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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 977 KB, 3052x2024, MEAT_IS_GOOD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4346256 No.4346256 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have an anti-vegetarian thread?

These people are a blight. They stumble around walking into obvious meat threads and declare their crap food choice like people should care.

So let's post some meat. Because fuck those people.

>> No.4346259
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MMMMMMmmmmm mmmmmm.

Roasted Chicken. Vegetarians HATE this

>> No.4346260


Because we that have meat don't care.

>> No.4346262

It's not the vegetarians that are the problem. It's the vegans.

>> No.4346269

I'm vegetarian. I don't hate roast chicken. It smells nice.

>> No.4346270

they are both whiny and annoying shits imho

if they just shut up and kept to their own I would not mind. But I am sick and tired of these people thinking anyone cares

>> No.4346265
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Gotta love some veal cutlets. Keep your baby lamps tied up and motionless. Force feed them fatty foods for the best flavors ^_^

>> No.4346279

Who cares if there are vegetarian threads. Just turn on a TV, or look at a billboard. Advertising telling people to eat meat is broadcast all day every day. We force images of meat down vegetarians' throats way more than they do us, so let people talk about plant foods if they want to.

>> No.4346281
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has there ever been a more anti-veggie freak food than the double bacon cheeseburger?

Not only are we exploiting the cow for milk and cheese, but we are butchering it for beef. And to make matters worse we ALSO garnish with some fried pig.

Because fuck you, vegetarians. Fuck you all.

>> No.4346286

I dunno. Vegetarians usually don't tell you they are vegetarians until lunch time. Vegans on the other hand have to tell you 24/7 that they're vegans and that you shouldn't eat Jell-O.

>> No.4346292
File: 128 KB, 800x600, Baby_back_ribs_-_hickory_smoked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

move over bitches. I have the ultimate hate for all vegans.

Hickory smoked, baby back ribs.

That there, is a real man's meat. you ain't a man in my book until you can make damn good bbq ribs. You could be a lumberjack, fighting nazis, while drinking beer, bench pressing a truck, and riding a velcoraptor-shark. But you ain't a man until you make damn good ribs.

>> No.4346294

I got bitched at by a vegan slut with no job and blue hair because I make honey wine.

>Anon, you are ROBBING THE BEES!

She was serious btw. She does not eat honey because of the poor bees. Dumb bitch has no concept that mankind has kept bees alive largely and that 100% of our global food crop is dependent on the exploitation of bees.

Because she is literally retarded. Because she is a freak and stupid. Because she is a vegetarian.

>> No.4346299
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best burger Hardee's ever had. fuck they were amazing.

>> No.4346305
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>> No.4346329

Justin Timberlake seems to think veganism is pretty sexy.


>> No.4346332
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Enjoy your cancer and heart disease, meat-eaters. The science is on my side.

>> No.4346335

I see nothing wrong with this you rabbit idiot

Guess what? NO one cares about your vegetable fetish. We just don't. so...

>> No.4346346

>I see nothing wrong with dying prematurely

In that case, there is nothing left to argue. Debate over.

>> No.4346354


Enjoy your longer life expectancy, reduced cancer risks, and slimmer bodies... while you can

Because once meat is replaced with meat alternatives, we carnivores will just eat the only meat source left: Vegetarians. Prepare yourself.

>> No.4346355

Why do you IDIOTS come to meat threads with your faggotry?


Go be a weird freak somewhere else.

>> No.4346357

Meat is delicious except when you overeat you literally want to puke and burn it alive. But all in all the Bible says that meat is good, we were made to enjoy all of the food that god has made and meant for us to enjoy.

>> No.4346358

Actually, overcooked streaks are delicious.

>> No.4346359
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>lel we are carnivores and bretty cool
>I love steak its so cool with ketchup
>My mom lets me eat two on sunday (° u°)
>Besides I am American go USA

>> No.4346360

Stay stupid, hippie!

>> No.4346367

You should know that we vegetarians will need some high-quality compost for our crops. We may decide to use the decomposing bodies of meat eaters to fill that purpose. Beware.

>> No.4346369


A vegetarian acting tough near me! Hahahahahahahaha!

>> No.4346371

I'm a vegetarian. I approve of this thread :)

>> No.4346373
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>the Bible says

I stopped reading there.

>> No.4346382


Actually, since it wasn't until Adam and Eve sinned and effed up existence that they started eating meat, a lot of vegetarian Christians believe that vegetarianism is God's ideal, since the Garden of Eden was vegetarian.

Either way, the Bible says multiple times that people who eat pork go to hell, yet most Christians eat pork, so I dunno if they care what the Bible actually says about meat.

>> No.4346385

Let's see, who would win the war: energetic, slim vegetarians with quick reflexes, or fat, lazy meat-eaters with a 130 resting bpm. The future belongs to us.

>> No.4346387

Bullshit lies and you are wrong.

Cain and Abel faggot. Abel burned veggies for God, Cain burned meat. God favored Cain's sacrifice.

You people are part of some stupid wrong cult. really.

>> No.4346394


This is actually why I don't eat meat. But I don't babble about it IRL because nobody knows what the fuck I'm talking about.

I do eat some meat, like bacon bits on taters and just to taste when I'm cooking meat. But I also can't stomach eating a lot of meat since I don't eat it normally.

>> No.4346395
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So much lol. Since I am a military veteran and was fed meat by my government every single day, breakfast lunch and dinner while killing arabs I can safely say carnivore is best.



Tell me more about how we are all fat and slow now.

>> No.4346390

But anon, that's a vegan. Most vegetarians are pretty chill. It's those damn vegans that'll getcha.

>> No.4346409

>I eat meat and pull triggers. Yeehaw!

Look at this tough guy.

>> No.4346419

Oh what, USA has been at war since 2001 and you think none of us made it home??
Cry more please.

Really. It makes my dick hard.

>> No.4346425

no... but look. it costs the muslims like $50 worth of fertilizer and blasting caps to kill one of you dudes. It costs us like $10 million to kill one of them. Who's the real winner?

>> No.4346427

>Offering meat to God
>Eating meat

Two different things, brah.

>> No.4346431
File: 87 KB, 520x441, americafuckyeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering we just spent 10 years murdering them en masse from 40 nations I can soundly state that Uncle Sam > Allah

But I get it, you're a pacifist. how nice for you


>> No.4346433



>> No.4346458

Thank god our soldiers were eating meat. If not, they'd be unable to point guns and pull triggers. Looks like you've won this argument.

>> No.4346480

before i was vegan i used to love these... mmm

>> No.4346497

>implying meat-eaters aren't more whiny and obnoxious about their lifestyle

>> No.4346505


>Something literally everyone does until they turn into obnoxious hipsters or follow a particularly faggoty religion.

Is my shit considered vegan? I feel like shitting in your mouth and I'm hoping to add an extra layer of hate into the act.

>> No.4346508

>shooting innocent people makes me feel like a man

You go, tiger.

>> No.4346511


>lemons in ice water
>peppers and onion on kebab
>everything smeared in plant-made seasoning/sauce

>> No.4346513


From what I noticed the guys who complain that vegetarians/vegans force their diet too much are like Christians who cry about being persecuted. Your meaty diet is plastered all over everywhere and shoved in everybody's face 24/7, but then if you see someone who eats differently than you do you take it as a personal attack and see it as some outsider criticizing your way of life and making you feel bad, when really it's just some guy saying "I eat this stuff instead"

>> No.4346514

I have never met a vegan or vegetarian.

I feel like I'm due, and that worries me.

I'd really like to not run into one after hearing stories.

>> No.4346515

I have a friend who recently became a vegan. He doesn't give a fuck what other people eat.
He just eats toast or fruit or something at my house.

>> No.4346517

I'm not a pacifist.
You are just a fuckface
Hating one armies practices =/= hating all armies

>> No.4346522


god favoured abel's sacrifice that's why cain killed him in a jealous rage.

don't you know how to bible?

>> No.4346557

Actually, you'll find we tend to kill a fuck load of them for far cheaper than it takes them to kill us. But civvies don't know shit about the real world.

>> No.4346585
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>this entire thread

>> No.4346654

Everyone does it because they're brainwashed to.


>> No.4346728


Did you actually read the Bible?

>> No.4346733

Fucking delicious.

>> No.4346744
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>> No.4346762

I love meat as much as the next guy but this entire thread was done by one edgy 14 year old atheist. It's embarrassing.

>> No.4346782


Thats just because all the vegfags keep dieing of malnutrition and even the ones that are skill barely alive don't have enough energy to do shit, the only thing that was keeping all you faggots alive was the beef fat in McD's french fries...but you fucked that up too.

>> No.4346807

Just going to throw this out there, ever wonder why vegetarians and vegans have to take b complex vitamins? It's because their stupid diets don't contain the right nutrients. Also look up heme iron versus non heme iron. Even your body knows how to use animal sources of iron better.

Meat eaters 1
Vegetarian/vegans 0

>> No.4346810
File: 35 KB, 474x282, jimbles notronbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4346860

I have a friend who likes his food and obviously meat.
He married a gigantic girl who has been a vegetarian from a very young age on the basis that animals are cute.
His life is a living hell of denial

>> No.4346865

Anyone here tried deer meat?

>> No.4346878

I get more pleasure from eating meat for 76 years than I expect to have living for an extra 10 or 15. Do you really think living 15 years more when you are old as shit and weak will be that great?

>> No.4346881

I like the flavor a lot.

>> No.4346908

Yes. It's delicious. I prefer axis or mule deer to whitetail though. Whitetail is a bit on the gamey side. I usually just use whitetail for making sausages, salami, etc, while axis or mule deer I'll eat as roasts, fillets, etc.

>> No.4346934

this whole thread is a troll thread, stop posting in it retards.

>> No.4347006

>the Bible says multiple times that people who eat pork go to hell

>Hell >existing in the Old Testament

Confirmed for never reading a Bible in your life.

>> No.4347011


This guy knows what he's talking about.

What the old testament says is that touching animals, like pigs, with certain physiological characteristics makes a person unclean. The solution to being 'unclean' ranges from simple ablutions and isolation to being stoned to death. Hell has nothing to do with it.

>> No.4347123

Found the carnist.

>> No.4347129

I hate apologist, try-too-hard-to-fit-in vegetarians and vegans almost as much as I hate the kind of people who make threads like these. Maybe more, actually. Stop it.

>> No.4347132

Well, I hate you all. I hate you all so much.

>> No.4347146

Naturally, you would get B12 from dirt on your veggies. We wash our veggies though. And funny, I was anemic as a meat eater. Now I'm vegan and I have more than the necessary amount of hemoglobin in my blood. Meanwhile my brother who swears by the Atkins diet (and who is always insulting me for being vegan) was just diagnosed with both anemia and gout. :)

>> No.4347183

Then you would be an exception, not the rule. (That is, if you're even telling the truth, which I doubt). I've known more vegans/vegetarians with anemia than I can shake a stick at. I, myself, am anemic, because I don't eat enough meat (meat's too expensive where I live, so I only eat it about 3 times a week). You can get iron and b vitamins from certain plant foods, but nowhere near what you can get from eating meat products and eggs.
Sounds like your family has some other kind of medical condition. Mainly faggotry, I'd say, but meh...

>> No.4347193

yes thats the old test. back then it was unhealthy to eat them. by the time the new test came into place we had learned a thing or two about sickness and how to keep meat. look up the word Dispensation and find out how it was used for xtians

>> No.4347201
File: 100 KB, 429x448, tumblr_me7sou0dMB1rp0bsa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's possible that we have a condition that prevents us from absorbing the heme form of iron. But most people if they know about basic nutrition, have no problem getting the proper nutrients on a vegan diet. And I have a big feeling you're lying about knowing vegans and vegetarians with anemia. How many people do you ask if they're anemic? Maybe you should eat some more kale.

>> No.4347244

phytic acid and phytase, which is present in many whole grains can hinder your body's ability to absorb zinc, iron, calcium, and magnesium. You can lessen this effect by soaking or sprouting your grains or making bread from fermented grains (sourdough). The later being the best way to neutralize phytic acid. Also if you are getting way too much calcium you may be interfering with you ability to absorb other minerals and vitamins such as iron. That doesn't mean cut out calcium, it just means if you are eating WAY over you recommended amount that you should reduce it a little.

>> No.4347246
File: 5 KB, 164x152, 1364323184229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my brother who swears by the Atkins diet (and who is always insulting me for being vegan) was just diagnosed with both anemia and gout. :)
>my brother was diagnosed with horrible afflictions

>> No.4347247

Why would I bother lying about something like that?
And yes, I do know quite a few who are anemic. I live in California, for christsake's, there's vegans and vegfags everywhere, and they ALL want to talk about it incessantly.
>Maybe you should eat some more kale.
I eat shitloads of kale, thank you very much. (because I actually enjoy it.) It doesn't help my anemia, however.

>> No.4347259

Deer > Chicken > Cow > Pig

>> No.4347264

I know tons of vegans myself and not one of them has ever told me they're anemic. I went to donate blood not long ago and they turned away several women for being anemic, likely meat eaters. I on the other hand had plenty of iron, and they also commented on how great my plasma looked. :) Have you tried eating your kale with vitamin C?

>> No.4347271

>implying amenic has anything to do with veganism

>> No.4347272
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>> No.4347274

you should tell your retarded brother that the atkins diet exists so really really fat people can lose weight fast so they can get like a bypass surgery with lower risk of death, its not actually good for you, nor would any diety that makes you lose weight that fast be.
yours truly; someone who thinks vegans are lel and should just buy their meat from this guy.

>> No.4347276

Good to know, thanks.

>> No.4347288

I tell him his diet is retarded. He says he's on an adapted version of the Atkin's diet (which is still unhealthy as fuck, obviously). And he has some serious mental issues that prevent him from acknowledging being wrong, so it doesn't matter what I tell him. I've tried recommending the nutritarian program by Dr. Fuhrman, but he's stuck in his belief that the Atkin's diet is the only and best way to lose weight.

What does 'lel' mean?

Yours truly, someone who thinks defensive meat eaters should do some actual research before insulting veganism.

>> No.4347293

if he means best as in fastest, he's basically right. doesn't change the fact that losing weight fast is terrible for you.

>> No.4347295

>>insulted meat eaters should do research.
>>implying vegans do.

>> No.4347301

>I can be ignorant if other people are

Cool way to be dawg.

>> No.4347306
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I don't get it. Why are most discussions on either side of the extreme? Is there no balance in your diet? You might eat meat but don't you eat veggies and vice-versa? Our eating preferences have always been based off the land but ever since they introduced the fake dead foods, our view on food itself has changed mentally. Our bodies aren't eating things our bodies are normally meant to eat. That's how people get fat, straight up empty carbs. The planting of greens, herding and raising of animals for food has always been a part of human lifestyle. It's all balance people... If you believe in God, God would want people to eat off the land. Which is mostly, fruits, veggies, AND meat!

>> No.4347312

>dragging religion in
I'm a Christian and believe me brother, you're lighting a match to see the inside of powder keg. Say hello to the incoming trolls and edgy anti-religion teens for me.

>> No.4347313

Soy also has an incredible amount of phytates in it.

>> No.4347401


>> No.4347416
File: 809 KB, 823x724, 1363649826927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vegetarian here, not nearly as butthurt about your diet as you are to mine.

>> No.4347491

>A bunch of trolls made /ck/ the vegan/vegetarian board
>OP fell for it

>> No.4347584

I'm considered vegan and no one even knows unless asked or put into a situation where my food choice is apparent. I understand that this generalization of vegans/vegetarians is somewhat true because they feel dogmatic about their choice to eat or live in a healthy manner, and I agree it is annoying, but rest assured they are not all like that, nor do they all press their views on others, such as myself. Judging people by what they choose to eat or even further separating people because of what goes into their mouth instead of what comes out of it.

>> No.4347631
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I kinda understand where my vegan friends are coming from, though. If I saw that many documentaries and had that much experience with all the sick things that go on in factory farms, I'd probably be dogmatic too. I'm content not looking up all that shit, personally. A vague knowledge that things are bad is good enough for me, I don't need to see cows screaming while dying piece by piece. No thanks. But if someone does watch that shit on a weekly basis, no surprise they'd be vocally anti-meat.

>> No.4347653
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>all the vegfags keep dieing of malnutrition

Do fruits and vegetables not have nutrients?

>> No.4347658


>Do you really think living 15 years more when you are old as shit and weak will be that great?

If your diet is good, you'll have a lot more "great years" physically. People who eat shitty food all their life spend ages 40-to-death feeling like shit

>> No.4347666

Gonna need a citation on that, mr. presumption

>> No.4347668

>all the vegfags keep dieing of malnutrition

The meals that all the major feed-the-hungry organizations give to the malnourished in Africa are 100% vegetarian, since it gives them every nutrient the body needs, and is cheaper and more sustainable than using meat.

>> No.4347671


Take a step outside and look around

>> No.4347675

>except it's not

>> No.4347681
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Some meat eaters have grown callous to the treatment of animals, thinking "those are farm animals, that's just what happens to them"

But I've seen a video taken in some asian country of a dog being butchered. Hung by its head in a kitchen crying, then picked up and killed brutally to be eaten fresh. If you like animals, or even just have a heart, it's hard to eat meat and hard to keep quiet about its production

>> No.4347685

>implying God didn't give me free reign over the animal kingdom

but Asians are pretty brutal.

>> No.4347690

To pampered children who live in a fantasy world, yes.

>> No.4347692


How so?

>> No.4347694

Life is tough.

>> No.4347697

Thanks for understanding, but also fuck you for ignoring their suffering. As refreshing as it is to have a meat eater who is not trying to portray me as a bleeding heart, it also feels like a stab in the chest because even the ones who are somewhat aware that what's happening is fucked up, just don't care to do anything about it. People's lives are too cushy, they don't know empathy because they've never suffered themselves, they'd rather push the reality away from them and ignore their role in it. As someone who has watched countless undercover investigations and knows the issues in depth, it makes me sick to my stomach how apathetic people are.

>> No.4347699
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>Hung by its head in a kitchen crying, then picked up and killed brutally to be eaten fresh
pics? link?

need to fap

>> No.4347701

awww.....wanna hug, carebear?

>> No.4347729


What does that have to do with anything? We're not talking about the troubles of life, we're talking about an industry that needlessly kills billions of animals yearly for no real reason

>> No.4347734

Except that whole feeding your population thing.

>> No.4347743


What are you, retarded? You waste more food feeding the animals to eventually eat after years of raising than you do to just grow some plants in the same land. Every foundation that feeds starving people in other countries feeds them plant foods entirely because it's the most efficient food source for feeding a population

>> No.4347752

But people don't want to eat just plants.

>> No.4347764


Doesn't matter, that's what they eat

>> No.4347771

Good for them I eat meat. Stay mad at real life.

>> No.4347769


We are talking about the troubles of life. Animals kill and eat other animals. That's perfectly normal. Have you ever seen what bear does to a fish, a lion to a zebra, wolves to rabbits, or even a little housecat to birds and rodents? Compared to the animal kingdom we humans (most of us anyway--there are always some sick fucks out there) are angels.

Now then, it is possible thanks to modern technology to eat a healthy vegetarian diet...but that hinges upon long-distance refrigerated transport of foods from halfway around the world. There is nothing "natural" about that, and for many people its an impossibility. If you live somewhere like the USA or Canada or western Europe and have the luxury of a lot of money then you can walk into a supermarket and find whatever veggie you want any day of the year--and you need to do that if you want a balanced diet with no meat. But did you ever stop and think why there are tomatoes in the supermarket in the middle of winter? That may be "vegetarian" but it sure as hell isn't natural, or good for the environment. That tomato got there because it was grown on the other side of the world and then transported on smoke-belching ships and trucks just so you can eat it any time you want. You might be able to afford it, but not everyone has that kind of resources. Farming also creates a huge amount of environmental impact due to run-off of fertilizer and pesticides. It's no "better" than eating meat, it's simply different. Personally I would rather eat locally sourced food (consisting of both meat and vegetables) than depend on an unnatural diet that is only possible thanks to long-distance shipping and chemically aided farming. It's a lot more natural to get my winter nutrition from a locally-farmed pig and excess veggies that I bought in-season and then canned for use later than it is to insist upon 100% vegetarian.

>> No.4347777


I think "just plants" is a little unfair, since people can make hundreds of thousands of things out of plant foods. Pizza, hamburgers, nachos, sweets, you name it and there's an awesome plant-based version. The most mind-blowingly good pizza I've ever eaten was made using cashew puree for cheese. The diets of most of my veg friends are way more diverse than my own omnivore diet.

>> No.4347782


Humans aren't predators though, we don't do that to survive, we do it for luxury and because we feel like it

Also you can grow your own fruits and vegetables, and it's not about having an excess in money because in every third world country out there, it's the poor that buy only grains and veggies and the rich that buy meat (and because of it become obese and unhealthy). Try to tell me the Chinese can't afford rice and have to buy beef and chicken instead

>> No.4347783

this fuckstick is why people very much dislike veggiefags.
I'm eating 3 cheeseburgers in your honor tonight.

>> No.4347792

>The diets of most of my veg friends are way more diverse than my own omnivore diet.
what's stopping you from making your own diet that diverse + all the extra options because you can have animal products

>> No.4347793

But they are. Humans are omnivores, and meat was part of the reason for our great intelligence.

>> No.4347816


I see this blinded posted all over this board and /fit/. It wasn't meat that allowed greater intelligence, it was calories. When food was scarce, our ancestors had to hunt animals strictly to avoid starving to death. This wasn't an ideal diet and the intelligence would have happened if they had stumbled upon a field of nuts or fruits

>> No.4347899


I think a lot of people kinda' get trapped in the bubble of the standard American diet, so don't venture out and try all the thousands of foods they've never had. But when you change your diet, and go vegetarian or vegan, you become more open to branching out since SAD no longer fits your lifestyle.

Of course you can be an omnivore and still eat things like pizza with cashew puree cheese, but I think most people tend to stay in their dietary box unless given a little push.

>> No.4347912

that's a really sad blanket statement to make.

i'm a 27 year old american kid that loves shitty disgusting american comfort food as much as i love just about every foreign or experimental food that i can try. it's actually a huge strain on my wallet when i live in a place that has a lot of interesting food trucks and a semi-fancy grocery store. but sometimes you just have to buy a few paper thin slices of jamon iberico, because when else are you going to eat cured pork that goes for $99/lb?

maybe it's true though. maybe "a lot" and "most" is a good way to describe the amount of people who aren't really willing to sample new shit. i wish it wasn't the case.

>> No.4347916
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you moron, having the pigs in metal crates is safer, more productive, and more humane than having them not be in a crate

1. the crates are cleaned out daily, so parasite load are kept minimal to null
2. the farrowing crates that you often see mother pigs in when they give birth and wean baby piglets in in peta shit videos is not for amusement. Its to keep the baby piglets safe.

Mother pigs often roll over and crush the piglets, or they eat their young, yes they are cannibalistic, so keeping them separated from the young is more humane

3. By keeping the adult pigs separated, you avoid unwanted rivalries and deaths due to the pigs eating each other, just like the cannibalistic mothers adult pigs eat each other, even when they are fed a well balanced diet

>> No.4347960


Farrow crates are for increased profits, pure and simple. It being in the benefit of animals is simply an excuse factory farms throw around to try and gather sympathy. Plenty of farmers raise pigs on pasture without the use of farrowing crates, simply by constant monitoring of piglets and rescuing them if need be until they're slightly older and quick enough to avoid being crushed.

But having people monitor the situation costs money, and factory farms get more $$ by simply sticking sows in crates.

Plenty of states and countries have banned the use of gestation crates, and require animals to have enough room to move, turn, and stand, and have no issues with production.

Also, let's keep in mind that there's not much data for pigs in the wild crushing their babies to death. It's really a phenomenon with pigs bred for meat production, that are kept in confinement, artificially inseminated, and have shitty, unnatural lives. I wouldn't be in the least surprised if the mothers were crushing the piglets so they didn't have to put up with the same crap they do, haha.

>> No.4348136

Stop talking about things you don't know anything about, as if you do.

1. Most of our animal products (in the U.S. at least) come from factory farms where animals are tortured essentially their entire lives. On top of that, they are definitely not always killed "humanely". Do your research before you make claims like this, please. The amount of torture we put animals through for our convenience foods is NO WHERE NEAR anything found in nature.

2. Don't compare non-local vegan food to factory farmed non-local animal products. Just fucking don't. There are so many flaws with your thinking it makes me think you're actually just trolling. Yes, of course vegans should buy local if they want to be environmentally friendly, any dipshit knows that. But let me just make this short by saying your animal feed alone is shipped from other countries, like Brazil. I could go on for days about all the excess environmental damage animal agriculture causes as opposed to vegan agriculture, but I think I made my point right there. You can not fucking compare the two. And yes, locally raised animal products are definitely worse for the environment than locally raised vegetables (could actually even argue they're worse than non-local vegetables).


>> No.4348141

He just said he's an omnivore.... But he loves vegan food. Idiot.

And I love how omnivores always like to say things like, "This is why people don't like vegans."

You try so hard to point the finger back at vegans out of your own insecurities, it's ridiculous. Doesn't even matter what the vegan (or in this case, omnivore) says. You will think of a reason to hate them.

"Man I really like this coconut milk ice cream!"

"You vegans fucking disgust me! Stop shoving your views in my face! This is why people hate vegans!"

>> No.4348146
File: 288 KB, 1100x732, thyme covered ribeyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i liek meet

>> No.4348148

>defending factory farming

>> No.4348222
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And now I present to you in all her glory........beer braised bacon weaved apple wood smoked pork belly! It was my greatest creation so far

>> No.4348232
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>NYTimes as a credible news source

>> No.4348239
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>> No.4348259

Do you drink a lot of tea or coffee? Too much tannic acid (found in tea, coffee, red wine, etc. It makes that dark colour and tangy bitter flavour) inhibits iron absorption.

>> No.4348270

Nope, I drink one or two cups of green or white tea in the morning, and the rest of the time I drink tisanes.

>> No.4348346

Omnivore master race here. what's with you faggots not learning how to balance meat and vegetable levels?

extremes are for retards anyway, find a balance or go ahead and stay miserable caring about what others eat forever.

>> No.4348358
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Clearly doesn't know in 50 years he'll be forced to go vegan. (If he manages to survive his poor diet choices that is.)

>> No.4348367

whatever you say bud, stay angry at people. it's not my problem.

>> No.4348482


Haha, great cartoon. Yeah, can call vegans a minority for sure, but "extremists" is pretty absurd. Pulling a carrot out of the ground and cutting it it onto a salad is more extreme than artificially inseminating a cow, ripping her newborns away, sticking them in veal crates so they can't move and develop, puncturing their skulls with stun guns, and then butchering alive the 10-30% that weren't stunned properly?


>> No.4348489

Did you just reiterate a strawman argument?

>> No.4348508


>hurrrrr I'm retarded please ignore me

Now, if you're a rational adult, you'll realize there's nothing wrong with a balanced diet.

Also, when I think extremist vegan, I don't think nice people handing out pamphlets. I think of quotes like "Every man wearing fur should be sodomized so violently he suffers a bowel rupture"...sorry, but at that point, you're a fucking crazy bastard.

>> No.4348521
File: 41 KB, 600x536, steak (12).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much idiocy in this thread.

Post some fucking meat, you faggots.

>> No.4348541

That food is the same color as the tumors in your body.

Sickly fool.

>> No.4348542 [DELETED] 

>Trolls trolling trolls

>> No.4348544


Violent activists are the minority. The majority are out there handing out pamphlets, holding signs, or whatever to spread their word, just like the majority of environmentalists are peaceful and not out their blowing up the headquarters of gas companies.

Sadly the 1% of violent people somehow overshadows the 99% of peaceful ones due to sensationalism.

>> No.4348548

i don't think you've ever seen a tumor

>> No.4348568

I don't think you know what's happening in your diseased body.

>> No.4348616

I eat meat, and I think people like OP are just as fucking obnoxious as those self-righteous douche vegitarians.

>> No.4348620

>Can we have an anti-vegetarian thread?
Wasn't this supposed to be a board about food, and not about angsty conservatives promoting their pathological fear of different people?

>> No.4348782


Amen. There is no anti-meat thread. This is a board for food, not dogmas. If someone has a different diet than you, who gives a damn. Live your life, and let them live theirs, no need to feel threatened just because not everyone is the same as you.

>> No.4348805


>> No.4348825
File: 57 KB, 480x419, EB95E9EE80CE4C28A925D155DD32B126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>different opinion
>must be a conservative!!!

It's pretty clear, what group is really afraid of different people.

>> No.4349079
File: 72 KB, 509x604, Defensive Omnivore Bingo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As an omnivore myself, in my times on the internet I've seen far more militant meat-eaters than veg(etari)ans.

>declare their crap food choice like people should care
>start a thread about own food choice

>> No.4349081

Fuck the hell off /pol/ stay on your own godamn board.

>> No.4349089

Man, you made an angry thread that would be certain to rustle some angry vegans/vegetarians out of the woodwork to further prove your view.

Stop instigating like a child, Please stop shit posting. Being an asshole isn't diet exclusive.

Next time, I suggest making a real meat appreciation thread with the energy you put into masturbating while posting pictures of meat and being a bitter cry-baby, as you did so well here.

>> No.4349094
File: 122 KB, 497x283, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what fucking annoys me about vegans.
Why must they label themselves as vegans so publicly? Do they need to feel special so badly? I eat meat but I don't announce to the whole world that I do. It's almost as bad as hardcore religious people.

>> No.4349098

>Why must they label themselves as vegans so publicly

That *is* the point for some vegans. The vary reason why they are Vegan is so they can become a member of some kind of elite social club and look down on everybody else. They're basically saying, "I'm better than you because I don't eat meat".

>> No.4349104

Excuse us for wanting to meet like-minded people who don't believe in torturing animals for trivial conveniences? Of course you don't announce that you're a meat eater, because most people are meat eaters, and you wouldn't be proud of the fact anyway otherwise.

>> No.4349106

See what I fucking mean? It's like your own special little clubhouse.

>> No.4349109

>so they can become a member of some kind of elite social club and look down on everybody else.

no. we are open about our beliefs because we want to evolve as a people.

you could compare vegans to abolishionists who spoke out against slavery, or to germans who risked their lives to oppose the nazis.

>> No.4349110

That's what you tell yourself because you're insecure about your choices. You want a reason to look down on vegans so you pretend they're looking down on all meat eaters.

It couldn't POSSIBLY be that they change their diet for ethical or health reasons. Nope. They do it exclusively to make you feel bad about yourself.

Carnist logic.

>> No.4349112

You can join too if you don't want to feel excluded. :)

>> No.4349114

No thanks, I'd rather be associated with bronies.

>> No.4349117


No you can't. They actually had a moral high ground.

Vegetarian's moral/ethical argument is, and always has been, indefensible.

Veganism also isn't going to do anything to help people. Unless you count "weaken and impair them with shitty nutrition" to be a forward force for humanity.

>> No.4349121


>> No.4349124
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>> No.4349125

God, so tired of uneducated people making their ignorant opinions known.

Google 'factory farming'. Then look at this: http://www.sustainabletable.org/issues/povertyandhunger/

>> No.4349128

Pure propaganda.

>> No.4349129


I didn't say that ALL vegans acted like that. I said some of them do

No, that's what I believe because I have met vegans like that. Is that all vegans? Of course not. But for some of them? Certainly.

You guys need to work on your reading comprehension and pay attention when you see words like "some" as opposed to all.

>> No.4349131


God so tired of people posting propaganda sites instead of peer-reviewed papers

>> No.4349132

That sounds highly, highly, highly unlikely and I'm sure you're just imagining it.

People don't completely change their lifestyle just so they can feel like they're better than others. They might feel better than the people who ignore the issues as a result, but no, that's not why they go vegan in the first place.

>> No.4349134

These are well known facts...... Are you fucking kidding me? Prove one statement listed there that's false or else shut up.

>> No.4349139

Why would anyone care? It's not like a vegetarian would get mad just because someone posts a picture of meat. There's meat everywhere: On TV, in stores, at restaurants etc.

What made me giggle about this thread is how buttflustered some conservatives are about other people's choice of diet.

>> No.4349140


It's a well-known fact that those links mysteriously redirect to a completely different site.

>> No.4349142

im a vegetarian. i share a house with those who arent. i often cook meat properly for those who dont know how to. Id rather it be cooked properly and enjoyed rather than ruined and wasted, so long as i dont have to eat it. we arent all militant.

>> No.4349152

It's still Sustainable Table, they just changed the url. Same information I'm pretty sure, I just have old links.

>> No.4349153

Ever heard of the exception that proves the rule?

>> No.4349160

yes, but just because someone is a vegetarian doesnt mean they automatically scorn everyone who eats meat. that just means theyre an ass.

>> No.4349162

As if it's a desirable quality to be an apathetic vegetarian/vegan who doesn't care if other people torture animals for their convenience foods...

I feel like I'm in The Twilight Zone.

>> No.4349165
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I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!

>> No.4349166

Society is just a fucking joke. Everything is so backwards.

>> No.4349171

dat edgy angst
gradeschoolers get the day off today?

>> No.4349174
File: 46 KB, 430x480, tumblr_mjtnu4xsAl1raqgcro1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“You know when you see an adult hitting or berating a child, you feel compelled to step in and say something? You know when you see an aggressive man accosting a woman, you feel compelled to step in and say something? That’s how vegans feel when they see people using and eating animals.”

“To forgive and accept injustice is cowardice.”
— Gandhi

>> No.4349181

Gandhi was a faggot. Not as big a faggot as you, mind you, but a faggot nonetheless.
What's a tree hugging dirty hippy like you doing using the internet anyway?

>> No.4349189
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My experience: I've gone months without realizing someone I know is a vegetarian. The fact never comes up until you eat with them, and even then it's not a big deal. Vegans on the other hand....

Most of the vegans I know use their diet as a political statement. These are the PETA faggots. They basically make the claim that everyone needs to "convert" to a vegan diet or else they're all mindless evil slaves. They're very similar to religious extremists.
The other half are genuinely normal, good people with a vegan diet. They don't push it on you and let you do what you want.

>> No.4349190

Sorry, it's hard for me to take you seriously after you try to use the term 'faggot' as a legitimate insult.

>> No.4349192

I've actually never met a single vegan who followed PETA. Only vegans who absolutely hate PETA for making a joke of the cause.

>> No.4349193

That's exactly what a faggot would say

>> No.4349205

Veggies have their place: As garnish.

>> No.4349265

Did Not Watch X 4

>> No.4349268

Meat free DOES seem to coincide with God free.

Just another reason to ignore them.

>> No.4349371

Vegan here, and for health and environmental reasons.

Why do you meat-eaters get so defensive if someone doesn't eat animal products?

>> No.4349413
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>> No.4349418

because all you guys do is come in here
and complain about how alpha you are for not eating meat.
smh faggot

>> No.4349552

thats the entire reason i came to this thread

>> No.4349572
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>> No.4349584
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>> No.4349589
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>i am entitled

>> No.4349591

I've only started browsing /ck/ recently but I really thought it was a civil board. I'm disappointed.

>> No.4349592


being this entitled

>> No.4349594


>> No.4349595


everyone point and laugh

>> No.4349596

Tell your faggot vegan friends to stay away too.

>> No.4349601


I eat meat but everybody ITT are acting like retards.

>> No.4349604
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>> No.4349625
File: 33 KB, 500x287, tumblr_m1wj34JiIk1qzyrj5o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"My body will not be a tomb for other creatures." ~ Leonardo Da Vinci

My stomach is currently a tomb of bacon strips and eggs I had for breakfast, but I do think this message has a pretty good point. We should probably all take a page out of Popeye's book and eat our greens. SPINACH BE STEROIDS.

>> No.4349631

Vegetables are what my food eats.

>> No.4349633

says the fag who couldn't engineer himself out of a paperbag

>> No.4349648

Vegetables die too.
To only look at animals as living beings is sheer ignorance. We are part of a scientific food chain on this earth. We must eat other living things to live ourselves. Plants are alive. Animals are alive, Humans are alive, and we must all eat each other to keep our carbon-based bodies going. Living is killing, killing is eating, eating is living. You can choose what you're okay with killing and eating, but you're still going to have to kill something in order to live.

>> No.4349668

I eat meat but everybody ITT are retards.

>> No.4349670

Daily reminder that Leonardo DaVinci was a homosexual sperger that could only get it up to little boys.

>> No.4349811
File: 30 KB, 397x296, Earth_Vegetarian_Cafe_img.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I was able to do what they do in restaurants but in reverse.

That is, I'd love to go into one of these trendy vegan cafes and ask if they have a non-vegetarian option, or complain that there are no "carnetarian" or "omnivore" options on the menu.

I imagine they'd be a bit shittier to us than normal restaurants are to them when THEY ask for a veggie option.

>> No.4349817

Hitler was a vegetarian.
Goodwin's Law invoked. Happy now?

>> No.4349820

Garden? They don't exactly grow in there, they start dying in there, so it's what, intensive care? A mortuary?

>> No.4349821

Too much hassle. That why I stick to firebombing vegan shithouses.

>> No.4349827
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Which would you pick? :)

>> No.4350439

Are you fucking kidding me? You're the one who thinks they're entitled to torture animals for your trivial convenience foods. Fuck off, you spoiled little twit. The irony in that statement.... holy fuck.

>> No.4350441

I think most vegans are actually vegan because they're against the torture animals are put through in factory farms. So it annoys the fuck out of me when defensive meat eaters try to simplify the issues in order to pretend vegans are bleeding hearts.
And for the record, I'm not particularly sensitive to the death of anything. I'd stab you without a second thought if it were legal.

>> No.4350448


Holy fuck, I just dumped the biggest shit while reading your post. Fuck it smells like one of your soy assbugers, that's probably why vegans love the disgusting shit they call food so much. They all have a feces fetish, just want me to dump shit down your throat all night long, faggot.

>> No.4350462

Please, my food tastes way better than your animal carcass and mammary gland secretions. Your food is putrid; you've just been eating it all your life so you don't know any better.

>> No.4350481


I knew better when I was fucking this fag vegans girlfriend in his house when he was out working in a vegan only restaurant. I made her squeal worse than those pigs in those fake peta videos, and after i was done pounding her raw pussy animal style. we would order a meat lovers pizza and eat that shit over his vegan bed. I bet this is getting your little vegan dick hard and you desperately want someone to take a big dump down your throat. faggot.

>> No.4350482
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>> No.4350487
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>> No.4350490

Spring break.

>> No.4350494

I like food. All food.
I love meat. I love cheese. I love good vegan dishes, or vegetarian dishes.

The only thing that irks me about vegan/veggie food is the amount of effort you need to go through just to make it filling and tasty.

>> No.4350499

This thread is proof that being a vegan is like being a black person in America. This fucking injustice has to end, fuck all you.

>> No.4350507
File: 57 KB, 570x426, nf-burger2-570x426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't follow PETA, but I'm pretty sure none of their videos are fake.

Nothing has to be faked, everything is so fucked up as it is. Watch some of the undercover investigations done by The Humane Society of the United States or Mercy For Animals if you don't trust PETA.

And not all vegans know how to cook vegan food.

I ate this a while ago<

Best burger I've EVER had, ever. Vegan Oklahoma Bacon Cheeseburger from Native Foods. No animal carcass or mammary gland secretions - that would have completely ruined this burger.

>> No.4350519

But where's the meat?

>> No.4350521
File: 61 KB, 600x425, mmmyummy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the Heart Attack Grill in Las Vegas comes pic related.

>> No.4350524

Halal slaughter
>Razor sharp knife
>Sheep hanging by hind legs
>Entire throat cut
>Blood pressure drops and brain dies almost instantly
>Near painless death
Torture I think not.

>> No.4350535


Isn't it funny vegans are always trying to imitate food created by a meat loving culture. I bet you the majority of vegans secretly eat meat, they probably have wet dreams about cutting into a juicy steak every week.

>> No.4350536
File: 93 KB, 960x792, animals cant turn around 2.5 years in stalls who asked sow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was referring to where approximately 95% of animal products come from in the U.S. - factory farms. Standard practice would be considered torture if done to any other animal. I'm not talking about the death (though that's definitely not always "humane" either), I'm talking about the way the animals are raised.

>> No.4350547

I actually had a nightmare once that I accidentally ate meat. Horrible dream. I woke up with my heart racing.

I would never go back to eating the garbage I used to eat, god. My food is so much cleaner and more flavorful. Your food was always such a pain in the ass to try to make palatable. All the veins, gristle, connective tissue, blood, that film that covers a chicken breast, slime - fucking nasty. Never again.

>> No.4350548
File: 12 KB, 258x195, youknowyouwantit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look what I found on google.

On a slightly unrelated subject, am I the only one here who likes to make his burger patties 1/2 lb to 1lb?

>> No.4350552

Lordy, that does suck. I try not to buy from crappy factory farms like that, this is a nice place to get food from http://www.hollywoodlivestock.com/

or from places endorsed by

>> No.4350568
File: 63 KB, 600x408, 2254955109_a8f7a819c7_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Never thought of it this way, but you have a point. I cooked with a pig's head once. I had to buy razors, shave the hair off its ears...oh god, it was a nightmare turning a severed head into a meal. All the organs, blood, bone... not to mention the lifeless stare.

I'll take cooking tempeh over doing that again any day.

>> No.4350575

Last Christmas I stuffed a chicken with pork chorizo, then wrapped it in bacon. It was amazing.

>> No.4350585

Why didn't you just burn the hair off? And I hope you didn't throw away any of the offal or bones.

>> No.4350587

You started your life eating "mammary secretions", you waste of oxygen. And if your mother ate meat, your sad little body was developed and formed around the proteins and nutrients in meat.

>> No.4350600

I'm so sorry.

>> No.4350607

Mammary secretions from my own species. It's a bit different when you start drinking from the mammary glands of other animals, and you're not a baby anymore. My mother ate meat, I ate meat, also ate dairy which could be why I developed Hashimoto's disease. I would have loved to have been raised vegan. I would have been so much healthier.

>> No.4350614

>shaving hair
burn it, fool
That's food, idiot.
That's also food, idiot. Make sausage out of that shit.
Hello, soup base.

I think you're just a lazy fuck.

>> No.4350618

Check your first world privilege

>> No.4350623
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No you.

>> No.4350625
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This the anatomy of thrift. It is a video about using the meat of a big after it is butchered.

This is a video that details economizing the animal once it has been slaughtered: http://vimeo.com/39451071

and this one is on side butchery:

This is food, raised well and loved but food for us. You can choose not to eat it, but the animals are well treated and they are nutritious. Food usually comes from places where the animals are not treated humanely and the nutrition and flavor of the meat suffers. It is a shame. Thankfully, more and more people are eating meat responsibly. It is catching on that food factories like Tyson suck, more people are aware of that they have a choice, maybe one day it will be economical for folks to have access to food from smaller farms that are dedicated to raising animals responsibly. Thanks!

>> No.4350630
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Vegetarians don't bother me so much. Most of them will just tell you at mealtime, to which it's no big deal. Good vegetarian meals aren't hard to make anyway.

It's the vegans who have the real attitude problems. I actually don't care about what a person does/doesn't eat, as it isn't my business, but a shitty attitude will get under my skin real fast. I once had a vegan tell me that I was a child-murdering, slave-owning rapist because I ate meat. It was more funny than offensive, but even so.
At least the "derogatory" terms they come up with for omnivores are fucking hilarious. Unfortunately they don't use "bloodmouth" anymore because no one was actually offended by it, so they use "carnist" now (not as funny, but still completely inoffensive).

>> No.4350631
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>implying underdeveloped nations don't raise their own livestock
>implying they eat mostly vegetarian diets by choice
>implying you're not retarded

>> No.4350643
File: 36 KB, 772x294, definition of carnist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's probably because vegans are more likely to know the issues. Vegetarians are naive, that's why they don't care what you do.

As for the ridiculous vegans, I've met two of them, though I have met tons of vegans so that doesn't say much. I met them online, and I actually get the feeling they're paid by the meat industry to make vegans look bad. (They actually do things like this http://www.motherjones.com/environment/2013/03/david-martosko-daily-caller-humane-society-animal-rights-facebook.).)

>> No.4350651

This is a meat thread.
Stop talking about vegans.
Vegans aren't meat.

>> No.4350653

>Implying meat isn't a luxury for the wealthy
>Implying they don't send rice to the hungry because it's cheaper than meat
>Implying you don't have things handed to you on a silver platter in the U.S.

>> No.4350662
File: 50 KB, 500x388, 1298539001331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That image

Ahhh, Tumblr. Self-righteous armchair activists as far as the eye can see.

I had no idea that the meat industry did shit like that, that's pretty insane. But the sheer volume of batshit crazy vegans (especially on the internet) is way more than some viral meat market bullshit. A lot of them are completely legit, without realizing how ridiculous they sound.

Whenever I see the word "carnist" I immediately envision a church or religious building filled with people bowing down to a steak or something. It isn't even insulting, it's funny.

>> No.4350666

Nigger, I have 2 jobs and am looking for a 3rd.
Silver platter my ass.
But please, continue your vegan diet by choice that only exists because you live an industrialized nation.

But vegans ARE meat.

>> No.4350669
File: 574 KB, 500x281, tumblr_m8wu2oB3Hd1rp0bsa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's where the term originated from:

I find there are more batshit crazy meat eaters than vegans. I want to think they're trolling with all the stupid shit they say, but sadly I know better. Pic related.

>> No.4350675

Yeah, and I'll continue paying for your poor diet choices through my taxes. Yet I'm the entitled one. Fuck off. You don't hunt your meat, you don't pay the full price, and you're making future generations, the animals, and taxpayers like myself foot the bill.

>> No.4350685

You seem upset.
>paying for your poor diet choices through my taxes
I hope you're not implying that I'm out of shape, or that I don't pay taxes.

>the animals
Oh no! I hope they don't get upset!
Face it, the only reason cows and chickens aren't extinct is because we use them for food.

>> No.4350730

>Implying the first thing people in the third world do when they increase their wealth isn't to eat meat.

>> No.4350733
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Celebrating pay day with a basket full of charcuterie is low economic capital AND low cultural capital.

Have fun in your life of grinding poverty.

>> No.4350737

Is that why jamon iberico is $100/lb?

>> No.4350744

More like when people have more disposable income they will always increase their consumption of meat. It's been proven in every developing third world country, with the exception of Hindus. They want meat, and they don't give a fuck about your vegan babble.

>> No.4350749

>I find there are more batshit crazy meat eaters than vegans. I want to think they're trolling with all the stupid shit they say, but sadly I know better. Pic related.

Hell no, a couple celebrity vegans does not prove exception to the rule that most vegans are unhealthy and in it for false sense of identity. I have never met a vegan that didn't go completely bat shit insane when their needs were not catered for above everyone elses. It's a fact.

>> No.4350760

I've met tons of vegans... They're all extremely fit and energetic and healthy. And you don't know what you're talking about. You like to pretend there's something wrong with vegans because it makes you feel justified in your poor choices. That's all this is.

>> No.4350768


Typical vegan propaganda, of course there's a couple vegans who prove exception to the rule. But the majority of vegans are clearly unhealthy, weird, and all around pathetic people. They are more of a cult than normal human beings. There's a reason why everyone treats vegans like jehovah's witnesses. Just a bunch of rich kids looking for an easy way to "help" the world, without actually changing anything.

>> No.4350778

Every vegan I've met has either been fat or skinnyfat.

>> No.4350801

I know I'm late to this but holy shit that is the most disgraceful barbecue I've ever seen

>> No.4350802

I live in California, maybe vegans look different in places where people don't go outside and there's no sun. In fact, every vegan I've met has been fucking gorgeous... I'd like to post pictures to show them off but I think that would be invading their privacy.

>> No.4350813
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Also, a lot of vegans are vegan to cure diseases or other ailments, so you have to keep that in mind as well.

And if someone is just an ethical vegan, then they could be eating mac 'n' cheeze and cookies all day.

>> No.4350830


Why don't you post yourself, you're a healthy looking vegan right?

>> No.4350852

Well, that would invade my privacy. I'd prefer to not have a meme with my face on it floating around the internet.

I get compliments on my skin and body and stuff like that but I think I'm pretty average looking. I'm not vegan for my health, though going vegan did improve my health. I still eat a lot of stuff I shouldn't eat. Like, I have a gluten intolerance but gluten happens to be my favorite food, so I still eat that which causes inflammation, then I still eat sugar.

I also have had Hashimoto's all my life which causes some changes in physical appearance that are not very desirable. I always hated going to the doctor though since my mom used to drag me all the time so I just fairly recently got on medication for it.

That doesn't stop me from getting hit on by hot guys though so I guess I don't look too bad.

>> No.4350853

you can post a body without a face.

>> No.4350860

I could, but I don't see any reason to do that when there are sites like this: www.veganbodybuilding.com

And vegan girls online like this:

>> No.4350870
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If you're trying to convince me that vegans look good, you're doing a terrible job.

>> No.4350872


the only thing that bothers me about vegans is that i think they're stupid about honey. buying local honey is beneficial to the environment, and bees are an extremely important part of the ecosystem.

a lot of them go on and on about how they care about the environment, and supporting local beekeepers is extremely beneficial.

plus the whole "it's a product of animal labor" shit with honey is stupid, considering everything they eat is a product of bees pollinating plants.

>> No.4350875

Bitch ass nigga. Too skurred to post shit.

>> No.4350879

I never really got the honey thing myself. Not all vegans don't eat honey. I mean, I don't eat honey, but that's just because I don't have any reason to. Maybe I don't know enough about it, I'm not sure. I'd kind of hate to give my opinion on it when I haven't done any significant amount of research on the subject, but from what little I know it seems like a good idea to keep bees, because as you said they're essential.

>> No.4350881

What? She's gorgeous...

>> No.4350886

>plastered makeup
>no eyebrows
>dyed hair
Yeah, nah.
It's a shitty picture to begin with.
Find a better one, I cbf to figure out how tumblr works.

>> No.4350888


honey is fucking delicious... i don't eat sugar so it's all i use to sweeten things.

as for the bee thing, they're essential. i get not being ok with supermarket honey which lacks all of the health benefits of raw honey, and the bees are basically fed sugarwater and shit which makes them unhealthy...but if it's local and raw it's not only extremely good for you, but it's beneficial.

i'm a vegetarian though, being italian and vegan just doesn't work.

>> No.4350890

>weird piercing on her face

>> No.4350896


i tend to get other vegetarians mad though cuz i don't care about animal rights, and i don't care that people eat meat. i'm vegetarian because i find meat gross, and i figure if i can't touch something in order to cook it and get grossed out by eating it then i just shouldn't even bother.

but i don't think telling someone else to stop eating meat is ok, it's no different than someone who eats meat going on about how it's stupid to be vegetarian.

>> No.4350897


i like microdermals, especially by the eyes, but she isn't pretty...she's just dyed hair and make-up.

>> No.4350900
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>girls on tumblr
>not the biggest lying cunts in the world

ill bet you think she actually does everything she listed x3c

>> No.4350901

tumblr is the new MySpace.

>> No.4350903


i'm aware of the issues, i don't care what other people do because it isn't my business.

>> No.4350904
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It's a lot different. Their choices force animals to be tortured essentially their entire lives, while causing environmental destruction and increased risk of antibiotic resistant bacteria becoming the new plague, etc., etc.

Stop acting like it's a personal choice, it couldn't be any farther from a personal choice.

>> No.4350906


her stomach isn't in shape enough to be wearing something that exposes it.

>> No.4350909

Jesus fuck, I'm looking through her instashit, and every fucking picture of her body is obscured by some shitty effect.
Other than that, she just looks like some hipster "alternative" chick.
She's probably only vegan because it's different.
I'd comment on her body, but I can't fucking see it.

>> No.4350913

>Getting more angry about how we treat the soulless beats that we slaughter for food than about how poorly humans are treated around the world.

Never got the logic.

>> No.4350915

I've seen pictures of her body. Too lazy to look for them, but basically, she's perfect.

This is truly a trivial discussion though.

>> No.4350918
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>> No.4350920


i fucking hate vegans showing me pictures of dying animals like i eat them. i don't eat meat, so seriously those pictures just kinda make me think "god damn you're annoying"

the problem isn't that people eat meat, it's the practices in the meat industry that are the problem. stricter laws on food production is what would actually benefit everyone, there's nothing wrong with someone eating meat if that's what they choose. there's something wrong with the industries that frequently produce it, but the same could be said about not buying organic vegetables or companies like monsanto who are genetically engineering seeds and feeding people gmo crops.

it's all well and good to care, and recognise issues but demonizing people for the food they eat rather than the industries that supply them with that food is fucking stupid.

>> No.4350921

You'll have to excuse me if I doubt your judgment, since you obviously find this thing attractive.

>> No.4350929
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>static lunch

>> No.4350930

Coming from someone who doesn't actually do anything for humans...

Veganism or boycotting factory farming helps people in many, many ways.

>> No.4350932
File: 357 KB, 300x220, 55d.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont worry guys. If your jimmies get rustled by a vegetarian or vegan raging at you about eating meat...

>just remember
>that there is literally nothing they can do to change our eating habits
>there is nothing they can do to prevent animals being slaughtered for food around the world
>there is nothing they can do to prevent us from enjoying the charred flesh of said animals

>> No.4350933
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Anne Hathaway. Olivia Wilde. Jessica Chastain. Joaquin Phoenix, Bradd Pitt just to name a few. There are so many vegans and vegetarians in Hollywood who are considered sexy worldwide. Many stars even go veg when they need to lean out and buff up for a role, like Hugh Jackman did for Wolverine.

Though obviously whether you eat meat or not has absolutely nothing to do with what you look like.

>> No.4350936

I get what you're trying to say since I used to think the same way, but having been obsessed with the topic of food production and other related topics for several years now I don't even bother suggesting people buy their animal products from 'naturally raised' farms anymore. Veganism is the most realistic solution. I could write a book on why, but I'll leave it at that because I'm hungry and need to go eat.

>> No.4350937


eh i know for a fact that not eating meat is the a huge part of the reason i weigh 110 pounds and am not a landwhale. it's a lot easier to stuff your face like a monster when the food that you eat is low calorie.

>> No.4350939

Anyone just have the urge to eat a really rare or protected animal because it will piss someone off? I've always wanted to eat a penguin and turn its skin/fur/whatever into gloves. I also want to eat a dolphin.

>> No.4350944


it isn't a solution though it's essentially boycotting a problem. and like i said unless you are buying all organic or growing your food it's not like you aren't part of a totally different problem.

and it still comes down to a matter of personal choice, if someone wants to eat an animal that's entirely their business. and shoving pictures of tortured/dead animals in their face isn't going to make them change their mind, it's no different that pro-lifers shoving pictures of dead babies at everyone...that doesn't stop abortion, or change the fact that in some cases it makes sense. it's tasteless and stupid

>> No.4350946

>That doesn't stop me from getting hit on by hot guys though so I guess I don't look too bad.

Sure, but remember this isn't tumblr. Until, you prove yourself, we will all simply assume you have ugly pale, pockmarked skin, a hunched back, and very thin hair, not to mention an ugly horse face.

>> No.4350952

Vegetarians are okay.
Vegans are not.

>> No.4350957
File: 20 KB, 412x352, 1318267926808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can you tell if someone is a vegan?

>Don't worry, they'll make sure you know.

>> No.4350964
File: 23 KB, 400x573, tumblr_m9acavE1Us1r8sjgao1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, 'cause they'll respond to a post about them.


>> No.4350971

>implying the hoard of omnivores would be around them in the first place if he hadn't made it known that he was vegan.

>> No.4350975

around him*
I'm tired.

>> No.4351003

>The price of meat should reflect the environmental costs of producing it

>> No.4351025


Would be nice, but at least in America that will never happen. National Cattlemen's Association and other meat organizations make sure that the government continues to subsidize the industry.