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4470462 No.4470462 [Reply] [Original]

Best things to buy at Costco


>> No.4470468

The meats are just as expensive as any other supermarket in the UK.

I usually pick up some cheap non-perishables.

Best part is the £1.50 hot dog+drink.

>> No.4470469

damn its even 1.50 in europe? lel

>> No.4470484

>he doesn't get the pizza and smoothie

>> No.4470486




>> No.4470512

pizza lookds good but i really like hot dogs

>> No.4470530
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costco hot dogs are amazing... juicy, flavorful and really firm 100% meat

I get a case of those every time and freeze them.

>> No.4470533

>juicy, flavorful and really firm 100% meat

funny, your mom said the same thing about my cock

>> No.4470536

costco sucks

they dont have mayo, chili, or cheese

only ketchup, deli mustard, mustard, and relish and onions

>> No.4470537

>giant container of Cocoa-roast almonds
>cooking oil

>> No.4470538

are you referring to their hot dogs?

>> No.4470540
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I think he's gonna need this

>> No.4470547
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>> No.4470579

It really depends on the Costco. The one near me has almost no produce -- the one a 20 minute drive away has a huge produce section.

>> No.4470582


Bags of pistachios, trail mix, granola bars, veggie burgers, olive oil.

Strawberries the size of your fist.

Toilet paper and paper towels. (kirkland brand is actually pretty good for this and the olive oil and pistachios)

Great quality, great price.

>> No.4470618

I stopped going to Costco and got a Sam's membership instead because the Sam's near me has a much better grocery section.

Especially when it comes to fresh potatoes and onions. 10lb bags for just a couple bucks. They also sell large bags of staples like rice/beans for even cheaper than the Mexican grocery stores I sometimes go to.

Also cheese; I can get a 2lb block of Kerrygold Dubliner cheese and only pay twice what my local grocery store charges for a few ounces of the exact same thing.

>> No.4470636

I don't go to Sam's Club because it's dirty and the workers look depressed. There is nothing at Walmart or Sam's club that can beat Mexican produce prices. You got your 10 lb potatoes for a couple of bucks? I can get it for 99 cents.

>> No.4470644

>the workers look depressed
Compared to Costco, they are. Costco pays higher wages and actually lets employees work full-time instead of cutting them off at 30 hours like literally every other retail business is doing.

>> No.4470653

is costco membership worth it if you're living alone?

>> No.4470660

cooking oils

>> No.4470664


if you live right by one, and it has a gas station.. and you need to buy toilet paper or paper towels a couple times a year, and have a place to store 24 rolls at a time..

then yeah. but you have to live close to it to make the gas station make sense.

>> No.4470690

Nearest Costco's are roughly an hour or more away from me.
Still worthwhile?

>> No.4470715

Seriously, guys. Just remember when you go to Sams Club or WalMart the price cuts come from those workers paychecks directly. The only reason that place can exists is because the government subsidized the non-living wage they get paid. Most of these people are probably still on WIC and food stamps.

>> No.4470730

Who cares?

>> No.4470737

Not exactly true.

>> No.4470751

i have a friend who works at costco

he makes more than I do and has wonderful insurance

>> No.4470888

just got back from there.

Rotesserie chicken, $5. The wife and I usually make more than one meal out of it. It's slow cooked long enough all the fat renders out into the meat and makes it all delicious.

>> No.4470899



>> No.4470909

You mean besides the previous person above you?

>> No.4470913

It's worth the drive for the cheap tp

>> No.4470917

Ive never seen a more mongoloid-esque post...

Read faggot and dont make the excuse that it was posted while you were typing because it was posted 5 mins ago. Unless you are legitimately retarded in which then im sorry

>> No.4470918

Croissants, Vodka

It's the only thing I really buy there

>> No.4470930

Oh yeah, I forgot about their croissants. That's some good stuff.

>> No.4470934

I do the majority of my grocery shopping at Costco. Forces me to eat a lot of produce because I live alone.

Love Costco. Great bagels, prices, quantities, etc

Also to top it off, I work right beside the Costco so its very convenient. And dat gas

>> No.4470939
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I'd shop there most often if it weren't for the legions of fat fucks waddling around sampling free food all day long and getting in my way.

>> No.4470979


Yeah, plus there's always a line to get a Rascal!

>> No.4470983

Apple cinnamon muffins and that garlic shrimp wonton soup.

>> No.4471051
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less than half the price of the grocery store
>whole chickens
5$ cooked, or 2 nice sized frozen birds for like 9 bucks.
>pork butt and ribs
best price in town on this stuff
less than half the price of grocery
>laptops and cell phones
>paper disposables
>and these things in pic

>> No.4471148
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nice job doing a shitty job samefagging

>> No.4471154

Beef Jerky.

>> No.4471155
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4 fresh trout for ~$12

berry sundae

$5 rotisserie chicken ( twice as big as a regular supermarket one )

>> No.4471163
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>> No.4471170

>Paying for the privilege of shopping in store.

>> No.4471180

>eat chicken bake
>Barf all over the hd tv aisle

>> No.4471199

Olive/Vegetable/Coconut Oil
Toilet Paper/Paper Towels

>> No.4471234

I wish I didn't live in a tiny apartment with no place to store things and the worlds smallest fridge so that I could get a membership and stock up on shit. It's ironic that I can't take advantage of something that would save me money (since I cook all my meals) because I'm too poor.

>> No.4471247

Their $10 supreme pizza

I mean holy shit its good. Costco can make a restaurant out of their cafe and it'd still be successful

>> No.4471256

>that feel when you just tag along with others or get free memberships from employees
>never payed a single dollar towards a membership

Just got back with delicious croissants and muffins, and vodka (fucking tall bottle) and some Gentlemen Jack.

>> No.4471260

Not many, but I do.
I was talking about Wal Mart.

>> No.4471262

I just had one of those, they're fucking bomb.

Have you actually done that?

>> No.4471269

I love those, we make two meals out of it too, usually chicken for dinner and then i strip the carcas for chicken sandwiches later, but I get them for $4 at Winco.

>> No.4471320

The muffins. They make these giant muffins and they come in a giant pack of like...15 muffins in three different flavors. If I remember correctly it's something like chocolate, poppy seed, and blueberry. Goddamn it's been years since I had one...

>> No.4471426
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>> No.4471529

I do the exact same thing. I can't say I really like the chicken at winco, and I thought they were the same price @ $4.99. The chicken wings at costco are pretty good too.

>> No.4472213

GAS, a pretty good selection of wine and by pretty good, its fucking awesome, chicken, eggs, COOKIES, organic milk, random shit (they sold the venturi there for a while but i couldn't buy it at the time, thankfully whole foods had it for a reasonable 25 bucks, sometimes whole foods has good prices.

>> No.4472252

exotic olives
dried figs

...i'm a raw vegan

>> No.4472269

i feel really fat....i can eat the whole chicken in one sitting

>> No.4472477

It's worth it just based off booze alone. They sell respectable quality vodka at $13.75 a handle and spiced rum at $19 that tastes better than Captain Morgan. Respectable wine at under $10. Beer is at least 3 bucks cheaper than everywhere else.

And dat rotisserie chicken. If I lived closer, I'd probably buy one every other day.

>> No.4474089

A real restaurant supply store is better, but if costco is your only choice.
Meats in BULK (cases) or Special cuts (organs)
Seasonal veg in bulk
canned foods
Most condiments and spices
alcohol, cooking or consumption
Supplements or General meds

>> No.4474504

>beef hotdogs
>lowest tier dog

>> No.4474517

I hear that Costco vodka comes from the same distillery as Smirnoff. While I don't like Smirnoff all that much, if you're paying only a fraction of what you would normally pay for, that's fan-freaking tastic.

>> No.4474529
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>> No.4474541

wrongo. Costco is actually one of the best places in retail to work. Some Costcos are unionized (teamsters) but all pay well, and 85% of all workers at Costco have health insurance:

"Costco is known for paying its workers wages that are generally above average for the retail industry. An average Costco worker made about $45,000 in 2011, according to Fortune. That’s compared to an average of about $17,486 per year for a worker at comparable Walmart-owned Sam’s Club." - Huff Post Business

(Costco makes money through a few ways. Bulk buing saving money, some things are actually not any cheaper than box stores but you cant tell because of different sizes, they have membership fees and credit cards that have a fairly high percentage on them, and their top level management actually pays themselves much more reasonable wages than many companies.

>> No.4474546

Costco pizza versus Sam's Club pizza, which one is better?

>> No.4474551

THe usual rumor is that Kirkland Vodka is the same as Grey Goose. This has never been substantiated, but I DO know that Kirkland Vodka has won several taste tests, against some of the highest rated vodkas.

>> No.4474555

You don't ask that question. It must always be a mystery. Both are amazing.

>> No.4474561

What is it about their pizza, anyway? How is it so good? How are the Sam's Club hot dogs the best damn hot dogs I've ever eaten in my life? THE FUCK ARE THEY MAKING THEIR FOOD OUT OF, CRACK??

>> No.4474560
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Costco. A slice and a berry smoothie for $3 at the food court.

>> No.4474562
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>> No.4474564

Which is why that post was about Sams club and Walmart, not Costco. Reading comprehension, what is that?

>> No.4474566

They sell frozen ones in the freezer section of mine...

>> No.4474569

>you will never see more pictures of her doing cute things

>> No.4474570

>buy a shitty swiming pool on friday
>make party all week end
>get refund on monday

>> No.4474718

And once again, you're paying a fraction of the cost of one of the cheapest vodkas on the market. Even if it sucks, it's acceptable.

>> No.4474723

>live in Canada
>hear stories from America about how liquor is cheap at Costco
>Canadian Costcos don't have liquor because of shitty laws (can only purchase liquor at actual liquor stores; regular stores can't have them, with very few exceptions)
Hold me, /ck/.

>> No.4474741

Or you can be like other Canadians and do this:


>> No.4474894

Taking alcohol across the border is a major pain in the ass. They tax the unholy shit out of it and there even may be paperwork involved.

>> No.4475283

I think I can as well, but eating the white meat by itself isn't as good as making sandwiches out of them.

A bit of mayo, relish, and oil from the container that the chicken was stored in, mix it all up and put it on a whole wheat bread with lettuce and tomatoes.. Good shit!

>> No.4475682

I don't want to sound like an asshole but 10lbs for a couple of bucks isn't anything to brag about, I would say that is pretty standard, even at grocery stores.

>> No.4475687
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>> No.4475714

Anything from their food court. Especially the chicken bakes. Croissant, bagels, wine, vodka, steak, pies, fruits, chicken, cereal, etc. etc.

>> No.4475755
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don't care

>> No.4475776

>tfw my Costco doesn't sell liquor, only beer and wine.

Is it really that great of a value, /ck/?

>> No.4475783

they closed all the sams clubs in canada

>> No.4475814

Niggerjew detected

>> No.4475821

caramel apple pie

their bakery section in general

>> No.4475830

Costcos in calgary have liquor stores attached. Kirkland vodka and bourbon are both good.

>> No.4475927

i actually wouldnt mind eating that cucumber

>> No.4475937

Nuts seeds dried fruit, they tend to have the best prices for trail mix components
Nutella until you figure out to make it yourself
Pizza rolls and soft pretzels but see above. And deep fry the pizza rolls for extra win