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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.46 MB, 1936x2592, coconut-oil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4348090 No.4348090 [Reply] [Original]

No words can describe how amazing meats tastes when they are cooked with coconut oil.

>> No.4348093

Ugh no thanks, island monkey

>> No.4348097

>cooking meat in coconut oil

Im surprised you eat meat.

>> No.4348106

>Implying it doesn't make chicken awesome and gives it a beautiful golden sear.

>> No.4348129

You should use it for your scalp.

>> No.4350489

Coconut oil is awesome for steak, not the extra virgin coconut oil though.
The RB coconut oil has no smell or taste and has the same qualities as lard.

>> No.4350496
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put it in your coffee! or just regular butter.XD

>> No.4350501

Wouldn't the oil just float on top?

>> No.4350520

I'm getting ready to wash my hair, I'll report back.
Also making a little shrimp in a pan with this oil.

>> No.4350533

every one when he refers to meat he means covering a dick in coconut oil and using it as lube

>> No.4350562

I love coconut oil. I use unrefined and refined, for different purposes. Baking, sauteing, topically, as diaper ointment on my kid ( I use a different container for putting on ourselves). This stuff is insanely wonderful. I do avoid the hydrogenated stuff though.

>> No.4351283
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>I do avoid the hydrogenated stuff though.


Show me coconut oil that isn't mostly saturated fat. the one in the picture above is 85% saturated/hydrogenated fat.

>> No.4351292

I have a massive jar of this stuff, but I don't know what to do other than use it in baking? It help make a delicious biscuit base for a peppermint slice I made yesterday

>> No.4351297

Coconut oil is made up of medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA’s). Two-thirds of the saturated fat in coconut oil is a medium-chain saturated fat.
One of the most outstanding benefits of consuming MCFA’s is that they do not require the liver and gallbladder to digest and emulsify them. This means instant energy and increased thermogenesis (increased metabolic rate in the body) which leads to more heat production as well as improved circulation.
MCFA’s are also known for having antimicrobial and anti-fungal properties, so they are beneficial to our immune system.
Saturated fatty acids actually lower Lipoprotein (a), a substance in the blood that leads to heart disease, whereas excess consumption of vegetable oils increases it.
Saturated stearic acid found in beef and cocoa, and palmitic acid found in coconut oil are the preferred foods for the heart; which is why the fat around the heart muscle is highly saturated. The heart draws on this reserve of fat in times of stress.
Saturated fatty acids such as caprylic acid found abundantly in coconut oil, is anti fungal and helps combat candida.

Yadda yadda blah blah blah....there's more where that came from, but you can use your googlefu.

>> No.4351300


Those aren't synonyms.

>> No.4351314

hydrogenation adding hydrogen to an unsaturated fat to make it saturated. /shrug a saturated fat is one where all of the carbons have single bonds. The unsaturated fats have kinks in them that make them liquid at room temperature? no?

Interesting but then why is coconut oil not recommended for people with high cholesterol?

>> No.4351324

Out of standard practice. No one wants to be responsible in case something bad happens. Doctors will always recommend a diet with no saturated fats or hydrogenated fats to patients with high cholesterol or other fats-related diseases, out of principle and ritual. Even though your body makes it's own cholesterol and your dietary cholesterol doesn't necessarily contribute to that.

>> No.4351340
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Well, my dad did lower his cholesterol by limiting his intake of saturated fats. That's a sample size of 1, so perhaps not true for all.

Although I might argue that coconut oil is a bit of a food fad. It's really popular with the fad paleo dieting or rather "primal" dieting by the more edgy males.

I guess i replied because it drives me nuts when people think they are avoiding saturated fats with coconut oil. I mean look at that shit its solid at room temperature you tard.

>> No.4351384

Yes, it does have saturated fats, but not all saturated fats are the same. (as was noted) Different fatty acids do different things in your body.
Example, I lowered my cholesterol by nearly 20 points by taking fish oil and a fiber supplement every day. How does fish oil lower cholesterol? Because of the beneficial fatty acids that are in it. Same goes for coconut oil, not as far as lowering cholesterol, but the medium-chain fatty acids in virgin coconut oil do other beneficial things for your body, like was said before (doesn't have to be emulsified by the gallbladder and liver, increasing it's thermogenesis and therefore increasing metabolic rate, etc. etc.)

>> No.4351389

Paleo Pancakes
1 banana
2 eggs
1 tbsp coconut flour
Blend the shit out of ingredients
Heat man to medium high and add about a tbsp of coconut oil.
Cook like pancakes

I'm not even on this diet, but I read about it and decided to give it a try. This blew my fucking mind. The coconut oil gives it a good flavor.

>> No.4351391


Coconut oil is naturally a saturated fat

>> No.4351398


Coconut oil is known as the only healthy saturated fat in the world. It's good for you. Animal fats are bad

>> No.4351438

i be learnin shit when i go on /ck/ thanks bros

>> No.4351452
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Oh god the hipsters have arrived.

>implying paleolithic man ate pancakes or modern bananas

the irony, it burns

>> No.4351465
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why do you give a fuck faggot? he just said that he liked them and isn't on the diet.

>> No.4351469


Indonesian here, we use coconut oil in our daily diet and it's definitely not healthy, yes it can make you look healthier but heart attack and stroke rates here are particularly high.

>> No.4351475

That probably has a lot to do with how much you guys smoke.

>> No.4351483
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>> No.4352087
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I doubt it, I think you guys are just trying to find an excuse for eating plant based lard, which is still lard by the way, but hey the more your eat the faster you will drop dead and I won't have to see these stupid posts on coconut oil anymore. Or posts about "muh paleo/primal diet bro"

pic related, it's you.

>> No.4352111


Coconut oil is a medium chain triglyceride. It doesn't contribute to heart issues or cholesterol.

The amount you use might contribute, though, because if you laden your food down with enough calories.. it's going to show in the long run.

>> No.4352208

You sound like a delightful person. I wish I could hang out with you every single day.

Happy Easter!

>> No.4352225


These things are ballin if you love coconut

>> No.4352281

Indonesians that ate a traditional diet (including coconut oil) were healthy. Once they started incorporating more processed food is when their health concerns began. [ http://gutenberg.net.au/ebooks02/0200251h.html ]

Ok, so coconut oil is a healthy saturated fat, so is lard, so is beef tallow, and so is butter from grass fed cows- as long as they are not hydrogenated, oxidized, or rancid. The lipid hypothesis that has been popular since the fifties was founded by David Kritchevsky. He concluded that cholesterol appeared to cause atherosclerosis based off of tests he had done on rabbits. Further more the cholesterol the rabbits were fed was oxidized and rancid. People handle cholesterol differently than rabbits. The lipid hypothesis is just that a hypothesis. Canola oil, margarine, soybean oil, and the like are unhealthy fats.

Dr. Mary Enig did some ground breaking research on fats and oils, she was the whistle blower responsible for bringing the truth about the lipid hypothesis out in the open. She rallied the support to get people aware of the dangers of transfats, which we now know are dangerous.

NOW, this is coming from someone who is not paleo or primal or a caveman. I eat from all food groups, as long as the food is real and not highly processed.

>> No.4352321

Coconut Oil is healthier overall for use in cooking.

That said, I'll still use butter when it calls for it, or when I feel like being decadent.

>> No.4352704
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>NOW, this is coming from someone who is not paleo or primal or a caveman

There is a God.

>> No.4352726

I see what you did there.