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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4367316 No.4367316 [Reply] [Original]

Your ancestors, the founder's of civilization brewed. Why have you brewed?

>> No.4367318

Brewing founded civilization.

>> No.4367324

I fermented some beet kvass, it is delicious.

>> No.4367329

> beet kvass

I do not know what this is. Educate me to your forieng ways.

>> No.4367354
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Because I make wine instead.

>> No.4367358

Normally I'd say wine's for women and aristocrats but brewing it's more respectable than just drinking.

How do you brew wine? You have a little garden of grapes or you buy some and ferment them?

>> No.4367394


I actually just got into it recently... started making it from kits with concentrated juices, but I have some fresh Chilean juice coming in next month I'll give a go at fermenting.

>> No.4367404
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anyone ever ferment cum before?

>> No.4367407

I just started a batch of Irish Red Ale though. It's my first time :3

>> No.4367482

>juice fermenting


What would make it ferment?

sounds good. Izzat your favorite.

>> No.4367489

Because alcohol tastes like crap and I don't drink it. Straight-edge master race reporting in.

>> No.4367490

Homebrewer here.

Just bottled an IPA and racked a cream ale onto some peaches for summer. (All grain here)

>> No.4367494

it is lactofermented beet juice, it is a great tonic. I think it has Russian origins, claims it "cleans the blood". It is good for the gut too, lots of probiotics. It is really earthy tasting, kind of fizzy. A shot of beet kvass in your martini tastes great.

>> No.4367510

But I am a brewer. Fun way to make a living.

>> No.4367552

>racked a cream ale onto some peaches for summer. (All grain here)

Sounds mighty tasty. Wish I could be there to taste the finished product.

sounds healthy. You prefer to use it as a mixer over drinking it straight, I take it.


You're a pro brewer! Name your company.

>> No.4367556

A normal person would hide the thread and move on, a tripfag would tell everybody how much they don't like what we're talking about because they think we care.

>> No.4367580

you show you care by responding.

>> No.4367589

About to move to a different brewery. I would rather not post names. Currently at a small (practically nano) 5BBL local craft brewery. 90% sure I'm moving to a larger scale operation within the next month. I can honestly say the craft beer industry has some of the friendliest people you will ever meet. Don't get into it if you want to make piles of money, though.

>> No.4367595

I care that tripfags are shitting up the board, I don't care about their opinions.

>> No.4367597
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no I like it straight. It is great just like it is. Just don't over do it our there will be hell to pay later in the day. I mix it in sparkling water too sometimes though.

>> No.4367609

not everything brewed is alcoholic.

>> No.4367615

But it still tastes like crap. And it's liquid carbs & calories just like soda. So it's shit.

>> No.4367617


>> No.4367630
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Any of your brews we could taste?

What do you prefer in your taste profile: hops, toast, sweetness?

next time you go to a BYOB event you can supply everyone some beet liquor.

>> No.4367646

What brew would you be proudest to've cloned?

Chimay Blue.

>> No.4367653

it's not liquor, that would be a different fermentation process. I brew it for the whole family so it has very little booze in it .3%-1%. People love it when I bring it, though. My next goal is kombucha. I wouldn't mind brewing some beer in the summer though.

>> No.4367667

>women and aristocrats

a drink that can be found just as cheap as beer off the shelf, and has more alcohol than beer in general
thanks for being stupid
more for me

>> No.4367691
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You sausage fingered hamlord.
Anyone can post opinions about anything using a tripcode or not. Mods decide what is and is not "relevant".
Although being Anonymous was the hallmark of this board originally, culture changes and majority wins. Deal with it.

>> No.4367701

Likely not, our distribution is minimal.

I prefer roasty, malt-forward beers. Brown ales as session beers, heavy porters and stouts for sipping. Too bad for me, as the current trend is to douse everything in hops. It'll change soon enough though. Sour and brett beers are high on my list also. That said, every style has its place, even light lagers.

Re: hops. I love hoppy beers, but if there's anything you can't session, it's a high BU or even worse, a highly dry-hopped beer. Ever tried it? The resin just coats your mouth after a while. I look forward to the day that brewers as a collective force stop waving their dicks by adding more hops. "But it sells!" Right, and so will any other beer you brew, as long as it doesn't taste terrible! People drink what is available. If half the taps are IPAs, then half your sales are going to be IPAs, what do you expect? The problem is brewers are mostly introvert nerds; it's the equivalent of min/maxing in video games. You can't resist.

>> No.4367718

Sours, Quads, Imperial Stouts, and barleywines are some of the best flavor profiles in beer. Especially good sours, holy shit they're something amazing. When you move breweries, brew more sours please, educate the plebs.

>> No.4367730

Hah! Try telling a brewery owner to purposefully introduce lacto, pedio and brett into their brewery. If you can do it, you're one convincing chap.

Most breweries won't touch sours with a 10 foot pole. Playing with those bugs when you have $25,000 worth of product in the next fermenter is a risky business. Those that do both sour and standard beer have completely separate equipment, and sometimes separate units or buildings. Contamination is a quick way to go bankrupt.

But yeah, the interest in sours is being revived; I wouldn't be surprised to see more breweries focused on infected beer within the next few years.

>> No.4367776


It's interesting how MO's that are so undesirable in wine can give really cool results in beers. I know some winemakers are using Brett now, but after smelling/tasting a batch that was unintentionally infected, I can't see how anyone would intentionally do that to wine.

>> No.4367797

To my knowledge a very small amount of brett in reds can simulate age, but this is entirely hearsay and I have no idea how true it actually is.

Even with beer, you have to be careful. If you don't have tight control over the conditions, a tasty sour can turn into vinegar pretty fast. At least in that case, you have an excuse to eat lots of french fries.

>> No.4367966


What's this?

2% abv's pretty low. Even a kid could teen could handle that.

>> No.4367972

Wine has a narrower range of tastes than beer.

Folks drink it either out of pretension or b/c they can't handle beer.

>> No.4368006
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>Too bad for me, as the current trend is to douse everything in hops.
>Re: hops. I love hoppy beers, but if there's anything you can't session, it's a high BU or even worse, a highly dry-hopped beer. Ever tried it? The resin just coats your mouth after a while. I look forward to the day that brewers as a collective force stop waving their dicks by adding more hops. "But it sells!" Right, and so will any other beer you brew, as long as it doesn't taste terrible! People drink what is available. If half the taps are IPAs, then half your sales are going to be IPAs, what do you expect? The problem is brewers are mostly introvert nerds; it's the equivalent of min/maxing in video games. You can't resist.

It's very relieving to read a brewer thinks this.

I found when getting into craft beers that every pretentious hipster insists IPAs are the height of beer. They take one step away from macro-brews and stop exploring. Most craft brewers #1 seller by far is an IPA and they compete in making the highest-IBU beer and the shit just tastes rancid. You taste nothing but bitterness and hops.

Another hipster-ism I've reversed on is hating on Sam Adams. I went along with the band-wagon for a while that, "they're the largest American brewer so they suck" but they do release more experimental brews and higher-quality stuff. So can a brewer do no right by us after it's a certain size?

For example, I like bochs and preferred Sam Adam's Double Boch to Gordon Biersch's Double Boch. But another thing I'm realizing is that you can't really anticipate the quality of a beer based on style or even company. One company will do an Imperial Stout really well but have a bland pilsner while another company will have a good steam ale but a plain brown ale.

>> No.4368039

>narrower range of tastes
even if that were true, and it's not, so what?
1. The complexities are derived in different fashion, that does not mean there is a narrower range of tastes for either wine or beer.
2. I like both wine and beer. Only a fool with preconceived notions and not enough understanding thinks one is better than the other for any sort of objective reasoning.

If it's a personal preference, fine, just don't try to play it off as some sort of objective reality, because you'll look the fool every time.

>> No.4368064


Tastes crafted by the skill of men, their techniques, ingredients, and equipment.


Companies and patrons insist on a hierarchy based on what vineyard the grapes came from and the year of the bottle.

Even if they tasted equal, the former is regularly produced based on man's ability while the latter's much more happenstance. To prefer the latter shows either you're snooty or you just can't take the taste of beer.

>> No.4368073

Thanks again for being stupid. More for me.

>> No.4368076
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>> No.4368083

>Stop liking what I don't like

>> No.4368086

>wine making is based on chance


>> No.4368120
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As if your previous post wasn't bad enough... just give up pal, you'll only dig yourself a deeper hole.

>> No.4368435

I'd dig in her hole

>> No.4368457

muh khaleesi

>> No.4368537

she looks so much better without the wig.