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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 25 KB, 400x300, Coke-Freestyle-Machine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4393117 No.4393117 [Reply] [Original]

What's your favorite combo, /ck/?
Today I tried sprite peach and sprite vanilla and it kinda sucked. I usually just rock vanilla diet coke as its kinda hard to find around here bottled anymore...

>> No.4393119

Lemon-Lime Coke Zero
Raspberry Vanilla Coke Zero
I wish they bottled it like that!

>> No.4393122

Don't have one near me.

>> No.4393120 [DELETED] 

this some sort of fatmericunt invention? what the fuck is it?

>> No.4393131

>seriously can't tell it's a new coke machine.

>> No.4393129

hell yeah you missin out nigga, i drove extra to get to taco time just for this. Coke Freestyle

>> No.4393134 [DELETED] 

i dont understand obesican nigger dialect

speak english, shit cunt

what the fuck it is?

>> No.4393136


>> No.4393141 [DELETED] 

speak english you obese fatty

im AUSTRONG by the way, shit cunt

>> No.4393145


It's a machine where you choose like a base beverage say a Coke or Sprite, then it lets you choose a flavoring like Lime or Vanilla.

10/10 love that machine. Probably the only thing I really like about Five Guys.

>> No.4393147

Sprite and Diet coke.

>> No.4393148

What about the peanuts?

>> No.4393149 [DELETED] 

thank you, at least 1 of you obese fat cunt shit cunts from the united obese of fatmericunt shit cunts has the brain power to explain somthing

still, sounds like a massive waste of time, money and effort

only in fatmeirucnt land

>> No.4393157

Yeah, googling coke freestyle is a fucking huge difficulty

>> No.4393165 [DELETED] 

dont get upset because i manipulated you fatmericunt shit cunts into doing my work for me

i love how you pathetic excuses of human beings get so upset because a superior person puts them in their place

have a cry about it, shit cunt

>> No.4393175

Good idea, I will cry tears into my soda, gifted to me by my country's superior beverage dispensing technology to make Salt Fanta. Enjoy pushing buttons to choose one of five sodas while in your burlap sack clothing!

>> No.4393173

Coca cola and pour

>> No.4393178

>saturday night

>> No.4393181 [DELETED] 

>superior beverage dispensing technology

you mean obesity generating device?

enjoy you fat guts and obesity, shit cunts

>sunday afternoon

>> No.4393187


You're welcome. Don't knock til you try.

So even if you like it you can still be right.

>> No.4393190

saturday night

>> No.4393192 [DELETED] 

>dont knock being an obese shit cunt until you try it

no thanks, im not from the united obese of fatmericunt shit ucnts

sunday afternoon

>> No.4393198


>being a stereotype

I know you're going to say something mean or demeaning, so I'll just tell you to relax. It's 4chan.

>> No.4393200 [DELETED] 

i know your are obese and ignorant, so ill just call you a fat obese shit cunt fatmericunt shit cunt.

>> No.4393211
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>i know your are obese and ignorant

Also the peach Dasani is mighty tasty

>> No.4393216


thank you may i have some more

>> No.4393220

From Belgium. Please get more mad at Americans.

>> No.4393258

relax m8

>> No.4393257

Vanilla Ginger Ale

>> No.4393262

Ketchup Lard n'Grease Cola

>> No.4393270

Raspberry Sprite.

>> No.4393282 [DELETED] 

fat obese shit cunts detected

enjoy being obese fat shit cunts?

fuck off nazi cunt

fuck off, cunt

>> No.4393289

Angry Jew detected.

>> No.4393296

Lotta mad going on in here Aussibro. Did a kangaroo steal your lunch or something?

>> No.4393302

fuck yes. theres one at the Chronic Tacos by my place. gotta have my cherry pibb

>> No.4393314
File: 75 KB, 782x718, hot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aborigine stole his bike

>> No.4393326

>only insults are obese, fat and shit cunt
Your schools provide you garbage degrees and you don't even learn interesting insults on the playground as a child? WHAT THE FUCK AUSTRALIA?

>> No.4393328 [DELETED] 

fuck off fatmericunt, im fucking AUSTRONG

did you eat a fucking whole chicken, fat cuntr?

>going on about education

HAHAHAHHAH enjoy your thrid world standards and pathetic debt inducing useless degrees,fat cunt

>> No.4393333

It's so cute! Can we keep it ma? Can we?

>> No.4393343 [DELETED] 

>cant counter my logic
>goes into gay mode
>acts like a faggot

that all you got, fat cunt?

>> No.4393347

what's the problem? did an american on holiday fuck your gf?

>> No.4393348

Does your have ginger ale? Seagram's Ginger Ale is a Coke product, is that what it dispenses?

>> No.4393351


Wow this thread is funny. Vanilla Barq's for me. Love it and can only get it in the free style machine.

>> No.4393355

ive never seen this before, although apparently quite a few are in my town

this is it. this is the future

>> No.4393356


Ginger Ale isn't a type of soda, it's a mental illness.

>> No.4393357

You're just unhappy I got quads
But that's okay anon


>> No.4393354 [DELETED] 

whats the problem? did an AUSTRONG call you out on being an obese fat cunt shit cunt?

>> No.4393359

what happens when you press all the buttons

>> No.4393358

Seagram's Ginger Ale is great, and would only be improved by the mixing possibilities of this machine.

>> No.4393362

Vanilla Barq's is my go-to at Firehouse Subs and Zaxby's (Southerner detected.) Orange Coke is also surprisingly good.

>> No.4393363 [DELETED] 

your just unhapped your a fat shit cunt obese fat cunt shit cunt

but thats okay fat cunt shit cunt fatmericunt shit cunt

>> No.4393367

I just can't handle how adorable you are.
I wish I could just pick you up and pet you and call you George.


>> No.4393371 [DELETED] 

>cant counter my logic
>goes into gay mode
>acts like a faggot

that all you got, fat cunt?

>> No.4393372



>> No.4393378

You seem to have an obsession with cunts, is there something you would like to tell /ck/ anon?
I'll listen to you.

<3 <3

>> No.4393381 [DELETED] 

go back to the united obese of fatmericunt shit cunts

>cant counter my logic
>goes into gay mode
>acts like a faggot

that all you got, fat cunt?

>> No.4393385

I have more love I can give you

<3 <3

>> No.4393387



>> No.4393391

>HAHAHAHHAH enjoy your thrid world standards
Meanwhile your countrymen and women live in America to get a GOOD education at one of our many top-notch schools. Or were you trying to insult K-12 like that means a fucking thing?

>mfw Australians think you're supposed to earn a credential as a fucking teenager and somehow use such knowledge gained in High School to perform any task that means anything
Enjoy your $20 an hour delivering pizzas I guess. YOU DESERVE IT!

>> No.4393400

Enjoy your
>cost of living
>job growth based strictly on a developing tech market and the oil in one of your shitty territories
>Nazi automotive restrictions (FUCKING P PLATES LEL)
>"growing" health concerns

>> No.4393403


>resident of the fattest nation in the world
>going on about American's obesity

>> No.4393406


mfw im australian and this faggot doesn't even know australia is just a fat as the US.


I replied.

>> No.4393407

Did the Aussifag go away? I was having a grand 'ol time over here.

>> No.4393411


theres only 25 million of us. theres nearly 300 mil of you americlaps so technically you are much much fatter than we are.

also i am a 6" 4' athletic god of mechanic physicality and aesthetics which if you could see you would be mirin

>> No.4393415

Population size isn't the same as per capita. If you're going to argue something, at least do it correctly.

>> No.4393422

Stay fat.

>> No.4393426


thanks genius.

>> No.4393431

If it's so obvious to you, then don't commit the fallacy to begin with.

>> No.4393429

Did you ever think for a second we have a shitload more minorities than you that don't practice healthy eating? Seriously, you overprivileged white douche who probably hasn't been outside of his miserable little comfort zone, I implore you to come to parts of the South and West Coast (Most certainly Central California) and bear witness to all of the humongous black and Mexican people that call this place home. You can't seriously act like every person in the nation is responsible for people that want to feed their kids fucking hotpockets and Red Baron pizzas and other awful shit because they just plop down on the couch after working in the fields/dealing dope/at McDonald's all day, can you? Most of the Americans on this board probably can't even COMMUNICATE to Jose and Maria, and would struggle to exchange words with Tyrone and Bonqweeqwee, so go eat a dick. Shame on us for not policing everyone else, moron.

>> No.4393430 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 350x350, 67827_462086662986_563477986_5680493_2150191_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Stay ignorant. Keep mirin.

>> No.4393432


what the fuck are you talking about?
i said australia was fatter you dumb fat fuck.
go be racist elsewhere.

>> No.4393435

ITT: one retard ausfag and a bunch of americlaps that make sceak seem like a reasonable guy.

>> No.4393444

*reprehension, sorry

>> No.4393442

>so technically you are much much fatter than we are.
Then what's this? And as I said in my post, you can't fucking hold an entire nation of over THREE HUNDRED MILLION PEOPLE accountable for a lot of poor faggots that just want to feed themselves and their kids junk. You fucking can't be serious if you think that's somehow the fault of every AmeriFATSHITCUNT. And fuck your sensitivity to racism, try living around something other than white people your entire life and you might start to gain a repression for people that don't give a fuck about themselves, the people around them, or the country they call home. You might then come to the conclusion "A lot of Mexican and Black people are trashy as FUCK".

>doesn't deal with Magarita's cuntspawn running around every shopping mall, retail store, or restaurant screaming their heads off
Stay blessed by where you were born.

>> No.4393445


>reasonable guy



>> No.4393466

>spite and raspberry flavor
also works well with ginger ale if they have it

>> No.4393471



>> No.4393472
File: 115 KB, 264x240, 1348287045811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it seems you've already got the taste

>> No.4393477

You get diabetes.

>> No.4393501


im australian. australia is fatter than the americlaps per capita. I am aware of this. i was saying as a joke that the us is technically fatter because there are ten times more amerifats in fatclapistan than fatties in ausfatlia.
so fuck

>> No.4394223
File: 100 KB, 1040x920, fatmerica 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off shit cunt, fatmericunt shit cunts are fatter per capita you dumb fucking shit cunt

>> No.4394270

To be back on topic...

Orange Coke is still my favorite.
Or you an mix Orange Coke and Vanilla Coke, and get a Creamsicle Coke thing going.

>> No.4394271
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>> No.4394416

My friend does this all the time at it comes out a nasty greenish-brown.

>> No.4394425

Every fanta flavor except for grape all in one cup.
I WOULD do everything fruity (except grape, because that just throws the flavor off completely), but it won't fit in one cup.

>> No.4394437
File: 24 KB, 500x374, 2badfaget.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4394774

One of my favorite mixed sodas is from AMPM, with Orange Whip, Sunkist, and Unbound Energy. I call it The Concoction. Add some vodka and it's a Toxic Concoction. It's tasty as fuck, people are always getting me to make one for them, and whenever I bring a toxic concoction to a party, other people usually drink it all before I even get a chance.

After a bit, some faggots tried copying my creation, which would be fine and all since it's not very complicated and probably could've stumped upon it themselves, but they even used the same name, and made sure to tell everyone that it was their creation. Fucking homos. I don't know why I care so much about mixed soda but god those guys are queers

>> No.4394800

Favorite combo? Salty milk and coins.

>> No.4396514

Have you taken into consideration that Australia fucking sucks?

>> No.4396561
File: 2.99 MB, 480x320, laughingteam.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4396628

There was an orange soda and a vanilla soda in one of OP's machines, I tried it and it sucked butt. But vanilla syrup in orange soda? Great stuff.

>> No.4396657

I just mix them all together until it's a soup of purpilish, bitter nonsense. That's how I like my soda.

>> No.4396661

ITT: Diabetes, tooth decay, and low sperm counts.

>> No.4396668

Dasani and water

>> No.4397696

>drinking soda