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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4399370 No.4399370 [Reply] [Original]

>With family
>go to Indian restaurant I love
>they have a buffet set up
>always offer it first, I say I'd like to order off the menu
>Family: "But anon, you won't get as much"
>"I like having my meals cooked for me"
>follow up with, "and I don't need exclusive control over my portions"

Seriously, it seems like everybody has this idea that just because you don't choose to consume until you've stuffed yourself then you're missing out. Not ordering something new and different is missing out. Buffets are for pussies. My family makes good fertilizer though.

>> No.4399375


>> No.4399379

>go to buffet place
>order off the menu
Buffets may be classless troughs, but... well, they're classless troughs. You go to them because you're in the mood to shove your face in a trough of barely passable quantity over quality or because you weigh 400lbs and feel the need to maintain.

Ordering smaller portions of that same barely passable quantity over quality trough food and feeling superior about it makes you a fucking moron. Because you're still eating trough food. You've just convinced yourself you're all classy and shit wearing a monocle and sticking out your pinky while doing it.

>> No.4399390

Its not a buffet place though They have a full menu and I'm pretty sure most have it as the money maker for confused americans.

>> No.4399394


>> No.4399396
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But /ck/

>> No.4399397

Buffets are the quintessential new and different. Instead of one item, you can try countless different things. Not everyone who opts for the buffet is a fat fuck who gorges to capacity, judgmental faggot.

>> No.4399398

Food sitting under heat lamps is disgusting. I always pass on the buffet too.

>> No.4399399

You must think you have balls of steel calling me me a faggot over the internet but iin reality you'd be gawking to be what I am in real life. It would be no hassle to beat the nose off of your face. Think twice before you talk shit to King Shit next time.

>> No.4399404

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.4399424

ahahaha you made an ambiguous statement that could be determined to be that you killed your family

so funny
so edgy
you should consider going into stand-up

>> No.4399428

You should consider learning some manners Where do you live? I have disposable income, which helps when you have nothing but time to kill, pun intended

>> No.4399465
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So much trolling.

>> No.4399469

Your mom talks to you like you're a child

>> No.4399475

That completely reminds me of the time I took my family to Korean BBQ

>Hour and a half of time allotted
>Take our sweet time eating
>Hour later we're full
>Sister-in-law reminds us that there is still 30 minutes left and we should eat more to get our "money's worth"

Bitch you're not even paying.

>> No.4399490

you guys must go to shitty buffets

>> No.4399778


>Be on date
>Girl wants to go to a japanese restaurant she likes
>never been to this kind of restaurant
>Eat and drink for 2 hours, € 25 per person
>take my sweet time trying out different things
>never ate professionally prepared sushi before, tried it, liked it
>never ate frogs legs before, tried it, meh
>Ninja chef perparing my teriyaki steak
>take my sweet time between rounds
>Girl only had a few mini spring rolls and desert.

I liked the place and will go again. But im bringing a big eater next time.

>> No.4399788

I don't think you're in the wrong for ordering off the menu, but this reasoning is spurious

>Not ordering something new and different is missing out
the same shit may be available on the buffet

>> No.4399791

>goes to indian buffet
>doesn't eat from buffet
You obviously don't lift OP.
Indian buffet after squats is the ultimate.

>> No.4399839


The key is that if you order off the menu then the food is made fresh, whereas if it's a buffet then who knows how long its been sitting under that heat lamp?

>> No.4399844

if it was the ninja restaurant you just got sucked into a tourist trap.

>> No.4399845

Who cares how our family likes to eat? Quit being such a prick to them.

>> No.4399865


...It's Indian food. Those curries cook for hours, they're just as fresh on the buffet as in your individual order.

>> No.4400193

infian buffays are good thhough

>> No.4400207


Sure, but my individual serving will not have been sitting out at an unsafe temperature for hours, with god-knows-who sticking the serving utensils in and out of it, sneezing and coughing near it, etc.

>> No.4401746

whats wrong with a little disease every now and then? our immune systems need to live a little.

>> No.4402134
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>> No.4402181


Indian buffets are great because you can try a little bit of everything that day and see what you like and then go back and get more of what you like.

If you order one thing off the menu, that's what you get and you are stuck with it.

If you are an edgy teenage faggot that doesn't want to try new things, or thinks he's tried everything before, then this sort of thing will make you feel superior, but in actuality you are just being a gigantic teen age faggot.

Seriously, it seems like just because someone knows what aloo matar is they think they are better than the rest of us who like to sample everything on the buffet.

Also.. if you are eating at the same buffet where you have previously tried everything instead of eating at a different indian buffet.. you are a gigantic teenage family plebe. Try a new restaurant faggot.

>> No.4402184

Oh my god what a loser

>> No.4402187

You wouldn't say that to my face irl, fucker

>> No.4402191

I'd fuck your face irl.

>> No.4402256

Why wouldn't they?
1) Calling bluff on you thinking you are the shit
2) Violence is't acceptable ethically or legally.

>> No.4402263

>Violence is't acceptable ethically or legally.
It is in my hood, punk.

>> No.4402266

List several [good] reasons why?

>> No.4402940 [DELETED] 

You're all assholes and I would beat you up in a heartbeat

>> No.4402966


Yea I love going to buffets to grab one-of-everything. I get a plate full of a buncha different stuff and I never finish it because I ain't fat. My BF and his friends eat a bunch and act like I'm wasteful. Yea well, kids in africa wouldn't starve less if I ate more at a buffet.

some people just like variety. mm now I want texas de brazil

>> No.4402986

lol, faggot

>> No.4403026


I hate the feeling of being stuffed, so the value of all-you-can-eat buffets are really lost on me.

However, it is nice to try small portions of many things from a buffet.

>> No.4403032


While not acceptable, it's not smart to assume that it can't be done without persecution. For example, if you provoke someone - get in their face, call them names, shout at them, goad them into striking, etc - and they pop you in the nose, there's actually a good chance that they won't be persecuted if that's ALL they did. The obvious exception is something like domestic abuse - but, say, two random guys in a bar? Much more unlikely to see anything come of it.

On the other hand, if they sucker punched you, sat on you, and beat the tar out of you.. they'd likely be persecuted.

Then again, a lot of instances like this where two people get in each other's faces over an argument and one just punches the other never get reported to the authorities anyways.

Whether or not a person finds it acceptable ethically depends on their outlook, and whether or not they feel as though they're having to defend themselves. If someone is aggressive enough, even verbally, it can set a lot of people on edge thinking that it might become physical, and they react pre-emptively.

Then again like 9 out of 10 people grew up in whitewashed suburbia so they've never seen any real verbal or physical confrontation other than their parents bitching at each other about bills or something.

>> No.4403034


I've never seen a buffet that used a heat lamp, and I'm guessing that you two don't know what a heat lamp is. They steam the trays from beneath.