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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4465919 No.4465919 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Food Fads that need to fucking end

>> No.4465922


>> No.4465939

Pomegranate Juice. The stuff barely contains any pomegranate (and if it does it is like 10 dollars a bottle), tastes like shit, is loaded with sugar and is massively overpriced.

>> No.4465946

Deep-fried Everything.


>> No.4465957

Paleo Diets

>durr no grains or dairy

Yeah, that's sure going to be the cure for cancer. The Dr. Oz episode on it was hilarious, the guy was explaining the diet and you could just see on Oz's face that it was bull.fucking.shit. Also I work with professional dietitians sometimes and they all heavily advise against the paleodiet. A balanced diet is what doctors recommend for a fucking reason.

>> No.4465968

I don't know about you, but ever since I cut grains from my diet my acne has cleared up and I've have more energy.

>> No.4465969

coconut water
caesar salad (not a fad, but i fucking hate the reasoning behind 95% of people ordering it)

>> No.4465974

what's the reasoning? is it that they like it?

>> No.4465975

You were probably consuming too much or maybe you have a gluten intolerance?

>> No.4465980

And what is the reasoning? That it tastes good?

>> No.4465981


I dislike Paleo, but Dr. Oz is about as reliable a source as Wikipedia, so....

>> No.4465982

>fat piece of shit
>"i'll just have a salad, trying to be healthy"
>caesar salad

>> No.4465990

if you order it because it tastes good, good for you. people who order it because they feel good about themselves for eating a salad are fucking morons. its a burger in a bowl.

>> No.4465991

the diet may be bullshit but the food is delicious. We cook paleo recipes two or three times a week. I love zoodles!

I am kinda getting sick of molecular gastronomy.

>> No.4465994

i see them almost daily, might be an ausfag thing

>> No.4465986

I have never seen someone like that. Not denying their existence or anything, but fuck me, I hope they don't exist.

>> No.4465998

the food pyramid in general needs to end its full of lobbying bullshit and grain based food rots your teeth

>> No.4466000

I guess nobody told you.


>> No.4466002

I'd have a slice of bread or two a day or every other day. I don't think that's too much.
I'm not sure if I have a gluten intolerance. I visit the doctor regularly and he's never brought it up.

>> No.4466004


Because a general encyclopedia are good sources of up to date comprehensive medical information...?

>> No.4466026

>Grains on the bottom

Seems like a good way to get fat.

>> No.4466033

Tell that to the 15 pounds I've lost in the past month.

>> No.4466036

yeah but if you get it with the dressing off and eat only half the croutons, that's a damn tasty salad.

>> No.4466043

Bad for your body in the long term. You shed more on better diets, like 80/10/10

>> No.4466044

gluten free announcements. if you have celiac or gluten intolerance whatever, you should be informed of your options. as a consumer, i don't need to be told about every damn gluten free product in the store. "boar's head deli meats are gluten free!" gee, really? i would never have suspected that from a simple meat product. and the stupidity that has allowed this is the exact opposite of HFCS. all natural 7-up. yes, because natural ingredients are invented by the japanese in the 1970's...

>> No.4466049

I don't need wheat in my life. I'll eventually go back to healthier grains. The fact is I feel better and I'm losing weight. I know the logic is fucked, but it works.

>> No.4466052

>Marketing makes me mad

Grow up.

>> No.4466060 [DELETED] 

You can do 80/10/10 with wheat. I'm a gluten-free vegan. Wheat brings me out in a rash, and gives me the shits

>> No.4466070 [DELETED] 

You can do 80/10/10 with wheat. I'm a gluten-free vegan. Wheat brings me out in a rash, and gives me the shits

>> No.4466075

But the reason why boar's head promotes that they're gluten free is because most commercial lunch meats contain gluten. There is a purpose.

>> No.4466077

>Dr. Oz
>preaches about diet and reducing risk for disease
>gets colon cancer anyway

which proves cancer and heart disease are 95% genetic 5% behavior

>> No.4466078

You can do 80/10/10 without wheat. I'm a gluten-free vegan. Wheat brings me out in a rash, and gives me the shits

>> No.4466083

Or you could have just eaten less you fucking fatass.

>> No.4466086

>up to date comprehensive medical information

>For its study, Nature chose articles from both sites in a wide range of topics and sent them to what it called "relevant" field experts for peer review.
>wide range of topics


>> No.4466087

>that math

Yeah, it's both, but not that spread sister.

>> No.4466089

people putting avocado on sandwiches and thinking they can taste it

>> No.4466091


It's all about the texture.

>> No.4466092

Coconut water only tastes good if it's fresh from an actual coconut

>> No.4466095

We have a deli in our hospital. They sell 6 sandwiches. 5/6 have avocado in them.

>> No.4466103

Depends on the cancer.

For example: if you have lung cancer chances are you're a smoker.

>> No.4466104

Forgot to mention, two of them are breakfast sandwiches.

>> No.4466106

>inb4 macarons
>inb4 cake pops
>inb4 cupcakes

>> No.4466118

>inb4 the hipster cupcake story about the story that only sells in units of 3

>> No.4466138

Oxygenized water. If you don't breathe it why would you want it ?

>> No.4466139

That was brilliant, one of my favourite /ck/ greentext stories.

>> No.4467635
File: 122 KB, 1000x867, getaloadofthisrobotnik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Favorite greentext story was literally like a week ago.
You haven't been here very long, have you?

>> No.4467639

I've been seeing the term keto get thrown around a lot recently. What is it? Is it another idiotic and proven bullshit fad diet like paleo was?

>> No.4467647

Keto is paleo, except you have to pee on sticks.

>> No.4467648

i seem to remember reading a story about hipster cupcakes sold in multiples of three much longer than a week ago.

you sure YOU'RE not new?

also, not the anon you're responding to, they very well might be.

>> No.4467650
File: 30 KB, 460x360, 1330913352721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what needs to end? Faggots worrying about food fads.

>> No.4467694


At first I was thinking:

Is that guy retarded? Why wouldn't you be able to taste it?

Then I remembered that you probably meant add avocado to a regular sandwhich and that I'm the only person in the world that eats dark bread with guacamole on a daily basis.

>> No.4467695

Paleo is just keto for hipster losers.

Keto is retarded for anything more than short term weight loss anyway. Enjoy your heart disease.

>> No.4467717

Greek yogurt in non-yogurt form (ex. petrified chunks in cereal).

Adding an unripe tomato and a few pieces of lettuce making something automatically "fresh" (McDonalds new wrap) avocado is often used the same way.

"Superfruit" anything. No, adding pomegranate concentrate to cookies or candy doesn't make it good for you.

>> No.4467853
File: 14 KB, 500x500, huehuehueugottriked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shhh. I'm totally trolling that other guy. It's gonna be great!

captcha: ndershum health

>> No.4467948
File: 117 KB, 732x527, 1368141980168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ftfy, 694 hours in mspaint

>> No.4467960

What the fuck is this faggy shit?

>> No.4467963


paleo is silly but is still 99% better than the average American diet

>> No.4467965

Frozen yogurt.

>> No.4467969



>> No.4467972
File: 165 KB, 996x832, 1337943468225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>gourmet burgers

its a fucking hamburger god damn it it takes 10 minutes to make

>but its got guacamole and an egg on it!

who fuckin cares

>> No.4467975

Or have been around smokers for your whole life
Second hand smoke fucks people up

>> No.4467977


opening a coconut is a motherfucker tho

>> No.4467979

If anyone I knew called Frozen yogurt that I would honestly stop being friend with them

>> No.4467988

fake vegans
if you're vegan because you feel bad for animals you're a faggot but im ok with that
if you're a vegan for dietary reasons im ok with that
if you're a vegan cause you're a 14 year old girl who just found out that the chicken nuggers you've been eating all your life actually come from a creature that was once alive & it grosses you out you should end your life immediately

>> No.4470307

what do you/can you eat?

>> No.4470318


Good thing you don't have any, little miss fickle-tits.

>> No.4472174

No it doesn't. That's a total myth.

>> No.4472198

>likes froyo
>hates deep fried
confirmed for homosexual

>> No.4472263

People eat too many grains. That many carbs are not good for you.

>> No.4472280

cast iron anything
hipster fucks

>> No.4472283
File: 101 KB, 500x364, kyufjtdk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Girl who's allergic to gluten takes food class in high school
>She's in my group
>Makes us use her "flour"
>everything sucks

>> No.4472323


I've never heard about gluten or gluten allergies until just a couple years ago.

All I know is that gluten must be the stuff that makes bread taste good.

>> No.4472324

People who throw a fit about gluten and don't even have cel...


Silly axes disease

>> No.4472329
File: 291 KB, 816x602, CAPITALISM HOOOOOO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bacon everything

Bacon vodka

Bacon donuts

Bacon soap

Bacon every fucking thing

How did bacon become some faux-nerdy shit?

>> No.4472330
File: 75 KB, 274x242, 1363627545071.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I own or have owned 6 of the items in that picture.


>> No.4472331

have you ever heard of Epic Meal Time?

>> No.4472338

I'm just curious on how your parents managed to raise such a massive tool.

Ugh, yes. Absolute worst fucking thing ever.

>> No.4472339
File: 2.14 MB, 1800x3300, 1361220430720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no fat diets
>superfood diets
>acai diets
>avocado diets

Just fucking eat less.

>> No.4472343

>tfw local bakery recently started making maple bacon donuts
Holy shit mang. I'm with you on hating people who do it because it's the latest fad, but that shit's delicious.
>thick cut

>> No.4472351

and excersize

>> No.4472354

I was once a 14yr old vegan
lasted MAYBE a month

>> No.4472463

I think it snowballed from "Push button: Receive Bacon".

>> No.4472470

paleo diet

fucking broscientists i swear

>> No.4472544

>implying your doctor wouldn't tell you Paleo is the absolute best way you can eat

>> No.4472549

lol fuck you.

>> No.4472614

>being this stupid

>> No.4472628

If you actually need to take fucking supplements or eat versions of food that have been artificially beefed up with what your motherfucking body needs like vitamins and proteins and calcium to function without becoming starved for something or even get sick then you clearly have a flawed fucking diet, retard.

normal omnivores: 1
vegefaggots: -1

>> No.4472630

You should exercise your brain sometime.

>> No.4472703

WTF does a doctor know about nutrition, beyond what they were taught in med school years ago?

Eating a diverse diet of whole foods obviously makes the most sense, but thinking grains are "bad" is retarded. Even dogs have been shown to be able to digest starches better than their wildparts as a result of domestication... why do people think humans aren't "meant to eat grains"?

>> No.4472706

Welcome to the 21st century, where we use technology, knowledge, medicine, etc. to better our lives.

>hurrrrrr b12 from microbial sources isn't natural!!!

>> No.4472728

So you sadistic cunts exploit microbes.

>> No.4472740

So, where does rice sit in all of this grains-are-bad-for-you deal?
Because I fucking love white rice.
I mean, man, holy shit I love it.

>> No.4472747

paleo + intermittent fasting fagit bro reporting in

>> No.4472753

Wow, what a creative and insightful "argument".

>> No.4472756

sometimes i have a marshmellow fluff and peanut butter on a sandwich together

>> No.4472785

east-asains have the highest average life span and they eat rice with almost every meal (in some areas). i wouldnt worry about rice.

>> No.4472795

fluffer nutters!
biggest guilty pleasure when i was like 10, but my mom rarely would buy me marshmellow fluff.
>well-off suburban white male problems
>excuse me, i have go check my privilege

>> No.4472799


Fluffernutters have been around far too long to be considered a fad.


>> No.4472803

You don't harm animals for food but bacteria are fair game. How do you sleep at night?

>> No.4472816

take away the supplements and you have to eat like a normal omnivore should or you just might die

how fragile, just like a vegefags bones

you're not a goddamn bunny rabbit

>> No.4472818

plant killer

you are willing to HARVEST, BREED AND GROW THEM TO BE MASSACRED, MASS MURDER innocent plants to sustain yourself you sick, sick fuck

>> No.4472819

>implying normal omnivores dont take supplements or shouldn't take supplements

>> No.4472825


You can if you don't put anything else on. I used to live off of Avocado sandwiches. Happy days.

>> No.4472832
File: 47 KB, 901x538, Recieve Bacin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't know why I still have this on my computer...

>> No.4472850

they really don't have to unless they choose to be stupid (or are poor as shit) and have a boring diet