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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 714 KB, 2598x2451, 08.Taste04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4449528 No.4449528 [Reply] [Original]

Let's have a thread where post American food we don't like.

There's always people bashing it in threads so we might as well have an actual thread where we post what we don't like about it.

>> No.4449537
File: 94 KB, 400x437, thefood.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit and people who rave about it

>> No.4449541

The Americanization of foods

Tacos aren't supposed to look like that. They're bigger and they actually fill you up. I grew up thinking tacos were a side snack you get with a burrito because of how awfully small and unsuitable they are

>> No.4449555
File: 35 KB, 608x380, fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is not cheese. It is fucking shit and it tastes like fucking shit.

>> No.4449563

I've outgrown liking any kind of American candy. I nibble on chocolate instead. Not that I'm being pompous where 'omg foreign candies superior' since I've never had foreign candy either, but. My sweet tooth has just died.

I miss mint m&ms though. I'd eat the fuck out of those if they were still available.

>> No.4449567

Cuban-American here.

I grew up eating Cuban food. When I see American food I just think of boring crap. Mashed potatos, chicken, steak. American food to me is just "cooked food" and nothing really complex.

Am I wrong?

>> No.4449577

>Am I wrong?

yes and no. much of the best American food is derivative of other cuisine (lookin at you, cajun). that stuff can be complex. but other American food is just "cooked food" but even that can be great (ie BBQ).

i dont think it's fair to try generalizing the entire country's food because what you'll find in one region is likely very different from other regions.

that being said, the overabundance of convenience foods at the grocery store kinda pisses me off.

>> No.4449582

>Spend Christmas in America
>dinner was delicious
>later find out that this is the best many people can do in terms of homemade cooking and that they don't usually eat this well
>aunt hands me a coke
>my mouth has a spam like I just ate something sour
>I can't finish it

It wasn't the worst thing in the planet and I'm sure I could get used to it but bloody hell

>> No.4449588

thats just because you are buying cheap shitty brands, there is nothing inherently wrong with the style

>> No.4449591

murrica here. das dat high fructose corn syrup. shit's in fucking EVERYTHING. i dont drink soda at all for the most part and i know exactly what you're saying. shit is just not pleasing.

>> No.4449592

I had plenty of experience with cajun and creole food as well. When I moved away I discovered how unusual of an area that was compared to many parts of the US, because suddenly I found everyone just barbecuing all the fucking time

BBQ is great and I like the taste of meat, but sometimes I like a ton of stuff done to the food as well.

>> No.4449595
File: 28 KB, 192x255, HFCS1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mouth has a spam

I know a Mexican who said the same thing. Trust me I don't like it either

>> No.4449600

People who actually defend some of the shitty junk food out there. I can't describe it but you'll know it when you say something like "Taco Bell is shit" or attack Totinos pizzas or snack puddings or something

>> No.4449604

Sometimes it works, sometimes it fails horribly.

>> No.4449608

So there's expensive processed cheese product? It's a sad world where you can buy shitty fake cheese and it be expensive.

>> No.4449610

American overseas here and the soda over here uses sugar instead of corn syrup. The taste isn't remarkably different. Meanwhile in America when soda uses sugar it's 'omg retro BIG DEAL REAL SUGAR'...

I did have an Estonian friend who said coke always made their teeth feel 'fuzzy'.

>> No.4449611

Scrapple. I am fine with using unconventional cuts of meat to make something delicious, but my God...

It's just rancid and disgusting.

>> No.4449613

>mfw discovering everyone else uses sugar

I got kind of mad honestly. I don't drink carbonated sugar water anymore, but it seemed to matter years ago. I found the quality of various drinks you could get to be superior in Europe actually.

>> No.4449619

there are other regional cuisines that are good. cajun/creole is probably the most well known (and in my opinion, probably the best) but there's still tex mex (if that's your thing), great seafood in the coastal areas. but i agree, BBQ is big as an identifiable style throughout the US. but it's not really an everyday thing for most people.

>> No.4449623

Any "authentic" Mexican food shithole. I never realized how good the actual thing is until I tried it for myself.

>> No.4449675

Yeah, the drinks don't seem to have the same 'heaviness' that American ones do with the corn syrup...

However that said it's vastly expensive. I got a medium pepsi drink at a restaurant and it was 32kr - 4.80$. I know in America that drink profits are supposed to be a good bulk of your profits since you get the syrup dirt cheap, but 5$? C'mon.

>> No.4451239

Americans are the only one who actually have to put "FRESH" and "MADE WITH REAL [anything]" as a marketing point.

>> No.4451367


Burgers. I can't stand them. Also I've grown to hate Taco Bell, not only because I've had far better, but because the local one jacked their tacos up to $1.20 each.

What the fuck, Taco Bell.

>> No.4452107


>relatives return from the US with candy
>over half are some peanut butter variant
>any other place in the world
>huge variety, atleast 4-5 types of dark chocolate

>> No.4452127

>implying the shit they bought wasn't <$1.00 each gas station variety

>> No.4452866


> George Washington Carver here
> You're welcome

>> No.4452879


Aahhahahahah, no. Real tacos are corn tortillas rolled with a spoonful of stewed meat/pickled onions, and are so small they're sold in increments of 5-10

>> No.4452883

Yeah, he doesn't know what he is talking about.

Carver didn't "invent" peanut butter, but nice try.

>> No.4452892

>Low-fat foods made from fat
>Low-fat yogurt
>Low-fat whipped cream
>Low-fat sour cream
>Low-fat butter
You seriously will have trouble finding non low-fat yogurt in flavors besides plain and vanilla in America.

>> No.4452895

I have a dollar taco place near me, delicious, even if you need to buy 5-10

>> No.4452901

wot, theres no drink that expensive in America.

>> No.4452905

It is if you go to a movie theater.

>> No.4452908

I don't think that counts for the price of America snacks.

Nobody shops at a movie theater.

>> No.4452920

Most people I know don't like the fake cheese. People buy it in the south and Midwestern states because its cheap.

>> No.4452946


Oh god this. And When I lived in Texas I had so many friends that would put this nasty shit of fucking everything, things that didn't even make sense like fried rice and spaghetti and stuff, seriously wtf

>> No.4452957


Speaking of low fat bullshit, there's also the abomination that is low-fat cheese and fat-free cheese. The only reason I could see someone eating this rubbery, nearly-flavorless garbage is if they were on a diet but I still can't see them enjoying it.

>> No.4453017

fucking this.
I consume greek yogurt almost daily and the only flavors available are plain and strawberry

>> No.4453027
File: 112 KB, 500x375, vomit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw flavored greek yogurt
>mfw flavored yogurt at all

You know, if you really can't stand to eat something that isn't teeth-meltingly sweet, you can actually add stuff to it yourself and it won't make the universe explode?

The only reason to get the flavored kind is if you prefer to pay the same amount for 1/2 the yogurt and a bunch of nasty ass preserves that just make it unappetizing to eat.

>> No.4453045

i usually only eat it to sate a sweet tooth, usless I want chocolate.
I save the plain for sauces, etc.

>> No.4453881


>> No.4453896
File: 10 KB, 450x245, bilious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not exaggerating when I say this tastes exactly like vomit. I don't know why but I always assumed everyone's sick was somewhat unique, but no, this tastes precisely like my own bile after a hard night's drinking. Absolutely fucking revolting.

>> No.4453906

Oh man I love chocolate+peanut butter
I just wish the chocolate here was made with condensed milk instead of milk powder

>> No.4453908

>I'm not exaggerating when I say this tastes exactly like vomit
>dramatic exaggerations

You must be a Eurolard.

>> No.4453914

>"Hershey process" milk chocolate is popular in North America. It was invented by Milton S. Hershey, founder of The Hershey Company, and can be produced more cheaply than other processes since it is less sensitive to the freshness of the milk. The process is a trade secret, but experts speculate that the milk is partially lipolyzed, producing butyric acid, which stabilizes the milk from further fermentation. This compound gives the product a particular sour, "tangy" taste, to which the American public has become accustomed, to the point that other manufacturers now simply add butyric acid to their milk chocolates.

>> No.4453916

You need to go to some kind of specialist and have your tastebuds checked out. You seem to have some sort of sever neurological fuckup.

And I'm not saying I'm a fan of Hershey's, but if it tastes like vomit to you, something is seriously wrong.

>> No.4453931

Why do you buy soda at the movie theater?
Buy snacks from a store nearby

>> No.4453936
File: 51 KB, 499x500, loveofbooks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not alone in thinking it tastes like spew either:


It must be nice having tastebuds that can't sense such vile flavours. You could eat on the cheap and feel like a king.

>> No.4453941

it must be the sourness from the processing method. i don't think there's anything wrong with him, just because the sourness reminds him of vomit.

>> No.4454110

And fuck the gluten free people, the worst peices of trash in the world

>> No.4454117
File: 11 KB, 225x225, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS? pic related.. hate the stuff..

>> No.4454123
File: 68 KB, 500x390, cafeteria-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

while i was gtn that pic i stumbled across this jem..

>> No.4454125

Reminds and "literally tastes exactly like vomit" are two different things.

>> No.4454126

tacos are already american foods. Even in mexico they call tacos "gringo" foods.

>> No.4454130

Why is that picture entitled "cafeteria"?

Also, spray cheese is awesome in the little red hotdogs.

>> No.4454142
File: 22 KB, 380x285, 128883944027305991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>4454130 Also, Spray cheese in your sisters ass.. I'm sorry.

>> No.4454151

Shit's probably already there. She's a nasty cunt.

>> No.4454170
File: 13 KB, 300x300, hamburger-helper-hand-del0311-lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4454226
File: 55 KB, 400x537, nutella-1-[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4454252

I quite enjoy hamburger helper :(

>> No.4454293


that's not american m8

>> No.4454333

maybe anon was referring to the non-Italian, made-in-Canada Nutella?

oh wait. i derped

>> No.4454341

They are available though.

>> No.4454361

We've got a Hershey's employee here, guys.

Faggot sack of shit.

>> No.4454441




>> No.4454468

Maybe it's because I had a bad experience with it on a family camping trip as a kid, but I can't bring myself to eat the stuff.

>> No.4454471

Nope. Not liking something, and even using hyperbole to describe how you don't like it is one thing, but honestly saying it tastes exactly like vomit is another matter entirely.

>> No.4454481

You guys act like the limited exposure you have with (some) foods offered in america is representative of the whole. There ARE good foods in american you know.

>> No.4454575

It's much better when you eat it for a while having no clue what it is. I dig it, personally. Coat in a bit of flour and lightly panfry, just enough to cook it and get it a bit crispy

>> No.4454579

>it's another anti-American troll thread
>better bump it

You're an idiot.

>> No.4454609

American food is the most disgusting thing on earth. Deal with it.

>> No.4455454

Good American cheese, even individually wrapped slices like that ARE cheese.

It's just fucking emulsified. Look that up.

>> No.4455510

Is this an American processed food thread, or American home-cooking thread? Every country has shitty over-processed junk food and you know it. What about cornbread, barbeque, american microbrew, root beer, clam chowder, or the millions of chilli recipes?

>> No.4455557

>What about cornbread, barbeque, american microbrew, root beer, clam chowder, or the millions of chilli recipes
none of those count. they don't make america look bad.