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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 9 KB, 400x400, 1107p95-brown-egg-versus-white-l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4376211 No.4376211 [Reply] [Original]

What's the difference?

>> No.4376215

Your level of pretentiousness.

>> No.4376216

The left one is a nigger.

>> No.4376218


>> No.4376219

The right one smells like a wet dog when it rains

>> No.4376220

The color of the feathers over the eat hole thing in the hen that laid them.

>> No.4376222

I really dont understand this

>> No.4376424

Different types of chickens, nutritionally no difference. Usually brown eggs are bigger but it can vary.

>> No.4376440

that poster is a shitskin saying that white people smell dike dogs

>> No.4376509

Type of chicken, people prefer white eggs so they're more prominent in shops these days.

>> No.4376574


Well in RE4 the brown one will give you a decent amount of health back.. the white one barely anything. You can chuck both at enemies though

>> No.4376596

Hah. I used to work with a bunch of black people and they all said white people smelled like wet dogs when they are wet. First time I'd ever heard it, but maybe we do and can't tell. Like you know how Indians all smell like musty curry and a wet onion patch but they can't tell? And black people always smell like hand lotion?

>> No.4376620

>And black people always smell like hand lotion?

'cuz dey skin be ashy as fuck yo.

>> No.4376627

>And black people always smell like hand lotion

Holy fuck, I thought I was the only one who thought this. I used to work in a really shitty Walmart and nearly every black guy customer who went through my line smelled like coconut suntan lotion, while all the white and hispanic guys smelled like dogs who had rolled in a garbage heap.

>> No.4376635

A thread about different color eggs turns into a race war
Only on 4chan
You guys make me proud

>> No.4376643

when dropped from a height of 20 feet on to grass the brown ones tend to break more often than the white ones do

I did extensive testing on this topic as a kid....my mom would always get annoyed because I kept wasting the eggs

>> No.4376645
File: 27 KB, 325x214, themoreyouknow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chickens with red ear-lobes will lay brown eggs.

>> No.4376847


You really thought this thread was about eggs?

>> No.4377566

Brown egg is laid by a chicken that forgot to wipe his ass after shitting.

>> No.4377679

right is genetically engineered for american babbies

left is for the rest of the world

>> No.4377705

The chickens have different access to grit.

Nutritionally, there can be little difference or there can be a very big difference (e.g. free-range egg on the left, battery egg on the right).

>> No.4377706

the left one has been cooked the right one is raw

>> No.4377709

the color of the egg has nothing to do with health or whether it is a farm fresh pastured egg vs a "battery egg". the color of the egg is based off of the breed of chicken producing it.

>> No.4377714

Is it seriously depending on type of chicken? I always thought brown was free range master race eggs and the white ones came from factory conveyor belt chickens.

>> No.4377749


This. Some even lay blue, green, or spotted eggs. It's all about the breed of the chicken.

>> No.4377797

I heard its to do with how they're prepped before selling. In America theyre white because the cleaning process strips layers of the shell off, taking the colour. Also means they have to be refrigerated.

In Europe they dont use the same cleaning technique so they're brown and can be stored outside a fridge.

>> No.4377799

That is completely wrong

>> No.4377801

the color is unaffected by the cleaning process of the eggs in America, although it does remove the naturally occurring protective coating making the eggs more perishable and requiring of refrigeration.

>> No.4377805

This. Different breed of chicken produce different colors of eggs. Seriously, when I was a little kid, I wondered why, so I sneaked into the chicken shed everytime one had laid an egg, and they consistenly produced differently colored eggs. i was fucking amazed.

>> No.4377816


>> No.4377850
File: 49 KB, 600x450, platypus_662_600x450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the egg on the right is a platypus egg

>> No.4377904

But platypus eggs are the size of like.. a dime.

>> No.4377923

I think yolk color is different between different colored eggs.

Regardless, its completely about the variety of chicken. Have you seen a aracuna egg? It's blue.

>> No.4377929

yolk color is determined by the bird's diet.

>> No.4377936

does iron cause the brown color wouldn't that mean there is more iron in the egg?

>> No.4377958

>wouldn't that mean there is more iron in the egg?
No, they are nutritionally identical.The process of making the egg and the process of making the shell are different steps.

>> No.4377966

we don't know the scale of OP's picture

>> No.4377998

Sure don't. But platypus eggs are also shaped different.

>> No.4378006
File: 47 KB, 540x360, Polish Chicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn about chickens.
Educate ignorant fools when you hear them spout off nonsense.
Feel superior.


>> No.4378039

The color of eggs is meaningless in terms of nutritional quality.
The nutrition differences between cage eggs and free range is negligible.
Taste and yolk color are different depending on the diet of the bird.
A bird that eats a lot of onion or garlic will have eggs with a slight onion or garlic taste to them.

Americans prefer white skinned chicken, while Europeans prefer yellow skinned chicken, and Asians will eat any skin color chicken, but black skinned birds are seen as medicinal.
White eggs are popular in the US because the best commercial egg layer, the Leghorn, lays white eggs.
Earlobe color is usually the indicator for what color egg the hen will lay, but it is not always exact. Another method is using leg color.

Chicken eggs can come in white, beige, light brown, brown, dark brown, blue, green, olive, pinkish and even purplish.
Egg color is the last part of the egg, and if you manage to get an egg just as it's laid you can even wipe the color off the egg before it dries.
The color a hen lays may vary slightly depending on how often she lays.
Hens will stop laying for a few days, weeks, or months to recuperate from laying, if they have low calcium in their diet, or if the season has caused shorter days.
Hens with low calcium or other nutritional deficiencies may eat their own eggs or the eggs of other hens.

A few varieties of chicken are sex-linked, meaning that when the chicks hatch, males and females will be different colors, making it easy to separate them.

>> No.4378040

Anecdotally, the brown ones are a little harder to crack open in the kitchen. They taste no different.

>> No.4378075

if you suck at cracking eggs, it is slightly easier to find brown bits than white bits

>> No.4378076


If you're using white it's harder for other people to notice though

>> No.4378078

Likely due to their age.

>> No.4378079

One will hatch a White chicken the other one will hatch a Nigger chicken.

>> No.4378105

Do you think you're some kind of platypus expert or something?

>> No.4378110

Well I am a commercial platypus breeder, so I guess.

>> No.4378115

Not at all. But they are considerably smaller than a chicken egg, and have a different shape. Also, even though they are mammals, the platypus doesn't have nipples. They just ooze milk out of pores.

>> No.4378131


You edgy motherfucker.

>> No.4378329

no, no. only black people eat brown eggs and white people eat white eggs. Asian people only eat fish eggs. latin people don't eggs at all. only tacos.

>> No.4378397

>latin people don't eggs at all. only tacos.
dont they juevos con carne?

>> No.4380414

chew chew chew *crunch*

No, pretty easy!

>> No.4380419

>The color of eggs is meaningless in terms of nutritional quality.
Agreed. As in: no fixed correlation.

>The nutrition differences between cage eggs and free range is negligible.
Negatory: *can be* negligible.

The chickens' life quality has some bearing on productivity and higher output often equates to lower quality (lots of parallels there...) But the major component is diet of course; if the diet is roughly the same then yeah, the eggs will be roughly the same.

>A bird that eats a lot of onion or garlic will have eggs with a slight onion or garlic taste to them.
Ditto with fish meal, which some Asian chickens are fed with.

>> No.4380421

... I had no idea chickens even had earlobes. I had to google this to check. At first, I thought it was a trick, like a "BUT WAIT, CHICKENS DON'T HAVE EARLOBES! Oh, YOU NEARLY GOT ME THERE" type of thing. Now I will go ahead and repeat this neat fact to my friends.

>> No.4380446

Ausfag here; I've never actually seen a pure-white chicken egg, from the store or from a backyard hen.

>> No.4380447

Different chickens, I usually find the white eggs to have a thinner shell, but that could be because I only ever see the white eggs if i'm buying from a local farmer.

Store bought eggs seem to always be brown, maybe they somehow made the egg shell thicker for mass transport.

Can someone confirm?

>> No.4380452

Okay, I did some research.
There's no real difference in white and brown eggs; the only real difference between eggs are whether the hen was fed a vegetarian diet or regular feed.

>> No.4380455
File: 2.93 MB, 400x225, 1347868988393.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4380952

More calcium in the diet means a harder shell, making it harder to crack open.
Too little calcium and the shells get thin and weak, and sometimes an egg is laid without a shell, just the membrane.

Commercial hens in the US are given a specific calcium amount in their feed to make their eggs durable for transport, but easy to crack open.

>> No.4381714

UK and Ireland here. Haven't seen a white chicken egg in maybe 25 or 30 years.

Captcha: meesarr SAGE

>> No.4381744

The voice of reason.

Although I always get white eggs cuz their cheaper, my roommate always gets brown. His eggs will have 2 yolks maybe once per dozen and mine never do so maybe I'm getting ripped off.

>> No.4381759

A couple breeds of chicken lay double yolk eggs fairly regularly. For others it's just an oddball occurrence.
You can get triple and quadruple yolk eggs on rare occasion. You can also get eggs within eggs too, from a full size egg, to a small, partially formed egg.
Pullets may lay 'fart' or 'wind' eggs, eggs without a yolk.

>> No.4381762

the color of the eggs is genetic. Has nothing to do with what you feed them. I've owned chickens a damn long time and each of my chickens only lays one color of egg. The shape, texture of the egg shell may change if their is dietary issues but nothing much less. I have araucana chickens as well, one lays greenish blue eggs, one lays pink eggs, and one lays yellow eggs. They eat the exact same thing as the rest of my other chickens.

>> No.4381805

really? around here brown eggs are cheaper.

>> No.4381809

>the color of the eggs is genetic.
>What are epigenetics?

>> No.4381839

>araucana chickens
>one lays greenish blue eggs, one lays pink eggs, and one lays yellow eggs.

You most likely have Easter Egger mutt chickens, not true Araucanas. Standard Araucanas should only lay blue/green eggs and have specific physical traits.

Hatcheries will sell Araucana/Ameraucana mutts as the breed itself, when they should be categorized as Easter Eggers. The breed has low hatch rates when pure bred, due to the tufting and rumpless genes, meaning it's more profitable to sell mutts.

If you got them from a breeder and not a hatchery, you probably got duped, dude.

>> No.4381852


I love you for posting this.

>> No.4381874

the left egg wants free heath care, food, housing, education and multiplies like mice

the right egg works hard to feed and clothe his 2 children while sacrificing things like vacation and luxuries because he has to support the brown egg

>> No.4381884

I only use white eggs because I'm a white person

>> No.4381889

My mom prefers brown eggs for some reason.

I just grab whatever.

>> No.4381909

I like to stick white eggs up my ass, when they come out they're brown. Then I put them back in the carton and stock them on the shelf.

>> No.4381913

>live at home
>go to grocery store
>buy eggs
>they are white
>go to college in a different town
>go to grocery store
>buy eggs
>they are brown
>taste the same as the white ones


>> No.4381972

None. My aunt once tried to throw away my god damn brown eggs because they're "fatter" than the white eggs I had.

I wasn't even mad about her being wrong. I was mad at her throwing away my fucking food.

>> No.4382106

The gene for laying lots of eggs seems to have something to do with laying white eggs. Most hens that lay a lot of eggs lay white ones.

>> No.4382110

I wouldn't be upset if getting mutts meant I got cooler eggs, if the point was cool eggs.

>> No.4382118

I want one. I have a 100 gallon aquarium.

>> No.4382119

>egg is laid
>his ass

>> No.4382121

Very very rarely, you can even get two chicks from the same egg.

>> No.4382123

Woah. I thought that was just in Minecraft.

>> No.4382130

It's news-worthy when it happens, so it's almost never, but it happens.

Also, some times a little bit of chicken-vagina comes off in an egg. If you've ever had a grey spot in your egg, that's it.

>> No.4382157

It's the embryo, and chickens have cloaca, not puss

>> No.4382170


One is brown, and one is white. Were you one of those children that should've been left behind?

>> No.4382253

they cost $13,000 a year just to feed

>> No.4382698

Huevos con carne? You mean aporreadillo.

>> No.4382703

What do they eat?!

>> No.4382781

i was in 4-h and ffa all the way till i was 18 and now run my own 4h club on poultry.
i will tell you there is nein difference
although with my own eggs i do notice browns have a thicker shell

>> No.4383005

>Not posting an image of glorious green/blue master race egg

Don't mind me, just egg picked this morning and got one in the batch from my Collumbine. My girls lay brown, white and blue/green. Blue/green is the vastly superior egg. For some reason hers taste a lot creamier.

>> No.4383021

There is no difference when it comes to shell color. You find a difference in taste between commercial and farm eggs though

>> No.4383264

One is brown, the other is white.

>> No.4383269

I have a few ameraucanas who have blue/green eggs and for some reason about 20% of the time they have double yolk eggs. Those things are huge as fuck and delicious. Must be genetic or something

>> No.4383368

One is white and one is brown

>> No.4383409

Blood spots are parts of the hens reproductive system that have shed off and ended up embedded in an egg.
Unless you are buying eggs from a farm with an active rooster, and a shitty farmer who doesn't collect eggs often, you will not find a developing chick.

It takes a few days of constant heat/humidity to begin development. This makes it so that a hen can lay a clutch of eggs over a week or so before setting the nest and brooding. The delayed incubation allows all the chicks to hatch within a day or two of each other.

Fertilized eggs aren't any different from non fertile eggs, save for a small spot on the yolk itself that takes a bit of a trained eye to identify.

>> No.4383432

Oh blood I thought you meant the little red circle in fertilized yolks. I raise chickens, have rooster bro. My statement on cloaca stands, though

>> No.4383441

one likely has double yoke and is from a farm chicken, the other is commercial...
>who have blue/green eggs
dem easter egg chickens.

mah nigga, fellow countrymen/farmer.

>> No.4384179

>And black people always smell like hand lotion?

...Goddamn, it's true.

>> No.4384207

The color of the hens ear lobes determines the color of the eggs...Also heard this from a farmer but here is an article. Lrn2Google

>> No.4384271

/ck/ - Eggsperts

How do I know if I can eat the egg raw?

>> No.4384281

You don't. But you'll probably be fine, even if it raw egg is pig disgusting.

>> No.4384291

Those are actually green.

I own several Aracuna.

>> No.4384304

crawfish, they're free from rivers

>> No.4385326

one looks better to eat

>> No.4385413

If you don't cook the egg, there's a small chance of a type of bacteria that happens to be in the egg causing disease in you. I've had a raw egg before and didn't get sick, so it's really up to you whether or not the egg you're about to eat is safe or not.

>> No.4385428

Amerifat here

Are free range eggs worth their price? They cost about 4x as much as the 'regular' eggs.

>> No.4385460

One of them is fake

>> No.4385477

We had free range chickens growing up. the answer is no, they are not worth 4x the price.

>> No.4385478

>Aracuana breed from Chile has red earlobes but produces green-shelled eggs
holy shit

>> No.4385479

>I've had a raw egg before and didn't get sick, so it's really up to you whether or not the egg you're about to eat is safe or not.
I just wanted to mention this is an incredibly stupid sentence and you should have just omitted it

>> No.4385483


Get the ones that still have some dried bird shit on the shells, it doesn't affect the contents and they are much cheaper because retards are willing to pay more for clean eggshells.