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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 101 KB, 612x380, seveneleven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4463316 No.4463316 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck/, I'm going to 711 to eat tonight. Any advice on what I should get?

>> No.4463327

personally I like the turkey sandwich with the chipotle mayo on it.
taco and cheese taquitos are always good
the 7-11 brand jalapeno chips are god tier and they even have store brand of those honey mustard onion flavored pretzels.

for dessert I recommend the store brand oatmeal cookies which are hands down the best oatmeal cookies I have ever had

>> No.4463336

bacon cheeseburger

>> No.4463347


get the nachos with unlimited toppings. first go to the drink station and grab five of the biggest cups you can find.

cup one: all the nacho cheese
cup two: all the chilli
cup three: onion
cup four: fuck it pickles
cup five: jalapeños

That right 7/11 fuck you, when you say unlimited toppings, I test your limits.

also, full dinner for .99 cents.

>> No.4463349

Dot hey have pretzel buns? I got a BLT Pretzel melt at sheetz for lunch today. Shit was awesome. Especially with extra bacon.

>> No.4463353

if you aren't putting it on your nachos you can't take it

>> No.4463354


Do you know what a GD 711 is ?

>> No.4463378

> eating a meal at a convenience store

>> No.4463381


wrong, bitch...minimum wage working late night clerks don't give a fuck.

also, I could put the chips in my pocket and fill the box overflowing with topping for a full meal any day.

>> No.4463387

you are criminal scum and must be disposed of

>> No.4463390

I just get taquitos and pizza, maybe a hot dog if I'm feeling adventurous. I had dominos tonight, I feel all classy and shit since I usually just get mcdonalds dollar menu and wawa sandwiches.... My cholesterol is probably through the roof

>> No.4463393

2 Taco and cheese taquitos and a bottle of gold peak sweet tea

>> No.4463396

> feeling classy for eating Dominos
Time to re-evaluate your life, maybe.

>> No.4463399

10/10 advice. Also, thank you for your promptitude.

>> No.4463407


there is nothing dishonest nor criminal in my actions, they advertise UNLIMITED...they just didn't count on me.

>> No.4463404

I make $10 an hour, the easiest way for me to save money is by only spending like a few bucks a day on food. I'm not fat or anything, but I gotta pay for internet, cellphone, rent, utilities, car, etc and all that shit adds up

>> No.4463414


you are weapons grade "s-t-o-o-p-i-d"

>> No.4463417

unlimited toppings, you are not topping you are filling a cup.

>> No.4463422


it's not my fault there is insufficient volume in the the provided topping zone to satisfy my limits.

>> No.4463434


>> No.4463449

I used to eat there daily, OP.

The best things there are:
>Buffalo chicken rollers
>Steak taquitos

Good luck.

>> No.4463453


I dem big bones and they keep sayin' feed me. it's a serious medical condition..don't try to make light of it.

>> No.4463456

Rat poison

>> No.4463485

As a Minimum wage late night clerk at 7-11. Ya go ahead.

>> No.4463507

ouchie! :( :( :(

>> No.4463510
File: 1.00 MB, 500x281, 878.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ah shiiiiiiiiiiiiiii...PARTY ZONE.

where you at player?

>> No.4463518
File: 993 KB, 500x400, still chicken dance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


sorry, you must also have a Carlton dance for your truth as well.

>> No.4463840

The nachos are $2.99 - $3.49, depending on the franchise. "Unlimited" is not advertised, only "free", and 7-Eleven reserves the right to refuse service to anybody (or to charge a buck extra for all the condiments, or to charge a buck *per* condiment, or to be cool and let you walk away with the lot).

Former minimum wage 7-11 clerk here. I didn't care how you fixed your nachos, as long as you didn't make a goddamn mess. If you had four cups (and yes, I made you use the small Slurpee cups - 12oz is enough jalapenos for any nacho boat) in a carrier, with lids or just not filled up, go nuts. It's the fucking piss-drunk motherfuckers that dump 12oz each chili and cheese at the machine, then spill another healthy few tablespoons at the counter that I charged extra. My time is more valuable than the condiments. They were usually too drunk to notice.

>> No.4463870
File: 47 KB, 590x518, 1367514914004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating at a filthy gas station maintained by third world terrorist sleeper cell agents

just buy a can of beanie weenies, it's your only safe option