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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 170 KB, 960x960, pappys pancakes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4442453 No.4442453[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Worth it?

>> No.4442458

Yo, if you want pancakes and bacon I'll make you pancakes and bacon.
That goes for anyone.
I also have a bottle of tequila you can drink while consuming.

>> No.4442461

$40 maybe

>> No.4442467

I hate being served food on a chopping board

>> No.4442472

For the unaware, the only thing subject to availability on that list is the Pappy 20-year. It definitely makes up most of the cost of that breakfast.

>> No.4442473

Pretty much, and most of that's for the alcohol.

>> No.4442478

Big ol' stack obama nana cakes

>> No.4442489
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my friend bought a shot's worth at this expensive french restaurant in Richmond. It was $30 and he said nothing else has ever tasted as good.

>> No.4442494


yeah but at that price you're buying a bottle and only getting 3 fingers

its not exactly fucking wine where it'd go bad once opened so the price is outrageous for what is otherwise $15 worth of hooch

>> No.4442505

i'd eat that

>> No.4442507


I have a bottle of the 20, and I've tried the 23, its good but its no miracle elixer, didn't notice enough of a difference between the two to account for the obscene price difference between the 20 & 23. Or really even the price of either in the first place, I rank them in the same range as Maker's 46 or Old Forester Birthday, both $40 a bottle vs the $100 and $250 for the Pappy's.

Good certainly, on someone else's dime.

>> No.4442508
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>thinking a bottle of Pappy costs $100
>calling Pappy 20yr old "hooch"

Get away from me, you filthy peasant

>> No.4442515


all hooch is hooch, even the good stuff

>> No.4442556

I just found it for 100 bucks after a 30 second google search.
of course, it's also out of stock and on a waitlist, but even the places with absurd markup to like $250 are also out of stock, so...

>> No.4442565

I don't even like breakfast foods, but that spread interests me enough. I wouldn't pay more than $15 for it though. I'd sooner create my own version as close to it if I was really interested in doing so. I prefer working with lunch and dinner foods however.

>> No.4442571

What do you mean by "worth it"?

Its certainly NOT a good value. But if you have excessive money to spend, and such a thing might earn you sex from a mate, then it could be "worth it".

For the food alone, it is clearly not worth it. I could eat for a month on $100. But there are intangibles that come into play here... formation of fond memories on a special occasion, or getting you date to put out.

>> No.4442576

>some no name booze ive never heard of

>> No.4442595
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If a man buys you an expensive steak dinner, should there always be sex after?
Is it culturally expected?
Especially after 2 glasses of wine.
Please respond

>> No.4442617

>here's a reply, just for you
If a man buys you steak and wine, he is expecting sex. You are not obligated to have sex with him if you don't want to.

(of course, men expect sex every time a woman interacts with them)

>> No.4442645

If I dropped a couple hundred bucks on dinner and entertainment for a date, and she didn't put out afterwards... well there wont be another date.
If she isn't "in the mood" after that, then she is categorically a gold-digging bitch and deserves to be rejected.

>> No.4442664

You people are fucked up if you seriously expect sex on the first date with someone just because they bought you food, regardless of price. You know, some people are actually looking for a real relationship, not prostitution with a different currency.

>> No.4442675


and she didn't have to get the most expensive thing on the menu

>> No.4442678

This. Good, real relationships are not based on money. You're a stupid fool if you equal the two. Hasn't anyone heard the phrase "money doesn't buy happiness"?
Stupid people creating a societal prostitution microcosm. Do you even realize how fucked up that is?

>> No.4442684

Then when the bill arrives, I will itemize it and pay for my items, plus 15% tip, and then hand it to her. She is also responsible for the cost of her movie ticket, parking, and fuel.
Otherwise, its just prostitution. Right?

>> No.4442686

>being this butthurt

>> No.4442701

>wants equality
>wants chivalry
>wants the man to pay
>won't put out
If you were looking for a real relationship rather than approaching a date as an exchange of your time for the dude buying you something you'd split the bill you gold-digging trollop.

>> No.4442710

Part of being chivalrous is not thinking with your dick every goddamn second.

>> No.4442711

No, because prostitution implies sex for money or gifts is involved. Dating is not prostitution until you demand sex for what you spent or gave the person. You ignorant twat.

>> No.4442712

I guess the definition of a "real" dinner date is staying at home and cooking in your own kitchen. Any exchange of goods/services would clearly fall under the category of prostitution.

>> No.4442714

That's enough food for a few people isn't it. Ignoring the bourbon, but I imagine that a finger of that stuff is more than enough for breakfast.

>> No.4442720

And part of equality is paying your share. If you're not down with that then you can get down on my dick when I buy you something pretty, bitch.

>> No.4442722

You seem inordinately angry at the idea that you aren't entitled to sex.

I'm a dude, by the way.

>> No.4442730
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I work at a high end liquor store and we only get the Pappy varients in twice a year. Around Derby time and around Christmas. I picked up a few bottles last week, we sold out of everything that day.

>> No.4442731

what do they mean by finger

>> No.4442735

take your index finger, stick it against a glass. the height is a finger

it's an informal measure of volume

>> No.4442743

thanks info

>> No.4442752

>sex for money or gifts is involved

That's exactly how it works most of the time in normal relationships, just in a more indirect way. You pay for it in one way or another. Women use sex as a bargaining tool for higher social status, money/material/shelter, protection, etc. and men are willing to pay their time/service/gifts to get off. That's just a fact of life. I'd rather it be a sweet thing where both people just want pleasure, but that's rarely how it is. ESPECIALLY for women in their 30s and 40s.

>> No.4442816

This is so true it hurts my head. I fucking hate dating, so much. Women are all prostitutes, its just that their price is higher than a fucking meal and movie. They either want to leave with cold hard cash in hand, or they want to live with you, control you, and expect you to pay for everything, support her and the family, and be her hero and rock whenever she needs something. And, you're expected to put up with incredible amounts of bullshit. All that, and she still can walk away at any time. If this is the case, she had better "look & cook" with some god damn talent, and act like what she really is...

>> No.4442824

No fucking way worth $100, But I'd say $40, if it were good booze in a nice place.

>> No.4442826

Then why is it that every time I go on a date, I have to INSIST that I pay for myself, and even then I sometimes have to just give in because guys get mad? And no, in those cases, I'm not going to put out, I don't owe you shit just because you wouldn't allow me to pay for my meal. Y'all're perpetuating this cycle pretty happily.

>> No.4442854
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>> No.4442875

why can't you just pay your fair share by fucking, or at least a good tug? Just stick to what has worked for centuries

>> No.4442888

I do it for courtesy or because I have the money and I don't care to spend it.
If she insists I give in.
that being said, most of the time it's "today I invite, the next day you'll do" and everyone's happy.
I won't start a discussion over paying for a damn meal

>> No.4442899

Word. Usually go with the "You can get it next time" line if someone offers. If they don't offer or there isn't a next time then I afford losing out on the odd meal and it weeds out anybody just in it for free shit. Any other approach just gets fucktardedly complicated.

>> No.4442902

Maybe it's because they want to be treated like a person instead of a piece of meat? If you wanted someone to do that you might as well go buy a hooker. No wonder people like you think "all women are prostitutes", if you automatically treat them like one.

>> No.4442913

If you don't treat them like one, you probably won't get anywhere. Seriously, try to be in a relationship not spending any fucking money on the woman and see how far it goes. Oh no, guess that emotional attachment she had to you went away for some reason after your wallet closed.

>> No.4442914

I'm okay with a woman paying for her own meal, as long as she doesn't tip.

>> No.4442915

Do you realize how rare that "exception to the rule" is?

It almost never happens. Its not something one would expect to happen. This is not only from first hand experience, everyone I know has witnessed it. Do you live in the real world?
Prostitution laws need to be changed. I think my cash is ending up in the wrong hands. Perhaps those who deserve, will earn. Think about it.

>> No.4442918

if i had $100 dollars to blow, yes, it'd be worth it

>> No.4442922

Yeah, I mean I know not all guys are doing it just for sex, but I feel awkward about people paying for me/giving me stuff "just because" in general, so I just prefer to pay my own way. Like I have a really good friend who always tries to pay for my stuff when we go out to eat together, and I know she's obviously not expecting anything from me in return but it still makes me feel weird.

>> No.4442924

You are a sad person or you mix with the shitty kind of people

>> No.4442925

If I like a guy after dinner I will let him pay for it and then have sex with him because I like him and I am attracted to him. If I don't like a guy I will insist that I pay for my meal and then when we walk out the door I will just have him take me home instead of to his place.

This is how it should be. All the women that are shouting "prostitution" and "entitled" have probably never went on a real date in their lives because no one would have them.

>> No.4442931

You are a whore, and your actions motivate >>4442922 and >>4442915 opinions.

>> No.4442935

>Fine dining
>Get to be fancy as shit
>Finally get to wear my new dress

Unless it's a first date or one too close to the beginning of the relationship, hell yeah there should be sex.

Dishing out that much in the beginning of dating just looks desperate and awkward.

>> No.4442936


whore is you do, bitch if you don't?

so no one should fuck anyone ever?

>> No.4442940

$100 for a glass of $100 whiskey... I don't know.

>> No.4442941
File: 59 KB, 679x516, 2113-1274736033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A whore has sex in exchange for money, goods, or services. I have sex because I like the guy and want to have sex with him, not because he bought me dinner.

Pic related, you're on the bottom.

>> No.4442944

>Implying women also don't treat men like they're pieces of meat.

>> No.4442948

I'm just stating a fact. No need to get mad.

>> No.4442950

And really, would you like me if we shared a bag of microwave popcorn in my parents basement?
Even if I'm charming. Tell me now. Is your love really based on the impossible to measure factor of "I liked the guy". AKA "I was really horny"

>> No.4442952

>not making your gf work to support both of you while you sit at home all day and jerk off
You're doing it wrong.

>> No.4442955
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>> No.4442963

>first date

No wonder you're still a virgin.

Captcha: 483 umaddre

>> No.4442965

Then why bother with the dinner at all?
Why all this waste?

>> No.4442968

Women are clearly losing this one. Its really not even close.

>> No.4442969

Not them, but that's the first "meal" I had with my fiance.

I have to agree though that the whole suit+fine dining thing is majorly attractive.
I couldn't imagine going out to a dinner like that if I weren't already into the guy though, fancy dinners early are kind of weird.

>> No.4442970

But I did claim victory.
You are a whore and it has been stated already.

>>4442965 what he said

>> No.4442978

You had sex in exchange of having a man organize you a pleasant evening.


>> No.4442997

Guys shouldn't try to be overly impressive by being ostentation right away. Save the fancy dinners for after you've been seeing someone for at least a few weeks and you know you two have a connection. Start off with coffee or lunch, then dinner at a moderate restaurant, then you can take turns cooking each other dinner, meet for drinks somewhere, or take each other to your favorite local haunts, etc. Save the fine dining meal (which says you're trying to impress her) for say...your one month anniversary of dating.
You guys are just clueless on how to develop a relationship, aren't you?

>> No.4443007

This thread is making me want to kill myself.

>> No.4443015

You don't have many interactions with women do you? You probably have a misconception about how many dates it takes a woman to have sex with a man in this day and age because no woman wants to have sex with you at all. In reality, women have sex with men on the first date all the time. I guess that makes all women whores in these modern times. You're just living in the past.

As for you, it could be a movie, roller skating, bowling, or a walk in the park which costs no money. If a girl likes a guy sparks are going to fly. Monetary compensation has nothing to do with it.

>> No.4443044

My husband and I have never been to a fancy restaurant, even when we were dating. We did free or very inexpensive activities because we enjoyed each other's company and laughed together a lot. Our first meal together was corn dogs with mustard. You don't have to spend a lot of money but if you like someone it goes a long way to show some sort of effort so that they know you like them and appreciate them. This is a two way system, she should be showing effort too.

>> No.4443062

>I guess that makes all women whores in these modern times.

Plenty of people are.

>> No.4443063
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>Monetary compensation has nothing to do with it.
It's not about money.
It was earlier stated that they've already decided whether or not they'll have sex with the guy- and that dinner was not to sway them in the slightest.
If dinner was not to sway them or alter their opinion of them then what's the point of the dinner in the first place?

>> No.4443064

this only works in the trailer park.

oh wait. this is 4chan.

>> No.4443070
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Makes enough sense to me.
>she should be showing effort too

Otherwise she's either a loafer or not interested!

>> No.4443077

I would do this for a birthday breakfast and share with someone, seems awfully decadent but I do love pancakes

>> No.4443076

do you guys really think sex is emotionally equivalent to buying a meal?

>> No.4443087

>i live in the trailer next to yours
fixed that. maybe you and your husband would approve that your own daughter is a filthy whore.

>> No.4443094

don't worry one day you will meet the man of your dreams and he will take you away from all this pain.

>> No.4443097

Yeah I see what you mean now. What's the point of a guy spending a lot of money on a first date if he's just gonna get shut down. That's why I offer to pay if I'm not into him, if he does decide to dole out some dosh.

>> No.4443099

Thank you, psychologist. Do I have to pay you now?

Oh wait. Youre female. You will pay, and I wont argue. Hope to see this behavior become a pattern!

>> No.4443106

It was my privilege.

>> No.4443118

I say it's worth it

>> No.4443129
File: 31 KB, 450x314, pineapple is okay girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fair enough.

>> No.4443140

ITT: Socially retarded manbabbies who are crying because no girl ever wanted to date or fuck them.

>> No.4443148

>eating off wood
what is this the 70s?

>> No.4443155

I've never payed for a girls food or drink in my life. I've laughed in girls faces when they expect me to pay.

It saves money and I can count the times it was a deal breaker on one hand. Actually it usually has the different effect.

>> No.4443157


>> No.4443158

I would be impressed by a guy who let me pay without question. It makes me uncomfortable when guys try to buy me stuff.

>> No.4443163

>over simplifying something because the thought of someone having different thoughts than is scary so I ridicule them to lessen the pants wetting fears


>> No.4443276
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>if you have excessive money to spend, and such a thing might earn you sex from a mate, then it could be "worth it".
This is how I picture you.

>> No.4444472

>being this pleb

>> No.4444483

mfw he's wearing a trilby and not a fedora

>> No.4444535

I hope you realize when a guy insists on paying, even when you want to do your own share, its all a game. Its part of the hunt.

>> No.4444559

Not a big fan of bourbon.

>> No.4444560
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Why is this thread?

>> No.4444577

No, they treat them like ATMs.

>> No.4444580

>letting a woman treat you like an ATM
>being this bitter about it

>> No.4444588

You could always try growing a backbone rather than blaming others for how terrible your life is you beta fuck.

>> No.4444665

Worth it? Not even close, on any day. Alternatively: totally.

As always individual mileage varies.

>my friend bought a shot's worth at this expensive french restaurant in Richmond. It was $30 and he said nothing else has ever tasted as good.
I bet there's a similar principle to the Audiophile Delusion going on here. There's another name for that but I can't think of it ATM.

>> No.4445068

Expectation bias? Yup, its everywhere.

>> No.4445078

WSJ had an article not long ago, and they said it's $150




>> No.4445172
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>I just found it for 100 bucks after a 30 second google search.

Pappy's Family Reseve is $200!

Your google-fu and reading comprehension is weak.

>> No.4445236


>> No.4445446


potato potato doesn't matter point remains 3 fingers isn't worth $100, whether its $100 a bottle or $200 a bottle

now stop being a preachy holier than thou pedantic cunt

>> No.4445830
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>Doesn't take into account the you know, actual food you are getting, the prep for it, ingredients...

You're the kind of asshole who goes into a restaurant and then argues after they've eaten the food that it's too expensive and you could have made it at home for $10 aren't you?

>> No.4445846

The alcohol in a drink at a restaurant or bar is never worth what you're paying for it. The experience is part of the bill.

There's also a meal included in OP.

>> No.4445867
File: 12 KB, 242x194, yesshallowandpedantic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw you

>> No.4445925

You must have SOOOOO many fedoras.

>> No.4445933

Uh oh, did somebody get "friend-zoned" even though they are SUUUPER NICE??? Hang in there, champ! Who needs women when you have your incredibly witty tumblr. AND ALL THOSE FEDORAS!

>> No.4445940

You've never been to a fancy restaurant. Like, ever? Jesus, what kind of life is that? Is your husband some kind of manual laborer?

>> No.4445949

I'm a manual laborer and have been to some pretty nice restaurants. They must be on welfare or something

>> No.4445952

Some sorts of things don't appeal to some people. I mean, how many operas have you been to? Wine tastings?

>> No.4445959

A couple and several. And neither of those things are, strictly speaking, a necessity of life the way food is. Maybe we're just using different definitions of fancy. What are you calling a "fancy restaurant" as an example of something you don't do? I mean, Olive Garden Fancy or French Laundry fancy?

>> No.4445997

Where is this from?

>> No.4446008

where do you live at?
I'll pay you...I won't drink though.

>> No.4446012

>I won't drink though
Would you still let >>4442458 give you three fingers?

>> No.4446030
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>> No.4446054
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>> No.4446121

>pappy van winkles

The Olsen twins drink that stuff. Let that sink in for a minute.

>> No.4446130

I'd fuck them both. What's your point?

>> No.4446137


I'd fuck the homeless teen mommy who was begging for spare change on the train today, but that's disgusting. And so are the Olson twins. What are you getting at here? You have a dick? Welcome to the club buddy. Pappy V's is still celebutante garbage.

>> No.4446148

You seem agitated.

>> No.4446151


no u

>> No.4446155


I'm willing to bet around $500 that you've never tasted any of the Van Winkles. You've probably never even seen the bottles in person.

>> No.4446159


now who's agitated?

shit wasn't even that rare until like 2 years ago.

>> No.4446163


Really? How many bottles have you found and tasted?

>> No.4446172


I had it in a bar once. it was a common sight in my liquor store until the twitterverse discovered it and people started trophy hunting it to be just like the famous people.

get over it, it's just corn liquor.

>> No.4446177


How was it a common sight if it only comes out maybe twice a year? Was it the 20 year? And it's much more than "corn liquor" it's fucking delicious for those of us with elevated palates.

>> No.4446190


I guess nobody felt a compulsive urge to buy it? I dunno you're the bourbon connoisseur, you tell me.

if I want a nice bourbon I'm happy with a black maple hill or even eagle rare. bourbon is a nice drink but spending $100+ on a bottle is just silly. unless you're a millionaire you need to pick and choose and I choose more interesting drinks to splurge on. the difference between a $35 bourbon and a $100 bourbon is not worth it.

and no, it was like 5 years ago, I don't remember the exact bottling. bourbon is bourbon, this is splitting hairs.

>> No.4446194
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>asking if $100 pancakes are worth it on the same board that survives on ramen noodles and "beating" buffets

>> No.4446198
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>bourbon is bourbon

this guy

>> No.4446212

>asking if a bacon cheeseburger dusted with gold flakes and a bottle of cheval blanc for $2000 is "worth it"

inorite? look at all these plebs