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File: 112 KB, 396x381, Seriously.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4460237 No.4460237 [Reply] [Original]

>"Soooooo yummy"
>"Soooooo delish"
>Molecular "cuisine"
>Being a militant vegetarian/vegan
>Soy based meat imitation

>> No.4460242

So, hipsters?

>> No.4460244

I had an English professor who spent the entire semester lecturing on that shit. She made us write our 15 page final on why Monsanto is evil.

>> No.4460247

>can i get a bean burrito

>> No.4460256

This buzzword irks me beyond belief. It's used everyfuckingwhere.

>> No.4460259

>Molecular "cuisine"
What's wrong about it? There's pretty cool stuff to make with kids.

>> No.4460271
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Spit looks so appetizing mang.

>> No.4460274

Most sheep need to be forced to hear other views. You retards believe whatever the lobbyists tell you to believe.

>inb4 hurrrr I came to the conclusion on my own without anyone pressuring me

>> No.4460284
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>Soy based meat imitation

Field Roast's meatless sausages taste 100x better than any actual sausage I've had. Give that shit a try, man.

>> No.4460286

To be clear, I hate the use of these words.

>> No.4460283

>gais I don't like things that are different
I bet you are overweight and drink soda and fast food.

>> No.4460302
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Haha oh shit, I get it.

>> No.4460381
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>> No.4460443

as a vegetarian I despise shit like this, if you're not gonna eat meat, eating a fake meat almost completely defeats the purpose of it.

It's like saying, I'm not gonna have sex, I'm only gonna fuck anally.

I don't give a fuck about animals either, this shits just retarded and again, defeats the point of not eating meat.

>> No.4460453


>> No.4460470

>hating on tumblr
Is this 2010?

>> No.4460475

>liking tumbler
is this reddit?

>> No.4460481

And this is why vegans hate vegetarians.

>> No.4460484


>> No.4460487

>Dont do things I do without my opinions about it!

>> No.4460492

All you did was cut out meat. Vegans cut out animal cruelty. You are doing nothing for the cause and you make a mockery of what you clearly don't know shit about just to try to fit in with meat eaters. You're fucking pathetic and a pointless, obnoxious waste of space.

Please don't EVER use the words, "as a vegetarian", to the beginning of a sentence ever again.

>> No.4460493

If there's one thing that unites meat eaters and vegetarians, it's their general disgust of vegans.

>> No.4460498

vegetarians and vegans are equally worthless and pathetic

>> No.4460502

Nope. I actually like vegetarians. Vegans are all shit though.

>> No.4460503


general lack of brain cells*

Honestly when I talk to you people I feel like I'm in a room of mentally handicapped five year olds. That's how childish and illogical the shit you somehow shamelessly spout is.

>> No.4460512

As with many white people activities, being vegan/vegetarian enables them to feel as though they are helping the environment AND it gives them a sweet way to feel superior to others. For further evidence, note how the vegetarian world has increasing levels of extemism (no meat, no dairy, no eggs, no fish, nothing that has been cooked, etc).

Much like not watching TV, this makes white people pretty hard to deal with on a day to day basis – having dinner, going to restaurants, having them over to watch political debates all become major challenges as they will talk about how they cannot eat anything and would rather that the meat and cheese be thrown in the garbage than put into their bodies.

>> No.4460521

As if their aren't other ethnicities that care about animals being tortured their entire lives for your trivial convenience foods...

When you're short of an argument against a certain cause, a surefire way of making yourself feel better about not supporting it is attacking the advocates for feeling too good about their choices. Brilliant.

>> No.4460525


Sorry, I'm very tired.

>> No.4460530

Veganism was started by some retarded Brit in the 60s so I think your theory is correct.

>> No.4460534

Are you kidding? I know of many people of non-white ethnicities that are vegetarian or worse, vegan. It's not a white people thing, it's a first world problem. It's a form of self control and self esteem boosting. It's not central to whites.

>> No.4460541

Veganism has existed pretty much since the start of civilization.

Fuck, it's getting really hard for me not to lump all meat eaters together as morons.

>> No.4460551

Factory farming is a first world problem, you're right!

It's actually making me sick how ignorant and obnoxious you people are.

>> No.4460553

No, it hasn't. Vegetarianism, yes. But veganism is retardedly recent. Most people have no problems with animal milk or honey.

>> No.4460558

And so has being omnivorous. Your point?

>> No.4460562

Oh, you're just a gem, aren't you.
Do you think you help whatever feeble case you have by insulting everyone who disagrees with you?
I'm glad we're making you sick. You deserve it, because it's all self-created, by you. Fucking drama queen.

>> No.4460571


>> No.4460573
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>trying this hard to troll

I'm laughing at the attempt though

>> No.4460577

Oh another animal abuse apologist telling me I should be nice to them. Gee, maybe you're right. Maybe if I tell you you're all wonderful people for mocking something you know nothing about you'll suddenly grow a conscience!

Man, why didn't I think of that before???

Maybe because it's fucking bullshit and you wouldn't give a shit no matter how much I sugarcoat it for you.

>> No.4460586

You are a sad and pathetic person. You will spend your life feebly railing against things that you think you understand, while demonizing others who disagree with you, and will come to a fruitless end because no one takes lunatics seriously.

>> No.4460591

first of all the guy you're responding to isn't me, >>4460443 .

Secondly holy shit you are a retard. Did it ever occur to you that people are vegetarians for reasons other than "hur dur animal abuse". You clearly would have been able to read that I don't care about animals. Some people do it for "animal abuse", some people do it as some sort of diet, some for religious issues, some because they don't like the taste of meat. The only reason I'm a vegetarian is that's how I was raised and I simply can't stand meat, it's an aquired taste. Nothing more, nothing less. Also it saves me a fair bit of money.

Being vegetarian isn't some sort of freedom fighter or religious tier shit, it isn't a change of life but a change of preference in diet.

>> No.4460594

Tell me what I don't understand about this please.

It's not feeble. And you'll see that in this lifetime if you don't die of cancer first. We will end factory farming. And people like you will be mocked in history as scum.

>> No.4460609

LOL, trotting out the stupid cancer argument, I see. That's just laughable.
And, FYI, you disgusting human being, I am also against factory farming, but I'm not against eating meat.
People like YOU will be mocked in history as ignorant hystericals.

>> No.4460611

>hurrrrrr if it's not organic it's EBIL durrrr

>> No.4460626

Is honey cruel?

>> No.4460629

I didn't realize civilization was 111 years old.

>> No.4460630

Kiddo, dont start with a word you dont know what it means...

>> No.4460632
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>> No.4460628

At what point did you think I implied that people are only vegans or vegetarians because of animal abuse?

And you're a fucking idiot. You made a point to compare yourself to us. Don't. You don't understand our cause and you're just a loud mouth who feels the need to spread their arrogant, ignorant opinions in order to feel accepted by meat eaters.

Honestly, vegetarians I've met (on the internet at least) tend to disgust me more than meat eaters because of the way they apologize for their diet as if it's something to be fucking ashamed of. They always have this snotty attitude about vegans too. "Oh no, I'm not like those crazy vegans who actually care about the cause! I don't care if you fund animal torture for your convenience foods! Live and let live LOL!"

They're fucking obnoxious, and act like their opinion on veganism holds more value somehow because they're vegetarian.

Gets tiring.

>> No.4460636

Just realized you said that guy wasn't you.

Haven't slept in a few days, sorry.

>> No.4460637


Factory farming will only increase as automation and genetic engineering become better, soon we will breed the most fattening docile cows in existence, they will smile when cut open. People like you will be seen as nothing more than unproductive losers who the rest of society will openly mock and throw banana peels at as you beg us for our change.

I'll fight to death than let a cultist brainwashed freak like you change our culture into a bunch of pasty, unhealthy vegetable eaters.

>> No.4460641
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>> No.4460643

Vegan blood fights cancer 8x better, dipshit.

And there's plenty more evidence where that came from that animal protein causes cancer.

>> No.4460639

you are the literal definition of crazy vegan retard.

fun fact, animals will die and we'll continue to eat them regardless of what you do. Actually, please, don't eat meat, it just makes it cheaper for those of us that do, hardly though but every penny counts.

>> No.4460647

It was making a point, because the original comment was that veganism was invented in the 60's. Obviously it's been around much longer than that.

Since the times of Jesus, at least.

>> No.4460649

>implying they started their veganism when they were a baby

>> No.4460653

Yeah, no.

Animal agriculture is extremely unsustainable so unless you find a new planet to live on or kill off a large portion of the world, your fucked up fantasy isn't happening.

>> No.4460656

>yahoo news
>credible source

Sorry faggot, better luck next time.

>> No.4460659

>Still not realizing the biggest issue is with torturing animals their entire lives in factory farms

And good luck paying for your food when we stop subsidizing CAFOs.

>> No.4460664

Just happened to be the first link I grabbed about it, you can google for more information if you actually gave a fuck.

But you'd rather just mock the source so you can feel justified in ignoring it.

>> No.4460671

A vegan doctor supporting veganism!?!?!? SHOCKING. JUST SHOCKING. Boy, you've really convinced me now, dumbass.

>> No.4460678


>humas put themselves at the top of the food chain
>the brain is the most important organ, according to the brain
>religion lacks credibility, according to scientists

Yep, bias never existed. How about you shut the fuck up?

>> No.4460679

Because of course it wouldn't make any sense at all for a doctor who knew the health benefits of veganism to be vegan...

>> No.4460682


It's not a source, just unsupported speculation. That's the point dipshit. You came to the wrong place if you expected people to circlejerk your faggot bullshit.

>> No.4460683
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Personal bias will always overrule logic in cases of extremism. Vegan is extremism. Extremism in any form is bad.

>> No.4460687

But post any inane ramblings defending eating meat and you're applauded.

And it is supported, fuckwit.

>> No.4460696

You have no self-awareness at all.

What about torturing animals their entire lives for convenience foods you have no need for, and slaughtering them when they're just babies, while destroying the environment and putting the health of others at risk, isn't extreme?

Your attempt at logic is such a fucking joke.

Explain how veganism is extreme. (I'm sure I'll regret asking this, but I'm interested if you even thought about it beyond "humens need meet!".)

>> No.4460711

You have no self-awareness at all.

What about torturing plants their entire lives for convenience foods you have no need for, and slaughtering them when they're just babies, while destroying the environment and putting the health of others at risk, isn't extreme?

>> No.4460781

You have no self-awareness at all.
You can't into logic.
You don't even understand basic animal care practices.
Let me ask you a question, since you're SUCH a humanitarian.
How many Freedom Cows are you currently taking care of? Freedom sheep? Freedom goats? Freedom pigs? ANY barnyard animals at all? Do you donate money for the care of freed livestock? Do you donate land? Do you do anything besides refuse to eat meat and sit at your computer and BITCH? Another quick question: How will you feel when all those animals are driven into pits and shot and killed because 1. it's not humane to raise them for food, and 2. our government can't support the care and feeding of millions of "liberated" domesticated animals. How will you feel when cattle and sheep are on the endangered animal list? You're only trading one sorrow for another, you fuckwit. You will wind up crying in a corner, while simultaneously vilifying other people who "don't do enough to help". Everyone but you, right?

>> No.4460803

>thinks objective logic actually exists


>> No.4460808

Oh look, this "argument".

Did you know everything is made of chemicals? And thousands die from dihydrogen monoxide every year?

>> No.4460811

>implying not eating animals means you have to actively rescue and care for each one

lol okay

Hyperbole isn't a form of logic, nor does it win arguments.

>> No.4460816

And so, you made my point. Thanks.

>> No.4460821

Please tell us how you have managed to subtract your subjective social and personal experiences and biases from your "pure logic".

>> No.4460827

No, no, you just expect OTHER people to fullfill your dreams, don't you? It's not YOUR responsibility to actually do anything, it's everyone else's, right? You're a fucking cancer.
Oh, and that's not fucking hyperbole, you fucktard, that's reality. Those animals you want so badly to be freed will die, at the hands of men, one way or another. You can sit around and talk shit all day, but you're fucking useless.

>> No.4460830

Not taking part in the death of the animals is doing something.

I know you think your hyperbole is a convincing argument, but it isn't.

>hurrrr why even get up in the morning if you aren't curing cancer and developing a novel form of energy

>> No.4460832

Go work on an actual, working livestock farm or ranch for a week, and then come back and talk to us, you fucking moron.

>> No.4460837

No, it isn't. Because it doesn't solve the problem of animal care and conservation. You're just making a self-centered dietary choice. It's ALL personal with you. You're not helping a single animal. You just "don't want to feel bad". Selfish prick.

>> No.4460847

I think a balanced diet of animal protein and plants is best. Stop flipping from one extreme to another you insufferable faggots.

>> No.4460873

Not the person you're talking to, but one of the vegans who's been posting here.

I actually have worked on a farm and for a few years with livestock farmers.

Now fuck off with your lame attempts at insulting the credibility of vegans.

>> No.4460880

Google 'supply and demand'.

And once we stop artificially inseminating the animals, they'll stop reproducing, genius. If you're talking about some hypothetical situation where somehow miraculously the world goes vegan over night, fuck off.

>> No.4460885

>Knows little to nothing about nutrition
>Claims "everything in moderation" is best

Sure, it's a balanced diet. If you mean balancing disgusting, cancer and disease inducing animal products with healthful, delicious plants.

>> No.4460888

Sure, sure you have.

>> No.4460889

Are you fucking stupid? How much artificial insemination do you actually believe is happening? Do you have any idea how expensive that is? Most farmer's can't afford that. Goddamn you vegans are stupid.

>> No.4460891

Veganism and Vegetarianism have existed for a long time, Many buddhist monks throughout the centuries have been vegan or vegetarian. While its not strictly prohibited to eat meat, it creates less problems with dealing with the whole "dharma" shit.

>> No.4460893

Of course if a vegan HAS worked on a farm, you refuse to believe it anyway...

>> No.4460897

You, I like you. You can stay.

Animal protein is delicious.

Say, would a vegetarian eat a jellyfish? Technically they're just very large plankton...so if it's okay to genocide entire generations of yeast to make bread, it should be okay to eat jellyfish, rite?

>> No.4460903
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>> No.4460905

Because why believe a troll on /ck/? That's all you guys are. Bullies and trolls. And nothing you want will ever happen.

>> No.4460908

>many buddhist monks

Which ones?

>> No.4460909

Have you not heard of factory farming?

>> No.4460910

Did we just derail off of "Phrases" we hate in cooking?
because I mine would be

It doesn't mean anything!

>> No.4460911

Have you not heard of stock farming, you piece of shit?

>> No.4460913
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>> No.4460916


It's easier and cheaper to pay someone to bring their stud bull over and just let him into your pasture for a while. Semen is harvested for artificial insemination, but this tends to be for doing smaller herds, if you've got a 500 head of cows to get pregnant, that's a whole lot of man-hours (no pun intended) to AI the whole lot.

Also cattle farmers harvest bull semen to test the health of the animal, it's essential for stud bulls.

>> No.4460917

You want me to Name specific monks?

>> No.4460918

Guys..guys...if everyone ate a vegan diet, organic diet based on non-intensive farming, how many acres of rainforest would we need to clear again?

I forget sometimes.

>> No.4460920

I know, that was my point. Artificial insemination is reserved for creating superior lines or smaller herds, not large scale. It's just more vegan propaganda.

>> No.4460923

Which sect of Buddhism you moron.

>> No.4460926

How is milking a cow animal cruelty? Eat shit, it's organic.

>> No.4460927

What if the cow or whatever animal it's from had trouble excreting that from it's rectum?

That's cruel, mang.

>> No.4460929

A whoooooole lot less.

>> No.4460932

>j-j-just d-d-don't c-c-come to a c-c-conclusion that disagrees with me or else ;_;

Conspiracytards are the biggest hypocrites on 4chan.

>> No.4460934


Some shady farmers overmilked their animals to the point where it hurt them, then beat the animals when they refused to get in their pens.

Having actually seen an average dairy farm in my country, it's nothing like vegan propaganda says.

>> No.4460938
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>> No.4460940

Some pet owners beat their pets. Souls we also ban pet ownership?

>> No.4460942
File: 109 KB, 600x783, WHAT VEGANISM DOES TO YOUR BODY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4460954

^just one example and something I happened to remember the url for.

Some more information about dairy for you: http://www.farmsanctuary.org/learn/factory-farming/dairy/

And that's as much as I care to post about it. You can do more research of your own if you want.

>> No.4460961

I just did some quick researching, according to a Harvard study, if you plant all of Earth's arable land intensively with grains, you can sustain about 10 billion people and that figure starts to drop if you're planting other crops, use non-intensive, organic methods and use non-GMO strains.

In other words, that means that theoretically, veganism is not the solution to solving this issue.

>> No.4460964

The horrors
>All those scrawny or flabby geeks
>All the dudes are complete social rejects
>As are the women
>The only girl with a halfway decent body has a dick
>Those old dudes
>Those fucking old dudes
Jesus Christ, Vegans.

>> No.4460973


What's wrong with organic food, vegetables, calling things yummy/delish, or being a vegetarian or vegan?

I agree with the meat imitation, I don't consider soy healthy, but if we're going for taste alone those imitation meats actually do taste really good. More annoying to me than these people are guys like you who consider anything different from his own diet to be 10/10 "I'm going to throw a fit in every thread that isn't about meat" class A rage fuel

>> No.4460974

Yes some farmers are bad and should be stopped. We're not banning milk because of bad farmers.

>> No.4460975

"We" don't need to clear-cut any rainforest. Tell the Brazilians to stop razing their shit to the ground.

>> No.4460979

>Completely ignore that most crops go to feed livestock.

You are a god damned moron.




>> No.4460981


>> No.4460982
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>eating a fake meat almost completely defeats the purpose of it.

While I myself don't eat fake meat, why does that defeat the purpose? What do YOU consider the purpose of not eating meat and why does substituting something for it nullify that?

>> No.4460984

It's widespread and the second link I posted is standard within the industry. Did you even click the link?

>> No.4460987


Exactly. It's not simply blatant abuse such as workers beating animals that is a problem, but standard practices done to every animal, such as debeaking chickens without anesthetic, not allowing animals any room to move, slaughterhouse failure rates that result in millions of animals slaughtered while still conscious, the list goes on.

You don't have to beat a dairy cow for it to be abuse. Simply not allowing her freedom of movement for the duration of her life, stealing her calves away from her the moment they are born to raise as veal, pumping her full of growth hormone and artificial insemination and milking her like a machine, denying veterinary care to save money...all of that counts as abuse I say.

>> No.4460989
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Welterweight champion of the world, a vegan, disagrees.

>> No.4460990

>Didn't read the post on what the post was about
> Goes on about crops going to animals

Who's the moron now?

2/10, feel-good class vegan. I'm going to cook myself a steak for dinner.

>> No.4460991


It's more than milking a cow. Cows, like all mammals, produce milk when they're pregnant. They have to keep the cow pregnant year round (which is extremely stressful in itself of course), and every time she gives birth they take her babies away to either become more milk cows or to kill for veal if they're male. After a short lifetime of this, I think 4 years, the cow is then sent to a slaughterhouse

It's a pretty messed up operation

>> No.4461146 [DELETED] 

He's one of the rare few who knows how to into vegan properly.

>> No.4461155

Muh guilt free dairy:


>> No.4461178


Is this guy like the only successful vegan, because I see him posted in every fucking thread.

>> No.4461186

>every fucking thread

>second time


>> No.4461189

Back in college a girl in our circle of friends went full vegan, she never did tell any of us why. She gradually became hard to deal with, everything from preaching veganism to utterly random statements. Her roommate complained about the stench in the bathroom.
In a few months she had slimmed down so much her bones were becoming visible. Around 4 months she was found dead in her car at the college, vomited blood all over.
We promised each other to eat healthy in her memory and never go vegan.

>> No.4461192
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Can't be more of a mental reject than a bodybuilder.
see captcha

>> No.4461208


But he's a boxer

>> No.4461231

>hating on molecular gastronomy

Have you never used a microwave before?

>> No.4461244

I grew up in Berkeley, CA. The way I understand these arguments in their original form is that FRESH food is better. 'Organic' means it should have less preservatives--obviously FDA standards for labeling are bullshit. 'Local' means that shit is fresher, since it's been trucked less of a distance to get to you. 'Sustainable' is a shitty buzzword, but likely implies the other two. The only thing that matters for you food is that you're using the highest quality, freshest ingredients.

If you're concerned about environmentalism/the end of the world, enact a plan of genocide that will eliminate 1/3 of the global population. Otherwise, look after your food, and make sure its the best it can be.

>> No.4461247

>enact a plan of genocide

Or, since reducing population drastically is unlikely, how about we all just try to be more responsible with the resources we're given?

And Berkeley has awesome vegetarian and vegan places.

>> No.4461259

synthetic food is fucking gross though

>> No.4461330

>vegans acting and looking like retards, thinking it "helps their cause"
>instead they look like retarded radical would-be terrorists
>normal people acting like a group of normal people: some retards, some intelligent
>doesn't fucking matter since they're the majority and they're against animal cruelty anyway so you little, stupid vegans yelling does nothing but piss off the general majority.

vegans are the feminists of cooking industry

>> No.4461331

>cancer and disease inducing animal products

please oh almighty vegan
tell me
how will eating meat/fish twice a week give me cancer

is the only valid answer
a acid/base balanced diet is the best thing you can do for your body
of course this can be achieved vegan
but I wont give up meat
all I will do is care where it came from and how it was treated, which is pretty easy considering the country I live in.

I fucking hate you extremist fucking cunts so much
not because you are vegan
because you are extremists
go choke on a dick

>> No.4461336

Being more responsible is also unlikely. Sad and true.

>> No.4461351


oh god was a he red beared poet?

i forgot his name, it was margrave or something

>> No.4461353
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>> No.4461362
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knockwurst, brautwurst, bangers, polish sausage, kielbasa, salami,andouille, branschwieger, linguica, pepperoni, chorizo, portugize, mortadella, bolonga, bockwurst, goat

dis nigga says tofu is better.

>> No.4461373


my sides
I love how you americlaps fuck up all german names.
Seriously, love that about you guys.

>> No.4461386


i left out a U and you think im an american...? nice going there mr bean

>> No.4461391
File: 62 KB, 404x590, ieGILM9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i love how all yuros are insecure and have to bash USA at all times

>> No.4461395

ie =/= ei

let me nitpick, it's early

>> No.4461444

>Post about being an intersex nudist

Thanks, asshole.

>> No.4461514


>> No.4463188

I fucking lost it at

>"Soooooo yummy"
>"Soooooo delish"