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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4433995 No.4433995 [Reply] [Original]

Remember that time I became a super villain and erased the best food from existence? Hahaha. Of course you don't.

Too bad you won't get to enjoy something equally savory, sweet, spicy, sour, and bitter thats vegan friendly, supplies 100% of daily nutritional values, and satiates hunger for hours.

>> No.4434011

But I have my deviled eggs right here.

Because fuck vegans.

>> No.4434014

Relevant: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_lK4cX5xGiQ

>> No.4434020

Jokes on you buddy. I have prepared a massive stockpile in my fall out shelter. I'm going to patent it and reintroduce it to the public.

Thanks for making me a millionaire.

>> No.4434026

Can you give me a step by step guide on how I may become a super villain?

I'm having trouble breaking out of being a regular villain.

>> No.4434036

First you need to have a lot of money and have some traumatic event happen in your life. After you've completed those two things come back to me and I'll continue guiding you to super villain status.

>> No.4434046
File: 58 KB, 448x597, my milkshake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thats vegan friendly
>best food

>> No.4434041

I have 47.35 in my bank account and I stubbed my toe a month ago. What now?

>> No.4434053

If you're not going to be serious you will never be a super villian, anonymous.

>> No.4434075

Well I could sell the stocks my grandmother gave me for my 18th birthday. Given current market conditions, they'd add on another 150 dollars.

As for trauma, I didn't want to bring this up, cause I thought it might just be too much, but I have a paper cut that hasn't fully healed.

>> No.4434095

I forgot to mention, the paper cut is on my penis.

>> No.4434103

That's what you get for trying to have sex with Manga characters.

>> No.4434141

And so I swore revenge on the cruel world that keeps me separated from my beloved waifu. BUT BY GOD I WILL MOVE HEAVEN AND EARH!! I SHALL BEND SPACE TO MY WHIM!!! Soon, my beloved, I shall join you in THE SECOND DIMENSION!!!

Can i be supervillain now?