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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 332 KB, 1378x1048, 2058479119_1362527811[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4343208 No.4343208 [Reply] [Original]

Just got my first job at McDonalds.

What am I in for /ck/?

>> No.4343210

> processed to hell food
> high sodium food
> high sugar drinks

Enjoy getting fat OP
- when I worked at Pizza hut, I gained 25 pounds after two years.

>> No.4343213

That's good. McDonalds peeps have their shit together so much more than other places. It may not be a great experience (I don't know, never worked there) but you're at least probably not a shithead. Good luck.

>> No.4343214
File: 37 KB, 500x346, 1326827058449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Mcdouble, a hot n' spicy chicken sandwich, small fry, large unsweetened tea, and a yogurt parfait.


>> No.4343221
File: 110 KB, 666x712, 1359908922188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really? Shit, I'm not eating anything from McDonalds.

>> No.4343242

sodium doesn't make you fat, its really only bad for you if you have other conditions, or consume a ridiculously large amount of it

>> No.4343250

That's what every new McDonald's employee says on their first week.

Then they realize that they get an employee discount, may have to take a lunch break if their hours are long enough to require it, and the closest place available with food just happens to be the very same McDonald's they work in.

>> No.4343269


>not packing a based lunch


>> No.4343278
File: 10 KB, 288x306, 1330753387696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Says the faggot who's parents couldn't afford Lunchables.

>> No.4343295

Hi, I'd like A BIG MAC VALUE MEAL, uh, can I get that with EXTRA TOMATO? Or, wait, does that come with tomato? Okay, never mind, just EXTRA TOMATO. (honey, what do you want?) Okay, and a PREMIUM CHICKEN CAESAR SALAD. (honey, what kind of dressing do you want? oh) And I want CAESAR DRESSING WITH THAT.

Hope you've got some decent patience, op. Oh, and congrats.

>> No.4343312

Fast food jobs are stressful, harder than you probably realize, and they will make you hate people.

>> No.4343322

combining the fun experience of working a busy line AND having to deal with hungry, irritable customers.

Youll hate people in a week. Just remember 1/20 people has some sort of mental illness.

>> No.4343326


As a McDonald's employee, it's ALL about who you work with.

Your job can be hell or paradise, and it's completely dependent on your coworkers (customers are always retarded).

>> No.4343333

Dont say porchmonkey, unless youre trying to take it back.

>> No.4343338

The managers piss me off more than the customers.

I don't think it's humanly possible to get food out as fast as they expect us to.

>> No.4343363
File: 1.21 MB, 236x177, fat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bring home some of those delicious leftovers for me, will you?

And fuck them if they don't allow anyone to take the leftovers they throw away!

>> No.4343367

I love that gif more than anything.

>> No.4343368

>based lunch
>thick cut peanut butter and mayo and butter sandwiches
>two cartons of whole milk
>some candy corn and jelly beans
>Corned Beef
>Waffle Fries, Mayo, and Ketchup

You'd be better off with the McDonalds, you disgusting blob of shit

>> No.4343431

how do you people get so mad?

>> No.4343455

I work at a McDonalds. People are right when they say your coworkers make or break the experience. Customers will suck a lot, coworkers can make it a fun time. Also, if you want to eat the free or discounted food stick with grilled chicken...the new wraps are great. That way you don't get fat.

>> No.4343480

Yep how well you for in with your co-workers will really determine how much fun you have.

The job itself isn't all that great - you'll be workin in the kitchen, cleaning bathrooms, taking out the trash, or the worst: working the register taking orders from mouth breathers and punks. But so is everyone else on your team so you guys can relate and make the most of it.

>> No.4343493

Fast food story incoming:

>Be 18, working at a Fast Food joint in Australia, first job
> Constant screaming manager-bitches
> constantly burning self
> we never, ever, ever, ever do a job considered good enough
> even when it was all the best people working as hard as possible
> desperately trying to multi task frying chips and broiling burgers
> coming home after a shift with hands that slowly begin to bleed from all the tiny cuts and stuff that weren't deep enough to bleed because my hands were so pruned out by all the washing up and constant hand washing
>minimum wage, literally more difficult than my current job as a radiographer.

>> No.4343499

There is a reason why fast food managers manage fast food and nothing else.

If you work at a fast food place for long enough to get more than one promotion, you need to seriously reevaluate your life.

>> No.4343502

OP, quit this job and never work fast food again. This is a message to all of you. Unless you work a midnight shift in a small, no name town, fast food is the worst job you can have. Worst managers, worst customers, worst pay.

If you must work a normal guy job, go work at Home Depot or Best Buy. Hell, any retailer will pay you better, net you more hours, and generally respect you more than any fast food joint would.

>> No.4343733

>eating processed shit food every day
Are you obese by chance?

>> No.4343749

Make sure you don't leave a bunch of stuff laying around when the delivery driver is trying to come in and make a delivery... I hate that stuff... have a little common courtesy

>> No.4343769
File: 44 KB, 400x315, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you ever work the drive thru, that's a great time to practice your accents and impersonations. Just try not to be racist
>uh herro taika oda pree
>wow das a bery big oda wow u mussa be reeeeery hungry

>> No.4343773

Dude, you're a delivery driver for Mcdonalds. What in your life makes you believe you deserve courtesy?

Quit that job, go to school, and follow your dreams. You're wasting your life.

>> No.4343774

1 in 20? You're optimistic. Just that many are autistic alone.

>> No.4343778



just eat when you get home


eat natural.
also my cousin worked there once and he got a raise.

when everyone asked him why he got a raise he said "because im black" couldnt stop laughing for such a long time

he isn't black, and we are not racist, thats why it was funny.

also wash your face when you get home, no TAKE A SHOWER

because that oil is in the air, acne will attack you like crazy so be careful.

>> No.4343788


>go to school
>follow dreams

pick one

>> No.4343963

m8 are you 16 or something

come on.

>> No.4343965

I can't see how school is mutually exclusive with any dream, but okay.

>> No.4343973


i just felt like pointing out that i think school is broken, and in fact can get in the way of peoples dreams and happiness rather than to help them achieve goals.

im sad about how strict and boring and punishing a place of learning is, and they only want to teach you things their way, and your way is never good enough, in fact they will punish anyone who thinks differently.

school is essentially nazi's trying to brainwash you.

no wonder i always look at school when i was really little and pictured it as jail

why couldn't it just be a place of learning, genuinely.

>> No.4343975


>> No.4343985

Buy a different pair of shoes 'just' for work. Whatever you wear WILL get covered in grease and fucked up over time.
Your skin will get extra oily, even if you don't work around the fryers. Its just the entire area in back.
Your work clothes with always smell like grease and fries, no matter how much you wash them. Permanently.
Your hands will get burnt, cut, froze, and covered in grease.
You'll be cleaning up after some nasty fucks. Especially when you clean the bathrooms.
..which you will.
The new guy always gets restroom duty.
You'll be the scapegoat for everyone else.
If something fucks up, its your fault.
All eyes are on you to do 'double' what is expected of you at first.

On the bright side-
Its great work experience for a 'first' job.
It teaches you the whole 'chain of command' thing. You'll probably have several bosses, and you'll be expected to take a lot of shit from them.
Just shrug it off.
Don't get angry. Don't talk back. Don't hang on your cellphone like the other little shits and whores that get hired in those places.

>> No.4343997

>school is essentially nazi's trying to brainwash you.

Can you sound more 12? I hink you should blame ;ore things about your own life results. I4m sure your dad and the fa;illy dogs ploted that failure of yours for year too, anf the internet jews knows you know and that's clearly why you can't get a good job and a functional brain.

>> No.4344013

Not the guy you are speaking to but I've been to so called internationally best school. Little difference from 'american school', we still work like fucking dogs and get all sorts of retarded propaganda that my schoolmates actually believe in.

>> No.4344015

and eating a regular mcdonald's meal. of course if you eat nothing else all day you should be alright. but let's face it, nobody who eats mcdonalds only eats once a day.

>> No.4344014

Could you give some examples?

>> No.4344018

add on...

School kills every bit of creativity in human beings, it almost turned me into a puppet. Many of my previous schoolmates are turned into mindless followers who believes in everything 'authorities' says. The only reason I scored well in school is that I pretended to agree with what the 'authorities' say on the exam papers. Glad I finished my education

Mind you, I am not a 12 year old, I am a full grown adult. Also, I don't understand why some 4channelers are against 12 year olds. Unless they ARE a 12 year old who is insecure with themselves

>> No.4344021

In social studies, general papers, literature and similiar subjects, they tell you to express your personal opinions. However, I mark you incorrect when you actually do so.

In mathematics, they teach interesting stuff that test your brain. However, if you do not follow their own ways of doing the questions, and you your own shorter method (which still gets you the answer), you get marked incorrect.

I can go on and on but I feel too lazy and hungry right now.

>> No.4344028

In social studies, literature and similar, you are expected to support your point of view with substantial arguments. If all you're basing it on is "I have the whole world figured out", you'll get marked incorrect (because they're rarely allowed to comment papers with "bullshit").

In mathematics, they teach you methods. If the problem says, "solve the problem *using the method we are currently working on*", then using another method is not the correct answer, even if the result is correct. If you have a differential equation and you have to solve it using integration by parts, and you solve it using Laplace transform, it wouldn't be the correct answer, even if the solution is faster and easier using the latter.

>> No.4344034

This. All high schoolers think they're philosophers.

>> No.4344035


And all high schoolers wonder why adults get annoyed when children post on the internet pretending to be adults and assume it must be because they "hate children" >>4344018

sage because non /ck/ conversation, and mcdonalds thread

>> No.4344050

While you are retarded and edgy as fuck, my personal experience with college was also a pretty shit one.

I've been a writer ever since I learned how to write. I spent one year in college, I never picked up a pen again. Can't even think of a single thing to write anymore. I just don't have the creativity or the inspiration anymore. There's a reason why liberal arts colleges exist.

>> No.4344054

Go to Lowe's.

Better work environment, almost undoubtedly a better starting wage, 10% employee discount, functional knowledge you can use for your own home, and you'll get super fit no matter what department you work. Even the cashier's arms are incredible.

>> No.4344056


lmao, you cant watch fries while you press patties? Shit nigga you'd of had no chance in the restaurant industry.

>> No.4344059

My friend does that all the time. Last time I drove through he was doing a British accent. It was spot on.
The best part is making up your bullshit past to any dumbass who asks

>> No.4344067


Honestly, my job as a waffle house server was ridiculously more stressful, depressing, and hectic than my current job as a PCT. that says a lot

>> No.4344098

reg meal with water/diet soda is only ~1000 calories if you get a bigmac, quaterpounder or some grilled chicken, so you have a good amount of calories leftover for breakfast and dinner/lunch

>> No.4344106

Most people don't pay attention to their calories at breakfast and dinner, though, so they'll end up eating 500+ calories each for breakfast and dinner and then having dessert on top.