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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4462329 No.4462329 [Reply] [Original]

Does lettuce have any purpose aside from padding out salads and tasting like nothing?

>> No.4462333

Employs over 9000 million illegals

>> No.4462339

It's limpness makes OP feel better about himself.

>> No.4462343


Stop eating iceburg. Lettuce has plenty of flavor. Also include other greens - escarole, arugula, endive, etc

>> No.4462345

>Stop eating iceburg.
Make me. chump.

>> No.4462346

Low in calories.

>> No.4462348

stop having a boring lettuice

>> No.4462350


I see what they le did there XD

>> No.4462351

it's like water in veggie form

>> No.4462373


just with an unpleasant texture and no nutritional value

>> No.4462376

Yeah guys water is so bad for you

>> No.4462390

I thought the same thing until I bought a head of Iceberg this weekend.
It's subtle flavor and crisp crunch kind of...turn me on.

>> No.4462402


>> No.4462571



= nutritional and crunchy tastey

>> No.4462612

it's got some minerals and vitamins yo, you just need to mix it up with other greens.
cool texture
strange nutty flavor

>> No.4462617

>not using your lettuce for wraps
>not putting lettuce on all of your sammiches
>not enjoying a nice lettuce, cheese, crouton, and dressing salad
It is okay, just try it.

>> No.4462643

It makes your sandwich look bigger. That way you don't look as much like a sissy faggot when you pull out your little turkey sandwich at work. You can act like you are eating a sandwich the size of the bible even though all you can afford is a bunch of lettuce.

>> No.4462655


WOW has it ever occurred to you that some people actually enjoy lettuce?

you sound like the type of person who buys lots of guns and a massive gas guzzling car because they have insecure personalities.

just eat what you like and don't eat what you don't like. so much hate...

>> No.4462662

You're an ignorant fool.

>> No.4462677

You're not a clever man, are you?

>> No.4462681

>enjoy lettuce

lol I bet you mean iceberg lettuce too.

Lettuce is the most pedestrian of all leafy greens. At least use spinach.

>> No.4462684

>not enjoying a nice lettuce, cheese, crouton, and dressing salad
Pleb fatty salad detected.

>> No.4462726

iceberg is just crunchy nothingness to add "texture" to a burger

>> No.4462735


narrow-minded tools like you three are the worst part of /ck/.

some people actually enjoy iceberg lettuce in sandwiches and in salads. and it is a perfectly good food, certainly better than lots of things discussed every day on this board.

think BLT; one of the best simple sandwiches ever. if you don't like them fine, but try to open your punkin head a bit and understand that not all people are just like you.

>> No.4462755

>Still getting mad on /ck/

>> No.4462757


can you teach me how to build a time machine?

>> No.4462795

>In n Out

>> No.4462808


>> No.4462811

>some people actually enjoy iceberg lettuce
They are known as fatties with under-developed tastebuds.

>> No.4462815
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>> No.4462816


O'rly then why does taco bell exclusively use iceberg for their mass marked products that have sold billions of tacos?

>> No.4462822

>O'rly then why does taco bell exclusively use iceberg for their mass marked products that have sold billions of tacos?
I believe I already answered this question:

>They are known as fatties with under-developed tastebuds.

>> No.4462823

muh lettuce

>> No.4462828

>Crisphead – Better known as "iceberg" lettuce, the most popular lettuce in the US, this type is very heat-sensitive and was originally adapted for growth in the northern US. It ships well, but is low in flavor and nutritional content, being composed of even more water than other lettuce types.


>> No.4462844


I believe I reject your answer...have you even tried iceberg with fire sauce?

>> No.4462848

Yes, a good first harvest iceberg leaf pairs well with Taco Bell Fire Sauce.

>> No.4462876


Well, I say...my good man; it is an honor and a privilege to meet another fine gentlemen on this distinguished board.

>> No.4462885

what is texture?

>> No.4462887

what is being 12?

>> No.4462892

that is incorrect.

the correct answer was "texture".

>> No.4462908


However, if one where to use the answer to the question within the question...was it ever really a question?

>> No.4462956

the question mark makes it a question.

>> No.4462972
File: 357 KB, 1600x1200, case_double_stache.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is proof that /ck/ is loaded with morons.

the people in the competition? they can cook. they are not in retarded threads like this one.

lol. who the fuck is in this thread, ARGUING ABOUT FUCKING ICEBERG LETTUCE?

my sides are going to sue this thread.

>> No.4462983


I have evidence that you had homosexual relations with your brother on Tuesday night at 8:53 pm?

>> No.4462989


STFU and get back in your fake little micro board competition thread where no one tastes shit and don't bother the rest of the regular /ck/ people...idiot.

>> No.4462991
File: 2 KB, 125x70, 1347851841118s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure.

>> No.4462993

and yes, that is my brother on the left.

we are twins.

>> No.4463002

>implying the people in the challenge aren't regular co/ck/s.

>> No.4463014


>implying we don't want all the stupid tripfags to stay in one thread and stop bothering everyone else.

>> No.4463015

This type of lettuce truly does taste good.

>> No.4463027

>implying people didn't create a trip just for the challenge and won't go right back to being anonymous afterwards.
Save your impotent rage for sceak.

>> No.4463052


>implying I haven't been here long enough to see most of those faggots use there trips everywhere they go on /ck/

GTFO and go back your little cubby hole of tripfagin shame thread.

>> No.4463106

>implying implications

>> No.4463124

Excuse me, dickface, I'm in the challenge, and I've never used my trip ANYwhere at anytime on any board, but there. And I'm a fucking greybeard. So you can fuck right off.

>> No.4463164


Go cram it up your tired, stretched out faggit corn hole with your geriatric beard. Also, no one cares because none of the idiots in the 'no tasting' challenge can cook for shit. That's why you have to build your own special little sand box to play in...now go back there before I catch something from your filthy ass.

>> No.4463371

>tasting like nothing
Get some real lettuce and tell me it tastes of nothing.

>> No.4463438
File: 53 KB, 190x240, 1301534108390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HA. Sure buddy. That's why you're sitting here on an anonymous cooking board bitching about other people who can cook. You fucking inbred cum swilling basement dwelling donkey licking fucking loser.

>> No.4463447


haha, my sides

>/ck/ nicest board ever

right now go back to your little girl's sand box before you get hurt.

>> No.4463470

There's no possible way you could hurt me. But thanks for playing.

>> No.4463480


son, it appears your pride has already been damaged beyond repair...you hack.

>> No.4463488

>buying guns
>insecure personalities

sure is soccer mom in here.

>> No.4463493

>Decide lettuce is gay
>Stop putting it in my sandwiches and salads
>Sub it for spinach

>> No.4463502
File: 291 KB, 973x1200, 456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


pardon me sir, but didn't you get the hint this is a tripfag free zone

also, your opinion is invalid.

>> No.4463503

Lettuce isnt' about nutrition or flavor, its texture and color. Its a light refreshing bit of crunch inside of the sandwich. I like romaine myself but theres nothing wrong with a bit of iceberg in a sandwich or burger. It just complements things and gives it another textural dimension.

>> No.4463593

I don't know what you guys are going on about lettuce being "tasteless." It tastes like shit.

>> No.4463621


but seriously i love lettuce. salads5ever

>> No.4463639

Spinach is better

>> No.4463672

I mainly use it for texture and structure when it comes to sandwich construction. I view the different kinds of lettuce as the different cuts of beef on a cow. Some you use for one kind of cooking and for a another you use for a different kind of cooking.

>> No.4463689

Lettuce is a tool of intimidation.

Buy a mid-sized head of iceberg lettuce. About the size of a grapefruit.
Proceed to eat it like an apple.
Act as if there's nothing unusual about this.
Congratulations, you're terrifying!

>> No.4463748

dont know but my peoples piss in your lettuce when we pick them

>> No.4463759

Lettuce does have a lot of flavor depending on what types. iceburg is apparently 90% water and as such as almost no flavor or nutritional value. However, Lettuce does have quite a bit of flavor, but it really depends on how sensitive you are to taste.

>> No.4463819

I do this with bell peppers. People give me a strange room for eating peppers that way, but it seems natural to me.

>> No.4463822

This. Bell peppers I split in half and remove the seeds. If they weren't so expensive (.69 per) I would prefer it over any other snack. It's refreshing. So are tomatoes once they're ripe and chilled.

>> No.4463824

thanks anon, i get the visual

>> No.4463832

most iceberg is never unwrapped before it goes bad in my fridge. Its not bad on stuff and I really like it with a non fat dressing. I'll keep buying it until I start loving it

>> No.4463844

>90% water

Most fruits and veggies have upwards +85-90% water. I think it's more about the strength of the flavors rather than the water content.

>> No.4463928

I love spinach man but it doesn't work as a substitute for lettuce.

>> No.4463949

>no trips

>> No.4463978

Stir fry it. I used to work at a Chinese restaurant and those stingy fuckers would stir fry loosely chopped wedges of iceberg.

Basically you heat the shit out of a wok, swirl some oil around, add garlic and ginger, add iceberg, flip it around a bit, then add oyster sauce, a little water, and some cornstarch. As soon as it tightens up, serve it with some sesame seeds on top.

Made me love iceberg, no kidding.

>> No.4464059

>high sales means it's good

By that same logic the Twilight movies and Call of Duty are masterpieces.

Protip: They're not, it's just catering to the lowest common denominator.

>> No.4464096

>meaning anything
Stop learning how to eat from your grandma's magazines

>> No.4465158

Romaine tastes fucking amaziing

>> No.4465177


>> No.4465308

It's roughage, really.

>> No.4465326

texture and dat crunch.

>> No.4465343

>person who buys lots of guns and a massive gas guzzling car because they have insecure personalities
>just eat what you like and don't eat what you don't like. so much hate...

I buy guns (and had I the money and time, would have "lots") and like lettuce.
You're a bigoted faggot for not letting me buy both because I want/like them without being judged.

>> No.4465350

Liberal "tolerance" bro. Embrace it or we will force you to.

>> No.4465351

It just doesn't fulfill the same role as lettuce. Lettuce has crunch and the right amount of give when you bite into it.

Spinach has more flavor but in a sandwich it has the unpleasant texture of tissue paper next to the other soft ingredients.

>> No.4465507


Hey /k/ fag, bigotry isn't judging someone for being what they are.

>someone who, as a result of their prejudices, treats other people with hatred, contempt, and intolerance on the basis of a person's race, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, religion, language, socioeconomic status, or other status.

Judging someone for their own individual actions isn't it.



>> No.4467119

>what are lettuce wraps