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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4407303 No.4407303 [Reply] [Original]

Question for you guys/gals who cook for other people frequently: why is it that people cannot seem to be honest with themselves regarding what foods they do or don't like?

Vegetarian friend: "I can't stand the taste of meat, it makes me sick and I have to go vomit"
>Wow anon, this tomato soup is delicious. How did you make it?
Beef stock.

Other friend: God, I can't eat anchovies, they're disgusting.
>holy shit, this grilled chicken sandwich you made is delicious. how did you make the sauce?

>Celery is gross
That's funny, the bowl of stew you just sucked down in a matter of seconds was loaded with it.

Fat roommate: "what are you cooking?"
>venison fajitas
Fatty again: "venison? like bambi? eeww..." (wouldn't touch it)
>two weeks later, cooking the same thing.
Fatty walks in and takes a bite without asking what it is. "Damn, this is delicious. What is it?"
>MFW it was the exact same stuff he thought was gross two weeks ago

>> No.4407304

Newsflash: people are dumb and overly-picky.
More news at 11.

>> No.4407317

That's just the way people are, especially children. They get it in their heads they don't like something, and hold onto it as a belief. My mother in law claims to dislike garlic and onions, yet she likes the food I cook for her, which always contains both.My wife claimed she didn't like cauliflower and beans when I met her, and now I cook her both of those several times a week some months.

I remember being the same way about eggplant when I was younger. I'd had it made poorly a few times, and figured I didn't like it. Then I had it cooked correctly, and realized I didn't like eggplant when it's cooked badly - the vegetable itself was fine.

Sometimes people are bothered by the idea of certain foods. The kid who had a pet rabbit may recoil from eating bunny as an adult. Many feel negative about horsemeat, too. I had a birthday banquet at a Cantonese joint one year, and watching half my friends freak out over trying the jellyfish salad was amusing. (Of course those who tried it agreed it was delicious).

>> No.4407318

I can't seem to reduce the fishiness of anchovies for sauces.
Celery is an unfair one, it tastes kind of shit on its own in salads and such, but cooked down isn't as strong.

>> No.4407323

People are stubborn, this is not news.

I try my best to be unbiased, so I'll try most things at least once to see if I like it, even if it's just something I've already had prepared a different way.

>> No.4407324

lol at OP

>> No.4407337

I dislike onions.

The smell makes me want to vomit, and I can't stand the taste if they're raw.

I still eat them in curries.

>> No.4407338

I wish my distaste for onions was just me being a bitch. I've tried many times and continue to try to eat them but for whatever reason they excite my gag reflex.

I hope one day I get over it ;__;

>> No.4407340

It's often a matter of culture. You don't meet too many fussy French kids, because the French take great pride in passing their love of food on to their kids. You will meet fussy Irish kids, because that's a meat and potatoes food culture. I have an Irish friend who considers rice exotic.

People who didn't grow up eating alot of fish sometimes have trouble with foods that taste "fishy". People who didn't grow up with much in the way of fermented foods may have trouble with things like sauerkraut or kimchi. And most Westerners have trouble with the kind of mouth feel the Chinese prize so highly.

>> No.4407354

Why did you make your vegetarian friend a soup with beef stock? That's not nice on your friend

>> No.4407357

Because of this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cognitive_dissonance

The funny thing is, more often than not when they're proven wrong (like your vegetarian friend), they'll stick to their wrong view even stronger than before.

Try soaking your anchovies in milk for 10 minutes

>> No.4407358

Not OP, but it sounds like the friend is a vegetarian out of picky-ness rather than principle.

>> No.4407385

Im like a human garbage disposal, i love stuff like oysters. Its worth the risk of getting a stomach bug.

I like eating onions and whole garlic ( I did spaghetti last night and i added some roasted gloves of garlic to the tomato sauce that I only cut in half.) Only con to it is that you fucking stink a few hours afterwards and forget it if you start to sweat.

>> No.4407388


>> No.4407390

I can't eat food that looked like it did when it was alive.

Except oysters, cause those things don't look like they were ever alive.

>> No.4407392

I'm the same as you. I never met a food I couldn't eat. I don't get picky people at all.

>> No.4407393


>> No.4407394

celery is way too crunchy. it is only good melted.

>> No.4407397

simmer one in milk for 10 minutes. then lightly sugar it. then take a bite.

delicious dessert. maybe add some cinnamon

>> No.4407439

>I can't seem to reduce the fishiness of anchovies for sauces.

This was quite a strong flavored sauce with chipotle peppers and a lot of garlic so the fishy taste wasn't that strong. Also make sure you use good anchovies; some brands smell and taste like rotten asshole.


I didn't serve her beef-containing soup on purpose. I made it for myself & my roommates, none of which are vegetarian. A mutual friend came over and helped herself to some without knowing what it was.

>vegetarian out of picky-ness rather than principle.

You're exactly right. She says she doesn't like meat as a matter of preference and doesn't care about the moral aspect of it. She's not preachy about it at all, and she does eat poultry and fish.

>> No.4407448

>Eats poultry and fish

>> No.4407455


I wasn't allowed to be picky as a child. I ate what was made for me or I didn't eat. My mom was raised by old school WASPs. It definitely rubbed off on her parenting.

Now my dad's sisters kids won't eat anything buy chicken nuggets and plain spaghetti noodles.

I baby sat those brats for a week a few years ago. I made all kinds of stuff they wouldn't eat. So they ate cereal for every meal instead. They about died when I made soft crabs.

>> No.4407468
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>I ate what was made for me or I didn't eat.
I don't understand how people raise their children without this ideology.

>> No.4407471

>dad's sisters kids

>> No.4407476

next time you have to sit for them, if they aren't older, play "reality chef". My sister's kids suck at eating healthy food because their mother feeds them terrible crap all the time. They turn their noses up at food anyone else cooks that isn't a nugget or a coke. So I have them help me cook. I put a few suggestions in a hat (chicken, pork, beef,or rice, tomatoes, zucchini, etc...) one picks the protein and the other a vegetable or grain. We make two dishes, or two parts to one dish,- one "entry" from each kid- and I help on both sides as the "sous chef". We present the dish and vote on it, we even take pictures and, declare a winner. They eat what we cook. When my son is older he will be able to chip in too, but he has good eating habits so "games" aren't really necessary.

>> No.4407484

You, I like you.

>> No.4407549

It has to do with our modern era, wherein we base a large amount of our personal identities based upon what we consume and what we like. These things become integrated into our egos and become, in-themselves, fundamental to our perceptions of ourselves. Whether they're true or not is irrelevant. They're a choice made that has become part of our identity.

The reason for this, I hypothesize, is because we're all a bunch of little pissants in a big huge homogenized world, and we need to feel special somehow. I have a feeling pre-industrialized society wasn't like this.

>> No.4407552


This. This is such a good thing to do with your kids. Not only does it expose your kids to a varied diet, but they also get to make decisions and learn some useful cooking skills at the same time. Oh, and it's a way to keep your kids busy that doesn't involve a TV screen or video games. It's a win all around.

The last time I took care of my cousins I happened to be baking some bread. I gave each of them a small ball of dough for them to play with. They got to knead the dough and then shape it into their own "loaf". One of them made spongebob and the other made a little cat-shaped thing. I baked them at the same time as the main loaf. They had tons of fun, learned something about baking, and it made it very easy for me to keep an eye on them all at the same time.

Get your kids involved in cooking!

>> No.4407559

making tomato soup with beef stock for a vegetarian is rather rude.

>> No.4407561

Read the thread, they didn't make the soup for them

>> No.4407563
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Before I had Play-doh, I had grandma's pie dough.

>> No.4407564


See this.

>> No.4407585

oh well. That's what you get for not being a strict vegetarian. I'm very strict, I don't eat cookies without knowining what's in it. Could be eggs or milk or rennet-infested chocolate or something just as bad.

>> No.4407590
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This is why folks think you're funny.

>> No.4407599

If I end up discussing my diet with family and friends, I tell them I'm vegetarian because most people don't understand what pescetarian means.

Plus, if I tell them I eat fish I get that BUT FISH IS MEAT TOO DON'T YOU FEEL BAD FOR THEM? OMG HYPOCRITE ASSHOLE thing.

It's just better to stay quiet abut such things.

>> No.4407602


I think this is a great idea, unfortunately it's just not always realistic with working parents and all that. I always cooked with my mother growing up but my younger brother never got the chance because my mother now works two jobs. He just eats microwave meals now.

>> No.4408617 [DELETED] 


is that your squirrel op? thats one fat bastard.

>> No.4408639

That is no excuse to not teach your child proper nutrition/and or buy actual fucking food. And don't give me that bullshit about not having enough time to cook. Buy a crockpot and cook large batches of food at a time

>> No.4408653

>fish taste wasn't that strong or main point of dish
>beef stock used in a tomato soup, which I'm assuming, mostly tasted like tomato soup

Oh boy, am I sure glad you caught those liars and proved them so darn wrong! Oh those nasty people. You are soooo right!

Honestly OP, I understand your examples. And when people use the thought of something to dismiss it is rather disheartening, but you put up some shitty examples. Beef stock is not a big piece of beef in your mouth. Sauce with anchovy is not an anchovy in your mouth. If everyone is being a judgmental little twerp, you don't have to be one, too.

>> No.4408686

I've been forcing raw broccoli into my bf's mouth and now he likes it.

>> No.4408688
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You misunderstand. I'm not out to "get" anyone. I'm not out to judge anyone. I am simply trying to understand this aspect of human behavior. All I meant to do was ask a question; my apologies if I came across as being insulting or judgmental.

The foods I used in my examples were strongly flavored. If not, what would be the point? Plus, don't get hung up on that--there are plenty of others posted in the thread and I'm sure you've encountered it yourself. I completely understand that people have different preferences; there's nothing surprising about that. Everyone has likes and dislikes.

>The question is, why do people claim they don't like certain foods--or even that those foods make them physically sick--when in reality they do like them?

>> No.4408892

>>I just want to understand this behavior
here you go

>> No.4409046
File: 38 KB, 437x333, funnygomez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone thinks mighty highly of themselves

Too fucken tired to stay up and adequately address your supercilious post that leads one to believe that you in all probability are about as likeable as a cactus. So here's a picture to explain.

>> No.4409067

>they do like them
But they don't, OP. At least, not in a way they've been exposed to.
Aside from the last example, all of those were foods prepared in ways that wound up being muted under other flavors, as well as completely different textures (if your sauce feels like an anchovy, you need to get a better blender).
I bet if you offered these dishes to these people again, stressing the ingredients, they'd be all about it.

>> No.4411740

you collossal retard.

>> No.4411765



of course it might taste good but its not what they are comfortable with.

of course they want it to taste good, but they don't want meat in it.

>> No.4411768

>doesn't understand the difference between liking how something tastes and the moral disconnect you feel when you understand and know where it came from

4chan once again shows it's retard side

>> No.4411769


your just really nosey opinionated trolls that like tricking picky people that have a right to their own opinion into putting things into their mouth that they didn't explicitly give permission about.

essentially, your rapists.


please stop fucking with people sincerely, the counter-troll.

>> No.4411771


yea i love it how mad people like him get, they can't handle the fact that i like what i like, and am stubborn about it.

they can't handle that i won't let them change me.

if i am going to like something its going to be because i chose to like it for my own personal reasons.

>> No.4411773


true hero

>> No.4411780
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>more or less people torturing little kids, not even allowing them to discover things on their own without being forced to eat disgusting shit they aren't even ready for.

i had the same type of parents, constantly driving me abso********lutely insane "HERE TRY THIS" *holds up disgusting stinky green thing*

>actually try it
>spit it out
>they are offended.
>2 days later they thing i forgot already (i was 3 or something)
>here try this
>look them in the eye with such a hateful expression that they never look at me the same again.

my uncle once tried to shove oranges down my throat (not whole) just pieces, i can't handle the texture but i love orange juice, i gagged and threw up in his face while he screamed at me "EAT THE FUCKING ORANGES YOU LITTLE SHIT"

i never gave up and i resisted against the evil tyranny of being forced to eat things i didn't like, i opposed them so much that i somehow managed to eat pure junk food and pasta for a few years until i became morbidly obese, i honestly feel liked blaming them for putting so much pressure on me all the time, but instead i decided to change my ways again and eat only natural healthy food, i discovered a healthy world of things that were healthy and tasted good, and lost all the weight, and got extremely healthy.

>> No.4411782

That is very cool anon.

>> No.4411784


as great of an idea as that was, people tried to fool me as a kid all the time with these stupid games, it was torture, i just wanted to eat what i wanted, because i did actually give everything a chance and did actually try almost everything once before deciding i didn't like it, but they kept on trying to trick me and at the end of these stupid games i would always end up with a plate full of disgusting otherworldly (who knows what) that i was trying to avoid eating in the first place. i would just refuse to eat, went to sleep without eating because it was so disgusting.

my parents were the type that had tough-ass jerks for parents, so they tried to be tough on me as revenge, to somehow get back at their parents for torturing them, with some misguided sense of justice, their parents spoon fed them liver and onions until they puked and then force fed them their own puke with the spoons again.

these are the type of sick mother**** i had to deal with, i never gave up.

now i eat what you might call a 99% vegetarian diet with no artificial chemicals.

listen everyone, you can't let your parents boss you around, never give up, spit that nasty shit in their faces.

>> No.4411787



im not 100% vegetarian, i have fish sometimes and i do eat ingredients that are not always from plants, can't say anything or everyone thinks were hypocrites.

its like were in some secret cult and can't say anything about the way we eat, "i like soy!"


its scary.

>> No.4411791

I think some people say they 'hate' things because they've had something prepared the wrong way, or just in a way that made the texture too strange.

Sort of like me with broccoli.
I had this deep, seething hatred of broccoli and all green veggies for the longest time.
..but I discovered it was because my mom was a fan of boiling everything till it was nearly mush and tasted like ass.

A decade later, I smell something good from the kitchen.
My sister was making steamed... broccoli.
I scowled at that fucking vegetable, but.. it.. smelled so good..
I took a nibble, and suddenly..
What the fuck. This is delicous..

>> No.4411797
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My old roommate used to say to me

"you think you're a gourmet chef because you use vegetables in your cooking"

>> No.4411799


>are you implying that he is right or wrong?
>or something else?

>> No.4411807

I used to cook steak with mash potato and steamed carrots, he thought I was some sort of alien sent from another planet forcing nutrients into him.

>> No.4411812
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My friend came over to visit one time when I was making this 'fancy' mac n' cheese thing with onions and tuna.
I loved experimenting with shit in the kitchen.
I was like 12 or some shit.
>Dude.. are you.. cooking? What is all that?
>Yea. Its mac n' cheese with some diced onions, tuna, garlic, some pepper..
>Whatever. Cookings for fags.

>> No.4411848

I think sometimes people aren't open minded to the idea until they see it staring them in the face. My sister-in-law told me multiple times she doesn't like sweets, and she doesn't like pumpkin. Yet when she joined us this past Thanksgiving, she tried some of my pumpkin pie to be polite and loved it and asks for it year round (made it on two separate occasions since then and she still loved it). Then again, homemade food is way different from store bought.

There's food that I'm convinced I won't eat, like anchovies and spicy foods, but I at least try it. Sometimes I like it, sometimes I don't.

>> No.4411862

>>completely immoral
welcome to fourchan everyone.

>> No.4411889

I think a big reason is they had the food in question before, and it was horrible-- either prepared wrong, or they were children at the time, or something. I used to hate brussel sprouts because my inept father would "cook" them by charring them into bitter, fart-tasting crap. I recently cooked some for myself, lightly sauteeing them in butter, and it was fantastic.

Also, if you grew up with a limited palate, it's hard to change as an adult. I never ate any fish as a kid aside from fish sticks (which were god-awful), so I have an issue with "fishy" flavors. I actually LOVE sushi because the fresh raw fish doesn't have that "fishy" stink, but I still have some trouble with things like cooked tilapia.

>> No.4411932


Vegetarians can have eggs and milk though.

You mean vegan...?

>> No.4411943

I literally can't stand celery. No matter how small it is and how many other ingredients are with it, or where it's hidden (a salad, soup, stir-fry, curry etc.) the taste overpowers everything else and just ruins it. I don't need to know it's in a dish to taste it because it overtakes everything. Does anyone else have a real aversion to a certain food like this? It's annoying.

>> No.4411992

>disliking onions

how?!?!?! there is nothing better than grilled onions and raw ones go well with every salad.

>> No.4412004

if I'm thankful for anything in nature and vegetables, then it is onions and garlic.

based onions. also they are good against several diseases. my teacher told me about a homespun remedy with onions once that seemed amazing:

if your ears fucking hurt, put half an onion into the inner face of your right elbow. ears hurt no more. dunno if this is true but it's sounds great.

>> No.4412168

>vegetarian friend
What makes the vegetarians sick is the animal fat and the nitrates (they lose the enzymes to digest it one month in), not the protein matter. Oftentimes lean meats and stocks are fine. Bacon? Worst thing you can give to a vegetarian.

>God, I can't eat anchovies
To be fair, dried anchovies are miles different to the slimy semi-cured kind preserved in oil you see in little jars and put on pizza.

>Celery is gross
Raw celery, especially the delicate leaves on it, putrefy very easily and carry the smell even after the leaves are taken off and the celery is washed.

>venison? like bambi? eeww...
Generations of Disney have brought upon furries.

>> No.4412175

Yes, a lot of people are sensitive to things like celery and coriander.

>> No.4412212


I don't eat rabbit because I like rabbits. I know they're delicious but it makes me sad.

>> No.4412310


>> No.4413636

Why do you care what other people eat?

>> No.4414027

Fucking Christ, you lot (possible samefag though) are pathetic.

>> No.4414037


I find cloves, cilantro and cumin particularly overpowering.

Cumin is still awesome, and I think it's just a strong spice.

Cloves bother me though. They really do take over everything.

>> No.4414063

I tried Sushi and feel in love with it, then decide to have my friends and fam try it. My mom was literally scared of it and would not try it. Everyone else either likes it or tried it, she just grew a phobia of it I guess. No way will she be ok to try Kalamari or Fish with the faces still attached.

>> No.4414070

>sister "hates" peppers
>invite her over for friends and family gathering
>make beef stew
>add yellow and red peppers since everyone else there likes them
>yellow peppers go clear like onion
>she picks out all the red peppers but eats the yellow thinking it was onion

>> No.4414131

It appears you have the intelligence of a cave man since you can't rationally attack or defend an idea but instead result to attacking character and decieving people.

>You're not better than your 'friends' for having tricked them into eating something.
>Cursing does not a valid point make nor does it make a point superior

>> No.4414173


You're right, he can't argue with you over something you have in your head not to like.

He can however, call you a fickle delicate little faggotboy and not many would disagree.

>> No.4414229

>possible samefag though

This is exactly what I was thinking.

>> No.4414275

Seriously. I cook the plainest shit, but have some cauliflower, broccoli and carrots on the side and people will drool over it. Colour is a very important factor in making a dish look fancy.

>> No.4414644

I can not stand raw celery or celery on its own. I am okay with it in Minestrone soup, but thats the furthest I'd go with it. The peanut and cele wasn't my thing either.

>> No.4414649

About the celery thing;

I'd like to point out that a majority of people who don't like celery (myself included) don't like it raw. It's the texture plus that weird as shit warming in your mouth/taste that I can't stand.

When it's been cooked, it's essentially random veg mush with no flavour so I don't mind it. But it has to be completely cooked through.

>> No.4414653

You and me both. Like, I just had chinese tonight, and the dish was loaded with peppers and onions, both things I don't like in most (most!) preparations. Like, I'll eat onion rings (because who can dislike something fried?) and occasionally I can handle peppers raw if I have something to dip them in. Or, if they're small enough that's they're not like HI HUGE CHUNK COMING THROUGH I don't mind it.

But these peppers and onions were the huge chunks, like...I got a chicken dish I'd never tried before but it was more peppers and onions than chicken. Had I had any inkling it'd be like that I would've requested none of the veggies, or ordered something else.

Thing is, I like other veggies like spinach, broccoli, kale...

I used to say that "if it's a veggie that regularly goes on a pizza, I don't like it", like onions, peppers, mushrooms...recently I found out it's just white button mushrooms specifically that I don't like. I have no idea what kind they are, but I see it all the time in this thai restaurant we go to in their soups...looks kinda like a black umbrella...

>> No.4414657

I can't eat eggs. I really wish I could as they're easy to cook in so many ways but not too unhealthy. I'm not allergic, I can eat them in like cakes and mayonnaise and shit, just can't eat boiled, fried, scrambled, poached, omelettes etc.

>> No.4414659

back to tumblr with you
you picky shit

>> No.4414671

that sucks
a lot
>that awesome tasting yolk of a perfectly poached egg

>> No.4414673

AHAHAHAHA I don't use that. But holy fuck, I didn't even notice I used "like" that much.

I'm really not picky, I don't think. I'll eat pretty much anything else.

>> No.4414687

Apparently, what pregnant mothers eat do affect the outcome what the child will like/what they're picky about.

My mother came from a poorer country and had my brother, hes very picky with food(because she was very limited in what she could actually eat). My mother had me in our current country, and I'm not picky with food at all(because there is more of an abundance of food here).

My neighbor's mother also ate chocolate with the male child and strawberries with the female child, and guess what each one of them like?

There's also been a study on this, done with carrots, but I can't be arsed to find it.

>> No.4414693

I wish I could learn to like boiled or grilled vegetables a bit more.

I like most of them raw, but when cooked I often find it a bit repulsing.

Apart from Broccoli.

>> No.4414726

>how do you like your chilli, Scott?
>I call it, Mr. and Mrs. Tennerman chilli.

i know what you fucking mean, OP. fucking hypocrites.

>> No.4414743
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>You gonna cry all day, crybaby?

>> No.4414794

I still can't find my taste for seafood. It'd be nice to like the taste of shrimp, clams, and octopus. I find the taste bad but even I can see the charm in the cuisine.

>> No.4414933


I think that was also the study that revealed with mothers panicking about the nuts = BABBY POISON mentality and them not eating them while pregnant was the reason for the influx of nut allergies among kids.

>> No.4414949

well i think it's mostly that people say they don't like something because they had it cooked badly for them once before. i mean, how many people / mothers can actually cook, right?

>> No.4415207

Pointless pontification and a veneer of erudition are the hallmarks of a faux-intellectual who, recognizing their inability to fashion a strong argument for their position, vainly attempts to set themselves up as more knowledgeable than the opposition rather than actually possessing a stronger argument or superior position.

>tl;dr - autism

>> No.4415239

For curiosity's sake, though, why do you eat fish?
I have friends that are pescatarian and they told me;
>"umm idk, I've just always done it."( I think at some point this person admitted they didn't eat fish because pain doesn't show on their faces lmao.)
>"I think meat is environmentally unsound"
(This is of course a valid statement, even if my friend is ignoring the massive impact fishing is having on marine ecosystems)
Just wondering is all. I can't really think of a reason why, apart from if you don't eat landmeat because you don't like it??

>> No.4415245

Yeah ok, but I actually really like cacti and admire their resilience and majesty. Not even OP.

>> No.4415319

drought resistant plants (or "succulents" as they are sometimes called) are their own kind of beautiful.

I wish I could get fresh sardines or anchovies around here. The only anchovies carried by local stores are tiny 2oz cans for 5 USD, and they taste like ass.

>> No.4416793

Succulents are varied as shit.

>> No.4418731

So, not only are you a picky eater, but you're also a whiny little bitch.

>> No.4418768
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>Step-family vehemently hates all seafood except for canned tuna
>They reel in disgust and look at me funny when I eat shrimp, sushi, crab or actual tuna
>Ask step-brother and step-mother if they ever tried X before, they say no but still claim they hate it
>mfw I made grilled tuna steak and they loved it without knowing it was fish

When I lived at home I could never cook fish because they would complain about even the slightest smell. Yet nightly they would burn the hell out of pancakes and stink up the house for hours.

>> No.4418824

>I made grilled tuna steak and they loved it without knowing it was fish

How in the fuck can you eat a tuna steak and not realize its fish?

Its people with that little knowledge of food that really irk me when they are picky about what they eat (which I guess is the whole point of this thread - people not realizing certain foods are actually great ingredients in many things, but for some reason having a hatred against them).

>> No.4418853

They've literally admitted to eating 95% of the seafood they claim to hate. The only shit I've seen them eat is canned tuna (and only in tuna sandwiches with heaps of mayo). They do this same shit with most vegetables, too. They won't try green onion or bean sprouts or artichokes. They won't even eat asparagus.

>> No.4418930

Same. Literally the only food I still can't do is banana. And I tried, boy, I tried.

>> No.4418937

This, exactly.

>> No.4418946

Are you...14?

>> No.4419046

I know the one, breastfeeding mothers drank heaps of carrot juice and as a result, their kids loved carrot juice.
What's weird is that while my mother and I like all the same foods and I've always had an open mind, my brother is a picky little shit with a candy obsession. Oh and he's 23.

>> No.4419098
File: 106 KB, 800x600, s5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is the whole point of this thread - people not realizing certain foods are actually great ingredients in many things, but for some reason having a hatred against them

Damn, it took nearly 100 posts but now we're getting down to business!

thanks for a great discussion

>> No.4421254

Needs more special snowflakes.

>> No.4421269

Why do you do that? I'm really curious. Don't you like the taste of any other meat or what is it?

>> No.4421275

I cry for hours. It's terrible. If someone else prepares them and they're not hot/spicy then ok.

>> No.4421276


lol, that's not hating onions, that's having a dull knife and being slow at prep.

>> No.4421286


Wow. Someone (>>4421254) bumps an almost dead thread to do nothing more than criticize no one in particular, and all of a sudden the thread is alive again.

>and here i always thought /ck/ knew how to use the catalog

>> No.4421488

>Beef stock.
stock usually gets overpowered by other flavors, that's why your friend didn't know it was in it.

Also this:
maybe it's pickiness, but still, you seem kind of a douche.