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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 18 KB, 430x300, beans_on_toast430x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4422754 No.4422754 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck, britbongs

>> No.4422757

I don't see the problem

>> No.4422756

What's the problem? It makes for a fine meal for anytime of the day.

>> No.4422758

This is why their national dish is from India.

>> No.4422760

oi m8 u goh a problem wi' beans on toasties, i's a perfectly good combo u kunt say dat to me face oi'll wrek u i swear on me mums grave

>> No.4422768

I'm american and have been eating this shit for years.
An english breakfast is the best breakfast.

>> No.4422774

British food always looks so.. sad, and depressing.
Its like they don't even care about spices or flavor at all.

>> No.4422775
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>> No.4422778
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>> No.4422780

This is the cliche meal of homeless people in the US.

>> No.4422785


>> No.4422790

Hey man, I'm a good old red blooded American, and I eat beans on toast. I actually make a special trip to the Indian market here so I can buy a flat of Heinz beans (they're cheaper there) for my BoT.
Make some cheese toast, smother in Heinz beans, add a little worcestershire or A1 (or HP sauce, if you can find it), and you've got yourself a nice breakfast or simple supper.

>> No.4422837

>flat of beans
What? Is that like a palette of butter or a canoe of syrup

>> No.4422875

How do they make toast?

>> No.4422881

That's just hitting below the belt.

>> No.4422889

If you actually made homemade baked beans this would be a very healthy meal.

>> No.4422903

>not covering the toast with cheese to each corner so it melts on the hot beans while still keeping them from making the bread soggy

>> No.4422914

a pallet one unit tall

>> No.4422926
File: 53 KB, 640x480, standard-4-way.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A whole pallet of beans? Like the picture?

>> No.4422928


What? I think you're confusing the homeless with hobos. Don't do that. They also eat their beans directly from the can

>> No.4422929

yep, it'll usually last a few weeks

>> No.4422931


This on bread. Zomfgdelicious. I usually end up just eating the spread.

>> No.4422943

>>4422929 is fucking with you.

>> No.4422947
File: 157 KB, 500x375, big-beans-on-toast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American here. I practically lived off of beans and toast in college, and it was delicious. Get bent, OP

>> No.4422953


that's how they are shipped, you know that right?

>> No.4422990
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baked beans on toast is good, as long as it's not shitty Campbell's pork & beans.

>> No.4423007


Just wait til you put a good slathering of marmite on the toast

>> No.4424285

>not eating horse
Dafug mane, are you one of those yiffers?

>> No.4424288

HNNNNNNNNNNNNNG. I can eat pounds of that stuff.

>> No.4424323

>not eating cornbread with your beans

>> No.4424331

This stuff is the bomb. I usually throw in leftover steak, roast, etc when I make it and add some sweet baby rays.

>> No.4424333

What's the Brown liquid, "Wooster Shauce"?

>> No.4424342

Whenever I see britbong beans on a plate, the sauce looks so red I imagine they're in spaghettio sauce.

>> No.4424345
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So let me get this straight, a flat of beans is a single layer of cans on a cardboard tray, a pallet is several flats on a wooden pallet.

Fucking English...

>> No.4424356

I thought it was the same sauce too.

>> No.4424381

Dude. A flat is what that's called here in the US. I'm the one who posted that I buy a flat of Heinz beans from my local Indian market.
A flat is a dozen cans. Yes, in a cardboard tray. That's it.
A pallet of cans is like...idk, 2 dozen flats (or possibly more).

>> No.4424384

Brit? Fuck no.

I'm american and I eat beans on toast.

Find something more worthy of bashing them over, lazy ass.

>> No.4424385

American here.

I had beans on toast for the first time about a month ago and was so mad at myself for waiting 24 years to try it.

>> No.4425074

South American here.

Me no speaky engrish

me commit sudokku no

>> No.4425079

Cheap filling snack. How is that any different to a grilled cheese? Hell, this is semi healthy, protein, fibre and one portion of vegetables. Beans are a great thing.

>> No.4425094

good for cutting/weight lossing/anyfuckthing

>> No.4425112


>> No.4425115

On a thread on /int/ we discovered that tinned beans are different in the UK and US. In the UK they are savoury and in a tomato sauce, while in the US they are loaded with sugar and are actually sweet with a brown sauce. This may explain the confusion of Americans to eating beans with a savoury breakfast.

>> No.4425117

Of-course the sauce is red, what else would it be? If those spaghettio things are similar to our hoops then no, the sauce is not the same for beans.

>> No.4425119

>Fucking English
the poster said he was American
were you dropped on your head as a baby?

>> No.4425122

I lived over there for a while spaghetti-o's are basically hoops but worse, for some reason they add cheese to the sauce too because everything needs more cheese right?

>> No.4425143

They were obviously confusing pork and beans (in the tomato sauce) with baked beans (which have the added sugar, molasses, etc.). Two very different things in the USA

>> No.4425152

Beans are the shit tier of food textures.

Down there with potatoes.

>> No.4425179

>beans and potatoes shit tier

anon pls

>> No.4425181
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Fuck yeah, we still love our beans on toast in Australia.

British cuisine gets breakfast right, at least.

>> No.4425201

are u havin a laurf m8?

is he havin a larff?

>> No.4425219

Beans I can see people have a problem with. Mushy shit whatever. I fucking hate butter beans.
Potatoes though? Come on.

>> No.4425459
File: 38 KB, 450x480, Ronald Macdonald has just lost his patience and will now lose his shit all over you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4425770

arent baked beans in america served in syrup or was i just trolled?
anyway if i wasnt trolled here in the uk they are served in a tomato based sauce
maybe that will make it make more sense

>> No.4425775

not a britbong here but:

beans + toast = complete protein

>> No.4425781
File: 16 KB, 195x194, fuck you in british1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4425793

I don't know if they're served in syrup, per se, but the sauce they come with tends to be viscous and sweet

>> No.4425866

You got trolled.

Boston baked beans(the original classic baked bean) are simmered in a tomato sauce with herbs, spices, pork or beef fat and just a little sugar.

Western-style baked beans use bacon instead of fat and tend to use either brown sugar or honey in a greater quantity than Boston-style beans. There is a variation made in the northern part of the US that uses Maple syrup in place of the brown sugar, but that's about it.

>> No.4425886

Bugger the English version. Try the Mexican version. it's called mollettas and it consists of frijoles de olla on day old toasted bread, topped with cheese, sour cream and salsa.

Fucking fantastic hangover food.

>> No.4425905
File: 159 KB, 640x480, tumblr_lyxuayRmcU1qjvd86o1_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love this

>> No.4425949

Me too. My mom was was from Bristol.She tought us a lot about eating well with limited resources. Fry a slice or two of fatty bacon until crisp. remove bacon. In the grease, about 2 tlbs, add a hand full of chopped onion. cook until soft. add a can or pork and beans, ( cheapest you can find) Add a spoon of mustard, a spoon of molasses and hot sauce of your choice. Let cook about 2 min. Crumble the bacon back in. serve on toasted bread.If because of dietary laws, you cannot eat pork, omit it and use vegtable oil, and white beans in sauce. whatever floats your boat. It is cheap, easy, quick and far better than ordering a take out, or fast food. and as far as >>4422758, goes, I am not particularly fond of all Indian cooking, some good, some not so much, like the people themselves It is that kind of stupid ignorant comment that is beneath contempt. ( ya f--ing twat).

>> No.4425954
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>> No.4426039

American beans are loaded with sugar and are completely different.

>> No.4426059

uh, that reminds me, I have to let the beans soak for tomorrow. Thanks OP!

>> No.4426118

beans on toast is fucking great.

but beans and cheese on toast, that's next level.

>> No.4426124

No shit, I live in Bristol now.

>> No.4426126

I think heinz beanz are also fairly sugary too. I don't have any to check, but they taste sweet to me.

>> No.4426133

Beans (51%), Tomatoes (34%), Water, Sugar, Modified Cornflour, Salt, Spirit Vinegar, Spice Extracts, Herb Extract

It's not brown sugar and molasses though - the effect is pretty different. Though they are somewhat sweet, yes