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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 894 KB, 1647x1099, Fuck yoru shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4382399 No.4382399 [Reply] [Original]

>Puts drinks and cans on your bread
>puts ground beef and bloody steaks on top of your onions and shampoo, all in the same bag
>throws your bananas in a bag like a boss
>puts a couple boxes on top of them roughly
Because fuck you, thats why.
Get off your goddamn cellphone, and shove your 'price matches' up your fucking ass.
Coupons? Fine. Just remember its not my fault if they're expired or for the wrong fucking thing because you assholes never fucking read anything.
You're holding up my line you slow, dense motherfucker.
How'd I guess.

Have a nice day.

>> No.4382415

>Drive off in Cadillac

>> No.4382418

Working in retail really does ruin a man.

The angriest people in the world work in customer service. And they didn't start that way.

>> No.4382422

>be in the customer service business

Sure is teenager in here

(you do have a point about the people who abuse the EBT card though. Fuck those niggas)

>> No.4382426

I wish it was like that, whenever I go to a grocery store I always get pampered, maybe they pity me because I'm balding.

>> No.4382427

I work at starbucks mainly on register. I want to punch so many people in the face.

Self entitled shitheads with no manners. Society is declining in socializing and I get to experience the rudeness first hand.

>> No.4382433

>Swipes their card
>it doesn't go through/gets denied
>"I guess I didn't have enough in there... take off this and this and this...."
You honestly DON'T KNOW how much is in your fucking bank account?
I check that shit literally every fucking day.
I know where every single penny is going, and when.
Its not that fucking difficult to manage your shit.
It amazes me, every time.

>> No.4382438

I only ever encounter a bad customer once every now and then. Most of my customers are pleasant people. The thing to remember is people will treat you the way you treat them. If they treat you like shit, it's most likely the way you've treated them.

>> No.4382440

Is it true 75 percent of African Americans get the caramel frap?

>> No.4382441

You work at Starbucks, and you don't think you're going to be dealing with the brattiestm most self-entitled adult children of the population?!?

Well, I've got some news for you...

>> No.4382445

I've had people who literally don't know if they even have a dollar in their account.

>> No.4382449

Some people actually make money and have two accounts. One with most of their savings and one for spending with their debit (the former gets more interest).

That being said it's pretty irresponsible, and I use my credit linked with my account as a "debit" card that has better fraud insurance as well as builds my credit history.

>> No.4382454
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>"Mama, can I have some candy?"
>little girl points to a chocolate bar
>mom gets all shitty with her
>"No! We don't have the money to spend on that shit."
>proceeds to buy $100 in scratch offs

>> No.4382461

I have kids all the time just grab candy while their parents aren't watching, start eating it, then the parents get shitty when I ask them if they're going to pay for it.

>> No.4382466

This is precisely why I like the self-service checkouts. So nice not having to deal with retard cashiers.

>> No.4382468

I never said I don't expect it. I'm saying I agree with being angry. It will be similar at other places, too. Unless it's a specialty store like a local outdoor city to trail store. You get different clientele. But places like grocery stores, restaurants, fast food joints are all going to get a similar array of people if it's a chain.

>> No.4382470
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>17, first week working at first real job
>guy comes into the line, sarcastic as shit and talking down to his 5 year old daughter
>better just run him through and get him out of here as quickly as possible
>he hands me a gift card and I freeze because I don't remember the exact code we use for gift cards
>oh fuck I know this come the fuck on brain
>he sees I'm having trouble and sneers
>spend the next ten minutes getting my ear chewed off about how I'm an idiot and how I deserve to be in a shithole job like this
>just nod and don't say anything, otherwise it might attract my manager and I'd get in trouble
>he finally leaves, with a line of people behind him shifting uncomfortably and trying not to look me in the eye
>next customer is an elderly lady with a hole in her throat and an electronic voicebox
>she shouts YOU WIN SOME YOU LOSE SOME in a robotic voice
>mfw and everybody else's face

Don't give me that "if they treat you like shit it's most likely the way you've treated them" bs. Some customers live to make cashier's lives miserable.

>> No.4382471

I don't keep track of that. I just notice people who get them tend to want extra caramel drizzle. That stuff is made with high fructose corn syrup and is in no way good for you.

I do notice that races that would be considered minorities in America rarely tip.

Africans, not African Americans, tend to get tall coffees or tall lattes and if it's coffee they usually don't want room for milk.

Mexicans and black people tend to get caramel frappucinos when they do get them. It's one of our generally more popular frappucinos though along with mocha frappucinos and java chip.

>> No.4382473

Working in a convenience store, it doesn't matter how well you treat some people, they just don't give a fuck and will outright ruin your fucking day.

>> No.4382474

I fucking hate the customers at low-income supermarkets where they fill up a massive cart full of merchandise and don't know how much of it they're actually going to buy until they get up to the register and spend 25 minutes deciding what they can afford with their welfare card. I can see if they go slightly over and need to put a couple things back, but goddamn, not half a shopping cart worth of perishable food.

>> No.4382475

>Mexicans and black people tend to get caramel frappucinos when they do get them.

Ahahaha so it's true,

>> No.4382477

Not exactly. The majority of the population who is too lazy to make coffee will buy it cheaper at 7/11, speedway, McDonald's, etc. The clientele at starbucks are self entitled pricks who think that throwing around more money is better regardless of quality.

That being said, I have noting against Starbucks or anyone who goes there, but them's the breaks.

>> No.4382478

That's only sometimes true. I get assholes all the time even when I'm nice. People who are too involved in their phones to recognize me as another human being.

Technology obsessed assholes. Social skills are devolving.

>> No.4382479

I work in a supermarket. Maybe it's just because I work in a small town, but my friend works at the same store in the chain in the next town over, which is twice as big as ours. She's never had any major problems with customers either.

>> No.4382483
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Though it does make it all that much sweeter when I had a similar situation that ended with the elderly lady looking at him as he walked away, then back at me
"Wow... what an asshole."

I've come to learn that in the customer service business, 90-something percent of your customers will be normal, decent, regular folks.
Its that 2-3% that make or break you.

I have the firm belief that some people wake up automatically pissed off in the morning, and want nothing more than to bitch and gripe at someone just to ruin thier day as well.

You need to grow a thick skin, and learn to just... not give a fuck.

>> No.4382488

I hate caramel outside of a snickers bar.

I tip at least 5 bucks when I eat out. I just normally go to waffle house for the all star special and this Asian buffet place.

My tips are easily over half my meal cost. Where are you guys getting this from?

>> No.4382492

Not even related, but I work at a place that serves funnel cake fries. People constantly demanding more sugar on the already sugary, already-topped-with-powdered-sugar fries. They probably wonder why they caught the diabettus, too.

>> No.4382490

That's not really true. I work at a shopping center that includes a city train station. I see all kinds of nationalities/races, types of people. I work near hotels where I even get international customers.

One of my regulars is a guy who uses the city trains and buses to get get around. He's in a wheelchair because of two strokes. He usually gets a small coffee which is $1.79.
That's cheaper than a two hour public transportation pass.

I also get business people from surrounding buildings on their breaks as well as other retail workers working in the same shopping center.

I still get douchebags, especially since The Angelika is having a film festival, but by no means is the clientele as one shaded as you seem to think it is.

I get homeless people, too. They buy shit as well. Part of the business I get is also convenience. Someone wants something to drink and we're the only specialty drink shop there.

>> No.4382495

I get it from working there and observation.
I have the same African guys come in all the time and they most of the time want tall(small) coffees with no room and every now and then a latte.
Something simple. No fuss.

>> No.4382496

Oh and I used to get tips when I worked the cashier in Walgreens on holidays. From black people but I grew up in an area where black people had money.

>> No.4382499
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>an area where black people had money.

>> No.4382500

THIS!! So much this!
I had someone come in tonight wanting a sugarfree nonfat no whip frappucino but extra extra caramel drizzle.

Or getting nonfat sugarfree drinks and then a 400 calorie pastry. All of my what.

>> No.4382504

Maybe it depends on your area. Me not living in an urban/high traffic area may have it skewed, because a large coffee at McDonald's/BK is a buck (and cheaper at grocery stores and alot of gas stations) whereas you said a small is almost two dollars.

You can see how this plays when a person can choose to drive to another place as opposed to getting off a train/buss and walking to the nearest coffee shop.

>> No.4382508

>Work as a manager of a shitty amusement park food stand when not in college
>Get bitched at for the prices (not my call)
>Get bitched at for the fries being cold, always demand fresh ones, NO MATTER HOW FRESH THEY ARE (Like, I will dump the fries in front of the guy, but because he had to wait 40s till it was his turn HE DEMANDS DEM FRESH, and you can't serve the fries to other because they hivemind that suddenly 50s of air time made them shitty)
>Bitch the cheese is too hot
>Bitch I the fries are not essentially floating in cheese
>Bitch the roast beef is real roast beef slices and not Arby's
>Bitch that it took to long to be served on a Saturday during a dinner rush
>Bitch the pulled-pork and sausage comes made in sauce
>Bitch the chicken nuggets and chicken breasts are not their favorite brand
>Bitch that we dont have honey mustard
>Bitch that our drinks are too small
>Bitch our fries are made from real potatoes and are not coated with breading
>Bitch we dont salt the fries, meaning they have to take 10 FUCKING STEPS
>Bitch that I tried to be pleasant during all this (I get told to FUCK OFF for saying things like "I am sorry about "insert problem here" but we cannot do anything, would doing "insert action here" help
>Bitch that I smile at every customer

>BItch that the HEAT EMINATING FROM THE WINDOW (Its a building with a counter) IT TOO F U C K I N G H OT


>Tfw I realized how much I just ranted
>Tfw I get most of these complaints every day
>Tfw it has completely broken my will to do any customer service, because no matter what I do or how hard I try I am not good enough
>Tfw it starts in 2 months again

>> No.4382509

Nothing wrong with that. Seems like they wanted to save the indulgence for the sugary caramel rather than cream or sugar. A fair tradeoff.

>> No.4382511

Holy shit all those grammar mistakes in my rage.

I cant take it bros, I just want them to have a pleasant stay at our park, I have so many fond memories there and I cant stand when others are upset ;_;

>> No.4382513

For the first for "Bitch" phrases I read the context as:
"Bitch, you outta yo goddamn mind!"

>> No.4382514

Memphis. Crappy city but it has a few nice areas. Less now that someone had the great idea to build lower income housing in the area I grew up in.

>> No.4382526

I live in Dallas where there are many Starbucks locations. A lot with drive thrus. I don't see many Dunkin' Donuts and people don't usually go out of their way to stop at a 7-eleven that I know of to get coffee. There are also local coffee shops. Dallas has kind of a coffee culture. That could be every big city, though. I don't know because I've only ever lived here.

Like there's a Starbucks literally right across the highway that probably gets more students because of it's vicinity to SMU.

>> No.4382527

why do hamplanets even go to amusement parks it's not like they can even fit in half the rides. Unless the motorized scooter they stole from the actually handicapped counts as a ride.

>> No.4382530

I donno but that fucking pisses me off more than anything.

>One drives up the the line queue seperater
>Stares at us
>Reaches arm out with money
>We have to leave the stand to get it, and hand the food to them
>The queue is big enough for the carts

Fuck. I used to be a hamplanet, never big enough to not fit on a ride, but big, and holy fuck I cant imagine having that little shame.

My mother has MS is pretty big as well and she would rather die than use a cart

>> No.4382531

Not really when artificial sweetener is really bad for you. Raises different levels in your body like a fake out because it thinks there's incoming sugar. Which I guess there is. But I'm saying people buy into the ohhh let's make this skinny and get the reduced fat cake when it's all bad for you. Coffee, tea, water. Unsweetened, milk optional. Only healthy things we serve.

>> No.4382552

judging from what you've said you probably have some great fat people stories. Care to share any? I could use a laugh that's half filled with rage.

>> No.4382578

If you're one of the 2% of people who can make it out the door without needing me to fix the machine 4 times, I can forgive you for that comment.

"Please place your scanned item in the bag."
"Please place your scanned item in the bag."
Message finally makes it to brain. Removes a bag to place next item in the bag, even though the machine doesn't know chips from apples and only knows it's supposed to have more weight on it, not less.
"Do not remove bag until item has settled completely in bag."
"But there's no room!"
Fuck, I hate stupid fucks.

>> No.4382585

Work at a korean supermarket. I have to swipe their card for them. Since most (99%) don't know the difference between debit and credit and how most of the time it doesn't matter which I do, I have to ask debit or credit cause they be mad yo if I use the "wrong" one. I'm pretty sure it's my fault because nearly every single one of them will answer "yes" when I as debit or credit. Bro its not a yes or no question. It's one or the other.

Or those that call credit a "card". Debit or credit? It's a card. I know that. I have eyes. Yea yea, I know what they are implying. It just makes me laugh now.

Customer parking their carts in the lane then walk away. You're not saving your spot retard. You're just mkaing it harder for others. People that want the coupon price for items and instead of asking nicely, they just tell me to do it. I do it for people that ask nicely but always refuse those that just go do the coupon price without showing coupon.

First they had to print the coupons out. They couldn't do that and complained they should be able to show it on their cellphone. They still can't do that. Just holding up the line trying to load their stupid coupon picture.

>> No.4382587

I always go to the cashiers not because I like people or it's faster. I just think this country is trying too hard to phase out non-college level jobs. Fuck it's hard enough to find a job, it's even worse to have one and feel you're not really wanted or needed.

>> No.4382591

>people who try to purchase alcohol in self checkout
>people with a loaded grocery cart going to self check out

There's a special kind of hell reserved for these kinds of people.

>> No.4382592

Anyone else become much nicer and polite to others after working in retail? I remember how a simple "thank you" would brighten up my day and now I try to do the same for others

>> No.4382596


Customer that always need more things while I'm scanning their shit. Dude, finish your shopping before you enter the lane and don't get mad when I suspend your shit and you have to wait. Tough luck fucker.

Customer that just hold out change in their hand for me to count. Just a little annoying but whatevers. I can count the change faster.

Korean customers also need to wear their damn glasses. Always running into shit with their carts. Korean people are bad drivers because they can't see for shit. Always giving me nickels as quarters. Just vile primitive people since korea was a third world nation where they lived it mud huts not more than 60 years ago. All those years living in America and can't speak a word of English. Always talking to the mexican baggers in korean who don't understand any korean but also barely speak English. Just a clusterfuck of shit.

>> No.4382601

That's fair, but I think most of that is out-sourcing. And I personally got a raise to work the self-check machines.

>> No.4382605

I always ask customers to just hand me their change b/c I can count it faster. So people like me are your problem lol.

>> No.4382617

this thread is making me picture /ck/ as a giant grocery store. Probably the most confrontational grocery store ever.

>> No.4382618


Holy shit, this actually happens?

I wouldn't have DREAMT of doing that as a kid. No goddamn way. The greedy little shits just grab chocolatte bars and open them and start eating? Right there in the line up?

Fuck me. I don't know who to blame more. the child for being an asshole or the parent for not teaching them better. Jesus.

>> No.4382636

I laughed

>> No.4382649

I used to work as a cashier. I wanted to rage hard on some customers.. It was bad, they are so ungrateful and terrible people

>> No.4382658

Every fucking time I go to those self checkouts there's some bitch trying to scan 800 items, why they don't enforce a ten items or less policy in those I do not know.

>> No.4382661


I'd be aggressive too if I were a complete loser.

>> No.4382673

Local grocery store cashier here.

Get off your fucking phone when you come to check out. Your conversation can wait a couple of minutes. If you can't give me any respect, then I'm not gonna respect your flattened bread or broken eggs.

>> No.4382679

I do. Not because its better to be polite but because I do it automatically now. Hello , thank you, have a nice day, holding doors open. No high level thought is used for it.

>> No.4382682

>WIC Checks

>> No.4382722



>> No.4382733

Man, if I ever have children and that happens, I'll go straight to the store manager and ask him to treat the child as a shop-lifter, having to sit in a small dark backroom alone, being questioned about what they stole, (fake) calling the police in front of them. Basically make them think they're going to jail.

That'll teach them.

>> No.4382742

Wouldn't it just be better to teach your kid better in the first place? Or keep an eye on them as much as possible?

More often than you think. I'm not a US fag so we still sell Kinder Surprises, those are what kids go for most often. If they're not half eaten, they'll be squashed the minute the kid gets hold of it and in a non-saleable condition, guaranteed.

>> No.4382745

know that feel. i think it's mainly because people who are to pathetic to deal with emotional shit by them self use us as dustbin for there mental frustration.
when it's me i always just stand up from the cashier seat, look them in the eyes and say would you mind repeating that (I'm 2 meters tall and relatively buff) they always shut the fuck up and pay their shit.

>> No.4382749

Of course. They shouldn't even contemplate thinking about doing it. But IF it did happen I figure it would be a pretty good punishment.

>> No.4382752

>cashier seat
I remember when we used to have those. Then we got new checkouts, and they don't have enough space for a chair.

>> No.4382756

Where do you work that the cash register has a chair? That would just look Wierd.

>> No.4382761

God I wish I could be you.

>tfw 5'2 timid asian
I've been harassed by people so often... Drunks try to hit on me and when I don't respond they become racist and mean.

>> No.4382786

work in low price supermarket in Denmark, work for 8 hours pr. shift but have 30 minutes lunch break and smoking breaks if i do my job properly. besides the costumers being pricks some times it's actually a great job.

>> No.4382792

i'f the bums make shit we through them out, my boss hates them and says they annoy the other costumers. i usually just feel sry for them.

>> No.4382796

so you stand up your entire shift ?! what kind off crappy union do you have, who can't even get seats for their members ?

>> No.4382799

I'm scared that they'll seek revenge though. Once a guy waited in his car until I finished my shift to threaten me. Bad feel.

>> No.4382802

I used to work 10-12 hours shifts at a pet store, and we didn't have chairs at the register either. I don't understand it one bit. Legs were swollen every night I got home.

>> No.4382807

don't feel bad that they want to fuck shit up for you. feel bad for them that their lives are so crappy they have nothing better to do then sit in a car and wait for you.

>> No.4382810

couldn't you have asked your boss if you could bring a fold out chair ?

>> No.4382815

Our boss is a bipolar asshole, and our department manager is a moody cow who really is no better. Side story: one of the other girls complained about a supervisor to our manager, the manager did fuck all about the problem and actually threatened this girl if she went to the boss.

>> No.4382826

Oh its worse. I work as a clerk at a gas station so they don't legally have to give us breaks. Fucked up loopholes. For 7.85$ USD.

>> No.4382844

how long are your shifts, and how much do you get for an hour after taxes ?

>> No.4382854

I used to work in retail, usually in the office but at times doing the register dealing with the public. Most people were pretty damn cool in fact. I think that you're wrong in your assertion, it isn't retail that makes people angry, it's realizing how much our fucking political types are ripping us off and sending money to shitholes overseas and such and the fact that idiots keep voting in the same idiots over and over again. That's the definition of insanity... doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

>> No.4382860

I come in early and I leave late(to sneak in some overtime.) So about nine hours. I technically get all of it. I don't have a pay stub with me here at work so I can't do the math right now. But I get about one fifth taken out and I get that all back the end of the year.

>> No.4382862

80 usd pretax
I'm just a meat popsicle

>> No.4382868

7 or 8 hours, it's not based on shifts. It's based on getting shit done. I try to get stuff done accurately and on time then get the fuck out. I'm not there to live at some fucking job.

I'm a software engineer that preferes to get paid for work rendered. It's not a political statement, those people who do that freegan shit in my opinion are fucking stupid. They can do what they want, but don't put that shit on me, I have bills to pay and am happy to able to pay them.

I'm not a fucking pathetic filty hippy that thinks that everything should be free.

>> No.4382902

if you job is to deliver service then no, you naturally can't do that job in less time since your costumers come in all the time.

>> No.4382925

I go to WinCo. I bag my own shit, fuck you!
but also, they're very nice there.
Shit happens, man. Sometimes you have two people on the account and one of them ha a gambling problem (cue AFN commercial) Sometimes a check you wrote a month ago and thought was cashed back then comes out unexpected, sometimes you forget automatic bill pay, sometimes whatever.
Honestly in the 10 years since I've been married we've only been overdrawn maybe twice, and I've been declined maybe twice. I don't keep a down to the penny record of the monies (ain't nobody got time for dat), but i more or less just eye-ball it, and generally it works out. But there' always savings and credit to fall back on.
What pisses me off more is
>here' here's the candy
Fuck you 100 times. grown ups make the fucking money, if they want to throw it away on scratchers, whatever. But don't buy your kid candy if he/she is acting like a little shit, because guess what it teaches them?>>4382478
All of my rage. I feel you , bro.

>> No.4383467

Chairs? WTf is this shit about chairs? Cashiers don't have chairs in america. If we are not suffering, then we're not working hard enough......

oh god I wish I had a chair. Even a fucking stool. It's even worst since I have avascular necrosis on one of my femoral head so the tendons and shit is all arthritic. Had to lie to get the job.

>> No.4383500

Quit bagging my soft red pears in with the plastic box of strawberries. The edges are cutting into the soft flesh!!

>> No.4383516

I've never seen someone that packs bags at Walmart condescend so much.

>> No.4383517
File: 18 KB, 260x239, mour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey faggot next time don't ring up my zucchini as a fucking jalapeño you incompetent fuck

>> No.4383555

In a way, I love this thread. But in another way, I truly despise it.

I just got out of retail, after suffering through it for 10 fucking years.

Everybody should be required to do a years worth of retail in their life. See the truly nasty side of people. Maybe then people might think twice about being ignorant fucking ass-cunts to a complete stranger.

>> No.4383600

Fucking this, thankful my gig is up in a few months. Ten years? You're a better man than me brother.

>> No.4383605

Always wanted to ask this.

is it a pain in the ass to make extra espresso?
I always order a carmel macchiato and ask them to add two extra shots of espresso. Without fail I always get a bitchy look (everyone that works in starbucks in my area is a female). I don't know if I'm being judged for wanting four shots of espresso in a single drink, or because it's a hassel to make the extra coffee.

I always tip 2 when I go, so the regular chicks don't judge me

>> No.4383613

So I went grocery shopping the other day, got my usual stuff. New cashier.

>what's this
>that is an eggplant
ok fair enough few young people actually know what that is
>s-sorry, but what is this?
Ok, he is new, no big deal
>Really sorry to ask again, but what is this
>holds up bunch of spring onions
>thats spring onion
>jokingly asks me "lol what you need all those vegs for when there's a pizza place right here"
>confirmed for never having touched vegetables in his life.

Some cashiers man. At least he was nice about it and just asked, instead of ringing up a manager or other employee for help.

>> No.4383618

Was this man ridiculously skinny, or grossly overweight?

I see no potential for middle ground

>> No.4383628

well you can only brew two shots at a time in a single thingie, most machines have two thingies, I would assume starfucks has at least 4, it's not a HUGE hassle, not enough of one for me to give you a bitchy look. I used to do Barista stuff, we had a guy who would come in and get a 6 shot latte, and sometimes another one. His teeth were brown as fuck.

>> No.4383641


Sir, for two years I worked as a Supermarket Cashier. I packed groceries correctly, I smiled, I took care of produce, I double bagged meats and poultry separate from the rest of the order each time every time. I was polite. I smiled. I had energy.

The truth is someone will always find fault, and make you feel terrible. A person will tell you you've no business seeming so cheerful. They'll tell you to fuck off when you ask them if they've any coupons or rainchecks. I bagged as much as I could for my customers, and when it was a larger order and they were bagging too, and they left something on the back bagging station and I catch it in time to run the bag out to them before they drive off...1 in 50 (people do this a lot) will blame you for it...even though you hauled ass to make sure they didn't forget their fucking bag.

Sure there are nice ones. Sure there are customers who know and understand...

but...the soul crushing weight of time and hate eventually win out. You'll come to hate the whole of humanity...you'll come to hate yourself.

We don't deserve the blue earth in all of it's splendor.

>> No.4383655

I get shitty with cashiers that are slow as fuck, sit there and talk to the cashier next to them or the family/friend they're checking out, and abuse my produce because they're fucking lazy, or will bag every tiny thing separately.

As for in a fast food setting, if they suddenly out of the blue want to charge me for sauce, and I'll give them the amount they ask for, and turn around and tell me to add tax to it, yeah, I'll be a rude bitch. I will flip my shit at you if I ask you if it's cheaper to do a meal and add a side, or to do a combo and add a drink and you default to telling me the difference between the two. I asked which is cheaper, not what they are you mongoloid pants shitter. Cashiers are fucking retarded.

>> No.4383656

...just the other day I was behind this guy....

>foodstamp EBT
>85 dollars in liquor

>> No.4383672

Sometimes I got really thirsty as a kid, and my parents would pick up a bottle of water or something and give it to me to drink as we walked around. I felt guilty as fuck.

I had to reason to be guilty because they always paid for the empty bottle when we got to the checkout, but I thought I was stealing.

>> No.4383679

A few weeks ago in my local supermarket:
A trio of girls in front of me had a few boxes of condoms on the band and started discussing about which brand feels better.
I was like "wtf" because i bet none of them was older than 13.

>> No.4383680

I'm actually fine with WIC.
Its strict as hell, but it doesn't let them get any junk food or bullshit that normal foodstamps does.
The shitty thing is that they're ultra picky about what the customers can and can't get even though it just says "16oz or less whole wheat bread or tortilla" or whatever.
Its gotta be a specific brand, and a specific size.
And even when the customer DOES have everything perfect, the next month it'll fucking change for some reason.
I feel sorry for the customers because they're doing the right thing, but the WIC program turns into a complete troll.

>> No.4383688

>old people who cannot into in automated check outs who try to buy produce from the automated check out
that rustles my sacred jimmies more than anything else, just go to the normal check out where they know the codes and stuff for produce
>cashiers who look me up and down when i show them my id for beer like they have authority

>> No.4383691

Some are...but like my post above. The guy bough 100 bucks in food on the EBT then spent 85 bucks in cash on beer and vodka and jagermeister....He obviously has the money to buy his own food and is just abusing the tax payers....THAT shit pisses me off. And I shop at Winco so I see that shit all the time.

>> No.4383696

being poor is tough, need to get drunk to deal with it.
I'll bet all but one of them were virgins tryig to look cool
I was on WIC, it was really helpful to save that 50-80 bucks a month, but I'm sure a big part of that is basically a subsidy to milk farmers. We are a family of 3 and the baby is too young for milk, yet they give us something like 5 gallons plus a quart a month. Who the fuck drinks that much? I have to struggle to finish off 2 gallons.

And WIC doesn't allow potatoes BOOO I also always forget cilantro isn't included, SOME ON! it's like 18 cents for a bundle! and it coveres spinach which is nice, but not the pre washed baby spinach in the bag, but the GIANT spinach leaves in a bundle, which are less convenient, but whatev. I only feel guilty because it takes so goddamn long for the cashier to process them and there's people behind me. I would go to the WIC only stores, but I read that they over charge because obviously the customers don't care how much the shit costs if the government is paying for it.

>> No.4383697


> Say "Hello, how are you?"
> Joke and laugh, return my basket to the pile if I have enough time.
> Have my money ready when you ask for it.
> Wave as I leave and say "Thank you, have a nice day!"
> I'm the person buying shit

You don't need to be a dick about it, not everyone is an asshole.

>> No.4383702

We actually 'do' have that authority.
If your ID looks odd or doesn't match you, we don't gotta sell you jack shit. Company policy.
Its nothing personal though, I promise.

I just don't want to lose my job and get a fucking $1,000 fine if you're an undercover cop.
I I.D. 'everyone'. I don't give a fuck how old you look.
Get that shit out and we can get on with it.

>> No.4383704

I'm fine with a quick glance at my face, but at this one store I used to visit they asked for both IDs, and then said they wanted my friend's ID even though he was sitting in the car. I just left the beer on the counter and said that they've lost a customer.

It was silly, because the owner was there and we were all semi regular customers and came in the week earlier (with the friend who was in the car none the less).

>> No.4383709

2 IDs? ...thats wierd.. also.. eh.. he was probably thinking of a 'third party' sale or some shit.
Its legit, but it sounds like the cashier was still being an asshole.
As long as you've got just 1 good ID to show, I don't give a fuck what you do when you walk out the door.

>> No.4383718

meh, it's a drop in the bucket compared to what is being wasted in Afghanistan, Iraq and foriegn aid to shitty African countries. He'd buy booze anyways and without the EBT his children would likely go hungry, and dad would still be drunk.

>> No.4383724

I should've been more clear, me and another friend were buying beer while my buddy was in the car. None of us are under 25 either. It's too bad that one newbie cashier lost that store my business, but it works both ways.

I'm actually used to people not asking or only taking a cursory glance at my ID, sometimes even through the window in my wallet.

>> No.4383733

ugh, went to Chili's (first mistake) with a buddy who had just gotten out of the Army, he's like 28 at the time. He ordered a beer, and they carded him, so he gave them his ID, expired, so he gave them his military ID, expired, he also had another state ID which was also expired. 3 IDs with all the same fucking information, and they would not let him fucking drink, who even checks the expiration date anyway? We left that place and didn't tip.


>> No.4383744

>tfw I own an ice cream parlour
>tfw no boss
>tfw if people are rude, I can call them out on their shit
>tfw the locals are all super nice, and die laughing when I push in some asshole bigshot's shit in

>> No.4383757

>expired mil id
>out of service

that's a crime you know
he's supposed to turn that shit in immediately

>> No.4383764

nope, thats why they expire on your ETS date. They actually gave him a new one less than a week before he got out because his ETS date changed. He still uses it for sweet military discounts.

>> No.4383776


>being a condescending prick when you work at a grocery store

my sides have been bagged and taken to my car without tip

>> No.4383778

So you're saying he didn't ets at the time.

and if he's out and still has his card he's in deep shit

>> No.4383787

Working in a supermarket makes you hate the general public.

>Work in Tesco
>Your staff discount is through a special clubcard
>It's called a Privilegecard
>tfw I have to check my privilege to get my 10% discount

>> No.4383790
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>> No.4383793

no, I'm saying they pushed his ETS date forward a week, so they issued him a new ID card with his new ETS date like a week before he got out. No one asked for the card during out-processing, the only people I've ever known who say you're supposed to turn it in are blow hards on the internet. The people who issued the cards weren't even military, but civilian contractors, I tried to turn mine in when i got a knew one and they didn't give a shit.

No one is going to let you on post with an expired card.

>> No.4383802

did he take terminal leave?
because they do take your card during outprocessing if that's your ets date, but not if you take terminal

>> No.4383808

nope no terminal leave. Maybe it's a marine/air force/ or navy thing? I have never been asked to turn in a card. The out-processing list is huge, there's a lot of shit on it, but that wasn't one of them

>> No.4383814

when i got out of the army they took the card before handing our dd214's

i kept mine because lolterminal leave

then after ets i got this

it helps me check my privilege

>> No.4383816


>> No.4383850

hm, maybe it's because we ETSd from Europe? A lot of the soldiers don't have passports and so they use their orders and military Id to travel on.

My spouse also didn't get command sponsored until we'd been in Germany 3 years. Since I ETS'd from a recruiting unit, they just ignored all the command sponsorship stuff and put her name right on my orders. Since her name was on the orders and she had concurrent travel no one checked to see that she was sponsored, we got housing and everything. It was only when they tried to end my time in Germany a year early that they noticed.
No SOFA stamps on either of our passports. the acted like it was a big fuckin' deal too.

>> No.4383872


At my store, we are told to card anyone who looks under 25, regardless of how often they come to the store. If one mistake can get you fired, you follow the rules even if they're silly.

>> No.4383913

As a cashier I was careful about how I packed groceries. I never did any of that stuff unless I was ringing you up and you were on the cellphone while the line of people is waiting for you to pay attention and type in your pin number. Then you got your bread smashed or at the very least a few fingernails through your zucchini.
Here are the people I did not judge:

people who payed attention.
people that smiled and asked about my day (not necessary to do my job but polite)
people that used food stamps for reasonable purchases
people who were handicapped and needed assistance checking out, collecting groceries, or a follow out to the car.
people that paid in change, no really I didn't care unless it was over 10 dollars worth of change.
people who stayed on their cell phone until they reached the counter, asked the person on the other end to hold while our transaction is made.
Here are the people I judged.
people who walk up to the counter and leave as I am ringing them up while they finish shopping.
people who demand that I commit food stamp fraud by ringing up made to order coffee drinks on their food stamp card.
people that order and pay for $100 sheet cakes, a bunch of lobsters, and caviar on food stamps. (I didn't care if you bought one or two steaks or lobsters or something but buying 16 lobsters and 10 steaks is a little out of hand. Especially if you pair it with, exclaiming how you "live it 24/7 you know, hollygrove/ 17th Ward....WHAT NIGGA" when ask for your method of payment and you hand be your "louisiana gold card" (I know you are going to ask, she was white lady by the way with the words "Classy" tattooed in cursive on the top of your titties)
I will also judge you if you have your kids with you and two whole buggies are filled to the brim with junk food and lil' hugs- seriously you can eat that way on your own, but your kids could use a vegetable every once and awhile, or maybe even something not eaten out of a bag or microwaved.

>> No.4383916

>Full time student
>Part time cashier at local store in the South
>All of these black people with the newest iPhones and whatnot buying $300 worth of groceries
>Always microwave meals, already prepared meals, cereal, and a various assortment of snacks such as chips, ice cream, cookies, etc.
>Almost always pay with EBT
>Meanwhile, I barely have enough money for food, let alone gas, razors, toilet paper, etc.

>> No.4383921

sofa is a big deal

>> No.4383926

I never go on my cellphone when I'm lining up, mostly because I never use my cell anyway, but if I have to I apologize profusely. One time I was on hold with my service provider and needed to keep on since my break was almost over, and I felt terrible.

I'm sorry.

>> No.4383931

Sometimes I feel judged because I buy a lot of microwavable junk food for my husband when I do my big shopping, but no produce, because I buy all my produce at a differnt store because the place where i go grocery shopping has expensive and sub standard produce :(

>> No.4383932

fuck it.

>> No.4383933

>store closes at midnight every night
>stay open until midnight on the last day of the month
>people in the store getting shopping carts of food, hoping the EBT card will be replenished right at midnight
>customer gets mad at you when it doesn't replenish

yeah it sucked working in the grocery business

>> No.4383934

I hear you, you can tell the difference between someone like you and someone that has two buggies full of junk food and several dirty unhappy children in tow.

>> No.4383940

oh man, I hate when the kids are dirty, with dirty little mouths and fingers.
It's not like you don't have baby wipes on had, swab your kids down every once in a while, jesus.

>> No.4383941
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>be college student renting a room in crappy neighborhood
>work at the gas station down the street
>get tweakers and pimps coming in

Nothing but the politest god damn people. I was worried that it wouldn't be safe and the customers would be shit, but I don't know.
oo-ee, what's up with that

>> No.4383948

I work at a manufacturer where one of our regional sales managers did not know the functional difference between a credit and a debit card.

Most people probably don't either. Here's a tip for you though: Debit cards always say debit on them. If it doesn't say debit, even if it is a debit card, you can safely run it as credit 100% of the time.

>> No.4383967


We are giving poor people way too much in food stamps man. I mean seriously, have you seen how expensive that packaged, processed, chemical-food shit has been getting lately? If they were getting real food instead of that shit they could feed whole families for like 6 months.

>> No.4383985


Hopefully everything will be automated soon, so no one has to deal with this shit.

>> No.4384019
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Being a bit neurotic, I always place my groceries in specific zones in the cart and
lay out my groceries on the conveyor in a specific sequence, so that stuff doesn't
get smashed and cold stuff is packed together to maintain its temperature for the
ride home:

1 - big and heavy stuff; gallon milk jugs, bags of sugar, etc.
2 - smaller and heavy; cans of soup, bottles of ketchup, etc.
3 - cold and heavy; gallon ice cream, big bag of frozen tater-tots, etc.
4 - cold not so heavy; meat, butter, cheese, etc.
5 - fruits and vegetables
6 - small and light; coffee filters, macaroni & cheese boxes, etc.
7 - large and light; boxes of cereal, etc.
8 - delicate stuff; bead and eggs.

Whether the cashier packs the stuff in the correct order is a crap shoot, younger
male cashiers will first ring up everything, then pack it up in a completely fucked up
order while older female cashiers, will ring up a few items then pack them and go
ring up and pack some more stuff. Usually this results in the proper packing order.

>> No.4384037
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>3pm busyish
>Only dude on floor, so I'm building an line
>Nobody comes, deli people shrug
>Ringin up some old lady, she's bitter and staring at my hands like I'm gonna slip in a real quick molestation
>Say the total, some odd 15.60
>totally fretting out, already getting ready for the next guy fuck her carry your bags mimi
>Still no fucking check 3 guys
>Take her payment
>It's a 20, alright legit
>Toss it through, change, and recite
>Hand it to her with a smile
>Her voice is like throwing loose gravel at a dead cow.

Not that hard math to do really, but sometimes you just want to say fuck you lady that's the way it happened, go home.

>> No.4384040

That shit's always the worst
Eventually I started writing down what was in the cash drawer so I could pull it out when people claimed they gave me a different bill than what they actually gave me

>> No.4384042
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>Guy comes in 4:40
>We close at 5:00
>Fucking asshole.
>He brings up the typical closing purchase; a few four locos and a big bag of nacho sunflower seeds.
>Wait a second
>Two four locos are empty

>> No.4384045

Thank you. I love you people.
If you have things in a certain order, i'll try my best to make sure they stay that way in the sacks.

I hate when they have a shitload of cleaning stuff mixed in with groceries and everything else, and I have to waste time picking through this and that to make sure I don't put borax next to your box of stuffing.
Its much, much quicker if you've got shit in order.
Big shit first. Then heaviest. Chips and bread at the end.

>> No.4384047
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>work at customer service at local grocery store
>getting people lottery tickets, while getting postage for packages, while also getting packs of cigarettes for people
>phone rings
>the woman talking has a condition that causes her to talk at a speed to where I'm completely incapable of understanding
>mfw all of this happening at once

it wasn't until about five minutes later the floor manager saw me and came in to help me

>> No.4384048

The total is 15.60

Out of 20

Your change will be 4.40

I no longer get fucked by cash complainers because the bill is in my hand not in my drawer.

>> No.4384049

Thats why I keep the drawer open, and lay the big bills like that on top until I hand back the change.
That way if they look at it and bitch and whine, I just lean back and point at the bill still laying in front of me.
Eventually they learn i'm not easily scammed.

>> No.4384051


Why do they still sell fourLoko if it doesn't have any caffeine any more?

Did people actually like the taste!?!?!?

>> No.4384052

>run to grocery to grab a few things
>every line is mass long
>go to self checkout
>lines on these too
>old lady in 1
>guy with beer in 2
>lady with tons of veggies and no clue in 3
>guy with full cart in 4
>irritated looking 20-somethings behind each of them, tapping feet, checking phones


>> No.4384055
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>going to a self checkout with a full cart

nothing infuriates me more at walmart than this

>> No.4384058

State law is state law.

Virginia is nice "photo id is not theonly way to verify age, it is just the simplest."

>> No.4384059


>say thank you whenever I go thru a drive thru, deal with a cashier, etc
>have a good day when applicable

mmmm part of the solution

A retail story! At my shop we have a nice old lady customer who decided since we often do things on the fly for her to give something back... she brought us sandwiches and cake. :)

>> No.4384060
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>same situation
>3 20-somethings on thier phones
>lady finishes her order and moves
>free lane
>noone notices
>move my cart around and grab it

I felt the fucking stares, but I didn't give a fuck.
Get off your goddamn phones and pay attention, asswipes.

>> No.4384066

Why is that infuriating?

>> No.4384081

Similiar experience for me. I work down the street from a methadone clinic. They make horrible food and drink choices but they're generally polite.

>> No.4384090

Where I work this drug dealer is one of the nicest people who comes in.

>> No.4384098
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Thats awesome. I love those really nice old ladies that bring me shit.
I don't even notice i'm being 'super polite'. I'm just.. one of those people who smile easily and respect my elders.
I guess not many people are used to young folks like that.
I try to be a nice guy to 'all' my customers, though most of them either don't care, or get annoyed by my smiling and cheerfulness.

I can't help it. I... like my job. For the most part.
I like working with people, being asses to elbows with the public.

...as long as theres no screaming brats behind me.
Nearly a decade of retail later, I still can't get used to that shit.

>> No.4384110

The ones here are as well. Except for the month when they thought it would be a good idea to do drug sales by hiding the shit in our bathroom ceiling. Ceiling tile dust got everywhere.

>> No.4384236

same here, i only use self checkout when im trying to steal and its getting harder and harder everytime

>> No.4384243

oh man, i worked as the SLOW/STOP guy
omg just getting eyecontact from someone would make my day. I remember one cute chick smiled at me and i went home and jacked off so hard

god damn drivers can be total fucking moron, though

>> No.4384262

Why do you the work at such a position? You're the most qualified, meaning the least qualified at every other job. Should have got an education: university, trade or otherwise. If you're in the process of working and educating yourself, its temporary so fucking suck it up. You applied there. I don't doubt you have to put up with stupid people but you still don't have my sympathy.

>> No.4384269
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>being this much of a faggot

>> No.4384284

Being a supermarket would probably explain that, people who shop in convenience stores are either stupid, or in a hurry.

>> No.4384300

>Guy comes in 4:40
>We close at 5:00
>Fucking asshole.
You sir are the fucking asshole. you are open until 5, not 4:41. You probably take 2 hour shits on your boss's dime.

>> No.4384341

I saw a big black woman try to scam WinCo customer service the other day tlakin' bout
>nah, I gave you a hundred
>ma'am you gave me a 20
>Nah, gimme my hundred back
>OK well I'm going to call the manager to check the balance on my register
>What? You gave me my hundred, it's right here, I just wanted change for the 20!
and walks away. The way she flipped it around at the end was really more impressive, like a jedi mind trick, like she had been asking for change for a 20 the whole time, she was probably driving around town doing this all day.

>> No.4384351

>Store closes at 11pm
>Woman walks in at 10:58
>Picks up a basket


>> No.4384382

Bizarro World

>> No.4384389

I have to agree with >>4384300. If you just do retail, having someone come in 20 minutes before closing shouldn't be a reason to get your panties in a bunch. I could see it if you were a sit down restaurant or something where people are often there for hours, but as long as he's out by 5, you don't really have any right to complain as I see it.

>> No.4384390

wow they actually talk back to the machine. omg american why..

as a customer the first thing i do after pressing the 'start' bottom on those things is click 'mute' then scan my items and thing about how trans-humanism is misguided and how awkward it must feel for the one person having to monitor the 4-6 machines at the checkout station.

>> No.4384396


>put food in an order that gets packed that way
>leave heavy shit at the far end and all the fruit and veg near the meat
>don't have time to pack that shit how the customer wants
>customers never learn that if they put their shit so that heavy stuff and contaminants are seperate that they get packed that way

Its not an issue with retail workers, its an issue with idiots thinking retail workers have 20 minutes to pack your shit how you like when there are 20 guys behind you wanting the exact same thing.

>> No.4384397

I talk to the machines all the time..

Though normally it's just a one-way of insults

>> No.4384398

At least for the ones I've seen here (they all seem to be made by the same company, no matter what chain) there's no mute or start button, you just start scanning. Honestly, the machines are pretty stupid. I don't really understand why I need to put my item on the little bagging area after scanning if it's something that doesn't get bagged, like a gallon of milk or a 12 pack of soda. At one point I thought it was some kind of anti-theft measure, but that doesn't really make any sense, because the weighing mechanism is really inexact anyway, and if you were gonna steal it wouldn't be hard to just never scan it at all.

>> No.4384403

Also, the produce lookup is horrible unless you know the code for the item because the different headers (a-c, e-g, etc) that you use to look up your item are at the bottom of the screen, where the touch recognition is really inexact, and you have to poke at it like 10 times to get it to work. Add in the fact that it's not readily apparent where things go (if I recall correctly, "green bell peppers" goes under "b" for some ungodly reason) and you've got a total mess that I can't believe a software company is getting paid for.

>> No.4384405

>At one point I thought it was some kind of anti-theft measure
It is an anti-theft measure. That's why it flips it's shit when something unexpected goes in there. It's so you can't bag something up as if you scanned it. It's not a perfect system but its all we've got.

>> No.4384406

>being this petty
fuck all of you

>> No.4384408

>being this petty about people being this petty
fuck you

>> No.4384409

when im feeling edgy i'll tell my friends to swap out one cheap canned item for a bunch of whatever they want for the same weight that is canned, never tired it myself but it should work in theory if you just rescan the same one each time.

>> No.4384410

The man-hours required to fix the constant human errors more than negate the benefits. I'd be surprised if that's ever stopped a single theft. Besides, even if someone breaks it, the employee that comes over doesn't actually look at anything, he just swipes his card and they walk away with their groceries.

>> No.4384411

Or! You could just not scan something and put it in the bag of something you actually scanned. No one ever looks, no one cares, and there's no risk.

>> No.4384452

You sound so jealous. lol.

>> No.4384462
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>go to grocery store half an hour before closing, buy 3 bottles of Barefoot table wine and a bottle of Jameson
>be 28
>hand cashier my ID because the sign states they card everyone under 35

"No, it's cool, I don't need it."
"Do I really look that old?"
"No sir, I remember you. You're in here all the time. You... buy a lot of alcohol."


>> No.4384472

>tfw very familiar with most people at the liquor store
>actually, at three different liquor stores

it's a pretty good feeling really

>> No.4384474

I know what far too many customers smoke. It's depressing really.

>> No.4384476


This is why I rotate stores. Never go to the same store more than twice a week. And try not to look ashamed when you reach the register. They won't know. Maybe.

>> No.4384482

Im surprised nobody here works at a Bank. My buddy works in TD Canada Trust and you get the most self-entitled people in the universe. Usually people from 25-40 years old.

>> No.4384498

I've worked a lot of retail jobs and in my experience the worst customers are at resalers like Marshalls and TJ max. They're poor people that feel like they are entilited to what they consider high end clothing. They try to rip off the store none stop. They don't even do it creatively. They'll rip the prices off thinking we won't check. Or they sale they found it on a rack that says its half price then scream about false advertising. Returns are worse, you can tell if they're trying to scam right away because they ALWAYS start off angry and combative. Even if the parent company TJ X deserves it doesn't make they any less horrible of people.

>> No.4384504

I have a rite aid probably 50 yards from my house, They have really good deals on beer and booze. I try to rotate but it's just too easy.
>Walk up to the register
>checker scans my items
>say, oh, and the bottle of rum is mine too (bad neighborhood, liquor is locked up and the employees keep it behind the counter till you're done shopping.)
>"oh yeah, I remember you... oh, that's probably not a good thing." Checker seems slightly ashamed
>mention something about how close i live, feel slight pang of shame.

>> No.4384508
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>worked as a cashier for three years, have all the codes memorized
>self checkout lane all day with a full cart
>people like you get pissed at me
>I'm done in less than five
>give them a thumbs up

>> No.4384526

>close at 9:30pm
>customers come in 5 minutes til
>they take their dear sweet time shopping
>It's 10pm
>managers won't tell them to leave because they want every last penny
>lights automatically cut off after hours
>customers finally come up to the registers at 10:15 asking if we're closed

If you're the only one in the store with nothing but employees, the lights and music are off, what do you think, bitch?

>> No.4384555

>be customer service manager at a regional grocery store

Not only do I have to deal with customers but I have to deal with the assholes they make managers of these shit shows. We had a guy return a bakery item because it was expired and he told our assistant manager he wanted us to make him "steak and lobster happy" or he'd take it to the papers that we were remarking expired product. Fuck that guy and fuck our bakery for doing stupid shit.

>> No.4384577

bag it your fucking self then lazy fucker

>> No.4384604

A typical situation that I am sure vexes many a self-diagnosed aspie:

>that'll be $6
>hand cashier a $10 bill and a $1 bill, hoping to receive a $5 bill back
>cashier hands back the $1: "it's just $6"
>their expression indicates they think i'm a moron who doesn't know how to count
>this happens more often than not where I live (the southeast U.S.)
>god help you if you're trying to consolidate your loose change into fewer, higher-denomination coins, by giving them the correct number of pennies, or whatever

the frustrating part is that all they need to do is type in the amount that i gave them, and the machine will tell them how much change to render. i don't expect them to understand the mathematics of it. but essentially, they're attempting to sort-of pre-screen the cash that i hand to them, like as though the register is going to complain if they enter $11.00 when $10.00 would suffice.

if anyone has a good way of handling this, i'm all ears (inb4 use credit card). i am always torn between attempting to explain it to them, or just throwing in the towel and not giving a fuck. obviously it isn't really a big deal, it's just that it happens so often, and there's the ego sting that you get when they imply that i can't into math(s).

>> No.4384613

>put groceries on conveyor in a very certain order
>cashier picks and reaches around absolutely everything to bag in an order that makes no fucking sense

i could get away with murder once

>> No.4384616

You can have a giant sign that lights up and flashes in neon colors that slaps them in the fucking face, and they'll STILL not be able to read it.
I honestly believe that some people just.. turn off that 'thinking' portion of the brain when they go shopping.
Maby its a natural occurence. I don't know.

Its like the majority of the public .... isn't aware of things in stores. Like signs or prices.
If it doesn't say FREE in big letters, they don't bother reading what it says.

Even on the self-checkouts.
...and people just... I don't know.
Makes me wonder if they know how to wipe thier asses properly when they get home.

>> No.4384620

What state do you live in? Three words.

Concealed. Carry. Permit.

>> No.4384623

have you checked whether you would qualify for food stamps, also?

>> No.4384627

I think if you aren't doing this then you are fucking up. I find that by doing this I get the correct packing order about 80% of the time. Sometimes some polite coaching is in order.

>> No.4384630
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>See some guy walking into Walmart with a gun at his side
"Excuse me, sir. I don't think you're allowed to have that in here."
>Guy gets instantly defensive
>"Right to bear arms, kid. Ever heard of it?"
>Go to my CSM, tell her about a dangerous, suspicious looking man with a gun
>She goes over and talks with him
>Says something that really pisses him off
(I couldn't hear it)
>Guy starts raising his voice and clenching a fist
>AP steps in (Store security)
>Guy loses his shit
>gets escorted into the security office
>cops come 10 minutes later
>hear the guy is taken away for 'disorderly conduct' and threatening multiple people
Fucking gun nuts.
Not in MY fucking store.

>> No.4384636

You need to calm down. I'm just suggesting that if she's frightened by angry drunks, carrying something that will discourage them might be an alright idea.

>concealed carry
does not mean
>walk around with gun sticking out of belt like some kind of survivalist

>> No.4384640

>be middle class white male
>worked as a supermarket cashier for about 2 years during high school in an area of the southeastern U.S. where rednecks, blacks, and Mexicans all shop at the same supermarket
>although not the most socially adept person, i am basically well-adjusted
>enjoyed meeting a large assortment of diverse people
>have some good memories from working there
>blacks are normally very friendly. mexicans, also friendly, have ginormous orders & pay in cash. whites were the issue. not even the rednecks, but the normal whites would occasionally get up in my shit, often demanding to see a mangager at the first moment that their arbitrary expectations aren't met
>the experience helped me avoid growing into a Mitt Romney-type of sheltered whitey who can't relate with anyone outside his own social stratum
>the only reason i didn't keep working there was that it was too boring to stand there during the lulls between rushes -- and even if management turns a blind eye to my bringing in & reading 'The Economist' during these periods, standing up is a real shit reading position

Yeah, unless you cashiers are exaggerating, I don't know if your rage is healthy. Have you considered picking up a hobby?

>> No.4384647

They have chairs at Aldi in America, I've never seen them anywhere else though.

>> No.4384650

Not the guy who posted the gun story, but I live in Tucson, AZ and people wear their gun a holster (ie not concealed) into grocery stores and restaurants all the time. It's up to the business if they want to ban it, but most don't, and state law allows it.

>> No.4384663

> bag it your fucking self then lazy fucker

More often then not, I do. The local grocery store used to have baggers but
then switched to having the cashier bag and as I mentioned up-thread, the
gals will do so but a guy cashier (no doubt seeing it as more efficient) will
ring up everything, shoving it down the line, then pack it afterward.

This means I have to pack the groceries, if I want them packed my way
and don't want to be a dick and hold up the line waiting for him.

>> No.4384665

>Not in MY fucking store.
Someone's proud of working retail

>> No.4384671
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>standing in line at panda express
>black woman and her boyfriend in line ahead of me
>black lady asking questions about the contents of every item
>black lady gets kung pao chicken and demands all the nuts be removed. every. single. one of them.
>I leave to get pizza instead.

>> No.4384675

Just give them the amount due, and only that amount.

If you don't want random loose change, stop paying with cash when you can use a debit card.

Problem solved.

>> No.4384676

It depends on where you live. In NYC, a lot of places don't take cards.

>> No.4384678

>eating at Panda Express

>> No.4384683

Note the words "when you can use".

>> No.4384687

But that doesn't solve the problem, because you'll still be carrying around the loose change for when you go to places that don't take cards.

>> No.4384697

Funnily enough, I go to large corporate chains fairly often, only because they are a lot less likely than small/independent businesses to jerk me around when using plastic on small purchases.

>> No.4384699

>get treated like shit by customers
>do my job right anyways instead of acting out like a child

It's your job, OP. You get paid to deal with bullshit. If you can't be professional about it, then fucking quit

>> No.4384712

The self-checkout is a de facto express lane
So fuckwits who roll in there with a full cart during the evening rush royally piss me off
Most of them just waltz in and take their sweet time or have no idea what they're doing, meanwhile the line is stacking up behind them

>> No.4384727

But I don't get paid to deal with bullshit. I get paid to ring up items and occasionally stack some shelves. If I have to be a sponge for some verbal abuse, I want more pay. I'm not a free therapist for you to work out your anger on.

>> No.4384738

I sometimes get a small coffee frap with 2 shots of espresso. I also hope I'm not a pain to the people working there when I do, I just like a really strong but small drink. Every other time at Starbucks I always just get a small caramel latte with skim milk.

>> No.4384744

I also live in Tucson and I've NEVER seen this. Come to think of it, I saw more guns when I was living in a fucking Ohio suburb. You must just live in a shitty part of town.

>> No.4384773
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>working retail
If you ever wanted to see a person with their soul sucked away, then put a man on retail and wait a few months

>> No.4384778

this makes perfect since, most people associate "bell peper, green" rather than "green bell pepper". Least I do.

>> No.4384781
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Any advice for dealing with regular customers that hate you?
Specifically teenagers.

>> No.4384788


Antagonize them intentionally in subtle ways until they explode, and then have them banned from the store.

>> No.4384798

No big deal at all. Our machine is set to pull two shots at a time. I have a button to queue four shots. Before later afternoon I have two machines to work with. That's four shots at once. being pulled while I steam your milk.
We're encouraged to upsale shots so the average ticket price is higher.

They can suck dirty butthole. You should get the drink you want. I've never fucked with someone's drink on purpose. I respect that about people even if they're assholes because I know when I pay for something, I want what I paid for. If you want to throw in a shot on the house, cool. (We do that a lot especially to regulars who are nice. I even comp a few people's drinks every now and then or under charge them. I make sure it's only around certain shifts, though.)

>> No.4384804

the anon could also get the regular two shots as long shots. That would provide more espresso and a higher-extracted shot.

The barista might give him a strange look though (I used to work at starbucks as well)

>> No.4384812

Tip: if you don't want your food crushed, put your bread and eggs and such LAST on the conveyor. People roll up with 200usd of food and put their eggs first, pissed me off when I worked that job.

>> No.4384825

god damn this post is so accurate.

>> No.4384826

doublequad or octshot for 8?

i find that different areas like different lnigo

>> No.4384829

How does this work? they are on top of the cart to avoid crushing.

>> No.4384832

There's usually a piece of metal at the back of the belt that doesn't move

>> No.4384855

I know that feel

>> No.4384866

>Store closes at 9
>Already have a shitton of customers with loaded buggies waiting in line
>Old lady comes in at 8:55
>Fifteen minutes after closing later...

At my store it's like everyone within a five mile radius is like ''HEY THEY'RE ABOUT TO CLOSE, LET'S GO BUY A SHITTON OF USELESS CRAP"

>> No.4384900


It's rare people order more than four shots so we don't have special terms for that in my area. Sometimes I'll say quint or sect for funsies but it's less awkward to just grande five shot vanilla nonfat latte.

>> No.4384906

Kinda weird that there is people like that. When i was a cashier i'd take as much care for their groceries than i would do with my own. Because of that, i often had the same people coming to my spot, they prefered to wait even if the other cashier was alone and waiting for customers. They really appreciated my care and when i told them if a product in the bag was spoiled. At first my boss was telling me to not say such things but after a month, i had so many good words from the customers that my boss asked the other to do the same. Was kinda surprised actually since i lost my precedent job because of the same point.

It doesn't take longer to bag the stuff without breaking or smashing anything, only imagine that it's your own groceries.

>> No.4384913

On the flip side, I really fucking hate it when they try to give me money AFTER they've already handed the initial amount and I've finalized the purchase and opened the register.

>that'll be 12.89
>hands me a 20
>cha-ching, I open up register and starts pulling out the change
>"hmm, I think I have some change here..."
BITCH, YOU SHOULD'VE HAD THAT FIGURED OUT BEFORE YOU HANDED ME YOUR DAMN MONEY. What's next? Buying something and then immediately changing your mind and asking for a return?

Also I work at a pharmacy and I hate when the customer just says "I have a prescription to pick up." No shit you're here to get your prescription. Give me your name, jackass.

>> No.4384920

Sucks that you can't really do anything at chain stores due to corporate policy.

At this mom and pop grocer I used to work at, the owner was cool as fuck and wouldn't just kiss every abusive customer's ass. He'd shove people out the door and/or lock the door in their faces.

>> No.4384925
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>city bans plastic bags
>$1 tax if you use plastic bags (grocery still has 'em)
>cashier has to always ask, "do you need bags?"
>say "no"
>female cashiers always fucking repeat the question after I say "no"

Now I don't even answer or I just pretend I didn't hear it the second time.

>> No.4384932


>> No.4384928
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>he can't figure change in his head

>> No.4384930


I hate that too. I work around the store but get on the register if they need a back-up or if the cashier has to go to the bathroom, but that situation happens every so often and I'm usually tired as fuck and hate having to do the mental gymnastics to find out what their change will be now that they've given me an extra quarter

>> No.4384935

I really don't understand how people don't know what some fruits and veges look like. As a cashier, I only really get confused with some really exotic fruits that we get in from time to time, and we also stock like 10 different types of apple, which can be hard to distinguish from one another on occasion. But really? Not knowing what an eggplant looks like?

>> No.4384940
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>city bans plastic bags

Where the fuck do you live? Airstrip One, Oceania?

>> No.4384946

Its not 'that' terrible. Just get out the change, and add whatever they give you to it.
I don't mean to sound like an asshole... but goddamn guys.
Its not THAT fucking hard to add 11 cents to a total.

>> No.4384949

Im a phlebotomist and jackass patients are always coming in, "i'm here for some blood work"... no really? I thought you were here to do some laundry.. Fucking idiots.

>> No.4384950

The point is that I shouldn't have to because of your incompetence.

I already have your exact change picked out and ready to hand to you. I'm not going to do some money juggling bullshit just so you don't have to deal with some extra nickels and dimes.

>> No.4384952
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haha, no. Brownsville, Texas. Basically mexshitco. 1st texas city to ban them. I think Austin has now.

>> No.4384953


A lot of cities are doing this. "The environment" is a real thing. Not just some abstraction from a Dr. Seuss cartoon. You would understand this if you left the basement sometimes.

>> No.4384957

I never knew what a rutabaga looked like until my first grocery store job.
I saw this big, round wierd looking thing tumbling down the conveyor and was like "...what the hell is that.."
I sorta stared at it for a second.
Thankfully our registers have little pictures of all the produce in our store.

>> No.4384958

oh, and it was because some old hippy bitch got a stick up her ass that the city banned 'em.

>> No.4384961


That "old hippy bitch" is a hero. You may not appreciate it but your grandkids... oh wait you're a virgin and will die one.

>> No.4384963

not the point.

Can I easily redo the math and take the extra money and switch it all out so he gets a different amount of change? Yeah. I shouldn't have to though. The customer should be aware.

That also reminds me of the customers (usually old people) who forgot their debit card PINs. They'll say "I forgot my pin..." and then just stare at me blankly as if there's something I do can about that. Either come back when you know your pin or just run it as credit.

>> No.4384964

It's basically a way to tax more. $1 every time you need them. But I don't use any bags, even the reusable, which are shit. I've resorted to using cardboard boxes like Sam's or Costco. Free & cheap.

>> No.4384966
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>> No.4384967

Really? This dumb bitch's family are car dealers lol. Not exactly good for the environment idiot.

>> No.4384965

plus when you've got nagging managers on you about "picking up the pace" and having a line of customers backed up to the aisle, juggling change back and forth like that gets really tiring.

>> No.4384968

I work cashier, which isn't too bad, but it seems like the grocery boys have it worse. My friend was telling me about this lady who came in, dropped a tin of something, bent to pick it up, saw that it had opened and was leaking, and so she just walked away.
Another lady dropped a jar of something, made a huge mess, walked away pretending it wasn't her, then later came back to the same aisle and asked him "Who did this?!"
Another customer caught him saying "if I ever see someone do this, I'll punch them in the face" when he found a pack of meat hidden behind a bunch of candy. I don't they complained to the manager about that though, so he got lucky.

>> No.4384973

I love the ones who swipe a card and it denies them, then they dig out a second, and sometimes a third before it actually accepts.
They never know how much money is on ANY card they have.
I just.... find that very, very troubling.

Having multiple credit cards is bad enough. But not even keeping track of the fucking things?
No wonder the country is in so much debt and financial trouble.

>> No.4384975

>leaving a pack of meat out on a random unrefrigerated shelf

I'll be the first to admit that I put random stuff back in the wrong places, but that's just fucked up. Especially if it was an expensive cut.

>> No.4384976

We charge customers 5 cents per bag. I usually don't ask customers if they need bags unless I'm at the express checkout.

>> No.4384983

It happens way more often than you'd think. People are just straight up lazy. I don't think they realise that the loss of profit from that is just going to be passed onto them in the form of the prices we charge.

>> No.4384984

>5 cents per bag.

Did your city ban them too?

>> No.4384985

How the fuck am I supposed to know exactly how much money it's going to be, jackass? STFU and take my fucking money. A monkey could do your job, stop being a prick.
I can't wait for all places to ban them, they're horrible, a huge mess. Plus canvas bags are nicer, not as hard on the fingers, and you can put more stuff in them
Shit, they need something to say. What do you expect them to do? Walk in and just stare at you?

>> No.4384986

>Ask if I want bag
>Say yes.
>Get charged for bag
>Have to ask again when I've paid and I'm ready to bag my groceries.

Why the fuck do you do this to me? I'm polite as fuck when dealing with cashiers because I've had shitty jobs myself.

>> No.4384987

Nope, just store policy, for the whole chain of stores. We're the cheapest chain in the country, so people don't seem to mind.

>> No.4384988

I don't care if they ask me if I need bags. It's the fucking retarded women that don't fucking listen and ask 2, 3 or 4 times literally. So I just don't even answer most of the time now.

>> No.4384992

huh. I've never heard of that. What store?

>> No.4384993
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>buys a loaf of bread
>"Can I get that triple plastic bagged and then put in 2 paper bags and then another plastic bag and tucked into an easter basket and secured with saran wrap? Thanks"

>> No.4384994

lol i expect them to sign in and sit down until they're called, you know, like most medical offices are ran. we have massive signs all around the office, in multiple languages, telling them to do so because of HIPPA.

>> No.4384996

People need cars, they don't NEED plastic bags.

and if they gave out free cars to people after they went shopping there would be cars lining the road pulled over and abandoned and sinking into the ocean too

>> No.4385000

>meat hidden behind shit
Oh yea. I hate that bullshit.
Its bad enough finding shit where it doesn't belong, but I've found milk, deli sandwiches, beef, chicken.. its gross.
At least get to the checkout and hand it to me.
I'll put it back.
I won't get angry. I promise.
You're not the first person who changed his mind.
Just don't leave a leaky bag of chicken wings on top of a stack of tshirts. For the love of christ what the fuck.

>> No.4385003

Yea, but do they need huge SUVs? That's primarily what they sell lol.

>> No.4385005

Pak N Save, in New Zealand.

>> No.4385012

I do that. I double bag 'everything' when i'm shopping.
I just don't trust those shitty, thin ass bags.
Fart on the damn things and they'll rip.

>> No.4385013
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>I can't wait for all places to ban them, they're horrible, a huge mess. Plus canvas bags are nicer, not as hard on the fingers, and you can put more stuff in them

Reusable bags are shit. Have to rebuy them every so often. Also, you're a huge fag.

>> No.4385016

There's a regular customer where I work. She double bags her produce in the produce bags. She makes sure that there is a pocket of air between the two bags. She also has a trolley just for her fruits and veges, and places them in a single layer so none of them are on top of the others. She also places them in the trolley herself, she'll grab them off you as soon as you scan them through. I've never had a customer so paranoid about their produce.

>> No.4385015

Oh. Did you ever save the Ring from Dumbledorf?

>> No.4385018

>go to Walmart
>have to take a shit
>go into the stall
>see a big empty box of condoms or a dvd wrapper or some shit
>back out and use the other one
I'm not getting blamed for that shit.

>> No.4385021

I actually like it when people give me meat that they don't want anymore. It means that a supervisor might allow me to go and put it back in the fridges if it's quiet enough, which means I can take a walk through the store, stopping and talking to friends in grocery.

>> No.4385030
File: 39 KB, 429x410, well... shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got a lady who squirts hand sanitizer after touching each item she gets.
I mean literally. Each. Fucking. Item.
>picks up a can of peas
>squirt. rub.
>picks up a box of kleenex
>squirt. rub.
>picks up her 3 twin-packs of hand sanitizer
>squirt. rub.
>pays me
>squirt. rub

I never took mental problems seriously until I met this lady.
Its... just surreal, every time.

>> No.4385034

Cough gently in her direction next time you see her.

>> No.4385035

I don't know where you're buying your canvas bags. The ones I bought from an AAfes sucked ass, but the ones I bought from Target are super nice, very thick, and hold their shape well.

Also, it is you who is the faggot.

>> No.4385032

Cashier confession: sometimes, when I'm asked to put some of the stuff that people have changed their minds about back on the shelves, I just leave some stuff in a place where they don't belong because I can't find their proper place and the grocery boys go home after 4 pm.

>> No.4385039

Jesus Fucking Christ. One of our supervisors is super paranoid about germs, but I really haven't met anyone like that. I would hate to think how dry her hands are.

>> No.4385042
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I'm not buying fucking bags ever. I don't really need them anyway, since I mostly buy produce, and produce bags are still available.

They still let you use grocery bags for meats & poultry. Though I've started using cardboard boxes I bring myself, just cause it's easier. Fuck spending more money on fucking bags. Retarded.

Also, pic related

>> No.4385044

Your post suggests that you're doing some math in your head, rather than having the machine perform the calculations, which seems like a good way to increase the risk of an error & waste your effort. Do you do it in your head just to prove something, like that you're a genius-level Wal-Mart cashier? Use the fucking machine.

But in general, the way I'm attempting to pay is not always slower than what you're trying to do. Sometimes, it's faster. If I pay $11 on a $6 order, then you have:
>2 bills to put into the till
>1 bill to remove ($5)
>total # of bills xferred into or out of till: 3

whereas if you take that $10 and hand me the $1 back (and i won't even count that transfer), then you have:
>1 bill to put into the till
>4 bills to take out of the till
>total # of bills xfered into or out of till: 5

By the time you are getting around to peeling that third $1 bill off your crisp but trickily stuck together bank-roll, your manager is screaming at you, "JUST TAKE THE GUY'S $1 AND GIVE HIM A FIVER ALREADY."

>> No.4385052
File: 118 KB, 363x504, 560_0_resize_watermarked_watermark-13px_post_rt_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just picture you walking into the store with your boxes.

Also I use the canvas bags for a lot of other things. They're quite useful to me.

Pic related, it's you.

>> No.4385053

Not the anon you're talking to, but I always have people super impressed if I suggest that they, using your example, give me $11 to pay for a $6 transaction instead of $10 so I can give them $5 back. I don't understand why they're impressed, it's pretty basic math.

>> No.4385058

Our store has cardboard boxes for the customers to use. I'm pretty sure anon doesn't take his own. Besides, it's not that unusual for customers to bring in plastic cartons and boxes to pack their groceries in.

>> No.4385059

My father worked as box boy from his teenage years to his mid 20's, (while putting himself through college) then worked as a butcher, worked his way up to assistant manager of a small grocery store, then eventually became manager of a grocery store till his mid 40's.

This thread gives me a whole new respect for him.

>> No.4385070

First of all, the machine doesn't do the math the second time because you already rang the customer up with the original set of change.

If someone says they have change while I'm still drawing the change out, then that's still slightly annoying but manageable.

But I'm talking about the times when you're finished up everything you need to do as part of the transaction, and the the customer decides to hand some extra cash to you. No, I'm not dealing with that because I'm not going through that all again. I have more important things to do.


>> No.4385071
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But plastic bags can be easily recycled. Like most fucking things hippies want to ban.

Pic related

>> No.4385074

on a similar note, I hate it when customers throw their money on the counter instead of handing it to you. Especially if you have your hand extended and they put it down on the counter. ESPECIALLY if there's a shitload of coins and you need to sit there scraping them all off the counter.

Do I have a fucking disease or something? Hand me your money.

>> No.4385079

Hell yea. You put up with some bullshit in retail.
But its not 'all' bad.
Theres good times to be had. Great customers, great people, awesome co-workers, and the job is really a 'job'.
People look down on you and sneer and parrot shit about college and making more than you, but in reality.. without retail workers there to take your money (and your shitty attitude) the system would fall apart.
Someones' gotta do it.

The downside is that its not for everyone.
It really wears you down after a while. You need to have a really, really positive outlook if you don't want to go into work completely fucking miserable day to day.
It gets hard to smile when you see so many shitty sneers and people on cellphonnes.

...but we put up with anyway.
It pays the bills, and keeps me knee-deep in vidya and beer.
I can't complain.

>> No.4385081


Damm, I thought I was being polite when I did that. From now on if I have a cute cash register girl I'll grasp her wrist with my left hand and rub my right hand up and down her forearm lasciviously while my eyeballs roll back and I lick my chops disgustingly while making incomprehensible animal sex noises

>> No.4385088

How would throwing money on the counter ever be polite? If I have my hand extended and you opt to completely ignore me and just put it on the counter and then force me to scrape your money off... fuck I find that so inconsiderate.

>> No.4385090

yes, they CAN be easily recycled, but theyre NOT. They're tossed about carelessly BECAUSE they're free they're taken for granted, you see them blowing in the wind, clinging in groups to a chain link fence, choking the wild life and amassing in our oceans!

>> No.4385092

Because it eliminates the chance that we will accidentally touch each other.

>> No.4385093

I actually really hope I get you as a customer one day.

>> No.4385095

I had a handicapped guy do that to me once.
Years later it still bothers me.

>> No.4385096

Calm the fuck down, Captain Planet.

>> No.4385097

i didnt laugh but i did smile

>> No.4385104


And reusable grocery bags are a breeding ground for Salmonella and E. Coli. It's not my fault that other people are lazy assholes. I just don't want to die because I didn't cook the ever loving shit out of some spinach I brought home from the market.

>> No.4385107

And that's why its so rude. It's like I'm some diseased nonhuman.


>> No.4385112

It's not an insult to you, it's just a way of avoiding physical contact, because most people don't like touching others.

>> No.4385119

I live a couple blocks north of the University, and that's where I've seen people carrying guns

>> No.4385122

When I first started as a cashier, it bothered me quite a bit. ...but after a few years, you learn to sorta ignore your customers' various little quirks like that.
Some people... just really, really don't like being touched.

>> No.4385123

I live at the University, and I've never seen it.

>> No.4385126

>mfw I say that but cashier starts blanking me.

Don't these lovely looking elderly women wanna chat with a cute girlie like meeee?

>> No.4385127


Ugh. I went to Delaware to buy liquor with my roommate the other day. They make both people present IDs at the time of purchase even if you're paying for separate items.

The cart was in between me and the cashier so I tossed the ID on the conveyor since I couldn't reach her. It bounced like a motherfucker and made it look like I chucked it at her.

I felt pretty bad but then she got all judgy because I was buying 60 dollars worth of Franzia and Margarita bucket mix.

>> No.4385129
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>reusable grocery bags are a breeding ground for Salmonella and E. Coli.

>> No.4385140


Yeah oddly enough shit holds leaking meat packages and never gets washed out was a bad idea.

>> No.4385142

The Frys at 1st Ave and Grant, Frankie's on Campbell, to name a few

>> No.4385145

>not throwing your reusable tote bags into the washing machine every once in awhile

>> No.4385146

I usually go to Fry's on Swan and Glenn, never seen it there.

>> No.4385152
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>wasting water
>using chemicals to wash the bags

Fucking enviros.

>> No.4385165

hmm, well it's not like i saw it 90% of the time i leave my house but i've seen it more than handful of times

>> No.4385168

It's all about minimizing your environmental impact. I generally get meat products put into plastic bags. Which means that instead of 6 or 7 plastic grocery bags, I use 3 or 4 reusable bags and 1 or 2 plastic bags

>> No.4385173

What about your shit & farts? Farts destroy the ozone and there's no way to mediate it.

Also, someone start a new thread. This one's bump limited.

>> No.4385176

If you sell and they're trying to buy tobacco/alcohol/anything else you need to be of an age for, card them every time. That one time they don't have it, they won't get what they're trying to buy. Did this the other day when a couple of preppy punks were trying to buy rolling papers and were giving me an attitude because they had no idea what the fuck they wanted.

>> No.4385190

What does farting and shitting have to do with contributing less plastic waste to the environment you fucking moron? Did you ever realize that people say "conserve water", not "dehydrate yourself until you die guise because water is precious"

>> No.4385208

My god, there's this one bitch who NEVER brings her ID with her. You have to be 18 to buy alcohol where I live, and she's always bitches about how she's 20 and shouldn't need to show ID, ignoring the signs we have everywhere that say you'll be asked if you look under 25. I really don't understand why she never brings it either, she's always gets asked and always has a tantrum when she is asked.

>> No.4385226

She's just probably thinking she can "wear you down", like maybe if she comes enough and throws enough little bitch-fits, you won't ask her for an ID anymore. Fucking stupid.

I'm the maintenance and cooler handler. The other day, I was in there, stocking up on sodas and shit, some bitchy, skanky hag opens the glass display door and says "Is all you have diet Mountain Dew? You don't have any regular?". I looked behind, checked, and told her that we were out. She then slams the shelves around, busts a couple bottles of soda open, and yells "Fuck you, asshole" before storming out. I swear to christ, people around here are nuts about their Mountain Dew

I was stocking it yesterday, actually, since the display was empty. By the time I filled it and turned around, it was at least a quarter of the way gone again. Like, fifteen bottles of the shit gone, in ten seconds. We'll go through upwards of thirty full pallets of it a week.

>> No.4385239

My friend who works in grocery was yelled at once for 10 minutes because we were out of stock of something. He'd only been on the job for a month or so. I was also talking to the guys from groceries on a break once, apparently there's a lady who comes in and asks really detailed questions about products, like when that particular batch was stocked, and sometimes incredibly stupid shit that they would never know the answer to, like why something isn't low fat (not why we don't stock the low fat version, actually asking them why THAT PARTICULAR PRODUCT isn't low fat). How the fuck would they know? Apparently they've started making up answers to her questions just to get her to leave them alone.

>> No.4385261

Shit, fool. Don't you bag your meat? I don't even touch that shit. I use the bag like a glove like when I'm picking up dog poop.

>> No.4385266

Haha, I'd probably start doing the same thing after my boy-scout-ish nature wore away with her.

We've got this legitimately nuts old lady that comes in every day, buys like two cartons of cigarettes, then talks about how she's dying in a week and preaches about Jesus, who is apparently Hawaiin, according to her. She once came in wearing a hospital gown with marks around her wrists, like she was restrained or something. Freaks me the fuck out.

>> No.4385400

>Put the cold and heavy stuff first
>Canned stuff next
>Non-cold stuff afterwards
>Stuff that can be crushed such as eggs/bread last
I've been taught to do it that way since I was five. I thought that was something everyone else did.

>> No.4385422

>since I was five
You've been working in a supermarket since you were 5?

Anyway, we were specifically taught what to pack with what where I work. Ask for the heavy stuff first, cold goes with cold, cleaning chemicals and the like never goes with food, fragile items like bread and eggs always go on top. I don't know why this is such a hard concept to understand, it's common sense.

>> No.4385562

Fucking bitch still shopping as she's paying and decides she wants a different flavored Kind bar than what she paid for and didn't think she'd have to do an exchange.

My grandpa will go to the pharmacy sometimes to ask about health questions and what's going around sometimes. Most people are probably there for a prescription but not all.

>> No.4385572

No, my parents just hammered it into me as a child.

But yeah, even if they didn't it really is common sense.

>> No.4385617
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I think you guys would love me.

>Go to store at earlyish time
>Buy stuff, put them in random order
>Greet cashier, chat to them, smile
>Put stuff in trolley, go to packing area
>Put stuff in bags in the order I want
>Say goodbye and wish them a nice day

>mfw they ignore me

>> No.4385657

How about getting those pulley things old women have?

>> No.4385661

Yes, do this, please!

>> No.4386594
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I used to work in a grocery store in WA in which I had a pretty solid relationship with managers and upper management. Thankfully we all had a mentality that amounted to "If the customer decides to be rude, fuck their shit up"
>Small line of customers at my check out lane
>Older gentleman wearing a hat indicating himself as a veteran up next
"How's it going, did'ja find everything okay?"
"Mind your business, son."
"That is my business, sir. I do check out and resupply at night. If you had difficulty finding anything its my responsibility."
"Good for you, doing two jobs and getting paid for only one. I'm sure your parents, Mr and Mrs Dumbshits must be really proud of their little shitface son working in a dump grocery store, get out of here and get an education or shut up and bag my food you asshole."
>Smile politely at him
>Continue bagging groceries while not looking at what I'm doing, some food goes on the floor, some gets smashed in the bags, some items get scanned twice
"The kind who treats his customers with the same respect he is shown, thank you."
>Man gets out of line and starts banging on the manager's door behind the check out
>Manager steps out glaring at the man with dagger-eyes, arms folded, not saying anything.
"I demand you leave my store, you crotchety old scrotum wrinkle"
"What?!? Why?!? I didn't do anything wrong."
"I hate people like you. You old farts who think that just because you gave a few years of your life in service to your country that entitles you to be a total prick to the rest of the world. That guy, who I watched and heard you berate on my surveillance camera has a ten times the amount of good sense and decency than you will ever have for the rest of your hopefully short-ass life. Get the hell out and go to hell where you belong.
>Onlookers cheer
>Shocked man shuffles out