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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4346674 No.4346674 [Reply] [Original]

how do you like your kebabs?

>> No.4346696

My favorite kebab is the Turkish kebab

>> No.4346695

in the bin

>> No.4346697


>> No.4346700

Bought from a greasy brown person on the street out of a structure that runs on a generator.

So, so good.

>> No.4346705

In plate with fries, salad and garlic-chili sauce

>> No.4346709


>> No.4346724

Yogurt and pickled onions.

>> No.4346727

Made with lean beef; with thick garlic-chili-yogurt sauce; fresh cucumber, tomato, carrot, lots of pickled onion and jalapeno; in a fresh hot grilled bun.

I began crying right now cause I want one so bad, and my favorite spot is not the same anymore. Fucking capitalism.

>> No.4346730

Nanananana nanaNA naNA

>> No.4346731


Why don't you learn to make them yourself?

>> No.4346732

sharf ohne Tomaten

>> No.4346743

I am quite decent cook, but can't get meat and dough right. No way I can get recipe from owner; plus I don't have that rotating vertical grill thing and oven with temperature high enough, maybe that's the problem, how should I know?

>> No.4346750

beef kebab, salads, chili and garlic sauce
well i don't go all out, i just get some lebanese bread, salad, tomatoes and roast chicken then pull the chicken apart into strip and yay chicken kebab
plus sweet chili sauce

>> No.4346751

I just get beef, lettuce, tomato, onion, garlic sauce because it's the cheapest option.

>> No.4346761
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>> No.4346764

Go be racist somewhere else. Kebabs are tasty and that's the only concern for real co/ck/.

>> No.4346765

Vegetarian. Döner meat is fucking vile. And they put in feta in a vegetarian kebab, which is much more delicious. Even better if they offer falafel instead.

>> No.4346766

Lamb doner, all the salad, garlic sauce.


>> No.4346775


Well, you said you preferred "lean beef" so you have no need for the "vertical grill thing", which is used for cooking fattier meats.

As for the other issues, why don't you describe the exact issues you're having and then we can help you fix the problems. It's impossible for us to help unless you tell us specifically what went wrong.

>> No.4346779

..y'know, now i'm trying to imagine a gourmet kebab

>> No.4346792
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>> No.4346804
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I had this at the restaurant on our fob in Afghanistan. It was easily the most delicious thing I've eaten since leaving home. I don't even know what kind of meat it was, but it was probably killed that morning. It was served with a huge flatbread and a green dipping sauce that had a spice to it.
However, our preventive med. LT came through can gave the place a really low cleanliness rating. We haven't been backs since.

>> No.4346809

diarrhea kebab

>> No.4346834

We actually have a "gourmet" kebab restaurant in our city. With freshly baked kebab on order and the döner meat slowly roasting over a charcoal grill. It's amazing, but one kebab costs 6€ and is obviously no longer really fast food. So it's not something you can pick up every day on your lunch break or so, which is the main selling point of kebabs.

>> No.4346857

Bun doesn't get so fluffy with thin crisp crust, either soggy or hard as rock. I don't have those problems with pizza, but bread and buns come out this way.

And there's some kind of marinade for meat, can't get any ingredients by taste, but it's gorgeous. And you're may be right, they use fattier meat, but all fat is already melted away when it's served. Either way pan frying beef whole or chopped doesn't give needed results.

>> No.4346863

>6 euros
>roughly $7.50 AUD

That's the price of a typical kebab in any kebab shop here.

>> No.4346864
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Now we're getting somewhere.

What's your bun recipe?

As for the meat, you want to emulate the same cooking method that their special "grill thing" uses, which is radiant heat. The closest approximation would be using the broiler in your oven. (aka "under the grill" in British English). You could also use a conventional grill (aka BBQ), or one of those cheap countertop rotisseries, such as pic related. A pan is a different cooking method entirely so it won't give the same results. Any of the above methods would work though (broiler, proper grill, or a rotisserie)

>> No.4346868

In slav countries too, if you're interested.

>> No.4346871

where are you getting cheaper? thats the price here in spain on average

>> No.4346879
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>> No.4346884
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>> No.4346885

Inside someone else.

>> No.4346888

I knew about radiant heat, but hoped there's way to emulate it using pan, cause I my oven has really shitty top gas grill with no rotation. It actually starts to melt his own valves and front panel when you fire it.

As for bun, I mix couple glasses of water with yeast, pinch of sugar and tbs of salt, and slowly add flour while mixing, until dough is hard enough to be kneaded by hand. Then knead and put in cool dark place for a day or two. Form balls, flat and bake at max my oven is capable (presume, 250 degrees C, but who knows).

>> No.4346891

Going to eat kapsalon right now

I'm a Dutchfag

>> No.4346905

Now I feel like a felafel kebab.

>> No.4346915


>> No.4346916

Oh /int/.

>> No.4346917
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GOAT kebab dish when drunk

>> No.4346923

>implying I eat food made by terrorists
Traitors, all of you.

>> No.4346926
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>eating goats

>> No.4346927

we eat goat in america, what are you talking about?

>> No.4346929

Döner in Germany is usually €3.50.

>> No.4346930

No we don't

>> No.4346937


Strange, I just had some last night, and I live in NC(not exactly a cultural epicenter)

Guess it was some of that imitation goat you hear so much about.

>> No.4346942

>not being a poor, goat eating dirt farmer
How many times did you sodomize it before consuming?

>> No.4346944

Goat is commonly served in the states as well. Besides, kebab is usually lamb.

>> No.4346952


Twelve. But to be fair, we just got it yesterday.

>> No.4347019

> i live in NY

tons of goat dishes

And even outside of NY

Jamaica its a US territory which makes it american.

>> No.4347029

>US territory

>> No.4347046

without mayonnaise

>> No.4347069

NY is not America, friend. Not for much longer anyways.

>> No.4347096

surely you meant Puerto Rico.

>> No.4347105


hey /pol/

oh right, i thought it was, let me just

yeah you're right, my bad.

even so, goat is used in alot of dishes and its awesome.

>> No.4347111

I like lamb shwarma with turnips, pickles, onions, tabbouleh, garlic sauce, hummus, tahini, and lots of hot sauce

>> No.4347125

No, he meant Israel.

>> No.4347136

American here. What's a kebab?

>> No.4347144

A gyro but made with even more questionable meat.

>> No.4347403



>> No.4347684

Mit Allem und Scharf

>> No.4347726

beef and lamb on a thick, fluffy flatbread with creamy tzatziki, sliced red onions, feta, sliced tomato, and FRENCH FRIES!

I eat it bite for bite with a salad that has this amazing greek house dressing that I think has oil, lemon, honey, and maybe thyme or something in it. The dressing and leafy lettuce compliment the wrap perfectly. Also the kalamata olives and cucumber.

>> No.4348001
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kebab detected.

>> No.4348023

that would be a gyro with a greek salad

>> No.4348041

GOAT = Greatest Of All Time

dumb fuck.

>> No.4348044
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did someone call me?

>> No.4348051

/sp/ please leave

>> No.4348076
File: 176 KB, 396x500, Koobideh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With buttered rice, a dash of sumac and a char grilled tomato.

>> No.4348081

Pretty universal term on this site brah.

>> No.4348133

>implying anyone uses GOAT outside of /sp/ and the /4ccg/ on /vg/.

>> No.4348185

I don't think I've ever once visited that board.

Dumb fuck.

>> No.4348201
File: 63 KB, 509x385, Angora-goats-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like you're trying to pull my goat.

>> No.4348217

>the city of you in charge of de banter

>> No.4348219
File: 67 KB, 300x199, GtColonelBody1-300[1].jpg_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goatdamnit! Who paged me? I WAS MAKING SWEATERS!

>> No.4348220
File: 603 KB, 922x1382, FairviewGoatTower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you rather have a lifetime supply of free kebab, or spend 20 minutes in the GOAT tower?

>> No.4348235

I can leave the goat tower after?
The answer is pretty obvious, sir.

>> No.4348274

>extra extra sour cream please god just inject it into my blood

>> No.4348283
File: 21 KB, 450x318, the-goat-tower-a-caprine-condominium-L-ZLxRxB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the answer is obvious. The wonders that must be held within those walls......I can only dream of what may lay inside.

>> No.4348298

dolphins have caves, goats have towers....
just sayin

>> No.4348299

>being this asspained about the "GOAT" thing

Worst board shows it strong points again.

>> No.4348310
File: 278 KB, 1200x1800, 00-0b-laughing-animals-08-06-12-mountain-goat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>worst board

>> No.4348314
File: 86 KB, 450x447, not_the_mountain_goats_album_cover[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ill show you ass pain just come to my tower!

>> No.4348319 [DELETED] 

look at this fuccboi getting ethered top lel smh le shig #rekt TYBG

>> No.4348438

doner AND chicken
2 felafels broken up
chilli sauce
garlic sauce

fuck I miss a late night mystery meat sandwich

>> No.4349295

Dead and riddled with bullets. That's the only good kebab.

>> No.4349308

This. Falafel is lovely, doner is poiron. might be spellling things wrong bcause gin

>> No.4349307

Alle Soßen, ohne Tomaten. Ja, auch gerne Chilli.

>> No.4349312

>Ja, auch gerne Chilli.
Wannabe-german detected.
Everybody knows: Ja, mit scha(r)f.

While I'm at it:
Grilled Cheese, all veggies, all sauces, hot
or special at my place around the corner:
Durum with Falafel, cheese and s.a.

>> No.4349356


>tfw all kebabs are made by non muslim indian people in my country
>mfw people let muslims touch their food

>> No.4349360
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>> No.4349419
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>Cheese on a fucking kebab.

Are you kidding me? This is almost as bad as ranch sauce on Pizza Margherita.

>> No.4349813

As a German, I can safely say that kebab sucks. Pita gyros from Greece is infinitely superior.

>> No.4349823

>Pizza Margherita
>calling it that

You're trying way too hard to sound cool.

>> No.4349861

What do you call it then? Because Pizza Margherita is a completely normal term in Germany. Nothing try-hard about it.

>> No.4349953

I like my dürüm with cocktail sauce, onions, shredded cow and salad

>> No.4349994

Go away amerifat.

>> No.4350002

Can't believe I'm in agreement with a goddamn kraut

>> No.4350020

Pizza Margherita is the actual name, all over the world it's called that. If it sounds so alien and fancy to you then that's your fault.