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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 378 KB, 1600x1200, veggieburg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4415434 No.4415434[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

how do I make a good veggie burger? a friend of mine served me some really good ones the other day, and today I tried to make it myself, but it didn't go too well. anyway, that recipe was for a vegan burger, so maybe it's easier if I find a good recipe with eggs in it.

>> No.4415437

Add meat.

>> No.4415440
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>> No.4415441


this, nothing beats meat for meat flavor.

>> No.4415445

I don't want meat flavor, I want chick pea flavor or kidney bean flavor or whatever veggie burgers taste. I like to eat hamburgers, but veggie burgers is something entirely different if you do it right and don't try to replicate the meat taste.

>> No.4415448

I would literally suck my own dick for just one of those fries

>> No.4415457


>burger no meat
>no meat flavor

not a burger.

>> No.4415462

just spice it right. i make veggie burgers all the time. black beans make the best ones, imo, but lentils and other beans are good too. if your problem is binding but you still want to keep it vegan, just use a flax "egg" (2 tbls water+1 tbls flax meal) or throw some four or bread crumbs in.

>> No.4415466
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so is /ck/ anti-vegetarian or something? I'm not even vegetarian, but I grew up with vegetarian food and I like vegetarian food.

>> No.4415470

I don't need to keep it vegan. I'll try to use black beans though.

>> No.4415473

Don't argue with them, just ignore them. There's enough bickering already.

>> No.4415478

I love using minced portabella mushrooms in burgers, maybe that will help. I mix it with meat though, you could mix it with ground, cooked chickpeas though. Maybe an egg to bind.

>> No.4415501


I bet if, I cut you open from tip to tail I'd find your malnourished green bones of shame full eating habits and intentional neglect of delicious meat.

>> No.4415502

I had some portabella mushrooms in mine today actually. and chickpea flour. I guess I'll try approx the same recipe but with an added egg the next time.

>> No.4415504

yeah, just use an egg then. i like to spice mine with chili, cumin, smoked paprika, and maybe some siracha (if i'm feelin hottt.) throw an onion and garlic in there too. goes great with a simple guac and some plantain chips.

>> No.4415524

used a bit of onion and garlic, but I spiced it very badly. thanks for the input!

>> No.4415547

>so is /ck/ anti-vegetarian or something?
Pretty much. I posted a thread saying I was trying to reduce the amount of animal products in my diet and wanted to know some delicious vegan foods I could learn to cook. Anyways, about half the posts were people flaming me, calling me a faggot and other such nonsense. Just ignore them. I suspect it's just /b/ overflow

>> No.4415561

I always thought /ck/ was a tolerant and nice place, I haven't been here much yet.

still seems much better than the other boards I've visited.

>> No.4415570


how do you rectify your confused and flawed belief system with your insatiable lust for consuming man juice?

>> No.4415575

that IS an interesting point, now that you mention it...

>> No.4415634

How do you justify mass breeding animals and forcing them to live in horrible conditions and inflicting pain and suffering on them 24/7 until they are killed just for a little bit of extra dopamine/serotonin with your meals?

>> No.4415640

why can't we all just eat how we want to eat and everyone else get the fuck over it.

>> No.4415644

Whenever the meat eaters can leave us the fuck alone and avoid the urge to flame us when we're discussing vegan foods amongst ourselves.

>> No.4415647


Because it's the natural order. I don't feel bad about it because the animals die to feed me, not for my pleasure. Pay attention to what animals do to other animals and what we humans do pales in comparison.

Also because excluding an entire class of foods which we are clearly designed to eat makes no logical sense whatsoever. Avoiding meat is just as childish as those who refuse to eat veggies.

>> No.4415660

i eat vegan simply because i don't like the quality of meat available, the taste of eggs, and the thought of drinking another animals milk for it's baby repulses me (plus it's cancerous as hell.) if i had more money i would probably buy locally sourced, harmone-free meat from time to time, but honestly, at this point i don't ever crave meat and i feel like i wouldn't really like the taste/texture.

>> No.4415662

No, you and all vegens really are faggots. You don't realize your so caled "lifestyle" is a luxury for pretentious faggots and you'd be eating and sucking the marrow of rat bones if modern civilization collapsed and all your vitamins and supplements weren't so readily prepared for you.

The rest of us would continue hunting, raising and devouring delicious animals.

>> No.4415663

>Pay attention to what animals do to other animals and what we humans do pales in comparison.

>Also because excluding an entire class of foods which we are clearly designed to eat makes no logical sense whatsoever.
people are allowed to do what they want to do. a lot of people doesn't even like meat. it's nothing childish about it.

>> No.4415665

>Also because excluding an entire class of foods which we are clearly designed to eat makes no logical sense whatsoever
The way we treat animals who are raised for food is unethical. Obviously you've found some way to justify it, but I refuse to. I know I can live my life and be perfectly healthy without contributing towards the mass toruture/slaughter of animals and so I choose to. I don't go into meat-eater threads and flame people for their choices. Why do you feel the need to come into vegetarian/vegan threads and be such a prick?

>> No.4415672

that's a misconception. you can be vegan and get all the vitamins you need naturally. i've been vegan for three years now and am constantly broke as hell. veggies are cheaper than meat/seafood.

>> No.4415674

>Why do you feel the need to come into vegetarian/vegan threads and be such a prick?

Well, the previous poster asked a question. I answered it. I wouldn't have posted but 4415634 asked, so I replied. It's not malicious, it's called having a discussion.

>> No.4415675

While its true that keeping them locked up is a terrible idea, there's nothing wrong with eating animals, because the reality is, animals will eat right back. with cows and sheep and pigs and such, these animals are essentially our slaves permanently, and by that I mean, you can't put these animals in the environment again and leave them to their own devices and expect them to live. they will be killed. the war against meat is really nothing more than an extinction program against domestic-able animals. What we should be doing with these animals is instead of keeping our ranches locked up, we should allow them to roam more freely, mimmicking nature to reverse the processes of desertification, if we do that, not only will there be a green (A REAL GREEN, not shitty organic 'green') way for people to puchase meat, but it will be enormous environmental impact which makes the meat market more sustainable as more and more grazingland is created with the addition of more and more grasslands.

>> No.4415699

>The rest of us would continue hunting, raising and devouring
It's funny when amerifats pretend they know how to hunt or raise animals.

>> No.4415714

>veggies are cheaper than meat/seafood.

By weight, sure. Then again, veggies are 95% water, so that doesn't really help you in the end.

When you compare the cost versus nutrution, however, things change. A pound of lettuce is cheaper than a pound of beef. But, a pound of lettuce contains almost zero nutrition. A pound of beef contains a great deal of nutritional value.

Obviously premium meats are indeed expensive but many of them are FANTASTIC value for money. For example, chickens. A whole chicken costs about $5 and provides four large servings of lean meat, plus fat for cooking, plus extra meat to make chicken salad or soup, plus the skeleton to make stock from--all of which are nutritious. Compare the nutrition you get out of a chicken (protein, vitamins, minerals, etc.) to $5 worth of carrots or broccoli or apples and you'll see it's much worse.

Here's the USDA nutritional database:

...do some searches and educate yourself.

>> No.4415718


Nice ad hominem.

>> No.4415719


This is /ck/ for food and cooking. You want to discuss being a faggot with other faggots go to /lgbt/.

>> No.4415725

You're missing the point. 99% of the time what happens is people have a thread where they are discussing vegan cooking/recipes and then intolerable pricks like you come in and start flaming everyone.

>> No.4415735

>men eating veggie burgers
Just turn your balls in, you don't need them, you raging sissy.

>> No.4415760

>being so insecure about yourself that you have to flame others for having a different code of ethics

>> No.4415769

bitches love men eating veggie burgers

>> No.4415798
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the registered hunters from only 4 of our states outnumbers the largest army in the world. you think we dont hunt faggot?

>> No.4415814

Don't talk about guns with eurotrash. They piss themselves and start barricading their stone and hatch huts.

>> No.4416036

oh that's right. i forgot that have to stab and club everything. primitive monkeys.