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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 9 KB, 200x200, walmart-grilled-chicken-breast-182451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4429029 No.4429029 [Reply] [Original]

worst food thread, this round things you might find at a grocery store. pic related, its as if you took a grey yoga mat and marinated it in smoke flavoring. and then drew grill marks on with a sharpie, they were literally rubbing off

>> No.4429038

i don't think walmart counts as a grocery store. i would put them at least one tier lower.

>> No.4429043


>> No.4430101

Trader joes brand humus
Trader joes brand jalapeño sausages

>> No.4430110

My roommate will buy two or three bags of those and eat three or four of them a day
It actually makes me mad to see him do it because it's just more proof he has no taste.
I'm not usually one to knock what kind of food someone likes but when that's the kind of shit he considers to be "delicious" it's hard to take him seriously when it comes to food.

>> No.4430113
File: 9 KB, 180x180, Simply_Asia_Pad_Thai_Asian_Noodles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure if I made this wrong or what, but my gf bought me it because I love the Thai food joint by my friend's house but it's too far away for me to have unless I'm out there anyway.

It essentially tasted like a styrofoam soup, the noodles being the styrofoam and the soup being a bland, muddy brown mixture of water and grease.

>> No.4430154

While I agree that those are absolutely terrible. if money is tight they can be salvaged.

>> No.4430161
File: 21 KB, 162x240, butthead_34245.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>simply asia
never again

>> No.4430166

Sorry, but no. You are just a bad person, and that is why you think it's ever ok.

Sorry to tell you this, anon. Get well soon.

>> No.4430183

Quoted for truth

>> No.4430192
File: 56 KB, 424x565, 1365108059967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>30 minute lunch break.
>Microwave per directions.
>Noodles still hard.
>Problem, officer?
>Microwave per directions again.
>Noodles still rock hard.
>Do it again.
>Chemistry finally fucking happens.
>First fifteen minutes of break now vapor.
>Noodles cooked but the temperature of geothermal groundwater.
>Five minutes waiting to cool.
>Nopenope, still radioactive.
>Five minutes pass.
>Nope, not eating me without thickness burns!
>Realize I have now FIVE minutes left to eat playing with this shit.
>Eat BURNING HOT noodles as fast as I can. Burn the shit out of mouth.

Fuck you, noodles! You motherfucking, cocksucking WHORE!

>> No.4430213
File: 27 KB, 240x484, lachoybeefchowmein01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shit tastes like dog food in fact im not sure its not but i had one bite and tossed it

>> No.4430228 [DELETED] 


lol wow u rly tihnk anythin is objectiv ha ha who is to say walmart tomato is wors then fresh tmatoe its all relativ

>> No.4430280

ironic shit posting is just shit posting

>> No.4430370


Fuck Simply Asia. There's nothing Asia about it.

>> No.4430391
File: 482 KB, 607x456, viennasausages.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What Americans call vienna sausages. All the terrible disgusting unhealthiness of packaged hot dogs, but with the consistency and shape of an infant's penis.

>> No.4430399

God, I don't know why I like vienna sausages, but I do. My grandmother always had a can in her cabinet and I loved to snack on them when I was over there.

>> No.4430410

They're good occasionally. They taste like ass if you eat them back to back.

>> No.4430411
File: 149 KB, 370x278, jeffreyjones.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't know why I like vienna sausages

>> No.4430415

I work for a poultry company. The funny thing is Walmart has some pretty fucking strict standards on what they call acceptable for their chicken. In terms of microbiology anyway.

Fun fact. It is infinity easier to import chicken to the US than to Africa. The standards of E. coli and Salmonella counts are beyond insane. What we can't export to the Africa,we keep for domestic distribution.

>> No.4430424
File: 47 KB, 590x443, 1365396368261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4430433

Our cooking, our ability to educate people how to cook properly, and our ability to police how restaurants prepare food are probably all better than anywhere in Africa.

>> No.4430438

And yet the food that they import is better than anything you can get in the US.

>> No.4430444

What I'm saying is that Africa probably has to have extremely strict standards on chicken because if they didn't, they would kill themselves trying to eat it.

>> No.4430462

>prepackaged guacamole

never again

>> No.4430541

on a similar note,
>prepackaged tzatziki
I learned my lesson after one bite of that shit

>> No.4430552

some of it is actually pretty good. some of it is shit though, you just need to buy a good brand

>> No.4430583

mole sauce
tasted like burnt sunflower seeds

>> No.4430599

You can get real ones here. You just have to look for them.

>> No.4430662

Mix of pork and beef and it tastes like fucking shit.

Minced Turkey also has a nasty taste which is weird considering it's a largely flavourless meat.

>> No.4430672
File: 137 KB, 864x955, 161720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.4430715

it's called ground. Ground beef. Ground pork. Ground turkey.

Fucking britshits, I swear.

>> No.4430717

I was going to post something else, but you just triggered my PTSD

this shit is fucking awful and I don't understand how they stay in business.

>> No.4430723

where's the protein?

>> No.4430740


Vienna sausages are good but I'm a little afraid of the overprocessed stuff so I haven't had them in years. The last time I ate them I watched Dawn of the Dead and paired them with rice strictly because those were the last two things in my cupboard.

The Fred's General Stores have all sorts of nasty processed frozen meats, to the point it's all they carry. I had one of those hungry man Cheeseburgers and it made me feel like I had a brick in my stomach and I had this horrible MSG poisoning all day. Somehow this doesn't stop me from eating their Fried Chicken TV dinner a few times a month.

>> No.4430745


Ground is something you do to make something a powder.

Mincing is when you chop something finely then mix it up. Or when you're incredibly camp.

>> No.4430760
File: 106 KB, 842x403, shitty_bean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything with the name "Jimmy Dean" on it.

Honestly, I don't know if they're good or not, but I think it's safe to go ahead and say no. I have had the raw pork sausage before, and it was the shit tier of shit tiers. It is the shit tier of shit tiers among shit tiers. The shittiest of all the shit tiers. A shit tier so shitty that it encompasses every shit tier below (or above?) it.

Breakfast is that one meal everyone first learns to cook. Couple slices of bacon or pork, some eggs, toast, maybe some fruit or juice...easy. Reducing it to a frozen "bowl" is just...ugh. No. Just no. If you don't have time to cook, then drink some tea and have a banana or grapefruit, faggot.

And the fact that most baked goods don't take well to being reheated -- much less frozen and then reheated -- makes it even worse.

I pity anyone who thinks so little of themselves as to completely disregard the most important (and in my opinion, the best) meal of the day. Someone is **being paid** to come up with the answer to the question, "How can we possibly lower the standards (and thus increase our profits) of our customers any more than we already have?"

Eating this shit is the home equivalent of going on vacation and eating fast food the entire time.

If you eat this shit, then please do us all a favor and kill yourself. You have already lost at life.

>> No.4430768

going to buy one of these for breakfast
looks good
which one should i get?

>> No.4430771
File: 780 KB, 325x203, rustles.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go mow your lawn, you snaggle-toothed redneck.

>> No.4430961

that croissant looks delicious as fuck.

>> No.4430967

What made you think it wouldn't taste like shit? Fucking gross.

>> No.4430975

It's a trick. Not that angry bastard, but those things always come out soggy and gross. JD really is shit-tier. It takes five minutes, including prep time, to scramble some eggs and throw in some bacon or ham or cheese or whatever else you want. There is no excuse to buy these products.

>> No.4431095

i make my own version of an egg mc muffin almost every morning