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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 171 KB, 766x694, the final countdown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4334260 No.4334260[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Posted below are all of the official entries for Round 2 of the /ck/ Challenge. Voting will be carried out in this thread. Please familiarize yourself with the voting guidelines if you haven't already. We will be taking votes until midnight of the 24th.


Voting follows an ‘Iron Chef’ style scoring system. This means that you, the people of /ck/, will judge each entry individually instead of deciding on what you feel is the “best” dish.

You can award a total of 20 points to every contestant, based on 4 categories (worth a maximum of 5 points each). You may award 0’s if you feel the contestant did not meet your expectations for a category. Feel free to go into detail when you are critiquing a dish.


Presentation: /5
Originality: /5
Appeal: /5
Challenge Goals: /5
Total: /20

Presentation: the appearance of items on the plate; plating skills.
Originality: Creativity in composing the dish
Appeal: How appetizing the food looks/whether or not the dish appeals to your personal taste as a voter. You should feel free to exercise your bias in this category—ex: if you hate ketchup, you are entitled to penalize a contestant for using it.
Challenge Goals: How closely the entry followed the challenge goal(s)

The distinction between Presentation and Appeal: If someone submits an artfully arranged but burnt steak as an entry, it may score high in Presentation but low in Appeal.

>> No.4334265
File: 709 KB, 2024x1520, 1363289250506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Alright first post I guess.

>Pan fried sea bass with a razor clam and onion cream sauce served with a side of fresh cumin and sundried tomato bread.

>1. Sweated onions off with garlic
>2. Blanched clams in white wine then drained
>Added together, added cream, parsley and seasoned
>3. Pan fried the bass
>4. Bread for accompaniment

>Couldnt be easier really

>> No.4334269
File: 877 KB, 721x4474, 1363290395998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tuna Noodle salad. First submission ever. itouch camera sucks. Anyway I hope I do this right. Heres the info graph.

>> No.4334272
File: 233 KB, 720x960, 1363290511211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and heres the "plating"

>> No.4334274
File: 503 KB, 1408x1056, 1363297404866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mostly just playing for fun, I probably won't last long. But regardless here it is. Salmon glazed in an asian style sauce. Garlic, ginger, chili, soy sauce, brown sugar, basil.

>> No.4334277
File: 2.49 MB, 4672x3104, 1363374426469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Here is an entrée of seared scallops on a bed of vermicelli noodles, served in the shell and drizzled with sauce made from the marinade. The appetizer is seared sesame crusted tuna steak marinaded in ginger, sesame oil and soy sauce and a side dish of steamed sugar snap peas and baby sweetcorn is included. For dessert, chestnuts candied in vanilla syrup because I forgot to buy after dinner mints and a glass of cloudy apple juice to wash it all down.

>> No.4334279
File: 2.72 MB, 4672x3104, 1363374595314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The tuna was one of the most perfect things I have ever eaten.

>> No.4334280
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>oh god I nearly forgot timestamp

>> No.4334282
File: 2.13 MB, 1553x1409, 1363375733642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon: Do you have pictures of the tuna cut open? I'm curious to see how it's cooked

>It's pink in the middle. I would have left it red but I'm not sure of the fish quality and I have a big day tomorrow so I can't risk it.

>> No.4334285
File: 328 KB, 1280x960, 1363384440925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Frenchfag here, my entry for this round, Risotto au safran et saint-jacques flambées(Saffron risotto and flambéed scallops)
>No timestamp on this image but I'd like to be judged on this image, I'll post a second one with timestamp and recipe after that.

>> No.4334287
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>> No.4334289
File: 1.47 MB, 2500x2500, 1363385209757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and recipe

MOD NOTE: there were two verticals posted; this is the correct, complete version.

>> No.4334290
File: 576 KB, 866x2906, 1363385957714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Here's my dish I hope you enjoy.
>It's my first time cooking fish and cod was the only thing available that wasn't frost bitten to death and didn't have a questionable smell at the counter.
>Hopefully my plating has improved as well.
>I'm unable to run down to another store and I'm limited in funds which has the ingredients I'd like which is why I put in the "preferred/alternates" in the infographic.

>> No.4334291
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>> No.4334293
File: 2.81 MB, 4288x3216, 1363394167823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lime butter baked Croaker with Papaya salad
mixed wild rice and pork gyoza.

>> No.4334295
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>> No.4334296
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>> No.4334297
File: 2.67 MB, 4288x3216, 1363394476081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The papaya salad does have dried shrimp.

>> No.4334299
File: 2.79 MB, 4288x3216, 1363394692893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pleating gyoza=lame

>> No.4334303
File: 690 KB, 1936x2592, 1363404757168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trying to redeem myself!
>Pecan crusted tilapia, remoulade sauce, roasted baby spinach and potatoes

>Will post a vertical in a sec

>> No.4334306
File: 755 KB, 253x1130, 1363404933589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Didnt always remember to take a picture, but this what I got.
>1. ingredients for sauce
>2. sauce
>3. pecan and bread crumb mixture
>4. same but added spices
>5. going in the oven
>6. spinach with oil and garlic powder ready for roasing

>> No.4334310
File: 248 KB, 1920x720, 1363460469821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So it is fish time... how a bout a trout?

>this time vertical to follow

>> No.4334314
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>> No.4334315
File: 1.37 MB, 1000x4312, 1363487262992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Second round submission:

>Shrimp Etouffee Ravioli. With a little crab thrown in for extra flavor. Each of these guys is a little flavor bomb.

>> No.4334319
File: 1.01 MB, 2448x2448, 1363509701899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tonight's dinner; lemon pepper baked salmon, baked Agria potato with sour cream and smoked paprika with a side of salsa.

>I couldn't for the life of me figure out GIMP to make a vertical so I apologise for that, instead I used some frame app and just compiled them all together with text

>> No.4334324
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>> No.4334330
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>> No.4334333
File: 1.32 MB, 2448x2448, 1363550106394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon: could you post a picture of the salmon cut open so we can see what it looks like on the inside?

>Here's a pic of inside, all the liquid you put in evaporates in the oven and its very tender basically melts in the mouth

>> No.4334338
File: 326 KB, 2592x1456, 1363561875754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For this round I made a Mexican influenced shrimp cocktail. The shrimp were sauted in chilies and lime juice, and placed around a glass filled with a tequila tuna ceviche mixed with a pineapple pico and topped with a swirl of avocado, and served with tortilla chips and a drink that should be a beer, but i have to go to work soon...

>> No.4334341
File: 402 KB, 1697x1201, 1363597101005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>was late for work, here you go close up on the ceviche, I ate the shrimp already

>> No.4334345
File: 110 KB, 640x384, 1363578393367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Here we go, /ck/. Fish entry:
>Grilled Swordfish with Achiote-Orange Sauce and Creamy Verde Sauce
>Corn Cakes
>Dungeness Crab Salpicon with Tortilla Chips and Lime
>Tequila shot and Jarritos Toronja

>Verticals, Timestamp shot and closeups to follow! Hope you guys like it, I had a lot of fun doing it!

>> No.4334348
File: 89 KB, 640x384, 1363578476895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Timestamp closeup

>> No.4334351
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>> No.4334352
File: 197 KB, 1244x881, 1363578704102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Achiote-Orange Sauce vertical.

>Btw, this sauce is excellent with chicken as well as fish, if anyone is interested in making it. It goes especially well with any grilled light meats, like chicken, fish or even a pork tenderloin. It's slightly spicy, but also sweet, with a fantastic orange flavor. You can easily make it even spicier if you like by adding more chilies.

>> No.4334356
File: 282 KB, 1260x1085, 1363578820053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Creamy Verde Sauce vertical.

>This sauce is one of my all time favorites. It's spicy (much more spicy than the achiote-orange sauce) and is just as delicious eaten with chips or tortillas as it is with fish, chicken or other meat. I put it on pretty much anything in a tortilla, lol. It's a snap to make.

>> No.4334361
File: 191 KB, 1260x608, 1363578991436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Crab Salpicon vertical.

>This is such a great crab salad, which can be used as an entree or an appetizer. I made it "fancy" by using a whole Dungeness along with some cracked crab meat, but you can use any type of crab for it. It's really refreshing, especially in the summer. You can add diced avocado directly to the salad as well, if you like, I just didn't because it looks cleaner with it on the side, instead.

>> No.4334366
File: 217 KB, 1260x940, 1363579108543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Corn Cake vertical.

>These are simple corn cakes, using masa, flour, corn, etc. Nothing fancy, but goes really well with the mild flavor of the fish, although I think they'd be equally good with grilled chicken or beef too.

>> No.4334369
File: 116 KB, 1256x1027, 1363579249609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Easy, peasy. That's one thing about fish, it really doesn't take much to make it great. A light marinade, and a quick grill, and it turned out moist, flavorful and delicious.
I really like the Achiote-Orange sauce with it. It complemented the flavor of the swordfish really well.

>> No.4334370
File: 136 KB, 640x384, 1363579535594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And one more just 'cause.
>I wish I could have gotten this done during the daylight, because I know that would have made for a brighter looking picture, but unfortunately, I'm not home during the daytime as much as I'd like. So, I just have to deal with crappy lighting. Anyway, hope you guys enjoy, I had fun, it was tasty, and I got to experiment with some stuff! Looking forward to next week!

>> No.4334372

Is it wrong to include the choice of crockery in my presentation scores?
I'm assuming it'd be fine when a bowl has been used where a plate would be nicer or the size of whatever the food is served on is ridiculous, but perhaps it's unfair to factor in the shape, colour/pattern, material, etc. when people don't want to buy better looking stuff.

>> No.4334375
File: 1.71 MB, 3264x2448, 1363638523012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey guys I'm back, I posted the poached egg with biscuits and gravy last round and I'm back with my fish. This took me a while to think about but I finally remembered an old recipe I showed my chef at an old job. What I have made today is a Sea Bass in an orange sherry sauce topped with a homemade Mango Salsa recipe that includes red and green bell pepper, mango, green onions, jalapeños, cilantro and a mix of spices that I keep on the DL. Feel free to rate and comment on what you think.

>> No.4334376
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>> No.4334378
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The inside

>> No.4334381
File: 1.98 MB, 2592x1936, 1363649901810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Here is my entry for the round. It is Scallop Ravioli, Mahi Mahi fillet and asparagus with a lemon bechamel.

>> No.4334383
File: 2.25 MB, 2592x1936, 1363650170346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>here is an inside pic, lighting isnt as great.
>The Ravioli is made with wonton wrappers to make it a bit more crunchy to match the fillet's crispy and flakey texture.

>> No.4334386
File: 286 KB, 800x1067, 1363663906426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Week Two Challenge Entry:

>Wild basa croquettes served with grilled asparagus and a fava leek sauce, garnished with lemons and crispy fried leeks.

>The croquettes are basa, potato, dill, paprika, salt and pepper and bit of corriander. The asparagus was grilled with garlic and butter and the lemons are for squeezing on the hot croquettes.

>The fava leek sauce was supposed to be smoother but my blender broke while I was pureeing it ;___; still tasted good though.

>> No.4334390

I'll be honest here, I think it's fair. And that's coming from someone who only has very plain and boring place settings right now because I'm still unpacking from moving into this condo. I already know mine is going to impact my score in round three, and I'm okay with that.

I gotta say though if someone manages an awesome dish on a plain plate, I would certainly give them some extra points for creativity. But that's all just my opinion. I guess, just do what feels right to you.

>> No.4334393
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>> No.4334396
File: 190 KB, 400x2132, 1363663994648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Progress. I didn't take many pictures this time because I was in a hurry; everything kind of happened at once while making this dish. Sorry guys; I'll do better next time for my vertical.

>> No.4334398
File: 1.05 MB, 1803x2507, 1363668436097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not much of a presentation guy, my apologies.

>Fish stew. Recipe to follow

>> No.4334404
File: 267 KB, 1296x808, 1363668561007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 to 2.5 lbs white fish, diced into 1 inch cubes, seasoned w/ salt, pepper, & garlic powder, set aside

>1 large onion diced
>1 large carrot, peeled & diced
>2 stalks celery, diced
>3 cloves garlic minced

>1 28 oz. can tomatoes, slightly drained, seasoned w/ salt, pepper
>pinch - 1 t. crushed red pepper flakes
>1/2 cup white wine
>t. vinegar of yo choice
>2 baking potatoes, peeled & diced

>3. saute ingredients in list 1 for 5 minutes in large dutch oven or stock pan over medium high heat until just soft, add 3 t. tomato paste (optional) and dash sugar, cook for 3 minutes

>4. add ingredients from list 2 and bring to boil, cook for 5 minutes

>5. add 3 cups water and 1 or 2 eight ounce bottles of clam juice (optional) and bring to boil, lower heat and simmer for 30 minutes

>6. lower heat so liquid barely simmers and add reserved fish; cook until cooked through, about 6 minutes

>Serve with capers and/or dices green olives, if desired.

>> No.4334407
File: 2.80 MB, 1205x1806, 1363707962968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being a Britbottle I was going for something that would be like eating fish, chips & mushy peas, but a little different. So I went for squid (one of my favourite sea foods) stuffed with a pea and Romero pepper risotto. Instead of chips, I had a go at making pommes soufflées, and they turned out ok. And I went for a pea purée instead of regular old mushy peas.

>The salad has fresh samphire for the salty taste. I made some balsamic pearls for the vinegar, and reduced the fish stock and added tomato and cream to get a tomato ketchup flavour.

>I will try to compile an infographic, but it will be loooong!

>> No.4334410
File: 487 KB, 800x600, 1363708039271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A close up of some of the soufflées and salad and balsamic pearls.

>> No.4334414
File: 599 KB, 500x1192, 1363717532602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon: That looks crazy good bro

>Thanks! :) Verticals dump incoming.

>> No.4334419
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>> No.4334422
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>> No.4334427
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>> No.4334434
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>> No.4334435
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>> No.4334439
File: 335 KB, 1280x960, 1363708119882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My entry. Not exactly what I had envisioned but there you go.

>Salt cod with pil pil sauce, garlic, chili rounds, piquillo peppers, pickled turnips and thrice cooked potatoes. You poach the salt cod in EVOO, then you separate the gelatin and some of the EVOO and you whisk until it forms a thick sauce. The potatoes were parboiled then fried in some of the poaching oil, then finished off in the oven.

>> No.4334441
File: 304 KB, 1280x960, 1363708446467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sorry, forgots to timestamp. Good thing I had left overs.

>> No.4334445
File: 448 KB, 1275x2904, 1363714267822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They were out of the start burst post-its, so I'll be using these speech bubbles one for my timestamps.

>That being said, I like my fish to be simple. So I made pan seared artic char with a beurre blanc sauce (with stock instead of wine) and honey glazed carrots.

>> No.4334452
File: 275 KB, 1608x1068, 1363749223093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A decadent taiwanese variation of a bread bowl stuffed with a lightly dressed baked salmon. The bread bowl, also known as a coffin lid, is a deep fried slice of Texas Toast. The salmon stuffing consists of a mayonaise based dressing flavored with lemon, green onions, parmesan cheese, and various other seasonings.

>> No.4334458
File: 2.45 MB, 1608x1068, 1363826895375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon: This looks really cool! It's a bit hard to see from this angle, though. Seeing the process in a vertical would really help.
>Thanks, here's another shot of it. I was planning to do a vertical, just haven't gotten around to it. I'll see if I can have one up by tomorrow.

Anon: >can't see any fish
>That was one of my concerns about the dish. The vertical should show the salmon in better detail.

>> No.4334460
File: 486 KB, 1536x1152, 1363833956905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mini fish burgers with hand cut chips. Hand made rolls with lettuce, red onion, beer battered Terakihi, and home made tartare sauce.

>> No.4334463
File: 786 KB, 2048x1536, 1363834548666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>log cabin made of fishdicks, tartar sauce snow covered roof and shoveled walkway (mayo, sweet relish, pepper, lemon and a touch of cayenne) and "hot deers"
>artistic trees in timestamp by request

>(note: i honestly planned to make a real submission this round but i was confused on end date and a prior commitment would not allow it. planned on doing shrimp scampi on fettuccine, boiled red potatoes and corn on the cob)

>> No.4334465
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>they were cooked perfectly

>> No.4334470
File: 480 KB, 905x1278, 1363844338400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I made a Pan Seared Monkfish served on a bed of penne, mussel and vegetable broth.

>I hope you guys like it. Vertical up. (1/3 pics)

>> No.4334473
File: 128 KB, 775x581, 1363844380373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2/3 - Timestamp up.

>> No.4334474
File: 125 KB, 776x581, 1363844413149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3/3 - Finished dish.

>> No.4334482
File: 2.38 MB, 1494x996, 1363845891488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Crawfish Po' Boy with Remoulade Sauce

>Decided to stick with my southern theme for this round. This is a crawfish po' boy, with remoulade sauce, red leaf lettuce, heirloom tomato and freshly baked New Orleans style French bread, served with a refreshing glass of lemonade. ^.^

>For those of you who are unfamiliar with a po' boy, it's a sandwich that hails from Louisiana, normally made with fried shrimp, but occasionally crab and crawfish as well. The remoulade sauce is essentially creole cocktail sauce, i've got all the ingredients listed in my infographic. And for those who don't know what crawfish is, it's like a baby freshwater lobster, and it's very yummy.

>Also, there is remoulade on the sandwich, I added the cup on the side so you all could see it, plus sometimes the crawfish pieces fall out of the sandwich and then you can dip those in the sauce.

>> No.4334483
File: 1.32 MB, 504x1588, 1363846071799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>here's my infographic, i was hoping someone has some advice on how i can make it more informative, or look better, or just better in general

>> No.4334486
File: 1.49 MB, 818x4846, 1363848350936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4334498
File: 1.20 MB, 2048x3622, 1363884283570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Okay... here's my entry. I'm the guy with seafood allergies. Sorry this is so damn blurry, I took ten pictures with my camera and they all looked fine on the viewfinder, but when I got home today from dealing with a family emergency and transferred them all to my computer, this was actually the best looking one.

>So, I give to you Jambalaya with Andouille Sausage, Chicken, and Tofu in place of shrimp with a glass of 2008 Castello di Bossi Corbaia. topped with a corn and black bean medley boiled in a spicy homemade cajun seasoning.

>Again, many apologies for the picture quality.. this is the best one. If I didn't have a family emergency shortly after cooking it, I would have checked the pictures and prepared a different dish.. but I'm out of time so I guess it's this or nothing! (Since my cumulative score is currently 0, I gotta get *something* on the board.)

>> No.4334504
File: 882 KB, 575x1021, 1363884687654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Many apologies for the absurd size of the image... posted the wrong one (meant to post this one, after de-noising and sharpening it and scaling the image down a bit.)

MOD NOTE: Meant to post this one only. Sorry... Can't delete posts because moot. :(

>> No.4334512
File: 1.40 MB, 2544x3272, 1363898899477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Last minute entry. Pan seared Tilapia w/ Crab Avocado Mango Salsa. Served with spruced up wild rice & white wine.

>> No.4334516
File: 2.38 MB, 3252x2448, 1363898948264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4334519
File: 1.85 MB, 1596x3700, 1363905447418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is the best I could come with very limited resources and time (I baked the bread this morning) and it turned into some serious drunk kitchen after a few bottles of a very potent porter. Anyway, it's always nice to get reminded why you spend that extra on fresh fish fish and seafood instead of buying it in the supermarket (half of the mussels were fucking D.O.A.).

>> No.4334527
File: 1.55 MB, 1338x2022, 1363547000429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rosemary garlic potatoes with kale and tilapia with a lemon and EVOO mixture poured on top.

MOD NOTE: You need a unique identifier (a prop or tripname) in order to compete. Please email hearts [heartsheartsck@gmail.com] about your entry if you want to continue competing.

Votes will be accepted for this entry.

>> No.4334534
File: 2.87 MB, 2000x3270, 1363911894772.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sup /ck/ here's my entry with final dish to follow, enjoy.

MOD NOTE: You need a unique identifier (a prop or tripname) in order to compete. Please email hearts [heartsheartsck@gmail.com] about your entry if you want to continue competing.

Votes will be accepted for this entry.

>> No.4334536
File: 890 KB, 2042x1536, 1363911947120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>time stamp

>> No.4334538
File: 830 KB, 2044x1536, 1363912132819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I give you lightly seared pompano topped by light butter and lemon grass sauce, with spicy crayfish rolls on a spring salad and an avocado herb dressing

>> No.4334546

These are all of the entries for Round 2. If you had an issue with your identifier, or if we accidentally left your dish out, please email hearts or contact us through the /ck/ Challenge blog.

Voting will take place until midnight of the 24th.

That's fine, within reason (ex: paper plates could warrant a mark-down). Use your best judgement.

>> No.4334560

You left mine out.
Roast salmon with beet vinaigrette, horseradish mashed potatoes, and grilled asparagus

>> No.4334598

Eep, sorry about that! That was oversight on my part.

>> No.4334602

I forgive you because you sex me up. Gimme some sugar.

>> No.4334616
File: 179 KB, 800x814, 1363802335712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A smoked salmon hen with a poached egg body and a basil hat, roosting in a rocket and toasted english muffin nest, with a "caviar" and lemon dressing.

MOD NOTE: Sorry, we missed a couple from the second thread because it got confusing. 4chan won't let you repost the same picture if another version is up on the board so we had to edit each one.

Couple more coming after this one.

>> No.4334625
File: 1.14 MB, 2258x2900, 1363814600574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I submit my Catfish Gumbo with andouille sausage.

>Unfortunately the presentation isn't as fancy as chicken-shaped salmon, but it was delicious.

>For those tallying scores, my last dish was my Orange-soaked banana sandwich.


>> No.4334629
File: 739 KB, 900x3081, 1363816706456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Steamed bass rolls with a side of veggies and green dip. Steaming is a great way to cook fish.

>> No.4334634
File: 1.64 MB, 1080x4850, 1363822817669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hi everyone!
>Here is my entry. After a somewhat disappointing presentation score last week, I put a bit more effort into it this week, and I think it paid off.

>> No.4334636
File: 1.30 MB, 3472x2332, 1363823091137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Here are some full res money shots. I hope you guys like them!

>A couple notes about the food. I was a little skeptical about the lemon juice horseradish mixture for the mashed potatoes, but it turned out spectacularly. The lemon juice and the horseradish added a complex deep flavor that paired wonderfully with the salmon and beets.
>I cooked the salmon medium rare, so it didn't flake apart as much as some of the other entries, but the flavor was exquisite. It tasted... buttery almost? Even though there was no oil or butter on the fish, it just melted in the mouth and had a terrific creamy mouthfeel. Probably the best salmon I've ever cooked.

>> No.4334639
File: 1.39 MB, 3480x2332, 1363823226456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4334645
File: 1.74 MB, 3664x2460, 1363823321428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And heres the last one, showing what flake there is, with beet juice soaking in. Hnnnnnnnng.

>I should cook more beets

>> No.4334647
File: 1.51 MB, 2448x3232, 1363825352503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4334652

^That should be all of them! Sorry about that. Not being able to delete threads/posts is getting really frustrating. Anyway, let me know if I missed any others (god forbid).

>> No.4334787

Presentation: 3/5
Originality: 3/5
Appeal: 3/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 14/20
very pleasing dish.
Presentation: 2/5
Originality: 1/5
Appeal: 1/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 9/20
I appreciate the vertical, and the resourcefulness. The dish doesn't meet my standards.
Presentation: 2/5
Originality: 2/5
Appeal: 3/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 12/20
Not very creative, but looks like it would taste good. The salmon doesn't look very seared.
Presentation: 3/5
Originality: 3/5
Appeal: 3/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 14/20
Lovely dish to look at
Presentation: 3/5
Originality: 3/5
Appeal: 3/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 14/20
Much effort went into this dish.
Presentation: 2/5
Originality: 4/5
Appeal: 3/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 14/20
plating is clean but bland,it's lacking, interesting pairing .
Presentation: 3/5
Originality: 4/5
Appeal: 3/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 15/20
a lot going on, looks good.
Presentation: 2/5
Originality: 2/5
Appeal: 3/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 12/20
boring, but well cooked.

>> No.4334833


Presentation: 2/5
Originality: 2/5
Appeal: 3/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 12/20

boring but the fish looks well cooked

Presentation: 2/5
Originality: 2/5
Appeal: 2/5
Challenge Goals: 4/5
Total: 10/20

I love crab but there's just too much going on here the plate is just messy.

Presentation: 3/5
Originality: 4/5
Appeal: 3/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 15/20

plate looks pretty good and well cooked but fruit and fish...really.

Presentation: 4/5
Originality: 4/5
Appeal: 4/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 17/20

nice dish well plated, I just wish I had more sauce on the side.

Presentation: 2/5
Originality: 2/5
Appeal: 3/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 12/20

It's pretty average and the noodles look overcooked and dry.

Presentation: 4/5
Originality: 4/5
Appeal: 5/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 18/20

nice flavors, good cooking but the plate looks a little cluttered.

>> No.4334933

Presentation: 2/5
Originality: 2/5
Appeal: 4/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 13/20
not inventive but looks like it would taste very good.
Presentation: 5/5
Originality: 4/5
Appeal: 4/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 18/20
Presentation: 3/5
Originality: 3/5
Appeal: 4/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 15/20
Your salmon looks well cooked.
Presentation: 2/5
Originality: 4/5
Appeal: 3/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 14/20
the shrimp looked overcooked, the ceviche looks unappetizing. sounds good though.
Presentation: 4/5
Originality: 4/5
Appeal: 4/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 17/20
Presentation: 3/5
Originality: 4/5
Appeal: 3/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 15/20
undisclosed proprietary spices are a turn off in a competition where you can't taste the food, but looks great otherwise.
Presentation: 3/5
Originality: 3/5
Appeal: 3/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 14/20
the ravioli looks like they were made from won ton skins, the sauce on the cutting board makes my skin crawl. A cross section of the fish and the ravioli would have helped here.
Presentation: 3/5
Originality: /5
Appeal: 3/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 15/20
looks good
Presentation: 2/5
Originality: 2/5
Appeal: 4/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 13/20
work on presentation, it is important. Dish looks like it was tasty, but really not that creative.

>> No.4334976

P:4 /5
O:3 /5
A:4 /5
C: 5/5
T: 16/20
O:2 /5
A:1 /5
C:4 /5
T: 11/20
O:3 /5
A: 3/5
C:5 /5
T:14 /20
P:4 /5
O:4 /5
A: 3/5
C: 5/5
T:16 /20
P: 4/5
O: 3/5
A: 4/5
C:2 /5
T:13 /20
P:3 /5
O:2 /5
A:2 /5
C:4 /5
T:11 /20
P:4 /5
O: 4/5
A: 3/5
C: 5/5
T:16 /20
P: 3/5
O:3 /5
A:2 /5
C:4 /5
T:12 /20
P:3 /5
O: 3/5
A:4 /5
C: 5/5
T: 15/20
P:5 /5
O:3 /5
A:4 /5
C:5 /5
T: 17/20
P:4 /5
O:2 /5
A: 3/5
C: 5/5
T:14 /20
P:4 /5
O:2 /5
A:2 /5
C: 5/5
T: 13/20
P:3 /5
O:3 /5
A:3 /5
C:5 /5
T: 14/20
more to come later

>> No.4335017

Presentation: 5/5
Originality: 4/5
Appeal:5 /5
Challenge Goals:5 /5
Total: 19/20

Presentation:1 /5 (but I do love the stuffed animals!)
Appeal:2 /5(I'm sorry I don't like tuna)
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total:9 /20

Presentation:2 /5
Originality:2 /5
Appeal:4 /5
Challenge Goals:5 /5
Total:13 /20 That salmon looks so yummy

Presentation: 4/5
Originality: 4/5
Appeal: 3/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 16/20 (those veggies just look sad)

Presentation: 4/5
Originality: 3/5
Appeal:5 /5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 17/20

Presentation: 3/5
Originality: 4/5
Appeal: 5/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total:17 /20 (I want to try this so bad!)

Presentation:3 /5
Originality: 3/5
Appeal: 3/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total:14 /20 (I think the papaya salad is a little out of place)

Presentation: 2/5
Originality: 2/5
Appeal: 5/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 14/20 (That fish looks perfectly crispy)

Presentation: 2/5
Originality: 2/5
Appeal: 3/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 12/20 (I think a light salad on the side would have been better than the potatoes)

Presentation:5 /5
Originality:5 /5
Appeal: 5/5
Challenge Goals:5 /5
Total: 20/20 (this looks absolutely amazing and I can't wait to make this)

Presentation: 2/5
Originality: 2/5
Appeal: 4/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total:13 /20 (that is an interesting looking salsa though)

Presentation: 4/5
Originality: 5/5
Appeal: 4/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 18/20

Presentation: 4/5
Originality:4 /5
Appeal:4 /5
Challenge Goals:5 /5
Total: 17/20 (It's a bit busy but everything looks delicious)

>> No.4335032

Presentation: 5/5
Originality: 5/5
Appeal: 4/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 19/20
Presentation: 2/5
Originality: 3/5
Appeal: 3/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 13/20
presentation needs work, well executed traditional dish.
Presentation: 3/5
Originality: 3/5
Appeal: 5/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 16/20
Simple, I like your style of cooking.
Presentation: 5/5
Originality: 3/5
Appeal: 2/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 15/20
cheese on salmon is not appealing to me, the bread is nice though. Looks like a thin Taiwanese coffin lid.
Presentation: 3/5
Originality: 3/5
Appeal: 5/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 16/20
omg I want this, what kind of fish? what kind of batter? I love it!
Presentation: 1/5
Originality: 1/5
Appeal: 1/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 08/20
I don't have any words...
Presentation: 3/5
Originality: 3/5
Appeal: 3/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 14/20
Keep it up! The monkfish looks great!
Presentation: 5/5
Originality: 2/5
Appeal: 5/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 17/20
Looks incredible. I love it.
Presentation: 3/5
Originality: 2/5
Appeal: 3/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 13/20
sounds great in theory, fun vertical. The final presentation could be better. DAT BREAD!
Presentation: 2/5
Originality: 3/5
Appeal: 2/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 12/20
I don't see corn and black beans working for me in jambalaya. I understand about the allergy, I don't care for tofu but under the circumstances I treated it as shrimp which would have been acceptable in this dish.
Presentation: 3/5
Originality: 2/5
Appeal: 3/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 13/20
fair dish, fish is cooked well but uneventful in presentation and creativity.

>> No.4335076

Presentation: 4/5
Originality: 3/5
Appeal: 3/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 15/20 (I think if the fruit was cut up a bit smaller it would be better)

Presentation: 3/5
Originality:3 /5
Appeal: 2/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 13/20 (Dish seems a little disjointed. I'd love for there to be some kind of sauce to bring it together).

Presentation: 3/5
Originality: 5/5
Appeal: 3/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 16/20 (plate is a little overloaded but very nice overall)

Presentation: 2/5
Originality: 3/5
Appeal: 5/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 15/20 (I'm craving this gumbo now)

Presentation: 5/5
Originality: 5/5
Appeal: 1/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 16/20 (I'm sorry, though the presentation is pretty, I really don't think it looks appetizing in the least).

Presentation: 2/5
Originality: 4/5
Appeal: 2/5
Challenge Goals:5 /5
Total: 13/20 (The dish is just very disjointed but I think the initial idea is great).

Presentation: 4/5
Originality:2 /5
Appeal: 3/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 14/20 (This fish looks wonderful but I would of liked to see the carrots elevated more or maybe something else included).

Presentation: 4/5
Originality:5 /5
Appeal: 5/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 19/20


Presentation: 4/5
Originality:1 /5
Appeal: 5/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 15/20

Presentation: 4/5 for making me laugh
Appeal: 2/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 12/20

Presentation: 4/5
Originality: 4/5
Appeal: 4/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 17/20 (I don't know how I feel about the penne but it looks delicious anyway)

Presentation: 5/5
Originality: 2/5
Appeal: 5/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 17/20 (I'm drooling)

Presentation: 5/5
Originality: 4/5
Appeal: 4/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 18/20 (This looks perfect for a cold day)

>> No.4335102

Presentation: 3/5
Originality: 2/5
Appeal: 2/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 13/20
not your best
Presentation: 2/5
Originality: 1/5
Appeal: 1/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 9/20
really mundane, not something I would want to eat.
Presentation: 2/5
Originality: 5/5
Appeal: 3/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 15/20
SO MUCH GOING ON! Pompano looks delicious though.
Presentation: 4/5
Originality: 2/5
Appeal: 4/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 15/20
Presentation: 1/5
Originality: 2/5
Appeal: 3/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 11/20
The presentation is lacking, the gumbo could be better. The fish looks beautiful.
Presentation: 2/5
Originality: 3/5
Appeal: 3/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 13/20
Steamed bass is not something I would want to eat, but you made it look like enticing enough to try try.
Presentation: 2/5
Originality: 4/5
Appeal: 3/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 14/20
The beets, as much as I love them, are really monopolizing the dish. I do not like a vinaigrette over mashed potatoes. The salmon looks like you cooked it very nicely.
Presentation: 3/5
Originality: 2/5
Appeal: 2/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Not sure what is happening here. I had to guess. Tuna cakes over wild rice and a stuffed baked tomato?


>> No.4335117

Presentation: 2/5 (I can't really tell, I'm sorry)
Originality: 2/5
Appeal: 2/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 11/20

Presentation: 5/5
Originality: 3/5
Appeal: 4/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 17/20 (That salsa makes it!)

Presentation: 4/5
Originality: 2/5
Appeal: 4/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 15/20

Presentation: 3/5
Originality: 4/5
Appeal: 4/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 16/20

Presentation: 5/5
Originality: 2/5
Appeal: 4/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 16/20 (so cute!)

Presentation: 4/5
Originality: 3/5
Appeal: 3/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 15/20

Presentation: 3/5
Originality: 4/5
Appeal: 2/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 14/20

Presentation: 4/5
Originality: 3/5
Appeal: 4/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 16/20

is there any info on what this one is?

>> No.4335364

This is some fucking El Bulli shit right here. Awesome.

>> No.4335397

P:3 O: 3 A: 3 C: 5 T:14
P: 1 O: 3 A: 4 C: 1 T:9
P:2 O: 3 A: 4 C: 3 T:11
P: 4 O: 3 A: 4 C: 5 T:16
P: 3 O: 4 A: 2 C: 5 T:14
P: 2 O: 4 A: 3 C: 3 T:12
P: 3 O: 4 A: 2 C: 4 T:13
P: 4 O: 2 A: 3 C: 3 T:12
P: 3 O: 3 A: 2 C: 4 T:12
P: 5 O: 5 A: 3 C: 4 T:17
P: 3 O: 3 A: 4 C: 3 T:13
P: 3 O: 5 A: 4 C: 5 T:17
P: 3 O: 3 A: 3 C: 3 T:12
P: 4 O: 5 A: 3 C: 5 T:17
P: 4 O: 5 A: 4 C: 4 T:17
P: 2 O: 4 A: 4 C: 3 T:13
P: 5 O: 5 A: 1 C: 5 T: 16
I hate squid...
P: 2 O: 2 A: 3 C: 3 T: 10
P: 3 O: 3 A: 4 C: 3 T: 13
P: 3 O: 5 A: 3 C: 2 T: 13
P: 5 O: 5 A: 4 C: 3 T: 17
P: 3 O: 1 A:4 C: 1 T: 9
P: 4 O: 4 A: 3 C: 5 T:16
P: 5 O: 3 A: 5 C: 3 T: 16
The only 5 im giving for appeal, po'boys rock
P: 3 O: 3 A: 4 C: 3 T: 13
P: 2 O: 3 A: 3 C: 3 T:11
P: 4 O: 3 A: 3 C: 5 T: 15
P: 4 O: 3 A: 4 C: 3 T:14
P: 3 O: 3 A: 2 C: 3 T:11
P: 4 O: 3 A: 2 C: 5 T:14
P: 5 O: 3 A: 4 C:3 T: 15
P: 3 O: 3 A: 4 C: 3 T: 13
P: 5 O: 4 A: 3 C: 3 T: 15
P: 2 O: 4 A: 2 C: 3 T: 11
P: 3 O: 3 A: 2 C: 2 T:10

>> No.4335428

I've done that with soy sauce before, it's not hard at all.

>> No.4336038

Thanks for the voting, guys. There's quite a few dishes I feel quite strongly about but I'm going to refrain from voting as I don't want my own bias for my own dish to affect what I think of other people's dish scores.

>> No.4336174

Presentation:1 /5
Originality: 3/5
Appeal: 2/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 11/20
>there are three individual dishes here. No continuity at all. Choose one dish and make it amazing, instead of presenting three average looking dishes.

Presentation: 2/5
Originality: 4/5
Appeal: 1/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 12/20
>same as above. Except this one looks nicer.

Presentation: 4/5
Originality: 4/5
Appeal: 0/5
Challenge Goals: 2/5
Total: 10/20
>It's cute, it's original, but it's not a dish. You didn't actually cook any fish either.

Presentation: 1/5
Originality: 2/5
Appeal: 2/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 10/20
>I'm sorry, but this is highly unappetizing. Beats and salmon sounds good in theory, but there has to be a better way to combine the two.

Presentation: 4/5
Originality: 2/5
Appeal: 2/5
Challenge Goals: 3/5
Total: 11/20
>that giant leaf of lettuce is just horrible. If you would've shredded it and put it on the sandwich, your score would be higher.

And now my favorite:
Presentation: 4/5
Originality: 2/5
Appeal: 5/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 16/20
>there is nothing I love more than a simplistic meal executed perfectly. And that's exactly what you did. This is the single most appetizing fish in the thread. Great job.

>> No.4336280

Presentation: 4/5, loled a bit
Originality: 3/5
Appeal: 3/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 15/20

>> No.4336303

I know I didnt make the greatest dish but i think if you vote for 1, 3, or 5 dishes. you should have to vote for all or your vote doesnt count. I dont care if i get 9/20, 11/20 and 10/20. i dont think its fair you get to only vote for 1/6th of the dishes of your choice. I know im not gunna get high scores but id rather hear every ones opinions. if you dont have enough time to take a look at everyones submission, you dont have enough time to be a judge.

>> No.4336587

P: 2/5 O: 3/5 A: 2/5 CG: 5/5 T: 13/20
P: 1/5 O: 1/5 A: 2/5 CG: 5/5 T: 9/20
P: 3/5 O: 2/5 A: 2/5 C: 5/5 T: 12/20
P: 3/5 O: 3/5 A: 3/5 CG: 5/5 T: 14/20
P: 1/5 O: 3/5 A: 1/5 CG: 5/5 T: 10/20
P: 2/5 O: 4/5 A: 3/5 CG: 5/5 T: 14/20
P: 2/5 O: 3/5 A: 2/5 CG: 5/5 T: 12/20
P: 1/5 O: 3/5 A: 3/5 CG: 5/5 T: 12/20
P: 3/5 O: 1/5 A: 3/5 CG: 5/5 T: 12/20
P: 2/5 O: 3/5 A: 2/5 CG: 5/5 T: 12/20
P: 1/5 O: 2/5 A: 2/5 CG: 5/5 T: 11/20
P: 1/5 O: 3/5 A: 2/5 CG: 5/5 T: 11/20
P: 2/5 O: 3/5 A: 3/5 CG: 5/5 T: 13/20
P: 2/5 O: 3/5 A: 2/5 CG: 5/5 T: 12/20
P: 1/5 O: 3/5 A: 2/5 CG: 5/5 T: 11/20
P: 2/5 O: 3/5 A: 2/5 CG: 5/5 T: 12/20
P: 1/5 O: 2/5 A: 3/5 CG: 5/5 T: 11/20
P: 4/5 O: 4/5 A: 3/5 CG: 5/5 T: 17/20
P: 0/5 O: 3/5 A: 3/5 CG: 5/5 T: 11/20
P: 3/5 O: 3/5 A: 2/5 CG: 5/5 T: 13/20
P: 3/5 O: 2/5 A: 4/5 CG: 5/5 T: 14/20
P: 3/5 O: 1/5 A: 3/5 CG: 5/5 T: 12/20
P: 1/5 O: 1/5 A: 1/5 CG: 5/5 T: 8/20
P: 1/5 O: 2/5 A: 2/5 CG: 5/5 T: 10/20
P: 2/5 O: 1/5 A: 3/5 CG: 5/5 T: 11/20
P: 1/5 O: 3/5 A: 2/5 CG: 5/5 T: 11/20
P: 1/5 O: 2/5 A: 2/5 CG: 5/5 T: 10/20
P: 2/5 O: 2/5 A: 2/5 CG: 5/5 T: 11/20
P: 2/5 O: 1/5 A: 3/5 CG: 5/5 T: 11/20
P: 2/5 O: 1/5 A: 2/5 CG: 5/5 T: 10/20
P: 1/5 O: 2/5 A: 2/5 CG: 5/5 T: 10/20
P: 3/5 O: 3/5 A: 1/5 CG: 5/5 T: 12/20
P: 1/5 O: 1/5 A: 2/5 CG: 5/5 T: 9/20
P: 1/5 O: 2/5 A: 1/5 CG: 5/5 T: 9/20
P: 1/5 O: 2/5 A: 1/5 CG: 5/5 T: 9/20
P: 1/5 O: 1/5 A: 1/5 CG: 5/5 T: 8/20

>> No.4336608

>>same as above. Except this one looks nicer.
read the green text, it explains the continuity between them. fish + potato + sald is usually one dish.

>> No.4336625

P:2 O: 3 A: 2 C: 5 T:12
P: 2 O: 3 A: 4 C: 1 T:10
P:2 O: 3 A: 3 C: 3 T:10
P: 4 O: 3 A: 4 C: 5 T:16
P: 3 O: 4 A: 2 C: 5 T:14
P: 2 O: 4 A: 3 C: 3 T:12
P: 3 O: 4 A: 2 C: 4 T:13
P: 4 O: 2 A: 3 C: 3 T:12
P: 3 O: 3 A: 2 C: 4 T:12
P: 5 O: 5 A: 3 C: 4 T:17
P: 3 O: 3 A: 4 C: 3 T:13
P: 3 O: 5 A: 4 C: 5 T:17
P: 3 O: 3 A: 3 C: 3 T:12
P: 4 O: 5 A: 3 C: 5 T:17
P: 4 O: 4 A: 4 C: 4 T:16
P: 2 O: 4 A: 4 C: 3 T:13
P: 5 O: 3 A: 1 C: 5 T: 14
P: 2 O: 2 A: 3 C: 3 T: 10
P: 3 O: 3 A: 4 C: 3 T: 13
P: 3 O: 5 A: 3 C: 2 T: 13
P: 5 O: 2 A: 4 C: 3 T: 14
P: 3 O: 1 A:4 C: 1 T: 9
P: 3 O: 3 A: 3 C: 5 T:14
P: 3 O: 3 A: 5 C: 3 T: 14
P: 3 O: 3 A: 4 C: 3 T: 13
P: 2 O: 3 A: 3 C: 3 T:11
P: 4 O: 3 A: 3 C: 5 T: 15
P: 4 O: 3 A: 4 C: 3 T:14
P: 3 O: 3 A: 2 C: 3 T:11
P: 4 O: 4 A: 4 C: 5 T:17
P: 3 O: 3 A: 4 C:3 T: 13
P: 3 O: 3 A: 4 C: 3 T: 13
P: 5 O: 4 A: 3 C: 3 T: 15
P: 2 O: 4 A: 2 C: 3 T: 11
P: 3 O: 3 A: 2 C: 2 T:10

>> No.4336693

>I can't really tell, I'm sorry

Totally fair, and no need to apologize. I should have found a way to *make* time to check the photos outside of the viewfinder on the shitty point and shoot I used.

I won't take it personally no matter what scores you guys give me. The competition is for fun, and I totally plan to enjoy it and not take it super seriously and get butthurt/offended over small stuff.

And with that, I'll stop posting so it doesn't mess up the reply limit.

>> No.4336971

Or we can vote for the ones we want to vote for, and you can deal with it.
Would you rather I don't vote for yours, or I give you a 5/20? Because that's what yours would get.

>> No.4336985 [DELETED] 
File: 149 KB, 600x333, 1362017475842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, you hate everything

>> No.4337213
File: 38 KB, 480x360, South Park Panda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody likes my dish and that make me a s-a-a-a-a-d panda.

>> No.4337984


which was yours?

>> No.4338023
File: 10 KB, 271x186, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it's not a defeat it's an opportunity. learn and make the best of it.

>> No.4339169

so is voting over or is there another day?

>> No.4339310

Next challenge please!

>> No.4339485

Voting will be open until midnight EST.

>> No.4340178

P: 3/5 O: 3/5 A: 3/5 CG: 5/5 T: 14/20
It looks very good and I think the bread would compliment the dish well.

P: 1/5 O: 3/5 A: 3/5 CG: 4/5 T: 11/20
Sounds like something I might try one day. But, compared to the effort others put into their dish, I can't give you a high rating in good concience.

P: 2/5 O: 2/5 A: 3/5 CG: 5/5 T: 12/20
Overall it seems like a decent meal that I'd like to eat.

P: 4/5 O: 4/5 A: 3/5 CG: 5/5 T: 16/20
The presentation was done well overall. Also, I want your mini mug.

P: 4/5 O: 3/5 A: 4/5 CG: 5/5 T: 16/20
The picture's annoying, but I REALLY like this dish.

P: 3/5 O: 3/5 A: 4/5 CG: 5/5 T: 15/20
It's simple, but I still like it. The fish looks very appetizing.

P: 3/5 O: 3/5 A: 2/5 CG: 5/5 T: 13/20
Sorry, never liked the idea of having fish served like that. Good work nonetheless.

P: 2/5 O: 2/5 A: 3/5 CG: 5/5 T: 12/20
I liked the idea of the pecan breading.

P: 3/5 O: 3/5 A: 3/5 CG: 5/5 T: 14/20
At first I didn't like it, but the vertical swayed me a bit.

>> No.4340180

P: 3/5 O: 4/5 A: 4/5 CG: 5/5 T: 16/20
Good choice going with ravioli.

P: 2/5 O: 3/5 A: 2/5 CG: 5/5 T: 12/20
It just didn't sound very appealing to me.

P: 3/5 O: 3/5 A: 3/5 CG: 5/5 T: 14/20
Not bad overall. I was a bigger fan of your submission last week though.

P: 2/5 O: 4/5 A: 4/5 CG: 5/5 T: 15/20
I really liked your submission, but I feel like your dish is a bit much to look at. That said, I like the choice of swordfish and see a lot of effort. It also sounds delicious.

P: 3/5 O: 3/5 A: 2/5 CG: 5/5 T: 13/20
I like the colors but it's a little overwhelming.

P: 2/5 O: 3/5 A: 4/5 CG: 5/5 T: 14/20
The dish sounds good, but I don't think you did it justice with the presentation, both in pictures and description.

P: 3/5 O: 3/5 A: 3/5 CG: 5/5 T: 14/20
I think the croquettes would've looked better if they were more of a golden brown. Also, the plate's a bit too full.

P: 2/5 O: 4/5 A: 3/5 CG: 5/5 T: 14/20
I liked that you went with a stew. That said, even if you're not good at presentation, at least put a little effort into it. Afterall, you're mostly being judged from a picture.

P: 5/5 O: 5/5 A: 3/5 CG: 5/5 T: 18/20
Easily the best submission this round. You obviously put a lot of effort into the dish and you pulled off something very unique.

>> No.4340183

P: 2/5 O: 3/5 A: 3/5 CG: 5/5 T: 13/20
The presentation amused me, but not in a good way. I liked what you were trying to do, though. Also, the presentation probaly would've been a bit better with different lighting.

P: 4/5 O: 3/5 A: 3/5 CG: 5/5 T: 15/20
Even though the dish looks simple, you did a good job at presenting it. I think the contrasting colors kinda played a role in that.

P: 3/5 O: 3/5 A: 3/5 CG: 5/5 T: 14/20
Beer battered fish burgers... Sounds very good.

P: 2/5 O: 3/5 A: 2/5 CG: 4/5 T: 11/20
I gave you points for amusement

P: 3/5 O: 4/5 A: 4/5 CG: 5/5 T: 16/20
This looks and sounds very appealing.

P: 3/5 O: 3/5 A: 4/5 CG: 4/5 T: 14/20
I've never had a Po' Boy before, but now I think I must.

P: 3/5 O: 4/5 A: 4/5 CG: 5/5 T: 16/20
I fucking hate your identifier. Very good dish though.

P: 3/5 O: 3/5 A: 4/5 CG: 5/5 T: 15/20
I tried not to let your crappy pics affect my rating. It sounds good. I'm surprised there weren't more Jambalaya dishes.

P: 3/5 O: 3/5 A: 3/5 CG: 5/5 T: 14/20
I'm typically not a fan of mango salsa, but this looks decent.

P: 3/5 O: 3/5 A: 2/5 CG: 5/5 T: 13/20
Decent dish, I hope you fix your identifier issue.

P: 3/5 O: 3/5 A: 3/5 CG: 5/5 T: 14/20
I don't know what's wrong with your camera. I also don't understand what the wrapping is for the rolls. Interesting, though.

>> No.4340186

P: 4/5 O: 3/5 A: 1/5 CG: 5/5 T: 13/20
Very entertaining. But a poached egg with salmon doesn't look/soudn appealing.

P: 2/5 O: 3/5 A: 5/5 CG: 5/5 T: 15/20
Sounds fucking delicious.

P: 3/5 O: 3/5 A: 2/5 CG: 5/5 T: 13/20
I want your bird.

P: 3/5 O: 4/5 A: 3/5 CG: 5/5 T: 15/20
Different from most of the entries. I like the idea of the dish, not too sure on the plating. It's a bit messy and like someone else pointed out, I wouldn't want the vinaigrette on my mashed potatoes either.

P: 3/5 P: 2/5 A: 3/5 CG: 3/5 T: 11/20
Really needs a description. Hard to even be sure fish is in there. Looks decent though.

>> No.4340722

bump for votes.