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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 39 KB, 492x330, cinnamon-snail-donuts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4442727 No.4442727 [Reply] [Original]

I had vegan donuts at this food truck, The Cinnamon Snail, when I was in Manhattan and now am craving the things like a meth addict. Except now I am on the West Coast and have no idea how to bake vegan donuts.

Oh sensei cooks of /ck, tell a young grasshopper how to make creme brulee, and samosas donuts.

>> No.4442766

And don't give me crap about the fact they're vegan. Donuts are balls of fat and sugar, doesn't matter if you have eggs and milk in them. Especially once you add chocolate and toppings.

>> No.4442827

if it doesn't matter then just eat regular ones...

>> No.4442849


These donuts were unlike any I've had in my life. Absolutely mind blowingly good. But I can't find any recipes online anywhere.

>> No.4442895


Ah, damnit, they even had classes on how to make their donuts :(


>> No.4442928

pls go, Cinnamon Snail marketing team

>> No.4442967


Because a vegan food truck located in a single city needs to market to an international forum with few people who live in aforementioned city, likely none of them vegan.

You the Chipotle marketing guy?

>> No.4443246

I actually used to walk past this truck all the time and go "lol, vegans"

Then one day I was sick of all the usual lunch places and it was there, and the line was long, and I was like, what's the worst that could happen.

Turns out the food is damm good. I think if they stopped calling it "vegan food" they'd be more popular than they are. I'm the only person I know who has actually tried it, although most people I know are aware that it exists.

>> No.4443270

>more popular than they are

I ate there about 4 times, and each time the line was the longest I've ever seen for any food truck. The trucks parked nearby were clearly pissed since they were getting no business.

"Vegan food" is just food. Stigmatizing it as bland or inferior to meals with meat and dairy is becoming a thing of the past, I think.

>> No.4443273

any dish where there is a substitution of some kind would be improved with animal products, thats the point here

>> No.4443285


Na, especially in most baked goods like cookies, brownies, cupcakes, etc. animal products aren't necessary. The person who just won Cupcake Wars on Food Network was a vegan baker, for example.

In blind taste tests, nobody can tell the difference.

>> No.4443293

cake isn't food though, its just sweet bread garbage. It's not really making a substitution when it isn't necessary.

>> No.4443294


But that's just wrong, the reputation is still well deserved. 9 times out of 10, a restaurant run by white people with a line of white boho girls with yoga mats waiting to eat that has the word "vegan" or "vegetarian" as part of their identity is going to be second rate. It may be ok food but it's never going to be great food. They get by on the fact that they have a somewhat desperate target market. There was a vegan/raw foods place that went out of business near my work that was like this. The food was edible enough and I ate there a couple of times a year for variety's sake, but it was obvious they were just getting by on catering to a niche audience.

Cinnamon snail I wouldn't call "great food" but as a food truck, it's one of the best. Great flavors and you're not constantly reminded of whatever meat the protein is supposed to be emulating like with most places that look like it does from a distance.

>> No.4443325

>desperate target market

NYC has a ridiculous amount of amazing vegan restaurants, many of them top rate, such as 2-starred Michelin restaurant Kajitsu.

I live in a small redneck town, and even here our grocery stores have tons of vegan food. Certainly not a desperate audience, especially in any major city.

>> No.4443326

and a vegetarian place opened up here right next door to a bar, it was prime real estate and tried to carve out a niche of "there are no late night vegetarian places around here"
well there aren't any for good reason, when you are sloppy drunk at 4am you don't want grilled tofu in a lettuce wrap, you want some kind of fried mystery meat covered in cheese and hot sauce.
They owned the building and the bar next door and couldn't even stay open, they literally couldn't even cover their operating costs from day to day and this is a pretty big hipster town.

>> No.4443330

I have eaten at said restaurants, all they make me want to do is go out and get a real version of what they were trying to emulate.
Its like really wanting a coke and someone gives you a diet coke.

>> No.4443335


NYC has a ridiculous number of restaurants, period. For every 2 michelin star restaurant there are 30 to 40 horrible places you'd never want to go to. The ratio may be a little different for vegan dining but the general principle is the same.

I'm not anti-vegan or anything, just trying to give you some perspective.

>> No.4443342

they were giving away some free donuts the other week and i snagged a box of 4. made my coworkers real happy with me and that cinnamon/apple one i kept for myself was fucking awesome.

that truck is legit good stuff

>> No.4443349
File: 38 KB, 715x232, 1363535239523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Live in NYC
>There are about 1000+ restaurants in a 1 mile radius of me according to grubhub

>> No.4443359


Yeah, and let's think about this for a second. I don't know how long you've lived where you currently live, but I'll bet when you're not in the mood to go far from home, you rotate between the same 15-20 restaurants that cater to your taste, style, and cost preferences.

Now let's cut that numbet by 90% for the vegetarians. You're now looking at approximately 2 choices. Sure that's more than some tumbleweed town in West Texas, but that basically means, relative to other New Yorkers, you're a captive audience for your local veg place.

>> No.4443363

The cookbook for this truck is coming out in Fall 2014 I think. I wish it was now :( :(

In the meantime I've used the Babycakes donut recipe and it's not too bad. You do need some non-standard ingredients (soy lecithin I think?) so it takes some prep.

>> No.4443369

just checked 10001 on grub hub for vegetarian/vegan places.

>> No.4443368

Here's the Babycakes recipe, btw. And it was xanthan gum I was thinking of. They do turn out well, though:


>> No.4443370

It is hard as hell to get a reservation at Kajitsu, btw. And it is mad expensive.

>> No.4443372


Did you actually look at the locations? I have shit on my "local" seamless that's actually nowhere near me. Some restaurant owners are desperate, or the proximity calculations are fucked.

>> No.4443379


I had no problem getting a reservation there in December, but yeah was expensive. Even my girlfriend, who hates fancy food as a rule, loved their dishes, though, so was worth it.

Some mushroom dish they did, with mushrooms cooked in a variety of ways, redefined mushrooms for me.

>> No.4443384

>Babycakes recipe,

Cool, thanks, will give it a try.

I went to Babycakes once, loved their donuts. But their stuff is too expensive, imo. Like twice the price at Cinnamon Snail.

>> No.4443386

no. still, i'm unsurprised by that number. nyc is the restaurant capital of the world in terms of #s

>> No.4443391


I live here, I know how many restaurants we have. I'm questioning that there are 91 vegan restaurants within reasonable delivery range. if you've used seamless or grubhub a lot, you've surely had cases where a place supposedly delivered to your address but it turned into a clusterfuck because they were actually like 5 miles away and had no idea where you were. that number probably needs to be cut in half, and I'm being generous.

>> No.4443393

checked their website

>Question: I am poor, or am living the life of a spiritual renunciate. I am very hungry. Can you do anything for me?
>Answer: Talk to us! We want to support you as best we can. If you are homeless, we will feed you something for sure. We will also feed you if you have dedicated your life to your spiritual practices and do not work, you just work on your transformation ALL THE TIME. We are happy to put some healthy food in your belly, but if you are ABLE to pay us, please don't rip us off! We will use our discretion and will offer free meals to Poor, Sadhus, and Mahatma! May you live long, and live a life free of suffering and hunger!

aw, how cute

>> No.4443396

entirely possible. hell, cut it by 2/3. that's still 30 of em lol

also no, i don't use either of those services

>> No.4443403

>move into a new apartment
>menu for a different chinese takeout place slipped under my door daily
>apartment has a magnetically locked gate in front of the court yard
>security check point with guards
>a magnetically locked door to get into the lobby
>another magnetically locked door to get into the building itself

>> No.4443405


someone in your building ordered from them.

you seriously couldn't figure this out?

>> No.4443408

I actually like Snail donuts more because they have a ton of toppings on them. Smores ftw. And that Hulk Hogan one is good too. You barely taste the donut under all the ganache and crap on top of it :)

>> No.4443410

and the security guards don't think its suspicious how they are going in with a stack of menus, taking how ever long it takes to slip menus under the doors of a 13 floor building with 12 apartments on each floor, and coming back out without any?
and why have I never seen them?

I think its ninjas

>> No.4443414


now that you mention it, it's almost certainly ninjas. chinese ninjas. I think there's another word for it but my cantonese is a little rusty.

>> No.4443416


Hulk Hogan donut? You've piqued my interests, sir.

>> No.4443420
File: 998 KB, 500x244, 42268-You-had-my-curiosity-but-now-y-MK6z.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4443421

the fact that it's vegan is the reason why people go there. being vegan is virtually synonymous with being healthy and intelligent people want to be healthy. deal with it.

>> No.4443424


I cannot into vegan donuts yet. I could make something that looks, feels, and tastes like a donut, but I can't into real vegan donuts. There's something special about them.

>> No.4443425

But you cannot survive naturally on a vegan diet. Not very smart.

>> No.4443428


most people in the city aren't fat and do, in fact, know how to take care of themselves without fad diets.

this isn't the deep south.

>> No.4443433

thats right, here in new york 2 miles is in fact still walking distance

>> No.4443446

>cannot survive naturally on a vegan diet

You can get every micro and macro nutrient through a vegan diet. You better not be just thinking of B12, 'cause you get 100% DV of that shit simply having almond, rice, soy, hemp, coconut, whatever milk on your cereal.

>> No.4443454

Due to modern import/export you can. Naturally, you cannot.

>> No.4443457

>Talks about a natural diet
>Eats dairy and meat produced through genetic modification, antibiotics, hormones, and mass amounts of industry technology.

>> No.4443479

And that still doesn't change the fact that an individual who eats both meat and vegetables can go off into the wilderness and survive indefinitely, while a vegan could not.

>> No.4443494



>> No.4443499

>go off into the wilderness

As someone posting on an Internet forum, going off into the wilderness and hunting squirrels is a concern for me.

>> No.4443551
File: 707 KB, 1920x1200, 1296915089881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry I'm no help, I just want to post up donut pictures.

>> No.4443554
File: 43 KB, 500x375, 1351431992965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4443559
File: 22 KB, 336x298, 1351438025218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that's it for pictures. I'm sure this is supposed to be some long john donut... which is fantastic.

>> No.4443562
File: 55 KB, 480x480, 15261_10151528535999367_201809622_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4443591


Hey, it's that ubiquitous hipster filter.

>> No.4443593


Maybe I should go into the vegan food truck business. If their line is like that all day every day they're probably rich.

>> No.4443618

Sweet, found a vegan dessert cookbook that has vegan recipes in it. For those that sail the pirate flag, look up "Chloe's Vegan Desserts"

>> No.4443619

Yesterday I bought dunkin donuts for the first time ever. Fuck me they were bad. Like the worse donut you could buy at an English bakery but more expensive. So I'm more or less stuck without donuts (or doughnuts as we call them) for now.

>> No.4443625


Dunkin Donuts is to donuts as McDonalds is to burgers. You get what you pay for.

>> No.4443629

They were relatively expensive. I paid premium for shit. And all because it's nigh impossible to get a jam donut where I live.

>> No.4443632


Try the recipe posted earlier in the thread.

>> No.4443645

They don't have Krispy Kremes in NYC?

>> No.4443658

California has a fuck ton of doughnut shops I've noticed.
Why California?? why so many?

>> No.4443660


>> No.4443664


Because California's obesity rates need to catch up with other states clearly.

>> No.4445412

It's the Hulk Hogan Transvestite Fudgie Wudgie and it is basically chocolate then some more chocolate then chocolate frosting, cookie sprinkles, and then more chocolate filled with chocolate.

>> No.4445468


Gotta hand it to them, they have a certain gift for quirkiness.

>> No.4445475

How can they be vegan if they are made using yeast? Yeast is not a vegetable and is more closely related to animals.
Check mate vegans.

>> No.4445485
File: 22 KB, 192x177, 1366736182212.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vegans are worse than girls with their attention whoring. Then again, most of them probably are girls.

>> No.4445521


Because a unicellular microorganism is compared to a mammal like a cow or pig.
Plus none of the recipes in this thread contain yeast.

>> No.4445535

>No yeast
Absolutely disgusting shit tier donnuts.

>> No.4445610


I have no idea if The Cinnamon Snail uses yeast or not, but their donuts put every other donut I've had in my life to shame, so I wouldn't care.

Cooking is not so limited to a single ingredient. It's like people who think you can't bake without butter, since that's all they know how to do.