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4460251 No.4460251[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why does the beer industry in US suck? I mean why is it dominated by shit beer like Miller Bud and Coors?

What led to this being the way it is?

>> No.4460258

Aftermath of prohibition

>> No.4460263

Mass marketing.

>> No.4460261

It's a neverending loop of people mindlessly doing what their predecessors did. I'm sure Bud was just fine for it's time before it turned to shit

>> No.4460264

Good PR

>> No.4460265


small, local, breweries were squeezed out by prohibition while a few bigger breweries were able to stay in business selling by-products and non-alcoholic brews.....prohibition ended and they jumped into the gaps

>> No.4460281

The beer industry is no different than any of the other industries in the US.

>> No.4460289

Like >>4460265 said. The little places never got back on their feet. And with how dominated the market is by corporations, I don't them coming back anytime soon.

However, the craft breweries do have a strong, cult following. And that's where the true American beer culture is.

Also, what region of the U.S. do you guys think has the best craft breweries? I vote for the south.

>> No.4460294

this. there's an entire section at my beer store devoted to delicious, USA brewed craft beers.

shit beer has its place, that's why its popular. im not going to drink a $10 6 pack at a fucking sporting event. im gonna pay $15 for a 24 pack of some piss and get drunk as shit.

>> No.4460299

i wish people would stop doing this. "the south" could be considered half the country. we should vote by state. i'm honestly not well informed enough to make that vote, but most states have at least a few worthwhile breweries.

i've heard good things about the midwest,

>> No.4460304

oh and this post reminds me...

are there any worthwhile breweries here in Florida? I've lived here for a long time, but it seems like most of what i see comes out of GA.

>> No.4460309

American craft beers are actually becoming really popular, even in countries with good brewing cultures.


>> No.4460316

Microbreweries and regional breweries are reestablishing themselves.

With the prohibition only the very largest and richest breweries were able to survive, and from there cost cutting led to the consistent but bland product that is US macrobrews.

Another VERY important factor that tends to be overlooked is how fucked distribution laws still are in many states, particularly the lower Midwest and South. It can be tough for brewers to really expand if they're not already established. Just because prohibition was repealed doesn't mean there aren't many states with restrictive laws on the books. Thank the fundies.

If you want to get a really good overview of the details of Prohibition and why it happened, find the Ken Burns: Prohibition documentary.

>> No.4460321


I always saw the south as the nations liquor barrel. And the midwest as the nations beer keg. I guess California would be the wine.

I'll just say midwest, other places have good breweries too, but I think it thrives pretty well in the north

>> No.4460329


I go by brewery, not by region or state. There are some trends by area, though. I'm not a big fan of how common IPAs are in CO.

More the merrier for anything, though.

>> No.4460338

>Live in Missouri
>Boulevard beer available literally everywhere

Feels good man.

>> No.4460344

>common IPAs are in CO

i noticed that when i was visiting there this past winter. suits me fine though, i like IPAs. Avery was on tap fucking everywhere, so i had a lot of that particular IPA. i enjoyed it.

>> No.4460347

Best microbrews are in Michigan because of all the Germans, Polacks, and Swedes. This is a fact.

>> No.4460355
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im going to say the north west have the best craft breweries. some good ones on the north east coast too

>> No.4460358

Yes sir. The southern U.S. has a plethora of micro breweries.
My favorite being Abita.

>> No.4460366

bleh, last time i went to visit my parents, i was hanging out from some friends from high school.

they are fucking OBSESSED with abita purple haze. i got so fucking sick of it after drinking pitcher after pitcher of the shit. it wasnt bad at first, but fuck if i'll ever buy it again. now whenever i think of it, i think "babby's first microbrew/beer that potheads who know jackshit about beer will like"

are their other brews any good?

>> No.4460378

The dominant beers almost everywhere in the world are terrible, this certainly isn't limited to america

but at the same time, in america it is extremely easy to find a very wide variety of excellent beers which is not the case in most of the world

>> No.4460382

>Also, what region of the U.S. do you guys think has the best craft breweries? I vote for the south.
wait, what?

>> No.4460389
File: 134 KB, 800x495, Craft_Breweries_Per_Capita_(US) (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The southern U.S. has a plethora of micro breweries
it does?

>> No.4460423

Sam Adams moved 29 million cases of beer last year. AB-Inbev moved 528 million cases of Bud Light alone.

>> No.4460427

That's fucking crazy,

I know Bud is big, but I didn't think it was THAT much bigger than stuff like Sam Adams.
Who drinks all that shit? Rednecks?

>> No.4460435

the south and middle aged/old people

>> No.4460437

yes, and rednecks tend to drink a lot more beer than people who drink beer for flavor as well. throw in college kids and low prices, and AB-Inbev has their customers.

Also, sam adams makes a LOT less brands of beer than AB-Inbev. since it's just sam adams.

>> No.4460444

>and rednecks tend to drink a lot more beer than people who drink beer for flavor as well
actually thats not really true, a lot of rednecks are super religious and don't drink at all

something like 1/3 of the south is dry

>> No.4460454

If you're ever in South Florida, try Due South.
I've lived down here for 14 years, and only last month I discovered this place 5 miles away from me.

>> No.4460458

you make a very good point. i was thinking of your stereotypical alcoholic redneck (and they DO drink a lot of beer)

but, again, sam adams makes sam adams. ab-inbev makes... well a fucking lot of different brands including stella, becks, bud according to their website.

>> No.4460463

>Boynton Beach

fuckin hell man, i lived in palm beach from when i was like 5 until 14. then i moved to an area where the closest city was Tampa at ~1 hr

and now i live in tallahassee, which is surrounded by nothing at all. not sure if we have anything in town though...

next time i'm visiting family down there, i'll see about giving it a shot.

>> No.4460465

also Bud light is the best selling beer in 48 states

pretty sure Wisconsin and Colorado are the only non-Bud Light states

so these AB drinking idiots live everywhere, but craft beers sell much better in the upper midwest and northwest than the rest of the country

>> No.4460473

It's definitely worth a try, anon.

>> No.4460476

supposedly Cigar City is really good

>> No.4460479


It is

>> No.4460485


my parents live about 45 minutes away, will definitely make a point to check it out next time i go for a visit.

good to hear, for some reason i never hear about good florida breweries.


i can safely say coors has a hold out there. they were selling coors ridiculously cheap last time i was out there.

>> No.4460489

Yeah, Coors light sells best in Colorado, and Miller Light in Wisconsin (but Wisconsin has a craft beer in 2nd place, pretty sure its the only state where a craft beer beats Bud Light)

>> No.4460507
File: 8 KB, 240x180, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You see that tiny hole in the upper right part of the lid? That's a spot in the can that can be punched out easilly, allowing for more air flow, and a faster pour. Miller knows their consumer base.

>> No.4460510

that shit doesnt help, it's just a silly gimmick like coors and their retarded mountains.

your mouth doesnt create a perfect seal on the can, and even if you do (you arent chugging correctly), the can will just collapse as you're chugging.

give me something like that on a bottle and im all ears.

>> No.4460513

>that shit doesnt help
never drank from one, but surely it would help a little, just speaking from the physics of the scenario

>> No.4460520

ever chugged a can? there are plenty of little holes around where your lips are that do the exact same thing. i'd gladly challenge someone to a chugging contest where i use a regular can and they use that can. guaranteed the results would be the same as if we both use the same can.

>> No.4460522

small addendum- they would have been better off placing the hole near the bottom of the can to make shotgunning easier. i'd buy that./

>> No.4460523

sure its not necessary, but I find it hard to imagine it doesn't help at least a little

>> No.4460526

it probably provides a small amount of extra airflow, but that hole is small and allows beer to leak onto your face if you go upside down too fast.

i think the added advertising is more the goald here.

>> No.4460531

haha fuck
it's a gimmick
who the fuck really cares if it works? The point is their intent of marketing to people who just want to down something cheap, and as down it as fast as possible. No one cares if it's a shit product, so why should their shit gimmicks be any different?

>> No.4460539

oh dont get me wrong, they certainly hit their mark with that. but i still feel they'd get an even better response if they put the hole in shotgun position. matter of fact, they probably tried that but had packaging problems and that;s how we ended up with this.

>> No.4460776

Pacific NW or New England

One of my friends moved out to Oregon and lives right near the Deschutes brewery, so jelly

But I get Lawson's Double Sunshine, so it's a fair trade

>> No.4460779

Doesn't Abita have the Southern market on pretty much a lock? I can't think of any other Southern microbreweries

>> No.4460782


Oh shit my cousin fucking lives in Tampa, maybe I should trade with her

>> No.4460785

It's pretty bad when you buy beer that comes with a modified can that allows you to chug it as fast as possible to get drunk quickly and not taste it.

>> No.4460789
File: 15 KB, 250x250, 1352503705096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be beer geek, homebrew and all that shit, but not elitist about it, never going to turn down getting shithoused on malt liquor
>Friends think they're the hottest shit because they've moved onto IPAs from Bud and Busch Light
>that feel

>> No.4460798
File: 407 KB, 240x199, extreme approval.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw beer thread

Who's going to ACBF this year?

>> No.4460799


The south fucking sucks at beer. They're great at liquor though.

>> No.4460802

>see thread
>want a beer now
>remember I'm trying to get fit and I would lose all my gains

>> No.4460805

>They're great at liquor though.
if by the south you mean only kentucky

>> No.4460809
File: 84 KB, 750x1000, Founders-Doom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had some of this yesterday, fucking expensive, but delicious

>> No.4460814

>if by the south you mean only kentucky
Is Kentucky actually considered the south?

>> No.4460815
File: 15 KB, 250x333, beer_185001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow that's weird, I actually bought some of this (in pic) yesterday

>> No.4460817

My absolute favourite beer is Kentucky Bourbon Barrel Ale.

>> No.4460819

>Is Kentucky actually considered the south?
um, yeah

what the hell else would it be?

>> No.4460822

so not all beer tastes like watered down piss?

i may have to give this beer another chance

>captcha slow as fuck right now
>either google is dying or im being v&
>go away feds

>> No.4460823

I hate how skewed BeerAdvocate's top 250 is, there are way too many stouts and IPAs up there

I feel like some of them only get high ratings for the name

>> No.4460825

Yeah, do some googlin' about microbreweries near you

You're in for a grand adventure, friend

>> No.4460829

I think it makes sense that most of the best beers are double IPAs or imperial stouts,

I am sure a few of the top ones are there by name, but of the top rated beers I have had, they all tasted like they belonged, but at the same time I have had some less acclaimed beers that seemed underrated

>> No.4460842

unfortunately i live in a shithole

there are a few brew your own beer places around here though

>water is fine for me though

>> No.4460846

Make your own, then. It's really fun, and it's so rewarding at the end of fermentation when you crack one open and taste dat sweet alcoholic nectar

>> No.4460867

i will consider buying some homebrew materials

if you are wrong i will curse all anon's in your name

>> No.4462586

It's tough to really choose by region instead of brewery. Most of my favorites are completely separated. I grew up in Colorado and absolutely love Great Divide, probably one of my top 5 breweries. I've had the luck of trying a couple Hill Farmstead beers and one of their collaborations with Dieu du Ciel and those were probably some of the best I've ever had.

Living in the NW now I really love Deschutes, Elysian, and Ninkasi. Deschutes is probably in my top 5 as well just because of their Black Butte and Chainbreaker.

The only regions I don't know anything about are the South and Midwest to be honest, and I haven't heard many great things about the South.

I do love my local BC beers though, which I'm sure never see their way to the states. It's pretty fledgling right now, with some great beers getting produced occasionally, while a wide range of mediocre to good are produced all the time. If you ever find them, Parallel 49 from Vancouver are about a year old and probably my favorite new brewery.

>> No.4462594

tl dr answer: Television and Advertising..

>> No.4462606

you, you did it anon by demanding cheap beer.