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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4402123 No.4402123 [Reply] [Original]

so i've been thinking about getting a pressure cooker for a while and with all the recent talk about them on the news i figure i should get moving on it soon before the government decides to start regulating them.
i'm leaning toward a high capacity model so you can understand my concern.

what's a good brand?
any particular features i should be looking for?
any other info i need to know?

>> No.4402129

inb4 OP gets visit from party van

>> No.4402142

Pressure cookers are pretty awesome, OP. They're very useful in the kitchen.

>>good brand
WAF (Wisconsin Aluminum Foundry) if you want a canner
Kuhn Rikon if you want a normal pressure cooker

What do you want it for? If you want it for canning or for making large batches of stock I'd go with the WAF. If you want it for general purpose stuff but don't need that kind of volume then I'd go with the Kuhn Rikon.

>>other info
Yes, buy a larger one than you think you need. For safety reasons you should not fill the cooker more than about half to 2/3 full. This is to prevent the food from accidentally splattering and clogging the pressure valve. So, that means that roughly half of the nominal volume of your cooker isn't usable, except for steaming. So if you want to cook, say, 3 quarts of stew at once then you will want a 6-quart capacity.

>> No.4402146

I've got a few pre-ban ones I'd be willing to part with for $800 a piece.

>> No.4402145

>before the government decides to start regulating them.

Yeah... that's obviously not going to happen.

>> No.4402148

>underestimating the knee-jerk simpletons in government

>> No.4402151

I have a large pressure cooker, and use it several times a week. Great for making stocks, long simmering dishes and dried beans quickly.

The fear of pressure cookers being banned is fake and gay. But picking one up is a good idea. And large is good, because you can always make a small amount of food in a large one, but you can't make a large amount of food in a small one.

>> No.4402152

All American is a good one, OP.

>> No.4402153

You can still get them due to garage sale loopholes. Horrible, nasty things.

>> No.4402168


>Yes, buy a larger one than you think you need

all of you pressure cooker nuts are insane. i can't wait till they ban them all and confiscate yours.

>> No.4402176

From my cold dead hands

>> No.4402179

Same here. Nobody NEEDS a pressure cooker.

>> No.4402180

Its one of those things that I want, but i'd never actually use.

My mom used to cook all sorts of heart and tongue in them, and they'd get tender as fuck.
Even whole chicken bones got so tender you could bite them into mush.

...i've moved on from 'most' of my southern-raised ways though.
I haven't had heart or pig brains in years.

>> No.4402188


They cook things using less energy and faster. If everyone used them we'd all have more time to fight terrorism, and we'd be using fewer fossil fuels, which according to people in prius's bumper stickers, starves terrorists.

If you aren't pro pressure cooker you are pro terrorist.

>> No.4402190

I agree but only military and police should be allowed to own them

>> No.4402221


That's ridiculous. How are police and military going to fight terrorism if they are so busy cooking everyone's food!?!?!

>> No.4402228

this is 'murrica
wouldn't be shocked if they ban pressure cookers before guns

>> No.4402229


keep your strawman and ad homenim bullshit out of this discussion.

last time i checked, there is no second ammendment guaranteeing you the right to bear a pressure cooker.

>> No.4402245

The 2nd amendment was written well before automatic pressure cookers existed, so your argument is null and void, as all pressure cookers are allowed under that particular amendment.

>> No.4402249

Yes, but the founding fathers couldn't have imagined high capacity assault pressure cookers.
Should just anyone be able to own industrial sized beer vats or pizza ovens too?
Think of the damn children.

>> No.4402270
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>SACRAMENTO — In the wake of the Boston Marathon bombings, State Senator Leland Yee, D-San Francisco, and Assemblywoman Nancy Skinner, D-Berkeley, have introduced companion bills calling for background checks on pressure cooker buyers. And State Senator Mark Leno, D-San Francisco, and Assemblyman Philip Ting, D-San Francisco, have introduced companion bills banning backpacks for all but public school students


>> No.4402283


troll harder.

>> No.4402285
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>> No.4402287


No.. no it's not.

By Pamela Putz
The Unconventional Gazette / April 16, 2013

>> No.4402290


Article is crap.. There is a nice little gem in there though:

>Pots don’t kill people; people kill people.

>> No.4402291

>Pots don’t kill people; people kill people.

So true.

If you make pressure cookers illegal, then only criminals will have pressure cookers!

>> No.4402292

Yeah, but you did have to double check. This demonstrates the idiocy of the left and our willingness to tolerate them.

>> No.4402313


Does it really? Or does it show how low the standards for humor are on the right?

>> No.4402320


I think it shows the level of percieved, but entirely non-existent, persecution of the right.

You guys are all delusional and you think we really care that much?

>> No.4402321

remember when you didn't have to take your shoes off at the airport?

>> No.4402322

If good men on the right didn't exist, neither would the entire left. You'd better care.

>> No.4402327

Your ignorance betrays your wannabe yurofilth attitude.

>> No.4402329


If we are talking in hypotheticals...

Hypothetically, if it wasn't for conservative types in Germany, the Nazi regime wouldn't have existed and WWII might not have happened and million of people wouldn't have died.

>> No.4402862

god damned pot grabbers always trying to take our cooking utensils

>> No.4402901

And if it wasn't for the left in Russia millions might not have been murdered and intentionally starved by Stalin and the like

>> No.4402944

w-w-what about r-r-rice cookers?.....

>> No.4403048

US Gov. is really seriously talking about regulating pressure cookers? what the fuck is wrong with you people? How about educating your citizens instead of taking everything away that could cause harm?!

>> No.4403053


I'm going to need your address...

>> No.4403054


It's already been done in a special session. Now they're working on drafting a registration of all screw on lids.

>> No.4403060

OP here, I am also wondering which one would release the most pressure and disperse the most shrapnel in a "hypothetical" explosion

>> No.4403408

rice cookers are the AK-47s of the cooking world.
by this time next year you're going to need a tax stamp to get one

>> No.4403730

because Americans are stupid.
eventually they're going to ban kitchen knives...oh wait, Britain already did that.

>> No.4403744

and if it wasn't for the left in Russia the Eastern front may have been closed by 1944 and we'd all have cute antique human skin lampshades imported from the third reich

>> No.4403750
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> regulating


>> No.4403799

Because politicians like controlling things, thats why they became politicians.

>> No.4403818

no one is talking about banning pressure cookers. beware shitposting

>> No.4403862

that's what they want you to think

>> No.4403968

What the heck did you just say about pressure cooking you little rascal? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class at Culinary Art School and I've been involved in numerous soup cooking contest at carnivals, I have over 300 confirmed victories(I have the ribbons to prove it). I am trained in cooking soup in microwave bowls(doesnt come out as great) and I was the top chef on the television show "Top Chef" my customers are everything to me I will feed you food so delicious it will knock your socks off, mark my fucking recipe down. You think you can get away by bringing your own hot sauce into my restaurant? Think again goober. as we speak I am contacting my fellow employees to confiscate your contraband and your photo is being taken for a life time ban, so you better prepare for the storm, the storm outside because its suppose to be very cold this time of year with lots of rain. Your fucking banned kid, you are banned at every chain of restaurants I own, I can feed people in over 700 ways and thats just with my new Cuisinart pressure cooker. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed cookouts, but I have access to the entire fridge and I will use it to its full extent to feed your hungry ass until you can eat nomore, you poor thing. If only you could have been there when I cooked the best chili known to man at the carnival you probably would have burned your tongue and had a full stomach, but you couldn't because you didn't have a ride and you didn't and then you paid the price but it was already over and everyone was gone you idiot. I will cook bomb food in my pressure cooker and you will drown in its great flavor. You're freaking fed kiddo.

>> No.4404046

very nice

>> No.4404798
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when pressure cookers are made illegal, only criminals will have pressure cookers

>> No.4404802

I want to get a really thick-walled pressure cooker. Which brand has the thickest metal?

>> No.4404808

I don't get it you just fill it full of water and nails and it makes a bomb? Why doesn't everyone do this?

Where does the fire come from the steam being really hot?

>> No.4404811

Fire is a grain, newfag.

>> No.4404812

>I want to get a really thick-walled pressure cooker. Which brand has the thickest metal?

weapons discussion belongs in >>>/k/

>> No.4404831

They're way overrated. As much as I cook them my nails and ball bearings come out tough. Is there a special way to prepare them or something?

>> No.4404841

You have to season with kevlar.
Pressure cooking 101, anon

>> No.4404981
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i lol'd

>> No.4404982

>cook bomb food in my pressure cooker


>> No.4404984

This thread is making me lol. Good stuff.

>> No.4405282

no one ever stays on topic in these threads.

>> No.4405306

Ever since 9/11, the atmosphere in America has been like a pressure cooker.

>> No.4405496

Does anyone know if the Tupperware pressure cookers any good? I'd rather get a plastic one instead of metal because they're lighter and easier to handle.

>> No.4405498

Glass is much better

>> No.4405597

they make plastic pressure cookers?

i don' tknow if i trust that

>> No.4405609
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they are all tested.

>> No.4405617

mmm BPA-infused food.

>> No.4405852

i still don't trust that.
so many things could go wrong.

>> No.4406156


>> No.4406530

>high capacity

You better hurry.

>> No.4406567

Get one before they outlaw pressure cookers.

>> No.4406580
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Hawkins SS.
it's a good honest unit that will last forever.

>> No.4408361

I found a cheap Chechnyan brand online called The Marathon 3, has anyone tried this one? Can't find reviews.

>> No.4408544

Guys, just found out tonight that if you put a pressure cooker over your head it protects you from flash-bangs.