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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4398809 No.4398809[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's the worst /ck/ related smell you've encountered?

Mine would have to be burnt cinnamon cooked with meat, my brother tries to do these edgy and """inventive""" dishes and it almost always comes out awful, I wanted to slice my fucking nose off.

>> No.4398979

Burned butter ranks very high.

I tried to make an applesauce once, and added milk to the hot apples.I then burned the milk and it was awful too.

>> No.4398980

Can confirm burned butter for god-awful tier

>> No.4398990

Oh gee another thread bitching about something. Sure haven't had that in a while.

>> No.4398998

Brussell sprouts. They smell so vile, yet people love them. WHY

>> No.4399000
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Worst /ck/ing smell?
The time my college roommate put her electric wok in the cabinet without cleaning the chicken stir fry out of it, and then opened it a month later.

>> No.4399007

The worst I've ever been around was having questionable raw chicken thrown in the trash overnight. It was as if a stink bomb had gone off by morning.

Lately: Made a mistake I knew better about but decided to melt some chocolate chips in the microwave instead of a double boiler and slightly burnt the top of the chips. Smell in the microwave stuck around for days.

>> No.4399010

Cabbages smell like farts when you cook them. But they taste good. Roasted brussel sprouts with bacon is delicious as well.

>> No.4399012

I see what you did there.

>> No.4399018

Hole in the kickboard tiles behind a preptable. Kitchen floor was washed down with a hose and bleach every night. Smell gets to where it is disrupting the ability to cook at that station. I suck it up and go to clean it. Holy fuck bleach eroded metal utensils and all kinds of rotting food debris stuffed way the fuck in there for years. Only way to get all of it out is putting entire arm in. Feel violated and still get randomly occurring ghost smells of that years later.

>> No.4399054
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I smelled some horrible smells, so edible food doesn't really faze me.

One of the worst food-related smells has to be the trash rooms on an aircraft carrier. There's usually rooms with basically a giant garbage disposal and rooms that compact plastic into large discs by using heat and pressure. The "garbage disposal" rooms are almost always in use and near impossible to fully clean. The "compactor" rooms are basically burning plastic (which often is still coated with an assortment of food products) most of the day so the smell is seared into every exposed pore in the room.

>pic somewhat related

the bathrooms always smelled like an animal dying on an ocean beach.

>> No.4399057

>mix whey protein powder with milk or water
>little bit left over at the bottom of the cup
>leave it somewhere without washing it for a day or two
>smells like 20 japanese anuses

When I switched to a vegan protein powder that stopped happening, but holy shit, fermented whey protein is the nastest smell you can imagine

>> No.4399060


clean your fucking dishes out you disgusting dirty hippie shitstain.

>> No.4399066



>> No.4399072
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hands down

Rancid shrimp
It does not just smell bad, it smells so bad it hurts your brain

>honorable mention
fermented pasta my room mate (soupbro actually, if anyone remembers) had left in a sealed container for several weeks

now, it was not as bad as rancid shellfish, but it was terrible, especially for being some plane undressed spaghetti

>> No.4399086

I gotta add one to the rancid chicken pile. Holy fucking christ, how the hell does something smell that bad? Raw chicken doesn't really have that much of an odor but holy hot dicks from hell that shit goes bad, fast. My roommate and me dumped some trimmings in the kitchen garbage can and overnight the entire apartment suddenly smelled like a bag of smashed assholes.

Honorable mention: Family is a dirty fuck, went home and got whacked in the face with the rancor of bad milk. As in, a half glass of milk that my mom had left out for months until the entire fucking thing had gelatinized and was a few white chunks floating in what looked like piss.

>> No.4399092

not a bad smell but an interesting one

>5 years ago
>sophomore in chem class
>sometime in december
>junior tard leaves a bottle of orange juice on a shelf and leaves it
>remember about the bottle in may when school is letting out
>it turned into alcohol and smelled like moldy vodka

>> No.4399095

Filled dishwasher that hasn't washed yet. If you open it a couple of days later, it smells like an old garbage can.

>> No.4399098

I keep left over napkins next to my bed to scratch my butthole when it itches. If they're soiled I put them in a McDs bag on the floor until it is full which is when I throw it in the garbage.

>> No.4399110
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>> No.4399119


>not scratching your butthole through your boxers

>> No.4399130

Commando. 24/7.

Plus my butthole is on the "juicy" side of things. Always a fair amount of moisture on it so if I did wear underwear I wouldn't want to get them dirty

>> No.4399148
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burned/microwaved chicken bone
I fucking hate that smell it makes me choke

>mom cooks soup
>bone makes a burning smell
>reheats it in microwave with bones in there
>that fucking smell

>> No.4399157

probably the worst thing i've ever read on 4chan

>> No.4399196

You are a surprisingly gross human being. I feel sorry that your life has culminated into something so disgusting.

>> No.4399199

rotten milk

had an almost empty carton in my room i forgot about

>> No.4399212

Microwave burnt popcorn
And microwave burnt ramen packet.
I'd rather huff gas fumes and muck zoo stalls than smell either of those two smells.

>> No.4399210

I worked in this one restaurant back in the day.
It was a Robin's Donuts ( doughnut/coffee joint) turned into a fish and chips style place.
The new owners had it for just under a year.
The owner's husband was mopping the floors between rushes.
>>sees a hatch in the floor
>>" What's this?"
>>Removes hatch, reveals a small, sewer-type manhole in the floor
>>"What's this?"
>>unscrews cover

Had to tell the remaining customers to eat on the padio, the place smelled like rotting human shit for the next two days.
The owners had no idea what it was.
Fucking embarassing.

>> No.4399218

Either this is copypasta, or you've been here before.

>> No.4399221

My brother is mentally ill and fancies himself a chef ever since I aspired to join the food service industry. So him burning eggs plus his unwashed 3 month old body odor at breakfast. Worst smell I have ever smelled.

>> No.4399232

fuck, man. I used to work in a grocery store in high school and I know exactly what you mean. They've since remodeled/renovated, but at the time they had something similar like that back in the deli/meat department. A few times a year this creepy dude came and cleaned it out, and the whole backroom just smelled like death. I've never smelled anything that bad since.

>> No.4399243

Smell permeates every cubic inch of the house and just sits there waving its balls in my noise saying "what are you gonna do about it?"
Smells so thick I can taste even with the doors shut on a different floor.
Always gives me a headache.

>> No.4399257

I haven't being back to that place since I quit, but once you smell something like that you can never forget it.
I was never in Auschwitz, but I imagine the smell was something like that.
A sickly sweet smell.
It smelled like either rotting human flesh, or rotting human shit. Most likely the latter.
The place I work at now has Rhino Filter attachment on the three-sink deal, because there is no built-in trap.
Everytime I change the filter, the smell vaguely reminds me of Vicki's Seafood Restaurants...

>> No.4399261

I'm pretty sure he's a returnee, I remember reading this a while ago.

>> No.4399311
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>raw eggs fall behind prep table and sit there for a week
>weekly powerwash guy comes in and sprays under prep table disturbing the outside solid layer of the egg pile
>nobody can cook because the entire line literally smells like poop

every time i walked by that spot the rest of the day my face would unwillingly curly up into a disgusted expression.


>> No.4399319



i worked at mcdonalds for three years in the back end, NOTHING was worse than grease trap cleaning day.... id have to tell my manager i needed fresh air like ever 20 mins... nothing like trying to make big macs for people while simultaneously feeling like youre going to rocketvomit all over the prep table.

>> No.4399479

I have a few stories for you guys, but this one stands out at the top as number one. Keep in mind, this is from five years ago, so I'm having to go by memory for this one.

Me and my wife, just recently married, had been on honeymoon and were heading home finally. Along the way, I needed to use the bathroom, so we decided we'd both go since it had been a while and there was a place coming up. We had passed this place numerous times while we were dating, but neither of us had EVER been to this place, so we had no idea what it was like.

When we pulled in, it looked pretty nice. Much like a rotten apple looks juicy and inviting until you bite into it and taste the taste of hell's toilet. When I headed inside, I thought that this was pretty quaint. it was a little rest stop area with a bit of a grocery store and cafe mixed in. Nothing too fancy, just a few meat pies or sausage rolls.

When I neared the counter though, is when the trouble started. The meat pies and sausage rolls looked old enough to be considered ready to vote in the next election. Even the guy there was ancient. Old, wrinkly, and not a smile anywhere.

>"Hey mate, could you tell me where the loo is?"
>"Out the door to the left, around the corner"

This is Australia mind you, so you'll have to excuse a bit of the local slang here for you americans. Anyways, I went on my way, not even suspecting the fate he had just consigned me to. When I went around the corner, it was at the back of the building, maybe 20 or 30 feet away, but I could already smell something off. But, it was okay, I just assumed it was the overfilling bin nearby that was reeking like the unholy smell of satan's ass after eating 500 jalapenos. So, I kept going, and the smell kept getting worse....


>> No.4399484



>"eh, probably someone let one rip in the loo and forgot to flush, can't be too bad"

I finally got to the door and the smell was so bad it was making my eyes tear up like seeing someone wasting beautifully crisp, crunchy, nutella covered bacon. I thought that surely, surely it cannot be this bad. It was just.... something. Maybe a dead roo or something. Surely the smell cannot be coming from this bathroom. I NEED this bathroom dammit!

I opened the door.... and realized just how wrong I was. How horribly, horribly wrong.

First of all, it was dark. Not emotive dark, but there was at least enough light to make out what I was looking at. The air coming from this was warm. Not "freshly baked bread" warm, but "freshly dumped dog turd" warm. I retched and then when I had finally taken in enough of a breath from this foul brew, I was able to finally see what was in there.

As far as I could see, there was no toilet paper, and there was nothing to dry one's hands on, if the person was brave enough to attempt to even try and defecate in there. The only dim, dim light was coming from a louvere window, and it was painted a sickly pus yellow. Roaches had apparently found this place a paradise, and lived there. There were at least a dozen of them, if not more.


>> No.4399486



The floor itself was orange and it was not tiled that color. On it, there were STREAKS of brown.... things... that were not roaches, and there was a small pool of water like someone had toss a water balloon in there. It was all one room, no stalls, no doors, except the one I had opened upon what I could only assume was hell's bathroom. The sink was rusted, and there was no lid, seat, or anything for a person to sit on. I could only assume that one would squat over it, and hope to aim in the right direction. There was a shower head in there as well, but for what perverse reason, I can only imagine and guess at. The orange staining I mentioned earlier, went up the wall, and was taller than I was.

Now, I'm 2 meters tall. About six feet. I've also done work as a janitor, and this staining went up above my head by about half a meter. There was only one thing, just ONE THING that I could imagine what it might be from.


Dried urine.

Dried urine that went so far up, that a person had to have been standing on something (or, dear god, on someone) to have been able to even get that high. I know not how long this had been there, but for it to have accumulated like that, this place had to have not seen soap since the 70s. It was then I knew, knew in the deepest depths of my soul, that this place was the inspiration for silent hill's fog world.


>> No.4399487


-final one-

Before my brain could wither upon this sight of cthulhu's crapper, I closed the door, and turned around to see my wife staring at me from the other end of the walkway. The look on her face said it all, that this was not our stop.

Calmly, like a shaolin monk who had achieved enlightenment, I walked towards her, took her by the shoulders and looked into her eyes.

>"Darling. I need to crap, badly. But there is no way, in heaven, hell, or on earth, that I need to crap that badly. Drive."

We dove into the car like we were being shot, and drove on. Drove until we were out of sight of the bathroom of the damned. It was only then, dear reader, that we found a damn big tree for me to use. Sometimes, we still go by this place, seeing it as we drive past it somewhere far beyond the speed limit. We've even heard tell of people, rumors and whispers mostly, of people who have tried to go down that lonely walkway.

They tell us only one thing about that place: there is no bathroom anymore.

>> No.4399505
File: 81 KB, 550x366, OlympicCheonggukjang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brussel sprouts are really low on the list of offensive smelling foods for me. And they are delicious!

청국장 (chung gook jang) is a Korean stew made with a fermented soybean paste, kind of like natto. It smells like diarrhea and shattered hopes. It tastes good and is supposed to be a very nutritious/healthy dish but man, that smell is all-permeating.

I don't know why I'm bothering to post with a picture because Korean stews all look alike.

>> No.4399510

i am very clean but my butt gets juicy sometimes too

i think my sphincter is broken from my childhood rape

>> No.4399513

This is outside of /ck/ but you are a pretty good story teller. Very descriptive and well worded. It's nice to see that. Thank you!

>> No.4399556

Went to a beach

Dug up mussels

Kept in bucket with salt water.

Realize i cant trust beach mussels leave in bucket while researching area polution

Three days later mussels all dead

Smells like the shittiedt shit ever sharted out

>> No.4399580
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I once tried to fry salt-cured jellyfish. Bad idea. It had a wrong, primordial smell of decay and death. I guess Cthulhu would have liked it. I ate a bite and threw it away. On the plus side, it has not many calories.

>> No.4399582

Any indian restaurant makes me gag because of the smell.

>> No.4399587
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Ever fried bamboo shoots ? Not the stuff from western markets, who use acid to preserve it. The stuff from asian groceries preserved in saltwater. Smells exactly like Urine.

>> No.4399598

shrimp paste smells like rotten anchovy asshole

but it does add something to thai curries, so hey ho

>> No.4399613
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>> No.4399620

The smell of defeat when you cook to impress and fail on the night and realise that you'll never get a second chance.

>> No.4399628

First one had to be when my mother asked me to smell a pack of chicken breasts cause they didnt smell right to her and wanted a second opinion. Got my nose up close to it and took a big sniff.

Took a half step to the sink and immediately started to dry heave and tear up. Couldnt comprehend how she couldnt smell the death emitting from that package.

Second one would be from college at a friends house. He had been getting an odd smell in his den but chucked it up to his AC in the window being retarded and not draining right(had a weird window and the AC didnt sit right in it). After cleaning the thing he still had this smell. After investigating found out that his mini-freezer,that he had a lock on so his other house mates wouldnt get into, had burned out. For whatever reason he unlocked it and opened it up.

Everyone in the room and soon after the house evacuated. He had steaks, shrimp, lobster and other meat in there basically fermenting like swedish canned herring. He had to put on an old military gas mask and close the door and kind of seal it with duct tape. Later took it to a dumpster at this appartment building of his old gf that cheated on him and opened it up and chucked it.

>> No.4399630

one thanksgiving my dad discovered a long-forgotten turkey (circa 5 years old) in the freezer and let it thaw outside. garage reeked for weeks.

also: turnip greens. jesus fuck no.

>> No.4399634

Mine is just a natural thin mucus like discharge. Rarely is there a brownish hue to it but for the most part is just sticky and smelly

>> No.4399644
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Y...you mean I'm not the only one with a juicy ass?

>> No.4399649


Friend pissing in an electric pot when we were 8.

Actually food related I'd say rotten hamburger meat

>> No.4399654
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I think those of us with a "damp cellar" are learning a little bit about each other and ourselves in this thread <3

>> No.4399662

kim chi
no idea how anyone eats that shit
rotten shellfish
rotten tofu

>> No.4399704

Rancid beef being cooked. Smelled like death.

>> No.4399708

Fucking dried seaweed.
My dad is always buying new types of food and shit to try out, so he bought this package of dried Korean seaweed from the supermarket.
I didn't know vegetables could literally reek of shit. Makes me wonder who in their right mind would eat that garbage.

>> No.4399734

I was the acting manage of the bar that I was a regular at. The boss and his wife had an argument and his wife decided to fuck everyone over by leaving with the kids and the staff, which were the wife's friends decided not to show up.

Flash forward a few months, we discover that the bar had a kitchen, which shut down after the staff fucked off. In the spirit of adventure, I decided to go into the kitchen and discovered that the walk the power was off, the walk in fridge was open and everything that was prepped, frozen or just unwashed from the day everything turned to shit has..turned into compost.
There were cockroaches and rat droppings all over the place, piled inches high on the floor.

I took one of those gas detectors sewer cleaners use to check for dangerous/toxic fumes in the sewers in there, the light went as soon as I walked in and I turned around just to see another temp staff walk in to check to make sure I haven't passed out drop his cig into the walk in fridge.

Explosion tore the hinges off the fridge door right off and sent both me and retarded smoking guy out of the kitchen.

We stood up, turned around and noticed that the explosion must have sent the local pests into a panic as they zerg swarmed out of the fridge towards us.

>> No.4399737

We fucking ran for it, locked the door, came back the next day in full pest control gear that looked like hazmat suits and pesticides in a spray pump.

Tactically entered the kitchen, clearing the way with the pesticide spray before we entered the liar of cockroaches, we realized it was a lost cause. Maggots were all over the food, the cockroaches swamred out as we sprayed as one of our guys went down, a rat has tripped him and he landed face down in the muck.

I called for an all out retreat, throwing pesticide bombs to cover us as we dragged our wounded man back to the safety of the outside world. We debated about burning down the entire bar for a little bit before we left.

I could still smell it to this day, a mixture of rotting sewage, decayed food and human waste was the best way I can think of it. If it was a perfume, I'd probably call it "The walking dead"

>> No.4399780

My dad making bacalao. Holy fuck that shit is so nasty. I rather smell pastelles being cooked than bacalao.

>> No.4399941

I lived with my Filipino aunt while i went to university and everything day she cooked and it was a new experience of horrible smells. I can't even explain how awful it is. its like rotting fish and pig boiling in vinegar with loads of garlic. And the smell would always permeate every inch of my body, clothes, bags and books. I love my aunt she is a really nice lady, but God damn, i had to move out.

>> No.4399948

Never spent any time around koreans, have you?
It's like going back into the dark ages.

>> No.4399970

/ck/ related - My boyfriend's car. He delivers pizza and while his car isn't dirty or anything, it has this horribly cheesy stench that won't go away.

>> No.4400005


Does he suck your dick in exchange for putting up with it? He better.

>> No.4400048

Man, you must live off of vanilla pudding and crackers, huh?

>> No.4400060
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egg dripped on an electric burner on the stove

my Mother hated it

>> No.4400080

The first car my parents could afford was a minivan that had been previously owned by a family of six. My dad used it to deliver pizzas part-time and in the summertime it smelled like baby vomit and Pizza Hut's dumpster. Doesn't matter how much you clean it once the stench settles in, I think. :T

>> No.4400095

ozium, copious amounts of ozium.

>> No.4400102


Vanilla pudding and crackers are the only non-indian food?

>> No.4400103

It is possible that that is a woman....

>> No.4400132

>making bread
>large bowl with dough
>leave bowl in dish with water to dissolve dried dough
>go to a festival the next day
>come home a week later
>friend comes over to make dinner
>oh we gotta do these dishes
>the bowl is still there, looks like a crust has formed on top of the water
>poke it
>one week old yeast in a bowl of water in summer heat
>yeast and fungus explosion

Basically smelled like old, dried up beer mixed with rancid chicken noodles.

>> No.4400133

I think he was just calling you a pansy.

>> No.4400142

I've tried "pickled" mango, i.e. young mango slices in a disgusting salty sugary cheap-ass vinegar liquid. That was awful.

>> No.4400310

Seeing as I don't have one, no. He does get my cheezits though so all is well.

Yes! That is exactly the smell, you described it perfectly.

>> No.4400332
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bad oysters

>> No.4401314

Microwaved Worcestershire sauce. When I think about it, I can still smell it, and I still cringe.... I had to do it for a school project, that was like ten years ago and the smell still haunts me.

>> No.4401343

>TSW Burnt popcorn.
Main reason I can't stand popcorn. that smell never goes away.

>> No.4401463

God, I was curious how that could actually reek that bad and tried it

DEAR GOD WHAT HAVE I UNLEASHED it smells like moldy onions and assholes

>> No.4401589

Archive this thread. Best thing on /ck/ for a while.

>> No.4401598

rotten egg
i was making scrambled eggs for breakfast, second egg was rotten, nearly threw up and lost my apatite

>> No.4401600

Burnt potatoes, when you forget them and let the water boil off. One of the most disqusting smells ever. Then there's these fermented (read rotten) foods, but they just smell rotten etc.

>> No.4401628

It's always the second egg that's fucked up, wasting the first, perfectly good egg. Sorry bro.

>> No.4401672

I just did it and it smelled like how worcestershire always smells when you cook with it. The acidity kind of stung my nose when I stood right over it, but it's the same as with vinegar.

As for me, it's probably the smell of burnt butter. God I hate that smell.

>> No.4401680

I poisoned myself with a garlic head. When I vomited, you could smell garlic in the entire house. I can't stand the smell of garlic now.

>> No.4402144

Convince the next sprout lover to raost them instead of boiling/steaming. The smell is nicer and they finally taste good.

>> No.4402213


Wait, were you poisoned because the garlic was old? I didn't know you could get sick from that.

>> No.4402248

>no one mentions 'asafoetida'

>> No.4402250

holy shit! I listen to a rapper called Asa and I was wondering what his album "foetida" meant.

Now it's clear, thanks

>> No.4402304

Rotten feta cheese
It smells like feta with the unmistakeable permeating stench of rot accompanying it. Couldn't eat feta for weeks after that, I still can't sometimes when I get ghost smells of it off good feta

>> No.4402432

You should write a book.

>> No.4402515

enjoyed reading that dude

>> No.4402572 [DELETED] 
File: 143 KB, 1233x278, 1365700168662.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: Easy little recipes
Bored as shit and decided to fuck around with all the extra crap I've built up over the years in my kitchen.

Just made this, pretty good.

I wasn't going in expecting much, but I threw some hot fudge topping on it and it kind of tastes like one of those warm delight cakes.

Obviously nothing mind blowing, but not bad at all.

>> No.4402575

For some reason, the chili I make smells great in the kitchen, but if you go to the back of my house where I guess the smell dissipates, it smells HORRENDOUS.

>> No.4402589

boiled dog


>> No.4402592

oh dear god. this.

>> No.4403802

yups. i got durrian surprise at least 3 times when I went to Thailand. We would smear it on each as a practical joke.

>> No.4405876

Moldy beans that sat in my fridge for a month.