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4326490 No.4326490 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4326593

I have several friends who swear on SmartWater. God I want to punch them so hard when they're all circlejerking that crap. It's water loaded with vitamins and minerals. Maybe it would be "smart" if you were vitamin or mineral deficient due to a restrictive post-surgery diet or something like that but you're not. You're just a retard for spending money on fucking bottled water.

We live in Canada FFS, our tap water is among the cleanest in the world, it's ok to drink it...

>> No.4326594

and I don't mean you, OP, when I say "you". I'm simply referring to people who are retarded enough to buy that garbage.

>> No.4326602


>> No.4326606


I buy that stuff every day, and I drink it for the taste. There are no vitamins in it. Your friends are pretty dumb even by Canadian standards.

>> No.4326759

Ob lord, thats that garbage made by those Real Housewives of New Jersey douchebags, isn't it?
0/10 wouldn't drink

>> No.4326761

>consumes a retarded product daily
>calls other people stupid

lol no

>> No.4326805
File: 124 KB, 1060x983, 1307314499427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Selling water as a hipster luxury item
>People are stupid enough to buy it

What does that say about this image?

>> No.4326824

literally nothing we didn't already know about apple fans.

>> No.4326825

>go to a store
>see a nice bottle of water, shaped like a simple cylinder
>look at price
>3 euros for 1 liter

And it wasn't even carbonated.

>> No.4326847
File: 33 KB, 500x500, San_Pellegrino_750ml__15844_zoom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The concept of luxury water is actually surprisingly long. This stuff has been presumably sold since the early renaissance.

I bought a bottle once. Tasted like slightly salty mineral water. At double the price of ordinary mineral water, it really made me have an epiphany of sorts - with good marketing and advertising, you can even sell bottled water to a person who has a pure-as-snow natural spring in his back yard. Made me feel stupid.

>> No.4326851

I've used it for bongwater once as a joke.


>> No.4326857

I had a bottle a few months back. Hard to get over the fact that you're drinking what looks like diluted sludge, and the stuff tastes like salty penny water. Never again.

I like the taste of SmartWater too. Also it's fluoride free.

>> No.4326859

I always have 4 different brands of water on hand to use for different purposes, namely one each for sauces, alcohol(primarily noticeable in whiskey and absinthe), tea/coffee (especially in cold brews) and general use.
I'm not saying pricier water somehow magically tastes better or is more nutritious, mind you. It's just that I find some waters to work better for certain things than others and I really don't mind paying 5 bucks more a month for that.

>> No.4326874

>Buying distilled water with minerals and ions added to it

Ummm okay.

>> No.4326887

really? Wow, they're even dumber than I thought

>> No.4326908

Bongwater? What's that, fuel for a British water clock?

>> No.4326915



Is something funny about that?

>> No.4326945

take comparative pic next to hard cock

>> No.4326981
File: 6 KB, 330x250, Nestle_Pure_Life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nestle water is best water.

>> No.4326985
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>> No.4327005

My friend and I were arguing about this a few days ago. We were talking about drinks for some reason.
I showed him that the water came from some municipal source in some town in Ohio.

>> No.4327015


Pollution is a big problem in Kathmandu. I have a sibling living there. I wouldn't drink it even if that were true.

>> No.4327033

I think it would be more hip to use a refillable container.

>> No.4327076

>drinking tapwater

>> No.4327099
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>Also it's fluoride free.

Get a load of this faggot

>> No.4327178

But that one is Apple.

>> No.4327196

Its that fucking expensive ass shit indie water that was apparently has a shit loads of minerals and million year old humic acid shit

I swear they just add black food coloring into this shit. Fucking canucks are scamming retarded Americans with their dirt water and its working

>> No.4327215

Fluoride is a bioaccumulative poison and fluoridation of public water supplies is apposed by numerous qualified authorities, including Arvid Carlsson, the 2000 Nobel winner for Medicine.

>> No.4327219

*opposed, not apposed.

Also, why can't I delete my posts? Fix this, moot.

>> No.4327225

>fluoride is good to drink because it forms a fluorapatite veneer on your insides

lol no thanks, I'll stick to non-fluoridated water and good dental hygiene practices.

Also, American children have high incidence of cavities compared to many other countries.

>> No.4327307

That's probably because of all the fucking corn syrup we use. It's disgusting. I recently went to the Bahamas for vacation and they use actual sugar in their coca cola instead of corn syrup. It tasted much crisper and didn't feel like it was sticking to my teeth.

>> No.4327394

do you like blk /ck/?

>> No.4327423

What's the point of fluoridating the entire water supply (which isn't even that effective...) then?

>> No.4327426

Why is corn syrup bad? I've never really seen any research papers on why it is or isn't bad. I'm not being contrarian, I'm genuinely curious, nobody has ever explained this to me.

>> No.4327442

Not that guy, but putting corn syrup in ALL foods isn't good for your teeth. Not sure if corn syrup is worse than glucose/sucrose, but it is still readily accessible to cavity-causing bacteria in your mouth.

>> No.4327453


From a nutrition/medical standpoint, it's not any different really from cane sugar.

From a flavor and texture perspective, it has a subtly different flavor and mouthfeel, most people prefer cane sugar based foods, all other things being equal.

The bad reputation comes from the way HFCS has been used in the United States - corn subsidies ensure that it's so cheap to produce, making sugary products cheap as well. Companies made use of it as an easy way to make things taste better, and they got very good at packing in massive quantities of HFCS in many different kinds of food. It's a contributing factor to the diet problems in the US.

>> No.4327456

Hm. I've heard that it's incredibly addictive and that it has deteriorating qualities that are bad for you, especially compared to natural sugars and grandulated sugars.

Again, I honestly don't know, this is what I've heard.

>> No.4327460

Oh I guess that makes sense. Just the mass production of it and the fact that it is so easily applied to an array of different foods? I've never really gained perspective on it before, thanks for the information.

>> No.4327466

HFCS can also have more mercury and mycotoxins than traditional cane sugar.

>> No.4327471



In short: You might be right, but there is nothing definitive even after extensive studies. The main problem is that people are taking in too much sugar, which is generally HFCS.

The health food crowd strongly promoted the idea that it's inherently worse than other forms of sugar, but they don't have hard science to stand on.

>> No.4327472

Don't even joke about that.

>> No.4327473


Please provide a source.

>> No.4327475

Because of how it is produced or because it occurs next to these things? I assume that the levels of mercury are insignificant like the levels of mercury in fish?

>> No.4327480

basically, glucose and sucrose are more natural to your body, but fructose does weird things to your system, and stuff like high fructose corn syrup are super high calorie and they cause weight gain because they taste good but your body cant break it down as easily.

>> No.4327481

Yeah I think people are focusing too much on HFCS specifically and not enough on sugar in general. I mean, is it ignorant to say that sugar is sugar, regardless of the form it's distributed in (grandulated or liquid)

>> No.4327482


>Also, why can't I delete my posts? Fix this, moot.

one of the quaint *features* of 4chan is that things break on a regular basis.

my theory is that the un-paid dev is a total pothead who cannot fix something or add a feature without breaking several other things.

>> No.4327486

But fructose is a naturally occurring sugar that humans have been breaking down for centuries. I don't see how it can make a person fatter than grandulated sugar can.

>> No.4327488
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>drinks it for a reasonable, understandable reason
>you probably drink diet soda because "you're trying to lose weight".

>> No.4327492

I think this is an understandable post. I still think that the massive production of bottled water in general is despicable, but drinking VitaminWater is still better than drinking ordinary bottled water for several reasons.

>> No.4327496

Because corn, especially corn grown in warmer climates, is very susceptible to fungi which produce mycotoxins. Either in the field or during storage.

The mercury found in HFCS according to at least a couple studies was a result of manufacturers using 'mercury grade' sodium hydroxide in the HFCS processing.

>> No.4327503

No, I drink water, coffee, tea, wine, and beer.

But yes, people would lose weight if they got switched to diet soda and reduced their calories derived from sugary drinks. And don't claim diet soda leads to weight gain, that was a shit study.

>> No.4327505

Go on...

>> No.4327513

The fact that it takes more water to make a bottle of water than it can contain by 4 times? The fact that it contributes ridiculously to pollution and only one in every 6 bottles gets recycled? The fact that the only difference between tap water and bottled water, in general, is the lack of fluoride (and even some places in America doesn't distribute fluoride in tap water)? Or the fact that water, a human right, is being monopolized by industries so that they can profit off of it despite the fact that there are people worldwide that have no water at all?

Choose one of these reasons.

>> No.4327520

Yes but wouldn't those numbers be relatively insignificant? It's like saying that the corn itself is susceptible to lethal amounts of mercury, which according to the ADA, it isn't. Even fish, an animal that has a naturally high amount of mercury relative to us or most foods that we eat, doesn't have enough mercury to be lethal, even over the course of several decades.

>> No.4327522

something about how we've never had this much fructose all at once before, and for some evolutionary reason, when we get a lot of fructose, the body converts it to fat instead of glucose

that and something about we need fibre to digest it, but processed foods typically lack fibre, while natural sources of fructose (e.g., apples) are also natural sources of fibre.

>> No.4327523

>but drinking VitaminWater is still better than drinking ordinary bottled water for several reasons.

You haven't provided compelling reasons for why "VitaminWater" is different than any other bottled water.

>> No.4327531

>something about how we've never had this much fructose all at once before
I suppose that is a good way of explaining it, considering it's concentrated and processed down into a base form. That said, it's not good to consume a lot of any type of sugar, let alone HFCS. I just didn't realize there was a significant difference between the two main forms of mass produced sugars.

>> No.4327535

Because it's actually a different form of water that contains things that water doesn't. It's not much better in the sense that it's still a form of water that takes a lot more water to produce than it can contain, but it's much like carbonated water in that it is flavored and isn't tap water in a disguised form.

>> No.4327540

Well, they're also get cancer too.

>> No.4327541

Sigh. Unfortunately this is where things get a bit tin-foil-hat-y (ie: Is the government trying to keep us pumped full of neurotoxins so we're easier to control?). There really aren't any conclusive studies done on whether or not ingesting fluoride does anything (other than accumulate in your body and slowly deteriorate your cognitive functions), but the U.S. government still insists on it. Central Europe has pretty much banned fluoridation of public water supplies, and certain municipalities in the U.S. have successfully petitioned to be fluoride-free, but for the most part opponents of fluoridation are painted as crazy whack jobs and so the public doesn't take the issue seriously.

Your conclusions are yours to draw regarding the 'why', but there's significant science to back up the claim that we should not be ingesting fluoride at the high levels we are now.

>> No.4327542

>I just didn't realize there was a significant difference between the two main forms of mass produced sugars.
Cane sugar (sucrose) and HFCS (45% glucose and 55% fructose) are only chemically different by that 5%. The real-world difference is that HFCS is so cheap it can be added to anything at no extra cost.

>> No.4327545

It's a loaded topic that is politically and emotionally charged. There is some causal evidence suggesting HFCS doesn't have the same effect as cane sugar on humans, but the answer still needs to be fully elucidated.

I wouldn't take any firm stand on it yet, as more research is needed. But I disagree with the massive corn subsidies and the artificial marketing of products resulting from the corn glut.

>> No.4327552

Please provide a source.

>> No.4327549

Yeah that was posted before. I can understand why the ease of mass producing it and adding it into an array of different foods at low cost to make it addicting is a bad thing. It's like lying to people about what makes a product great or delicious. That's messed up.

>> No.4327550

So it is bad for all the previous reasons you listed, but it is better because it has sugar in it?

>> No.4327555

Yeah that's a good stance on it. There's always more evaluation that can be done on what sugars and processed foods can do to people. But it feels like the ADA doesn't do much if anything to stop things like these from happening. Maybe I'm paranoid

>> No.4327562

Did studies show that ingesting too much fluoride can lower I.Q and also calcify the pineal gland which can cause stop the production of melatonin and DMT

>> No.4327583

I think the general, uniformed public tends to react to controversy relating to things they are frequently exposed to in two extreme manners:

1. Conclude it is bad and cherry-pick anecdotal or research data to support your hypothesis, or simply think it is bad because of some form of media.

2. Embrace it as a contrarian and think the other 'side' is ignorant, despite the fact you are equally as ignorant about the topic and essentially relying on faith.

I consider myself in the middle, but I definitely err on the side of caution. If something is novel to the human diet or body, I feel the safety is inadequately resolved, and such product is not required by me to have a happier, longer, healthier life than I will simply avoid it.

Like Hearts mentioned, people from category #2 would instantly say I am a conspiracy theorist, while i would say I am simply being rational.

>> No.4327586


Disregarding any medical issues/paranoia/politicization, I'm against it for two main reasons:

1. From an ethical standpoint, this is medication without consent. Yeah, it likely does nothing wrong. Yes, iodine in salt has been likewise shown to have prevented a lot of issues when it was introduced. It's still medication without consent, and that violates ethical boundaries of government in my opinion.

2. Any benefits to this are no longer as critical as the early post-war USA required. There are families in the US so poor as to not provide balanced nutrition for their children, but it's not a macro level issue for these problems any more. This should be solved by making fruits and vegetables more available and cost effective for poor families, and through education.

>> No.4327597


For me, I'm suspicious but in any case I prefer other sources for sugar for taste alone. Since those cost more and I try to avoid high calorie foods anyway, it effectively works out the same for me as if I were deliberately avoiding HFCS.

>> No.4327620

I honestly don't understand how people can consume sugary drinks throughout the day. It is mind-blowing to me how someone can be sitting down doing nothing and guzzle liquid sugar without a thought.

I order pizza the other night and the combo came with 6 cans of soda. I picked club soda and a few sugary ones for my friend.

Last night I opened up a can of Coke and took like 3 sips of it and poured it down the drain. I know there are some people that drink more soda than water everyday, and that is just so fucked up.

I work out and eat well and still could lose a few pounds of fat... I couldn't imagine being sedentary and drinking 800 calories of soda a day on top of all the other processed shit I'd probably be eating.

>> No.4327637

I drink about 6 sodas a day come to think of it.

Wow, that's fucking ridiculous.

>> No.4327653

Forget about HFCS man, you should be concerned about diabetes. Diabetes is fucked up, just because it is becoming common doesn't mean it is a horrible affliction.

Wean yourself off ASAP. Just switch to club soda with some lemon in it or something if you need the fizz.

>> No.4327656


People grow up drinking soda, and never learn any different. Being young with a decent metabolism can hold off severe weight gain until later in life. Also people who consistently consume that much sugar don't taste it as strongly as you do - takes a lot more sugar for them to notice.

>> No.4327658

That is like 800-900 calories on top of your regular diet.

If you are overweight, think about how much weight you would shed if you simply cut out 900 'empty' calories from your daily consumption.

>> No.4327662

It's not like I'm not fat and don't eat a lot of sugar. Last time I was checked, I didn't have diabetes, but that was 6 months ago. I'm getting a little worried now. Does it even make it less fucked up that I drink diet sodas?


>> No.4327667

Yeah, I think growing up drinking it like water is the main problem.

My dad is a health fanatic and we just never had it in the house, so I never developed a taste for it.

>> No.4327673

>Yeah, I think growing up drinking it like water is the main problem.

That's what I fucking did. Christ.

>> No.4327685

Diet soda would probably not raise your blood sugar level... I say probably because there have been some weak correlations between diet soda consumption and type II diabetes.

Diabetes is fucked man. You should look into complications that can arise and the toll it takes on not just your lifespan, but more importantly your quality of life.

Amputations, weird infections, circulation problems, heart disease, etc. I am a microbiologist and there are fungal diseases that hit diabetics that you would *never* see in a healthy individual. If your immune system is compromised, a random fungal spore from the air or soil can basically grow in you and they are *tough* to get rid of.

Scare yourself straight man, and cut out the soda and diet soda. Again, think about all that weight you could lose without even trying by cutting out a huge portion of your daily calories. You aren't a hummingbird y'know.

>> No.4327689


Diet sodas don't have sugar. There are some concerns with all the chemicals in them, but overall much better that straight soda calorically. You'd still be better off switching over slowly to water, tea, and so on. I used to drink a lot of soda but honestly I don't miss it at all anymore. For me, mentally it's at the same level as a slice of cake or any dessert - an occasional treat, no more than once a week maximum. I think it's been well over six months since I had a soda.

>> No.4327695

Thanks guys I appreciate the help

>> No.4327696
File: 47 KB, 600x325, GerardDepardieuLaughingAP_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What poorfag neckbeards believe:

>Yuppies drinking horrendously expensive water because they're gullible


>People with disposable income buying silly crap because it's fun and it only costs like 3 bucks

Maybe, get a job?

>> No.4327697


Diabetes Type II is quickly becoming the biggest health complication in the US, especially given the aging population. It's a hell of a way to spend the latter decades of one's life, and it's almost completely preventable.

>> No.4327706

The threat of diabetes is what drove me to live healthier. I got older and was eating like I did when I was younger while being less active and the result was having a gut and being a bit overweight (5'11, 180 lbs at my peak).

I was worried about diabetes in general and whenever I would have some junk food I would think about it and not buy/eat it. I started lifting weights and am now in the best shape I've ever been in.

Diabetes is fucked man.

>> No.4327737

that comes from a time when if you drank water in citys or towns you would literally die
it was called tea water

>> No.4327790

> having a gut and being a bit overweight (5'11, 180 lbs
How? 185 is average for a 6ft man like myself and I didn't start having a gut til I was 15lb overweight.

>> No.4327791

Are you vitamin deficient? If not you're a retard for drinking that shit.

>> No.4327803

Who the fuck drinks bottled water? Chemicals seep into it, and get into your system.

>> No.4327807

You're really missing the point. I'm not advocating it, but statistically and nutritionally it's much better than normal water on both levels of the argument.

>> No.4327814
File: 29 KB, 359x144, heytity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

185 is average? I was around there (180-190) before I had a jaw surgery that resulted in 6 weeks of liquid-only diet and since then I've been around 145. I still have a decent amount of body fat too. Not so much on my legs anymore, they're sexy as fuck, but my tummy and sides look like they could easily afford to slim up.

>arouse hey titty!
>inb4 it doesn't actually say that

>> No.4327819

That was over 3 years ago now for a time reference. I've also been eating significantly healthier as a (I guess positive) side effect was a lot of dead tasting nerves and I just don't like sweets or salt anymore.

>> No.4327836

Chemicals like H2O?

>> No.4327842

I think he means from the plastic bottle but those are in such small amounts that it is virtually nothing.

That being said it is still stupid as fuck to buy bottled water for your everyday drinking. If you're that scared of the tap then buy a brita or something.

>> No.4327871

HFCS is indirectly responsible for the recent rise of strokes in 20 year olds.

This is only my guess.

>> No.4327872

I used to work with a cunt that imported Voss "ẩrtæsiañ" water for obscene amounts of money for pitiful amounts of water.

She also had every allergy and deficiency under the sun that didn't require her to live in a bubble.

Still boggles my mind.

>> No.4327877

>185 is average

>> No.4327896

It's cumulative.

I only drink Aquapax for this reason. Bottled water has a plastic taste that I notice even more after trying Aquapax

>> No.4327966

That sounds like a disease.

>> No.4328337
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I don't mean to be a dick here, but I literally can't tell if you're serious

>> No.4328347

I think he's serious. Water or rather it's contaminants have a definite taste.

>> No.4328363
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>> No.4328366
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Not that guy, but I use different water for coffee, cocktail ice, and drinking. I don't see what's so strange about this.

>> No.4328382
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>> No.4328392

>me too man

>> No.4328413

We can all agree though that Diet Soda tastes like shit, right? I don't get why people drink that garbage.

>> No.4328425

>drinking sugar water


>> No.4328453
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>> No.4328627
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I don't drink much of the alternative water beverages--Sobe; Vitamin Water; etc.

I do drink a lot of still/sparking spring/mineral waters. It's a great alternative to carbonated soft drinks, and trust me--stuff like Penguin Ice, Saratoga Springs, Apollinaris, etc. taste different from what comes out of your tap.

Then again, I once resided in Butler County Ohio. Home to Hamilton, some of the best water in the world. So, I can tell the difference between the water that comes out of the Potomac and the water that comes from a natural aquifer.

>> No.4328640


>> No.4328667

Or just drink it out of a fucking tap. There, much better.

>> No.4328672

>Purchasing bottled water
> fun

Well I'm sure you must be the very life of the party, pal.

>> No.4328675

That's the pot calling the kettle black.

>> No.4328686

Having fun at a party means laughing at all the poor drunkards

>> No.4328708

What? Do you even know what that phrase means?

I bet you don't even pull in 50k... It's pathetic. Who are you trying to impress by pretending to be some rich societal elite on the Internet.

>> No.4328721

>What? Do you even know what that phrase means?
Yes. Do you? If you're asking, either you don't or you're incapable of putting two and two together.

>> No.4328846

Guys I want to fully imagine the experience of drinking canned water. Makes me to vomit

>> No.4328856

>canned water.

Top lijl m80.

>> No.4328923

It's actually decent on Southwest Airlines.

I asked a stewardess and they gave me a can of water.

>> No.4328924

Also canned water reminds me of pokemon

>> No.4328945
File: 210 KB, 600x600, 1340306348475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Canned water? I would totally buy that. The irony of it all is so delicious. Can i open it with my old school juice can opener? Like before they had pull tab cans for soda and beer?

>> No.4329233


The point of smartwater is that it has electrolytes, dumbass. That's like scoffing at someone for buying gatorade, except a gatorade that isn't loaded with high fructose corn syrup and artificial flavors

>> No.4329256

>societal elite is 50k

This explains why you think buying bottled water is going to send everyone to the poorhouse

>> No.4329484

>reading comprehension
You seem to lack it a great deal.

>> No.4329726

>silly crap because it's fun
Uh, bottled water?

I'm pretty sure people are laughing at the ignorance of people who fall for marketing. It isn't a sour grapes attitude to those "rich people who can afford to spend $2".

Cool logic though... I'm guessing you are defending your gullibility and stupid consumer choices?

>> No.4329729

And BPA.

>> No.4329732

>not buying overpriced municipal water sold in containers made from petroleum byproducts.

Do you guys even know what fun is?

>> No.4329758
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I can't live without sparkling mineral water, I don't care if bottled water is stupid, I simply don't care.

>> No.4329767

Someone should do an Alienware one.

>> No.4329781

My mom is a water fanatic. I remember she used to make me drink this weird "gold infused" shit as a kid, bought it by the gallon... I have no idea what it was. She also only buys Voss, shit is so pretentious
>"wow, this water is so delicious! It doesn't taste like mouth!"

>> No.4329790
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I don't drink water. We have a faucet filter, but I drink so much tea and flavored water that I don't need it.
>buying water because bubbles
You could purchase a $40 'sodastream' water carbonator. it'd pay for itself. I bought one for party occasions, because most store sodas are so shitty and loaded with dye and are disgustingly saccharine sweet.

>> No.4329794

>'sodastream' water carbonator
It just doesn't taste the same

>> No.4329817


it makes your coke taste like fucking dirt

>go to USA foods
>buy American coca-cola to see if it really does taste different
>take it home and drink it
>it tastes like actual dirt is in my drink, the exact flavor of dirt is in my mouth
>drink some coke from the supermarket
>its made from cane sugar instead of HFCS
>delicious coke flavor
>mfw Amerifats cant even make coke, a beverage they invented, taste good

>> No.4329821


we've already got "gaming glasses" fuck you might be onto something here

>$7.99 A BOTTLE

neckbeard "HARDCORE GAMERZ" would buy it in droves thinking it does anything and makes them healthy

>> No.4329823

Have you tried their beer? It's fucking horrible.

>> No.4329832


pisswater indeed, only eurobeer is worth a damn.

>mfw they are all worse than fermented goat urine

they taste even worse than their big brands, who the fuck is drinking that muck?

>go to US
>try big brand beer, frozen pisswater
>try microbrews, oh god the foulness and hipsterism associated with them
>order only European beer in bottles

>> No.4329835
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I love how they say minerals ans "IONS" to make it seem interesting.

>tfw Chemistry major and all these stupid fucks buy into any mediocre chem term used for advertisemt on all brands.

>> No.4330711
File: 104 KB, 630x266, apartheid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying apartheidstream

I seriously hope people do this

>> No.4330801
File: 74 KB, 145x200, DSC_34554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I was going to say something like, "surely you buy frivolous things sometimes for fun too", but then I realized you don't, because you're dirt poor.

Today I bought $2 water when I could have just drank straight from the public water fountain. How does it make you feel? Imagine, a whole day's worth of ramen noodles that I could have bought for you.

Enjoy your bitter, impotent rage.

>> No.4330820

You tried every microbrew
I'm sure your opinion is valid

>> No.4330824

>but you didn't try the right blargag

This is like those jesus people who harass you to read the bible and pray.

>but I don't like to pray and I don't believe in god, have a nice day

Belief will come, you just need to PRAY MORE!

No thanks, bro.

>> No.4330916

I make more money than the average person and spend a lot of money on quality food. Enjoy buying bottled municipal water and thinking you have a disposable income lol

>> No.4330957


Enjoy buying bottled cola to 'get your money's worth'

>> No.4330959

Sorry, I am not a sugar-addicted child with ignorant parents: I do not drink sugar-water.

>> No.4330967


So, you don't buy water, and you don't buy soda. You drink from the fountain? You carry your water in a bottle like those faux hiker types? Or you just spend your whole day at home?

>> No.4331697

I buy carbonated bottled water with some flavor added on regular basis. It's cheaper than carbonating the stuff myself at home.

>> No.4331719
File: 719 KB, 1200x583, brawndo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's got electrolytes
holy shit are you serious?

>> No.4331741

You know there drinks other than water and soda, right?

>> No.4331761



>> No.4331763

I always expect nestle water to taste like chocolate.

>> No.4331764

The major difference in sugar vs hfcs regarding human chemistry is that HFCS does not produce an insulin response the way raw sugar does. This allows the body to consume more without feeling full.

But in general, the United states has corn in almost all foods. And corn syrup is the sweetener for most of the sugary stuff. We do consume too much sugar in our foods and its pretty shit.

You are also dead on about the corn subsidies too, The US provides subsidies (to all crops but corn mostly because of ethanol) that make it a crop that is sold for equal or less than what it takes to grow.

>> No.4331812


pretty sure only specialty crops are subsidized, corn, soya, canola

>> No.4331849


Almost all crops and commodities in the US.

>> No.4331857

water is mean't to be clear.

Fiji Water over any other bottled water anyday.

>> No.4331866

If your dumb enough to be a water snob, you should kill yourself as a favor to the species to keep your genes from polluting the pool anymore than they have already.

>> No.4331899
File: 709 KB, 1400x932, tar_sands_ex_-37-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>clean water

maybe 15 years ago.
Now Canada is raping it's prestine ecology to make a quick dollar.

>> No.4331908

canada is a huge place and thats in the far north. not to say its not happening but look at a map and compare the size of canada to any other then remember the entire population of canada is less than new york city.

>> No.4331929

>being this dull

most people blow their money on expensive stereos and coke.

>> No.4331931

>doesnt understand how geological water tables work

>> No.4332025

ignoring, among other things, whats happening in china. you cant judge one and turn a blind eye to another.

>> No.4332109

You are a retard if you think they run that through our taps as drinking water. Go back to your "stop teh oil sands" protest, faggot.

>> No.4332124

What the fuck is on your wrist OP, does it wash off?

>> No.4332135

Are you retarded? Tea when made from tap is markedly worse than filtered

>> No.4332139

You have no muscles

>> No.4332142

Developing diabetes has nothing to do with how much sugar you eat,
It is related to caloric intake (read: how fat you are).

>> No.4332152


Me and the brotiens call it being "skinny fat."

Confirmed for no muscle mass.

If your jaw isn't wired shut anymore, or even if it is, you should start taking in 1 gram of protein, per day, for every pound you want to weigh and start exercising and lifting. Do you even bulk?

>> No.4332172

Diabetes happens when your pancreas stops doing it's job. It can happen if you're fat, old, pregnant, or because you were born with a body that hates you.
You can prevent fatty diabetes and pregnant diabetes, don't get fat or pregnant, but you can't prevent old age diabetes or type 1.
You can manage all types of diabetes.

>> No.4332518

>You can manage all types of diabetes.
To a point.

>> No.4332584
File: 6 KB, 369x369, 1361484896197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that could be said about literally everything. good point.

>> No.4332597

No, not at all.

Type II diabetes will almost inevitably lead to a decline in quality of life and longevity.

>> No.4333396

China doesnt pretend to have "prestine ecology" whilst commiting some of the greatest environmental disasters in human history.

>> No.4334125


Poorly managed diabetes of any kind will cause multiple problems with your body inside and out. My Mother has type 1, she's almost 50 and I'm honestly surprised she's made it this far.

>> No.4334180

I once bought this just for the heck of buyign black colored water. It's a bit more stuffy than normal water, and made my tonque and mouth tingly for an hour and my crap a bit darker. Fun little thign but I would not praise it as the "new water of the gods"

>> No.4334196

Does anyone in here actually know whats in BLK? It's not just a "black water", its fulvic acid water and the acid makes the water black. If you bought the water just because of its colour then you're a complete idiot for paying that much for black water.

>> No.4334197

Bring your racism back to /pol/, asshole.

>> No.4334220

>thinks his opinion is a fact

derp. Tea made from tap water where I live is great

>> No.4336416



>> No.4336539

>he thinks the post is implying they are using tar sands ponds for drinking water
>calls others a retard

enjoy your destroyed artesian basins and the associated health effects, faggot.

>> No.4336540

>anywhere in the world but germany
>tap water full of chlorine
>almost throwing up everytime i use it