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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 72 KB, 250x350, 3_188128_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4436000 No.4436000 [Reply] [Original]

/pol/ here. I normally dont stray bpards, but I was drinking some brew and was wondering what /ck/ liked:

Ill start:

Pic Related.

>> No.4436005
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bumping for brew justice

Pic related.

Its the actual drink im drinkin rite nao

>> No.4436009

You don't have to announce your board affiliation (as shitty as it may be) and you don't have to bump while your thread's still on the front page.

>> No.4436012

this is a SLLLLLLOOOOOOWWW board, you don't need to bump when a thread is on the first page.

>> No.4436022
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A personal favourite of mine - Beau's from Ottawa.

Delicious local beer.

>> No.4436023
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Duly noted my new /ck/ brethren

if either of yu know /pol/ you know it takes bumpage.

I like Yuengling because its americas oldest brewery, best tasting for the price also

>> No.4436028

my current go-to beer, it's all about the dinner-size.

>> No.4436030
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>> No.4436042

A 30 rack of High Life is now 16 bucks in my area. This is like Busch Light prices, so I guess I found my new session beer.

>> No.4436048

That's a good beer, OP, but you have now started a /ck/ argument on whose shitty craft beer is better.
Let's watch...

>> No.4436051
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>>TFW normally argue on /pol/
>>TFW this argument is slowww

>> No.4436065
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only the finest

>> No.4436061
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>> No.4436067

>double IPA


Phillips brewery is good stuff though.

>> No.4436069

I don't know why people shit themselves for Yuengling. it's OKAY at best. People that like this also love Summer Shandy.

>> No.4436070

please stop spamming your /pol/ "look at me i drink beer thread" in other threads.

we have manners here in /ck/.

>> No.4436075
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Fuck off,

Also come hang @ /pol/ and learn some manners

>> No.4436078

>we have manners here in /ck/.
>Also come hang @ /pol/ and learn some manners

>> No.4436087
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Dutch bros, how is veddett regarded in it's native country?

I like it but it's quite rare, and very expensive in the UK.

>> No.4436091

>implying /pol/ isn't the third most retarded board after /b/ and /v/

>> No.4436092
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I like this, but then, I'm not a pretentious faggot who needs to be an aesthete about everything

>> No.4436094
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>>Implying /pol/ /v/ and /b/ arent the corneer stones of 4chan
>>Implying your not a newfag

>> No.4436098


I'm Dutch but have never heard of it. I am a peasant though.

>> No.4436100

>implying 4chan is a good thing

>> No.4436104
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>>Implying 4chan is bad

Get off my 4chan

>> No.4436108
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>> No.4436115
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I like this Anon.

You can come hangout on /pol/ & and fuck my sister

>> No.4436118
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i think i will go and fill my growler today, because they only stock the whole foods with bottles once a week or so and its gone in a matter of hours.

>> No.4436135
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but im a jewish liberal

>> No.4436151

Aaaand this is why everyone hates /pol/.

Go shit up your home board and don't return, newfag.

>inb4 I've been here since 2010

>> No.4436164

I like /pol/. They aren't afraid to tell it like it is.
Perhaps you'd be more comfortable at reddit.

>> No.4436165
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>>TFW my beers still cold
>>TFW you get offended when you come to /pol/

>>Aaaand this is why everyone hates /pol/
*Slaps guy in face with my /pol/*

Feels Goodman

>> No.4436173
File: 214 KB, 768x1024, bluemoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone else tried this? I'm drinking it right now and it's just awful, I wouldn't recommend it.

>> No.4436177

Anyone go from pleb beers to craft beers and then back to pleb beers again? I started out with Bud and thought it tasted awful and eventually only drank IPAs and pale ales to go full-pleb in the end with Sapporo and Stella Artois being my favourites.

>> No.4436181

That's a women's beer. They put oranges in it and shit. Filthy cunts.

>> No.4436184

its not a bad beer for drinking in the sun.
i like to drink blue moon or fat tire when i am doing yard work

>> No.4436197

I'm in the sun, and it's still bad, I had to hold my nose to finish it.

>> No.4436200

>tell it like it is
>shitpost about race and feminism

Yeah, no. You are cancer incarnate.

>> No.4436198

Have you been the one spamming this beer? I don't mean that in a negative way, I'm just curious as to where I'd pick some up in Minnesota. If possible.

>> No.4436207

Yeah I had it twice. I'd rather just get regular Coor's. Not fancy Coor's.

>> No.4436210
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>>offended that easily
>>Black or woman

Yeah, no. You are cancer incarnate.

>> No.4436212

you will appreciate it more when you dont pass out and wake up with a god awful hang over tomorrow from drinking a heaver beer in the sun.

>> No.4436214


You can't get it in Minnesota.

>> No.4436219

>my feelings are easily hurt
You are weak.

>> No.4436225

I don't get hangovers.

>> No.4436231
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>> No.4436259

The fuck? I'm not offended, I'm annoyed. Annoyed that the mindless retardation that spewed from your fingertips had to even take a second out of my day.

It's not "witty," it's not "edgy," it's not "telling it like it is." It's the scribblings of a retarded 12 year old who just found out he could post anonymously and has the depth of a congealed puddle of piss on the sidewalk.

tl:dr shitposting

>> No.4436278

>it annoys me
>therefore it should not be
>liberal mental midgets
Stay classy.

>> No.4436292
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>> No.4436306

Don't you have an algebra test to be studying for, kiddo?

>> No.4436319

>/fit/ here

what sort of moron identifies themeselves with a board ona glorified weeabo image posting site??

>> No.4436335

I'm black therefore my school cannot score my tests, you racist ass.

>> No.4436336

mods can you please delete this thread, its really shitting up the place.

>> No.4436353

>get bitch slapped
>run to mods for censorship
>staying this classy
You're funny.

>> No.4436368

im a different person. here on /ck/ we like to be polite and on topic. none of the shitposting, /b/ mentality.
this thread is garbage

>> No.4436381
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>> No.4436390

You retards are the ones straying off topic. You should be banned.

>> No.4436393

/pol/ pls go.

>doesn't even attempt to learn board culture
>starts an entire thread anyway after spamming others
>shitpost after shitpost after shitpost, no substance, barely even a legible point, just complete trash

Dude, just stop.

>> No.4436441

"yuengling" translated means "young boy"

So, next time you're out, walk up to the bar with confidence and loudly proclaim to the bartender "I would like a young boy, and keep them coming all night!"

>> No.4436454

You're a shameless shitposter and should be castrated by /ck's/ almighty mods

>> No.4436474

dont even bother. /pol/lack here, and /ck/ is filled with the lowest form of sub-pleb, sub-human bullshit around. these sons of bitches know virtually nothing about food nor cooking. you want to learn how to cook god-tier, down-home style food, try /sp/. you want alcohol knowledge, try /pol/ or /lit/. sadly, you can't have threads like that anywhere except /sp/ because of based mods allowing moderate amounts of decent shitposting

>> No.4437333
File: 35 KB, 453x700, 1367162796305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Epic Bump for an Epic Thread

>> No.4437403

first time I can remember ever hiding a beer thread. good job, /pol/

>> No.4437477

>Default regular
>If I'm being a cheap ass
Carling Black Label
Kostritzer, Konig Ludwig, Franziskaner, Spaten, Hofbrau...etc.
>If I'm feeling rich
Some random Belgium from the local Belgium restaurant.

>> No.4438695
File: 430 KB, 1200x1600, 2012-12-05 20.49.08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The George! series is so good.....

>> No.4438706

I had the calvados one the other day. Shit was probably one of the greatest things I've tasted.

>> No.4438710

I still have the Cognac version to try.

It's just sitting in my cellar and waiting for me....

>> No.4438721

I enjoy Samuel Smith's Oatmeal Stout, Imperial Stout that I find here at the local shops in Brooklyn.

>> No.4438725

They are both very solid. A great everyday beer.

>> No.4438733
File: 236 KB, 1936x1936, 412190_10150638621220664_717720663_11319778_1893190107_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn, De Molen makes some good stuff.

>> No.4438737

I've seen black people drink that lager before. Their negro lips were wrapped around the neck of a bottle of exactly the same make as the one you enjoy.