but they didn't gave her a choice and learned to cook there.

When I was at home, it was either a nice homemade meal or something from a can on the table. I guess it's still the same now.

>> No.4475751

My Mom used to be a horrible cook, and rarely if ever actually cooked when I was a child. Just shit out of a can or frozen dinners...and once I got old enough to understand instructions and reach the counter I ended up taking over most of that. Quickly taught myself how to cook, as I had to eat and mostly nobody else was going to do anything about it.

Of course, now that she's on her 5th husband she's suddenly pulled culinary skills out of her ass and cooks wonderfully.

>> No.4476041

>mommy issues

>> No.4476419

my mom can make great dishes like lasagne and amazing fish and meat but since a few years shes trying to make more difficult dishes and she can perfectly make them