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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4357973 No.4357973 [Reply] [Original]

What are you eating for dinner? I made spaghetti with chilli sardines and dried tomato.

>> No.4358016

Post dinners.

>> No.4358031
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That's easily one of the most delicious "what are you eating for dinner" posts I've seen on /ck/.

Nothing good here, just some duck hash and Founder Centennial IPA.

>> No.4358140

Thanks, it was pretty good.

>> No.4358162

Made me some tuna with melted cheddar over bread.

It was horrible, but I can only blame myself for buying shitty generic brand canned tuna. No matter how many more spices I added =(

>> No.4358177

It's Easter, so I had Easter food.

>> No.4358221

just me or does the spaghetti look like its not cooked right? Almost like you left that plate sitting for 30-1hour and its starting to harden

>> No.4358246

First day?

>> No.4358254


Since 2007. Most of the pasta dishes we see around here are pig disgusting.

>> No.4358303

Honestly, if this was my first day, I'd probably never come back. The board is a complete shithole now.

>> No.4358306

OP that looks super good.

Significant other and I went and splurged a bit tonight, got 6 rib eyes (they were under $6.00/lb which was awesome cause we were expecting to pay more but a sale happened to be going on)
So dinner was
>Bone in rib eye - broiled, about medium rare
>Caramelized onions and mushrooms
>Homemade mashed potatoes and gravy
>Simple spinach salad with tomato, cucumber, carrot, zucchini, and bleu cheese

I'm not usually all about steak, but when it's been a while and it's good, it's good.

>> No.4358315

That's all I hear on every board I frequent. And it's probably not true on all accounts, but from someone who has only started coming on /ck/ frequently the past month, I don't see much threads about actual dishes just threads of frozen meals and delivery services and an invasion of vegans and vegetarians trying to force their viewpoints and not just posting delicious vegi dishes.

>> No.4358324

For my dinner I'm just having a sandwich, no cam sorry.

>freshly baked baguette picked up today, cutting off around 10 inches.
>freshly sliced wiltshire honey cured breaded ham
>Iceburg Lettuce
>Mayo out the ass
>Tiniest sprinkle of salt
>Wash it down with a big glass of chocolate milk.

>> No.4358402

Made yakisoba with broccoli, cabbage, onion, carrot, and egg. It was alright, wish I had some oyster sauce.

>> No.4358411

Pasta with vodka sauce and sea beans or kale

>> No.4358424


Beef noodle soup made from leftover steak and garlic cloves.

>> No.4358433


>using "or" in the past tense


>> No.4358476
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I got lazy. so I just toasted some raisin bread and ate that with some butter and little bowl of cottage cheese on the side.

I made this the other day though, goat cheese pizza with caramelized onions and some crispy bits of bacon. I think the bacon might have been overkill to be honest.

>> No.4359907

More dinners!

>> No.4359914

Made spaghetti alle vongole in rosso. Would post pictures but I'm not of the persuasion who constantly photographs their food.

>> No.4359917
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I'm eating this. Soaking the beef heart in a mix of wine, vinegar, garlic cloves, salt, seasonings and then cooking in its liquid on my special stove that looks like this.

>> No.4359978

I just roasted some chicken breast in the oven with fennel, thyme & some garlic
mashed potatoes that I mixed sour cream, cheddar cheese, & green onion into
sauteed spinach
a sauce made from chicken stock, thyme & garlic

>> No.4360046

i'm broke right now, so

ground beef
taco seasoning
black beans

>> No.4360088

Sauteed Brussel Sprouts in Olive Oil. No pick too lazy. It is delicious though

>> No.4360095
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Can we be friends

>> No.4360103

that sounds amazing dude, it doesnt matter youre poor this week/month

>> No.4360282
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Subway Spicy Italian. Doesn't it look delicious?

>> No.4360285

I made pork with orange sauce, with a side of white rice.

>> No.4360300
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>mfw no subway around here carries pepperjack cheese anymore

>> No.4360408

you call that lazy?
I had some buttered rice

>> No.4360419

For dinner tonight we are having pot roast and veggies

>> No.4360459

That's terrible, you have my condolences.

>> No.4360474

Sausage with peppers and onions. Cut em up and sauteed them for a bit. Took them of the pan and added a some wine to deglaze and then added some beef stock and thyme. Pored the sauce over the sausage mixture. Pretty good and relatively healthy as it was chicken sausage.

>> No.4360525

Garlic steak with rice pilaf, roasted peppers and tomatoes.

>> No.4360532

madras lamb curry with naan. Mixed up the madras sauce a bit this time by adding spinach leaves and black cardamom pods. rather nice.

>> No.4360588

Crappy Dominos pizza.
I ordered a large pizza with onions, green peppers and pinapple for $8. When I went to pick it up they goofed and gave me an extra large. Now when they told me first thing I thought was 'Nice! More pizza!'. Silly me, all they did was spread the cheese and ingredients across an even thinner sheet of dough. It was basically cheesy bread with veggies. Shit was nasty, I should have went back but I didn't eat it till way later. Oh well, I'll be making homemade pizza later this week anyways.

>> No.4360624

The vegans have destroyed this board with their "omnivores are plebs" bullshit. Sceak is running amok trolling this board on a daily basis and nobody does shit about it. There is literally no moderator presence on this board at all to curb the shitposting

>> No.4360628

Oh man vodka sauce. I could never get a liking to that shit. Tasted too much like my puke when I drink too much vodka.

>> No.4360635

>I don't like it so it should be a bannable offense

You're fucking pathetic.

>> No.4360644

Where does it say "ban" in my post?

>> No.4360650

>There is literally no moderator presence on this board at all to curb the shitposting

How else would they curb it, smart guy? Smack them on the wrist and politely ask them to stop? I swear, you people are embarrassingly retarded sometimes.

>> No.4360654

>implying all moderators can do is ban people
Go sperg out on somebody else.

>> No.4360657

Deleting the threads does nothing. Muting does nothing. Again, you're fucking pathetic. Go cry to moot about it on /q/.

>> No.4360660

Tell me why this exists? I'm done derailing. Sperg out somewhere else.

>> No.4360663

and I leave with Exhibit A of reasons why this board is trash. Is there a vertical for Ass-Burgers?

>> No.4360665

Honesty is "sperging" out now? I think you could use some fresh air.

>> No.4360666



>> No.4360668

Why would anyone go to /b/ when there's a Sceak dollar store thread jumpin right now?

>> No.4360674

about an ounce of cum

>> No.4360727

it tastes nothing like vodka pleb

>> No.4360729

bacon and mushroom risotto

>> No.4360733
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>> No.4360744

no offense dude but I legitimately thought that was something you'd regurgitated onto your plate