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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4409922 No.4409922[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why Scandinavian food is so shitty, dull, unimaginative and sometimes plain disgusting?

They basically kill an animal and eat it with potatoes, or let a fish rot until it becomes a jelly and then eat it with fucking potatoes.

Seriously, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Finland (mongol honorary nordic)... are you even trying?

>> No.4409925

It was a cold backwater hellhole until the twentieth century. They didn't have access to spices.

>> No.4409927

>They basically kill an animal and eat it with potatoes, or let a fish rot until it becomes a jelly and then eat it with fucking potatoes.

I am ok with this.

>> No.4409933


This. Same with any other country located far from the equator, either north or south. Cold climate means lack of access to spices. Note that all the cuisines noted for spices are from equatorial regions.

Geography. Do you understand it?

>> No.4409944

Because we don't have a bunch of spices and the likes up here and we had to make due with what we could find.
Practicality > taste
Besides gravlax and surströmning are delicious.

>> No.4409953
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Are you Swedish? What is so special about your meatballs?

>> No.4409978

You don't like potatoes, OP?

>> No.4409988

Its because of our old traditional and simplistic food we have restaurants like Noma in Scandinavia. So OP you are a complete and utter faggot. Scandinavia has one and some of the best restaurants in the world.

OP fails hard.

>> No.4409995

>karelian hotpot
>sauteed reindeer
>creamy salmon soup
>karelian pasty
I honestly love the shit out of Finnish food. There isn't that many traditional dishes, but the ones that exist are all god tier.

>> No.4409996
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Sweden has the 5th best cuisine in the world in my opinion.

deal with it, turbonerds.

>> No.4410003


>> No.4410014
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>> No.4410018

What did you guys do before potatoes showed up in the mid 18th century?

>> No.4410019

France and other european countries also were practically peasant nations. Even with the import of spices, the whole population didn't had access to them. But their modern food evolved while yours stayed stagnant.

>> No.4410021

Ate turnips and rutabagas

>> No.4410024

They used to kill animals and let fish rot, and then eat it, without potatoes.

>> No.4410025
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They survived off pine needles, beeswax, honey, and copper ingots.

And the virginity of innocent maidens.

>> No.4410029

I'd say Scandinavia has the greatest cuisine development out of any country the latest 50 years or so.

>> No.4410032


That's because the distribution of wealth has always been much more even in Scandinavia compared to places like France where creating and enforcing class divisions is a national sport.

>> No.4410033

I agree that norwegian food is so boring it kills me.

>> No.4410034

Because our food culture isn't that big we have huge void to fill so it figures.

>> No.4410035

I watch that new scandinavian cooking show on PBS every saturday and their food looks so delicious

>> No.4410037
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I wonder what the Swede's ancestors would think if they could see their progeny's modern faggotry.

>> No.4410041


Except they had trade routes between the Caspian Sea and Greece from about the 8th century and onwards. Spices would have probably been expensive, but still in use...even if only for feast days etc. Nutmeg, cloves, cinnamon and such were all used back then.

Also, nigga please OP...Dill and fish is classic Scandi cooking and is fucking immense. Admittedly most "traditional" fair is just spuds/meat...this is just saying "look at what we ate every day 300 years ago". Most people in any country in the 10th century probably ate whatever meat they could find, some carb based root veg/grain (or bread if suitably advanced) and whatever seasonal fruit/veg they could get.

Tagines, stews, curry, goulash...its all pretty much the same except the hot countries had fancy spices to offset their complete lack of arable land and surplus of growth.

>> No.4410049
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Yeah sure, if you like jizz.

>> No.4410055

Feel inferior or something?

>> No.4410056

Am I the only one who agrees with you? Maybe it's just because I'm a vegetarian, so there isn't much choice. But still, meaty dishes from other countries look much more edible.

>> No.4410070
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>complete lack of arable land
Are you talking about what regions in particular?

>> No.4410092
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>in scandinavia

>> No.4410094


A bit of hyperbole on my part.

The inhospitable deserts and shit like that...I know that the middle east and african countries arent devoid of farmable areas. But they aren't as immediately providing for farming/grazing as some of the "greener" areas you find in modern europe and the like.

Im out for a bit anywho, family meal and that...will check the thread when im back lol

>> No.4410120
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Sorry but that show is a joke and as a Scandinavian it tortures me. Andreas Viestad and Sara La Fountain are terrible cooks. It seems like the main purpose of the show is to promote the sponsors.

But if you don't speak Danish, Swedish or Norwegian I guess it's one of the few sources of videos.

>> No.4410143

eh, i dont so thats probably why i liked the show

>> No.4410148

They taste like vomit.

>> No.4410151

Grow up.

>> No.4410166
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finnish culinary arts

>> No.4410168

The Scandinavian cuisine is very much based on fish yes. That's what happens when there's a lot of fish to eat. We never really needed to come up with meat-free dishes. What makes it harder is the extreme seasons. They couldn't possibly rely on vegetables and fruit during 7-8 months of the year. It just wasn't possible.

India and the Persian areas had the opposite issues, hence a lot of their cuisine is vegan.

Now that it's implemented in great areas of Scandinavia it's another thing. It depends on how far you'll go as calling something Scandinavian.

>> No.4410169

Why would you eat vomit?

>> No.4410199

>chinese eat anything and everything
>have one of the most diverse cuisine around

I see...

>> No.4410214

i love fucking potatos.

>> No.4410251

I did that once.
Got some potato stuff stuck in my dick and got a yeast infection.

>> No.4410264

Swefag here, our food is indeed an abomination.

And we like to corrupt good foreign food, too. Our Chinese restaurants are utter shit (and all of them are identical for some reason), the pizzas are all covered in fucking kebab and french fries, etc.

The quality of our ingredients is pathetic as well. The meat I get at the average ICA is almost completely tasteless, especially the chicken but the beef too. Not to mention the vegetables...tomatoes that taste like water with a bit of red food colouring...

The only good thing we have is fresh fish, and even then we try to destroy it in a million ways instead of just preparing it in a simple and tasty way.

>> No.4410272

Snacka inte skit om kebabpizzan! Pommes på pizza däremot är helt ofattbart.

>> No.4410286


>> No.4410314

My Grandmother liked lutefisk, she made all her kids try it, but she never made the grandkids try it. We got lefse with butter and cinnamon instead. Can't say I've had much Scandinavian food beyond desserts. My mom's family is Irish, so meat and potatoes on that side too...

>> No.4410315


Yes, they had trade routes, which means that spices technically were available. However they were very very expensive. The average peasant couldn't afford to buy spices shipped in from elsewhere in the world, so they used what grows locally, like dill.

My family is Danish. I frequently talk cooking with my mother, and previously with my Grandmother as well. That side of the family was far from poor, but even then my grandmother complained about the high cost of spices--and this is in the 1940's through the 70s! Even then it was so expensive--and required a long trip to a major city--that my grandmother only bought fancy spices for major holidays or family gatherings. If you were poor you couldn't afford them at all. I imagine it would be even worse in higher latitudes like Norway or Sweden. Compare to India, South/Central America, Southeast Asia, etc, where spices are dirt common and thus dirt cheap. Huge difference in availability.

>> No.4410725

>Swedish apologist
Nothing new here.
Scandinavian food is god tier, there isn't that many traditional dishes but everything here: >>4409995 for example are delicious as fuck.
The scandinavian food hate is just some trend and people jumping on the bandwagon after Gordon Ramsay was fed some shitty not homemade traditional scandinavian food.

>> No.4410734
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>> No.4410737
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>> No.4410757

0/10. All of it.

>> No.4410805

One of my professors went there during break. Isn't that in Copenhagen? I have no fucking clue. He had like edible soil and a bunch of really almost surreal sounding dishes.

I don't have a problem with Northern Europe. It kind of scares me is all.

>> No.4410808

I heard this is the only reason why Finns don't mass suicide.

>> No.4410812

>one good restaurant = the entire region's cuisine is good


>> No.4410823

Memma isn't that bad, to be honest.

>> No.4410824

Everytime you puke you can taste it.

>> No.4410829

I heard you put caustic soda on them, lutefisk or something...loooool

>> No.4410832


Typical argument by someone who lives in a wasteland. You see it in californians too, "muh judgment of paris". Because mike grgich makes up for billions of gallons of dreck that comes with a gold-flaked label and a douchey brochure.

>> No.4410833

Nigga are you implying that warm regions like southern China, Persia and India had little meat resources? lyl

>> No.4410835

yeah.. first it's super deadly, then it is washed and boiled.

What's left is a white fish with a weird texture that doesn't taste anything. The only good thing about the meal is the lutfisk-sauce that go with it (however, it's not poisonous)

>> No.4410839
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>not eating blocks of gelatin with testicles

>> No.4410878
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stinging nettle soup all day, erry day

>> No.4412181

>restaurant repeatedly lauded as the world's best is in Denmark
>focuses on local and seasonal ingredients foraged from the seashore and forest
And thus opie was proved wrong and he is a fag and everyone lived happily ever after

>> No.4412194

Oh my. One professional chef can make dirt taste nice. I guess every Scandinavian can do it at home then.

>> No.4412197

no, why would I? I implied they have better vegetable and greens resources. They've got a lot of both parts, which the cold areas didn't.

>> No.4412202

Deal with it, nerd.
Finland can't cook for shit, that's true, and Icelandic isn't even a real country, but, just like in the world of literature, Scandinavia often flies under the radar. Except in the case of the aforementioned restaurant lauded as the world's best.
Are you even trying?

>> No.4412211
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This thread is hilarious

Looks like /ck/ found its equivalent of MALAYSIA STRONG from /k/

>> No.4412217

>reverse-engineered raksallad from videos I saw on youtube
>spread that shit on toasted rye bread

fucking do that and come back and tell me Scandinavian food is awful with a straight face you faggot

>> No.4412245

Scandinavian food is delicious.
I have never, ever, eaten better fish than I have in Sweden.
Anyone calling Scandinavian food culture stagnant is talking completely out of their ass, it's evolved beyond recognition in the past 50 years. Of course the traditional dishes are the same, that's why they're traditional.

>> No.4412254

>Till soppa
Norrmän, ni går för långt

>> No.4412259
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>scandanavian food

>> No.4412264

So, to the people who say they dislike Scandinavian food, what dishes have you tried?

>> No.4412274

This thread is more about how it is extremely dull, than it is about how it tastes.

>> No.4412294
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What were you even trying to say?

>> No.4412416

It's the climate. When you live on Hoth you can't exactly get pissed off because your exotic plants and spices don't grow there. You make do with Wompa and potato and be thankful you can even get that. Sometimes these pretentious assholes forget that food is fuel and not some divine experience.

>> No.4412420
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>> No.4412436
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>> No.4412734

Nowadays you can cultivate all kinds of exotic stuff in greenhouses, you know? And even before, scandis DID trade spices.

>> No.4412747

jag kanner en bot

>> No.4412786

Förutsatt att det inte är potatissoppa, det är okej.

>> No.4412807


Read the whole thread please.

>> No.4413980


>> No.4413995

Estonian food has less literal shitty looking things than Finnish and less rotten things than Nordic in general. It's still all basically meat and potatoes and sour cream, but unless you want to talk about sketchy items like milk and rice soup or you're dubious about blood sausage they do a much better service to food.

>> No.4414011

but they do commit mass suicide.

>> No.4414506

Scandinavians are fucking inhuman to begin with. There's no turning back for them.... Estonia still is linked to central europe, hence why it's food is edible. The same for Germany. But NOT for Denmark.

>> No.4414522
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One of my favorite things is sucking out the fat from the head of a smoked and boiled Rose Fish.
You can taste the entire oceaan.
Greetings from Norway btw.

Also, fucking stoked on fishing season in the mountains.
Pic related

>> No.4414528

>restaurant repeatedly lauded as the world's best is in Denmark

You mean this one?


>> No.4414544
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Uncivilized savage.

>> No.4414563


>It was not clear what caused the outbreak, but reports say the source may have been a sick kitchen employee.

rofl that's awful, I know there's this giant macho 'work unless you're dying thing'.. When I had a re-occurrence of MRSA, even at the first sign of symptoms I wasn't about to step foot near where I worked because I have a heavy past of it. The few people who knew wondered why it was such a big deal to me I stay away. Ooookay then, but folks should really stop getting so proud of the fact they work through communicable diseases because they happen to be poor and that = everyone else should too. I expected more from Denmark though. Must have been one ignorant ass employee.

>> No.4414575

Success breeds jealousy

>> No.4414579

Is their food is as good as their music?


>> No.4414586

Lefse is pretty much the greatest thing ever. My grandmother taught me and my Dad how

>> No.4414587

I... I don't even

Let me check this article...

>> No.4414594
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>muh autism

>> No.4414615

Rice porridge? Oh, isn't that a dish made in pretty much all of Asia? And apparently it's a thing in North America too. Who'd have thought.

>> No.4414621


If only. The recipes I have points to being nothing like that at all. Way too much milk and too short a cooking time. There's also one for milk and apples and milk and noodles where you literally just cook noodles in milk instead of water and ingest it all together. Literal soup.

>> No.4414623

Urgh, makaroonivelli. I gotta admit that's pure unadultered crap. This undercooked rice gruel I haven't ever heard of. Thick milk-and-short-rice slow-cooked porridge is a thing in Finland though. I must admit I have no idea what the actual Scandies do with their milk and rice in their dark hovels.

>> No.4414625
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>muh buzzwords

>> No.4414641


Yeah, I grabbed out my cook book and it has a liter of milk (plus more water) for less than 250g of rice. Says it's piimasupp riisiga. I've heard some folks are weary about sauerkraut soup too but damn. My GF is Swedish and their concept of food doesn't excite me much at all but Estonian food is pretty fucking good stuff. Braised pork, pork roasts, salmon and dill, potatoes, pea soup, salads, mushrooms, jams, eggs, beets and cabbage, the fucking bread...

Now it's five am and all I want to do is to go take it and make something ugh. Never had Estonian food that wasn't great.

>> No.4414679

you really want to fit in don't you, kiddo

>> No.4414686

Did I just enter /v/ or something?

>> No.4414700

French food became great due to to the decadence of their courts during the 1700-1800s. Different chefs tried to get the kings favor by outdoing other chefs and this combined with the access to (at the time)exotic ingredients led to the creation of French cuisine.

>> No.4414712

>That feeling when you taste hot rose-fish soup made with a fish you just caught few minutes ago from the crystalclear lake beside you
>that feeling

>> No.4414732


>> No.4414738

R-rosefish... in a lake?

>> No.4414744

Foreign food scares me. I don't think I could stomach it. Mostly creepy boiled sheeps head, fried dogs and those jap squids.

>> No.4414747

If you think about it, there isn't much else to food besides meat, fish and potatoes. This isn't the garden of eatin', you aren't eve, so don't survive on apples you rib stealing wenches.

>> No.4415016


also swedish mustard herring

>> No.4415049

Looks like shit but it tastes pretty good, like a sweet and sour rye porridge.

>> No.4415075

You must be american..

But you are right when you talk about that squid shit.

>> No.4415082



>> No.4415148

Norway was a third world shithole that couldn't afford anything at all until we found oil and became disgustingly rich virtually overnight in the middle of the last century. That's why.

>> No.4415198

Norway was really that bad before the oil?

>> No.4415201

mustard herring is fucking divine.
Also all types of christmas herring

>> No.4415216

he is full of shit, Norway was not a shithole.
Norway was about 25% under the average living standard in western europe during the 1800s, but well above the eastern living standard.
During the second half of 1800s, the Norwegian living standard increased a lot due to a lot of export.
Then BOOM motherfucking oil made us rich bitches.
But we were never really poor.

>> No.4415235

also you put rejesalat on hotdogs, what the hell man

>> No.4415295


Welp. Norway as the rest of Scandinavia experienced pretty tough winters that led to shitty harvesting in the 19th century. Norway suffered especially since the main crop had been potatoes for years, and Norway experienced it's own potato famine, hence why alot of Norwegians crossed the Atlantic in this period and settled as lumberjacks in Montana or w/e'.

>> No.4415320

common misconseption.
Although Ireland was the only country with more of the population moving to America, the reason for the huge amounts of Norwegians moving was because they were not that pleased with the salary.
Although Norway was no poor, they were not rich enough to provide big salaries.
Also the ship and fishing industry in Norway lagged behind the rest of Europe because of a slow transission from sailing-ships to steam ships *3*
So it wasn't because people were starving, but because they could get better living standards.

>> No.4415435

I dunno man it's like they always add too much weird shit to christmas herrings. Like, they make the shit too sweet, or they add oranges and cinnamon and all that.
Curry is the most exotic kind of pickled herring I eat.

>> No.4415455

true, I love our family recipy though.
Lemon, vinegar, garlic + secret stuff.
Oh lawd.
also my uncles tomato and paprika herring is divine

>> No.4415549

As far as I know it's just people jumping on the Ramsay hate-wagon for some reason. I mean as far as I'm aware he's kinda of a hack but people really root for him on this one.
On the internet most of people who bash Scandinavian kitchen haven't really even tasted all the great dishes we have here and just google 'mämmi' and go "LEL FINNS EAT THIS IT LOOKS LIKE SHIT"

>> No.4415568
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Norway has a shitty food culture, but our fish and our pinnekjott makes up for it all.

>> No.4417370

Well this thread has certainly generated more responses than I would have expected, even with the obvious troll from OP to start it off.

Good going Scandis on defending your region's food, lots of good sense above.

>> No.4417373

Well, it's a good thing you're staying in the Midwest, more food for the rest of us.

I'd kill myself if I ever had to live in the Midwest.

>> No.4417406

Pinnekjott - Yes
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raspeball is horrible.

>> No.4417438

Im Norwegian myself, and i completely agree with OP...

There is nothing more boring and tasteless than Scandinavian food.

Christ, the norwegian national dish is Fårikål, which is basically chunks of lamb and cabbage bolied in a pot, with salt and pepper. And of course Lutefisk, which is an abomination in itself.
The swedish isn't better... Fucking meatballs? come on..

And Danish "Frikadeller" which is basically the same as meatballs.

>> No.4417439

I quite like Frikadeller! Though I admit they could be seen as dull.

>> No.4417443


Well of course it's edible, but the excitement level of the food is absent

>> No.4417462

Well known Swedish dishes tier:

1. River trout grilled with coniper berries, served with asparagus, root vegetables and butter
2. Jansons frestelse
3. Smoked salmon with dill and yogurt
4. Fried herring with potatoes, chives and sour cream
5. Skagentårta
6. Sautéed reindeer stew with mashed potatoes and lingonberries
7. Wild boar kebab with pita bread
8. Pickled Herring
9. Swepizza
10. Swedish pancakes

honorable mention to Rose hip soup and Cloudberry jam for their elder-god tier tastes.

>> No.4417794

well that sure killed the opposing arguments.

>> No.4417851

At least you're not Norway. Norwegians have some of the best quality food available in all of Europe, but neither the know-how nor desire to prepare it well. For this reason, many younger Norwegians buy fucking fish paste and/or fish balls/fish cakes instead of actual fucking fish, not to mention because fish paste et al seems cheaper (really, when you consider that they're only about 33% fish, you realise that they're actually much more expensive).

What's that? I can't hear you over the horrible sucking sound that is Norwegian cookery.

>> No.4417937

I always had a hunch that Bergman was really just all about the food.