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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 13 KB, 260x250, cookingoils.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4410497 No.4410497[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I've heard olive oil isn't good for you when you use it to cook at high heat (frying things, etc.), is this true?
Also, what is the best oil to cook with? Health wise and what not.

>> No.4410525

It's best to have different oils for different situations. Extra virgin olive oil is great for salad dressing, not so great for stir frying.


>> No.4410566

use veggie, canola or blended oils for cooking
olive oil is for finishing

>> No.4410748

Regular olive oil is great for cooking, extra virgin is for cold use. And sometimes for cooking with certain dishes not because of health but because of delicious. Based olive oil. Every day I have to refrain from drinking it.

>> No.4410756


Refer to the link below:


>> No.4410764
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Always use a good saturated fat like extra virgin coconut oil or lard that hasn't been hydrogenated.

They are both ideal fats for cooking at high heat and the healthiest.


>> No.4410779



>> No.4410788


>> No.4410790

>I've heard olive oil isn't good for you when you use it to cook at
high heat (frying things, etc.), is this true?
Short answer: Yes.
Longer answer: *All oils* aren't good for you at high heat. This includes, but is not limited to butter, olive oil, canola oil (aka rapeseed), sunflower oil, peanut oil, palm oil, animal fat, etc etc. Oil hot enough to smoke will "give you cancer" (will increase your chance of cancer over the very long term) The solution is to not over heat your oil. And if you do, don't breath the oil.

>> No.4410799
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Olive oil is bad for high temp cooking because it burns at a lower temperature than other oils. Its great when sauteing on medium or low heat or when you are just browning meat in a pan, but not for frying or regular sauteing. As for me, I use canola (rapeseed) for most things since it has a neutral flavor and a relatively high smoke point. Some people swear by grapeseed oil and coconut oil as their high temp oils of choice, but I prefer peanut oil, since I mostly use it for stir fries and such rather than deep frying.


>> No.4410806


This. It's all about the type of olive oil.

Regular stuff is an ideal cooking oil. Healthy, delicious, and high smoke point.

EVOO is for dressings and such; it has too low of a smoke point to cook with it, and a strong flavor that's great for dressings but no so good for sauteing.

>> No.4410809


Does anyone else use safflower oil? I can't get enough of it. Best fries I have ever had. Best onion rings. I want to try it for wings..I anticipate it will be better than peanut oil and vegetable oil.

>> No.4410811


You're talking about virgin olive oil. Normal (refined) olive oil has a higher smoke point than canola; plenty high to saute with, and it's healthier.

Agreed about peanut for stir-fries though

>> No.4410815

I think a lot of the olive oils in america are very low grade. with that being said, i still like to use olive oils for dressings, and in pasta water, i prefer butter, butter in moderation has healthy fats for your brain :)

>> No.4410822

The only 'real' olive oils you will get in America come from California. Most everything else has been cut with canola oil.

>> No.4410856

Americans, I'm new on /ck/, but is it really so terrible there? I know the stereotypes but I thought that was negligible.

>> No.4410867


Canola oil is a machine oil. It isn't good for cooking. That is the truth.

>> No.4410866

Never heard of it. Is it healthy? )Or healthier than other stuff anyway?)

>> No.4410871

Really depends what state and of course where you get your ingredients. In my honest (anecdotal of course, pinch of salt) experience Canada is way fucking better for fresh veg, meat and fruit, and I prefer the food chains here, but some places in Murica have absolutely great food. Loads of it's abysmal, but hey. Pick and choose

>> No.4410879

>Canola oil
>isn't good for cooking

>obvious troll is obvious.jpg

>> No.4411223

What's the best brand of olive oil? I want some gormay stuff that I can drizzle on a dried tomato or a salad and totally raise the roof with

>> No.4411228


Depends where you live. In the US, California extra virgin is considered the "safest" if you don't know what the fuck you're doing, but I've yet to find a brand I like. I usually get Italian because I prefer the flavor. If you can get the Palestinian stuff where you live, I've found it to be a cut above your average California stuff, although not as good as a good Italian oil.

If you're just shopping at a generic grocery store and not a place that caters to snobs, you should probably stick with California.

>> No.4411229

>olive oil in pasta water

Why? Oil and water mix like... oil and water

>> No.4411232

Canola oil is too fucking resistant to heat and makes everything taste like shit

>> No.4411247

Higher quality olive oil has a lower smoking point, so use shit olive oil if you're afraid of a little smoke.

>> No.4411253
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>> No.4411265


Keeps your pasta from sticking to each other and the pot

>> No.4411276
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...but thats wrong, you retard.

>> No.4411286


They even do it in Italy, you fucking idiot dumbass pussy piece of shit. Holy fuck you're retarded

>> No.4411288


Convection currents still occur when there's oil in the water, dumbass

>> No.4411316
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No they don't kiddo.

>> No.4411318

Not him, but I've been to Italy many times. They don't do that in any of the areas I passed through.

>> No.4411391


Get the seventeen sapphire dildoes out of your fucking poo poo hole, you fucking poindexter, yes they fucking do, I've fucking seen them and I'm even Italian myself so shut your fucking cockpiece and learn a thing or two HOLY SHIT

>> No.4411407


>still believing old wive's tales

>> No.4413468

I tried frying something with vegetable oil last night... it did not go well.

>> No.4413488

Pasta aint even Italian. C'mon.

>> No.4413503

That's right. It's Roman, dating as far back as sometime between the 6th-8th centuries BCE.

>> No.4413621
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Actually, back a long time ago, Italians used to do so. But they learned, with modern times, that it was useless to do so. So both of you are actually right. Now back to the point plz.

You cannot fry with olive oil for 2 main reasons :
-It gets fucking bitter
-It has a very low burning point, not like Coconut oil (the highest). So you wont even go to frying temperature, it'll simply burn before.

>> No.4413673

for 1 next time google olive oil on high heat and no lazy it turns unhealthy once it is cooked for 2 long on high heat...your best healthiest alternative to this is using coconut oil

>> No.4413681

isn't Rome in Italy?

>> No.4413687

>Rome in Italy ?

>> No.4414220

You cane easily fry with olive oil. It's not going to poison you just because it gives off some smoke.

>> No.4414251
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>> No.4414289

Are you implying that lard isn't healthy?

>> No.4414428

>sauteing on medium or low heat
>medium or low

do people even know what sauté is?

>> No.4414812

That was the joke. Sorry, my joke wasn't very good. I've noticed that Americans have this bizarre belief that Italy had no pasta before one of the Polos, usually Marco though occasionally Nicolò and/or Maffeo, "brought it back" from the orient.
This is hogwash. Lasagne, for example, has been known, made and eaten since the times of ancient Rome, originally layered with ricotta, caramelised onions, caramelised garlic and garum, a type of fermented paste of fish, as well as nuts and spices.
Even 1600 years before the Polos and their first journeys eastward, there is written record of the Persians eating durum/semolina pasta, though having it as a dessert, eaten boiled-then-broken-into-pieces-and-chilled, mixed with snow and sweetened rose water as well as several fruits and spices.
Pastas and noodles are something eaten worldwide. Not one culture stole it from any other. It's such a simple food that, like flat breads (which exist in all cultures) it popped up spontaneously in various nations of the world throughout history. It's just that the earliest written records known popped up in ancient Rome and ancient Japan around 8th century BCE.

>> No.4414842

Olive oil is fine for frying at high temperatures, just don't use extra virgin, it's got a low smoke point. Use something more refined, like pomace oil.


I personally also enjoy using lard, sesame oil, and sunflower oil

>> No.4414847

Guys, I only use extra virgin olive oil. For everything for as long as I've been cooking. Is this going to give me cancer? Should I change?

>> No.4414946

its too late son
im afraid you already have cancer
in your rectum

>> No.4414998

There is some belief that olive oil used to cook with has a high tendency to oxidize and become unhealthy, especially extra-virgin olive oil. You should also take care that extra-virgin olive oil is used quickly and only to drizzle (not fry) because it goes rancid more quickly than "non" evoo olive oil. I use olive oil in cold preparations only.

Saturated fats, especially tropical oils, make for better cooking oils but only if they are not hydrogenated. Coconut oil acts somewhat like a carbohydrate in that it will give your body quick energy but it will not cause an insulin spike. Your body will use is quickly and get rid of it. It will not build up reserves in your body.

Someone mentioned lard earlier. Lard is great if it is rendered freshly and not hydrogenated like the kind that comes in boxes on the supermarket shelf (snowcap lard for an example). Tallow is equally valuable as well. They get a bad rap as unhealthy fats because of the hydrogenated kind ARE extremely unhealthy. Saturated fats are good for you. That doesn't mean you eat buckets of them, just use them sparingly in place of things like canola oil.