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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4336186 No.4336186 [Reply] [Original]

Let's have a unpopular food opinion thread. I'll start:

>I hate chocolate
>I like my steak well done
>I like my burger made with lean meat

>> No.4336189
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I don't care for avocados, they just taste bland to me and have an awful texture.

Also, paprika straight up doesn't taste like anything to me.

>> No.4336192

> avocados
they taste creamy but they don't taste like anything to me. just feels like filler

>> No.4336194

I don't really like guacamole

>> No.4336196
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Potted meat and plain white bread makes a pretty decent sammich.
Mt. Dew is disgusting.
Ordering japanese food from online doesn't make you japanese. Also most of that shit tastes awful.
Bento boxes look gay as hell.
Tipping is for people who feel guilty enough to get suckered into it.

>> No.4336197

I find shrimp absolutely disgusting on so many levels

I had some Wendy's the other day.

I actually really enjoyed it.

>> No.4336198

>>I like my burger made with lean meat

I hate grinding my own cuts, so I always just buy the pre-packaged ground beef, which 99% of the time is lean.
So I don't necessarily prefer it with lean meat, its just what I'm used to.

adding my own: I legitimately enjoy ketchup on my steak. Hate A1 and stuff like that.

>> No.4336199

I thought /ck/ loved avocados...
Also, I don't like wine.

>> No.4336200

Well, this is an unpopular opinions thread.

>> No.4336201

>I legitimately enjoy ketchup on my steak

Holy shit I want to fight you

>> No.4336202

>Bento boxes look gay as hell.

Are there people that think otherwise?

>> No.4336203

>shit opinions thread

>> No.4336204

>the shittiest opinion of all

>> No.4336205

Ground turkey is a fine substitute for ground beef.
You can't even taste the difference when its done. Its all in your head.

>> No.4336207

>You can't even taste the difference when its done. Its all in your head.

That is a bold faced lie.

I agree it's a pretty decent substitute, though.

>> No.4336212

Italian food is overrated. Greek food is actually underrated.

>> No.4336217


come at me bro.
I'll be at Outback putting ketchup on my Medium Rare filets.

>> No.4336214


Greek Pizza > Italian Pizza

>> No.4336220

>this is what the greeks actually believe

>> No.4336226

I hate cheese on anything except pizza and nachos.
Five guys' fries suck
Straight milk is disgusting
I've never had nutella

>> No.4336229

I'm glad the twinkie is dead

>> No.4336230

Same here, fuck that thing. It'd always sound really good even though I knew it tasted like shit, buy one, be immediately disgusted, and then eventually fall right back into the same loop.

>> No.4336234

nah this is totally legitimate, sometimes I feel the same way on both accounts.

>> No.4336237

any boiled veggies ruin everything from texture to taste, and taste like vomit. and it burns or fuck the vitamins as well.

captcha : respect itselfai

>> No.4336248


are you me?

>> No.4336252
File: 15 KB, 450x211, mark-chesnutt_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bacon is fucking disgusting if eaten by itself. I only use it as a sort of salt and seasoning. A little bacon can really make a dish or sandwich more flavorful but goddamn, eating straight bacon is like eating a burnt piece of wood coated in salt. Bacon is to be used as a topping, condiment, and flavor enhancer. Eating bacon as an actual dish is like eating garlic or salt. It just sucks by itself.

>> No.4336253


I made Chicken Noodle Soup the other day, and my family got pissed because I took all the boiled veggies out and threw fresh ones in right before serving.

>> No.4336254


you're obviously overcooking your bacon, or getting some really shitty kinds if you feel that way.

>> No.4336258

you're doing it wrong. it's impossible to dislike properly cooked bacon.

>> No.4336263

>Not having your butcher grind you a cut of meat

>> No.4336266


>having a butcher

living in the suburbs has disadvantages.
my local supermarket only has their butcher on hand for a limited number of hours, and I'm never able to get there while hes scheduled.

>> No.4336276

Nothing wrong with a lean burger, as long as you don't overcook it.

>> No.4336295

i don't like bacon

>> No.4336300

I absolutely despise mayo and other sauces like ketchup and mustard

>> No.4336304

No thanks I don't like extremely salty and greasy processed meat. I rather much enjoy the actual pork belly

>> No.4336311

I can't stand avacados.

Only veggie i can stand cooked is broccoli

I hate baked potatoes, mashed potatoes or potato wedges

>> No.4336312

God hates you because avocados.
I kind of agree paprika taste like shit

>> No.4336319

There's nothing food wise that I wont eat when prepared/used well.

That said I generally dislike chocolate, fennel/anise and truffle oil. Seriously fuck truffle oil.

>> No.4336320

i dont like onion or leafy greens.

>> No.4336322

kraft mac and cheese sith hotdogs cut up and mixed in is really good comfort food

>> No.4336326

the outback steak restaurant. I'm done.

>> No.4336328

Can't stand sliced onions.

That being said, I can't stand tomatoes unless they're diced. Not sure why.

>> No.4336349

I don't like also, I am Kim Jong Und. My father invented the hamburger.

>> No.4336354

I fucking hate avocado. Still dont get why restaurants seem so intent on putting it in every fucking thing they sell.

>> No.4336358

I never understood the appeal either. Taste disgusting by itself. I have to add a little sugar to even make it edible.

>> No.4336361

I can't stand raw tomato
Cucumbers make me feel like I'm eating "cucumber melon" lotion
Mayonnaise is the most repulsive food in existence.

>> No.4336362
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You sir will be "removed" at the behest of this audience. I'll shank a motherfucker when it comes to avocados.

>> No.4336363

>I prefer shitty cuts like London Broil or Tritip
>I like ketchup a lot
>I see no point in eating shrimp unless it is battered and deep fried

>> No.4336377

Ok maybe went too far there. I love avocados. 1 love and their green and taste best with salt.

>> No.4336385

Avocados are great, but you have to admit that they've kind of become a fad and are sneaking their way into places where they don't belong. Also, the name "Del Pepper" is funnier than I think it should be.

>> No.4336387

london broil isn't a cut of meat. just saiyan.

>> No.4336390

I buy a cut called a London Broil.

>> No.4336393

That might be true. I love them. I was heart broken to find out that an avocado tree takes five years before it will start to produce. I took a remote control and up it, hah

>> No.4336402


i love chocolate


if i see any red or pink, its not done yet.

>> No.4336405


I LOVE avocados, i love the way they taste and i love the texture.

ever have chocolate pudding made OUT of avocados? SO GOOD

>> No.4336407


i donno why but i love bento boxes with the foodz

>> No.4336411


five guys seems too greasy

i love cheese

i love most kinds of milk

i had nutella and i loved it

>> No.4336414
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the remote control reference was stupid. I'll bet it's the last I make in my life. Nite ck

>> No.4336417

I hate cheese and I hate cake but I love cheesecake.

>> No.4336418

> I HATE any type of barbecue sauce. Don't know why, just tastes like rancid, chemically shit to me
> Don't like Avocado by itself. It's ok in other stuff like guacamole
> I dislike Cauliflower. It's like a gay, bland version of Broccoli
> I don't like turkey
> living in BC, Salmon is almost a staple food for me. But it is my humble opinion that preparing salmon any way other than smoked or raw like sashimi is a heinous crime. I don't like it at all cooked otherwise, and weep a little bit inside whenever someone ruins a delicious salmon by putting it in the oven or pan

Also, fuck white chocolate. Disgusting shit isn't even real chocolate, has 0% cacao content

>> No.4336424
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>Ground turkey is a fine substitute for ground beef.
Agreed, It's a nice alternitive once in a while.
>You can't even taste the difference when its done. Its all in your head.
Nothing wrong with ground turkey, but it doesn't taste like ground beef.
Not to mention the texture.

>> No.4336430

I can't stand anything tomato unless it's almost completely masked by other flavours

>> No.4336434

I've had both and yes, you can tell that it's not beef. Don't know what the other person was thinking.

>> No.4336439

I like white chocolate, even if it isn't real chocolate.

>> No.4336467

Hate parmesan , cheese on anything that isn't pizza , the taste of mustard seriously makes my face lock up in disgust same with pickles.

Hot dogs seriously have to be the lowest form of meat and the buns people always use suck.

And I can not understand at how anyone could like sushi.

>> No.4336473

you sir do not know what real italian food is

greek food is the fucking shit though, I could have gyros and baklava for the rest of my life

>> No.4336476

mmmm crunchy soup

>> No.4336488

you sound like your age is in the single digits.

>> No.4336492


Most of my opinions are unpopular.

I'm a poor, persecuted, poor tripfag.

>> No.4336534

I put mayonnaise on steak and rice. I eat my pasta with salad dressing.

>> No.4336537

I can't drink actual milk for the life of me but love dairy products.

>> No.4336543

I mix instant cup of soups with instant mac n cheese.
sweet glorious munchies!

>> No.4336547

I like leaner meat on burgers as well. It's a risk-reward thing; it's a lot easier to accidentally overcook when there's not much fat, but the payoff if done right is that you get a burger that tastes so goddamn "beefy" and steak-like it's unbelievable.

>> No.4336548

>velveeta is not at all that bad

>> No.4336560

I hate chocolate too, OP.

>> No.4336562

I don't like cherries or berries because they feel to 'acidic', I need to drink 2 glasses of water to get the acidic aftertaste out of my mouth.

>> No.4336589

I like American cheese. Has its own uses.
I like chocolate and ice cream, but hate chocolate ice cream.
Ketchup and eggs is fucking delicious.
Mcdonald's is better than most people's cooking.

>> No.4336595

>, eating straight bacon is like eating a burnt piece of wood coated in salt.
Uh... bacon is naturally moist and jucy unless you like it crispy and cook it more.

>> No.4336634

I like Mc Donalds chips and dipping them in a 30c soft serve cone. Oh god yes.
Maccy D's, Maccas, MD's, Hungry Donald's....what other nicknames do you use or have heard people use for Mc Donalds?

>> No.4336648

I enjoy my steak medium rare, but my burgers well done. I'm not sure if that's unpopular, though.

>> No.4336667

This. I like my bacon crispy to get the fat crunchy, but if you don't it's literally just a matter of frying it a minute less.

>> No.4336669

I wouldn't touch a burger cooked to the same colour gradation as a medium rare steak. Ground beef is considerably different to pan-searing a steak, you can leave it a little pink but anything more is asking for Happy Fun Bathroom Times for an afternoon.

>> No.4336719

in and out is tasteless, so is 5 gays

>> No.4336791
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Tea black is awful, if you're going to drink tea without milk and sweetener then at least make it green tea.

>> No.4336798

I really don't mind dry meat.

Dry chicken, turkey, fish, etc. Doesn't bother me at all.

>> No.4336800
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>not baking bacon

>> No.4336827

Fucking this!
I had truffles for the first time in Rome. Cost a fucking bomb smelt and tasted like shit! WTF? Why do people like them so much?

>> No.4336834


>> No.4336844

>Cost a fucking bomb smelt

Also, the vast majority of truffle oil isn't actually made from real truffles (as most people know). Real truffles are pretty interesting, I wouldn't say they are worth the cost to me but they are worth trying.

>> No.4336846

Good point. But still they taste like shit.

>> No.4336854

I didn't say it was a popular opinion, just mine. It was worth the cost to try something new I guess.

>> No.4336858

>not dousing your pomme frites with the nectar of Viking lords that is truffle oil

>> No.4336860

>It was worth the cost to try something new I guess.
That's how I felt about them too. I loved the smell of them, eating them was just a let down.

I wish they lasted a long time and I could keep a couple in a little box and just smell it every 15 minutes. It was an incredibly heady odor, I really liked it.

>> No.4336862

I hate ketchup, it tastes like shit and there's no case in which it's used as a condiment that bbq sauce isn't a much better alternative

>> No.4336869

I prefer ducks tears and calvados with my pomme frites.

>> No.4336874

With a side of jenkum?

>> No.4336881

Nope too close to the taste of truffles for me.

>> No.4336886

17 year old quirky girl detected

eat shit

>> No.4336887

>I wish they lasted a long time and I could keep a couple in a little box and just smell it every 15 minutes. It was an incredibly heady odor, I really liked it.

I do this with my farts and a turkey bag

>> No.4336890

>putting anything on a steak

ketchup and a1 are on the same level of terrible

>> No.4336893

Post tits

>> No.4336895
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>being this much of a faggot

>> No.4336896

I fucking love onions

>> No.4336899

>implying i'm being edgy

nobody likes a1 faggot

>> No.4336900

You should get into advertising. It's obvious your dialed in to what people like

>> No.4336905
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>ketchup and a1 are on the same level of terrible
A1 is a far superior partner for steak.

>> No.4336910

nobody with taste
>needing anything to go with a good steak

>> No.4336914

> enjoy ketchup on my steak

You monster!

>> No.4336919

I dislike bell peppers.
I also dislike salmon, and most fishes.

>> No.4336924

I prefer shakable Kraft Parmesan cheese to the real thing

>> No.4336927

>unpopular food opinion thread
>same old shitposts about sauce and steak
I'm all for shitposting but at least make it new/funny

>> No.4336930

You should get into advertising. It's obvious your dialed in to what people like

>> No.4336933


>I'm all for shitposting but at least make it new/funny

i've yet to see you post anything new or funny. shit jokes might be funny on /b/, but are just stupid here.

>> No.4336937

i cannot stomach cilantro, pears, or pineapple. their flavors make me violently nauseous.

i also refuse to eat cereal with milk. it gets all soggy and disgusting.

i prefer room-temp water.

>> No.4336940

I hate mayonnaise, pickles, and raw tomatoes. I'm okay with a little Miracle Whip.

Buying a sandwich is generally pretty difficulty.

>> No.4336942

I'm already in another field, but I appreciate the thought
It's not my fault you don't have a sense of humor

>> No.4336948

I eat peanut butter straight...

>> No.4336964

I mainline A1 while eating well done steak.

>> No.4336974

I love milk chocolate, hate dark/"real" chocolate.
I like my steak well done
I love ketchup on everything, especially my burger and on my pasta
I like butter in my rice
I love Mc Donalds fries and milkshakes
I like milk and sugar in my tea.

I think I am just about the complete opposite of some "connoisseurs" here.

>> No.4336982



>> No.4336992

because it's trendy

>> No.4336997

I can't eat cheese stronger than gouda. Cheeses stronger than that make me gag.

When I cook a frozen pizza, I like to put ketchup on it. Never on takeaway pizzas.

>> No.4337058


Agreed, except I am not a fan of chocolate, I eat it from time to time

>> No.4337074

>I love milk chocolate, hate dark
My nigger.

>> No.4337076

> mayonnaise and miracle whip are disgusting
> I'll take my salad without dressing, please
> I love hawaiian pizza with ham and pineapple
> I like steak done medium just as much as I like well done steak with ketchup, which is a lot.
> Pork is only good if it's in bacon or sausage form
> corn is a shit vegetable and should only be eaten on the cob anyways
> 95 percent of name brand food and its off brand relatives tastes like shit, including all keebler cookies and oreos
> fresh raspberries are disgusting
> strawberries, pineapple, citrus and grapes are too sugary

>> No.4337087

Chocolate chips ruin pancakes.

>> No.4337088

Yeah, I actually like those meats dry.

>> No.4337091

>i prefer room-temp water.

My nigga

>> No.4337094

> Pork is only good if it's in bacon or sausage form

Agreed 100%. How anyone can stand ham or pork chops is seriously beyond me.

>> No.4337096
File: 60 KB, 511x428, feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buying a sandwich is generally pretty difficulty.

That feel man.

>> No.4337118

I don't like vegetables in my food. Everything must be 'plain'.

>> No.4337214

I can't eat them unless they are made into guacamole.

>> No.4337298

Dont like shrimp, crab, lobster

Most fruit makes me feel ill after eating it (pears, apples, oranges)

sushi tastes terrible

i dont like wings

cold pizza tastes like shit

>> No.4337305

>Tipping is for people who feel guilty enough to get suckered into it.
You've never been outside of the US have you?

>> No.4337320


If paprika tastes like nothing to you, you buy shitty paprika. Paprika has a deep raisiny taste

>> No.4337333
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>shitty paprika

Is there any other kind?

>> No.4337350

I cant STAND honey. Raw or used as an ingredient, it makes me want to vomit.

>I think lemon and honey tea is the most disgusting thing

I also really hate caramel. Just in general.

>> No.4337382

Honey is disgusting, I agree.

>> No.4337386

>not liking honey

This is a thing?

>> No.4337391


Don't lump me in with you, I love truffles, I hate truffle OIL.


Can I ask what you don't like about it? I've just never heard that one before.

>> No.4337395

Fruit and chocolate do not fucking belong together and I hope the person who thought of it first is burning hard in hell.

>> No.4337398

>mixing fruit with non fruit sweets

Fuck those people, fuck em right in the ass.

>> No.4337405

I think grilled chicken tastes better than fried.
French fries + Ice Cream(Milk Shake) is the shit.
Mixing 2 different cereals is the only way I can eat cereal at all.
Pepper tastes good on everything.

>> No.4337420

Costco sometimes can get primal/subprimal cuts and butcher yourself. Just need lots of room

>> No.4337427

Stove top is always better than any home made stuffing.


>> No.4337428

>implying raspberry sauce mixed with hot fudge isn't delicious

>> No.4337429

Wut? You mean never been to the US where tipping is a majority of servers wages

>> No.4337436

...ranch is Satan's semen

>> No.4337437

ITT: http://www.theonion.com/articles/man-who-enjoys-thing-informed-he-is-wrong,7057/

>> No.4337438


>> No.4337440

>can't stand chocolate higher than 75% cacao
>hate ketchup
>I drink the leftover water from cans of tuna
>I've never ordered steak from a restaurant

>> No.4337461

>I like my burger made with lean meat
What's so wrong about that?

>> No.4337499


>Go to trendy pricey sandwich shop
>Look at menu
>avocado AND some kind of aioli on EVERY sandwich, even if the protein is already deep fried

It was just too much. The richness of everything just made it all into a gut bomb, and I was bloated and burpy for the next 8 hours. Why couldn't they just pick one or the other depending on the sandwich?

>> No.4337542

I prefer margerine over butter

>> No.4337621

I fucking hate pineapples and mangos
everybody in this country (Mexico) loves them

I love the soft flavor of white bread, white rice and simple tortillas

>> No.4337643


You're buying long pig then, idiot.

>> No.4337647

>Hate the taste and texture of Tomatoes in all forms
>I don't believe in condiments

>> No.4337653

you are cool

>> No.4337674

A1 sauce is better for drinking than it is for putting on meat.

>> No.4337676

Are you me?

>> No.4337718

Dr. Pepper and Sprite is disgusting
Carrots taste terrible no matter how they're prepared
Garlic and milk chocolate taste good together
I prefer white "chocolate"
Freshly ground pepper can go on anything
The smell of ranch makes me vomit and I don't associate people who eat it

>> No.4337723

I love vegan food

>> No.4337728

Lapsang Souchoung is awful; it tastes like burning tires.
Sugar in coffee is gross and makes it watery tasting.
I think crawfish tastes like mud and is disgusting and I'm from Louisiana.

>> No.4337729
File: 115 KB, 356x496, gun-girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vinegar on fries or fish sucks and smells like 10 different types of ass

>> No.4337735

I love cookies and milk *le faggot face*

>> No.4337739

>I had some Wendy's the other day.
>I actually really enjoyed it.
Last time I went to Wendy's it felt like I had rubbing alcohol in my mouth. Never again.

>> No.4337754
File: 6 KB, 225x224, bell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bell peppers taste awful and fuck up anything they touch.

>> No.4337758

Thisthisthis. The smell is just enough to make me retch.

>> No.4337763

>I hate ketchup, it tastes like shit and there's no case in which it's used as a condiment that bbq sauce isn't a much better alternative
I personally think mustard is a better alternative for hot dogs than bbq sause.

>> No.4337773

i only drink water

>> No.4337775

>vinegar on fries or fish sucks and smells like 10 different types of ass
Just making sure you are talking about malt, not white, right?

I ask because of a funny situation involving my dad and baked beans.

>> No.4337776

I can stand orange bell peppers if they have been stuffed with beef and stuff. But I do not like the other colors. Green is the worst.

>> No.4337777

The only way I can eat bell peppers is if they're raw. Cooked bell peppers are the fucking worst. Almost as bad as zucchini

>> No.4337786

Yes it is.

About which? Honey? I think it's waaay too sweet. And there's just a small tinge in it that just sets me off. Also the texture but I don't know how to explain that, the thickness is just icky.

>> No.4337788

>I drink the leftover water from cans of tuna


>> No.4337795
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>> No.4337816

you started out being my niggah but half way you went downhill to dumb

>> No.4337833

I hate eggs milk and cheese. I'm not lactose intolerant but the way they smell and taste makes me sick.

>> No.4337863
File: 325 KB, 1090x1545, Fit Diet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not an opinion, but when dieting (85% of the time) I don't eat:
>more than fructose equivalent of 2 bananas

And I eat a lot of salt. Just works.

>> No.4337988

>I hate baked potatoes, mashed potatoes or potato wedges


>> No.4338054
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>not only drinking water and milk, with the occasional tea

>> No.4338060

>I hate baked potatoes, mashed potatoes or potato wedges

Why are you even alive?

>> No.4338213

Thank you.

>> No.4338305

I like putting bananas on my pizza sometimes.

>> No.4338394

I prefer my steaks with as little marbling as passible, and as little cooking as possible

>> No.4338410


>> No.4338451

agreed. whenever someone on TV says "ooh, look at that marbling!" I'm just thinking "oh fuck no."

I want my meat to be meat. Not like 50% fat. If I wanted to eat bacon, I'd eat bacon.

>> No.4338464


>> No.4338468

I only desire this if I'm eating a rare steak, but when it's medium or medium-rare, I want something fattier. I don't like raw fat so a top sirloin cooked rare is pretty nice.

>> No.4338489

only had greek food at a few places in the danforth (toronto) but never liked anything I had.

italian food I have mixed feelings for, some good, some bad.

>> No.4338492

other than the first point, same.

>> No.4338496

> Eating bacon as an actual dish is like eating garlic or salt. It just sucks by itself.
surely no one is fat enough to eat bacon on it's own... right?

>> No.4338505

I like eating froze vegetables

>> No.4338510

I like beans in chili.

>> No.4338514

i find italian food really boring and not exciting at all. all my rage when people get excited over spaghetti with tomato sauce and i couldnt think of anything more suited for a night when i dont want to cook

>> No.4338515

I will never eat out on my own. Even after not having eaten for 36 hours, no matter if I see any restaurant or fast food joint, I will not eat there.

>> No.4338518

I have. It was blech, but I wouldn't put it past my recipe. Its pretty important to have very ripe avacados for that. Avacado margaritas are excellent.

>> No.4338521

No drive throughs or take aways?

>> No.4338524

not even a drive through? what do you do when you dont have access to a kitchen or companionship for extended periods of time?

>> No.4338530

under such circumstances I would end up having to make do.


>> No.4338532

I know the person eating alone in a restaurant is supposed to be a sad image. But there's something just as sad as someone who seems so uncomfortable with themselves that they can't stand to be alone.

>> No.4338536

Now that is sad. You need some help.

>> No.4338539

its not so much that, its more like, when I'm out and about, I never feel hungry and I'm never lazy enough to just buy food to eat at home when I can just [prepare some food myself.

I have nothing wrong about being alone, hell, i've even gone to the movies alone, even then I didn't end up eating anything or even sneaking my own food in

>> No.4338540
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>tfw sad no matter what

>> No.4338542

>hell, i've even gone to the movies alone

I'm pretty sure that's some where in my top 10 worst fears.

>> No.4338553

I pick the avocado out of sushi rolls

>> No.4338562

I hate hate hate rare meat. Aside from the fact that I genuinely hate the taste and texture, any red meat that isn't well done gives me hideous bloating and stomach cramps. That shit ain't easy to digest. Oh, and I went and spent a bit of time studying parasitology as well. Nasty stuff.

>> No.4338569

>I hate hate hate rare meat.
>hate hate hate

Daaaamn, son.

>> No.4338574

So you can't eat sashimi either right?

>> No.4338585

I just can't stand the texture, personally.

>> No.4338591


'fraid not. If meat of any kind isn't cooked, it shouldn't be eaten. But especially red meat. A ways back my brother invited me over for dinner. He likes his meat rare and keeps trying to convert me. And since his wife was there and she's the type that takes offense with just about anything, I couldn't do much other than eat what was put in front of me.

I paid for that for the next twenty four hours. My brother's a shit.

>> No.4338601

>the type that takes offense with just about anything

Fuck those people.

>> No.4338620

If you're the cook, you cook what the guest like to eat. And in your case, at least your reason is that it doesn't sit well with you and not that you didn't want to try it. Maybe you really should tell them that. Better to offend her once than sit through stomach cramps for hours on end.

>> No.4338661

>bacon looks, smells and tastes disgusting
> mixing salty and sweet is disgusting
>nuts should be eaten by themselves or not at all. In combination with anything they're disgusting
>shredded coconut has a horrible taste and texture
>alcohol doesn't taste good

>> No.4338737

>alcohol doesn't taste good
Homebrewed beer can taste like soda. I could drink it just for the flavor.

>> No.4338743
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>bacon looks, smells and tastes disgusting

>> No.4338745
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I don't particularly like beer.

>> No.4338747


You also love to have the back of your throat pounded.

>> No.4338749

Steak tastes much better when it is cooked well done.

>> No.4338756

>White Chocolate is god-tier
>Ketchup is the only dressing for hot dogs

>> No.4338782
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>white chocolate is the business
>black licorice is amazing
>hush puppies are terrible (why)
>herbal tea is ok
>peasant food is delicious
thats all i can think of

>> No.4338790

Muh feelings

>> No.4338791

>hush puppies are terrible (why)

Really? You people exist?

I mean, I get that in reality is should never be eaten, but purely as far as taste?

>> No.4338792

Hush puppies were pretty much invented when the guy making corn meal battered fried food ran out of ideas and tried to come up with a way to recycle all that wasted corn meal dredge. They're pretty functional and kinda great in the recycling context, but you wouldn't catch me intentionally ordering the motherfuckers either.

>> No.4338802

Theyre just boring as shit. Whats the point.

>> No.4338803

I don't get why people shit themselves over sriracha. It's really basic and dull.

>> No.4338814

Milk goes great with everything. Even steak, seafood, and spaghetti.

>> No.4338822

Hushpuppies are one of only two foods that are actually good with ketchup. The other is hash browns.

>> No.4339772

>Ketchup on hash browns
You are fucking vile.

>> No.4339776
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>I don't get why people have different tastes than me

>> No.4339860

I call it Dickey Ronald's

>> No.4340153

It doesn't taste basic to a lot of us. I don't think we'd be shitting ourselves over it, as you put it, if it did.

>> No.4340198

I like putting couscous in my burgers

>> No.4340257
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Shrimp is disgusting
Nutella is bad
I hate tomatoes on sammiches
I prefer westernized sushi to the real stuff
Everyone who orders coffee anything other than black or regular should be shot, or at least stick to ordering warm milk in a baby bottle

>> No.4340291

This, so much this. With lots of pepper.

>> No.4340400

>Shrimp is disgusting

My nigga

Fuck shrimp.

>> No.4340412

Listen "bro", I don't know if you are a troll, stupid, have defective tastebuds, or just plain racist but can you *please* go back to /b/ or where you dragged your knuckles from. It is obvious you have a serious issue and I don't get why you have to shitpost like that.

We get it, you are incredibly racist, only drink Pepsi, and are a 32 year old basement dwelling, chronic masturbating, shitposting neckbeard. That doesn't mean you have to shit on things that other people like just because you have ZERO fucking passion in life and can't stand to see people actually show any positive emotion or *gasp* excitement about something that doesn't involve Taco Bell or a new working Brazers password or something as fucking pedestrian and retarded like that.

I mean do you even like tea? Why post in this thread then? Oh, so you can try to "rustle my jimmies" and "umad" me because I found something that I gives me one fucking iota of pleasure in life. My life has been pretty fucking tough and I don't need this kind of shit on 4chan when I just come on to have civil discourse and not have to be insulted by some piece of shit like you.

So you know what it is like to have a schizophrenic older brother, bipolar mother, and clinically depressed younger brother while you yourself are manic depressive and weigh 320 lbs due to the medication and a complete lack of ambition and social anxiety due to your weight that creates this big negative feedback? Do you know what it is like to have your dad leave the family and settle in with his new perfect family and only stop by once every two weeks to give you some food and a carton of cigarettes so you don't spend your negligible income on more vices? I bet you don't because you just have the perfect fucking life even though you don't deserve it and worse of all you are a spoiled fucking oblivious prat that just fuck it you aren't worth it go back to /b/ faggot.

>> No.4340413

I hate tomatoes.

>> No.4340428


Is this copypasta?

>> No.4340432
File: 134 KB, 600x600, greasepear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck chocolate, fuck shellfish and fuck grease pears

>> No.4340433

Too soon and poor context man.

>> No.4340436
File: 48 KB, 586x546, GG0209_Mexican-Coke_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't stand mangos, it's something about the milky flavor and gooey texture.

I don't like any soda besides mexican coca-cola and dr. pepper, everything else is too sweet.

I don't like cheese on hamburgers.

>> No.4340438

srsly? at least wait a day or two

>> No.4340445

Damn, wish I had thought of that.

>> No.4340486

I literally -- yes, I am using literally correctly here -- gag when even looking at white rice.

I cannot stand the taste of any type of tea. Yes, I've tried it every single way possible, everything in it, nothing in it, etc, etc. I can't stand it.

Also not a fan of coffee though I can stand it and will drink it when coerced.

>> No.4340506

When I heard the news I was shocked, and went out and got some twinkies so I could see how they tasted, it was absolute shit, just a whole lotta cream.

And nothing of value was lost.

>> No.4340518

>Many American butchers will label a cut of meat "London broil". This is confusing as the term does not refer to a specific cut of meat, but a method of preparation and cookery. The cut of meat traditionally used is flank steak, but in recent years butchers have labeled top round steak/roast as London Broil.

>> No.4340532


i like you.

>> No.4340898

I literally want to kill you.

>> No.4340918
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>fresh raspberries are disgusting

You are a bad person.

>> No.4341243

Anyone who would order any meat is fucking crazy, I get that it's what tastes best to you, but your opinion is sucks, you're missing out and you deserve it.

>> No.4341283

Spaghetti is so meh. It's sticky pasty strips of tasteless shit
I fucking love miracle whip.I could eat spoonfuls of it by itself
Thick crust pizza is like eating hard cardboard
I enjoy my steak well done with mustard
I'll only eat fish if its sushi
I dont cook cans of beans, i eat them cold out of the can

>> No.4341318

I really think fusion cuisine is an abomination in many cases.

If it's similar enough, such as Thai-Vietnamese, I can stomach it.

I just think it's bad to go overboard with it, like Korean-Mexican. Who the fuck thought it would be a good idea to put kimchi in tacos?

>> No.4341352
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>> No.4341377 [DELETED] 


Check dem dubs + quads yo

>> No.4341389


can't tell if ultimate rustling or stale pasta

Anyway, truffle oil tastes like shit and morels are the fucking worst

>> No.4341404

> I fucking hate coke and any other soft drink.
> I like wedges better than fries.
> I hate mayonaise.
> I love tofu.
> Salt and vinegar chips are disgusting

>> No.4341461

>I'll only eat fish if its sushi

Too bad, since sushi isn't fish.

>> No.4341470

Absolutely hate celery in every form. I don't mind it too much when it's in hot creamy soup though.

>> No.4341483

I hate animal products.

>> No.4341486

Meat, dairy, eggs, all of it. Disgusting.

>> No.4341494

>>bacon looks, smells and tastes disgusting
I can imagine if you dislike it but I don't see how it looks disgusting.
>mixing salty and sweet is disgusting
I personally hate sweet and sour things
>nuts should be eaten by themselves or not at all. In combination with anything they're disgusting
Doesn't make sense at all, nuts in chocolate, deserts and ice-cream is delicious, but okay
>shredded coconut has a horrible taste and texture
used to hate coconut then i grew up and its delicious
>alcohol doesn't taste good
same as the coconut situation, beer and wine are both delicious

I just think you're a little underaged, or you're an adult that lives in a horrible world of picky eating habits.

>> No.4341498

I hate sausages, hotdogs are good even the produced one made out of all the shitty cuts of meat pork and chicken but i fucking hate regular sausages.

read: salami and chorizo and cold cuts do not apply

>> No.4341502

Any kind of raw fish is objectively disgusting.

Eating raw fish is savage.

>> No.4341507

>alcohol doesn't taste good
Much in the same way coffee or other bitter edibles and spicy foods do not taste good.
It is an acquired and refined taste.

>> No.4341538

Oh don't be so pedantic. So what if they should have said sashimi.

>> No.4341636
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How can...

Just how?

>> No.4341692

Strangely I agree with all of this. Potted meat really isn't too bad of a sandwich.

>> No.4342022


>> No.4342314

The cookie is the best part of an Oreo
jk, I'm not retarded

>> No.4342342

store mayo is the definition of disgusting

ketchup is gross b/c of HFCS

but mustard is the shit unless it's shitty ass honey mustard made with HFCS or mayo

seriously mustard is pretty much the least disgusting condiment since everything else needs sugar or oil

mustard is just vinegar, mustard seed, and spices (maybe some preservatives too)

>> No.4342399
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>store mayo is the definition of disgusting

no, no, and no. take your faggot hipster bullshit to /fa/.

/ck/ lives in the real world, child.

>> No.4342445

But I like Kewpie mayo.

>> No.4342532

>I fucking hate ketchup with a passion.

>> No.4342556


Me too.

We are forever freaks.

>> No.4342824

I never had a Twinkie.
I never had Nutella.
I don't like tomatoes.
I put ketchup in my mac'n'cheese.

>> No.4343270
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>> No.4343275

It's always weird to me how popular mustard is as a condiment considering the fact that it's actually good.

>> No.4343414

I hate mayonaise, mustard, and ketchup.

Bell peppers suck. I only like peppers that are spicy.

I hate raw onions and tomatos, but I like both cooked.

I can't do sour cream, although somehow I love french onion dip (almost entirely sour cream).

Any kind of bivalve seafood (clams, oysters, mussels, etc.) make be gag.

There's probably more but I'm ging to end it there.

>> No.4343571

I can't use ranch dressing anymore because I fucked it up for myself thinking adding vinegar might be a good idea. Every time I see ranch, I just... The horror...

>> No.4343584
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That's too bad. I love both ranch and vinegar, and could easily see me fucking both up by doing something similar.