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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4429522 No.4429522[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can you cook using a stab proof knife?


Because of rising knife crime in the UK, somebody had a great idea of designing a knife you can't stab some one with.

While the idea this will stop street crime is absurd the idea of stab proving knives has merit in my opinion.

I myself work on a psych ward, but we still so do cooking activity with the patients so this wouldn't go amiss.

>> No.4429549

...Because the only motion you can make with a knife is a stab?

what is this shit???

>> No.4429555

fuck off, progun

>> No.4429557


>> No.4429661

Gonna open up a shop in Britain and corner the market on pointed sticks. They're sure to be a hot commodity soon.

>> No.4429679

UK confirmed for biggest nanny state ever.

North Koreans probably have more freedoms.

>> No.4429683

You don't cook with a knife. You prep food with it.

Dumb fuck.

>> No.4429714

didn't you know? knives are the only sharp things that can be used to stab someone

didn't you also know it is impossible to sharpen a knife to a point without the use of super expensive and difficult to use heavy machinery?
ha, what do you think you can just sharpen a blade by scraping it against a rock or something? fool

>> No.4429717

What ever? Cook, prep, what would the drawbacks be?

>> No.4429730

Looking like a dumbass and not actually doing anything to solve the supposed "knife crime issue". If it's anything like the US, it's mostly false flags to get the public going for legislation to remove the ability for citizens to protect themselves.

See Sandy Hook, Columbine, all the other similar incidents.

>> No.4429741

You need a maneuverable tip for paring work is the most obvious, also if you're doing delicate fillet work on fish (where you're sliding the tip through the flesh without going all the way) or want razor-thin vegetables (where you'll often draw-slice at a steep angle) that bulge is really going to get in the way.

But that's the technical side of it and this is a troll thread so... I don't know why I bothered.

>> No.4429755

you say this like british people care about eating good food

>> No.4429766

That's all I wanted to know, thank you.

>> No.4429793

...said edgy McLardo Amerifat.

>> No.4429813

at least I can own the land my house is on

>> No.4429865

Stop paying your property taxes and tell me how long you own it.

>> No.4430254

Sandy Hook might've been a false flag but Columbine was real. There were pictures and videos of the assailants in the act.

>> No.4430281

> Britain releases stab-proof safety knives
> # of stabbings drops dramatically
> # of slashings goes up sharply
> # of stabbings with non-knife objects goes up sharply
> Britain releases edgeless safety knives, mandates rounding and rubberizing any and all corners

British people confirmed for Kindergarteners.

> inb4 helmets

>> No.4430850

paying taxes on something is not quite the same as renting it. Brits don't own shit, it all belongs to that dried up old prune of a queen.

>> No.4430862

This looks like a nice safety feature. Everyone wears nice thick leather shoes in the kitchen to protect feet from falling knives. This will also help reduce the risk of falling knife accidents.

>> No.4430868


>> No.4430874

>Britian 2019
Replace all knives with scissors, scissors replaced with safety scissors, forks are replaced by sporks, sporks banned, chopsticks and spoons for everyone

>> No.4430875

OP, yes of course you can cook with a "stab proof" knife. Cleavers/choppers have no point but work very well as general-purpose knives for the kitchen if you're accustomed to them.

As far as the safety of these knives goes for preventing stabbing, they're bloody idiotic. Even if the tip were made fully rounded (better than the shite idea they came up with) some enterprising chav could sharpen it or grind it to a point on the pavement outside their council house in a few minutes FFS!

My first thought precisely - just slash someone instead, like duh.

>> No.4430880

Incorrect. You need to research UK laws on freehold. Unless you like spouting ignorant, ill-informed crap?

>> No.4430883

>general-purpose knife


>> No.4433463 [DELETED] 

Hahaha, faggot
Your anus will never return to normal after that long hard rod of FACTS

>> No.4433501

Look, you don't NEED an assault knife to prepare food.

>> No.4433513

>britain goes to increasingly draconian length to prevent access to the means to commit crimes instead of doing anything to tackle the question of why people are committing crimes to begin with

Fucking typical. Treat the symptoms (and damn things like treating people like adults in the process) not the problems.

>> No.4433519

Why not just sell fresh fruit?

>> No.4433530


>> No.4436602

The British can barely chew foods due to the fact that they barely have any teeth left in their heads.

>> No.4436620
File: 31 KB, 333x333, moth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grab pliers
>snap/break the round tip off

do the brits have scrapyard inspectors to check for pointy bits of scrap?

>> No.4436643

I think there is surveillance cameras in all their homes.

>> No.4436652

I guarantee I could stab any one of you weird fuckers to death with one of those.

>> No.4436743

When preparing baked potatoes for the oven, I stab them with a small, stabby knife.

Those "stab-proof" knives would be unfit for use in my kitchen.

>> No.4436878

I wanna see UK paring knives...

>> No.4436908


You could always use a fork, which would do a better job anyway.

>> No.4436923

I work few days a week on a mental health society's kitchen and every knife be it small or big has had it's point cut off. They make me little irritatated sometimes when i have to open packages or poke holes in to something'n shit.

Then again it's mental health society, though everyone i've seen there are more or less sane. They are just bored, unemployed and not as social as modern culture expects people to be.

>> No.4438314

It's kinda absurd for fighting street crime. It would work against domestic violence though. As alot of those cases are done on the spur of moment by just grapping a knife that happens to be handy.

Slashing something to death with anything smaller than a machete is actually a quite hard thing to do, presuming the target is attempting to excape or fight back. Unless you get lucky and score an artery.
(in timely manner atleast, person would probably die from bloodloss/infection/blood poisoning if proper care is denied.)

>> No.4438322

>UK bans guns
>knife crime rises
>UK bans knives

look at how retarded this shit is

just let people have guns again and watch the crime rates plummet.

>> No.4438325
File: 107 KB, 197x382, weak-sauce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw all pointy things will be banned and we're all regulated to a nerf-whiffle-life.

>> No.4438335

You can still slice and cut with. DERP

>> No.4438343

How do you properly prepare strawberries? I need the tip to carve in just around the leafy bits...

>> No.4438349

if you stupid ass fucks would look at the article,

the knife CLEARLY still has a tip - that would be what you do all your faggy ass needs-a-tip shit with, fuckwads. it's just not pronounced enough to let you STAB SOMEONE WITH IT.

>also, article is from 2009
>2/10 since I responded

>> No.4438353

It's not like this is the first thread about it.

>> No.4438381

Someone's mad. Keep talking shit while you post on an American run site you poor hypocrite.

>> No.4438385

Way a terrific and well thought out argument.

Wow you Brit bongs are idiots.

>> No.4440745

The UK is embarrassing.

>> No.4440756

There's no point in using a dull knife.
Well done steaks maybe, but not tomatoes or potatoes.

>> No.4440768


Sperg harder

>> No.4440772

ill open up a competing shop where i show clients how to make their own pointed sticks with their point-less knives

>> No.4442795

>that will break the rules

It should be "who." Who would've thought tripfags are idiots.

>> No.4442836


Did you really need to start this thread again? And not even bother to find a new picture?

This obviously has nothing to do with food or cooking, and is just a thinly veiled attempt to start a bullshit gun control argument that is better left to somewhere like /b/.

>> No.4443240

>buy stap proof knife
>use it to carve a knife out of wood/stronger plastic
>stab people

>> No.4443282

>implying this isn't the same thread

>> No.4443310
File: 129 KB, 818x881, il_fullxfull.330840864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep my cooking knife rack on my nightstand next to my .45 in case of a break in or dispute. Its sort of like a second shield. In case of emergency I can grab both my pistol and my meat slicer for close combat. If for some reason my pistol is knocked from my hand or we get into an intimate tangle I have the knife for subduing my opponent.

>> No.4443315


It's not.

>> No.4443357

>being this upset because your country is a joke

>> No.4443388

>WTF you can just slash people
slashing, especially with a knife, is not particularly effective for killing. stabbing is a far more catastrophic injury and more likely to result in death.
In a knife fight, slashing is about controlling position, and stabbing is how you kill a man.

You can't really prevent injury completely like this, but you can reduce fatalities, which is pretty reasonable.
I don't know about mandating use of these blunt ends, but it isn't as stupid as you're making it out to be.

>> No.4443423

Thread officially political tool ->/? thread now.

Nothing related to actual cooking can be discussed here. It's about hellfire and purgatory now.

>> No.4443438

It's cooking related, I'm going to bump this thread every day just for you.

>> No.4443474

And It's fine! As long as you keep it focused on cooking. and not politics. like the topic.

>> No.4443511

Kitchen knives aren't cooking related?

>> No.4443533

People will just use axes, hatchets or meat cleavers like in China. Anything can be used as a weapon. The weapons aren't the problem the violent people are. The UK is full fucking potato if they think banning objects will stop violent crime.

>> No.4443536

Anon your autism is showing

>> No.4443552

>not dangerous weapons

>> No.4443598

>durr i trol u
Apply yourself.

>> No.4443601

/K/ loves you.

>> No.4443732

this would not stop a throat from being slit...

>> No.4443788

Europeans aren't exactly known for their intelligence. Poor hygiene, but definitely not intelligence.

>> No.4443800


>> No.4443848

are they banning grinders too?

haha retards

>> No.4443851 [DELETED] 

Anyone who kills a cop or political official in England has my support. There, I said it. Too much of Europe has become fascist as fuck and their "citizens" have no real rights. I'm ashamed anyone bothers to speak with them anymore.

>> No.4443857

I can't wait for Gordon Ramsay to blow a gasket over this.

>> No.4443862

oh my god this post is STILL ALIVE? shut the fuck up this is from 2009 just shut up christ

>> No.4445173

Get used to seeing it, it's going to be here a while.

>> No.4445256

>due to hand related crimes on the rise, everyone will be forced to cut their hands off


>due to arm stump-related crimes on the rise, everyone will be forced to become quadriplegics.


>due to...

When a man lets his freedom be trodden on once, he invites it to be trodden on from there on out.

>> No.4445296

I was notified that you do not have your tv or internet license.

>> No.4445302

Maybe they should teach people to not commit crime, much like it's been proposed to teach men not to rape. I don't see how this could possibly not work...

>> No.4445970

Oh Britain, you're an embarrassment.

>> No.4445971

What was it they said in Dune? Killing with the point was inelegant or something, and the edge was the mark of a true swordsman? Am I remembering this correclty?

>> No.4446684

What is a Dune?

>> No.4446693


>> No.4446709

Is this some silly stoner garbage or what?

>> No.4446713

>not knowing the OI ITS 6 BONG M8s pasta

can you even be this new

>> No.4446799
File: 15 KB, 479x480, santoku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. I do it every dad

>pic related. Stab proof knife

>> No.4446805

>being proud of the time you've spent in this shithole

You're depressing.

>> No.4446846


Just slice the tops off. The fuck are you doing digging into it?

>> No.4446847

>being proud of making a fuckup

you're depressing

>> No.4446855

.....the knife can still slash....this is stupid

>> No.4446876

While we're talking about knives, I've got a problem with one I got as a B-day present a few weeks ago. It's very sharp and handy and all that, but... the handle smells like piss. Like, really strongly. I googled "knife handle smells like urine", and literally the first hit was the Amazon review page for the knife. Apparently the wood used just naturally smells like that. Is there anything I can do to remove the smell without damaging the handle? It's a damn good knife, but I just don't want to use it because my hand will reek for the rest of the day.

>> No.4446886

that's a new one on me
if it's a new knife, I would contact victorinox first of all
ask them if anyone else has reported a similar issue
if there's anything in their manufacturing process that could lead to that
if it's a used knife, I would probably sand the handle down, see if it's a surface smell
if sanding doesn't cut it, you would have to soak it in something, like vinegar or baking soda solution to alter the pH to kill off bacteria, or in some kind of odor eliminating enzyme solution, and I would rather not have that near my foodstuffs either, and soaking it in anything will most likely swell the wood, probably crack it, if not then, possibly when drying, so yeah, it's all last resort stuff anyway
you could look into getting the handle replaced, but the only people I personally know who do that are into expensive luxury custom stuff, not so much the utilitarian side of it

>> No.4446895

i dont know what you use to get rid of tree piss, but for animal pee you'd use something like a peroxide/vinegar/soap mix and then rub in some baking soda. if the base in the baking soda doesnt work try something acidic- (ie. lemon juice)
let the handle soak in the mixture for a day or so if you can.
good luck buddy

>> No.4446900

shouldn't be doing this to dads

>> No.4447084

to minimize fruit lose.

>> No.4447118


>> No.4447623
File: 36 KB, 475x600, 1348373694094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the tips, guys. Gonna try giving the company a call tomorrow, not really keen on going all toxic warfare on the knife just yet.

In return, have an image of some proper cutlery.

>> No.4447809

I want that set! Got a link?

>> No.4447831


>> No.4448001

'Fraid not, I found the image on /tg/. Sorry.

>> No.4448079

Website of the artist,


>> No.4448207

WTF is wrong with that site that it's shitting all over Chrome?

Seems like it might just be art, anyway. Cheers, though.

>> No.4448313

You're not even making sense now.

>> No.4448352

But you can still chop people with those

liberals are fucking retarded

>> No.4448458


>> No.4448469

not heard that one before

>> No.4448474

but proper care wouldnt be denied because FREE HEALTH CARE

>> No.4448792

State commonly refers to either the present condition of a system or entity, or to a governed entity (such as a country) or sub-entity (such as an autonomous territory of a country).
lrn2englishlanguage pleberican

>> No.4448806
File: 456 KB, 640x480, mikey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dangerous asian weapons like nunchucks.
We need to ban them from our cartoons

>> No.4448814

>implying that wasn't project monarch
inb4 >>>/pol/ except for this guy>>4447831

>> No.4448817

Feels good to be panamanian, for at least I know I'm not the UK

>> No.4448823
File: 195 KB, 500x480, laughing_native.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>at least I can own the land my house is on

>> No.4448860

>They are just bored, unemployed and not as social as modern culture expects people to be
sounds like 4chan

>> No.4448871

but we get to use pointy things

>> No.4448875

Hand out guns to all citizens and carrying them at all times is mandatory: crime eradicated


>> No.4448881

thinks the internet has borders

>> No.4448885

Worked in kennesaw

>> No.4448887

lol yeah works well in America.

>> No.4448892


>> No.4448895


Not even bothering.

>> No.4448897

It's a fucking news paper article.

>> No.4448898

>newspaper article, not a peer-reviewed journal article

lol nope

>> No.4448905

With enough force, anything can kill. So lets just ban screwdrivers as we're at it. Hammers, spades, cricket bats, rounders bats, golf bats, frying pans, sauce pans spoons, forks, sporks... fuck anything hard that you can hit a person with enough will kill them.

>> No.4448936

ban humans

>> No.4448945
File: 10 KB, 275x183, destroy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying keyboards are pointy

>> No.4448970

If I hit you enough with my keyboard you will die, I could even just strangle you with its wire. Who gives a fuck.

>> No.4448981

>implying you can reach, edgemaster

>> No.4448985

I can't stab but I can slit a throat with it

What a shitty idea. These people need guns so they can protect themselves.

>> No.4448988

impling i cant grind a blade

>> No.4450775

Chopsticks aren't kawaii when you stab someone in the eye with them.

>> No.4451152


>> No.4451412

uhhh what's next, soft hammers? bats made of sponges? go fuck yourself you nanny state pole smoker

>> No.4452430
File: 5 KB, 259x194, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you call that a knife?

>> No.4452481

what the h is a "stab proof knife"? Maybe rubber but then it is useless for what it it designed for.And you can be sure the criminal element will not be intimidated nor armed with stab proof knives, rubber bullets, foam bats or common decency and respect for your life or family..

>> No.4453414
File: 45 KB, 500x548, 14456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

European baseball bats.

>> No.4453429


For fucks sake, you can stop bumping this shitty thread already.

>> No.4453918

Now this is just sad.

>> No.4453929

Wouldnt a stab proof knife be a knife that you can't make a stab through.

>> No.4453942

I'm going to bump it every day until it hits post limit just for you.