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4388703 No.4388703 [Reply] [Original]

So last night I went to Longhorn Steakhouse because fuck it, I didn't feel like cooking.

I ordered their "Outlaw Ribeye" (a 21-oz bone-in ribeye), cooked medium, and French Onion soup. I asked if the could make the soup without the 'bread' under the cheese, because the last few times I went, it was nothing but a big blob of doughy gross mess. Waitress said sure, no problem.

Soup comes out:
>Big doughy mess.

I pulled as much of the 'bread' out and put it on my bread plate, and I politely pointed this out to the waitress as an FYI. She proceeded to tell me that "those are the onions". I did a double-take, then pulled some onions off the bottom of the soup and said, "no, these are onions, that's bread". She apologized, I said don't worry about it, but let the cooks know as an FYI.

Before I finish my soup, my steak comes out.
Nope. Call the waitress over, and the manager happened to be walking by at the time. I explained that the steak ware rare/raw, and showed her as such. She offered to have them throw it back on the grill. No way I'm sending food back to the kitchen (I've heard horror stories), so I said "no, I'll eat it, but please let your kitchen staff know as an FYI".

She came back 5 minutes later and comp'ed my entire meal. We had a chat about service, and I thanked her for taking care of the ticket. I left a $5 tip for the waitress.

My questions:

1) Would you would have made them aware of the issues to begin with?
2) Would you have sent the steak back and accepted whatever came back from the kitchen?
3) Would you have left a tip?

Also, restaurant stories in general.

>> No.4388712

Inb4 all faggot trolls and people calling you beta

I think what you did was very polite and acceptable, you are paying for it so it should be the way you want it. You weren't being stupidly picky either.

Tip was appropriate too, server did what she could but obviously wasn't great at her job either.

>> No.4388717


Also think about it a little harder, gluten free people would have a poor reaction because of the bread not being omitted.

>> No.4388743

>gluten free people

Real gluten free people are extremely rare and probably wouldn't go to a fucking Longhorn.

OP, I would have sent it back. No one in their right mind would actually damage/spit in your food and expect to get away with it. Why would you go to a restaurant to have food that you know will suck?

>> No.4388760

OP here - Normally Longhorn (at least the one near me) does an OK job at steak. It's not a Del Frisco's or anything, but that's not what I was looking for...I wanted a steak, and I didn't want to cook it myself.

I just have always had a phobia about sending food back to a kitchen after hearing stories about what the cooks do to food when it comes back. Unless it's completely inedible, I won't send it back. Let's face it, it's not like rare is horrible, I just prefer med-rare to med. Longhorn usually undercooks a tad anyway, which is why I order med., expecting to get med-rare. This thing was RARE though - bordering on MOO.

>> No.4388769
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>I just have always had a phobia about sending food back to a kitchen after hearing stories about what the cooks do to food when it comes back
Line cook here. This is basically a myth. Nobody really does this, unless you're at some really shitty diner and send your dish back 3 or 4 times like an anal retentive twat. Theres no real benefit from tampering with a dish, and if anyone were to see or the customer were to call them out, they'd be fired instantly.
So yeah, all phobias are dumb, and this one is no exception.

>> No.4388793

You sound like a perfect gentleman, and you did nothing unacceptable.

>> No.4388797

Now, now, we've all seen someone do this, if you've worked in kitchens. I'm not saying it's a regular occurrence, certainly not. But, I've worked in many kitchens, and there's always that one guy who will fuck with customers food when they send it back. Not usually just any random customer, though. It's nearly always a regular customer who has a HABIT of sending food back or asking for special things that are a huge pain in the ass. And yes, if they were caught fucking with someone's food, they'd be fired. But I have seen it happen.
tl;dr if you repeatedly fuck with the kitchen at your regular haunts, you're probably going to be eating some floor steak eventually.

>> No.4388800

I've never seen it. Ive heard jokes about it and stories from people who worked at dennys and stuff, but in reality, were way too busy to care about shit like that

>> No.4388810

You weren't a bad customer, but what the fuck? If you want baked french onion soup, how the hell would you not expect the bread on top to be soggy? It's not like they can just throw cheese on the top of the soup and then have it come out with a toasted cheese top.

And as for not sending it back to the kitchen, just do it. It's not like they're going to spit on it just because they have to throw it on the grill for a minute.

>> No.4388821

OP here - Most places that I get French Onion Soup from use a crusty/stale hunk of bread, usually toasted, and it tends to float on top of the soup. Longhorn uses 'croutons', which I suspect are just bits of their loaf bread cut up and dumped into the soup. It soaks up so much broth, then falls apart. Usually they put so much in there it soaks up ALL the broth and all that's left is a pasty, gooey mess.

All I wanted was some soup without the gross bread in it. I asked if it was pre-made or if I could get it without the bread. If they said it was pre-made, I would have picked something else. Wasn't trying to be difficult, but I knew how their French Onion soup is, and I didn't want a goo-ball for soup.

>> No.4388844
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Oh, I've seen it.
Back when I was serving, at a continental restaurant, I got saddled with this one regular customer who always made a fuss of sending her food back to be re-done. The kitchen knew who it was, just by the order. Anyway, she ordered a schnitzel, and in spite of the fact that it was done perfectly (which I knew, because I had worked in the kitchen before becoming a server), she sent it back. As soon as I walked in the kitchen, the head chef literally groaned and grabbed the plate. He made another schnitzel, and as he was transferring it, dropped it on the floor. I've never seen such a devilish look on someone's face. He picked it up and slapped it on the plate and said "Here you go, take it." I just stared at him. He smiled at me and said "TAKE IT." I said no fucking way am I taking that out there. Make another. We had a little stand off for a minute, and then he laughed and made another. But he would have gladly let me serve that woman the floor schnitzel. She was a huge cunt, though. All the other servers made me take her table whenever she came in, because I was the only person with enough patience for her shit.

>> No.4388848


If you were just asking it to be thrown on there to be cooked a bit more and were polite to the waitress, nothing will happen.

Shit only goes down to the picky, rude twats who come in and treat the waitstaff like subhuman trash.

>> No.4388857

I saw it a few times at the restaurant I worked at last fall. Every time it was a slow weeknight, kitchen manager had already gone home and the cook with seniority either did it or encouraged it.
Most of the time if somebody sent something back, the cooks realized their mistake, like just forgetting about a steak or burger or something and sending it out overcooked, and fixed it without complaint. But the first time I saw it happen, I heard the cook (who was fucking good as shit at his job) say "That's the best fucking medium rare steak I've ever cooked, if I do say so myself." Ten minutes later it comes back with a complaint that it was undercooked. So the cook threw it on the panini press, turned it all the way up, and turned that piece of meat into a hockey puck and told the manager not to let them send it back.
They didn't.

>> No.4388862

Forgot to mention that the same customer had already sent back an appetizer of fucking chicken tenders and fries for being burned or something like that. I never caught all the details but it was obviously a bullshit complaint

>> No.4388869
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>> No.4388885

> Would you would have made them aware of the issues to begin with?


> Would you have sent the steak back and accepted whatever came back from the kitchen?

I normally order medium so if it came rare then yes. Now if it was medium rare or even medium well I would politely tell the waiter/waitress.

> Would you have left a tip?
Depends on the waitress/waiter attitude and how they handled the situation.

>> No.4388902
File: 20 KB, 403x395, 296351_351038001653823_1327884070_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>fucking panini press
>my sides

Oh and OP... That almost NEVER happens. I worked as a sous chef at my grandfathers club/restaurant and he had a Korean chef. And the only time it ever happened was when the Korean cooked a med-rare steak to perfection only to be sent back the first time saying he wanted it rare, then wanted it medium... Then telling us it was cold as stone. Now Koreans know how to cook meat, they are good as shit when it comes to meat. He got so frustrated he threw the slab of meat behind the grill. Picked it up and cooked it.

>> No.4388908


My grandfather saw this of course but the Korean got so mad that he took a butcher knife to him and said "fuck that customer, he always does this!"

Of course my Grandfather didn't say anything since that Korean was a damn good cook.

>> No.4388921

Don't tell a waitress to go tell the cooks something "FYI". She needs those people to be happy with her in order to enjoy her job, so she's not going to do it. You think an outback waitress gives a flying fuck how well her cooks do their jobs? Instead, give your FYI to the manager. It's his joint, his responsibility, he'll deal with it as he sees fit.

Regarding sending the steak back, yea, I would have sent it back.

Yes, I would have left a tip. Probably less than 5 bucks though.

>> No.4388924

Sounds like you got what you deserved for going to a shitty restaurant.

Seriously, if you're going to go to shitty places like that, just go somewhere and get a burger and fries. It's cheaper and you're clearly not concerned with quality anyways.

>> No.4388930

On a side note, most cooks in the kitchens I've been in wouldn't even blink when something was sent back to them because they made a legit mistake. They fix it and send it back out no worries. If they think they're being fucked with, then they fuck back.

>> No.4388945

OP here - I told the waitress on the soup thing because I just wanted her to be aware of it. If she didn't want to bring it up to the chefs, that's her prerogative. Once I got the steak, it was the manager I informed. I called the waitress over to ask her to bring the manager by, but the manager happened to stop by at exactly the same time, so I discussed it with both of them. The manager is the one who dealt with the steak issue and the ticket.

I'm glad to hear that the sending food back thing is only happening to asshole diners. I'd never react that way - it's just bad form. Restaurants are busy, I get it. Polite but specific, that's my motto.

Longhorn is not necessarily what I would consider 'shitty'. As I said, it's not a Del Friscos, but it's not McDonalds either. I just wanted a steak, and I didn't feel like cooking it myself. If you're saying that the only way to get a decent meal is to spend $400 for one, then I'd hate to be associated with such a pretentious prick like yourself.

>> No.4388962

First world Paleo problems.

>> No.4388966

...and I make no apologies for that either.

>> No.4388968

Since I started working for my parents I've mostly been eating out at restaurants with them (we usually have business guests that we have dinner with). We're pretty easygoing customers and tip generously at our regular haunts so we get good service. I don't really have any negative stories other than this one time my dad got into a shouting match with the security guard at an Olive Garden. They're located in a bad part of time and won't let diners come back inside the restaurant once they walk out the front doors past 10pm, even if the rest of the dinner party is still inside and eating--something we weren't aware of until one of my parents business partners went outside to take a phone call.

>> No.4388969

>ordering steak at a chain

>> No.4388971

>bad part of time
Derp. I meant bad part of town. Speaking in Korean all the time has really screwed with my English.

>> No.4388975

You're the problem then.

>> No.4388978

That's not what I said at all. You went to a chain, you shouldn't expect much. If you're not making it yourself, lower your expectations.

>> No.4388985

waitresses, especially at darden-operated chains DEFINITELY care about how well the cooks do their job. many times retard diners (probably you) will send back food and penalize the waitstaff through tips, even if the mistake was in the kitchen.

>> No.4389033

gtfo faggot.

>> No.4389137

you're just butthurt because you know i'm fucking right.

>> No.4389190

I work a mcky d's and i was closing grill one night and i stole a female co-workers visor and had it on upside down and sideways in the best 90's kid fashion i could muster. and she did similar with my hat. A customer walked up to the counter and said. "Take that fucking hat off and stop acting like a faggot, go and do your job!" i apologized and did as he requested. then i walked back into the kitchen to make his order i heard him ask my coworker if i was going to make his food. When she told him, he asked her to apologize to me for him and said that he didn't want his order.

and he was right to do so i made sure to scratch my ass crack before i made his food.

so sometime its valid. just remember dont fuck with the people who make your food. and as long as its a valid issue bringing food back is always OK, its usually result of a miscommunication or just a simple accident.

>> No.4389208

One thing to never fucking do at a McDonalds is bring back a burger because it didnt have enough of something during a rush. One guy literally put 2 handfuls of pickled on this bitches double after she came back 3 times. The normal amount is 2 and if you order extra you get 4.