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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 35 KB, 536x395, BLASPHEMY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4340483 No.4340483 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.4340497

That only applies to nasty shit, which is often the first thing people experience because high school / college kids with no taste or money get gross cheap crap for the sake of being cool and getting drunk.

That doesn't change the fact that there are actually genuinely enjoyable beers, wines and so on, though.

>> No.4340534

Actually, I hated beer the first time I tried it and it was decent stuff. After I tried 5-6 I suddenly started loving the same stuff I hated 2 weeks before.

>> No.4340535

4/10, guaranteed responses

>> No.4340579

There are just so many different styles and brews and whatnot that it's hard to not like beer. It can be just as hard to find a beer you actually like though. My gf will only drink sour beer. I'm not the biggest fan, but I enjoy having a beer with her so I'll buy some from time to time.

>> No.4340588

Same. But it's the same for pretty much anything you haven't eaten before. From coffee to broccoli to squid to strong aged cheese, most things you haven't had before take some time to adjust to the new taste.

>> No.4340734


You know, I could try to rationalize, but I'm afraid the comic is right.

>> No.4340803


You're such a vagina.

>> No.4340831

You can find cold medicine that tastes good too. Doesn't mean you should drink it.

>> No.4340881

OP pic is my life. I told my cousin who is really a smart, college graduated person, in her 50's, that I dont like beer. She told me the same as the OP 'When you drink more, you'll get used to it.'

I told her I didnt want to get used to it. Why would I want to spend all that money? Why would I want to get drunk that much and so often in order to get used to it? Why waste so much of my life? Why depend on a crutch like alcohol?

She never really gave me a straight answer as to why. MGD is okay, I prefer fancy brewery beers like Swedish Ales and coffee infused dark beers. But I drink for taste- NEVER to get drunk.

>> No.4340889

I should clarify, she wanted me to get used to the cheap shit which I find tastes like crackers soaked in dirty dishwater.

I'd rather pay more for a beer which i would enjoy the taste of, then buy 5x the beers for the same price just to get drunk.

>> No.4340921
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This comic is 100% correct.

I have no patience for alcoholics, social drinkers and associated filth.

Not Muslim or Mormon.

Picture related: Only Nazi sympathizers drink alcohol.

>> No.4340928

I only enjoy ciders. I've attempted to like beer, tried many different kinds, but it just doesn't appeal to me.

>> No.4340938

I'm astonished that people like you found out their way to a computer. Don't you a sheltered life to live on your basement?

>> No.4340940

What does disliking alcohol and alcoholics have to do with being sheltered?

>> No.4340948

It's your lack of reason and the way you rationalize your outlandish assumptions. What does being Nazi have to do with alcohol, you fucking tool.

>> No.4340956
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InB4 hur dur he was only pretending to be retarded by calling out someone saying they were pretending to be retarded.

The guy was joking with that last bit.

>> No.4340979

Penn Jillette and his wife both have never drank a single drink ever, and they are two of the most annoying people I have ever met in my life.

>> No.4340985

They wold be worse if they drank.

>> No.4340987
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>that image

>> No.4340996


It doesn't. It means you shouldn't be bitter towards all people who drinks just because your daddy drank too much and beat you in a drunken fury.

>> No.4341000

People who drink to get drunk are doing an objectively bad thing though.

>> No.4341013

If it made them any less uptight, pompous, deluded, and just generally up their own ass, it would help

The fact that they could no longer brag about being so fart-smellingly smug, it would

>> No.4341094

I'm not saying you should drink, but at least don't be a tea toddling faggot and pass judgement on those who choose to do so.

>> No.4341321


>objectively bad

This hurt my brain. Nothing is objectively bad. You can just disapprove of something, or atrribute "badness" to a collection of natural features of an object, an action, or a given state of affairs. Your disapproval has absolutely no meaning outside of your own mind. Others may sympathize and "agree", but their own disapproval is intrinsically different from yours as it is derived from the thinking of that specific person, not you.

>> No.4341328
File: 24 KB, 693x462, MIB-1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Nothing is objectively bad

Are you saying you support TERRORISM?

>> No.4341336


Terrorists are normally only labelled as such by their victims. An act of martyrdom on one side may be terrorism on the other. This leads to a moral conflict concerning the goodness or badness of the action.

And Plato established that if an objective good existed, everyone who was aware of it have no other choice but to act in accordance with it. As humans we propagate what we perceive as good. To be objectively good, it would have to be something humanity unanimously deemed to be worth pursuing.

>> No.4341339

The same could be said for coffee and tea.

But as long as the artist feels superior I guess his comic is successful.

>> No.4341348

Most people don't drink beer for the 'taste'.
Just sayin'.

>> No.4341349

>implying theres ever a point in anyones life when tea doesn't taste good

>> No.4341353
File: 66 KB, 550x412, 1341155807655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beer general thread.

Long time drinker here. I drink whatever is cheap and on hand at the moment.
I have no loyalty to any specific brand.
From Amber Bock to Zima, and everything in between.
I tend to favor dark ales and lagers.

The thing is, they 'all' taste like shit at first.
That 'creamy sweet' head of Sam Adams might as well be a mouthful of hops and liquid ass at first.
...but by the time you get to the second can, or bottle, or glass.. that shit starts tasting pretty good.

>> No.4341358

There are plenty of beers I would drink even if they were alcohol free. I love the taste of beer. Typically, it's women, kids and some young adults who think beer tastes bad.

>> No.4341360

ya, well its gets you drunk

>> No.4341364

I think thats part of the 'magic' of beer.
Suddenly, that bowl of pretzels and that plate of stuffed jalapenos starts tasting better than usual, and you need another to wash it down, and then you suddenly start tasting the 'beer' for what it is and it makes you chug it down even more.
The effect is amplified depending on how many friends you're surrounded by.

>> No.4341367

The first time I've visited /ck/ in the past two weeks and the very first thread I see is, "Ewww... beer tastes yucky. Where's my box of juicy juice?"

>> No.4341369

I've loved beer since my father let me taste a sip of cold heineken back when I was 5 or 6.

>> No.4341375
File: 76 KB, 500x566, tumblr_lbvyr5BeP91qekbt1o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your dad gives you your first sip of beer and you're like "Huh.. not bad.." and he looks at you like THATS MAH BOY!

>...and then later on you never touch beer ever again because you don't want to be an alcoholic like he was

>> No.4341379
File: 472 KB, 300x171, dancing mark.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always loved beer. Ever since my first sip.
Which, incidentally, was at age 5.
>be at family reunion
>all my older cousins (I was the baby of the family) make me their beer go-fer, sending me to fill their cups from the keg
>first time one cousin sends me, I think, I want to taste this stuff, and take a sip.
>every time they send me to fill their cups, I take a sip from it
>mfw my parents find me sleeping underneath the swings

>> No.4341385

So long as it is good beer, I enjoy the taste.
However I can't enjoy it if I keep drinking it, as it gets boring.

I only use white wine in cooking.
I can drink any but the worst reds until I get obscenely drunk, and this is usually the only way I do find myself in such a state.

Spirits differ. I can appreciate most brown spirits similarly to beer, I just like them less on the second shot.
Vodka tastes like ass.
I can keep drinking Gin.

Everyone is different when it comes to alcohol.

I know what OP is trying to get at though.
I feel really fucking weird because of it, but I can't get myself to enjoy drinking coffee.
Said feeling weird motivates me to drink it a fair bit when with others, but I still detest the taste.

>> No.4341390

You can say the same about vegetables and reading for recreation.


> implying that's how stockolm syndrome works

>> No.4341396

I've always liked vegetables. Apparently I eagerly dove into them when I was introduced.

>> No.4341393

>interpreting either in any negative light what-so-ever
silly people

>> No.4341426



>> No.4341425

>only bear i like is root bear
beer/alcohol have a have a strong bitter taste and cant fucking be enjoyed with any food, and most people drink it to be more loose, and for the buzz, forget about their problems

>> No.4341440


>> No.4341443

back when i turned 16 and i drank beer for the first time i hated it but i dunno, i still kept drinking it from time to time hoping that it will get better some day.
then i went to france with my class where the family we stayed at gave us hard cidre and i just totally loved that shit. this is pretty much the reason when i have up on trying to drink beer. it just does not taste good and you have to take a piss every 30 mins.
hard cidre is what became my kind of "beer". after that i was honest to people and just told them that i didnt like beer. no one gives a fuck anyway and it turned out that a lot of people i know simply dont like beer.

it was kinda childish of me because i thought that something was wrong with me because i didnt like beer.
anyway, since you can barely get any hard cidre where i live i started drinking pure vodka.
i dont think vodka tastes bad, at least it tastes a lot better than beer but all the people i know cant drink pure vodka, they always have to add orange juice.
pure vodka is nice though. you dont have to go to piss all the time, you get drunk pretty fast and i think it might be cheaper than getting drunk off beer

>> No.4341450

difference being though that coffee much like beer just tastes bitter.
tea has a great variety of flavors.
i personally prefer tea that tastes naturally sweet because i dont add sugar.
tea that tastes naturally sweet usually contains bigger amounts of licorice or rooibos.
this is completely different from a grean/black tea which i dont like because they are bitter as fuck.

you cant generalize with tea but you can with beer and coffee though.

>> No.4341451

then why drink it at all?
there are a lot of different alcohols that taste so much better.

>> No.4341459

my point is: i don't like beer but getting drunk every few weeks is nice as fuck.
i also make sure that i dont get hangovers when i am drinking.
i am getting drunk but never too much. had one hangover years ago, that shit was the fucking worst feeling i have ever had.
the trick is to drink, then wait a bit and get aware of how you feel. if you are too drunk, drink some water and some time until you are less drunk, then drink again, and so on.

generally if you are drinking alcohol, drinking water is a must.
alcohol, epsecially hard one, dries out your body. so keep drinking a bit of water in between.
also when i get home, before i go to bed i will drink a glass of water.
it just makes the next day so much less shitty.

>> No.4341536
File: 999 KB, 500x220, 1363700776137.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw drunk children

>> No.4341556

I've never drank beer. I don't understand how it can taste "good."

Is it sweet? Savory? Bland?

>> No.4341562

>and cant fucking be enjoyed with any food

yeah.... no

Brettljausn und Bier goes hand in hand
and generally alot of meaty, hearty dishes, work well with it.

>> No.4341563


hair of the dog that bit you
still the best remedy

>> No.4341610


>hair of the dog that bit you
>still the best remedy

no, you're thinking of the best way to become an alcoholic.

>> No.4341617

well, if you are a weak-willed faggot, sure.

I didn't say a whole bunch of hairs
I said a (one) hair.
a small beer after a night out with friends
a bit of rum in a tea

it is, the best remedy
better than gulping down aspirins like m&ms

>> No.4341622


yeah, keep telling yourself that you can drink yourself silly at night, then get up and have a drink first thing, and not become an alcoholic.

come back in 20 years and tell me how well that worked out for you.

the only known cure for a hangover is learning how to drink responsibly. it took me about 20 years to learn that.

>> No.4341638

it took you 20 years to learn that? shit, dude you must be a very slow learner.
get your head out of your ass.

I've been drinking alcohol regularly since I was 14 years old. 15 years ago. The only thing that changed, is that I drink a lot less and stopped chugging spirits.

yes, drinking responsibly is the best way for NOT getting a hangover
but hangovers will happen, evenings will be full of surprises and won't always go the way you planned
and if they always go as you planned, you got my condolences

>> No.4341642

I used to be indifferent to beer, the bitterness of it made me not like it, but I never found it disgusting.

How I love cold beers, they are delicious, and I've never drank with friends or experienced any of this "peer pressure" bullshit.

Also to all the people saying "why should I deal with hating it for a few times just to enjoy it?" The answer is in the question, so you can fucking enjoy it.

>> No.4341695
File: 10 KB, 384x288, fucking_casual.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>only bear i like is root bear
>mfw root bear

>> No.4341701

>Defending drunk drivers with semantics

>> No.4341713
File: 2.08 MB, 3264x2448, 20130325_153946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit son a beer thread

>> No.4341714

He isn't really doing that. Anon said drunk driving was, "objectively bad" and this is simply incorrect.

Drunk driving has been vilified because of the M.A.D.D. media blitz. Why not get upset about stupid being being allowed to own guns?

>> No.4341718
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my nigga

>> No.4341724

My absolute favourite beer is Kentucky Bourbon Barrel Ale.

>> No.4341729
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I also had a Westvleteren XII until a few days ago, but I couldn't help myself and drank it. The empty bottle was accidentally destroyed, but the beer was perfect. I mean really perfect, I could not find a single flaw in it.

>> No.4341751

you aren't allowed to take guns into bars for the same reason.
If i ran down the street waving a pistol and gibbering nonsense I'd get arrested and never be allowed to have a firearm.
If someone is driving erratically down the street they should be arrested and have their license revoked.
gun=be a responsible fucking adult
car=be a responsible fucking adult
alcohol=be a responsible fucking adult
cannabis=never heard of anyone fucking up with cannabis so idk

>> No.4341873
File: 9 KB, 429x410, 1362710120505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nazi image poster here. Thank you for getting it.

This is my first reply in this thread since the nazi image. Thank you for getting mad at someone else while I was away.

>> No.4341909

I've always disliked the taste of alcohol and always been very sensitive to it, too. As in, two beers or the equivalent and I vomit violently. Also, it makes my jaw hurt in a tingly way (especially true with wine). I still try to have one occasionally socially (literally just one). But, I either tell people the truth about how sensitive to it I am, or I just lie and say I am allergic if they seem especially demanding. But, really, I've never been pressured so much that I gave in.

>> No.4341926

TIL drunk driving = driving erratically

That's a relief.

>> No.4342033

I used to say the exact same thing as OP's comic before I started drinking. Then I loosened up and started going to the bar with friends. I kind of did force myself to get used to beer, but now I really love it and have no regrets. I will choose beer over hard liquor any day.

Same with wine, although I didn't force myself to keep trying it all the time. Wine just 'clicked' for me one day.

That's just not true at all, particularly with the craft beer explosion in recent years.

>> No.4342122

I like beer. just finished a plate of braised short ribs, sour karut, and oven roasted potatoes with two bottles of new castle brown ale. erp. God invented beer because He loves us and wants us to be happy.Wine is ok for toasts, ceremonies and cooking, or a glass of sherry or port with cheese, but I would rather have beer any day. If I drink wine I like merlot, but it's a matter of personal taste I guess. Drink what you want, or not all if you choose. Frankly, if I never had a glass of white wine again i would be ok with me. I'd rather have the worst piss water beer than a glass of any chardonnay.( well, maybe not Milwaukee finest or olde english 800, but it would be close.

>> No.4342318

I'm trying to get into alcohol because I can't have any other drugs in my line of work. I can't deal.

>> No.4343877
File: 536 KB, 600x606, ROOTBEAR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw rootbear

>> No.4343890

I can't seem to find a beer that I enjoy finishing. I've got a friend who really likes beer, so I've been trying a fairly wide variety as he keeps buying new stuff, but I'd pretty consistently rather sip on sambuca.

>> No.4343924 [DELETED] 

i can't seem to find a bear that i enjoy fishing. i've got a friend who really likes bear, so i've been trying a fairly wide variety as he keeps buying new fish, but i'd pretty consistently rather sip on some bear ca. ca.

(please don't take offense to this, its just a joke, peace ok)

>> No.4343955

Because if you didn't chug shitty beer to get super drunk when you were 16 until you eventually started to like it you're an autistic manchild.

>> No.4344420

no u