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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 253 KB, 220x135, 220px-Muybridge_Buffalo_galloping.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4369062 No.4369062 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone follow a Primal or Paleo diet here? I have been really enjoying cooking and eating this way lately, except we include grass fed dairy,soaked or sprouted beans, soaked or sprouted nuts and soaked or sprouted whole grains in our diet as well. I was wondering if anyone could suggest recipes or resources, thanks!

>> No.4369081

Would anything raw be considered paleo?

I have a lot of raw vegan recipes.

They're mostly desserts though.

If you don't do desserts, this looks amazing to me.


>> No.4369087

I do eat lots of raw stuff too. thanks for the link.
We DO eat dessert, we are eating for nutrition not for weight loss and you can get plenty of nutrition from dessert if you eat right. The raw apple pie looks delicious, I would have to soak and sunflower seeds first. Yum, thx!

>> No.4369089

Sort of. See pic >>4367477. Not sure about paleo exactly. Some of it seems kind of weird.

>> No.4369097

Oh, good. I have quite a few raw dessert recipes bookmarked. This one makes me salivate the most: http://veganfoody.tumblr.com/post/44615956836/raw-samoa-cheesecake
(4chan thought the original link was spam for some reason, but this post links to the recipe.)

And I haven't tried this but it looks amazing: http://www.rawmazing.com/raw-recipe-simple-almond-cheese/

More desserts:

>> No.4369100


The whole "we're supposed to eat like cavemen did" shpeal is a load of broscience horseshit but I'm celiac so I'm thankful for it in that there have been a lot more creative ideas for foods that don't have gluten since it came around.

>> No.4369102

More desserts.




I haven't tried them so I can't tell you if they're good or not but by the looks of them they're probably delicious.

>> No.4369137
File: 137 KB, 750x500, buffala_3855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>file name mentions buffalo
>no buffalo in pic
Pic related is a buffalo. That is a wisent/bison.

>> No.4369144

Buffalo is another name for the american bison.

>> No.4369157

Bison are badass animals.......and tasty too!

>> No.4369167

it makes sense to me

since starting it ive noticed i dont get hay fever anymore, or even allergic reactions to fucking cats which i normally hate. lots of little body pains have just stopped. also have not been sick in a year. i say a year because i just got sick this week, but i think its more to do with travelling and my body being rundown from that and lack of exercise.

i tend to slip every few months though, gotta have a bit of a junk food bender.

>> No.4369265
File: 497 KB, 400x450, raised-garden-beds.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not trying to cut, so I eat carbs. I also eat animal fats and I don't limit my fruit consumption based on the type of day. Thank you though.

I love anything with almonds, and the cheesecake sounds fun, thanks again.
thanks this is what I was looking for, when I google search I get a lot of mommy blogger bull crap. I eat beans, dairy, and grains, but I really find paleo and primal recipes nice to pepper into my food choices. Sorry to hear about your Celiac disease, It would be hard for me to give up gluten.
hey those look great, I am really curious about vegan "ice cream". I have some bananas that need to be eaten, maybe we will make some tonight.
I am glad you guys worked that out, I just had the .gif, it was already named.
That's cool, I have noticed a lot of changes in our allergies since we have started eating real foods and avoiding processed stuff. We stopped eating white sugar, soy, white flour (still eat whole wheat flour-it is just soaked, sprouted, or made into sourdough) and made a couple of other changes. We pretty much eat a modified Paleo diet most of the time anyway because the recipes are just so delicious. I really like "zoodles" now instead of pasta, I want to make a lasagna with zucchini in place of the lasagna noodles.

>> No.4369322

katiedid,com is a site for ordering tea sets for little girls.
katiekdid,com is what you want

>> No.4369371

Well, lowering carb consumption can lower one's bp if they need to. It's not just to cut.

>> No.4369378

Not to sure about some recipes.. what one "food" made from sprouted grains would be beer.. lots and lots of beer.

>> No.4369411


This is what you want

>> No.4369436
File: 1.10 MB, 763x429, 1339465916327.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, that is something I will keep in mind, my FIL has a terrible diet and very high blood pressure. I have been very lucky that my is normal, even when we were eating a standard american diet. We are focusing on nourishing food, and carbs can certainly be nourishing. I don't think that we should eat as many carbohydrates as the USDA suggests, maybe even half as much as the suggest actually, but they do have a place in my diet (and a special place in my heart).

yay beer! I don't drink it too often anymore though, but I do enjoy it when I do. I buy sprouted grain bread (Ezekiel) and sprouted wheat tortillas, but I am looking to start baking more.

>> No.4369544

Raw Eggs. Need to be checked for cracks, shouldn't be older than ten days, better five. Once you get used to it they are delicious, much better than cooked or fried.

>> No.4369546

do you refrigerate your raw eggs? Do you wash the shells?

>> No.4369599
File: 353 KB, 1000x1000, bison-vs-buffalo_50290cdd93cd4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>British English, French, : Bison
>Dutch, German: Wisent
>Norwegian, Swedish, Danish: Visent
>Finnish: Visentti
>Spanish, Italian, Basque, Portuguese: Bisonte
>Brazilian Portuguese: Bisão
>Catalan: Bisò

All the same animal: the one in OP, a member of the bison family. Only two species remain, the American (SN: bison bisons) and European (SN: bison-something-the-fuck-else). "Buffalo" and its cognates in those languages all refer to >>4369137, members of the bubalus family, a bovine relative of the bison family; a distant cousin. I'm not sure where common American English diverged to call bison "buffalo," but it did. In scientific communities, it's still very much called "bison."
'Buffalo' is etymologically descended of old Italian/vulgar Latin 'bova,' 'bofa,' and 'bufa,' words that mean 'cattle' and from which the French "bœuf" and, subsequently, the English "beef" as well as "bovine" are descended.
Latin and Italian have diminutives, a concept nearly absent from English. Dimunitives are affixes attached to words to imply a smaller form of that word. In Latin and old Italian, -ula/-ola/-ala were such suffix diminutives, ergo 'bufala' in Latin and Italian would literally mean "small cattle,' so-named due to the Romans and early Italians first encounters with true buffalo and their size being quite a bit smaller than the European cattle (SN: bovinae bos taurus) they were used to.
In comparison to both common cattle and buffalo, bison are enormous.